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The aim of this study was to determine seed production patterns in a series of flowerings from sporadic events before to after mass flowering and to clarify the relationship between the occurrence of second flowering and seed production in the first flowering of mass-flowering events for S. veitchii var. hirsuta. The results revealed that ratios of numbers of seeds to florets per inflorescence in the first and second flowerings of a mass-flowering event were as large as those in the first flowering of a sporadic-flowering event before mass flowering, and were larger than those in the second flowering of a sporadic-flowering event before mass flowering and in both flowerings of a sporadic-flowering event after mass flowering. However, estimated number of produced seeds per square meter in mass flowering was higher than that in sporadic flowering before it. This suggests that seed production is promoted in mass flowering, and that sporadic flowering beforehand can potentially contribute to successful regeneration. At a site where seeds were produced in the first flowering of a mass-flowering event, flower production and the seed germination ratio were smaller in the second flowering. Conversely, at a site where few seeds were produced in the first flowering of a mass-flowering event, there was no significant difference in flower production between the first and second flowerings, and the seed germination ratio in the second flowering was more than 40 %. This suggests that the second flowering of a mass-flowering event is related to seed production in the first flowering.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to examine the germination requirements of Cedrela odorata, Guaiacum sanctum and Calycophyllum candidissimum seeds, and the effect of light intensity on survival and growth of C. Odorata and G. Sanctum seedlings planted on open, partially-open and beneath the canopy of a dry forest in Nicaragua. The results show that germination of C. Candidissimum seeds was significantly higher in light than darkness at constant temperatures ranging from 20–35oC. Both C. Odorata and G. Sanctum seeds germinated in light and darkness to a varying extent, and the optimal germination temperature was around 20-25oC. Alternating temperature regimes did not improve germination. Survival of G. Sanctum seedlings was 70% beneath the canopy and 80% in the open, and its relative growth rate in collar diameter was 1.88 mm/month in the open and 1.42 mm/month in the understory. Survival was generally poor for C. Odorata, particularly in the understory. We concluded that light is an absolute requirement for the germination of C. Candidissimum seeds while germination of C. Odorata and G. Sanctum seeds are more sensitive to temperature. Owing to its high survival rate on open site, G. Sanctum could serve as a candidate species for reforestation of degraded sites.  相似文献   

采用变温处理水曲柳种子,春季播种,出苗率95%以上;两个年度的平均苗高分别为12.9 cm和15.0 cm,平均地径分别为5.1 mm和6.0 mm;大部分苗木达到Ⅰ、Ⅱ级苗标准,可直接用于造林。  相似文献   

分别于室内和大田对香果树种子萌发和幼苗(一年生和两年生)生长动态进行了比较研究。结果表明:(1)不同地区之间、室内与大田之间以及秋播和春播之间,种子发芽率均存在较大差异;(2)室内人工气候箱中中光强下(2 200±110 lx)的香果树幼苗生长迅速,其根径和株高一直维持在最高水平;(3)秋播的发芽率和幼苗长势均比春播好;(4)大田中,在生长季节后期(8月份以后),与遮阴处理相比,全光条件下一年生幼苗生长较为旺盛,其根茎和株高均较大;全光条件下的两年生幼苗,其根径和株高显著高于遮阴处理;(5)两年生苗木的生长可划分为以下3个生长时期:生长初期3月~5月;速生期6月~9月;生长后期10月~11月。最后,根据研究结果对香果树幼苗繁育提出了建议。  相似文献   

对引自欧洲的金链树种子进行种子发芽试验以及苗期生长量观测。结果表明:热水浸种、低温沙藏及浓硫酸处理对金链树种子发芽率差异极显著(P0.01)。金链树种子热水浸种和沙藏均能促进种子提前发芽,先用60℃热水浸泡24 h,再低温4℃沙藏72 h的处理发芽率最高,达77.33%;浓硫酸处理对种子伤害较大,发芽率仅为14.67%。金链树全年苗高、地径生长进程呈现慢-快-慢的生长趋势。高生长以6月份最快,增长量达28.11 cm,占全年高增长的20.76%;地径生长5月份最快,增长2.36 mm,为全年地径增长的24.23%。相关分析表明,影响金链树苗期生长的环境因子主要为水分条件。  相似文献   

丛磊  刘燕 《江苏林业科技》2010,37(2):31-32,54
对12种山楂种子分别用浓硫酸浸泡、干湿交替、浓硫酸结合干湿交替3种方法处理,进行促进山楂种壳开裂,提高种子发芽率的试验,观测1年生幼苗生长状况,结果表明辽宁山楂、彰武山楂、甘肃山楂,发芽率高、生长强健,可作为山里红苗木繁育的嫁接砧木。  相似文献   

不同催芽措施对樟子松育苗的发芽率和成苗率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以樟子松种子为试验材料,分别用25℃温水、0.5%高锰酸钾溶液、ABT3号生根粉25~50mg/kg溶液3种不同催芽措施处理种子,对发芽率、芽苗移植成活率及炼苗成苗率等进行调查,结果表明:ABT3号生根粉25~50mg/kg溶液处理樟子松种子的发芽率、种子发芽后的芽苗移植成活率及炼苗成苗率分别为98%、99%、99%,均优于其他2种处理。  相似文献   

为了比较华北落叶松初选优良家系的种子萌发特性和苗期生长性状,对8个家系和种子园混合株系、母树林及人工林种子的千粒重、饱满率等表型性状,室内发芽率和圃地发芽率等萌发特性,2a生苗的苗高、地径、生物量等生长性状进行了测量分析,结果表明:华北落叶松家系46、家系75、家系9和家系74的发芽率分别为96.00%、78.00%、90.00%和94.67%,苗高分别为35.6cm、33.0cm、32.8cm和31.4cm,地径分别为5.43mm、6.06mm、5.47mm和5.39mm;这4个家系在发芽指数、苗高和地径方面综合表现好于种子园、母树林和人工林,其隶属函数值为人工林的4倍以上,较母树林和种子园也高出35%以上。  相似文献   

We investigated the browsing effect of sika deer (Cervus nippon Temminck) on the biomass and morphology of Sasa nipponica Makino et Shibata, a dwarf bamboo, in Mt. Ohdaigahara, central Japan. The investigation was performed through comparison of S. nipponica inside and outside a deer-proof fence. The S. nipponica outside the fence decreased in biomass (292.7 d.w.g./50×50 cm inside and 105.1 d.w.g. outside in August 1994), became miniaturized in culm height (49.1 cm inside and 15.6 cm outside), decreased in top leaf length (118.9 mm inside and 69.8 mm outside) and in culm diameter (2.0 mm inside and 1.2 mm outside) and densified in culm number (254/50×50 cm inside and 622 outside). After the destruction of the deer-proof fence, S. nipponica inside the fence underwent similar changes, that is, biomass decrease, miniaturization and densification in the next flush.  相似文献   

Mango (Mangifera indica L., cv Ruby) seeds taken from ripe fruit showed no dormancy. They germinated at temperatures between 5 and 40 degrees C, but germination was most rapid near the upper end of this range (25-40 degrees C). The fresh seeds had a high moisture content (85%, dry weight basis) and quickly died on dehydration. The optimal temperature for growth of the seedlings was close to 30 degrees C. High temperatures (40 degrees C) and temperatures below 15 degrees C were lethal. Growth of the stem occurred in successive flushes separated by rest periods. When the leaves of the preceding flush finished growing, the axis lengthened beneath the apical bud.  相似文献   

凹叶厚朴种子保存方法及幼苗生长规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对凹叶厚朴的种子保存方式及相应的播种苗的发芽情况、幼苗生长规律进行统计分析。结果表明:冷藏处理的凹叶厚朴种子发芽慢、发芽持续时间长;播种苗株高生长呈"S"型的慢—快—慢的规律,地径与叶幅生长表现出快—慢—快—慢的规律;株高、地径、叶幅三者之间的生长呈极显著正相关;种子经沙藏的凹叶厚朴发芽时间、出苗速度及发芽率均优于冷藏处理,而且,沙藏处理的苗高、地径、叶幅的累积生长量相应地大于冷藏处理。  相似文献   

Uniyal  R.C.  Nautiyal  A.R. 《New Forests》1998,16(3):265-272
Seed germination and early seedling growth were studied in Ougeinia dalbergioides Benth. varn. Sandan seeds under different levels of water and salinity stresses in laboratory conditions. Increasing level of water and salinity stresses caused reduction in total as well as rate of germination which was significant beyond –0.6 MPa and 0.16 M levels of water and salinity stresses, respectively. The reduction was more in rate than in total percent germination and in extension growth than in germination. Germination Index (GI) decreased while Mean Germination Time (MGT) increased with increasing stress. The water uptake by seeds also declined with increasing stresses. Early seedling growth as well as Seedling Vigour Index (SVI) markedly decreased under both the stresses.  相似文献   

We investigated the dynamics of litterfall and litter decomposition of Sasa dwarf bamboo (Sasa senanensis) and trees to clarify the characteristics of organic matter and nitrogen cycling between plant and soil in a natural cool-temperate mixed forest ecosystem dominated by an understory vegetation of Sasa. Mean annual Sasa litterfall over the 3-year study period was 164 g m?2 year?1, which accounted for approximately 29% of total litterfall. Litter decomposition of Sasa leaf and Sasa culm was significantly slower than that of tree leaf during first and second years. The slow decomposition rates of both Sasa litter types were caused by a significantly higher silicate than in tree leaf. Nitrogen concentration in litter increased as decomposition progressed, especially in Sasa leaf and tree leaf. As a result of the slow decomposition of both Sasa litter types, 111 and 73% of nitrogen to the initial amounts were retained in Sasa leaf and Sasa culm after 3 years, respectively. The amounts of retained nitrogen in Sasa leaf, Sasa culm, and tree leaf after 3 years were 1.29, 0.47, and 3.92 g N m?2, respectively, indicating that the differences of litter decomposition rates among the litter types influence on the nitrogen cycling in forest ecosystem through the differences of the nitrogen release from litter.  相似文献   

The long-term changes of the area of Sasa nipponica grassland, bark stripping damage to trees by sika deer, Cervus nippon, and sika deer densities on Mt. Ohdaigahara were assessed with aerial photographs, information from previous studies, and field experiments. The grasslands expanded year after year. The expansion rate was highest from 1982 to 1992, and lowest from 1992 to 1997. Bark-stripping damage on coniferous trees was heavier than that on broadleaf trees in both the early 1980s and 1998. The deer density in the eastern part of the area had been high (14.4–64.3 km−2) from 1984 until 1998. We presume that rich growth of S. nipponica and heavy feeding pressure by sika deer over the long term caused expansion of S. nipponica grasslands by killing canopy trees by bark stripping and preventing forest regeneration.  相似文献   

Acid rain has become a major concern due to increasing atmospheric pollution,particularly in China.We investigated whether acid rain inhibits the germination of seeds and subsequent emergence of seedling of four tree species from southern China:Cunninghamia lanceolata,Fokienia hodginisi,Pinus massoniana and Phoebe zhennan by simulating acid rain with pH of 2.5,3.5,4.5 and 5.5.We hypothesized that the inhibitory effect of acid rain on germination of seeds and emergence of seedling varies between species and the degree of acidity.A solution of 1 N H_2 SO_4 and 1 N HNO_3 in the ratio of 10-1 was prepared and diluted to four pH levels,and seeds were supplied with solutions of these pH values and distilled water as control and tested for germination in a controlled growth chamber.The results revealed that simulated acid rain of pH 2.5 adversely affected the germination capacity of F.hodginisi and P.zhennan;while all acid solutions significantly increased germination of P.Massoniana;but had no effect on germination of C.Lanceolata seeds.Strong acid solution(pH of 2.5) adversely affected elongation of radicle and hypocotyl as well as fresh and dry weights of radicle and hypocotyl of tender seedlings.The result demonstrated that seedling emergence is more sensitive than seed germination to simulated acid rain,and germination of conifer species are less sensitive than broad leaved species to simulated acid rain.As a whole,acid rain of pH of 3.5 is the threshold level and acid rain below this value will have a detrimental effect on seed germination and seedling emergence.  相似文献   

We assessed the relationship of the regeneration (seedling and sapling) densities of seven representative tall-tree species to the past partial cutting and current stand structure. We also determined if differences in tree regeneration were associated to establishment substrates (coarse woody debris (CWD) and root throws) and understory inhibitor vegetation (the dwarf bamboo species: Sasa senanensis). The study was conducted in 17 conifer–hardwood mixed stands in a heavy snowfall region in Hokkaido, northern Japan. The results suggest that stand structure, rather than logging intensity, is the primary factor influencing regeneration densities. Total conifer basal area was positively correlated with the regeneration density of individual tree species, including two conifers and three hardwoods. These patterns differ from those observed in old-growth stands in the region. A negative correlation between total conifer basal area and dwarf bamboo coverage suggests that the presence of dense conifer canopies causes an increase in regeneration density of tall-tree species by preventing domination of dwarf bamboo. Picea glehnii, a species that depends for its establishment strongly on CWD, has lower seedling and sapling density in stands with higher logging intensity. This seems to be a result of the decrease in the volume of CWD with increasing logging intensity in these stands. We suggest that both reducing logging intensity and retaining overstory conifers should be considered to develop a sustainable silvicultural system in this region. Providing sufficient CWD and root throws may also be important to ensure natural regeneration of tree species that require these as an establishment substrate.  相似文献   

Acacia seyal is an important component of the agrosilvopastoral systems of the Sahelian zone of Africa. The relationships between lateral spreading of the tree roots and the establishment of the understorey vegetation are, however, little understood. The effect of the tree roots on soil bulk density, soil moisture content and understorey vegetation was studied in the Central Clay Plains of the Sudan. Three study sites were included: a forest, a-two-year-old logged-over area and a-one-year-old abandoned farm, and these sites were distributed over three different geographical locations. Roots of trees, tree seedlings and annual herbs were concentrated in the top 70 cm of soil, possibly due to compacted soil and the confinement of rain water in this layer. Soil bulk density at the 60 to90 cm layer was high in forest, low in logged-over and intermediate in farm. Soil moisture content varied in the reverse order. The low soil moisture content and the high soil bulk density reduced seedling survival. Abundant Acacia seyal seeds germinated and grew during the rainy season. During the first dry season, however, 86% of seedlings of forest died, whereas only 11% of logged-over and 14% of farm died; canopy shading did not seem to affect seedling survival. Tree seedlings and agricultural crops are not able to compete with the A. seyal trees for soil resources but appear to benefit from the ameliorated soil texture, structure and fertility following tree felling. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

樟子松无性系种子园种子生产及其苗木培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樟子松种子园无性系间的花粉量、种子产量均存在着差异,这种差异,是由樟子松无性系本身的遗传基因决定的。种子园中,往往少数无性系控制着园内50%以上的花粉量和种子产量。由于部分无性系种子产量低,育苗、造林时这些家系容易丢失。为减少家系的丢失数量,育苗时,应改善圃地的环境条件,增加土壤肥力,加强除草等抚育措施,提高育苗水平。  相似文献   

河西绿洲樟子松育苗技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈江  韩强 《甘肃林业科技》2003,28(2):48-49,73
针对酒泉地区开展樟子松育苗存在的许多不利自然因素条件,从圃地选择、整地作床、播种、苗期管理、越冬、壮苗培育等育苗环节,系统总结了河西绿洲樟子松育苗的技术措施与方法。  相似文献   

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