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The influence of water-content on atrazine degradation in soil In samples of the standard soil 2.2 (loamy sand, 3 % C, pH 7,0) and of a Luvisol (Ap-horizon, loam 1,4 % C, pH 5,2), the degradation of [ethyl-1-14C]atrazine was investigated in dependence of the soil water content. The experimental conditions were choosen in accordance with the methods proposed by the Biologische Bundesanstalt to study the degradation of pesticides in the soil. The soil water content was varied to simulate the moisture conditions observed in a soil during plant growth. Therefore, besides a steady water content of 20, 40, 60, and 80 % of the maximum water holding capacity of the soils, the soil water contents were fluctuated by 20 to 60 % of the maximum water holding capacity by passing dry air through the soil. At a concentration of 10mg atrazin/kg of soil between 4 and 6 % of the ethyl-1-carbonatom of the atrazine molecule was mineralized to CO2 within 71 days at a constant soil temperature of 22°C. In the standard soil 2.2 the mineralization in total was reduced to 2/3 compared to the degradation in the Luvisol. With decreasing water content increasing hydroxilated metabolites were formed. About 30–40 % of the applied radioactivity was determined as non-extractable residue in the soil. In general the degradation processes were more enhanced and more intense in the Luvisol as compared to the Standard soil 2.2 which again unterlines that for this type of experiments a fresh soil should be used. In conclusion, the variation of the soil water content did not have a pronounced influence on the mineralization rates of atrazine, but did influence the metabolism and the formation of certain metabolite fractions.  相似文献   

The influence of sewage sludge on microbial activity in soil The effect of untreated, pasteurized and irradiated sewage sludge on soil biology was studied in model and field experiments. Sewage sludge from the sewage plant Geiselbullach in the west of Munich city was used for these experiments. The investigations were performed with 4 soil types according to the different locations. All the results demonstrate that there is an increase in biomass after application of sewage sludge while there were definite influences from the location. No significant relation could be observed according to sewage sludge treatment. Under favourable lab conditions the mineralization of the organic matter applied to the soil with higher amounts of sewage sludge induces in short time a definite decrease in pH. In accordance with these changes in pH there is a corresponding decrease in microbial biomass. Early results on the influence of microbial N-cycle demonstrated that amounts of sewage sludge applied under practical conditions brought an increase in denitrification capacity of the soil. In the experiment with soils nitrification rate was doubled after sewage sludge application.  相似文献   

Soil Analytical Diagnosis of K- and Mg-Deficiency in Spruce Stands (Picea abies Karst.) Significant correlations were demonstrated between the amounts of exchangeable K, Mg, Ca and Al in the soil and the corresponding amounts in the needles of 44 spruce stands in southwestern Germany. Strong correlation was also found between the exchangeable Mg in the soil and the degree of yellowing of older needles. The critical levels of nutrient elements in the soil were derived from the respective contents found in the needles. Acute Mg deficiency occurs at a level of 2 μeq/g soil material. For an evaluation of the Mg nutrition of Picea abies soil analysis can replace the needle analysis. For K a similar clear definition of the deficiency range is not possible, though for K contents < 2 μeq/g soil material a deficiency is probable. However, a K deficiency can also occur at higher levels (2–5 μeq/g soil material). The soil analysis can only be regarded as a guideline indicating K deficiencies.  相似文献   

Leaching of nutrients out of young intact spruce (Picea abies) by acid fog The effect of acid fog on the leaching of minerals and carbohydrates out of needles of five year old spruce trees (Picea abies) was studied. The fogs were prepared from H2SO4 and HNO3 (2:1) with a pH of 2.75 (acid treatment) and 5 (control treatment). The acid fog leached significantly higher amounts of K, Ca, Mg, Mn, and Zn as well as carbohydrates as compared with the control fog. The absolute quantities of minerals leached, however, were low and amounted to only some percent of the minerals generally present in needles. Except Zn, of which the quantity leached was about as high as the Zn needle content. Nevertheless the Zn concentration in the needles treated with acid fog was not lower than the Zn concentration in the control needles suggesting that the lost Zn was quickly compensated by Zn uptake. In the treatments with acid fog damage symptoms appeared at the end of the experimental period. In the older needles a weak chlorosis occurred; from the needles of the 1st year some turned redish brown. In the acid fog treatments all needles lacked brightness while the control needles looked bright. These symptoms were similar to those under field conditions of older spruce trees with the ?lametta syndrom”?. Electron microscopic investigation revealed that the wax layer of the needles treated with acid fog was badly damaged.  相似文献   

Influence of kinetin, cycloheximide and chloramphenicol on soluble protein of carrot tissue cultures An application of chloramphenicol indicated that the influence of kinetin on cell division activity depends on the synthesis of proteins in cell organelles. Concurrently with the application of chloramphenicol an accumulation of proteins with relatively high electrophoretic mobility, synthesized in the cytoplasm, was observed. These protein components are preferentially synthesized after kinetin application. The influence of cycloheximide seems to be directed to the action mechanisms of IAA and inosit in the explants.  相似文献   

Influence of Cadmium in Soil on the Yield of Various Plant Species and their Cadmium Content In pot experiments the influence of increasing quantities of cadmium in the soil (< 250 mg Cd/kg) on the growth of carrot, bushbean, tomato, ray grass and the cadmium content of various plant parts were studied. Considerable differences of the various plant species are observed. Sensitivity increases in the order: tomato (low) < broccoli < oat < lettuce < ray grass = carrot root < radish < bushbean = pea < spinach (very sensitive). Symptoms of toxicity are found in bush beans only. Fruit, seeds and roots accumulate less cadmium then leaves and straw.  相似文献   

Effect of N-fertilization in apple orchards on soil nitrate contents, nitrogenous reserves in the tree, and crop yield It should be investigated how nitrate supply affects crop yields and incorporation and mobilization of nitrogenous reserves with Golden Delicious' apple trees on M 7 and M 9, and whether N fertilizer needs are influenced by N reserves in the trees. Two trials were carried out in 1981–1983. In the first one on al loess soil increasing N levels (0, 40, 80, 120 kg N/ha) were applied. In the second one, on a podsolic sandy soil, N was applied either in spring and/or in August (0/0, 80/0, 40/40, 0/80 kg N/ha). N fertilizers were applied to the herbicide strips only. Both orchards were in their best cropping age. Soil nitrate contents were mainly influenced by N-fertilization. Precipitation and drip irrigation caused translocation of nitrate and leaching from the soil layer investigated (0–90 cm). Thus, on the sandy soil almost no nitrate was left in spring, whereas on the loess soil various amounts of nitrate were still available in the subsoil depending on N fertilization in the preciding year. In plots where N fertilization was at optimum, the soil nitrate contents varied between 65 and 130 kg N per hectare herbicide strip over the main growing season (May–August). In the bark N reserves were mainly proteins, but almost equal amounts of protein and soluble N were found in the wood. N reserves were incorporated into the bark mainly between October and December, but even earlier than September in the wood. They were mobilized from April through July. Arginine was stored in the wood in considerably higher amounts than in the bark. Asparagine contents showed a sharp increase immediately after blossom time, particularly in the bark. There was almost no significant influence of the different fertilizer patterns on incorporation and mobilization of nitrogenous compounds. The N-reserves had no effect on crop weight. Highest crop yields were obtained whenever at least 40 kg N/ha were applied in spring. Additional N supply in August did neither increase incorporation of N-reserves nor crop yields. The nitrogenous reserves in the trees can be ignored in estimating N-fertilizer needs. On the other hand, the soil nitrate contents at bud break in April should be taken into account.  相似文献   

Influence of varied soil temperature and moisture on microbial activities under laboratory conditions Under laboratory conditions the influence of temperature (10°C, 20°C, fluctuation from 5° to 30°C within 12 h with additional freezing for 3 days) and soil moisture (30%, 60% w.h.c., remoistening to 60% for 1 week) on several microbial activities was investigated. The biomass-related, glucose-induced short-term respiration and the dehydrogenase activity (TTC reduction) were higher at 10°C in most cases as compared to 20°C. Independent of freezing fluctuating temperature caused the lowest activities. The nitrogen mineralization (including nitrification), however, was affected in the opposite way. No marked influences were observed with β-glucosidase, arylsulfatase, and alkaline phosphatase. In the sandy loam nearly no effects of the soil moisture occurred and in the loamy sand especially the dehydrogenase activity was higher at 30% w.h.c., whereas the nitrogen mineralization was lower. From the results it can be concluded, that ecological conditions favouring mineralization without substrate addition may even reduce microbial biomass by decomposition.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine whether aluminium (Al) induces callose formation in roots of Norway spruce as it does in soybean. Spruce seedlings were grown in Al-free nutrient solution under controlled conditions in a growth chamber at pH 3.8. After 21 days 170 μM Al was added or not (controls) to the complete nutrient solution (molar Ca/Al ratio: 0.75). Callose could be detected in outer root-tip cells of Al-treated plants within 3 h, using fluorescence microscopy after staining with aniline blue. Prolonged Al treatment up to 24 h increased both the density of the callose deposits and the number of affected cell layers. Control plants showed no comparable callose deposits. Ultrastructural examinations showed cell-wall appositions in Al-treated root cells but not in controls. The possible implications of Al-induced callose formation for nutrient and water uptake by roots are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of agrochemical compounds on the decomposition of straw and cellulose in soil Supplementary to earlier investigations the decay of large amounts of straw-material with normal quantities of pesticides and normal amounts of straw-material with large quantities of pesticides was proved in a gasanalytical instrument and in pot-experiments. At the same time the straw-decay was tested in pot-experiments. The soil used in these pots has been untreated or treated for several years with different kinds of plant-Protecting-solutions. Finally there was made a test about the decay cellulose (KOZOVA 1963) with the same and different investigation materials. The results are as follows: 1. The use of plant-protection in wheat does not diminish the decay of straw even if the double quantity of straw treated with a medium-quantity of pesticides is added and normal quantities of straw treated with high quantities of pesticides are added to the soil. 2. Agricultural soils, which are cultivated for many years by using pesticides, do not show less straw-decay. 3. The decay of pure cellulose in the laboratory tested by the method of Kozova (1963) was diminished in soils, which had been treated for many years with herbicides and herbicides added with other plant-protection-means. This restriction seems to depend on unfavorable food-conditions for microorganisms eating cellulose in a soil without weed, since the direct dipping of cellulose in herbicid-liquid is not causing any decay-restriction. 4. On the other hand the direct sprinkling of the cellulose-filter-discs with fungicid-solutions of normal concentration diminished the decay strongly. However the decay was not restricted under field-conditions. This seems to be due to the fact that in the growing plants the fungicides have been transformed to a large extend and only small amounts could reach the soil.  相似文献   

Influence of the nitrogen-nutrition on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of seeds of rape (Brassica napus L.) An experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions to analyse the influence of nitrogen nutrition on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of seeds of rape, variety “Erglu”. Increasing the level of nitrogen fertilization raised the crude protein content during the whole period of seed growth but decreased the lipid content during the main seed growth stages. Nitrogen nutrition only changed the fatty acid composition significantly during the early stages of seed growth. Increasing nitrogen fertilization resulted at maturity in a trend towards higher contents of palmitic and linoleic acids but in a lower content of oleic acid. At maturity the lipid content was not influenced by the level of nitrogen nutrition. The differences in seed-yield per pod between the main branch and axillary branch 5 became smaller when nitrogen nutrition was increased.  相似文献   

The Influence of Kinetin and Iron on Nucleic Acid and Protein Metabolism of Carrot Tissue Cultures Carrot-root tissues cultured in a nutrient solution containing Kinetin had a high rate of cell division, that led to an undifferentiated callus, and a relatively low DNA content per cell. The same tissues growing without Kinetin had a smaller rate of cell division and a higher DNA content, and showed the ability to form roots. By addition of 32P to the nutrient solution, the cultures growing with Kinetin showed a higher specific activity of DNA than those growing without Kinetin. From previous experiments and results of other workers the possibility of the occurence of a metabolic labile DNA fraction in the cultures which grew without Kinetin is discussed. A comparison between the influence of iron and Kinetin on cell division activity, root formation, DNA, RNA and amino acid content of the tissue cultures was made on a cell basis. Iron deficiency or absence of Kinetin in the nutrient solution reduced the cell division activity of carrot tissue cultures and increased the content of DNA, RNA and soluble amino acids. The protein content was reduced by iron deficiency but was increased by the absence of Kinetin. Cultures, growing without Kinetin were able to form roots, while those, growing in an iron deficient medium were unable to show the latter phenomenon.  相似文献   

On the ecophysiological significance of phenolics and proteins in spruce needles (Picea abies Karst.) Some interrelationships between proteins, phenols and carbohydrates in spruce needles from cut branches as well as their connection with physiological and genetical qualities of spruce are investigated. In addition analytical data are given for proteins and phenols in homogenized and freeze-dried needles which were extracted in different ways.  相似文献   

Correlations of Enzyme-Activities in Soil Enzyme-activities often have been used as indicators of the biological state of soil. In this connection some questions may be posed: Which enzyme is the best indicator of biological activities in soil, what is the relationship of enzyme-activities to other ecological parameters and what is the interdependency between different enzymes? To answer these questions we measured activities of amylase, catalase, invertase, pectinase, urease, xylanase and cellulase at nine alpine and subalpine sites. Furthermore the CO2-evolution, contens of nitrogen, carbon, organic matter, the soil density, total bacterial number and water capacity were determined. With these data correlation coefficients were calculated. The best relationships were found between cellulase-xylanase and amylase-invertase activities (Table 1). While catalase and pectinase are in the middle range, urease shows relatively low values. There are highly significant correlations between enzyme-activities and the content of nitrogen, carbon, organic matter, soil density or the CO2-evolution (number of samples used for calculations was 68). Almost no correlations were found with total bacterial count (Table 2). For these calculations 34 samples of each parameter were used. To prove that the lower number of samples is not the reason for low correlation coefficients we computed data of 17 samples (Table 3). The water capacity is depending on soil density and content of organic matter and the correlations are in the same range (Comparison Table 1 and 3). This means that 17 samples of each parameter are enough for these calculations. Enzyme-activities proof therefore to be good indicators of the biological state of soil. It is inappropriate to characterise biological activities of soil by total bacterial counts only.  相似文献   

Shoots of spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings grown in solution culture were fumigated with sulfur dioxide or ozone, or with a combination of both for 60 days. Dry weights of the shoots exposed to O3 and SO2/O3 were increased over the controls. Uptake rates of calcium, magnesium, potassium and nitrate from the nutrient solutions were altered in dependence on fumigation, time of exposure and stage of plant development. Uptake rates of all ions by the seedlings fumigated with SO2 first increased, but later on decreased as compared to the control. Fumigation with O3, or O3 in combination with SO2 affected uptake of the various nutrients differently. The effects of the pollutants on the concentrations of calcium and magnesium in the various parts of the seedlings indicate that the changes are not only due to altered water and ion uptake but may be related to various effects in ion transport and plant metabolism.  相似文献   

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