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The objectives of this study were to assess and compare the environmental impacts of two types of dairy farming systems, one of which makes use of whole‐crop rice silage and the other of which is conventional, using life cycle assessment (LCA). The functional unit was defined as 1 kg of 4% fat‐corrected milk (FCM). The processes associated with the dairy farming life cycle, such as feed production, feed transport, animal management including biological activity of the animal, and waste treatment were included within the system's boundaries. Environmental impacts of the rice silage‐using and conventional dairy farming systems were 987 and 972 g CO2 equivalents for global warming, 6.87 and 7.13 g SO2 equivalents for acidification, 1.19 and 1.23 g PO4 equivalents for eutrophication, and 5.53 and 5.81 MJ for energy consumption, respectively. Our results suggest that the dairy farming system using rice silage in Japan has smaller environmental impacts for acidification, eutrophication, and energy consumption, and a larger impact for global warming compared with conventional farming. Further interpretation integrating these impact categories suggested 1.1% lower environmental impact of the rice silage‐using dairy farming system as a whole.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty‐six cows were involved to investigate the impact of energy (E) restriction (100%, 90%, 80% and 70% of total energy requirements) during the indoor period and two calf management systems (CMS: suckling or rearing). An E restriction during the indoor period resulted in a loss of body weight, even for E100, which was compensated during the re‐alimentation period, but body weight remained lower in suckling than in non‐suckling cows. The cows yielded 213 full‐term gestations and 8 abortions. Abortion was not affected by E (p = 0.187) or CMS (p = 0.804). Calving interval was neither affected by E (p = 0.775) but tended to be longer in suckled cows (p = 0.087). E reduced body weight and body condition score (BCS) at the end of the calving interval, while CMS only affected BCS. E70 resulted in a higher colostrum yield than E100 and E 90 but immunoglobulin content was not affected (p = 0.759). Cow culling was not affected by E or CMS. It increased from 12.9% to 22.2% and 32.5% for cows with a BCS at parturition lower than 1.5 or between 1.5 and 2.0, or higher than 2 respectively. Calf birth weight was neither affected by E or CMS, but there was an interaction between E and dam age (p = 0.050). Increasing the E restriction tended to reduce calf survival (p = 0.089). Performance of the surviving calves was not affected by E, but suckling calves gained faster than rearing calves (p < 0.001). Beef production by the cow‐calf pair was not different between energy levels (p = 0.738), but it was 10.8% lower for E70 than for E100 cows. It is not appropriate to apply an E restriction of more than 10–20% for maximum cow reproductive traits and calf performance.  相似文献   

为了探讨种植业结构调整对于我国环境的影响,本研究运用生命周期评价方法,计算了甘肃省民勤县农户水平2014与2015年从农资生产到农户入仓范围生产1 kg玉米籽粒及1 kg紫花苜蓿鲜草的环境影响,并使用基于蛋白质和热量的计量单位—食物当量(FEU),比较分析了1个FEU玉米籽粒和紫花苜蓿生产的全生命周期环境影响差异。结果表明,生产1 kg玉米籽粒和1 kg紫花苜蓿鲜草全生命周期的一次性能源消耗(PED)分别为9.35和1.22 MJ,水资源消耗(WU)分别为889.33和144.37 kg,矿物和化石资源消耗(DAR)分别为0.13和0.02 kg antimony-eq,气候变化潜值(GWP)分别为1.21和0.10 kg CO2-eq,可吸入无机物(RI)分别为4.23×10-3和1.88×10-4 kg PM2.5-eq,光化学臭氧合成(POFP)分别为2.41×10-3和1.71×10-4 kg NMVOC-eq,环境酸化潜值(AP)分别为8.55×10-3和8.03×10-4 kg SO2-eq,淡水富营养化(FEP)分别为1.20和0.09 kg P-eq,生态毒性(ecotoxicity)分别为1.26×10-2和1.49×10-3 CTU。1个FEU紫花苜蓿生产的PED、WU、DAR、GWP、RI、POFP、AP、FEP和ecotoxicity则分别为玉米籽粒的20.50%、25.43%、21.08%、12.99%、6.98%、11.15%、14.76%、12.31%和18.58%。因而考虑到苜蓿的食物-经济比较优势,目前应给予其不少于粮食作物的种植补贴。并且如果将我国的部分玉米种植改为苜蓿种植,则是最便捷、经济的既能满足我国食物结构需求,又能减少农业生产的资源消耗与环境污染的措施。本研究同时也为在我国深入开展粮改饲提供了一定的立论基础。  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察断乳及短期断乳后对产后母牦牛发情周期恢复及怀孕率的影响。18头初产母牦牛和24头经产母牦牛进行单纯的断乳后发现卵巢周期的恢复率分别达到55.56%和87.5%,怀孕率分别达到55.56%和66.67%;对照组仅为6.67%和0%。12头母牦牛在同期排卵处理方案的第7~9天中进行短期断乳,24头母牦牛作对照,发现短期断乳组人工授精的妊娠率分别为41.67%,高于对照组37.5%,但是二者在统计学上没有显著性差异。试验表明,产后母牦牛在发情配种期进行犊牛断乳,可以极大的提高产后母牦牛产后发情周期的恢复,提高其怀孕率。  相似文献   

西北地区冬季肉牛养殖环境控制及管理措施研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了改善西北地区冬季肉牛养殖的环境、福利状况,提高肉牛生产水平,试验将环境控制(控制牛舍通风、铺加垫料、增加清粪次数)和管理措施(饮用温水)应用于实际生产,并通过检测牛舍环境、牛体清洁度、日增重等指标来评价改进措施的综合应用效果。结果表明:控制牛舍通风、铺加垫料、增加清粪次数能显著提高牛舍内最低气温和地面温度,对牛舍内日平均气温没有显著影响;降低舍内风速的同时增加了湿度、二氧化碳和氨气浓度,但总的来说在一定程度上改善了牛舍内的环境状况;对牛体清洁度、日增重没有显著影响。说明给牛饮10℃的温水能显著提高肉牛日增重,值得推广。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the environmental impacts of a beef-fattening system using the life-cycle assessment (LCA) method and to investigate the effects of feeding length on the LCA results. The functional unit was defined as one animal, and the stages associated with the beef-fattening life cycle, such as feed (concentrate and rough-age) production, feed transport, animal management, animal body (i.e., biological activity of cattle), and the treatment of cattle wastes, were included in the system boundary. Our results suggest that enteric or gut CH4 emissions of cattle were the major source in the impact category of global warming (2,851 kg of CO2 equivalents), whereas NH3 emissions from cattle waste were the major source in the impact categories of acidification (35.1 kg of SO2 equivalents) and eutrophication (6.16 kg of PO4 equivalents). Feed production also contributed a great deal to all categories. A shorter feeding length resulted in lower environmental impacts in all the environmental impact categories examined in the current study, such as global warming and acidification, although there was a difference in effect of reducing environmental impacts among the categories.  相似文献   

通过对上年未产犊牦牛采用补饲与同期发情处理技术,并采用安格斯肉牛细管冻精开展牦牛杂交,出生的犏牛犊采用犊牛培育技术,对不同培育条件对犏牛犊牛生长发育的影响,研究结果表明,采用上年未产犊母牦牛补饲技术,与对照组相比,试验组隔年产犊母牦牛的发情率、受胎率、产犊率及犊牛成活率分别为86.67%、82.23%、78.34%和96.46%,分别提高22.84%、27.59%、33.03%和7.62%,差异显著(P<0.05)。采用犏牛犊牛培育技术,与传统对照组相比,犊牛培育组和培育对照组公、母犏牛初生的体高、体斜长、胸围、管围体重明显增加,差异显著(P<0.05)。上年未产犊母牦牛补饲与同期发情处理技术结合犏牛犊牛培育技术,显著提高其杂交一代犏牛的生长发育速度,提高犊牛的繁殖成活率。  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to compare feed cost, palatability and environmental impacts among feeding systems of high concentrate (HC), high hay (HH) and grass‐only‐fed (Gof) groups. Feed cost was the sum of costs paid for feed intake times the price of feed per kilogram. Palatability was measured by a panel taste test using HH and Gof beef and analyzed for differences. Environmental impacts were calculated based on 1 kg of Japanese beef yield of CO2 equivalents (eq) and animal end weights at each feeding stage. Results showed that the HH and Gof feeding systems could significantly reduce feed costs by approximately 60% and 78%, respectively, from the HC. In the panel taste test, 50% and 47.50% of panelists indicated that HH beef was ‘extremely delicious’ and ‘acceptable,’ respectively, while 15% indicated that Gof beef was ‘extremely delicious’; 62.50% indicated that Gof beef was ‘acceptable.’ Environmental impacts of each feeding system in terms of CO2 equivalents (eq) were 9.32, 6.10 and 2.04 tonnes of eq for the HC, HH and Gof, respectively. The HH was an economical system that produced moderate impacts on the environment and had impressive taste.  相似文献   

在鸭茅(Dactylis glomerata)+白三叶(Triflium repens)草地型肉牛放牧系统内,实施全日制划区轮牧、载畜量季节性调控、维持肥施用、草地除杂、枯草期补饲等优化措施,对草地的土壤养分、牧草生长强度、现存量、组分、养分及肉牛体质量、日增体质量等指标进行了监测。结果表明,采用全日制放牧,在草地年平均载畜量1.4牛单位/hm2下,牧草的生长量超过8 077 kg/hm2,肉牛体况得到明显的改善,单位草地面积经济效益可达1 135元/hm2,草地实现可持续利用。同时,针对草地肉牛放牧系统中存在的问题,提出了有效改进的合理化建议。  相似文献   

Alternative management strategies with no cows and all heifers may improve biological and economic efficiency of beef production. The All Heifer, No Cow (AHNC) beef production system involves insemination of nulliparous heifers with female sex-selected semen (FSS) to produce primarily female calves that are early weaned at 3 mo of age. Dams are finished on a high concentrate diet and harvested before 30 mo of age. The objectives of this research were to: 1) build a dynamic model of an AHNC beef production system to quantify system biological and economic efficiency; 2) compare effects of utilizing FSS vs. conventional semen on biological and economic efficiency; 3) evaluate what-if scenarios to determine the effects on biological and economic efficiency of changing variables ±5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% from initial observed values; and 4) evaluate the effects on biological and economic efficiency of changing variables ±10% from initial observed values. A model was built over a 21-yr horizon using Stella Architect. Biological parameter values in the model were based on the 6 yr of data collected from the management of an AHNC demonstration herd. In the model animal, total digestible nutrients (TDN) intake, hot carcass weight (HCW), and age at harvest were randomized. Feed, animal, and carcass prices included in the model were based on 10 yr of historical U.S. price data. Key response variables were biological and economic efficiency (mean ± SD). Biological efficiency was defined as the ratio of output (kilograms of HCW produced) to input (lifetime kilograms of feed TDN consumed), and economic efficiency was measured using a benefit–cost ratio (BCR) and unit variable cost (UVC). Over 40 simulation runs, the predicted mean biological efficiency was 0.0714 ± 0.0008. Economic efficiency was 0.95 ± 0.02 and US $445.41 ± 0.06 for BCR and UVC, respectively. Biological and economic efficiency was improved in the conventional semen scenario; biological efficiency was 0.0738 ± 0.0008, and BCR and UVC were 0.99 ± 0.04 and US $407.24 ± 0.006, respectively. Under this parameterization and market conditions, the AHNC beef production system failed to achieve profitability under any scenario that was evaluated. However, this review did not account for the potential increased genetic benefit from a decreased generation interval and the reduction in feed energy in comparison to a conventional cow/calf system.  相似文献   

In this study, 10% of all registered fishermen in the coastal towns of Navachiste in Sinaloa, in northwestern Mexico, answered a survey designed to collect data on their perceptions of the following topics: the impact of turtle meat consumption; human health; bycatch; illegal turtle fishing; the illegal sea turtle market; the local economy; pollution; environmental education; the success of protective legislation; and sea turtle‐based ecotourism. Perceptions were analyzed using the fuzzy logic method through classification into 5 fuzzy membership sets: VL, very low; L, low; M, moderate; H, high; VH, very high. The 9 topics generated decision areas upon applying fuzzy inference that revealed the membership level of the answers in each fuzzy set. The economic potential of sea turtle‐based ecotourism and the economic profitability of the illegal turtle meat market were perceived as VL. Conservation legislation was perceived as H, although inefficiently applied due to corruption. Ecotourism and impacts on sea turtles were perceived as VL, because they were deemed unprofitable activities at the individual and community levels. Environmental education was perceived as L, because it centers on nesting, hatching and releasing turtles and is directed at elementary and middle‐school students. While fishers perceive a serious negative impact of fishing activities on sea turtles in the San Ignacio‐Navachiste‐Macapule area, they do not see themselves individually as part of the problem. Achieving sea turtle conservation in this region requires: suitable ecotourism infrastructure, government investments in promotion, and studies to estimate the minimum number of tourists needed to assure profitability.  相似文献   

Enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) is typically observed in cattle over 3 years old. However, some cases of EBL onset in young beef cattle have been reported in Japan. The mechanism for early EBL onset is unclear. In Japan, beef cattle are given large amounts of concentrated feed with low vitamin A. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are regulators of cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis, and thought to represent one of the key players in tumor malignancy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the differences in BMP-6 methylation status between EBL beef cattle under 3 years old and other cattle. We investigated the methylation status of the BMP-6 promoter region in 32 EBL beef cattle under 3 years old. We also compared the methylation status of EBL dairy cattle to that of healthy cattle. Median methylation rate of the BMP-6 promoter region in EBL beef cattle under 3 years old was 8.9%, which was significantly higher than that of other groups. Hypermethylation of the BMP-6 promoter region might contribute to early onset of EBL in beef cattle under 3 years old, and animal feeding management practices specific to beef cattle may affect the methylation status of the BMP-6 promoter region.  相似文献   

The metacarpal bone mineral density of 136 healthy feedlot beef cattle of four different breeds (Charolaise, Limousine, Irish Crossbreed and Slovakian Crossbreed) raised and fed on standard conditions was measured by means of a dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry technique in an ex vivo study design. The average reference values (mean ± SD) of bone mineral density (BMD) for animals aged between 12 and 22 months and weighing between 236 and 546 kg have been reported and the effects of (i) breed, (ii) gender, (iii) age and (iv) body weight on bone mineral density have been considered. A significant difference (i) among different breeds and (ii) between genders resulted, whereas a high correlation between bone density and (iii) age and (iv) body weight was detected within the same breed and gender, with body weight being the most important factor affecting BMD. A modern new technological insight into the study of bovine bone physio‐pathology is proposed.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementation of Pinus ponderosa leaves ( pine leaves) and α‐tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) powder on male reproductive system, serum metabolites and carcass characteristics of Japanese quails. A total of 360‐day‐old male quails were purchased from the open market and kept at poultry shed for ninety‐four days. After ten days of adaptation, all quails were randomly assigned into 4 groups, control (IC); supplemented with α‐tocopherol acetate (IE) at the rate of 150 mg/L; Pinus ponderosa leaves (IP) at the rate of 150 mg/L; and 70 mg α‐tocopherol acetate and 70 mg Pinus ponderosa leaves (IEP). Pinus ponderosa leaves and α‐tocopherol acetate supplementation had not significantly (p > .05) effected on final body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio of quails. The high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) and total cholesterol (TC) were significantly (p > .05) affected by IE and IP groups as compared to IC and IEP groups. Triglyceride (TG), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) significantly (p < .05) increased in all treatment groups except for the IC group. Aspartate transaminase (AST) significantly (p > .05) decreased in treatment groups as compared to control group. Overall, the mineral levels significantly (p < .05) increased in treatment groups as compared to control. Cloacal gland index values, the quantity of foam production and testis weight were significantly (p < .05) increased in treatment groups. It was concluded that the supplementation of Pinus ponderosa leaves and α‐tocopherol acetate improved the testis weight, foam production, serum antioxidant enzymes and mineral level especially zinc in Japanese quail considered an indicative characteristic of higher sperm production rate and improved sexual activity. Further, higher gametogenesis rate, sperm production or reproductive behaviour including different hormonal level will be analysed in future study.  相似文献   

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