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A comparative study of 2 protection strategies against Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) in open field tomato crops was performed. The first strategy used Integrated Pest Management (IPM) through mass trapping, release of Nesidiocoris tenuis and rational use of compatible insecticides. The second strategy was based on conventional use of synthetic insecticides (9 treatments). This study revealed at the end of the culture a 20% infestation rate of leaves in the IPM cropping system versus 98% in the conventional cropping system. The infestation rate of fruit was 18.2% in the IPM cropping system versus 46.8% with the conventional one.  相似文献   

The tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) was first identified in the region of Akkouda in October 2008 before it spread to all tomato‐producing areas in Tunisia. The introduction of this pest disturbed existing pest control programmes in greenhouses and open fields, forcing Tunisian growers to use more chemicals to reduce its impact on their crops. A national programme was adopted to control T. absoluta, including cultural practices, the use of pheromones, the installation of insect‐proof screens in greenhouses, and the use of organic insecticides including Bacillus thuringiensis Kurstaki (Bt) and plant extract‐based products. In addition, a few experiments in biological control, using the predatory Mirid Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter (Heteroptera: Miridae) and the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma cacoeciae Marchal (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), were conducted in greenhouses and open‐field crops (producing tomatoes for fresh consumption as well as for processing). This paper describes the status of T. absoluta in Tunisia, including data collected from sex pheromone traps installed in six tomato‐producing areas (Takelssa, Korba, Teboulba, Bekalta, Sousse and Kairouan) between 2009 and 2011, and control strategies in greenhouses and open fields.  相似文献   

An experimental trial of integrated pest management against Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) based on mass trapping with a density of 32 traps per hectare was conducted in a 5 ha open‐field tomato crop. During this trial, the efficiency of three brands of sex pheromone dispenser commercialized in Tunisia was tested. The ‘superdosed’ pheromone lure type TUA‐Optima® (Russell IPM, Deeside, Flintshire, CH5 2LA, United Kingdom) loaded with 0.8 mg of synthetic pheromone was more attractive to males of T. absoluta, and these lures should be used with high populations. Standard lures Pherodis® and TUA‐500® containing 0.5 mg of pheromone were less attractive, and can be used in open‐field tomato crops with lower populations of T. absoluta. An assessment of the susceptibility of crop borders to T. absoluta, based on data collected from traps, revealed that levels of adult T. absoluta were similar between borders with either tomato or cereal crops. Particular attention should thus be paid to crop borders even when not adjacent to other tomato crops.  相似文献   

The South American tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), is a major threat to tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) crops. After its first detection in Spain in 2006, it spread rapidly through the Western Palaearctic region, arriving in Tunisia 2 years later. The aim of this research was to assess whether generalist indigenous parasitoids are adapting to this exotic host in Tunisian tomato crops. For this, we conducted a survey in four Tunisian tomato-growing areas by sampling infested leaves of tomato and solanaceous weeds and exposing artificially infested sentinel plants. Two ectoparasitoid species were found attacking and developing on T. absoluta: Bracon sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Necremnus sp. nr artynes (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), whereas no egg or pupal parasitoids were found. The eulophid wasp was the most abundant with a peak of apparent parasitism rate of 25.5%. It emerged from parasitized T. absoluta young larvae in exposed sentinel plants and in sampled infested tomato leaves, both in greenhouse and open field cultivations. Bracon sp. showed a gregarious development on T. absoluta mature larvae and it was collected only on sentinel plants exposed in the Ragueda (Kiarouan) site, with 10.23% of estimated parasitism. Although further research is still needed to assess properly the ecological role of these parasitoids in the biological control of T. absoluta, this study represents the first step toward establishing the scientific basis for including these parasitoids in the Tunisian IPM and biological programs against this pest.  相似文献   

This short note reports the first record of the tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in Kyrgyzstan. This pest was found in February 2017 in greenhouses producing tomatoes, located 15 km from Bishkek. Identification of the pest was carried out in the Plant Protection Department, Çukurova University, Turkey based on the morphology of adults and larvae and the male genitalia. According to initial surveys this pest could be a major threat to tomato production in Kyrgyzstan.  相似文献   

An outbreak of larvae and adults of a devastating moth was noted to be causing severe damage in tomato grown in greenhouses at Khartoum State, Sudan during June 2010. Symptoms included foliage mining and leaves drying. Photographs of symptoms and larvae and adults of the pest (and subsequently specimens) were sent to Russell IPM, UK and the Finnish Museum of Natural History for identification. The pest was identified as Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). This is the first official record of T. absoluta in Sudan, based on surveys in tomato production areas in Khartoum, Gezira, Red Sea and North Kordofan States and eggplant and potato in Khartoum State. Severe yield loss due to the serious feeding damage on foliage and fruits infestation was reported on tomato and eggplant fields at Khartoum State.  相似文献   

Tuta absoluta is a pest from South America which has been detected in many European and Mediterranean countries since 2006. It was identified in Corsica and the South of France in late 2008, and by 2010 this Lepidopteran species had spread to further tomato‐production areas. The pest is present mainly on tomatoes in protected and field crops, and damage on leaves and fruit can be so severe that it can lead to total destruction of the plant. Since 2010, studies have been carried out in experimental insect‐proof glasshouses with artificial infestations of the pest. The objective was to gain better knowledge of this emergent pest and to develop adapted control strategies under the conditions of the South‐East of France. Integrated pest management is widely used on tomato crops in France, and the predator Macrolophus pygmaeus and the parasitoid Trichogramma achaeae were studied, alone and in combination. The possible effect of the concurrent prey Trialeurodes vaporariorum on the impact of the predator on T. absoluta was also studied. The best results were obtained when the two beneficials were released in combination, even in the presence of whiteflies T. vaporariorum.  相似文献   

为提高番茄潜叶蛾的监测与防控效率,在樱桃番茄生产温棚开展了双色地膜土栽、地砖托盘盆栽、地砖盆栽、地布盆栽4种栽培方式下番茄潜叶蛾对化蛹场所的选择性研究。依据栽培方式,调查了12种可能的化蛹场所。结果表明,番茄的栽培方式不同,番茄潜叶蛾的化蛹场所亦有明显变化。双色地膜土栽方式下,6种场所的总计平均化蛹数量和化蛹数量占比中,地膜覆盖土显著高于其他场所,依次为地膜覆盖土>种植孔周边和茎秆>叶片;叶柄和果实上未观察到有幼虫化蛹。地砖托盘盆栽方式下,9种场所的总计平均化蛹数量中,花盆托盘底部和花盆翻边显著多于花盆盆底,其他场所未观察到有幼虫化蛹;化蛹数量占比中,花盆托盘底部显著高于其他场所,依次为花盆托盘底部>花盆翻边>花盆盆底。地砖盆栽方式下,8种场所的总计平均化蛹数量中,地砖缝隙和花盆翻边显著多于花盆盆底,其他场所未观察到有幼虫化蛹;化蛹数量占比中,地砖缝隙显著高于花盆翻边和花盆盆底。地布盆栽方式下,8种场所的总计平均化蛹数量和化蛹数量占比中,花盆盆底显著高于其他场所,依次为花盆盆底>花盆翻边>地布表面,其他场所未观察到幼虫化蛹。双色地膜土栽方式下4种化蛹...  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from a survey that was carried out to determine the host plants of tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in five States in Sudan. This survey was carried out in greenhouses and open‐field vegetable production areas between the years 2011 and 2014 using pheromone traps. The survey showed that the main host plant of T. absoluta is tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), but it also attacks potato (Solanum tuberosum), eggplant (S. melongena) Jimson weed (Datura stramonium) and S. dubium in the family Solanaceae, and broad bean (Vicia faba) and alfalfa plant (Medicago sativa) in the family Fabaceae. This paper is the first record of the following plans being hosts for T. absoluta: Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) in the family Cucurbitaceae, Physic nut (Jatropha curcas) in the family Euphorbiaceae, spiny amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus) in the family Amaranthaceae, Ramtouk (Xanthium brasilicum) in the family Asteraceae and S. dubium. The study showed that the leafminer male numbers and the symptoms were significantly increased in S. melongena and S. dubium after severe damage and complete loss of the main host, the tomato crop and these two species may be the preferred alternative host plants.  相似文献   

The tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), was recorded in Crete (Greece) for the first time in June 2009. The species was subsequently identified in various geographically distant regions in Crete, Peloponnesus and Western Greece. Damage has been reported in tomato and aubergine greenhouse crops as well as in open field tomato crops. In two cases, infestations of the indigenous lepidopteran species Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) erroneously alarmed farmers and local agronomists, as symptoms caused by the two species on tomato leaves and fruits are identical macroscopically. In collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development and Food an official survey is under way to accurately define the extent of the T. absoluta distribution in the country, while constructing the basis for integrated management of the pest.  相似文献   

The introduction of Tuta absoluta in Sardinia (Italy) has caused an important increase in the number of insecticide treatments applied for pest management on greenhouse tomatoes, thus raising growers' demand for alternative control options. To evaluate the efficacy of releasing two specimens of Macrolophus pygmaeus or Nesidiocoris tenuis per m2 for the control of tomato borer infestations, an investigation was conducted under field conditions between August 2010 and July 2011. The tests were carried out on 18 commercial greenhouse crops. Fifteen other greenhouses, where no biocontrol agents were released, were also surveyed as controls. The release of the mirid bugs resulted in poor population growth of predators, which reached a peak density of 1.79 individuals per plant. In approximately half of the cases, this was caused by the application of pesticides (usually abamectin and oxamyl) which are highly toxic to the predatory mirids. However, even in crops where only products regarded as harmless to beneficials were used (e.g. Bacillus thuringiensis‐based insecticides), both M. pygmaeus and N. tenuis failed to achieve the levels necessary for effective pest control. Presumably factors other than pesticide‐related mortality contributed significantly to delaying mirid population build‐up. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the feasibility of improving the efficacy of releases of the predatory mirids by the implementation of measures that may contribute to enhancing the establishment of these beneficials on tomato crops.  相似文献   

Tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta was detected for the first time in Montenegro using pheromone traps in the middle of July 2010, in greenhouses in one location at the Montenegrin sea coast. In the period from the end of July to the first week of August, moths were captured in pheromone traps from other locations along the sea coast and surroundings of the city of Podgorica. According to the survey carried out by the authors from July to September 2010, T. absoluta was present in greenhouses in all tomato‐producing areas, while outdoors it was found only in the coastal area. Monitoring of T. absoluta continued in 2011. Pheromone traps were set up in five locations in the main tomato‐producing areas, both in greenhouses and outdoors, between 4 and 15 May. The first captured moths were detected after 7–15 days in all inspected locations, and captures continued until the end of September. According to the number of captured moths and the damage observed, it can be concluded that the population level in 2011 was lower in comparison with 2010, when up to 100% losses were detected in tomato crops in several locations. In 2011, tomato producers were already being informed about the pest and means of control, so most of them applied cultural and chemical control measures.  相似文献   


The leafminer Scrobipalpula absoluta Meyr. is a serious pest of tomatoes in the Los Valles region of the eastern foothills of the Bolivian Andes. An initial insecticide screening trial showed that the local population of S. absoluta had developed a high resistance to organophosphorous insecticides. Soil‐applied carbamates and Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner were also ineffective. Further trials were carried out to establish the optimum rates and timing of applications of two synthetic pyrethroids, fenvalerate and permethrin. The results showed that organophosphate‐resistant S. absoluta can be satisfactorily controlled under commercial growing conditions with tow doses of pyrethroid insecticides. Permethrin had greater toxicity and persistence than fenvalerate, and could be applied at longer intervals. It is recommended that permethrin, either as Ambush 50 e.c. at 100 ml/ha or as Pounce 30 e.c. at 170 ml/ha, be applied weekly or at 10–14‐day intervals at the beginning of the season or when infestations and damage are light.  相似文献   

This study to detect Tuta absoluta was carried out at four sites in western Burundi from March to July 2018. Delta traps containing Tutrack pheromone and sticky paper were installed in tomato fields at 40 cm from the ground. Sample collection was carried out twice a week. The results confirmed the presence of T. absoluta in Burundi. Effective pest control is required to avoid heavy losses on tomato production.  相似文献   



Host plant resistance plays an important role in integrated pest management programs. Crop resistance assessments commonly focus on only a single dependent variable, such as larval survival/plant damage, which limits the ability to appreciate the impact of host plants on pest populations in the full sense. Therefore, we performed life-table analyses for tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta, on 19 Solanum lycopersicum genotypes and a wild Solanum habrochaites accession. These analyses assess the ability of the pest to attain a high population density on different tomato genotypes. Based on the resulting ranking of tomato resistance at the vegetative stage (45-day-old plants), we tested the resistance of six selected genotypes at the reproductive stage (4-month-old plants).


T. absoluta performance was significantly inferior on vegetative-stage S. habrochaites plants (LA 1777); time taken for the first instars to mine the leaves (5 ± 0.14 days), development time of early- and late-stage larvae (8.8 ± 0.2 and 4.2 ± 0.2 days, respectively), pupal period (11.2 ± 0.58 days), and total developmental time (29.4 ± 0.83 days) were significantly longer, fecundity was significantly lower (18.66 ± 7.24 days), and the highest total mortality (63.33%) also recorded compared with other genotypes, resulting in the lowest net reproductive rate (R0) (11.20 ± 2.51). For the six selected genotypes, the ranking of plant resistance did not change between plants at the vegetative and reproductive stages.


This study suggested that of 20 screened tomato genotypes, LA 1777 and EC-620343 are the least suitable hosts for T. absoluta to establish fast-growing populations, and thus can be employed in integrated T. absoluta management. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

南美番茄潜叶蛾Tuta absoluta (Meyrick)是新近传入我国的一种外来入侵害虫, 正威胁我国番茄产业, 为提高其监测和诱捕效率, 本研究采用化学生态学技术方法, 以不同性诱芯的诱蛾量占比、诱蛾量占比稳定性、诱蛾数量、性价比等为评价指标, 在鲜食番茄生产温棚开展了4种性信息素产品对该种害虫的诱蛾效果比较研究。结果显示, 来自青岛罗素生物技术有限公司(RS)、北京水光科技有限公司(SG)、北京中捷四方生物科技股份有限公司(ZJ)和中国科学院动物研究所(ZK)等4家单位/公司性信息素产品的专一性均比较强, 且对南美番茄潜叶蛾雄性成虫均有明显的引诱效果。田间诱蛾试验期间, 4种性诱芯95 d共计诱集成虫40 186头, 各种诱芯依次诱蛾量SG为11 100头、RS为10 771头、ZK为9 952头、ZJ为8 363头; 不同性诱芯诱蛾量占比中, RS显著高于其他3种性诱芯, 依次为RS>SG和ZK>ZJ, 差异明显; 逐日诱蛾量中, RS和SG比较高, 依次为RS和SG>ZK>ZJ, 差异显著; 性价比中, ZK明显高于其他3种性诱芯。诱蛾效果综合评价分析结果表明, ZK>RS>ZJ>SG。4种性诱芯均具有良好的田间应用效果。研究结果对新发南美番茄潜叶蛾监测与防控体系的构建和实施具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tropical plants are recognised sources of bioactive compounds that can be used for pest control. The objective of this study was to evaluate the biological activity of compounds present in Acmella oleracea (Asteracea) against Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), which is the main pest of tomato crops in Latin America. The selectivity of these compounds to the predator Solenopsis saevissima (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and to the pollinator Tetragonisca angustula (Latr.) (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponinae) was also of interest. RESULTS: A bioassay screening with hexane and ethanol extracts from 23 plants was performed. The hexane extract of A. oleraceae was the most active of the extracts and was selected for further study. The following three alkamides were isolated from a hexane extract of the aerial parts of A. oleracea : spilanthol, (E)‐N‐isobutylundeca‐2‐en‐8,10‐diynamide and (R, E)‐N‐(2‐methylbutyl)undeca‐2‐en‐8,10‐diynamide. All of the isolated compounds showed insecticidal activity, with spilanthol being the most active (LD50 = 0.13 µg mg?1) against T. absoluta . The alkamides were selective to both beneficial species studied. CONCLUSION: The crude hexane extract of A. oleraceae showed high insecticidal activity and can be used to control T. absoluta in organic or conventional crops. Quantification of LD50 values of isolated compounds against T. absoluta showed that alkamides could serve as potent insecticides for T. absoluta control programmes. Spilanthol was the main alkamide active isolated. This alkamide is the most promising as it has the highest insecticidal activity and is selective to non‐target organisms. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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