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A study was conducted in central highland Ethiopia to: (1) assess the financial feasibility and relative financial attractiveness of three agroforestry practices (small-scale woodlot, homestead tree and shrub growing and boundary tree and shrub growing); (2) evaluate the impacts of implementation of these land uses on farm households income and (3) identify the constraints for the implementation and expansion of the agroforestry practices. Then, 82 different land uses (21 small-scale woodlots, 35 homesteads and 26 boundary plantings) which were older than 15 years and established by the current owner were selected for the financial analysis. The input and output data were filled in a data sheet by face-to-face interview with the owners. The results showed that small-scale woodlot is the most profitable agroforestry practice followed by boundary plantings and homesteads. An ex-ante analysis of implementing the agroforestry practices showed that with minimum land area allocated for the practices, a household can generate net discounted revenues ranging from 5,908 to 26,021 Ethiopian Birr (532–2,342 USD) in 15 years at 10 % interest rate. Hence, the expansion of such agroforestry practices has a vital effect on farm household’s income. Lack of proper planning and poor in-depth understanding about roles of trees and shrubs for household’s income, land and seedling shortage, financial constraints and labor scarcity were identified as major problems for the expansion of agroforestry practices in the area. A thorough extension service comprising both efficient land resources utilization and proper planning practices could enhance the expansion of agroforestry practices and thereby positively influence the farmer’s livelihood.  相似文献   

The Homestead agroforestry system is very important in the economy of Bangladesh. The many woody species grown in the homesteads are a significant source of fuelwood; they also provide fodder, building materials and other forms of wood. In the context of the prevailing shortage of fuelwood and excessive deforestation in Bangladesh, this homestead agroforestry system needs to be strengthened. A field survey was undertaken to assess the prospects and feasibility of initiating a programme for the improvement of homestead agroforestry systems. It showed that the prospects for improving homestead agroforestry systems are good because most respondents own their homesteads and believe there is room for more trees on them. Although they know that raising trees is relatively difficult and requires special practices, they are familiar with the government nurseries and local agricultural extension officers, and are confident about the success of the programme. Results also indicate that multipurpose trees and specific modules for involving women in the farm operations are likely to enhance success of the programme.  相似文献   

Agroforestry has been advocated as a means of managing excess water that has accumulated in the agricultural landscape of southern Australia since clearing of native vegetation. This article examines the feasibility and profitability of agroforestry systems designed to manage rising, saline watertables. A framework for Australian conditions is described that considers the interactions between trees, crops and their below ground environment and how they influence water use, crop yield and profitability. Data is presented from a study of a commercial scale agroforestry system under ideal conditions where trees have access to a shallow fresh water table. The discussion is then broadened to encompass soil, relief and ground water conditions more typical of the southern Australian cropping zone. The relative merits of segregating, integrating and rotating trees with crops are then examined. It is concluded that, in most cases, trees would need to be widely dispersed over a significant proportion of the landscape to manage deep drainage and salinity. Agroforestry is therefore only likely to be an effective solution to water management where trees can compete directly on commercial terms with conventional agriculture. Given the generally low rates of biomass accumulation in semi-arid woody species, this presents a significant challenge for agroforestry in the cropping zone of southern Australia. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Walnut-fruit forests (WFF) in Kyrgyzstan are biodiversity hotspots, provide important ecosystem services, and are of economic value yet currently suffer from a lack of sustainable management. We analysed current agroforestry practices through a series of interviews with farmers and reviewed the input–output data for 5 years of hay and walnut production for three case studies. The interviews showed that hay-making and walnut collection are the primary agroforestry practices in the WFF and have clear economic importance. Walnut in particular is a source of additional income for farmers and hay-making activities are strongly influenced by the need to winter cattle in these regions. The low reliability of interview data limited the planned analysis of profitability of case studies. Walnut production, however, is difficult to calculate because it is highly dependent on weather conditions and cropping practices between walnut trees (Juglans regia L.). This study highlights the need for improved agroforestry technologies in the WFF and identifies potential means for a sustainable, multi-purpose management of the WFF with a special focus on income generation.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in Madhupur sal forest of Tangail, Bangladesh to identify the suitable agroforestry practices of the area. Considering the ecological aspects of different agroforestry practices 10 sample plots (10 m × 10 m) from each land uses were taken, including natural forest to get a comparative scenario. The study showed that among the different agroforestry practices, Margalef and Shannon-Weiner index values are the maximum for pineapple agroforestry and lower for banana agroforestry, and Evenness index value is the maximum for lemon agroforestry. Determination of tree biomass in different land uses revealed that it is highest (3 078.6 kg/100 m2) in natural forest followed by pineapple agroforestry, lemon agroforestry and banana agroforestry. Soil pH, moisture content, organic matter, organic carbon, phosphorus and total nitrogen showed statistically significant variation while bulk density, particle density, sulphur and potassium did not show any statistically significant variation among the land uses. Soil fertility status showed that pineapple agroforestry is more fertile than rest of other land uses. The Net Present Value (NPV) indicated that banana agroforestry is financially more profitable than other two systems, while the Benefit-Cost ratio (BCR) is higher in pineapple agroforestry (4.21 in participatory agroforestry and 3.35 in privately managed land). Even though banana agroforestry gives higher NPV, capital required for this practice is much higher. The findings suggest that pineapple agroforestry has a tendency towards becoming ecologically and economically more sound than other two practices as it has better ecological attributes and required comparatively low investment.  相似文献   

The Khasia ethnic community of Bangladesh has been a population of forest villagers in the north-eastern hill forests of Bangladesh since the early 1950s, practicing a betel leaf-based agroforestry system on land granted by the Forest Department. Taking a sample forest village of the Sylhet forest division as a case study, this article examines the sustainability attributes of betel leaf production in the agroforestry system. The presence of several positive attributes of sustainability including the composition of agroforestry, disease control, soil fertility management, profitability, socio-cultural acceptability and institutional support indicate that betel leaf production within the agroforestry system is stable under the prevailing traditional management system. Income from the sale of betel leaf is the principal livelihood means and villager’s reciprocal contributions help to conserve forest resources. However, problems with land ownership and regular agreement renewal need to be resolved for the sake of their livelihoods and forest conservation.
Tapan Kumar NathEmail:

The Dauphiné province in south-eastern France is a major area for walnut orchards. Growers manage their orchards with some specific agroforestry features: grafted walnut trees may be pruned to form a bottom log with a timber end use (dual purpose trees), and intercrops may be grown between the tree lines. These agroforestry practices are however only partially adopted. Three surveys were conducted in 1993, 1995 and 1996 to elicit the farmer motivations for adopting or rejecting agroforestry management features. The walnut industry is a key activity in two parts of Dauphiné: the Isère valley, and the Diois basin. The reasons for adoption of agroforestry practices are discussed. In the Isère valley, the priority is given to walnut production in specialised farms, and the extension services are opposed to agroforestry practices. In the dryer Diois area, the main explanations for agroforestry adoption were the welfare of the farmer family, the age of the farm manager, and the contribution of walnut production to the family income. Dual purpose management schemes were characterised by extended investment return delays, but proved to be the most rewarding schemes when practised with intercrops. A very extensive tree management with few pest control operations improved the profitability. Intensive orchards had a low bequest value at the time of inheritance, in contrast to dual-purpose orchards. The age of the farmer at planting time appeared to be a key criterion for agroforestry management adoption. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The use of land for intensive arable production in Europe is associated with a range of externalities that typically impose costs on third parties. The introduction of trees in arable systems can potentially be used to reduce these costs. This paper assesses the profitability and environmental externalities of a silvoarable agroforestry system, and compares this with the profitability and environmental externalities from an arable system and a forestry system. A silvoarable experimental plot of poplar trees planted in 1992 in Bedfordshire, Eastern England, was used as a case study. The Yield-SAFE model was used to simulate the growth and yields of the silvoarable, arable, and forestry land uses along with the associated environmental externalities, including carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas emissions, nitrogen and phosphorus surplus, and soil erosion losses by water. The Farm-SAFE model was then used to quantify the monetary value of these effects. The study assesses both the financial profitability from a farmer perspective and the economic benefit from a societal perspective. The arable option was the most financially profitable system followed by the silvoarable system and forestry. However, when the environmental externalities were included, silvoarable agroforestry provided the greatest benefit. This suggests that the appropriate integration of trees in arable land can provide greater well-being benefits to society overall, than arable farming without trees, or forestry systems on their own.  相似文献   

This work examines the contribution that an ethnographic methodology can make to gender-sensitive agroforestry research. Using a Gambian case study, diverse subsistence, commercial and socio-cultural roles of forest products are investigated and the gender-based similarities and differences in their uses are highlighted. An ethnographic approach is combined with political economy perspectives to illustrate how the significance of such products, particularly for women, has markedly increased during the past two decades, especially for commercial purposes, in response to changing environmental, economic and social circumstances. Environmental management practices are used by rural individuals to regulate forest resources. Although there is potential for formal management policy to build upon these indigenous practices, a detailed understanding of local human-environmental relationships is essential for any planning mechanism to succeed. Thus an enthnographic approach can make a positive contribution towards gender-sensitive agroforestry research and practice.  相似文献   

Agroforestry is a key land use in the development of ecological corridors in tropical rainforests biomes. This research tested the social dimensions of agroforestry adoption and maintenance in the Atlantic rainforest of Southern Bahia, Brazil. A quasi-experiment research design compared a group of farmers who participated in an agroforestry development program with a group of similar farmers who were not participants in the program. The effects of the program on the participants’ self-efficacy, attitudes and intentions to adopt or maintain agroforestry were tested. The effects of socio-economic factors and attitudes were also compared to self-efficacy in terms of farmers’ intentions to adopt or maintain agroforestry. Results indicate that the program neither raised nor lowered the farmers’ attitudes, self-efficacy or intentions to adopt or maintain agroforestry. However, multiple regression and logistic model analyses indicate that perceived behavioral control, attitudes about conservation and available labor contributed most significantly to farmers’ intentions to adopt or maintain agroforestry. Overall, perceived behavioral control proved to have the most significant correlation with farmers’ intentions to adopt or maintain agroforestry. Therefore, agroforestry development programs could benefit from focusing on farmers’ perceived control of certain behaviors to enhance the persistence of agroforestry practices.  相似文献   

In the United States, agroforestry adoption has lagged behind progress in agroforestry systems research. This study sought to facilitate the communication of landowner land management objectives, values, knowledge and perceptions of the barriers and benefits to agroforestry through applied social marketing research methods and market segmentation analysis. A mail survey instrument was sent to 250 members of the Pennsylvania Association of Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) and 250 members of Woodland Owner Associations (WOA). Current management objectives and production strategies, agroforestry awareness, agroforestry interest, and perceptions regarding the benefits and obstacles to agroforestry adoption were gauged. Market segmentation was performed with a two-step cluster analysis to produce four agroforestry adoption potential models: Timber-Related Practices, Livestock-Related Practices, Specialty Crop-Related Practices, and Non-Adopters. The analyses showed that agroforestry practices could satisfy specific land management objectives within diverse populations. The method effectively identified similarities in agroforestry adoption scenarios. Market segmentation could be utilised as a social marketing tool to guide future policy development, scientific research, and the efficacy and relevance of future agroforestry research and outreach programs. The next step in program development should include the creation of a statewide multidisciplinary team comprised of university, non-profit association and landowner representation, to develop agroforestry applications relevant to each cluster and promote the practices through landowner-led on-farm demonstrations and workshops.  相似文献   


Agroforestry is a sustainable land management system recognized worldwide but not implemented in a extensive form in temperate and developed countries. Agroforestry has been promoted in the last decades at global level as it provides more efficient and sustainable farming systems. This review aims at summarizing the main research findings explaining why agroforestry is a sustainable land management that fulfils and is affected by different Global, Pan-European and European policies as well as how innovation is currently fostered in Europe, therefore linking research, policy and innovation. This review specially targets researchers and policy makers working in integrated land systems. There is a global and European recognition of the role that agroforestry can play to provide products but also to deliver highly important ecosystem services. However, the promotion of agroforestry practices at European level is still not well addressed by the Common Agricultural Policy. The clear identification of agroforestry practices, the link of management plans to establish agroforestry pursuing a final eligible tree density for the Pillar I payments should be addressed as initial steps to foster agroforestry in Europe. There is a lack of knowledge transfer that promotes agroforestry at field level, which should be approached by using stakeholder integration within the policy development as it is currently done by the EIP-Agri.


The history of scientific forest management in Bangladesh datesback to the nineteenth century with defined forest policiesand laws. Due to various socio-economic and socio-politicalfactors, forest cover of the country reduced drastically andall such policy initiatives proved ineffective. Although traditionalforest management objectives covered a wide range from economicbenefit to ecological stability, these have never been attainedfully. Huge population and limited land area compelled policymakers to think about alternatives to traditional forest management.One alternative, social forestry, was introduced in Bangladeshin early 1980s and has proved to be extremely successful. Whiletraditional forest management resulted in a net loss of forestresource cover, social forestry on the other hand, is playinga vital role in the expansion of forest cover (40 387 ha ofnew forest cover and 48 420 km new strip plantation since themid-1980s) benefiting thousands of poor people. Results showthat during the last four years (2000–2003) more than23 000 individuals benefited from the final felling of differentsocial forestry plantations (woodlot, agroforestry and stripplantation). This generated a total income of US$ 5.6 millionfor the government and US$ 5.3 million for participants plusUS$ 1.2 million for the Tree Farming Fund – a 10 per centdepository reserve to sustain the practice in the long run.Although average individual final returns (US$ 223 person–1)are not so attractive, some people got about US$ 5000 to US$8500 from final felling, sufficient to improve their standardof living and social position. Despite the success so far achieved,social forestry in Bangladesh still suffers from various institutionaldeficiencies like organization, skilled manpower, legitimateusufruct rights, peoples' participation from policy to implementationand clear budgetary arrangements. Besides, until now the roleof relevant actors is not well defined in all the steps of socialforestry practice in Bangladesh. Unless the participants aregiven clear legitimate usufruct rights, they will remain scepticaltowards this programme. They should have good and meaningfulaccess from planning to implementation. In the context of institutionaldevelopment, there are governmental policy guidelines and a20-year Master Plan for Bangladesh. Although some steps havebeen partially completed, there is still much to do to complywith forest policy guidelines and the Master Plan. It is shownthat in the last seven years (1995/96–2001/2002) onlyUS$ 15.41 million a–1 has actually been spent againstan allocated sum of US$ 68.37 million a–1. Therefore,if the intention is to institutionalize social forestry in Bangladesh,government and policy makers should actively come forward. Otherwisethe full potential of social forestry in Bangladesh will notbecome a reality.  相似文献   

杨树农林复合经营研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:杨树农林复合经营是杨树产业的一个重要发展方向,在全球范围逐步受到重视。本文整理了杨树农林复合经营模式、并综述了农林复合经营效益、胁地效应及他感作用等方面的研究进展。在此基础上分析了杨树农林复合经营研究中存在的问题及展望。  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence on the impact of socio-economic factors on the adoption of agroforestry practices in Cameroon. The analysis uses primary farm-level data collected from June to December 1996. Three major provinces of the country were covered, namely Centre, Southwest and Northwest Several agroforestry technologies have been promoted among farmers in the zone, including alley farming, improved fallow, live fencing, cut-and-carry fodder and apiculture. The status of adoption of each agroforestry practice is described and factors that affect adoption identified. These are gender of farmer, household family size, level of education, farmer’s experience, membership within farmers’ associations, contact with research and extension, security of land tenure, agroecological zone, distance of the village from nearest town, village accessibility and income from livestock. Research findings indicate that since factors affecting farmers’ adoption of agroforestry practices differ across techniques, generalisation is to be avoided.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study conducted in Italy, within the AGFORWARD (2014–2017) project, aimed at promoting innovative agroforestry practices in Europe. Agroforestry offers a means for maintaining food production whilst addressing some of the negative environmental effects of intensive agriculture. This study aims to elicit the positive and negative points of view and perceptions of local stakeholders in Italy in relation to three types of agroforestry systems. The Participatory Research and Network Development was implemented in three workshops conducted in Sardinia, Umbria, and Veneto regions, and applied adopting a common methodological protocol. Qualitative data were obtained using open discussions with stakeholders on key issues, challenges and innovations. Quantitative data were obtained from stakeholders completing questionnaires during the workshops. A statistical analysis was applied to elicit the differences in stakeholders’ positive and negative perceptions in relation to production, management, environment and socio-economy aspects. Although the participants in the study came from different geographical and socioeconomic contexts with varied educational and cultural backgrounds, the different professional groups (farmers, policy-makers and researchers) and the three workshops generally shared similar perceptions of the benefits and constraints. The effects of agroforestry on production and the environment were generally perceived as positive, whilst those related to management were generally negative. The process of bringing the groups together seemed to be an effective means for identifying the key research gaps that need to be addressed in order to promote the uptake and maintenance of agroforestry.  相似文献   

Science in agroforestry   总被引:20,自引:10,他引:20  

Agroforestry is one of the most sustainable land management systems practiced around the world due to the socioeconomic benefits that it brings to farmers. In Bangladesh, farmers practice agroforestry, applying indigenous knowledge. The present study was designed to identify the present status, management practices and its role in improving the livelihoods of farmers in northern Bangladesh. Data for the study were collected through quantitative and qualitative methods. A total of 29 tree and 38 agricultural crop species were planted by the102 farmers interviewed. Mangifera indica (relative prevalence 49%) is the most predominant species, followed by Eucalyptus camaldulensis (relative prevalence 35.4%). Farmers of northern Bangladesh plant trees in cropland for fruits (90%), fuel wood (87%) and timber production (79%). Fruit trees were planted with wider spacing while forest and fuel wood species were planted with narrower spacing. Farmer’s livelihoods improved enormously by practicing agroforestry as they have more access to food, fodder and fuel wood which is reflected by greater access to livelihood capitals (except social capital). However, farmers have experienced increased incidences of pests and diseases to the annual crops and trees. Agroforestry practices increases species diversity, ensure economic return and sustain farmer’s livelihoods.  相似文献   

Soil water content and infiltration in agroforestry buffer strips   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Agroforestry practices are receiving increased attention in temperate zones due to their environmental and economic benefits. To test the hypothesis that agroforestry buffers reduce runoff by increased infiltration, water use, and water storage; profile water content and soil water infiltration were measured for a Putnam soil (fine, smectitic, mesic Vertic Albaqualf). The watershed was under no-till management with a corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation since 1991. Agroforestry buffer strips, 4.5 m wide and 36.5 m apart, were planted with redtop (Agrostis gigantea Roth), brome (Bromus spp.), and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.). Pin oak (Quercus palustris Muenchh.), swamp white oak (Q. bicolor Willd.) and bur oak (Q. macrocarpa Michx.) trees were planted at 3-m intervals in the center of the agroforestry buffers in 1997. Ponded water infiltration was measured in agroforestry and grass buffers and row crop areas. Water content in agroforestry and row crop areas at 5, 10, 20, and 40 cm depths were measured throughout the year. Quasi-steady infiltration rates were not different (P > 0.05) among the treatments. Agroforestry had lower soil water content than row crop areas (P < 0.05) during the growing season. Higher water content after the principal recharge event in the agroforestry treatment was attributed to better infiltration through the root system. Results show that agroforestry buffer strips reduce soil water content during critical times such as fallow periods, and increase water infiltration and water storage. Therefore, adoption of agroforestry buffer practices may reduce runoff and soil loss from watersheds in row crop management.  相似文献   

Cropland agroforest is an important production system in the southwest region of Bangladesh. This study focused on the floristic composition and management of existing cropland agroforests. A total of 313 cropland agroforests were surveyed and 83%respondents practiced pure agroforestry while the remaining 17% practiced agroforestry with fisheries. A total of 18 forest trees and 2 shrubs were recorded from 11 families and 59 species of agricultural crops were from 28 families. A higher proportion (79%) of cropland agroforests were occupied small land areas (0.12-0.80 ha). About 63% of respondents planted trees for fruit production and 47%for timber production, and 35%of respondents engaged in commercial production (35%). Swietenia macrophylla was the most prevalent species (relative prevalence 20.83) followed by Man-gifera indica (relative prevalence 15.57) and Cocos nucifera (relative prevalence 7.08). Shorter spacing was used for timber and fuel wood species and wider spacing for fruit trees. A wide range of rotation periods, from 5 to 25 years, was observed for both cases. The use of chemical fertilizer was highest followed by cow dung and compost in cropland agroforests. Overall management practices of cropland agroforest in southwest Bangladesh were determined by the end product and local demand.  相似文献   

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