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The effects of N-Lignin on growth and N-metabolism in wheat cells in suspension cultures N-Lignin is an organic N-fertilizer which is synthesized from waste liquors of the pulp industry by oxydative ammonisation. Nearly 40% of its N-content is available as ammonium, the rest is linked in organic compounds. Water-soluble fractions of N-Lignin were added to the nutrient solutions of wheat cells in suspension cultures in order to study the effects on growth and N-metabolism. The experiments show that N-Lignin is a suitable nitrogen source for growing wheat cells. The best growth was achieved when 50% of the total nitrogen content of the medium were added as N-Lignin nitrogen. This mixture of N-Lignin and nitrate was even superior to the standard B-5-medium with respect to the final dry weight. However, higher concentrations of N-Lignin inhibited cell growth. The effect of N-Lignin on cell growth is not only influenced by ammonia. If wheat cells were grown on media with ammonium-N as the sole nitrogen source acids of the citrate cycle had to be added to support growth. This was not necessary with N-Lignin. N-Lignin therefore seems to effect the energy metabolism. High amounts of ammonium-N or the reduced N-fractions of N-Lignin respectively resulted in an increase of certain amino acids and especially of the two amides glutamine and asparagine. Furthermore root formation was observed with cells grown in media containing N-Lignin or ammonium-N. The root formation seemed to be correlated with added amounts of reduced nitrogen. Root formation was not observed with cell cultures incubated with N-Lignin solutions which were made free of ammonium-ions with a cation exchanger (Amberlite IR-120) loadad with potassium. This indicates that the differentiation of roots in the normally embryonic cells is due to the ammonium-N content of N-Lignin. A possible correlation between the content of glutamine and asparagine and the formation of roots is discussed.  相似文献   

Effect of calcium supply on growth rate and calcium content of potato tubers. . Using potato plants in water culture with a constant calcium supply to the roots, a study was made of the influence of additional supply of calcium to the tuber surface on growth rate and calcium content of the tubers. Under conditions of high relative humidity around the tubers the calcium nutrition of the tubers was exclusively dependent on the calcium supplied to the tuber surface (?exogenous calcium”?). With a high level of exogenous Ca the growth rate of the tubers was high and the rate of uptake of Ca was proportional to the tuber growth. With a low level of exogenous Ca the growth rate declined to a lower but constant value. In absence of exogenous supply of Ca the growth rate of the tubers declined gradually until growth ceased. Cessation of tuber growth occurred when the Ca content decreased below 0,36 mg Ca per g dry matter for smaller tubers and below 0,14 mg Ca per g dry matter for larger tubers. Severe Ca deficiency in potato tubers causes necrosis at the tuber apex.  相似文献   

Influence of Soil Structure on Root Growth and P Uptake of Spring Wheat The effect of soil structure (fine aggregat, coarse aggregate and compacted structure) on root growth, root morphology, and P availability of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was studied in pot and split root experiments using three soils (2 × Alfisol-Udalf, Alluvium). CAL-soluble P was 63–90 mg P · kg?1 soil, indicating a sufficient P supply. Root length, root surface, root fresh weight, shoot weight, and seed yield were decreased due to coarse aggregate and compacted structure. Roots were significantly thickened and roots hairs were longer in the fine aggregate structure than in the compacted and coarse aggregate structures. P concentration in the shoot and P uptake of spring wheat growing in the coarse aggregate and compacted structure were lower because root growth was decreased. In the split root experiment, in contrast to pot experiment, P uptake was lower in the compacted than in the fine aggregate treatment. The results demonstrate that P availability was influenced by soil structure via the influence on root growth and thus access of roots to P.  相似文献   

Influence of varying Mg supply to barley on thousand grain weight and the P fractions of grains By variation of the Mg concentration in the nutrient solution (0.2; 0.6 and 1.8 me Mg/l respectively) during tillering, shooting and grain filling it could be shown, that increasing Mg supply to barley especially favours number of ears/plant (tillering) and grain size (thousand grain weight, TGW). A positive correlation was found between Mg content of grain and TGW. In small grains, which had a Mg content of 0.06% Mg in DM, about 64% of grain-P was present as Phytin-P and 20% as inorganic P. In bigger grains being also higher in Mg content, however, 70% was Phytin-P and only 10% Pi. This change in the pattern of P-fractions due to the Mg nutrition might be of a certain relevance to the regulation of starch synthesis within the grain and accordingly of grain growth.  相似文献   

Influence of ammonium nitrate on the growth and straw decomposition of higher fungi 1. Nine species of higher fungi were investigated in order to study the influence of increasing NH4NO3 amounts on mycelial growth, the decomposition of straw substrates, the induction of fruiting bodies and the pH value of the substrates. 2. Increasing ammonium nitrate concentrations in the substrate clearly inhibited mycelial growth of two species (Stropharia rugosoannulata and Flammulina velutipes) whereas the others were not visibly affected. 3. Ammonium nitrate in the substrate led to different substrate decomposition patterns, depending on the fungal species used. The decomposition rates of Pleurotus salmoneo stramineus and Pleurotus eryngii decreased at all N-concentration levels. The decomposition rates of Lentinus edodes and Pleurotus sp. ?Florida”? were stimulated only at the lowest N-concentration level. Flammulina velutipes, Stropharia rugosoannula ta, Agrocybe aegerita, Kuehneromyces mutabilis and Ganoderma applanatum showed enhanced decomposition rates over the whole N-concentration range. 4. The induction and yield of fruiting bodies were also influenced by addition of ammonium nitrate. Low levels of ammonium nitrate stimulated fruiting body formation and yield of Agrocybe aegerita. Fructification of Lentinus edodes was delayed and the yield of fruiting bodies decreased at all N-concentration levels. At the given experimental conditions most of the investigated fungi did not fructify o r developed only primordia. 5. Addition of ammonium nitrate to the sterile substrate caused a decrease in pH. A further decrease in pH was observed after colonization of the substrate by fungi.  相似文献   

Influence of kinetin, cycloheximide and chloramphenicol on soluble protein of carrot tissue cultures An application of chloramphenicol indicated that the influence of kinetin on cell division activity depends on the synthesis of proteins in cell organelles. Concurrently with the application of chloramphenicol an accumulation of proteins with relatively high electrophoretic mobility, synthesized in the cytoplasm, was observed. These protein components are preferentially synthesized after kinetin application. The influence of cycloheximide seems to be directed to the action mechanisms of IAA and inosit in the explants.  相似文献   

The influence of geometric factors on the water release from artificial aggregates and growth of rye-seedlings Rye-sprouts were cultivated in pots on artificial aggregates of different sizes, but with altogether equal water contents in all variants, at high and low relative humidity. In the course of the experiment, growth of plants and delivery of water were measured. At the end of the experiment, dry- and fresh-matter of roots and sprouts as well as distribution of water within the aggregates were determined. With decreasing aggregate size growth and beginning of fading were accelerated. At low relative humidity the production of dry-matter was higher in case of smaller aggregates compared to larger ones. Delivery of water increased with decreasing aggregate size. The change in water content from the border of the aggregate towards the centre can be expressed as a straight line. The slope of the line increases with decreasing aggregate size. The slopes are modified by the influence of plants and climatic conditions. The water is extracted to a content lower than the permanent wilting point. This is more pronounced with small aggregates and a high evaporative demand.  相似文献   

Influence of nitrogen and cytokinin applications on the development of flag leaves and grains of wheat In two experiments spring wheat cv. Solo was grown in hydroculture under greenhouse conditions. The influence of cytokinin applications during grain filling period (Cy: 0 – 100 μg BA/l nutrient solition) combined with different nitrogen supply (N: 0, 0.25, 0.50 and 4.0/1.3 mMol/l) was studied in regard to the development of flag leaves and grains. As to flag leaf, only N was capable to increase specific fresh and dry matter and delay the decrease during development. Similar changes in the chlorophyll content, photosynthesis and N-content of leaves and grains, resp., could be induced by either N or Cy. Grain growth and grain N-content was favoured by N, with the first effect becoming visible early and the second late in the grain filling period. At maturity Cy gave the same effects, but time course was slightly modified. At high doses of N (4.0/1.3 mMol/l) Cy-applications reduced chlorophyll content, photosynthesis and N-content of leaves and grains. This gave rise to the conclusion that cytokinins limit the corresponding physiological processes only if nitrogen nutrition is low.  相似文献   

Effects of nitrogen nutrition on the contents of chlorophyll and galactolipids in young and older leaves of oil-seed rape (Brassica napus L.) The effect of nitrogen nutrition upon chemical characteristics of chloroplasts from young and older leaves of oil-seed rape (Brassica napus L.) were investigated. Nitrogen influenced the chlorophyll content especially of older leaves. As compared to the optimum supply, the values of young leaves were only reduced at the extreme deficiency and the excessive supply. In contrast to the content of chlorophyll the amounts of monogalactosyl diglyceride of both young and older leaves depended strongly on N-supply. Generally, the amounts of digalactosyl diglyceride were not related to leaf-age and N-supply. With the exception of extreme deficiency the contents of linolenic acid in galactolipids were influenced by nitrogen mainly in older leaves. (Brassica napus L., N-supply, Leaf-age, Chlorophyll, Galactolipids)  相似文献   

Fruit Effect on Photosynthesis and Respiration Several investigations about fruit effects on photosynthesis and respiration, mainly of Citrus madurensis (Lour.) and Solanum melongena (L) plants are reviewed. Fruiting plants had higher photosynthetic rates (mg CO2 · dm?2 · h?1) than non fruiting ones, particularly during stages of most intensive fruit growth. The photosynthetic rates could be stimulated by increasing fruit temperatures. No differences in dark respiration rates of fruiting and non fruiting plants were observed. However photorespiration was considerably higher in non fruiting plants as compared to fruiting ones. Leaves of non fruiting plants accumulated more sugars and starch in the leaves during the light periods than fruiting ones. The gaseous diffusive resistance of leaves was higher in non fruiting as compared to fruiting ones. The higher photosynthetic efficiency of fruiting plants is probably controlled by several mechanisms, some of which were discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

The Influence of Kinetin and Iron on Nucleic Acid and Protein Metabolism of Carrot Tissue Cultures Carrot-root tissues cultured in a nutrient solution containing Kinetin had a high rate of cell division, that led to an undifferentiated callus, and a relatively low DNA content per cell. The same tissues growing without Kinetin had a smaller rate of cell division and a higher DNA content, and showed the ability to form roots. By addition of 32P to the nutrient solution, the cultures growing with Kinetin showed a higher specific activity of DNA than those growing without Kinetin. From previous experiments and results of other workers the possibility of the occurence of a metabolic labile DNA fraction in the cultures which grew without Kinetin is discussed. A comparison between the influence of iron and Kinetin on cell division activity, root formation, DNA, RNA and amino acid content of the tissue cultures was made on a cell basis. Iron deficiency or absence of Kinetin in the nutrient solution reduced the cell division activity of carrot tissue cultures and increased the content of DNA, RNA and soluble amino acids. The protein content was reduced by iron deficiency but was increased by the absence of Kinetin. Cultures, growing without Kinetin were able to form roots, while those, growing in an iron deficient medium were unable to show the latter phenomenon.  相似文献   

The influence of spruce needle wax on the degradation of the needles and the germination of alder seeds 1- and 3-year old needles of Picea abies, each untreated or with the wax layer removed, were burried in a field. Dry-weight of needles without wax decreased faster during an exposition period of 1 to 5 months. Because the wax proved to be a highly selective substrate for microbial colonisation, it retarded the needle degradation. Wax on 1-year old needles slowed degradation down during 2 months, wax on 3-year old needles during 5 months. Degradation time varied for different wax components. The site of wax decomposition was determined by analysing the lipids eluted from different soil layers (depth 0–30 cm) in a natural spruce forest. Lipids forming the wax decreased in depth 1–5 cm and were missing in depth 7–14 cm. Microorganisms isolated from 3 soil layers (depth 1–7 cm) were able to use fatty acids and fatty alcohols out of the wax as a carbon source. But only microorganisms from depth 7–14 cm degraded all wax components. Wax of 1-year old needles delayed seed germination (Alnus glutinosa) for 6 days. Wax of 3-year old needles delayed and inhibited germination for at least 12 days. Pure stearic acid did not influence germination. The different effects show the importance of the chemical wax composition rather than of the water repellent property.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing nitrogen fertilizer rates on the development of root nodules, on the symbiotic N2 assimilation, and on growth and yield of broad beans (Vicia faba L.) In pot experiments with broad beans (Vicia faba minor) the effect of increasing N fertilizer rates (0–800 mg N/pot) on nodulation, symbiotic N assimilation, plant growth, and yield has been studied. The plants were harvested at the beginning and at the end of flowering and at maturity. The following results were obtained: 1. No significant yield differences between treatments were found at the 1st and 2nd harvest, with exception of the 800 mg N/pot treatment which gave higher root yields at the first harvest. 2. At the 1st harvest (beginning of flowering) root nodule yield of the N-zero treatment was higher than the root nodule yield of the N treated plants. At later stages, however, no major differences in root nodule yield between the treatments N100 and N200 and the N-zero treatment were obtained. 3. Highest grain yields were obtained in the treatment with the lowest N-rate (100 mg N/pot) and in the treatment with the highest N rate (800 mg N/pot). The absolute highest amount of symbiotically fixed N was produced in the low N treatment (100 mg N/pot). Provided that the soil is low in available N a low fertilizer rate is required in order to exploit the full N2 assimilation potential. 4. The total soil N remained fairly constant throughout the growing period.  相似文献   

Influence of the amount of sulfur supplied on the soluble leaf protein, the synthesis and the specific activity of some enzymes of young sunflower plants The influence of a sulfur supplement on the pattern of leaf proteins, soluble in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.5, was studied in experiments with young sunflower plants. The leaves were harvested after growing periods of 14 and 21 days, respectively. In addition, the electrophoretic distribution of isoenzymes of some enzyme systems and their specific activities have been analyzed. 1. Plant fresh weight was not affected by the level of sulfur supply, although symptoms of S-deficiency were observed in the low S-treatment. 2. In contrast to this finding, a clear effect of S-deficiency on the electrophoretic patterns of the leaf proteins was detected. This was specially the case in plants. grown for three weeks at a low sulfur level. Increased contents of low molecular protein fractions were found, whereas the relative amounts of high molecular proteins were reduced. 3. In plants, which were kept S-deficient, the number of isoenzyme components was lower in comparison to plants, which were adequately supplied with sulfur. The isoenzymes of malate dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase, however, were synthesized to about the same degree in both S-treatments. 4. The specific activities of most of the enzymes studied in these investigations were lower in the plants, grown at S-deficiency in comparison with the control. These findings were particularly evident after a growth period of 3 weeks. The specific activities of glutaminate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase and a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase were not significantly influenced by the level of S-supply. The specific activities of acid phosphatase and malate dehydrogenase were relatively high even in those plants, which were treated with low amounts of sulfur.  相似文献   

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