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Quantitative and qualitative changes in soil properties of A- horizons of sandy soils caused by conversion of grassland to arable land Changes in physical soil properties and in soil organic matter of the A-horizons due to the conversion of permanent grassland to arable land are quantified and described as a function of time for sandy soils. The study was carried out in an area northeast of Hannover. A decrease of about 100 t/ha Corg (- 57%), 5 – 6 t/ha Norg (- 58%) and 1 t/ha St (- 58%) was measured for a period of 2 – 4 years after grassland conversion. Thereby the quality of the soil organic matter remains unchanged (no changes of the C/N ratio and of the distribution of Norg in 5 N-fractions). However, an increase of soil bulk density from 1.0 to 1.3 g/cm3 and a decrease of total pore volume from 0.59 to 0.47 were observed. The fast mineralization of soil organic matter in the A-horizon following the conversion of grassland soils results in a temporary heavily increased nitrate input into the groundwater. Furthermore mineralization and leaching of nitrate and sulfate induces an acidification push in the soil by a proton release in the order of 350 keq/ha during a 2 – 4 years period. However, this proton production is compensated quantitatively by several applications of lime or marl by farmers and by the buffering of bases cations released from mineralized soil organic matter.  相似文献   

We evaluated the contents of organic carbon (Corg) of Ap horizons from 11 North German study areas along a Southeast to Northwest precipitation gradient with respect to their general levels and as related to C : N ratio, soil texture (clay content), bulk soil density, climate, and historical land‐use since 1780. The focus was on sandy soils, with the largest group of samples originating from 308 km2 of the Fuhrberg catchment north of Hannover/Lower Saxony. Data from loess areas were used for comparisons. Major aims were (1) to quantify current Corg stocks, (2) to provide data on site‐specific, steady‐state Corg levels in old arable soils, and (3) to identify the main controls of Corg levels in the studied sands. The mean Corg content in sandy, well‐drained, old Ap horizons (uplands, > 200 years under cultivation, near steady‐state) increased with precipitation from < 8 g kg—1 in the dry eastern parts of the study area (530 mm year—1, 8.3°C) to 25 g kg—1 in the moist Northwest (825 mm year—1, 8.4°C). The Corg levels in lowlands which have been drained for more than 40 years were approximately 3 g kg—1 higher than those of uplands under a similar climate. The factor clay content had no predictive value because low contents were associated with high Corg levels. Large proportions of refractory organic matter in sands resulting from specific features of historical land‐use and soil development (calluna heathland, heath plaggen fertilization, podzolization) appeared to be the most probable reason for such high Corg levels. However, the high Corg levels of these old arable sites were still exceeded by those of younger arable areas formerly under continuos grassland. A chrono‐sequence suggested that a period of about 100 years is necessary until a new steady‐state Corg level is established after conversion of grassland into arable land. Elevated Corg levels in current Ap horizons were also found for former woodland and heathland soils. The main conclusion is that sands can contain a lot of stable organic matter, sometimes more than finer textured soils.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate experimentally derived temperature functions for the rate coefficients of net N mineralization in sandy arable soils from NW Germany via field measurements. In part I of this paper (Heumann and Böttcher, 2004), different temperature functions for the rate coefficients of a two‐pool first‐order kinetic equation were derived by long‐term laboratory incubations at 3°C to 35°C. In this paper, field net N mineralization during winter of 25 plots was measured in undisturbed soil columns with a diameter of 20 cm to the depth of the Ap horizon. Mean simulated net N mineralization with the most adequate multiple functions corresponded also best with the mean of the measured values despite of an overestimation of about 10%. Distinctly larger deviations under use of other temperature functions (Arrhenius, Q10) were directly related to their deviations from mean, experimentally derived rate coefficients. Simulated net N mineralization in the soil columns was significantly correlated with measured values, regardless of the temperature functions. Yet the goodness of fit was generally relatively low due to the spatial variability of measured net N mineralization within replicate soil columns, although the mean CV (38%) was by far not extraordinary. The pool of slowly mineralizable N contributed considerably to net N mineralization during four to five winter months, on an average 10.0 kg N ha–1, about one third of total simulated N mineralization. Sometimes, it contributed even 21.3 kg N ha–1, which is almost sufficient to reach the EU drinking‐water limit for nitrate in these soils. Simulations with widely used functions that were once derived from loess soils overestimated mineralization from pool Nslow in the studied sandy arable soils by a factor of two.  相似文献   

The major aim of this study was to evaluate how the pool size of slowly mineralizable, ‘old’ soil organic N can be derived from more easily accessible soil and site information via pedotransfer functions (PTF). Besides modeling, this pool size might be of great importance for the identification of soils with high mineralization potential in drinking‐water catchments. From long‐term laboratory incubations (ca. 200 days) at 35 °C, the pool sizes of easily mineralizable organic N (Nfast), mainly in fresh residues, and slowly mineralizable, ‘old’ soil organic N (Nslow) as well as their first‐order rate coefficients were obtained. 90 sandy arable soils from NW Germany served to derive PTFs for Nslow that were evaluated using another 20 soils from the same region. Information on former land‐use and soil type was obtained from topographical, historical, and soil maps (partly from 1780). Pool size Nslow very strongly depends on soil type and former land‐use. Mean pool sizes of Nslow were much lower in old arable lowland (105 mg N kg–1) than upland soils (175 mg N kg–1) possibly due to lower clay contents. Within lowlands, mean pool sizes in former grassland soils (245 mg N kg–1) were 2 to 3 times larger than in old arable soils due to accumulation of mineralizable N. In contrast, mean pool sizes of Nslow were lowest in recently cleared, former heath‐ and woodland (31 mg N kg–1) as a result of the input of hardly decomposable organic matter. Neither N nor C in the light fraction (density < 1.8 g cm–3) was adequate to derive pool size Nslow in the studied soils (r2 < 0.03). Instead, Nslow can be accurately (r2 = 0.55 – 0.83) derived from one or two basic soil characteristics (e.g. organic C, total N, C : N, mineral fraction < 20 μm), provided that sites were grouped by former land‐use. Field mineralization from Nslow during winter (independent data set) can be predicted as well on the basis of Nslow‐values calculated from PTFs that were derived after grouping the soils by former land‐use (r2 = 0.51***). In contrast, using the PTF without soil grouping strongly reduced the reliability (r2 = 0.16).  相似文献   

Nitrogen losses from outdoor pig farming systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Nitrogen losses via nitrate leaching, ammonia volatilization and nitrous oxide emissions were measured from contrasting outdoor pig farming systems in a two year field study. Four 1‐ha paddocks representing three outdoor pig management systems and an arable control were established on a sandy loam soil in Berkshire, UK. The pig management systems represented: (i) current commercial practice (CCP) ‐ 25 dry sows ha?1 on arable stubble; (ii) ‘improved’ management practice (IMP) ‐ 18 dry sows ha?1 on stubble undersown with grass, and (iii) ‘best’ management practice (BMP) 12 dry sows ha?1 on established grass. Nitrogen (N) inputs in the feed were measured and N offtakes in the pig meat estimated to calculate a nitrogen balance for each system. In the first winter, mean nitrate‐N concentrations in drainage water from the CCP, IMP, BMP and arable paddocks were 28, 25, 8 and 10 mg NO3 l?1, respectively. On the BMP system, leaching losses were limited by the grass cover, but this was destroyed by the pigs before the start of the second drainage season. In the second winter, mean concentrations increased to 111, 106 and 105 mg NO3‐N l?1 from the CCP, IMP and BMP systems, respectively, compared to only 32 mg NO3‐N l?1 on the arable paddock. Ammonia (NH3) volatilization measurements indicated that losses from outdoor dry sows were in the region of 11 g NH3‐N sow?1 day?1. Urine patches were identified as the major source of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, with N2O‐N losses estimated at less than 1% of the total N excreted. The nitrogen balance calculations indicated that N inputs to all the outdoor pig systems greatly exceeded N offtakes plus N losses, with estimated N surpluses on the CCP, IMP and BMP systems after 2 years of stocking at 576, 398 and 264 kg N ha?1, respectively, compared with 27 kg N ha?1 on the arable control. These large N surpluses are likely to exacerbate nitrate leaching losses in following seasons and make a contribution to the N requirement of future crops.  相似文献   

Cd sorption isotherms (n = 24) were established for arable, sandy soils of the ‘Fuhrberger Feld’ catchment area northeast of Hannover (Germany) using 0.01 Mc Ca(NO3)2 solution with Cd additions ranging from 0 to 44 μMc Cd. Alternative fractions of initially (prior to analysis) sorbed Cd (S0) were added to the amount sorbed during the experiments. The Freundlich equation was fitted to the resulting isotherms. The obtained retention parameters k and M varied with respect to the different S0 fractions. Isotherms corrected with CdEDTA as S0 fraction were nonlinear in their log-form. The highest degree of log-linearity is obtained if S0 is characterized by 40% of the agua regia extractable Cd. The corresponding k values ranged from 36 to 1275 g1-M LM kg?1 (mean 338 g1-M LM kg?1, cv = 92%). The Freundlich exponent M showed less variation (0.7 to 1.1, cv = 12%) with a mean of 0.88. Functions based on these parameters predicted Cd concentrations in Ca(NO3)2?soil suspensions well (r2 = 0.96) but were hardly related to Cd concentrations of ‘fresh’ soil solutions (r2 = 0.20).  相似文献   

Modeling nitrate leaching during the winter halfyear from sandy arable soils under intensive cultivation Three years (1989–91) of post harvest and winter nitrogen dynamics (August to March) were simulated in 20 arable sandy soils to quantify nitrate leaching during winter time. Easily accessible soil, weather and management data were used for a simple but deterministic model. The calculated mineral N (Nmin) content and distribution in the soil (0–90 cm) were compared to more than 100 measurements from September to March each season. An overall agreement of approximately 50% between measured and simulated Nmin values was obtained. The simulation over- or underestimated the measured Nmin depending on the rainfall and temperature distribution which varied from year to year. Practically, the effect of fertilizer application was largely (60%) responsible for deviations greater than ±20 kgN ha?1 from the 1:1-line. Ignoring these instances, 80% of the simulated Nmin contents were within these “confidence limits” of ±20 kgN ha?1. Considering the nitrogen distribution in the profile, the Nmin content is underestimated in the top soil, but overestimated in the subsoil. Based on the 95% confidence intervals (measured versus simulated) the estimate was better for the lower (30–90 cm) than for the upper part of the profile (0–30 cm). It is concluded that winter leaching can be reduced from 130 kgN ha?1 (corn, winter grain) to about 10 kgN ha?1 growing winter hard forage crops. Two major processes were identified as reasons for the disagreement and are proposed for further model improvement: (1) The simulation underestimates the short term transport velocity on the basis of field capacity derived from survey data. (2) Nitrogen is mineralized quickly in sandy soils, especially after catch crops, and sometimes due to freeze-thaw effects. Furthermore, as ammonium remains in the surface, nitrification needs to be explicitly simulated.  相似文献   

The evolution of C2H4 from soils was stimulated by air-drying, and still more by oven-drying at 105°C. The quantities evolved were closely correlated with organic matter content, with no significant difference in this relationship between grassland and arable soils, or between topsoil and subsoil. In arable soils only, the quantities of C2H4 also increased significantly with decreasing pH. No significant relationship could be found between NO3? concentrations in fresh soils and the quantities of C2H4 evolved, but for air-dried soils (arable only) there was a significant decrease with increasing NO3?. Artificial addition of NO3? only partially inhibited the evolution of C2H4, even at concentrations an order of magnitude higher than those found in the field. At normal soil concentrations the only effect of NO3? seems likely to be a short delay in the achievement of the maximum C2H4 concentrations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to experimentally investigate net N mineralization in sandy arable soils and to derive adequate N mineralization parameters for simulation purposes. Long‐term incubations at 35 °C were done for at least 200 days with 147 sandy arable soils from Northwest Germany. To cumulative net N mineralization curves the simultaneous two‐pool first‐order kinetic equation was fitted in order to differentiate between N mineralization from an easily decomposable, fresh organic matter pool (Nfast) and from a slowly decomposable pool (Nslow) of more humified OM. North German loess soils served as a reference, since available model parameters were mainly derived from those soils. Although curve patterns in sandy soils often somewhat deviated from typical double‐exponential patterns, the mineralization equation generally could be fitted. Two pools were clearly revealed, but a transfer of the standard parameters was found to be not appropriate — except maybe for the pool size of the fast decomposable N pool. The mean kfast at 35 °C (0.1263 d—1) is about 46% higher than the known ’︁standard’ loess value, indicating better conditions for decomposition of fresh residues at this temperature. The mean kslow at 35 °C (0.0023 d—1), which is 60% lower than reported earlier from loess soils, and much lower mineralization rates of the slowly decomposable N pool give reason to the presence of generally more resistant organic material in these sandy soils. The relation between Nslow and total N was found to be not close enough to derive the pool size of slowly decomposable N just from total N as done for loess soils. Reducing the variability is necessary, promising approaches exist. The eight reference loess soils revealed — on an average — the known N mineralization parameters.  相似文献   

Interactions between microbial communities and organic matter were analyzed for soils from the project regions ’︁Ecosystem Research in the Agricultural Landscape/FAM, Munich’ in southern Germany and ’︁Ecosystem Research in the Bornhöved Lake district’ from northern Germany using ratios between microbial biomass content (Cmic), microbial metabolic quotient (qCO2) and organic carbon content (Corg). In the agricultural soils in southern Germany, the qCO2/Corg ratio differed significantly with respect to agricultural management in contrast to ecophysiological Cmic/Corg ratio. In addition, Cmic/Corg ratio decreased from 39 to 21 mg Cmic g—1 Corg and qCO2/Corg ratio increased from 72 to 180 mg CO2‐C g—1 Cmic h—1 (g Corg g—1 soil)—1 with increasing soil depth. For the upper soil horizons from the landscape in northern Germany the two quotients differed significantly with reference to land use showing highest microbial colonization under grassland and lowest under beech forest. In contrast, C use efficiency was lowest in arable field under maize monoculture and highest in a wet grassland having a high organic C content.  相似文献   

15NO?3 was immobilized in a calcareous sandy soil and a calcareous clay soil each incubated with glucose and wheat straw. Net mineralization of organic-15N was more rapid in the sandy soil, irrespective of C amendment, and in soils amended with glucose. Intermittent drying and wetting of soils during incubation stimulated mineralization of 15N-labelled and native soil organic-N in all treatments. The availability (percentage mineralization) of recently-immobilized 15N consistently exceeded that of the native soil N. Ratios of the availability of labelled and unlabelled N were similar in the sandy and clay soils but varied according to C amendment, drying and wetting cycle and incubation period.Changes in the distribution of immobilized N amongst soil extracts and soil fractions of different particle size and density were determined during periods of net N mineralization. In straw-amended soils, the organic-15N of a light fraction, sp.gr. < 1.59, decomposed relatively rapidly during the late mineralization period. Decreases of organic 15N of the fine clay fraction were also recorded. In glucose-amended soils, net N mineralization was accompanied by significant decreases in the concentrations of organic-15N of the silt and fine clay fractions.Drying and rewetting of soils hastened or magnified changes occurring in the organic-15N of soil fractions, but qualitatively, the pattern of change was similar to that observed with soils incubated under uniformly-moist conditions.The percentage distribution of labelled and unlabelled N suggested that in the long term, the silt fraction will accumulate an increasing proportion of the more stable nitrogenous residues.  相似文献   

pH is known to be a primary regulator of nutrient cycling in soil. Increasing soil acidity in agricultural systems has the potential to slow down N cycling and reduce N losses from leaching thereby enhancing sustainability and reducing pollution. We conducted a field experiment to investigate the impact of acidity on N leaching in arable and grassland agricultural systems. The results showed that nitrate (NO3) concentrations in soil water were greater under arable than under grassland. Soil acidification significantly lowered NO3 concentrations in soil water over winter and spring under grassland, whilst in cereal plots a similar effect was only observed in spring. Our results suggest that soil acidification decreased nitrification causing an accumulation of NH4+ which was not subject to leaching. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations in soil water were significantly greater under arable than grassland. Soil acidification lowered concentrations of DON in soil water, usually to a greater extent in grassland than in arable plots. It was concluded that it may be possible to use careful soil pH management as a tool to control NO3 leaching without compromising the quality of drainage water, and that this may be more effective on grassland than on arable crops.  相似文献   

Soil microbes are frequently limited by carbon (C), but also have a high phosphorus (P) requirement. Little is known about the effect of P availability relative to the availability of C on soil microbial activity. In two separate experiments, we assessed the effect of P addition (20 mg P kg?1 soil) with and without glucose addition (500 mg C kg?1 soil) on gross nitrogen (N) mineralization (15N pool dilution method), microbial respiration, and nitrous oxide (N2O) emission in a grassland soil. In the first experiment, soils were incubated for 13 days at 90% water holding capacity (WHC) with addition of NO3? (99 mg N kg?1 soil) to support denitrification. Addition of C and P had no effect on gross N mineralization. Initially, N2O emission significantly increased with glucose, but it decreased at later stages of the incubation, suggesting a shift from C to NO3? limitation of denitrifiers. P addition increased the N2O/CO2 ratio without glucose but decreased it with glucose addition. Furthermore, the 15N recovery was lowest with glucose and without P addition, suggesting a glucose by P interaction on the denitrifying community. In the second experiment, soils were incubated for 2 days at 75% WHC without N addition. Glucose addition increased soil 15N recovery, but had no effect on gross N mineralization. Possibly, glucose addition increased short-term microbial N immobilization, thereby reducing N-substrates for nitrification and denitrification under more aerobic conditions. Our results indicate that both C and P affect N transformations in this grassland soil.  相似文献   

Nitrate (NO3?) can contribute to surface water eutrophication and is deemed harmful to human health if present at high concentrations in the drinking water. In grazed grassland, most of the NO3?‐N leaching occurs from animal urine‐N returns. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), in decreasing NO3? leaching in three different soils from different regions of New Zealand under two different rainfall conditions (1260 mm and 2145 mm p.a.), and explore the relationships between NO3?‐N leaching loss and ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA). The DCD nitrification inhibitor was found to be highly effective in decreasing NO3?‐N leaching losses from all three soils under both rainfall conditions. Total NO3?‐N leaching losses from the urine patch areas were decreased from 67.7–457.0 kg NO3?‐N/ha to 29.7–257.4 kg NO3?‐N/ha by the DCD treatment, giving an average decrease of 59%. The total NO3?‐N leaching losses were not significantly affected by the two different rainfall treatments. The total NO3?‐N leaching loss was significantly related to the amoA gene copy numbers of the AOB DNA and to nitrification rate in the soil but not to that of the AOA. These results suggest that the DCD nitrification inhibitor is highly effective in decreasing NO3? leaching under these different soil and rainfall conditions and that the amount of NO3?‐N leached is mainly related to the growth of the AOB population in the nitrogen rich urine patch soils of grazed grassland.  相似文献   

Indirect evidence of the nitrogen (N) status of tropical forests strongly suggests that in heavily weathered soils under old-growth lowland tropical forests nitrogen is in relative excess. However, within the lowland forests of the Amazon basin, there is substantial evidence that soil texture influences soil NH4+ and NO3? concentrations and hence possibly N availability and retention in the soil. Here, we evaluate the soil N status of two heavily weathered soils which contrast in texture (sandy versus clay Oxisol). Using 15N pool dilution, we quantified gross rates of soil N cycling and retention. We also measured the δ15N signatures from the litter layer down to 50-cm depth mineral soil and calculated the overall 15N enrichment factor (ε) for each soil type. The clay soil showed high gross N mineralization and nitrification rates and a high overall 15N enrichment factor, signifying high N losses. The sandy soil had low gross rates of N cycling and 15N enrichment factor, manifesting a conservative soil N cycling. Faster turnover rates of NH4+ compared to NO3? indicated that NH4+ cycles faster through microorganisms than NO3?, possibly contributing to better retention of NH4+ than NO3?. However this was opposite to abiotic retention processes, which showed higher conversion of NO3? to the organic N pool than NH4+. Our combined results suggest that clay Oxisol in Amazonian forest have higher N availability than sandy Oxisol, which will have important consequences for changes in soil N cycling and losses when projected increase in anthropogenic N deposition will occur.  相似文献   

Changes of land-use type (LUT) can affect soil nutrient pools and cycling processes that relate long-term sustainability of ecosystem, and can also affect atmospheric CO2 concentrations and global warming through soil respiration. We conducted a comparative study to determine NH4+ and NO3 concentrations in soil profiles (0–200 cm) and examined the net nitrogen (N) mineralization and net nitrification in soil surface (0–20 cm) of adjacent naturally regenerated secondary forests (NSF), man-made forests (MMF), grasslands and cropland soils from the windy arid and semi-arid Hebei plateau, the sandstorm and water source area of Beijing, China. Cropland and grassland soils showed significantly higher inorganic N concentrations than forest soils. NO3-N accounted for 50–90% of inorganic N in cropland and grassland soils, while NH4+-N was the main form of inorganic N in NSF and MMF soils. Average net N-mineralization rates (mg kg1 d1) were much higher in native ecosystems (1.51 for NSF soils and 1.24 for grassland soils) than in human disturbed LUT (0.15 for cropland soils and 0.85 for MMF soils). Net ammonification was low in all the LUT while net nitrification was the major process of net N mineralization. For more insight in urea transformation, the increase in NH4+ and, NO3 concentrations as well as C mineralization after urea addition was analyzed on whole soils. Urea application stimulated the net soil C mineralization and urea transformation pattern was consistent with net soil N mineralization, except that the rate was slightly slower. Land-use conversion from NSF to MMF, or from grassland to cropland decreased soil net N mineralization, but increased net nitrification after 40 years or 70 years, respectively. The observed higher rates of net nitrification suggested that land-use conversions in the Hebei plateau might lead to N losses in the form of nitrate.  相似文献   

The contribution of bacteria and fungi to NH4+ and organic N (Norg) oxidation was determined in a grassland soil (pH 6.3) by using the general bacterial inhibitor streptomycin or the fungal inhibitor cycloheximide in a laboratory incubation study at 20°C. Each inhibitor was applied at a rate of 3 mg g?1 oven‐dry soil. The size and enrichment of the mineral N pools from differentially (NH415NO3 and 15NH4NO3) and doubly labelled (15NH415NO3) NH4NO3 were measured at 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours after N addition. Labelled N was applied to each treatment, to supply NH4+‐N and NO3?‐N at 3.15 μmol N g?1 oven‐dry soil. The N treatments were enriched to 60 atom % excess in 15N and acetate was added at 100 μmol C g?1 oven‐dry soil, to provide a readily available carbon source. The oxidation rates of NH4+ and Norg were analysed separately for each inhibitor treatment with a 15N tracing model. In the absence of inhibitors, the rates of NH4+ oxidation and organic N oxidation were 0.0045 μmol N g?1 hour?1 and 0.0023 μmol N g?1 hour?1, respectively. Streptomycin had no effect on nitrification but cycloheximide inhibited the oxidation of NH4+ by 89% and the oxidation of organic N by more than 30%. The current study provides evidence to suggest that nitrification in grassland soil is carried out by fungi and that they can simultaneously oxidize NH4+ and organic N.  相似文献   

Symbiotically-fixed and soil-derived nitrogen have been measured in pot experiments for Medicago littoralis (medic), grown alone or with Lolium multiflorum (ryegrass) and for Pisum sativum (field pea). The four soils used contained organic matter labelled with 15N, and differed in their capacities to release available N. During a 4–12-week incubation each released inorganic N (NO?3) of approximately constant 15N atom% enrichment. In one soil, the mineralized N was supplemented by 15NO?3 of similar 15N atom% enrichment. Incubation of soils under intermittently moist and dry conditions increased N mineralization rates, but did not affect the 15N atom% enrichments of the released N.For all soils and treatments the amounts of soil-derived N taken up by plants equalled the amounts of available N in moist incubated, unplanted soils. The enrichment of ryegrass root N grown alone or with medic was slightly but consistently less than that of top N. Nitrogen of the legume nodules and pods (peas) was least enriched, followed by N of legume stems, leaves and roots; the 15N atom% enrichments of root N were 4–5 times those of nodule N.Peas generally outyielded and fixed more N than medic grown alone. Medic grown with ryegrass yielded least and fixed least N.For unamended soils, yields of legume dry matter and amounts of N fixed were greatest in Roseworthy or Avon sandy loam soils and least in Northfield clay loam. Addition of 15NO?3 to Avon soil decreased N fixed by peas and by medic grown alone or with ryegrass. For this soil, soil-derived N of plant tops exceeded fixed N of roots, even for unamended soil where fixation by legumes was relatively high. Thus, complete removal of plant tops would have produced a net loss of N from the soil, the net loss increasing with increasing amounts of 15NO?3 added.  相似文献   

From 1964 through 1994, the pattern of nitrate (NO3 ?) export from Watershed 6 at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) in New Hampshire, U.S.A., exhibited 10 years of high export (1968–1977) followed by 12 years of low export (1978–1989), with four ‘spikes’ in 1970, 1973, 1976, and 1990. Disruptions of N cycling by soil freezing, insect defoliation, or drought have been suggested to explain this pattern. We developed a model of nitrogen dynamics demonstrating that most of the long-term pattern can be reproduced without explicit consideration of these events. Comparisons of simulated N fluxes between high and low export years suggested that inorganic N input to the soil, from both atmospheric N deposition and N mineralization, was significantly higher during periods of high streamflow NO3 ? flux than in low periods. Simulated inorganic N pools (ammonium and nitrate) and fluxes (nitrification, plant uptake, denitrification, and ammonia volatilization) were also significantly higher in these periods. By swapping the time sequences of inorganic N input between high and low export years, it was shown that N mineralization, not atmospheric N deposition, drives the simulated long-term pattern. Although simulated nitrification showed a stronger relationship with measured streamflow NO3 ? flux than did N mineralization, nitrification rate depended upon availability of soil ammonium supplied from N mineralization. Because N mineralization in the model varies only with soil temperature and moisture, we conclude that shifts in the interaction of these two variables over time produced the shifts in NO3 ? stream exports.  相似文献   

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