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为了定位棉株上的棉花,设计了1个激光测距试验装置,利用计算机图像处理技术和模式识别理论结合棉花的农学特性测量了单朵棉花的三维坐标。以0.004 m为X、Y轴的采样间距,获取传感器至棉株表面点云的距离图像;以传感器至棉花上表面的最长距离0.9 m为阈值对棉株距离图像进行二值化处理,去除地面背景;以棉枝的宽度0.01~0.02 m为结构元素尺寸,对二值图进行形态学开运算,去除棉枝,提取棉花区域。用欧氏距离计算像素之间的相似度,用Cophenetic相关系数选择质心距离为类间距离,以呈45°夹角棉枝的最小纵向间距0.17 m为阈值,对棉花距离图像进行层次聚类,分割粘连重叠的棉花,求取单朵棉花的三维坐标。结果表明,单朵棉花的识别率达96.67%,激光测距与手工测量结果之间的相关系数为0.9934。该研究为采摘机器人运动轨迹的规划提供了依据。  相似文献   

巴西科学家首次报告了咖啡豆里含有的具有杀虫特性的蛋白质,这种蛋白质可能发展成为新一代杀虫剂,保护作物免受害虫侵害。该研究论文发表在ACS《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》杂志上,文中指出了咖啡的一种新的使用价值。  相似文献   

The photolytic degradations of imidacloprid, carbofuran, diazinon, chlorpyrifos, pyridaben, propoxur, and esfenvalerate were independently compared in both moist (75% field moisture capacity at 0.33 bar) and air-dry microbially viable soils at 5 microg/g. All compounds were applied to sandy soil except for propoxur, which was applied to sandy loam soil. Diazinon was applied to both sandy soil and sandy loam soil. The samples were exposed for up to 360 h, depending on the half-life of the compound. Moisture and temperature were maintained through the use of a specially designed soil photolysis apparatus. Corresponding dark control studies were performed concurrently. With the exception of esfenvalerate, the other compounds exhibited significantly shorter half-lives in moist soils, attributed to the increased hydrolysis and microbial activity of the moist soil. The esfenvalerate metabolism was not first order due to limited mobility in the soil because of its very low water solubility. The overall half-life for esfenvalerate was 740 h, as the percent remaining did not drop below 60%. The imidacloprid half-life in irradiated moist soil was 1.8 times shorter than in air-dry soils. However, on dry soil the photodegradation showed poor first-order kinetics after 24 h of exposure. The metabolism of carbofuran and diazinon was highly dependent on soil moisture. Carbofuran exhibited 2.2 times longer half-lives when less moisture was available in the soil. Diazinon in moist sandy soil degraded rapidly, but slowed significantly in irradiated and dark control air-dry sandy soil. Diazinon photolysis on sandy loam soil was not first order, as it attained a constant concentration of 54.9%, attributed to decreased mobility in this soil. Chlorpyrifos photolysis was 30% shorter on moist sand than on air-dry sand. Pyridaben photolyzed rapidly throughout the first 72 h of irradiation but maintained 48% through 168 h. Propoxur metabolism in moist sandy loam soil was not first order and did not degrade below 50% after 360 h of exposure, but the overall half-life was still nearly half of that on irradiated air-dry soil. Three of the compounds showed differences in metabolism patterns during exposure on moist or air-dry soil. Typically, the moist soils produced a more linear decline than that seen in the dry soils, corresponding to the susceptibility of the particular chemical to hydrolysis and/or biodegradation. Four of the eight experiments had shorter half-lives in dark control moist soils than in irradiated dry soils.  相似文献   

作物茬口对连作棉田土壤环境及棉花产量的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
于2007-2008年在连作8 a的棉田上进行不同作物轮作倒茬田间试验,以研究不同茬口对连作棉田土壤养分、土壤微生物区系以及棉花产量的影响,从而筛选出适宜棉田轮作倒茬的最佳作物茬口。研究结果表明:不同作物茬口的土壤有机质、速效养分含量及棉花产量均高于连作棉田,其中加工番茄茬口对土壤的速效磷含量增加最为显著,小麦、玉米茬口对土壤速效钾含量增加显著;各作物茬口土壤微生物总量均比连作棉田有明显的增加,表现为细菌和放线菌数量增加真菌减少;草木樨、番茄茬口土壤氨化细菌、硝化细菌生理群也明显增加。不同作物茬口的棉花产量表现为加工番茄→棉花>草木樨→棉花>小麦→棉花>玉米→棉花>棉花→棉花;加工番茄、玉米、小麦可作为连作棉田的良好前茬。  相似文献   

Cotton stalk directly returning to cotton field has impeded the cotton growth to a large extent in Xinjiang province, China. The allelopathic effects of products from naturally and microbially decomposed cotton stalks on the cotton seedling growth were studied. The results showed that when the seedlings were treated with the 30-day microbially decomposed cotton stalks, they displayed better growth and physiological characteristics than those treated with the products of 30-day naturally decomposed cotton stalks. When treated with the microbially decomposed cotton stalks at a low concentration of 5 g kg?1, the seedling dry weight and plant height even increased significantly compared to the untreated control (< 0.05). The gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis showed that two compounds, dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP), were detected with higher concentrations in the naturally decomposed cotton stalk extracts, which strongly inhibited the cotton seedling growth in bioassay, suggesting the two compounds might be the responsible allelochemicals inducing autotoxicity to cotton growth.  相似文献   

麦套春棉和纯作春棉覆膜栽培与纯怍春棉露地栽培比较结果表明,三者在不同深度的土壤温度、棉苗冠层光照强度、地面蒸发量、田间湿度和生育期、单株性状及经济性状等方面均有较大差别。麦棉共生期是影响棉苗生长直至中、后期发育的主要时期,热量是影响棉苗生长发育的首要环境因子。  相似文献   

我国主产棉区棉花纤维品质性状的区域分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国主产棉区及其亚区的棉纤维品质区域特征明显,适时评价各棉区的纤维品质发展现状有助于稳定优势棉花产区和促进特色棉花产区的发展。本研究采用GGE双标图分析了2011—2015年全国棉花品种区域试验中各亚区环境与纤维品质性状的互作模式,分析比较了各主产棉区和亚区的纤维品质特征。结果表明:1)在主产棉区尺度上,长江流域棉区纤维长度和比强度最好,并且都达到了国家棉花品种审定的Ⅱ级标准,而马克隆值和纺纱均匀性指数居中;黄河流域棉区的纤维长度和比强度较好,但马克隆值偏高;西北内陆棉区的马克隆值和纺纱均匀性指数表现最好,纤维长度和马克隆值达到了国家棉花品种审定的Ⅱ级标准,但比强度在三大棉区中表现最差。2)在棉花亚区尺度上,纤维长度表现以长江下游和长江上游亚区为最好,黄土高原亚区稍差,其余亚区表现较好;比强度表现以长江下游、长江中游、淮北平原、南襄盆地和黄土高原最好,而南疆棉区、长江上游和北疆棉区比强度稍差;马克隆值以北疆棉区、南疆棉区和长江上游表现最好,而黄土高原、淮北平原、长江中游和华北平原的马克隆值偏高。3)在纤维品质的综合表现上,北疆棉区、长江下游、长江上游和南疆棉区的纤维品质综合表现最好,淮北平原、长江中游和南襄盆地次之,华北平原和黄土高原稍差。本研究展示了GGE双标图的"环境?性状"功能图在纤维品质区域特征评价方面的应用效果,可为我国棉花优势产区发展和棉纺企业合理用棉提供理论依据,也对全国棉花纤维品质生态区划分具有指导意义。  相似文献   

为了实现籽棉残膜分离过程中,减少棉花带出的损失。该文通过计算和试验方法分别得到了籽棉和破碎的地膜(简称残膜)悬浮速度2.6、0.8 m/s。运用Fluent数值模拟方法,分离室入口处风速分别设定为3.5、4.0、4.5、5.0 m/s时,对关键分离区域的速度分布进行了数值仿真。结果表明:入口速度为4.0 m/s时,分布在0.8~2.6 m/s范围内速度值所占的比例分别为85%~86%,籽棉最不容易被带出。然后利用试验方法对仿真结果进行了验证,结果表明:模拟值与实测值差异较小。该研究为籽棉残膜分离机的优化设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

葛玲  王新  张亚楠 《土壤》2022,54(6):1093-1100
新烟碱类杀虫剂是合成的具有较强杀虫能力的类烟碱衍生物,其已经发展成为世界上使用最广泛的一类杀虫剂。在过去的20年里,新烟碱类杀虫剂的环境残留由于大规模的应用而急剧增加。因此探究有效的新烟碱类杀虫剂的降解方法势在必行。新烟碱类杀虫剂的光解和水解及降解途径已有报道。与化学方法相比,生物修复是一种经济、环保的处理农药污染环境的方法。然而,关于微生物降解新烟碱类杀虫剂及其代谢途径和降解机制的研究较少。因此,本文就新烟碱类杀虫剂的化学和微生物降解及其降解机制进行综述,并对微生物降解新烟碱杀虫剂未来的研究重点和方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

建立了包含"水"和"底泥"两相的水蚤毒性测试系统(水相为全人工培养液,"底泥"为OECD配方标准化人工土),并通过该系统测得毒死蜱(chlorpyrifos)、氟虫腈(fipronil)、氰戊菊酯(fenvalerate)、氟氯氰菊酯(cyfluthrin)、联苯菊酯(bifenthrin)对大型溞(Daphnia magna)的急性毒性(48 h-LC50)分别为9.01、88.1、0.142、0.097 6、0.050 4μg.L-1。对比水相的急性毒性测定结果发现,在有底泥的条件下,所测得的联苯菊酯、氟氯氰菊酯、毒死蜱的大型溞毒性低于水相的测定结果,而氰戊菊酯、氟虫腈的毒性则比水相中的测定结果要高。研究结果反映出药剂和受试生物在"水-底泥"系统内相互作用的复杂性和难以预见性,从而在为相关农药生态安全评价提供科学依据的同时,为在更接近实际暴露状态下开展评价试验提供了一种简便有效的方法。  相似文献   

Wind erosion force vectors were computed from data of frequencyof occurrence of windspeed and direction based on the assumptionthat wind erosion is proportional to (windspeed)3× duration of exposure.The vertical distribution of eroded soil material wasmathematically described. The transition height betweensaltation and suspension could be identified and used tointegrate the two equations describing saltation and suspension.The soil avalanching process was studied by evaluating the horizontal changes of eroded soil material. The vertical andhorizontal distribution of eroded soil constituents, i.e.,particle size distribution, mean weight diameters, plantnutrients and heavy minerals content for selected wind stormswere also evaluated. Results revealed that soil constituents change considerably with the height and downwind distance.To assess the changes in soil properties due to wind erosion,surface soil samples were taken from the original eroded surfaceand from freshly accumulated drifts near the eroded field.Enrichment ratios were more than one for the fine fraction, organic matter, moisture retention, and chemical constituentsindicating a loss in their contents in the eroded field.  相似文献   


Cotton is an important cash crop grown on 2.5% of the world’s arable land in over 100 countries, and has a 31% share of the world’s fibre market. In Australia, cotton is also a leading crop and contributes around AUD $3 billion to the total agricultural production. Weeds are a major biotic constraint resulting in yield losses of up to 90% and revenue losses of around AUD $100 billion globally and $4 billion to Australian agriculture. Genetically-modified (GM) crops have refashioned the weed management with more dependency on glyphosate. Such overreliance has led to the evolution of 43 glyphosate-resistant (GR) weed populations globally, with 16 species reported from Australia. Such GR weeds along with volunteer glyphosate-tolerant (GT) plants are now decreasing the value of the GM crops and forcing growers to spend more time and effort, and investment in their management. Weed management strategies need to be diversified and integrated with non-chemical methods and alternative herbicides not only to achieve efficient control, but to reduce the rate of evolution of GR weeds. In future, research is needed to improve integrated weed management through development and use of competitive and multiple herbicide-tolerant (HT) crops, organic herbicides, bio-herbicides, RNAi technology and robotics.  相似文献   

Four soil profiles were selected to represent the heavy clay soils of alluvial and lacustrine origin. The locations studied had been subsoiled at least once during the year before the investigation. Field observations and laboratory analyses were carried out to ascertain the subsoiling effect on the soil profile properties. For further confirmation, soil penetration tests were performed on material from all the sites studied. The data revealed that subsoiling is not to be recommended in the Vertisols or the heavy clay soils adjacent to the northern Delta lakes of Egypt because these soils develop abundant natural cracks of 3–5 cm in width and 50–70 cm in depth. There are no impervious layers in the top 60 cm of the soils in the study area, and there is no evidence of soil compaction throughout the top 70 cm in all the sites studied.  相似文献   

The proposed method is used for determination of trace amounts of phosphate in water samples especially of Dakahlia Governorate. The recommended procedure is based on the formation of molydophosphoric acid which upon, selective reduction with the reducing agent oxalyldihydrazide produces a blue color due to the molybdenum blue. The intensity of the blue color is proportional to the amount of phosphate initially incorporated in the heteropoly acid. The resulting blue complex could be determined in the range of 2.25 to 22.46 μg P with molar absorptivity of 33418 L?1 mol?1 cm?1 at 880 nm. The reduction of phosphomolybdate complex by oxalyldihydrazide is chosen in the work and the result is compared with those obtained with the reducing agent potassium antimonyl tartrate, the reduction methods are frequently recommended for manual analysis of waters and wastes for P.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》1986,37(4):291-300
The recently discovered stands of wild barley Hordeum spontaneum L. in Wadi Habis, west of Mersa Matruh, probably make Wadi Habis the only known site of this species in the West Mediterranean region of Egypt. They are believed to be relicts of an earlier much wider occurrence in North Africa. Wild barley occurs along 800 m of the total length of the wadi. It is sparse in the lower and upper reaches and more abundant in the middle reaches of the wadi and its tributary. This can be attributed to deeper soils with high moisture content and the absence of human interference. The area is subjected at present to rapid development due to increased population pressure. The natural vegetation, including wild barley, is being ploughed under for cultivation of cereals and other crops. Protective measures should be urgently taken for the conservation of the natural habitat of wild barley in the middle reaches of Wadi Habis.  相似文献   

Mehanna (1976) estimated potential evapotranspiration (PE) for a number of stations in Egypt, using Penman's method with adjustment of the constants of the radiation term and the aerodynamic term, such that they would agree with measurements of radiation in Egypt and with estimations by Omar (1971a,b) of PE in a large field at Giza, to the southwest of Cairo. Measurements of PE were made at Bahtim, about 20 km to the north of Cairo, by evapotranspirometers.In the FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 24 on “Crop Water Requirements” (Doorenbos and Pruitt,1977) four methods were given for the calculation of PE; Blaney—Criddle, radiation, Penman (adjusted) and pan evaporation. It was considered that the Penman method was the most accurate of those given.The main features of comparison of the Mehanna and FAO's estimates of PE with measurements at Bahtim were that Mehanna, and three of the FAO's estimates (Blaney—Criddle, radiation and pan evaporation) are within ±10%0 of the measurements while the Penman estimate was 15% higher. An estimate of PE at Aswan was based on measurements of pan evaporation and estimates of evaporation from a large water surface at both Bahtim and Aswan, together with measurement of PE at Bahtim. The estimates by the methods of Mehanna, Blaney—Criddle, radiation and Penman lie in the limits 0—6% of the estimate based on measurements while the pan evaporation estimate is markedly lower. Comparison of the estimates at eight stations over Egypt shows that the Penman estimate is higher than the other estimates in Northern Egypt. The pan evaporation estimate is lower than the other estimates except at Bahtim where it is generally higher than Mehanna's and Blaney—Criddle's estimates. The low values of the pan evaporation estimates at Assuit and Aswan are remarkable.  相似文献   

Occurrence and distribution of organochlorine pesticides in the water of Lake Mariut, a brackish coastal Egyptian lake suffering from pollution, and their accumulation in the common fish Tilapia were studied. The major pesticides detected in the lake water were lindane, p,p′-DDE, o,p′-DDT, and p,p′-DDT. These compounds, except o,p′-DDT, were detected in the fish samples in exceedingly higher concentrations compared with those found in the lake water.  相似文献   

In Egypt, buffalo milk is much preferred by consumers over cow's milk, while small catfish and bolti fish are common in the diet of farmers. Samples of buffalo milk, catfish, and bolti fish collected from Beni-Suef Governorate (Upper Egypt) were analyzed for organochlorines and polychlorinated biphenyls. The results obtained by gas chromatography and confirmed by thin-layer chromatographic techniques revealed high amounts of organochlorines in milk; residues were lower but occurred more frequently in fish samples. Pesticide contaminants found most often were HCH isomers including lindane, DDT complex, aldrin and dieldrin, heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide, hexachlorobenzene, and oxychlordane. Polychlorinated biphenyls were not detected in any of the analyzed samples.  相似文献   

The occurrence and characterization of N2-fixing azospirilla in some Egyptian soils has been investigated. Seven soils, representing a wide range in texture and properties were selected from different localities in Egypt. The highest nitrogenase activity reported for soil samples under investigation were related to numbers of N2-fixing microorganisms (Azotobacter spp., Azospirillum spp., and Clostridium spp.). Seven strains of azospirilla were isolated and purified. Based on morphological characteristics, three types of cell morphology were distinguished. Cultural and physiological characteristics as well as nitrogenase activity of representative isolates in presence of different concentrations of NaCl were determined. According to the physiological properties studied, all isolates were classified as members of Azospirillum brasilense.  相似文献   

研究长期棉花秸秆还田与施有机肥对土壤特性和棉花产量的影响,为黄河流域棉区增强土壤肥力、提高产量提供依据。以12年定位试验为平台,研究棉花秸秆还田配施发酵鸡粪对土壤结构、肥力和产量的影响。试验设4个处理:氮磷化肥+棉花秸秆清茬(NP)为对照、氮磷化肥+棉花秸秆还田(NPS)、氮磷化肥+棉花秸秆清  相似文献   

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