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山楂为我国原产特有的果树资源,杂交育种是品种选育的重要方向,而研究品种间的杂交亲和关系对于亲本选配具有重要意义。本研究利用梨亚科S-RNase基因的通用引物对21个山楂品种的基因组DNA进行PCR反应,每个品种得到1~2个特异性DNA条带。对扩增片段进行测序,并根据S-RNase基因序列进行聚类分析,推测了山楂品种的杂交亲和关系,而且田间杂交试验验证了推测结果。本研究对于山楂杂交育种具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

近年来我省栽植的山楂多是从北方(如山东、河北等地)引进的嫁接苗,其砧木多为北方野山楂。北方野山楂(Crataegus pinnatifida)为栽培山楂的野生种,以此为砧木进行嫁接,属于本砧嫁接,二者不存在亲和的问题;但南方野山楂(C.cuneata)与栽培山楂是同属中的两个种,以此为砧木嫁接栽培山楂,其亲和力如何,有关试验研究资料不多。我省丘陵和山地的野山楂资源极为丰富(大别山区分布密集者每亩达3000株以上),为此,开展了以野山楂为砧木、栽培山楂为接穗的嫁接试验,通过对二者的亲和力的了解,能准确有效地开发利用本省的野生山楂资源。  相似文献   

山楂蛀果害虫是山楂的主要虫害,对果实危害严重。果子受害后,有些变形干缩而提早脱落;有些因充满虫粪而失去利用价值。大大的影响了果品的产量和质量,造成了严重的经济损失。为此,对山楂蛀果害虫的研究及防治,特别是在目前我省山楂已大面积陆续挂果的情况下,就显得尤为重要。1 蛀果害虫种类、分布及危害1.1 种类据初步调查,山楂蛀果害虫主  相似文献   

广西风味小野果涩梨的特点及开发利用价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对涩梨(古称林檎)和山楂的形态特征进一步考证和研究,结果表明,涩梨在广西被误称"山楂"或"大果山楂",但广西"山楂"不是山楂属植物,而是苹果属植物,药用时属山楂伪品,必须区别对待。广西本来也产山楂,有分布较广的野山楂(Crataegus cuneata),以及桂东北的湖北山楂(C.hupehensis)和桂西北的云南山楂(C.scabrifolia)。涩梨包括台湾林檎(Malus doumeri)和光萼林檎(M.leiocalyca)两个近缘种,实际生产中的涩梨树种为台湾林檎。涩梨产量高,并富含黄酮类及VE成份,其有别于山楂的特定价值,仍值得开发利用。  相似文献   

正山楂属植物世界有1000多种,抚红软籽山楂为山楂属中特有品种。辽宁省种子管理局于2011年9月17日,聘请国内果树专家鉴定并通过了抚顺市农业科学研究院选育的"抚红软籽山楂"品种的省级审定。该品种问世,填补了国内山楂属新品种审定技术空白,研究水平为国内先进。2015年9月14日国家林业局授权新品种保护。编号:20150029。软籽山楂鲜果经中科院沈阳生态研究所检测,每百克鲜果中含VC 97.3mg,总糖占10.7%,是苹果和梨的15~30  相似文献   

微波辅助提取山楂叶总黄酮的条件研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
以山楂落叶为原料,70%乙醇为溶剂,芦丁为对照品,研究了微波辅助提取山楂叶总黄酮的最佳工艺条件。结果为:山楂叶1 g,粒度0.212~0.55 mm,微波辐射功率210 W,辐射时间15 m in,料液比(g∶mL)1∶10,75℃回流提取0.5 h,重复提取4次,山楂叶总黄酮的平均得率为8.38%(以芦丁计),实验的变异系数为1.14%,实验重复性很好。微波辅助提取与传统工艺比较,总黄酮得率提高了1.13个百分点,表明微波辐射有利于山楂叶总黄酮的提取。  相似文献   

以从长白朝鲜族自治县马鹿沟采集的山楂海棠种子为试验材料,对其种子形态、千粒重等指标进行了初步研究,探讨了不同处理方式对种子萌发的影响。结果表明:山楂海棠种子长3.5~5.61 mm、宽1.61~3.35 mm、厚0.78~2.58 mm、千粒重9.52 g,利用层积法处理山楂海棠种子萌发效果最好。  相似文献   

山楂的生物学特性及开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物资源是人类赖以生存的物质基础。不断探索和研究植物资源的新用途是当今世界各国研究的重要课题之一。我国山楂资源丰富,分布广泛,开发潜力巨大。文章对山楂资源的开发利用进行了初步探讨,对现实生产具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

4种山楂种子中抑制物质活性的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究抑制物质与山楂种子休眠的关系,用80%的甲醇提取4种山楂种子内果皮、种皮及种胚的抑制物质,再用系统溶剂分离法将甲醇提取物分离为石油醚相、乙醚相、乙酸乙酯相、甲醇相及水相5相组分;用各相组分处理白菜种子,通过白菜种子发芽试验对抑制物质进行生物测定。结果表明,4种山楂种子各部位的乙醚相、乙酸乙酯相及甲醇相分离物抑制活性较高,石油醚相及水相分离物抑制活性较低;大山楂(伏山楂和大旺)种子较小山楂(辽宁山楂和抚宁野生山楂)种子每粒所含抑制物质活性高。  相似文献   

运用8种聚集度指标对山楂叶螨卵在桃树上的空间分布型进行了研究,所有的指标都表明,山楂叶螨卵的空间分布型呈聚集分布,分布的基本成份是个体群,通过方差分析,山楂叶螨卵在桃树树冠的上、中、下3个层的分布数量差异都不显著。  相似文献   

绢粉蝶(Aporia crataegi Linnaeus)主要取食蔷薇科植物,在佳木斯地区1年2代,以蛹越冬。介绍绢粉蝶形态特征和生物学特性,并通过饲养来观察生活史特点,同时介绍其应用与推广意义。通过试验研究,有助于掌握绢粉蝶的饲养技术,用以扩大绢粉蝶的种群数量,通过开发蝶产品来增加农民的经济收入。  相似文献   

文章记述了内蒙古大兴安岭林区鳞翅目粉蝶科已知19种,包括斑缘豆粉蝶Colias erate Esper、北黎豆粉蝶Colias viluiensis Men、黑缘豆粉蝶Colias palaeno Linnaeus、黎明豆粉蝶Colias aurora Esp、北方豆粉蝶Colias melinos Ev、兴安豆粉蝶Colias tychede Boeber、橙黄豆粉蝶Colias fieldii Menetries、镏金豆粉蝶Colias chrysoheme Esper、绢粉蝶Aporia crataegiL、菜粉蝶Pieris rapaeL、东方菜粉蝶Pieris canidia Sparrman、暗脉粉蝶Pieris napiL、黑纹粉蝶Pieris melete Menetries、云粉蝶Pontia daplidiceL、绿云粉蝶Pontia chloridice Hubner、钩粉蝶Gonepteryx rhamniL、尖钩粉蝶Gonepteryx aspsiaMen、莫氏小粉蝶Leptidea morsei Fenton和突角小粉蝶Leptidea amurensis Mentries。并对其形态特征、习性、寄主和分布进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

Ficus insipida Willd. (Moraceae) is a fast growing tree species of early successional stages in the Amazonian nutrient-rich white-water floodplains (várzea). The species is one of the most economically important low-density wood species in the community-based forest management project in the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve (MSDR) in Central Amazonia, where timber species are managed using a polycyclic selection system with a minimum logging diameter (MLD) of 50 cm and a cutting cycle of 25 years. In this study we analyze the floristic composition, stand structure and forest regeneration of a natural 20 year-old stand at an early successional stage and we model tree growth of diameter, height and volume of F. inspida based on tree-ring analysis to define management criteria. The volume growth model indicates that the preferred period for logging should be at a tree age of 17 years when the current annual volume increment peaks. This age corresponds to a diameter of 55 cm, which would be an appropriate MLD.  相似文献   

以4个油茶良种种籽为试材,采用索氏法提取油茶种子中的油脂,运用气相色谱分析测定油茶种子中的脂肪酸的相对含量,利用氨基酸自动分析仪测定其氨基酸的组成及含量。结果表明:不同良种间脂肪酸的相对含量差异显著,‘华硕、华金、华鑫、湘林XLC15’其不饱和脂肪酸相对含量高达89.15%;棕榈酸相对含量介于9.39%~13.18%;硬脂酸介于1.46%~2.86%。4个油茶种子中均含有17种游离氨基酸,其中总氨基酸含量最高者为‘华硕’是673.1 mg.100 g-1,次之为‘华鑫’是583.9 mg.100 g-1,最低为‘华金’是404.6 mg.100 g-1。不同良种间在精氨酸的含量差异显著,其他氨基酸差异不显著。  相似文献   

Layering, long-term development of foliation, beech nut fertility and plant species composition have never before been studied in Fagus sylvatica stands above the alpine timberline in Central Europe. F. sylvatica forms and is present above the timberline (1,260 m a. s. l.) on only one south-facing slope along a 1-km-long stretch of the Giant Mts., which represents the northernmost timberline featuring F. sylvatica worldwide. We investigated the long-term development of this unique stand in which layering of F. sylvatica was discovered (LP—1,310 m a. s. l.), comparing it with a control plot (CP—1,190 m a. s. l.). Research plots were established in 1980, with monitoring of foliation, masting, beech nut fertility and plant species composition performed over the following 30 years. In the LP plot, F. sylvatica was able to reproduce only clonally by layering. Development of adventitious roots on branches reaching the ground took many years. In the LP plot, F. sylvatica was able to survive heavy air pollution during the 1980s and since that time substantial improvement of its health status has been recorded. Generative reproduction of F. sylvatica in the LP plot was extremely rare, as production of fertile nuts was recorded only once in 2007 and seedlings have never been recorded at all. An improvement in F. sylvatica foliation in the LP plot was probably the reason for a decrease in species richness and cover of bryophytes. The herb layer, dominated by Calamagrostis villosa, was highly stable in the LP plot over the 30-year period, contrasting significantly with the marked changes in species composition observed in the understory of the CP plot where massive regeneration of F. sylvatica occurred. Layering, stability of herb layer and rare masting can be expected in F. sylvatica stands above the alpine timberline.  相似文献   

The search for indicators to monitor management impact on biodiversity is a crucial question because management practices promote changes in community structure and composition of different animal groups. This study explores the effect of widely conducted management practices (forest logging and livestock) in Pinus uncinata forests in the Pyrenees range (NE Spain) on the structure and composition of ground ant communities compared to those of old-growth stands. Forest structure clearly differed in stands with different forest managements. These stands managed for different uses also showed marked differences in structure and composition of ground ant communities. There was a great dominance of a single species, Formica lugubris, which accounted for 99% of ants collected in pitfall traps. Rarefaction curves indicated that species richness was highest in old-growth stands and lowest in even-aged ones, with woodland pasture stands showing an intermediate value. Classification methods allowed us to identify two groups of species: six species related to old-growth plots and three species (including F. lugubris) associated to managed stands. Habitat structure played an important role in determining the structure of ant communities: forests with high tree density but low basal area were the most favourable forest type for F. lugubris, while the abundance of the remaining ant species was negatively affected by the abundance of F. lugubris and by tree cover.  相似文献   

水曲柳、胡桃楸等天然次生林生长情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过标准地调查,对现有天然次生林水曲柳、胡桃楸和黄菠萝幼龄林林分特征、优良单株径级分布、生长过程进行研究,指出相应的抚育技术措施,为小兴安岭天然次生林中水曲柳、胡桃楸和黄菠萝等珍贵阔叶树种单株定向培育提供科学依据。  相似文献   

美国国家公园体系及其资源标准和评审程序   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
扼要介绍了美国国家公园管理局的由来和对国家公园体系的管理方式,较详细地介绍了美国国家公园体系的构成、资源评价标准和评审程序。  相似文献   

选择景观面积、游人规模和森林景观质量等三个指标对森林景观资产类型进行等级期分并评估了北京市各森林景观资源类型的资产等级。    相似文献   

油茶是指山茶科山茶属植物中油脂含量较高且具有栽培经济价值的一类植物的总称。通过对江西省已筛选出的26个油茶无性系,采用仪器测试和统计分析的方法对脂肪酸组成进行分析,得出不同油茶无性系脂肪酸成分和构成比例差异。茶油是一种非常好的食用油,在所测试的26个品系中,油脂中不饱和脂肪酸平均含量为90.35%,其中平均油酸含量为81.73%;饱和脂肪酸平均含量为9.43%。由色谱结果可以明显看出:不同品系间油脂脂肪酸组成及其含量存在明显差异。不同品系油脂脂肪酸组成及其含量存在明显差异,该实验数据可以为油茶的品质选育提供丰富的基础材料。  相似文献   

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