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论述了植物对气体养分的供需关系与所有绿色植物中各种有机物蕴舍的化学能,并分别定义为植物气态营养与绿能。分析了这2种新概念对大气、陆地、水域生态圈及生物与社会生态学的意义。  相似文献   


Studies were made to assess the impact of a thermal power plant located at Obra on vegetation and soil in surrounding areas. Pollutant concentration in the area gradually decreased along a belt in the prevailing wind direction and a gradient of structural and functional changes in plants and soil was observed. Natural vegetation in the area varied significantly at different sites and on the basis of plant responses can be classified as insensitive, intermediate and sensitive.

The effect of the power plant emissions on soil and eco-physiological characteristics such as pH, organic matter and N, P, K and S concentrations in soil; leaf injury symptoms, number and distribution of plant species; chlorophyll content in leaves, percentages of photosynthetically active leaf area; accumulation of N, P, K, and S in leaves etc. seemed to be a function of the pollutant gradient existing in the area. There was a relationship between plant responses and changes in the chemical factors of soil and plants due to pollution. This study indicates possible elimination of plant species, first the trees then the shrubs and lastly the herbs and grasses from the environs of the thermal power plant. The increase in soil acidity in the area may cause cation-anion imbalance and microbe population reduction to affect soil fertility.


This review briefly illustrates the state of the art in the recognition of the various sources and natural sinks of gaseous pollutants. The removal mechanisms include absorption by vegetation, soil, stone, and water bodies, precipitation scavenging, and chemical reactions within the atmosphere. The nature and magnitude of anthropogenic and natural emissions of the gases (H2S, SO2, N2O, NO, NO2, NH3, CO, O3, and hydrocarbons), along with their ambient background concentrations and information on their major sinks identified to date, are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to summarize the current state of knowledge concerning direct forest damage caused by atmospheric gaseous pollutants. The major gaseous pollutants affecting forest growth are O3, SO2, and HF. Ozone is the most prevalent phytotoxic air pollutant on a regional scale in eastern North America. It has been demonstrated to cause foliar injury and growth effects on trees in both laboratory and field studies. Both SO2 and HF have been found to cause damage to forests primarily in the vicinity of strong point sources. Case histories of forest damage are reported in the paper which describe foliar and radial growth effects, with associated volume losses. Threshold levels of the gaseous pollutants causing effects on forest growth are provided.  相似文献   

Gold-coated denuders have been used to separate gas phase and particulate phase Hg in air samples. The denuders were 65 cm long with a 0.4 cm i.d. and were capable of removing >99.9% of the vapor phase elemental Hg in an air stream at flow rates of about 1 L min?1. Data were obtained at different sampling locations around the city of Göteborg. The concentration of particulate Hg was found to be within the range of 0.11 to 0.57 ng m?3, which corresponds to 2.8 to 16.9% of the total airborne Hg. Positive correlations between the concentration of particulate Hg and that of soot and suspended particles as well as a negative correlation between the concentration of particulate Hg and relative humidity were observed.  相似文献   

The effect of sublethal concentrations of aldrin and Swascofix CD-38 was studied on certain haematological parameters of C. batrachus after 10, 20, and 30 days exposures. The parameters studied were CT, PT, Hb, RBC, WBC, PCV, MCH, MCHC, MCV, specific gravity and pH. CT, MCH, and MCV were found to be decreasing with the increase of pollutant concentrations and time of exposure, while all other parameters showed an increase. However, pH and specific gravity remained generally uneffected.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Pb, CO, CH4 and total hydrocarbons have been measured at a roadside site and at the exit of a multistorey car park. Average concentrations over short periods (10 to 25 min) have been calculated for each pollutant and possible correlations between these average levels of the different pollutants investigated. Significant correlations were found at only one site and the conclusion was drawn that it is only under exceptional conditions that correlations in levels exist over these extremely short averaging periods.  相似文献   

以两个不同品种的大豆叶片为研究对象,采用了不同的测定方法测定叶面积,分析并指出各种测定方法的优缺点,为在不同测定条件和实验目的要求下选择不同的叶面积测定方法提供依据,也为研究人员提供更加准确、快速、简便和经济的测定方法和依据。  相似文献   

In order to define the atmosphere pollution role in the lung cancer etiology it is necessary to carefully measure the composition of airborne pollutants. The evaluation of atmosphere pollution by analytic electron microscopy technique has made it possible to analyze the morphology and composition of airborne breathable particulate and to characterize the sources. The comparative study of a rural area and a downtown area in Rome has shown qualitative and quantitative differences in the pollution pattern. In the urban area the data we have obtained point out motor vehicle traffic as the greatest source of pollution. A large amount of heavy metals and mineral fibers, potentially noxious for health, was observed.  相似文献   

Many persistent organic pollutants (POPs), notably hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), chlorinated cyclodienes, and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), remain in Japanese farming soils, more than 40 years after their use as insecticides was prohibited. In recent years, residues of chlorinated cyclodienes in cucurbit fruits have become a problem. But, though HCHs and DDTs have been staying in the soil, residues of these chemicals in crops have not been a problem. So we compared the fates of HCHs (α-, β-, γ-HCHs), chlorinated cyclodienes (dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor exo-epoxide), and DDTs (DDE, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene; DDD, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane) in soil and investigated their uptake by several non-cucurbits and cucurbits. As for the fate of POPs in soil, not only the total concentrations but also the concentrations in soil solution as bioavailable POPs were determined. The half-lives of total β-HCH and DDTs in soil were the longest, and α- and γ-HCHs the shortest. On the other hand, the half-lives of bioavailable POPs ranged from 1/3 to 1/20 of those of total POPs. The ratio of the half-lives of bioavailable POPs to those of total POPs decreased in the order of HCHs > chlorinated cyclodienes > DDTs. Because hydrophobic chemicals were adsorbed strongly to the soil, the bioavailable POPs in soil are controlled by their hydrophobicity, indicated by the values of log K OW (K OW: n-octanol-water partition coefficient). The shoot concentrations of chlorinated cyclodienes and DDTs were higher in cucurbits than in non-cucurbits. However, among POP insecticides, HCHs did not show clear differences. As for the root concentrations, all tested POPs were higher in cucurbits than in non-cucurbits. Through the determination of POPs in soil solution, we could compare the abilities of plants to take up the chemicals using soil solution bioconcentration factors (BCFSS). The values of BCFSS increased with the magnitude of log K OW, in the order of HCHs < chlorinated cyclodienes < DDTs. In addition, BCFSS did not show marked differences among isomers or chemicals with similar structure. Therefore, plant uptake ability was influenced mainly by log K OW. After being applied to agricultural land, α- and γ-HCHs seemed to disappear quickly, β-HCH persisted longer but the uptake in roots was low because of the low log K OW, and DDTs also persisted longer but the bioavailability decreased rapidly in the soil because of their high log K OW. Chlorinated cyclodienes have remained in the soil and have remained available, because they are less likely than HCHs (except β-HCH) to disappear and less likely than DDTs to become adsorbed to the soil. In addition, their higher log K OW than that of HCHs makes them more easily taken up by roots. However, shoot concentrations were high only in cucurbits, for which they remain a problem in Japan.  相似文献   

规模化畜禽养殖污染气体现场检测方法与仪器研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
随着中国畜禽生产的规模化和集约化,畜禽舍内饲养密度增大,产生了许多污染气体。这些污染气体含有大量的氨、硫化物和挥发性有机物等有毒有害成分,不仅影响畜禽的正常生长,而且当这些污染气体扩散到大气中,会对大气环境造成环境污染,严重影响城乡的空气质量,使人类生存环境不断恶化,危害饲养人员及周围居民的身体健康。本文阐述了几种典型污染气体特征,综述了国内外规模化畜禽养殖主要污染气体现场检测方法和分析仪器研究现状,为实现对污染气体进行快速、准确检测,并判定其成分与浓度提供十分必要的依据,也为中国畜禽养殖污染气体检测技术的发展提供一定参考。  相似文献   

Presented are results of the study of radiocesium vertical distribution in the soils of the irrigation pond catchments in the near field 0.25 to 8 km from the Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP, on sections of the Niida River floodplain, and in a forest ecosystem typical of the territory contaminated after the accident. It is shown that the vertical migration of radiocesium in undisturbed forest and grassland soils in the zone affected by the Fukushima accident is faster than it was in the soils of the 30-km zone of the Chernobyl NPP for a similar time interval after the accident. The effective dispersion coefficients in the Fukushima soils are several times higher than those for the Chernobyl soils. This may be associated with higher annual precipitation (by about 2.5 times) in Fukushima as compared to the Chernobyl zone. In the forest soils the radiocesium dispersion is faster as compared to grassland soils, both in the Fukushima and Chernobyl zones. The study and analysis of the vertical distribution of the Fukushima origin radiocesium in the Niida gawa floodplain soils has made it possible to identify areas of contaminated sediment accumulation on the floodplain. The average accumulation rate for sediments at the study locations on the Niida gawa floodplain varied from 0.3 to 3.3 cm/year. Taking into account the sediments accumulation leading to an increase in the radiocesium inventory in alluvial soils is key for predicting redistribution of radioactive contamination after the Fukushima accident on the river catchments, as well as for decision-making on contaminated territories remediation and clean-up. Clean-up of alluvial soils does not seem to be worthwhile because of the following accumulation of contaminated sediments originating from more contaminated areas, including the exclusion zone.  相似文献   

A survey of heavy metal deposition was carried out in the vicinity of a Danish steel plant. Bulk precipitation and transplanted lichen (Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl.) were sampled at 12 stations in the environment before and after the production had been converted from open-hearth furnaces to electric-arc furnaces. The samples were analyzed for Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn. The results show that heavy metal pollution from the steelworks still is severe and that it follows a decreasing power curve when the distance to the steelworks is increased. However, a reduction in the deposition of heavy metals close to the steelworks has been observed, pointing to the conclusion that the change from a situation of emission through a 46 m stack without any filter to emission from the electric arc furnaces equipped with bag-filters has lead to changes in the emission. At the sampling stations with the highest deposition levels measured in bulk precipitation the corresponding concentrations in the lichens were relatively lower indicating a change in particle size distribution. Within each station there was a direct proportionality of metal concentrations in lichens and atmospheric fallout measured in bulk precipitation.  相似文献   

Plant secondary compounds have an important role in defense responses against herbivores and pathogens. This study summarises published and some unpublished data from a series of fumigation experiments where Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings were exposed to different concentrations of gaseous air pollutants, ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2) or nitrogen dioxide (NO2), in growth chambers. Concentrations of monoterpenes, resin acids and total phenolics were studied. Overall, needle monoterpenes were not affected by pollutants. Only very high level of O3 (600 ppb) decreased concentration of some individual monoterpenes in pine needles. O3 did not have effect on concentrations of resin acids in pine needles. In contrast, the concentration of some individual resin acids increased in O3-exposed pine shoots and in O3-exposed needles of one spruce clone. The highest dose of SO2 decreased concentrations of resin acids in pine needles, but low exposure levels did not have effects. However, SO2 had no effects on the resin acids concentrations of spruce needles, except some minor individual compounds were affected in clonal spruces. Increased concentrations of resin acids was found in pine shoots exposed to NO2. Total phenolics of needles were not affected by pollutants. These observations suggest that among secondary compounds there is variation in sensitivity to air pollutants and genetically different trees have different responses to air pollutants.  相似文献   

Aphids are frequently found on conifers, but mass outbreaks are seldom reported. On trees stressed by air pollutants the natural resistance can be broken and insect attack combined with pollution stress may promote plant damages. To evaluate effects of air pollution on conifer aphids Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings have been exposed to gaseous pollutants (O3, SO2 and NO2) in growth chambers. The studied aphid species were Cinara pilicornis Hartig on Norway spruce, C. pinea (Mordv.) and Schizolachnus pineti Fabr. on Scots pine in SO2 fumigations and S. pineti in O3 and NO2 fumigations. C. pilicornis nymphs had peaked dose response to SO2 concentration. Both the first and third instar larvae of C. pilicornis showed highest mean relative growth rate (MRGR) at 100 ppb SO2 concentration. MRGR of C. pinea peaked at 50 and 150 ppb SO2 The response of S. pineti was more inconsistent During fumigation the peak MRGR of S. pineti was at 100 ppb and after exposure at 50 ppb SO2. MRGR of S. pineti nymphs was not significantly affected during fumigation or after the end of fumigation experiment by 100 ppb O3 or 100 ppb NO2 or the mixtures. The results suggest that SO2 affects more distinctively on aphid performance on conifers than O3 or NO2. Especially stem-feeding aphids on spruce can exploit physiological disturbance of host plant under pollution stress.  相似文献   

A three dimensional simulation of the landsurface system is presented, which includes the processes of weathering, soil creep and fluvial erosion. Soils represent a deposit in equilibrium between the processes of weathering and erosion. The simulated drainage basin with a fixed exit point reproduces the “closed” system dynamics of the Davisian model, in which however slopes still attain a dynamic equilibrium form. Within the basin the overall mean soil depth very rapidly reaches a constant value even though a considerable redistribution of material is still to occur. This implies a rapid establishment of a balance between the process of weathering and erosion. By contrast the detailed pattern of soil depths on individual slopes is established much more slowly, only after the slopes themselves come to equilibrium. The equilibrium configuration of soils under soil creep shows a slight downslope increase in depths, and major increases in soil depth are restricted to locations where external constraints force an accumulation of material.  相似文献   

相比单跨日光温室,两连跨日光温室具有单位面积建造成本低,土地利用率高等优势,为深入了解两连跨日光温室热环境性能,该研究基于计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)构建了相同结构参数和构造材料的单跨和两连跨日光温室热环境模型。通过试验测试两连跨日光温室内的环境温度和各围护结构表面热流,并与CFD模拟的温度场进行对比,结果表明模拟数据与实测数据吻合度较高。在此基础上,基于该CFD模型分别对两连跨和单跨日光温室热环境进行模拟,并提取各围护结构表面热流和温度、土壤温度和空气温度进行对比分析。结果表明,在相同外界气候条件下,两连跨日光温室比单跨日光温室夜间气温高1.7~3.8 ℃,土壤温度高2.9~3.0 ℃,墙体内表面温度高2.9~7.9 ℃;两连跨日光温室的土壤和墙体在夜间,持续向南侧棚室放热,热流稳定,热流密度分别为7.11~8.59、12.65~15.19 W/m2,分别比单跨日光温室土壤、墙体表面热流密度高0.76~2.42,9.71~14.36 W/m2。相比单跨日光温室,两连跨日光温室地表土壤温度和室内气温波动较小,热环境调节能力明显提升。该研究结果为两连跨日光温室的结构优化、耕种管理等提供参考。  相似文献   

Dry deposition of fly ash emitted by a coal-fired power plant has been calculated using a surface depletion Gaussian plume model. The subject plant is located in the southwestern United States. Soil samples collected downwind of this power plant have been chemically analyzed for selected trace elements (As, B, F, Hg, Se, Sr, U, and V) to determine concentration vs. distance trends. Gaussian plume deposition calculations predict very little increase of trace element concentrations in soils, except for those elements highly concentrated in fly ash emissions compared to soils. Trace element soil concentrations as a function of downwind distance generally confirm these predictions, with the possible exception of Se.  相似文献   

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