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2月7日,国家林业局了公布第二批国家重点林木良种基地,山西又有4处良种基地被确定为国家重点林木良种基地,分别为:关帝山林区吴城国家油松良种基地、大同市长城山林场国家华北落叶松良种基地、太行山林区海眼寺林场国家油松良种基地、中条山林区国家华山松良种基地。至此,全省国家重点林木良种基地数量达到8处,总面积2310.30hm2,年可生产(种子园和母树林)良种3万kg。  相似文献   

种子园是繁殖良种的主要方式,是良种生产基地。种子园经营集约,管理方便,适于机械化生产。种子园生产的种子具有优良的遗传品质,生活力强。我们一九七四年嫁接的杉木种子园,一九七六年采的成果出籽率比一般母树高38%、千粒重高18%、发芽率高33%;每亩育苗的用种数量少一半以  相似文献   

论福建省林木良种基地国债项目建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林木良种是林业生产的最基本的物质基础,是决定森林资源质量和数量的内在因素。文章在论述福建省林木良种基地国债项目建设背景与建设重要性的基础上,提出项目建设应研究和解决的几个关键问题,并详细阐述林木良种基地建设的有关技术。  相似文献   

林木良种繁育是林业生产的重要组成部分,且良种要具备优良的遗传品质和播种品质。松树良种的生产措施,必须是在选育的基础上营建无性系种子园和永久性良种基地。只有这样,才能保证林分的稳定性。提高林木的产量和品质,而种子园和良种基地的主要营建技术措施之一,就是采用好的嫁接方法。 在无性系种子园里,采用一般的嫁接方法获得林木精选松树种子,必须等待10~15年。因此,林木育种工作者最热心观往的是提高嫁接的成活率和尽早地获得优良的林木种子。 在干旱的东贝加尔湖地区,采用通常的嫁接方法,其嫁接成活率很低,而采用新的…  相似文献   

林木种子园研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林木种子园是重要的良种生产基地。近年来, 林木种子园发展迅速。文中概括了种子园建园和经营过程中保障产量和品质的技术措施, 阐述了种子园增益的表现规律, 提出了未来种子园发展趋势, 以期为我国种子园经营实践提供参考, 促进林木良种化进程。  相似文献   

种子园营建技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>种子园是用优树无性系或家系按设计要求、实行集约经营、以生产优良遗传品质和播种品质种子为目的的特种人工林,它是林木良种繁育基地的重要组成部分。种子园以其结实早、结实多且稳定,生产的种子遗传品质、播种品质好并且面积集中,经营管理方便等特点而深受种子生产者和使用者的欢迎。种子园在生产中的作用已越来越明显,在许多国家已成为林木种子生产基地的  相似文献   

河北省林木良种基地建设与管理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林木良种基地是为育苗和造林绿化提供优良繁殖材料或种植材料的场所,是我省林木良种生产供应的主体,其生产能力直接影响造林绿化的良种使用率。建设林木良种基地还能为优良种质资源收集保存提供场所,为林木良种选育搭建平台。近几年,我省林木良种基地建设取得了明显成效,但在建设和管理过程中存在的问题还很多。本文通过对全省林木良种基地建设现状的分析,提出了全省林木良种基地建设的总体思路与管理对策。  相似文献   

陕西省林木良种、采种基地建设现状与发展设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陕西省林木良种基地建设始于20世纪70年代中期,全省第一个林木良种基地——陇县八渡林场油松良种基地建设,经过了80年代的重点建设,90年代的巩固提高以及近几年来的大规模发展,良种、采种基地建设规模及良种生产能力有了很大提高,对陕西生态环境建设及林业生产良种化做出了较大贡献。为再接再厉,更上新台阶,现对陕西林木良种基地、采种基地建设现状、存在问题、发展设想综述如下。  相似文献   

汨罗市桃林林场湿地松种子园是部省合建的林木良种基地。1975年开始规划,总面积84公顷,1981年列为部省合建基地。1981年开始产种,产量逐年提高,1995年产量过2000公斤。种子播种品质达到或超过国家标准,种子遗传品质达到美国同类种子园的标准,是湖南省世行贷款国家造林项目等重点林业项目的指定用种,基本上满足了全省湿地松造林良种的需求,为湖南省高效林业建设奠定了一定的良种基础。1992年基地被评为全国林木良种基地先进单位。积极争取地方政府的支持从建园开始,我们就积极向泪罗市委、市政府和林业主管部门宣传建设良种基地的重…  相似文献   

为了加强林木良种基地建设和良种管理,提高良种产量和使用率,根据洲南省种子管理条例》及我省林业发展总体目标和种苗生产现状,省林业厅在大量调查研究的基础上,制定了《湖南省林木良种生产与使用管理办法》,于1996年8月19日颁发实施。《办法》主要规定了林木良种基地建设的技术要求,基地建设与终止的审批程序,林木良种计划生产与统一调剂办法.《林木良种合格证》和《良种壮苗合格证》的发放与管理以及对违巨规定的处罚等。这是规范我省林业系统内部林木良种生产与使用的重要保证,对创建林木种苗工程、发展优质高效林业有着重要的…  相似文献   

紫椴种皮对种子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用98%浓硫酸、10%氢氧化钠和70℃水浴分别处理紫椴的种子,再将处理后的种子进行吸胀和发芽试验的结果表明:紫椴种子吸水后,前期体积和质量均呈整体上升趋势,而浸泡6h以后,均出现下降的情况,说明紫椴种皮对种子的吸水过程基本没有阻碍作用;发芽率测定试验中,紫椴种子均未出现萌发现象,说明试验所用的处理方法不能达到促进紫椴种子萌发的目的。  相似文献   

刺玫果又称山刺玫,落叶灌木。分布于我国东北、内蒙及华北等省区。刺玫果用途广、价值大,易采收加工,是一种很有开发前途的野生经济植物。通过对吉林省9个主要种源地刺玫果种子性状的研究,发现安图县亮兵乡地区的种子最饱满,含水率适中,易于贮芷,种皮厚度亦居中,发芽时所受机械阻力小。因此,安图县亮兵乡可作为吉林省刺玫果大面积种植的最佳人工生产种源基地。  相似文献   

林木种子园生殖系统研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张华新  沈熙环 《林业科学》2002,38(2):129-134
本文对种子园生殖系统中亲本开花物候、配子产量、球果和种子败育、授粉机制、球花分布对种子园遗传效率的影响及其研究进展作了综述。论述了开花物候、球花产量与配子贡献以及种子园生殖系统遗传效率的关系。不同亲本开花物候及授粉机制的差异限制了亲本之间的基因交流 ,雌雄球花产量、球果败育及其雌雄球花空间分布的差异都会引起亲本配子贡献的变化 ,并最终影响种子园生殖系统的遗传效率。为提高种子园种子的遗传品质和遗传多样性 ,更系统深入地研究种子园生殖系统是必要的  相似文献   

林木良种是提高造林成效的关键,良种基地是培育林木良种的源泉.我省目前建成有各类良种基地60多个(其中,国家重点林木良种基地6个、省级重点林木良种基地10个),总面积近2 000 hm2,年产林木良种3万多kg、良种穗条4 000万条,初步形成了以种子园、采穗圃为骨干,优良种源区母树林、采种基地为补充,选、引、育、繁、推...  相似文献   

Reproductive phenology was observed over three years in a Eucalyptus grandis seed orchard in Madagascar to determine the impact of geographic differences of parental selections on the expected genetic composition of seed crops. Pollen flow (observed pollen cloud) was deduced from a paternity assignment based on sampling from one year’s seed production. The two approaches were used to verify whether knowledge of phenology is sufficient to predict the genetic quality of the seeds collected. Despite the high flowering level, with a constant cycle over three years, the results demonstrated wide reproductive phenological differences associated with the parents’ origin, suggesting putative pollination disequilibrium. From both observed and expected pollen clouds, the results showed preferential mating among different provenances, which has consequences for seed crop composition. Phenological observations, which can be made inexpensively, can be used to promote methods of effective seed orchard management in order to improve the genetic quality of seeds.  相似文献   

A series of surveys and experiments were conducted on four sites to identify constraints to seed production and natural regeneration in western larch seed-tree systems in the southwestern interior of British Columbia, Canada. These surveys included pollen monitoring, a cone analysis to evaluate seed production potential, seed trapping to estimate seed rain and the installation of field germination trials to assess the effects of germination substrate and seed losses due to bird and rodent predators. Pollen shedding was found to be adequate for moderate seed production with filled seed counts ranging from 9 to 30 per cone (10–34% of all seeds/cone). No significant differences in seed yields per cone and cone characteristics were observed between uncut control stands and seed-tree stands. Seed rain was generally good in 1995, ranging from 70,000 to 4.6 million seed/ha. For the four seed-tree stands, the average filled seed percentage of the trapped seeds ranged from 9–30%. Seed rain and seed quality were much reduced in 1996. Field germination trials showed western larch seeds germinated and survived best (15–70%) on mineral soil but rodent and/or bird predation reduced germination success significantly. Germination/germinant survival on undisturbed forest floor, covered with predator exclusion screens, was intermediate.  相似文献   

Natural variation in seed characteristics of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) trees and its relationship with the size, form, and crown class of parent trees was examined in second-growth, white pine mixedwood stands in Ontario. Cones were collected prior to and following partial harvesting of two stands during 2 years of above-average seed production. Fully enlarged seed extracted from mature cones was X-rayed to determine seed yield per cone, the percentage of sound, partially filled, and empty seed, and the sound seed mass for each tree. Variation in seed yield per cone, the proportion of sound, partially filled, and empty seed, and seed mass was much greater among individuals than between stands or seed years. The strength and significance of the relationship of seed mass with sound seed yield differed with stand and seed year. In uncut stands, seed mass was higher for trees with dominant crown class, larger live crown ratios, and smaller height to diameter ratios, suggesting tree vigour and microsite quality influence seed mass. Proportion of partially filled seeds was significantly reduced in both stands in the second year likely due to increased growing degree days during female gametophyte development. The implications of these results to natural and artificial regeneration of white pine are discussed.  相似文献   

以引进俄罗斯欧洲垂枝桦不同种源种子为材料,对不同种源种子形态及其萌发特性进行研究的结果表明:不同种源种子吸水量没有显著差异,而在种长、种宽、种厚、翅长、翅宽、千粒重、含水率、生活力、发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数存在显著差异;新西伯利亚种源种子最大、质量最重、发育最好、有生活力种子高达82.75%;采用混雪冷藏处理种子萌发能力最强,新西伯利亚种源种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数分别达到67.63%、55.41%、27.19;而对照种源采用低温冷藏处理种子萌发效果最差,其发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数分别为38.51%、32.42%、11.89。  相似文献   

对我国6个主要日本落叶松种子园种用价值测验的结果表明,各地种子园的遗传品质差异显著。种用价值大小排序为:天麻>桓仁>清凉山>白旗寨>赤峰>大孤家>对照。初选出遗传品质较高的天麻、桓仁和清凉山种子园,6年生(连苗期)幼林树高、胸径、材积生长量可分别获得84%—110%、127%—267%、269%—663%的遗传增益。白旗寨、赤峰和大孤家3个种子园虽有一定改良效果,但都低于总平均水平,并与对照差异不显著。研究结果对豫西地区引种和推行种子园种子造林有重要指导作用对我国6个主要日本落叶松种子园种用价值测验的结果表明,各地种子园的遗传品质差异显著。种用价值大小排序为:天麻>桓仁>清凉山>白旗寨>赤峰>大孤家>对照。初选出遗传品质较高的天麻、桓仁和清凉山种子园,6年生(连苗期)幼林树高、胸径、材积生长量可分别获得84%—110%、127%—267%、269%—663%的遗传增益。白旗寨、赤峰和大孤家3个种子园虽有一定改良效果,但都低于总平均水平,并与对照差异不显著。研究结果对豫西地区引种和推行种子园种子造林有重要指导作用  相似文献   

Assessing the characteristics of seed supply will be vital to better understand the dynamics of forest regeneration. In this study, we surveyed the aboveground vegetation, the seed rain, the seed bank, and natural seedling emergence in four typical 24-year-old plantations (eucalyptus, mixed-native, mixed-legume, and mixed-conifer) and a naturally successioned shrubland in southern China. The dominant species in the understory were similar among the five plant communities. The seed rain and the seed bank were dominated by shrubs and herbs but indigenous tree species were rare. Species that were common to all five-plant communities represented a great proportion of the seeds in the seed rain and seed bank. The seed rain consisted mostly of seeds derived from the local plant community. Seed abundance was greater in the seed bank than in the seed rain, and species richness was greater in the seed bank and in the corresponding plant community than in the seed rain. Species composition similarity between the seed rain, the seed bank, and the aboveground vegetation was low, because the seed rain contained much fewer species, and the seed bank and aboveground vegetation contained many different species, respectively. These findings indicate that both the seed rain and the seed bank play important roles in providing seeds for plant recruitment in the understory, but the seed bank contributes more than the current seed rain to the diversity of recruited plants. The current plant community has little impact on the qualitative composition of the seed rain and seed bank. Based on these data, it appears that succession to the desired zonal, mature forest community is unlikely to result from seeds in the seed rain or seed bank. Lack of seed availability of desired zonal mature forest species is the main bottleneck currently limiting succession in the plantations. Reintroduction of late-successional species could facilitate the desired succession.  相似文献   

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