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On-board computers (OBC) of harvesting machines can now provide optimized bucking (task of cutting stems into different log lengths) by relying on value and demand matrices. Despite existing benefits of these systems in certain countries, they remain largely underutilized and generally poorly understood in German mechanized forest operations. The study aimed to compare and quantify the differences in harvesting productivity and value recovery between two treatments: quality bucking (OFF) and automatic bucking (ON). A mature forest stand with a high proportion of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was divided into plots (30 m × 100 m) where initial tests of both treatments were randomly distributed and replicated 10 times for a total of 11 plots per treatment. Pre-harvest inventory was performed on each tree targeted for removal via a commercial thinning silvicultural treatment. Mechanized harvesting was performed with an excavator-based Atlas Kern T23 Königstiger single-grip harvester. The same assortment specifications and prices were used for both treatments but on-board optimized bucking solutions were applied in the ON plots, whereas the operator had full control of the products to be recovered in the OFF plots. During harvesting operations, continuous time and motion was performed in all plots. Average harvesting productivity was higher—but not statistically significant—in OFF plots compared to ON plots by 2.0 and 0.46 m3/PMH0 for pine and spruce trees, respectively. Even if there was no difference detected in volume recovery for both treatments and tree species, value recovery was more than 1.60 € per cubic meter higher for pine in larger diameter classes when using quality bucking. This may be due to the fact that the algorithm of the OBC is designed for pine trees with a simpler crown architecture than trees harvested in this study. Results supporting quality bucking over automatic bucking in a Scots pine-dominated stands provide important forest operational information to managers.


The return and risk characteristics of three types of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in the United States are evaluated by the intertemporal capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and the multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model. The three types of REITs are timber REITs, which focus on timberland management; specialized REITs, which focus on properties that are specialized in a single use; and common REITs, which consist of all REITs except specialized REITs. Results from the intertemporal CAPM demonstrate that REITs behave like procyclical small and value stocks. Results from multivariate GARCH model show that the conditional volatilities of REITs rise more after good news and REITs as a whole respond positively to past shocks. Despite being a part of specialized REITs, timber REITs have large market capitalizations and no excess returns, and are insensitive to recessionary shocks. Timber REITs have the smallest unconditional variance and are most vulnerable to idiosyncratic shocks.  相似文献   


Key message

We examine how the configurations in nearest neighbor imputation affect the performance of predicted species-specific diameter distributions. The simultaneous nearest neighbor imputation for all tree species and separate imputation by tree species are evaluated with total volume calibration as a prediction method for diameter distributions.


This study considers the predictions of species-specific diameter distributions in Finnish boreal forests by means of airborne laser scanning (ALS) data and aerial images.


The aim was to investigate different configurations in non-parametric nearest neighbor (NN) imputation and to determine how changes in configurations affect prediction error rates for timber assortment volumes and the error indices of the diameter distributions.


Non-parametric NN imputation was used as a modeling method and was applied in two different ways: (1) diameter distributions were predicted at the same time for all tree species by simultaneous NN imputation, and (2) diameter distributions were predicted for one tree species at a time by separate NN imputation. Calibration to a regression-based total volume prediction was applied in both cases.


The results indicated that significant changes in the volume prediction error rates for timber assortment and for error indices can be achieved by the selection of responses, calibration to total volume, and separate NN imputation by tree species.


Overall, the selection of response variables in NN imputation and calibration to total volume improved the predicted diameter distribution error rates. The most successful prediction performance of diameter distribution was achieved by separate NN imputation by tree species.

It is possible that current tree domestication practices undertaken by farmers reduce the genetic base of tree resources on farms, raising concerns regarding the productivity, sustainability and conservation value of agroforestry ecosystems. Here, we assessed possible changes in genetic variation during domestication in the important and heavily utilised timber species, Vitex fischeri Gürke (syn. Vitex keniensis), by comparing geographically proximate forest and farm material in central Kenya. Employing RAPD analysis, a total of 104 polymorphic markers revealed by five arbitrary primers were scored in a total of 65 individuals, 32 from forest and 33 from farmland. Despite concerns of possible genetic erosion, forest and farm stands did not differ significantly in levels of genetic variation, with H values of 0.278 and 0.269, respectively. However, Mantel tests did reveal greater geographically related associative genetic structure among individuals in farm rather than forest material, with r M values of 0.217 and 0.114, respectively. A more detailed analysis of structure suggested this could be due to local variation in origin of some on-farm trees. Implications of data for the genetic management of V. fischeri stands during farmer-led tree domestication activities are discussed. At present, there appears little reason to reject on-farm V. fischeri as a source of germplasm for future on-farm planting or for conservation purposes, although this situation may change and will require monitoring.  相似文献   

In this paper a new method for the derivation of settings for grading machines is proposed based on the fulfillment of basic statistic principles of regression, as well as the assumption that the distribution of the non-destructive indicating property of the machine and the model residuals are known. A system is introduced to quantify the uncertainty of the observations with the actual population they should describe. To verify the method the theoretical distribution of assigned strength grades is constructed together with a 90% confidence interval over which the destructive observations are expected. The strength grading system in Europe is based on strength, stiffness and density. Although in some cases stiffness or density may be the governing property this paper will focus on the case that the bending strength is the governing grade determining property. In this paper the principle of the proposed method is explained on simulated data and afterwards verified on real data for strength only. This shows good application for uses in practice. The verification showed that an incorrect combining of samples gives inaccurate settings for the intended grading area. With the proposed method the variation between samples can easily be taken into account.  相似文献   


Efficient transport of timber for supplying industrial conversion and biomass power plants is a crucial factor for competitiveness in the forest industry. Throughout the recent years minimizing driving times has been the main focus of optimizations in this field. In addition to this aim the objective of reducing environmental impacts, represented by carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 e) emissions, is discussed. The underlying problem is formulated as a multi-depot vehicle routing problem with pickup and delivery and time windows (MDVRPPDTW) and a new iterative solution method is proposed. For the numerical studies, real-life data are used to generate test instances of different scales concerning the supply chain of biomass power plants. Small ones are taken to validate the optimality of the new approach. Medium and large test instances are solved with respect to minimizing driving times and fuel consumptions separately. This study shows that the selection of the objective of minimizing fuel consumption leads to a significant reduction of CO2 e emissions compared to a minimization of driving times.  相似文献   

THRESHoLDWhenthetimberswiththeho1eknotsarepassedthesystemofX-raynon-de-structiveinvestigation,thesimulatednu-meralsfigureoftheholeknotsappearinthemonitor.Thesimulatednumeralsfigureisshownintablel.Meanwhilethehistogramofthisfigurearedoublepeakcertainly.Inordertoidentifytheedgeoftheholeknotswithnakedeyeandcarryoutautomatictreatment,Wetakethebinaryva1uetreatmentforthefigure'Thechoos-ingthresholdisaveryimportantpartinthebinaryvaluetreatment.Howtochooseasuitablethreshold?Weshouldpaymuchattenti…  相似文献   

Nonparametric modelling has been popular in recent forestry applications. However, nonparametric modelling methods usually assume independent observations, that is, do not acknowledge the spatial relationships of most forest data sets. For these situations, mixed model and kriging approaches have been used. The aim of this paper was to compare accuracy of spatial parametric and nonparametric approaches, namely mixed models and a combination of k-nn method and mixed models, in prediction of tree height. The spatial approaches were compared to a nonspatial parametric model and k-nn method. Tree height was first modelled using either mixed model or k-nn. The residual error was divided into plot and tree effects. A nonspatial prediction was obtained using the fixed part of the models. The spatial prediction was obtained when this prediction was further adjusted using the estimates of within-plot correlation of errors and best linear predictor. The influence of the quality of modelling data was also considered. The adjustment of nonspatial estimates of both parametric and nonparametric approaches markedly improved the predictions in all study cases. For many applications, the combination of the nonparametric k-nn method for the fixed component of the model, along with random effects for spatial correlations to create a mixed model, could be used. This would allow for spatial prediction, which would likely provide improved predictions, as shown for predicting height in this paper. Also, there is the added benefit that the nonparametric k-nn does not require a particular model form.  相似文献   



Rotation length is known to affect timber quality in many plantation species, but its effect on the properties of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) structural timber has not been quantified.  相似文献   

火炬松木材品质的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
火炬松木材品质受环境影响较大,在高海拔条件下,其木材密度小,晚材率低,干燥性能较佳,力学性能指标较高,木材强度品质达高强度树种等级,纤维素和木素含量略低,含脂量偏高,材质比较低海拔火炬松和马尾松均匀,适宜在高海拔地区栽植,其木材品质变化规律符合美国南方松林木材变异性的一般规律,是良好的建筑和造纸用材树种。  相似文献   

The accurate prediction of the mechanical properties that can be expected from timber from standing trees has many benefits for the growers and processors of trees. It includes support in tree breeding selection, tree processing allocation decisions, site and silvicultural research and processing production planning. A number of methods have been developed over the last few decades with significant interest in the recent past in especially acoustic methods, near-infrared spectroscopy methods and the Australian multi-property measurement system known as Silviscan. This paper reviews the current literature on new and existing non-destructive or limited destructive property measurement methods on standing trees that can assist with the prediction of, in most cases, the modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture of timber.  相似文献   

Agroforesty plots offer the opportunity to combine annual agricultural production and long-term wood capitalization. The fallow scheme now in operation in Europe intends to reduce the surplus of agricultural products. Agroforestry management could be a valuable alternative to fallow or to forestry plantations on agricultural land.Agroforestry is attractive to agricultural landowners in Mediterranean France, as agroforestry stands are less costly than forestry plantations, are less prone to fire hazards, provide agricultural returns from intercropping during the first twenty years and have many environmental benefits.An experimental network of on-farm agroforestry plots has been set up since 1988 in the Mediterranean part of France. These plots include grazed paddocks (silvopastoral systems) and ungrazed fields (silvoarable systems). They gained support both from landowners and tenants: the former expect a high value treestock, while the latter have a free use of the space between plantation lines. Plantations have been designed to allow easy mechanical intercropping. First results from two experimental sites are discussed. The growth of the trees in the agroforestry plots is much higher than in the control forestry plots.  相似文献   



Information on wood properties variation is needed by forest growers and timber processors to best utilise the available forest resource and to guide future management.


This study aims to quantify the variation in selected properties of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) structural timber.


Twelve harvest-age stands were selected, ten trees per site were felled and processed into 301 logs. Dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOEdyn) was measured on each tree and log using portable acoustic instruments. Logs were processed into structural timber and its MOE and bending strength was determined.


Overall, the timber satisfied the MOE, bending strength and density requirements for the C16 strength class. Approximately 25 % of the total variation in timber mechanical properties was attributed to between-stand differences, with the remaining 75 % attributed to within-stand differences. A series of equations were developed to predict site, tree and log-level variation in timber properties.


Knowledge of the site and stand factors that are associated with differences in timber properties can assist with segregation of the current resource. Portable acoustic tools can also be used to increase the stiffness of sawn timber by segregating out individual trees and logs that will yield low stiffness timber.  相似文献   

本文论述了进入市场经济合理造材工作的重要意义;搞好合理造材工作的基本环节;量材设计是合理造材工作的关键环节;针对量材、造材作业提出了几点探讨性意见与建议。  相似文献   


Key message

Industrial computed tomography scanning of logs provides detailed information on timber quality prior to sawing. A sawing simulation—considering log rotation angle and knot size accuracy—revealed an average value increase of up to 20% for the best angle compared to the conventional horns-up position.


Computed tomography (CT) scanning has the potential to improve the value of products sawn from logs and meets the increasing demands of the wood industry for detailed information on log quality prior to processing.


In a validation step, automated measurements of knot cluster variable DAB (DIN 4074-1:2012-06) using CT were compared with manual measurements. In a second optimization step, the hypothesis that the value of the sawn products is increased by sawing at the best rotation angle as opposed to the horns-up position was tested.


A sample of 36 Douglas-fir logs were scanned in an industrial CT scanner, and sawn into boards. Knots on the boards were manually measured, and compared with the corresponding knots on virtual boards created from the CT data. The error of the DAB was measured by comparing CT data to manual measurements. An optimized sawing simulation was performed, using the measured DAB error to account for CT measurement errors, as well as a rotational error to account for errors in the log turning equipment. Using the results of the sawing simulation, Monte Carlo simulations were performed to show the potential and benefit of an industrial CT scanner.


The three largest DABs measured by the CT showed good correlation to the measurements on the manual boards. The simulation revealed an average increase of value from 4 to 20% compared to the conventional horns-up position depending on the relative price differences between the strength grades.


By using a CT scanner to optimize sawing, sawmill owners can process logs in a better way to produce final products with increased added value.


Growing markets for chopped firewood have created alternative uses for the by-products of sawmills. Based on empirical data and simulated results, the potential of birch (Betula pendula Roth, Betula pubescens Ehrh.) from commercial thinnings for combined industrial production of sawn timber and firewood billets was investigated. In the simulations, different sawing patterns were used for logs intended to combine production of sawn timber and billets for chopped firewood (‘sawlogs’), and for logs intended only to firewood production (‘firewood logs’). Finally, economical feasibility analysis was done concerning the differences between the sawmills’ traditional business concept and the novel concept combining sawn wood and firewood production. The bucking results for the volume yield of different timber assortments varied only slightly between the different bucking options, i.e. the combinations of timber assortments. The main differences in the volumes of timber assortments were due to the stand type where the birch trees were sampled (planted, naturally regenerated, mixed birch–spruce). In the sawing procedure, the output of sawn timber varied between 24% and 42% of the log volume in the sawlogs, depending on the log diameter class. As the volume yield of sawn timber and firewood billets was counted together in the case of sawlogs, the log consumption was c. 1.75 m3 of roundwood per 1 m3 of sawn timber and firewood billets. In the case of the firewood logs, the log consumption rate was considerably lower, only c. 1.35. The economic calculations showed that using the firewood approach in sawing may increase the net added value of products by €1.9–5.4 m?3 of logs, depending on their diameter class. As a conclusion, parallel production of sawn timber and firewood from logs from the first and second commercial thinning of birch-dominated stands is a concept that could work as an alliance between a sawmiller and a firewood entrepreneur. The concept could be competitive compared with both traditional sawmilling and production of chopped firewood.  相似文献   

This study examined whether or not weight, density, and Young’s modulus can be accurately measured by vibration test without weighing beams for timber guardrails. Bending vibration tests with and without the concentrated mass were performed on small clear round bars without the pith of spruce and cedar and on actual size round bars with the pith of cedar for the timber guardrail. The following results were obtained. The vibration method with additional mass could be applied to the round bar as well as the rectangular bar. It is possible that resonance frequency was decreased by the sawn split in the horizontal tapping. It is believed that the free ends condition is easier to realize than the fixed ends condition for cross beams for timber guardrails. The weight of the cross beam for the timber guardrail could be accurately estimated by the vibration method with additional mass under several testing conditions.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,长期以来使用的EQ140、CA141等较大型汽车在我省木材运输中的局限性已逐渐显露出来,文章从林区道路和经济效益的角度进行分析探讨,认为农用货车更适用于当前的林区运材作业。  相似文献   

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