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通过对长期定位施肥的黄松稻田土的甲烷氧化活性和甲烷排放通量的研究表明,长期定位施肥对稻田土壤的好氧甲烷氧化活性和甲烷排放通量有显著性的影响(|t|t0.05,P0.05),而对稻田土壤的厌氧甲烷氧化活性有影响但未达显著性水平(|t|t0.05,P0.05)。施加有机肥能显著增加稻田土壤的甲烷氧化活性和甲烷排放通量;当有机肥和无机肥混合施用时,其促进作用明显大于单施有机肥或无机肥。施加尿素后,稻田土壤的甲烷氧化活性及甲烷排放量都有所下降,但钾肥和磷肥能缓解由尿素引起的抑制作用。施肥后耕作的稻田甲烷氧化活性和甲烷排放通量高于施肥后不耕作的稻田;耕作而不施肥的稻田甲烷氧化活性和甲烷排放通量要低于不施肥也不耕作的稻田。  相似文献   

水稻田土壤甲烷氧化活性及其环境影响因子的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
闵航  陈中云  陈美慈 《土壤学报》2002,39(5):686-692
报道环境因子土壤含水量、温度和pH对发育于河流沉积物母质的水稻田土黄松泥田土氧化外源甲烷活性影响的研究结果。表明土壤中存在有氧和无氧两个甲烷氧化系统。有氧甲烷氧化系统 (AMOS)最适条件下的氧化甲烷最大活性比无氧甲烷氧化系统(AAMOS)最适条件下的氧化甲烷最大活性高 1至 2倍。在土壤通气良好的条件下 ,AMOS占主导地位 ,在无氧或极微氧的土壤中 ,AAMOS起主要作用。影响活性的主要因子是土壤的分子氧含量、甲烷含量、水含量、温度和pH值。分子氧对AAMOS氧化甲烷的活性具有一定抑制作用 ,土壤中甲烷量和含水量对AAMOS氧化甲烷活性的影响比对AMOS氧化甲烷活性的影响更为强烈。土壤氧化甲烷的活性对温度较为敏感 ,其最适氧化甲烷的温度范围在 2 5~ 35℃之间。当土壤在 5 0℃培养的时间超过 6h后 ,土壤氧化外源甲烷的活性全部丧失 ,且不能在2 8℃下得到恢复。pH是另一个影响土壤氧化甲烷的重要环境因子。其最适pH范围在 6~ 7之间 ,pH低于 3或pH高于 9时 ,几乎完全丧失氧化外源甲烷的活性。  相似文献   

温室气体的大量人为排放导致了近百年来的全球气候变化。甲烷是重要的温室气体,随着全球气温升高,甲烷排放量会随之增加,进一步加剧了全球温室效应。土壤是甲烷重要的源和汇,土壤中的甲烷氧化细菌在平衡甲烷的释放过程中发挥着关键作用。探究温度变化对土壤甲烷氧化能力的影响成为近年来的研究热点。本文综述了温度对土壤甲烷氧化过程以及甲烷氧化细菌的影响,分析了在不同温度下,各生态系统中的土壤甲烷氧化及甲烷氧化细菌响应特点和规律,比较了不同生态系统中土壤发生甲烷氧化的温度范围以及甲烷氧化菌株的生长温度范围。综述结果表明,不同生态系统能够发生甲烷氧化的温度范围不同;在能发生甲烷氧化的温度范围内,甲烷氧化速率随温度升高而增加;培养温度与土壤原位温度越相近时,甲烷氧化响应较为灵敏。与温度对甲烷氧化过程的影响类似,甲烷氧化细菌的丰度也随着温度升高而增加,并与增温幅度、优势甲烷氧化细菌的原位生长温度密切相关。土壤中的II型甲烷氧化细菌对温度较敏感,随着温度升高,II型甲烷氧化细菌丰度增加,因此,温度会通过影响甲烷氧化细菌的丰度和群落结构,从而影响甲烷氧化过程。但温度是否仅通过调控优势菌种更替来改变土壤甲烷氧化能力目前还尚未定论,未来需要进一步探究。本文讨论了土壤甲烷氧化过程对温度的响应及其微生物机制,可为全面解析全球变暖下的土壤甲烷氧化过程的变化提供参考。  相似文献   

氮肥对土壤氧化甲烷的影响研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了N肥用量、品种对土壤氧化甲垸(CH_4)的影响以及高浓度CH_4对这一影响的反作用,土壤可通过固定一定量的外源N确保土壤具有相对稳定的氧化大气CH_4能力,N含量低的土壤适量施用N肥可刺激甲烷氧化菌繁殖和功能的发挥,促进大气CH_4氧化。但当外源N用量超出一定范围时甲烷氧化菌Type Ⅰ对环境变化十分敏感,会产生抑制作用并表现为长期和短期2种效应,铵态氮具有短期更具长期效应,其直接结果是引起土壤中甲炕氧化菌尤其是Type Ⅰ数量的减少和作用的减弱,该抑制作用是单向、不可逆的。由于甲烷氧化菌Type Ⅰ和Ⅱ可被高浓度CH_4激活,不易受N肥的长期影响,有些水田土壤施用N肥甚至促进甲烷氧化菌繁殖,即N的影响是双向且可逆的。  相似文献   

土壤甲烷氧化菌及水分状况对其活性的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了土壤中甲烷氧化的机理及土壤水分状况对甲烷氧化的影响,土壤中甲烷氧化分4步进行,首先甲烷在sMMO或pMMO作用下氧化成甲醇,甲醇在甲醇脱氢酶作用下氧化成甲醛,甲醛是甲烷氧化菌合成体细胞的碳源,甲烷氧化菌Type Ⅰ利用RuMP途径把甲醛转化为细胞合成的中间体,TypeⅡ则利用丝氨酸途径,同时甲醛在甲醛脱氢酶作用下氧化为甲酸,后者再在甲酸脱氢酶作用下氧化为CO_2,从而完成甲烷氧化。甲烷氧化菌TypeⅠ只含pMMO,而TypeⅡ既含sMMO又含pMMO,因此其生存力更强。土壤中甲烷氧化主要发生在10cm左右的土层中,明显受土壤水分状况的影响,甲烷氧化的最佳土壤含水量变化为20%~70%间,主要取决于土壤机械组成和有机质含量。  相似文献   

本文报道不同栽培措施下水稻田甲烷释放的特性和甲烷产生菌、甲烷氧化菌的数量、种类。结果表明,水稻田的甲烷释放,无论是早稻还是晚稻,成活期每天的释放量较少,随着生长逐渐增加,至分蘖期达到最高,随后又逐渐减少。长期淹水和高量氮肥或有机肥的施用可以明显地增加水稻田的甲烷释放量。产甲烷细菌的数量在干湿灌溉少氮处理的水稻田土壤中要少于其他各处理的土壤,其他各处理间无明显差异,早稻上生长前期较后期低2-3个数量  相似文献   

生物质炭提高稻田甲烷氧化活性   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
为了揭示生物质炭输入对稻田根际土壤产甲烷和甲烷氧化活性的影响,该文通过1a 的田间试验,研究了2种原料制备的生物质炭(竹炭和水稻秸秆炭)对水稻根际土壤产甲烷和甲烷氧化活性的影响。结果表明,2种生物质炭因理化性质的不同,对水稻根际土壤产甲烷活性和甲烷氧化活性的影响存在较大差别。秸秆炭的输入可以显著提高水稻苗期根际土壤产甲烷活性,而竹炭在水稻的整个生长期对根际土壤产甲烷活性均没有显著性影响。竹炭和秸秆炭不稳定易降解组分含量的差异,使其对稻田土壤产甲烷微生物产生不同程度的影响,进而导致稻田根际土壤产甲烷活性响应差别。除抽穗期竹炭处理和成熟期秸秆炭处理,尿素施加并未显著改变生物质炭对根际土壤产甲烷活性的影响趋势。在水稻整个生长期,秸秆炭和竹炭对稻田土壤甲烷氧化活性都有促进作用,但只有秸秆炭在苗期和成熟期表现出显著性的差异。尿素对苗期和抽穗期根际土壤甲烷氧化活性有促进作用。与竹炭相比,秸秆炭输入在改善土壤通气条件、提高土壤pH值和电导率EC、以及K、P元素含量等方面更为有效,同时可能是秸秆炭对水稻根际土壤甲烷氧化活性产生显著性促进作用的潜在机理。  相似文献   

FACE对水稻土产甲烷菌和甲烷氧化菌种群及其活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王殳屹  韩琳  史奕  梅宝玲  朱建国 《土壤》2006,38(6):768-773
利用江都市小记镇的稻-麦轮作FACE平台,采用最大可能(MPN)法,在2005年水稻生长季研究了不同施肥(常规N量和低N量)、不同秸秆还田(秸秆全还田和秸秆不还田)处理土壤中的产甲烷菌和甲烷氧化菌数量在大气CO2浓度升高(FACE)条件下随时间的变化情况,并且借助气相色谱测定了土壤的产甲烷潜力和甲烷氧化潜力。结果表明:在秸秆全还田情况下,FACE对于产甲烷菌在分蘖期具有促进作用,而在抽穗期与收获期具有抑制作用,这种作用在低N条件下达到显著性(P<0.05)水平。而秸秆不还田情况下,FACE对产甲烷菌无明显促进作用;在低量N的施用情况下,FACE对于土壤甲烷氧化菌的活性具有刺激作用,在水稻抽穗期土壤甲烷氧化菌数量明显地高于对照,达到显著性水平(P<0.05);而常规施N量秸秆全还田的情况下,在水稻的分蘖期、拔节期和收获期FACE土壤中的甲烷氧化菌数量却受到一定程度的抑制。土壤的产甲烷潜力测定结果表明,FACE能促进土壤的CH4释放,尤其是在常规N量施用条件下。当底物(加入外源CH4)充足时,FACE条件下能使土壤具有较高的氧化CH4的能力,其CH4氧化潜力明显大于对照土壤,并且这种作用在常规N肥施用条件下尤为明显,达极显著性水平(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

甲烷氧化微生物和氨氧化微生物均是既可以氧化甲烷(CH4)又可以氧化氨(NH3),氨氧化是硝化作用的限速步骤,也是好氧土壤氧化亚氮(N2O)排放的主要生物路径。选取内蒙古草原围封禁牧土壤为研究对象,利用稳定同位素核酸探针技术(DNA-SIP)探讨不同氮水平下土壤活性甲烷氧化微生物与硝化微生物及其相互作用机制。结果发现低氮添加促进甲烷氧化活性,而高氮添加抑制甲烷氧化活性;低氮和高氮添加均显著增强硝化活性。基于DNA-SIP的高通量测序结果发现Methylobacter MOB和Nitrosospira AOB/Nitrospira NOB分别是该土壤的主要活性甲烷氧化和硝化微生物。网络结构分析发现Methylobacter MOB和Nitrosospira AOB/Nitrospira NOB存在显著负相关关系,进一步证明活性甲烷氧化和硝化微生物之间存在竞争性相互作用。以上结果表明,氮素水平影响草原土壤甲烷氧化和硝化微生物的相互作用,研究结果为采取措施调控草原土壤CH4的汇和N2O...  相似文献   

尿素施用对稻田土壤甲烷产生、氧化及排放的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张广斌  马静  马二登  徐华  蔡祖聪 《土壤》2010,42(2):178-183
通过田间和培养试验研究了不施尿素(N0kg/hm2)和施用尿素(N300kg/hm2)对水稻生长期稻田土壤CH4产生潜力、氧化潜力和排放通量的影响。结果表明,水稻全生育期内,施用尿素降低土壤CH4产生潜力,并推迟其达到最大值的时间;尿素作为基肥和穗肥施用抑制土壤CH4氧化,而作为分蘖肥施用短暂地促进然后抑制土壤CH4氧化;施用尿素降低稻田CH4排放量。施用尿素通过同时影响CH4产生潜力和氧化潜力来影响稻田CH4排放。  相似文献   

氮肥、土壤湿度和温度对稻田土壤甲烷氧化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Effects of nitrogen fertilizer,soil mosture and temperature and temperature on methane oxidation in paddy soil were investigated under laboratory conditions.Addition of 0.05 g N kg^-1 soil as NH4Cl strongly inhibited methane oxidation and addition of the same rate of KCl also inhibited the oxidation but with more slight effect,suggesting that the inhibitory effect was partly caused by increase in osmotic potential in microorganism cell,Not only NH4^ but also NO3^- greatly affected methane oxidation.Urea did not affect methane oxidation in paddy soil in the first two days of incubation,but strong inhibitory effect was observed afterwards.Methane was oxidized in the treated soil with an optimum moisture of 280 g kg^-1 ,and air-drying inhibited methane oxidation entirely.The optimum temperature of methane oxidation was about 30℃ in paddy soil.while no methane oxidation was observed at 5℃or 50℃。  相似文献   

In most temperate mono-rice cultivation systems like Korea, the local recommended transplanting date of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings is proposed by the government agency considering climate, rice cultivar, rice productivity and quality, etc. Recently the transplanting of rice seedlings earlier than the recommended transplanting date (RTD) has been adopted by the local farmers to get high yield and to harvest earlier for higher market value. Earlier transplanting than RTD might influence methane (CH4) emission due to the prolonged cultivation period, but its effect was not evaluated well so far. In this study, the effects of seedling transplanting date on CH4 emission and rice productivity were investigated for two years in a general paddy soil. The 30-day old seedlings were transplanted on the local RTD (every June 15) as the control, and at 30 and 15 days before and 15 days after the RTD for comparison. There was no difference on CH4 flux pattern among the treatments, but the earlier transplanting before the RTD significantly (P ??0.05) increased total CH4 emissions during rice cultivation due to the extended soil flooding period and improved plant growth. Rice grain yield was increased by earlier transplanting, but the values were not significantly different from those of transplanting practices on RTD and 15 days before RTD. Therefore, among all the treatments, the lowest total CH4 emission per grain yield was observed in the RTD treatment. Conclusively, rice transplanting following the RTD, rather than early or late transplanting, could be more effective to minimize CH4 emission without significantly decreasing the rice productivity.  相似文献   

封闭系统水稻土甲烷氧化的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methane oxidation by paddy soils in a closed system could be simulated by the equation x=k1xo/(k1 k2x0)exp(k2t)-k2x0 where x0 and x are the CH4 concentrations at time zero and t,respectively;k1 and k2 are constants related to the constant of first-order-kinetics.According to the equation the change of soil ability to oxidize CH4 could be estimated by the equation Ac=k2/k1(x0-x)x0k2/k1-1.The results showed that the soil ability to oxidize CH4 varied,depending on the initial CH4 concentration.High initial CH4 concentration stimulated soil ability to consume CH4,while low concentration depressed the ablility.This characteristic of paddy soil seemed to be of considerable significance to self-adjusting CH4 emission from flooded rice fields if there exist oxic microsites in the soil.  相似文献   

Restoration of CH4-oxidation activities of desiccated paddy soils and the NH4+ effect after watering were investigated in laboratory incubations. Fresh paddy soil collected from an intermittently flooded rice field in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, showed a parabolic relationship between CH4-oxidation activity and soil moisture with an optimum CH4-oxidation rate at 71% water-holding capacity (WHC), while the paddy soil collected from a permanently flooded rice field in Yingtan, Jiangxi province, showed a much smaller CH4-oxidation ability, which increased exponentially with soil moisture increasing from 28% WHC to 95% WHC at an initial CH4 concentration of ~2,200 µl l-1 and at room temperature (25°C). CH4-oxidation ability was inversely related to N2O emission and related positively with CO2 emission in response to the change in soil moisture. Desiccated paddy soils lost their CH4-oxidation abilities. However, this was recovered after the soils were re-watered. The restoration of CH4-oxidation ability was directly dependent upon soil moisture and the rate of its restoration increased with increasing soil moisture content from 40% to 90% WHC. Addition of NH4Cl at rates of 0-3.57 µmol g-1 soil inhibited the restoration of CH4-oxidation ability significantly (P<0.01), but the inhibitory effect was alleviated by a high soil moisture content. The restoration of CH4-oxidation ability was much slower in the Yingtan soil than in the Wuxi soil. The studies show that the optimum moisture content of paddy soils for CH4 oxidation depends on the methanotrophic bacteria in relation to the prevailing water regime; desiccation damages the CH4-oxidation ability of permanently flooded paddy soil more severely than that of frequently well-drained soils.  相似文献   

不同施肥制度对稻田土壤微生物的影响研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
湖南省进行了18年土壤肥力与施肥效益监测的长期定位试验,就3个定位点不同施肥制度对稻田土壤微生物的影响进行了研究。结果表明,长期施肥土壤的有机质含量与细菌总数及放线菌总数之间无直接相关,土壤有机质含量的高低并不能作为评价土壤微生物多少的指标;真菌数量可反映土壤的肥力水平,土壤真菌数量可用来评价不同施肥制度的效果。施用30%有机肥和习惯施肥处理的氮素养分和硝化细菌数量较多,硝化细菌数量与有机质含量也无相关;长期施用大量有机肥(60%)的土壤反硝化细菌数量高于其它施肥处理,这可能与长期使用大量有机肥后土壤氧化还原电位降低有关。硫化细菌和反硫化细菌数量与土壤有机质含量无直接相关性,施肥可影响土壤硫素的供应。施用单质氮肥多的土壤,氨化细菌数量较多,而有机肥施用量高的土壤,氨化细菌数量较少。无肥区的土壤微生物活度最低,60%有机肥处理的土壤微生物活度最高。土壤有机质含量高,土壤微生物活度也高,两者呈正相关。保持农业土壤的健康要从多方面来进行联合调控,而不是单纯的采用某一农业技术来进行。  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the influences of indigenous phototrophs on methane (CH4) emissions from a paddy soil where rice straw was incorporated or was surface-applied. During the cultivation, half of the pots were covered with aluminum foil, except for the minimum space for rice plants, to prevent ambient light reaching the floodwater or the soil surface. Growth of oxygen-producing phototrophs was hardly observed in the unilluminated plots, whereas intensive growth of algae, duckweed and hydrophytes was found in the illuminated ones. Plant growth was not affected by the different treatments. Seasonal changes in CH4 emission determined by a closed chamber method indicated that illumination had no or only minor effects on CH4 emissions when rice straw was incorporated or was not applied, but significantly reduced CH4 emissions when rice straw was surface-applied. Methanogenesis occurring in the soil-floodwater interface was further investigated in two lab-scale model experiments measuring methanogenic activity. As a result, more activated methanogenesis was found in the surface-applied rice straw and the soil around the straw compared with the soil incubated without rice straw. The magnitude of the methanogenic activity in the rice straw incubated under illuminated conditions was significantly lower than that incubated in the dark. Consequently, this study demonstrates that methanogenesis in paddy soil occurs even in the soil-floodwater interface if plant residues like rice straw exist, and such methanogenesis is likely to be suppressed by growth of indigenous phototrophs under illumination.  相似文献   

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