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Sunflower downy mildew caused by Plasmopara halstedii is an important disease of sunflower capable of causing losses of more than 80% of production. Races 100, 300, 310, 330, 710, 703, 730 and770 of the fungus have been identified in Spain. Race 703, of high virulence, has been identified frequently in the northeast, while race 310 seems to occur over the south, the main sunflower growing region of the country. Oil sunflower lines RHA-274 and DM4 were studied for their resistance to races 310(RHA-274 and DM4) and 703 (DM4). In each cross, only one plant of the resistant parent was crossed to the inbred susceptible line HA-89 (or cmsHA-89).Plants from F2 and backcross(BC1F1 to susceptible parent)generations were evaluated for fungal sporulation on true leaves and/or cotyledons. The resistant-to-susceptible ratios obtained in the F2 and BC1F1 progenies from the crosses cmsHA-89 × RHA-274 and HA-89 × DM4suggested that one major gene in each line is responsible for resistance to race 703.The segregations of the progenies of the cross HA-89 × DM4 inoculated with race 703also fitted the ratios 1:1 and 3:1 (for BC1F1 and F2, respectively)corresponding to control of resistance by a single dominant gene. In RHA-274, the gene for resistance to race 310 was designated Pl 9, whereas Pl v is tentatively proposed to designate the gene in DM4 responsible for resistance to races310 and 703. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Quantitative resistance to sunflower downy mildew was studied on inbred lines and hybrids not carrying efficient major gene resistance, in field trials in one to four sites over 3 years. Hybrids from factorial crosses showed that inheritance is under additive control and comparison with reactions of parental inbred lines gave narrow sense heritabilities of 27–57%. Analysis of a polymorphic recombinant inbred line population without efficient major gene resistance indicated that two highly significant Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) explained 42% of variation in field reaction to downy mildew. These QTL were mapped on linkage groups 8 and 10, and do not appear related to any of the known major resistance gene clusters. Possible bases of this type of resistance and its use in breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

Sunflower lines RHA‐274, HA‐61 and RHA‐325 were studied for their resistance to race 330 of downy mildew (Plasmopara halstedii). The same inbred line, with normal (HA‐89) or sterile cytoplasm (cmsHA‐89) was used in all the crosses as susceptible parent, and, in each cross, only one genotype of the resistant parent was studied. The resistant‐to‐susceptible ratios obtained in the BC1 and F2 progenies from the crosses of the lines RHA‐274 and HA‐61 to cmsHA‐89 and HA‐89, respectively, suggested that, in each resistant line, two dominant genes are responsible for resistance to this downy mildew race. One of the genes (A) is epistatic to the other (B), and the recessive allele b in homozygosity is also epistatic to aa, with plants carrying aabb genotypes being resistant. Resistance to race 330 seemed to be controlled by two complementary genes in the sunflower inbred line RHA‐325, the dominant allele of one of them being present in cmsHA‐89. In the genotypes HA‐89 or cmsHA‐89, the existence of genes that modify the expected segregations following the crosses with resistant parents is proposed. It is concluded that, although major genes have been described as responsible for monogenic resistance to downy mildew, other types of regulation of this character, such as complementarity and epistatic relationships, do occur.  相似文献   

Downy mildew of sunflower, caused by the Oomycete, Plasmopara halstedii is at present controlled by major resistance genes. However, the pathogen has shown a considerable capacity for changes in virulence and these resistance genes are overcome only a few years after they have been introduced into new sunflower varieties. This paper presents research for quantitative, non-race-specific resistance independent of major genes. The reaction of cultivated sunflower genotypes to field attack by downy mildew was studied over 4 years in several environments and in the presence of the two most common races in France: 703 and 710. An experimental protocol with pre-emergence irrigation was developed, making it possible to observe downy mildew reaction whatever the weather conditions. Significant levels of partial resistance were observed in about 50 inbred sunflower lines among the 800 observed. These results suggest that it should be possible to select for non-race-specific downy mildew resistance and to include it in modern varieties. However, since this non-specific resistance is partial, it may be necessary to combine it with major gene resistance. Possible strategies are discussed to obtain durable resistance to downy mildew.  相似文献   

A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed using the sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) restorer line RHA325, which carries the restorer gene Rf1 and the Pl2-gene conferring resistance to downy mildew. High molecular weight DNA was prepared from nuclei using leaf material from two-week old seedlings. The library was constructed using the HindIII site of pBeloBAC11. The current BAC library comprises 104,736 clones. The insert size of the clones varied between 20 and 270 kb, with an average insert size of 60 kb. The whole 1.9× sunflower BAC library was spotted in duplicate on four high-density filters, each carrying 55,296 clones. The content of organellar DNA, which was estimated by colony hybridisation against the mitochondrial probe coxI and the chloroplast probe rbcL, proved to be less than 0.03 and 0.1%, respectively. BAC pools, allowing PCR-based screening, were made and used to identify positive BAC clones for the markers OP-K13_454, closely linked to the restorer gene Rf1. The PCR-based screening was verified by the results obtained for this marker by colony hybridisation.  相似文献   

Summary Sunflower lines breeding true for very high oleic acid content in their oil (average levels higher than 85%) were crossed with standard sunflower lines with mean oleic acid levels of 30%. Analysis of the oil of F1 seeds indicated dominance for high oleic levels and control of the genotype of the embryo. Segregating generations were obtained selfing heterozygous high oleic BCnF1 plants from several generations of a backcrossing program to incorporate the high oleic character to standard inbred lines and testcrossing these plants to low oleic material. Analysis of F2 and testcrossed seeds showed three kind of segregations, in both F2 and testcrossed populations, with different proportions of low, intermediate and high oleic types. Genetic analysis of these data supported the hypothesis, that the high oleic character is controlled by three dominant complementary genes OL1, OL2 and OL3. Additional data showing F1 seeds with intermediate oleic content and segregations for high oleic in progenies of intermediate types, suggest the presence of major factors modifying high oleic acid content.  相似文献   

Summary Intraspecific variation for osmotic adjustment in sunflower was examined using a collection of 33 genotypes of different origin which were exposed to water stress at the 8-leaf stage. Changes in osmotic adjustment with ontogeny were also evaluated in the pre- and post-anthesis phases using seven genotypes drawn from this collection. Estimates of osmotic adjustment were derived from measurements of leaf relative water content (RWC) and osmotic potential () during a period in which the soil was allowed to dry out gradually. The degree of osmotic adjustment, expressed as the value of RWC for a of –1.7 MPa (RWCe), was derived from the ln RWC/ln relationship. Both monophasic and biphasic ln RWC/ln relationships were found. Irrespective of the form of the relationship, all genotypes at the 8-leaf stage showed some degree of osmotic adjustment. This was also true for the cultivars included in the subset examined in pre- and post-anthesis phases. Significant differences (P=0.05) in RWCe were found between extreme genotypes in all three phases.Significant (P=0.05) linear relationships were found between RWCe measured in the 8-leaf stage and that measured in the pre- and post-anthesis phases, establishing the viability of measurements in the 8-leaf stage as a means of selection for osmotic adjustment in later developmental stages. Genotype rank order was stable (P=0.01) across the three ontogenetic phases examined.Abbreviations ETp potential evapotranspiration - osmotic potential - RWC relative water content - RWCe value of RWC for a of –1.7 MPa  相似文献   

Summary Ten cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) lines were crossed with nine maintainer or male fertility restorer lines in a diallel crossing scheme. Based on fertility restoration of the F1 generation, CMS lines were divided into four groups. At least two new sources of CMS, CMS PET2 and CMS GIG1, were found to be potentially useful for commercial production of hybrids. Environment had an influence on fertility restoration of one CMS line, CMS MAX1. Effective restoration of male fertility for CMS RIG1, CMS ANN2, and CMS ANN3 was not found.  相似文献   

Summary Resistance of sunflower leaves to attack by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum was studied by infecting them, in the field, with agar disks containing Sclerotinia mycelium. Resistance levels were determined by the length of lesions after a given period. There were significant differences in reaction between both sunflower hybrids and inbred lines. Different Sclerotinia isolates gave the same classification of sunflower genotypes. The results of trials repeated in one year or different years were significantly correlated. The general combining ability variance/specific combining ability variance ratio was 1.35. Strict sense heritability was 0.61±0.03. The midparent-offspring correlation coefficient was significant, but the relation between per se values of the male parents used with the values of their hybrids was much closer than that for the female parents. Mean heterosis for resistance was 28.9%, compared with the midparent. The results of the leaf resistance test are frequently correlated with levels of resistance to root attack by Sclerotinia. Possible use of this test in breeding both directly for leaf resistance and indirectly for root resistance are discussed. H.P.L. Chromatography studies of the phenols present in healthy and infected leaves distinguished 19 compounds, all of the inhibitin type. There was a large increase in phenol content in leaves infected by Sclerotinia, for all genotypes. However, more especially in uninfected leaves, the contents of 3 chromatogram peaks, numbered 4, 6 and 9, showed a close relation with levels of Sclerotinia resistance. It is proposed that these compounds could be used as markers of certain types of resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Interactions of seven bio-morphological characteristics of sunflower (head diameter, number of flowers per head, number of seeds per head, 1,000-seed weight, volume weight, kernel content in seed, oil content) and their correlations with seed yield per plant were examined. The path-coefficient analysis provided information about direct and indirect effects of the examined characteristics on seed yield per plant. The correlation coefficients were positive and highly significant. The highest direct positive effect on seed yield per plant was exhibited by the weight of 1,000 seeds. Head diameter, volume weight and kernel content had a direct negative effect on seed yield per plant.  相似文献   

Summary Fertility restoration in the cross between a cytoplasmic male sterile line, 2 cm 183, and the restorer line, BCZ 111, (both obtained from France) was dominant in F1 and segregated in a 9:7 ratio in the F2 generation and thus suggested the action of two independent, complementary dominant genes controlling restoration. The behaviour of F3 families broadly confirmed the F2 ratio. The reasons underlying this pattern of inheritance has been discussed and the genetic symbols rf 1 rf 1 rf2 rf2and Rf 1 Rf 1 Rf 2 Rf 2 have been suggested for the male sterile and the restorer parents respectively.  相似文献   

To determine and utilize RAPD markers linked to resistance to downymildew incited by Peronospora manshurica in soybean, a resistantcultivar `AGS129' was crossed to a susceptible cultivar `Nakhon Sawan 1'(NS1). F2 and BC1 populations were advanced from the F1 and evaluatedfor resistance to the disease. 2-test demonstrated that the resistancewas controlled by a single dominant gene (Rpmx). Near-isogenic lines(NILs) and bulked segregant analysis (BSA) were used to identify RAPDmarkers linked to the gene. Six DNA bulks namely F5(R), F5(S),BC6F3(R), BC6F3(S), F2(R) and F2(S) were set up by pooling equalamount of DNA from 8 randomly selected plants of each disease responsetype. A total of 180 random sequence decamer oligonucleotide primerswere used for RAPD analysis. Primer OPH-02 (5 TCGGACGTGA 3 andOPP-10 (5 TCCCGCCTAC 3) generated OPH-021250 and OPP-10831fragments in donor parent and resistant bulks, but not in the recurrentparent and susceptible ones. Co-segregation analysis using 102 segregatingF2 progenies confirmed that both markers were linked to the Rpmxgene controlling downy mildew disease resistance with a genetic distance of4.9 cm and 23.1 cm, respectively. Marker OPH-021250 was presentin 13 of 16 resistant soybean cultivars and absent in susceptible cultivars,thus confirming a potential for MAS outside the mapping population.  相似文献   

Summary The importance of developing new techniques that would simplify the complexity and operative costs of genetic breeding plans has been widely recognized. In that sense, germination from immature seeds in sunflower is a simpler and cheaper alternative to that of in vitro embryo culture, as it is produced in non-sterile conditions. Different techniques to maximize germination percentage were tested using 15 day old seeds. The results indicate that it was important: 1) to scarify seeds and 2) to soak them in 100 ppm of gibberellic acid for 1 hour. Through the application of this technique more than 94% of the seeds germinated.  相似文献   

Immature zygotic embryos from the American fertility restorer line RHA-857 were used as donor material for induction of direct organogenesis in sunflower (Helianthusannuus L.). The range of spontaneous somaclonal variation among the progenies of regenerants was studied. The genetic modifications observed in regenerants included agronomic traits such as oil content in seed, 1000 seed weight, plant height, leaf width, leaf length, petiole length, internode length, head diameter, number of branches, length of branches, number of ray florets, seed width, seed length, and seed thickness. RAPD molecular analysis carried out on sunflower materials in the R-11 generation showed the absence of a specific 358 bp band in somaclonal line 11/2/51 R. This line showed a modified architecture, full resistance to Phomopsis helianthiand higher oil content in seed in comparison to the standard RHA-857. Line31/3/53 R was with modified architecture and higher 1000 seed weight. Hybrid No. 144 produced with the participation of somaclonal line 20/5/52 R demonstrated high production capacity, shorter vegetation period and reduced height. The combination of these favourable changes is desirable in breeding work on sunflower. Somaclonal variation through director ganogenesis has facilitated the creation of genetically heritable variation in sunflower, which can be used with great success for hybrid seed production of highly productive hybrids. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

M. Rahim    C. C. Jan  T. J. Gulya 《Plant Breeding》2002,121(1):57-60
Sunflower downy mildew (SDM) caused by Plasmopara halstedii, is a major disease of sunflower. Eleven resistance genes have been identified, but allelic relationships among these genes are not clear. This study examined the inheritance and allelic relationships of genes conferring resistance to SDM races 1, 2 and 3 (virulence phenotypes 100, 300 and 700, respectively) and confirmed a twelfth resistance gene. Three USDA Plant Introductions, AMES 3235, PI 497250, and PI 497938, and three released lines, RHA 266, RHA 274 and DM‐2 were studied. RHA 266 has only the Pl1 gene for race 1 resistance. Digenic inheritance of resistance was found in AMES 3235, PI 497250, and RHA 274. These lines have the Pl1 and Pl12 genes, conferring resistance to race 1, and the Pl2 and Pl11 genes, conferring resistance to race 2. DM‐2 and PI 497938 have Pl12 (but not Pl1 for resistance to race 1, the Pl12 gene (but not the Pl2) for resistance to race 2, and Pl5 for resistance to race 3. These resistance genes will serve as a foundation for future gene designations and genetic diversity studies of resistance to SDM.  相似文献   

A. H. Eenink 《Euphytica》1976,25(1):713-715
Summary The genetics of resistance to races 1 and 2 of downy mildew Peronospora farinosa f. sp. spinaciae in the spinach variety Nores was investigated in crosses and backcrosses with the susceptible variety Eerste Oogst. Resistance appears to be governed by two closely linked genes in coupling phase with a recombination percentage of 4.6.  相似文献   

Summary Immature zygotic embryos from three inbred lines of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) were used as donor material for the induction of direct organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis. The scope of the spontaneously appearing somaclonal variation has been studied among the regenerants produced according to the method of Freyssinet & Freyssinet (1988), and was compared to the results obtained after gamma ray mutagenesis (7 and 10 Gy). Freshly excised immature zygotic embryos were used for irradiation treatment. Genetic changes occurring spontaneously during the regeneration procedure were observed for date of flowering, vegetation period, plant height, head diameter, 1000 seed weight, kernel oil content, and fatty acid composition. The mutagenic treatment had a marked stimulatory effect on the frequency of the regenerants produced and the degree of the observed changes. The 7 Gy treatment was most efficient for the majority of the characters studied. The type of changes was correlated with the genotype. The degree and type of somaclonal variation, with or without mutagenic treatment, should be sufficient for an application in the production of new breeding material.  相似文献   

Summary Inheritance of downy mildew (Peronospora parasitica) resistance in three resistant x susceptible crosses, one susceptible x susceptible and one resistant x resistant cross were studied in Indian cauliflower (Group III) over the two years (1990 and 1991). No significant difference was observed between the years for various estimates and hence pooled data are presented. Downy mildew resistance in crosses cc×HR 5-4 and 3-5-1-1×244 (R×S) is governed by single dominant gene PPA3 but in cross cc×244 (R×S), recessive epistasis was observed. The resistance level was not improved in both the cc×3-5-1-1 (R×R) and 244×267-6-9 (S×S) crosses. Exploitation of downy mildew resistance from cc and 3-5-1-1 in F1 hybrid is explained in detail.  相似文献   

The first success at interspecific hybridization between cultivated sunflower(H. annuus) and a diploid perennial species, H. simulans is reported. The F1s from both direct and reciprocal directions exhibited dominance of the wild species phenotype and were pollen sterile. Meiosis was irregular in the F1 hybrids and both univalents and multivalents were observed. Multiplication of the interspecific hybrids was achieved through in vitro culture of nodal sections on Murashige & Skoog medium supplemented with 0.5 mg l-1 benzyladenine. Fertility of the interspecific hybrids was improved by subjecting the in vitro proliferating shoots to 0.001% colchicine incorporated in the shoot multiplication medium. The amphiploids serve as fertile bridges and facilitate interspecific gene transfer through conventional breeding. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

I. R. Crute  J. A. Dunn 《Euphytica》1980,29(2):483-488
Summary Many lettuce cultivars (Lactuca sativa L.) with high resistance to lettuce root aphid (Pemphigus bursarius L.) also carried the gene Dm-6 for specific resistance to downy mildew (Bremia lactucae Regel). This suggests the possibility of linkage between this gene and root aphid resistance. The origin of this association is discussed.  相似文献   

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