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本文从经济、生态和人及人类社会3个方面阐述了外来有害生物的风险;根据国际标准中制订的有害生物风险分析流程,定性地描述了有害生物风险分析的方法;并从入侵种特性研究、适生区预测研究和风险分析模型3个方面阐述了有关有害生物风险分析的理论研究进展,这些理论研究有助于为有害生物风险定量分析提供科学依据。 相似文献
农业外来生物入侵种研究现状与发展趋势 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
目前国际上对外来生物入侵种的研究主要在个体水平上研究外来种对新环境的进化与适应,本地种对生物入侵后发生的进化调整;种群和群落水平上研究外来种的定居、潜伏、竞争和暴发;生态系统水平上研究生境的可入侵性和外来种对生态系统结构和功能的影响等几个方面。风险分析标准化与定量化、检疫鉴定快速化、除害技术安全化、信息管理全球化是全世界对外来物种入侵管理与科研的焦点问题。本文依据外来物种入侵的形成和扩散暴发过程,提出了超前预防和综合管理等未来需要解决的关键问题。 相似文献
S. Brunel E. Branquart G. Fried J. Van Valkenburg G. Brundu U. Starfinger S. Buholzer A. Uludag M. Joseffson R. Baker 《EPPO Bulletin》2010,40(3):407-422
Although invasive alien plants are gaining increased attention within EPPO countries, there is no existing widely agreed method to identify those alien plants that are considered invasive and represent the highest priority for pest risk analysis. In the framework of the ad hoc Panel on Invasive Alien Species, EPPO proposes a prioritization process for invasive alien plants designed (i) to produce a list of invasive alien plants that are established or could potentially establish in the EPPO region and (ii) to determine which of these have the highest priority for an EPPO pest risk analysis. The process consists of compiling available information on alien plants according to pre‐determined criteria, and can be run at the EPPO region level, or at a country or local area level. These criteria examine whether the species is alien in the area under study, and whether it is established or not. The criteria used primarily rely on observations in the EPPO region but, if the species is not established, the invasive behaviour of the species in other countries should be investigated, as well as the suitability of the ecoclimatic conditions in the area under consideration. The spread potential, the potential negative impacts on native species, habitats and ecosystems, as well as on agriculture, horticulture or forestry are considered. If the species qualifies as an invasive alien plant of major concern through this first set of questions, the process then investigates the efficiency of international measures (to be justified through a pest risk analysis) to prevent the entry and spread of the species. The second set of questions are designed to determine whether the species is internationally traded or enters new countries through international pathways for which the risk of introduction is superior to natural spread, and whether the species still has a significant suitable area for further spread. If used by several EPPO countries, this prioritization process represents an opportunity to provide consistent country lists of invasive alien plant species, as well as a tool for dialogue and exchange of information. 相似文献
A major step in tackling invasive alien plants consists of identifying those species that represent a future threat to managed and unmanaged habitats. The European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization reviews and organizes data on alien plants in order to build an early warning system. A prioritization system is being developed to select species that represent emerging threats and require the most urgent pest risk analysis to implement preventive measures and to perform eradication and management measures. Attention has been drawn to the Mediterranean Basin which is particularly vulnerable because its climatic conditions potentially allow the establishment of sub‐tropical and tropical species. Surveys and rapid assessments of spread and impact have allowed identification of emerging invasive alien plants for Mediterranean countries: Alternanthera philoxeroides (Amaranthaceae), Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Asteraceae), Baccharis halimifolia (Asteraceae), Cortaderia selloana (Poaceae), Eichhornia crassipes (Pontederiaceae), Fallopia baldschuanica (Polygonaceae), Hakea sericea (Proteaceae), Humulus japonicus (Cannabaceae), Ludwigia grandiflora and L. peploides (Onagraceae), Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae), Microstegium vimineum (Poaceae), Myriophyllum heterophyllum (Haloragaceae), Pennisetum setaceum (Poaceae), Pistia stratiotes (Araceae), Salvinia molesta (Salviniaceae), Solanum elaeagnifolium (Solanaceae). These species represent priorities for action. Some other species are placed on the observation list, as available information does not allow them to be counted among the worst threats: Akebia quinata (Lardizabalaceae), Araujia sericifera (Apocynaceae), Delairea odorata (Asteraceae), Cabomba caroliniana (Cabombaceae), Nassella neesiana, N. tenuissima and N. trichotoma (Poaceae), Sesbania punicea (Fabaceae), and Verbesina encelioides (Asteraceae). 相似文献
外来入侵种互花米草的研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为促淤护滩,互花米草从北美引入我国,为我国沿海地区带来巨大的经济效益,但对环境也造成了很大影响。本文从互花米草生物学特性、对环境影响和防治措施三个方面对国内已开展研究进行分析总结,提出了今后的研究重点,以期更加科学合理地利用互花米草。 相似文献
河南新乡外来植物分布动态调查及其危害性评估 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为明确河南新乡外来入侵植物的动态变化及其危害性,近年来跟踪调查了新乡外来入侵植物的种类和分布情况,筛选出近5年来(2006-2010年)在新乡新发现的外来植物,并结合相关研究结果,评估其在新乡的入侵风险。结果表明,2005年,河南新乡有58种外来入侵植物,2006-2010年间,调查发现4种新入侵的外来植物,其中菊科植物3种,茄科植物1种。这4种外来入侵植物中,苏门白酒草的入侵风险最高,黄顶菊正处于扩张期,胜红蓟未发现野外定殖群落,假酸浆危害潜力较小。 相似文献
Turkey is one of the richest areas in the middle latitudes in terms of plant diversity. It has approximately 12 000 plant species and a great number of new species are being added each year. However, invasive alien species have not yet been fully considered in Turkey and only two plant species are in Turkey's quarantine list (Arceuthobium spp. and Eichhornia crassipes). EPPO is an intergovernmental organization responsible for cooperation in plant protection in the European and Mediterranean region and maintains the A1 and A2 Lists of pests recommended for regulation (A1 species are absent from the EPPO region, A2 species are present but of limited distribution), the List of Invasive Alien Plants, the Observation List of invasive alien plants and the Alert List. Eichhornia crassipes, Heracleum persicum, Heracleum sosnowskyi, Ludwigia peploides, Polygonum perfoliatum and Solanum elaeagnifolium are among the species which were recorded in Turkey and are included in the EPPO A2 List. Species recorded in the EPPO List of invasive alien plants which are present in Turkey are: Acroptilon repens, Ailanthus altissima, Ambrosia artemisiifolia (= A. elatior), Carpobrotus edulis, Cortaderia selloana, Cyperus esculentus, Paspalum distichum (= P. paspalodes), Oxalis pes‐caprae and Sicyos angulatus. Azolla filiculoides and Rhododendron ponticum are listed in the EPPO Observation List of Invasive alien plants and Miscanthus sinensis, listed in the EPPO Alert List, are also recorded in the Turkish flora. 相似文献
几种入侵植物造纸指标的初步评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为筛选出可作为造纸原料的外来入侵植物,分别采集小花山桃草、水花生、水葫芦、黄顶菊、三裂叶豚草、一年蓬和律草等,按照国家标准进行水分、灰分、粗纤维、热水抽出物、乙醚抽出物、1%NaOH抽出物、聚戊糖、酸不溶木质素、酸溶木质素含量8种成分含量的测定,并与其他几种造纸植物进行比较.结果表明,小花山桃草各项指标基本符合造纸要求;一年蓬除木质素含量偏高外,其他指标较理想;蓓荜、黄顶菊和豚草各有优劣,但其种群分布范围广、集中分布量大,可与其他原料配合,扬长避短,合理利用.水花生、水葫芦的纤维含量较低,不适宜造纸. 相似文献
外来入侵植物防治的首要任务是准确识别入侵植物种类, 然而外来入侵植物种类繁多, 存在类间同质和类内异质现象, 给技术人员甄别与防治外来入侵植物带来了挑战。为了准确、实时和高效地识别外来入侵植物, 本文提出基于改进MobileNet的轻量级外来入侵植物图像识别模型(MobileNet-LW)。以专业人员鉴定得到的113种 11 628幅外来入侵植物图像作为研究对象, 并按照6∶2∶2的比例划分训练集、验证集和测试集。通过Retinex、旋转和高斯噪声等方法对图像进行数据增强。为了减少类间同质现象对模型误检的影响, 在模型MobileNet基础上添加了SE通道注意力机制和深度连接注意力网络, 提高网络对关键特征的提取能力。为了降低模型计算消耗和内存消耗, 采用通道剪枝方法对网络瘦身;为了弥补剪枝后造成模型准确率降低, 采用教师网络-助教网络-学生网络的形式对剪枝后的网络进行知识蒸馏, 学生网络通过软知识的学习来提高识别外来入侵植物的准确率。通过消融试验测试模型的性能, 利用平均准确率、平均召回率和平均F1值3个评价指标, 对现阶段经典模型与改进后模型MobileNet-LW所获得的识别结果进行评价。消融试验结果显示, 在相同数据集条件下, 所有改进点对模型的性能都有所提升, 且改进后算法在外来入侵植物图像识别中准确率提高了5.4百分点, 模型参数量减少了约53%;模型对比试验表明, EfficentNet、DBTNet、ResNet-101、ConvNext和MobileNet-LW 5个模型平均准确率分别为72.3%、74.9%、76.1%、79.7%和86.1%, 表明改进后的网络提高了外来入侵植物的识别准确率。基于改进MobileNet的轻量级外来入侵植物识别模型对113种外来入侵植物识别具有较高的准确率, 且模型具有轻量化特点。 相似文献
R. H. A. Baker A. Battisti J. Bremmer M. Kenis J. Mumford F. Petter G. Schrader S. Bacher P. De Barro P. E. Hulme O. Karadjova A. O. Lansink O. Pruvost P. Pyek A. Roques Y. Baranchikov J.-H. Sun 《EPPO Bulletin》2009,39(1):87-93
PRATIQUE is an EC-funded 7th Framework research project designed to address the major challenges for pest risk analysis (PRA) in Europe. It has three principal objectives: (a) to assemble the datasets required to construct PRAs valid for the whole of the EU, (b) to conduct multi-disciplinary research that enhances the techniques used in PRA and (c) to provide a decision support scheme for PRA that is efficient and user-friendly. The research will be undertaken by scientists from 13 institutes in the EU and one each from Australia and New Zealand with subcontractors from institutes in China and Russia. They will produce a structured inventory of PRA datasets for the EU and undertake targeted research to improve existing procedures and develop new methods for (a) the assessment of economic, environmental and social impacts, (b) summarising risk while taking account of uncertainty, (c) mapping endangered areas (d) pathway risk analysis and systems approaches and (e) guiding actions during emergencies caused by outbreaks of harmful organisms. The results will be tested and provided as protocols, decision support systems and computer programs with examples of best practice linked to a computerised European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) PRA scheme. 相似文献
我国是遭受外来入侵生物危害最严重的国家之一?目前国内对外来入侵植物的鉴定主要依靠调查人员的经验和专家的人工识别, 存在费时费力和主观性强的问题?针对上述问题, 本文在Android环境下开发了一个实时便捷的外来入侵植物智能识别系统, 由移动客户端APP?云服务器和基于深度学习的外来入侵植物识别模型组成?调查者可以通过手机客户端APP拍摄植物图像, 上传至云服务器, 识别模型会自动识别图像上的植物, 识别结果和防治信息在1~2 s内反馈至用户客户端, 还可以远程请求专家鉴定?该系统对35科135种入侵植物的平均识别率达到85.3%?基于Android的外来入侵植物智能识别系统实现了中国常见入侵植物信息查询?自动识别?入侵植物采集点地图显示和专家远程鉴定等功能, 为野外调查人员提供了一个便捷准确的外来入侵植物自动识别和调查工具? 相似文献
为支撑西藏外来植物入侵风险分析、监测和防治工作,通过CABI Invasive Species Compen‐dium(CABI-ISC)数据库、中国知网、《中国外来植物数据集》和《中国外来入侵生物》4个数据源获取西藏外来入侵植物的基础数据,对其进行多源数据融合,并对融合后数据进行分析。研究表明,多源数据融合后西藏外来入侵植物有313种,有多个物种被不同数据源同时关注;在4个数据源中,大部分物种数据均为各数据源独有物种,少量为共有物种,未发现在所有数据源中都存在的物种。通过对西藏外来入侵植物分布数据的多源融合,有利于集中数据的优势,扩大数据的使用范围,提高外来入侵物种风险分析的精度,为政策制订提供基础信息。 相似文献
为了全面摸清长沙地区典型生境中外来入侵植物的种类构成、区系组成,为保护长沙地区本地生态系统,防止外来植物的入侵危害提供决策依据,以长沙市9种土地利用类型、22种生境类型为调查对象,采取标准样地法、样方法、样线法进行外来入侵植物实地调查,通过文献资料对调查物种进行了补充。调查结果表明,长沙地区有外来入侵植物116种,隶属38科83属,其中菊科(29种)、豆科(12种)及苋科(11种)为优势科,占物种总数的44.83%;种类最多的属为苋属(5种)和大戟属(5种)。原产地分析结果表明,81种外来入侵植物来自美洲地区,占物种总数的69.83%。从入侵等级来看,处于恶性入侵种(1级)、严重入侵种(2级)、局部入侵种(3级)的物种数分别为21、24、14种。植物区系分析结果显示,长沙地区外来入侵植物科的主要分布类型为世界广布、泛热带分布;属的主要分布类型依次为泛热带分布、世界分布、东亚(热带、亚热带)及热带南美间断分布、北温带分布。 相似文献