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西瓜枯萎病的研究进展及其防治   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
西瓜枯萎病作为一种重要的土传和种传病害,导致西瓜产量减少和品质降低。近年对该病害的研究较多,现对西瓜枯萎病的发病症状、发病条件、病害循环及其主要防治措施,特别是用于防治西瓜枯萎病的种子处理方法作一综述。  相似文献   

西瓜枯萎病是西瓜的主要病害,寻找防治西瓜枯萎病安全有效的方法已成为生产中的重要课题。利用植物内生细菌防治植物病害特别是植物土传病害,已有较多的研究,但对于西瓜枯萎病的防治  相似文献   

西瓜枯萎病防治途径郑高飞(中国农科院郑州果树所450004)西瓜枯萎病是西瓜生产上的重要病害之一,堪称西瓜生产一大绝症。该病害是土传性病害,多发生在果实膨大期至采收前,发病后可使植株萎蔫或枯死。预防枯萎病主要有四条途径:一是轮作倒茬。轮作倒茬是生产上...  相似文献   

西瓜品种抗枯萎病鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
西瓜枯萎病是一种顽固的土传真菌病害。病原菌Fusarium oxysporum广泛分布于病田0—60cm深的耕作层内,药剂防治难以奏效。和非葫芦科作物实行7—10年轮作的传统防治方法,在西瓜集中产区难以推行。培育抗病品种在生产上已引起重视,  相似文献   

多粘类芽胞杆菌WY110对西瓜枯萎病的控制作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
西瓜枯萎病是由尖孢镰刀菌西瓜专化型引起的西瓜毁灭性土传病害,生产上主要采用药剂防治。由于病原菌的抗药性不断增强,利用拮抗菌对植物病害的生物防治越来越受到重视。目前,已有很多多粘类芽胞杆菌Paenibacillus polymyxa菌株用于植物病害的生物防治。  相似文献   

正西瓜枯萎病是由尖孢镰刀菌西瓜专化型(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.niveum,FON)引起的一种土传维管束病害,在各个时期均可发生,对西瓜产业构成严重威胁。该病具有传播途径多样、暴发快速、应急防治难等特点,因此及时准确监控土壤中的病原菌是防治西瓜枯萎病的关键。实时荧光定量PCR(quantitative real-time PCR,q PCR)技术能进行定量  相似文献   

西瓜抗重茬剂1号防治西瓜枯萎病试验初报孟凡香,王守宽,赵文学,王翠萍,林相璀(济南市植物检疫站,250022)西瓜枯萎病是威胁西瓜生产的主要病害,生产上尚没有理想药剂。新近水利部北京水利研究所研制了一种防冶西瓜枯萎病的新药一西瓜抗重茬剂1号,我站应用...  相似文献   

西瓜枯萎病又称萎蔫病或蔓割病,是一种世界性瓜类土传病害。自1894年在美国南卡罗来纳州首次发现以来,目前几乎发生于世界各个西瓜产区,严重威胁着西瓜的安全生产,是西瓜的主要病害之一[1]。近几年来,由于西瓜种植面积不断扩大,造成轮作困难,致使枯萎病的危害也逐年加  相似文献   

叶宗国 《江西植保》2001,24(1):29-29,9
西瓜枯委病是一种常见的土传的毁灭性病害,随着西瓜逐年连作和重茬,该病发生日趋严重。1999年九江市庐山区西瓜病害大发生,其中枯萎病占总发病的面积51.8%,给瓜农造成巨大的损失。为此,笔者对该病的防治技术进行了调查研究,综合其他学者的意见,现提出如下防治意见。  相似文献   

应用嫁接技术防治西瓜枯萎病陈宁承,陈安琪(桂林市蔬菜研究所)枯萎病是西瓜连作栽培中危害最严重的一种病害,采用轮作防病需经4~5年以上时间,在生产实践中难以推广。而应用嫁栽培技术将西瓜作接穗嫁接在抗枯萎病的瓠瓜、葫芦瓜等砧木上,进行换根栽培,则方法简而...  相似文献   

 LuxR家族的调控因子在革兰氏阴性细菌中起重要作用。对西瓜嗜酸菌一个LuxR家族的调控因子 LuxR-2460的调控作用进行研究。生物信息学分析表明该调控因子有2个保守结构域:N-末端为REC 结构域,C-末端为HTH 结构域。通过同源重组双交换的方法,构建了luxR-2460全基因缺失的突变株,该基因缺失突变株能够引起菌株致病力、运动能力及蹭行运动能力的下降及生物膜形成能力的增强。qRT-PCR 检测结果表明,该基因缺失导致鞭毛基因fliR在突变株中的表达量下调,影响病菌鞭毛的形成。说明luxR-2460基因对西瓜嗜酸菌的致病能力及相关因子具有重要调控作用,可以作为该病害防控的潜在靶标。  相似文献   

A crown, root and fruit rot of squash (Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata) has been observed in eastern provinces of Spain over the past 4 years. Isolations from the crown of symptomatic plants and fruits yielded primarily a Fusarium solani that was identified as F. solani f. sp. cucurbitae race 1 on the basis of pathogenicity tests and disease symptoms in the field. In Spain, more than 90% of watermelon plants are grafted, using different Cucurbita hybrids (C. maxima × C. moschata) as rootstocks. In 1998, some grafted watermelon plants were first found to be affected by F. s. cucurbitae race 1. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the pathogenicity of this fungus on several rootstocks commonly used for grafting watermelon (Brava, Titan, Shintoza, RS‐841, TZ‐148 and TW‐1) in order to prevent a possible spread of this fungus that could cause serious economic losses in watermelon production. None of them proved to be resistant.  相似文献   

携带eGFP的ZYMV侵染性克隆的构建及其侵染性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 小西葫芦黄花叶病毒(zucchini yellow mosaic virus,ZYMV)是瓜类作物主要病毒之一,严重威胁瓜类产业的可持续发展。本研究在ZYMV 甜瓜分离物CH-87侵染性克隆基础上,利用同源重组策略在NIb和CP编码序列之间插入了eGFP,命名为pXT1-ZYMV-eGFP。将pXT1-ZYMV-eGFP转化农杆菌并接种西瓜和甜瓜,结果发现pXT1-ZYMV-eGFP可以系统侵染西瓜和甜瓜,引起典型的花叶症状,在紫外灯下发病植株呈现绿色荧光。经摩擦接种证实,该克隆接种后所产生的病毒子代可以稳定的传播繁殖。研究表明携带eGFP的ZYMV侵染性克隆成功构建,可用于该病毒致病性及病毒与寄主互作的相关研究。  相似文献   

 Fusarium oxysporum is one of the most important phytopathogens and cause Fusarium wilt disease in cucumber, watermelon and melon, etc.In this study, a pair of species-specific primers Fc-1 and Fc-2 was synthesized based on differences in internal transcribed spacer sequences of Fusarium genus.With the primers, a specific 315 bp PCR product was amplified from five F.oxysporum isolates isolated from cucumber, watermelon and melon, infected cucumber and watermelon tissues, while no product was obtained from other fourteen fungi, healthy cucumber and watermelon tissues.The detection sensitivity is 100 fg for genomic DNA of F.oxysporum and 1 000 spores/g soil for the soil pathogens.In contrast, the nested PCR with two pairs of primers(ITS1/ITS4 and Fc-1/Fc-2) increased the sensitivity by 100-fold.In addition, one-step PCR could also detect F.oxysporum in symptomless cucumber root of 7 dpi(days post inoculation) and in infected cucumber and watermelon tissues at the early stage of disease development.Therefore, the developed PCR-based method enabled rapid, sensitive and reliable detection of F.oxysporum.It also provides the detection method for early monitoring and diagnosis of the pathogen as well as the plant disease management guidance.  相似文献   

Aphid-borne viruses are responsible for major cucurbit diseases and hamper the sustainability of crop production. Systematic monitoring can reveal the occurrence and distribution of these viruses, in addition to unadvertised viruses, facilitating the control of diseases. For three consecutive (2018–2020) seasons, the presence of aphid-borne viruses was monitored from a total of 292 samples of watermelon and squash plants that showed yellowing symptoms in three major cucurbit-producing areas (Castilla La-Mancha, Alicante, and Murcia) in Spain. We observed that cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV) was the most common virus found (29%) in the plants from both crops. Likewise, except for squash samples from Castilla La-Mancha and Alicante, watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) was also found (23%) with a relatively high frequency. Furthermore, we observed the exacerbation of bright yellowing symptoms in watermelon plants that was often accompanied by considerable fruit abortion. CABYV was the only causative agent for this new yellowing disease, and two infectious cDNA clones (one from watermelon, CABYV-LP63, and another from melon, CABYV-MEC12.1) were constructed to further compare and characterize this CABYV disease. Based on the full-length genome, both isolates were grouped phylogenetically together within the Mediterranean clade. However, the Koch's postulates tests were only successfully completed for the LP63 isolate, which also showed several amino acid changes and two potential recombination events, as compared to MEC12.1. Remarkably, the LP63 isolate caused more severe symptoms and showed higher RNA accumulation than MEC12.1 in five cucurbit plant species. These results suggest that a novel CABYV variant that causes severe yellowing symptoms may be causing outbreaks in cucurbit crops.  相似文献   

控释尿素配比对西瓜生长、品质和土壤肥力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用田间试验,研究了混料试验中的单形重心设计在西瓜控释尿素与普通尿素配肥上的应用,测定了西瓜的生长状况和产量结构,进行了西瓜品质、土壤养分的分析,总结出了西瓜施用控释尿素的氪素利用率.结果表明,控释尿素配合施用可降低结瓜节位,增加地茎租度、蔓长,显著提高单瓜重,单施可增加西瓜的叶片数;控释尿素可提高西瓜的安全品质和营养品质.控释尿素土壤有机质的提高不明显,对全氮、碱解氮有显著提高,并具有明显的后效.U-D60-D90配合施用可显著提高氮素利用率,比普通尿素相对高98.58%,D60-D90比普通尿素相对高85.09%,U-D90比普通尿素相对高62.17%,在西瓜生产中可选用U-D60-D90、D60-D90两种方案施肥,既可提高西瓜产量又可提高品质.  相似文献   

由嗜酸菌属西瓜种(Acidovorax citrulli)引起的西瓜细菌性果斑病是西瓜等葫芦科作物上的一种极具毁灭性的病害,该病原细菌可以由种子携带传播。本研究通过直接研磨种子,用双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附测定法(DAS-ELISA)和免疫捕捉聚合酶链式反应法(IC-PCR)对进境的西瓜种子进行检测,并且对PCR产物进一步克隆测序。结果表明,在DAS-ELISA产生阳性结果的样品中,IC-PCR结果也产生阳性。序列分析表明,该序列与已知的该病菌16S rRNA基因的相应序列具有100%同源性。因此,2006年这批来自台湾的西瓜种子携带有嗜酸菌属西瓜种(Acidovorax citrulli)。  相似文献   

为明确新烟碱类杀虫剂噻虫胺种子处理对西瓜生长发育和品质的影响, 以及在西瓜中的残留状况, 本研究以10%噻虫胺种子处理悬浮剂为供试药剂, 采用拌种试验, 开展噻虫胺对西瓜生长发育的影响及残留分析研究。结果表明, 噻虫胺有效成分用量100~250 g/100 kg范围内, 对西瓜出苗安全; 噻虫胺拌种处理对西瓜苗期的株高、茎粗、叶绿素含量和叶面积有一定的促进作用, 随着西瓜的生长促进作用减弱, 西瓜出苗后30 d, 各处理间差异不显著; 噻虫胺各处理西瓜产量均高于空白对照, 对西瓜有一定的增产作用; 噻虫胺拌种可不同程度地提高西瓜果实中可溶性糖、可溶性固形物含量, 提升西瓜的品质; 随着西瓜生长发育, 叶片内噻虫胺含量逐渐降低, 出苗后45 d, 叶片内未检测到噻虫胺残留; 西瓜收获时果实中未检测到噻虫胺残留, 西瓜根部土壤中噻虫胺的残留量在0.041 2~0.097 5 mg/kg之间。综上所述, 噻虫胺100~250 g/100 kg用量范围内处理西瓜种子, 对西瓜苗期生长有一定促进作用, 并可提高产量, 改善西瓜的品质, 叶片内噻虫胺含量随植株生长逐渐降低, 果实中无残留, 本研究为噻虫胺种子处理在西瓜生产实践中合理、安全、高效的应用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

In recent years, watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) has been subjected to significant losses due to vine decline in Sicily (southern Italy). During a survey conducted in 2009, the predominant fungal species associated with root rot and vine decline were Rhizoctonia spp. The most isolates were characterized as binucleate Rhizoctonia AG-F through morphological observation, nuclear condition, anastomosis tests and sequence homology of rDNA-ITS. Occasionally, R. solani was found. The pathogenicity of binucleate Rhizoctonia and virulences of different isolates were tested in growth chamber on watermelon seedlings. All isolates were pathogenic on watermelon seedlings and showed statistically significant differences on the disease incidence and severity among them. To our knowledge, this is the first report worldwide of the occurrence of pathogenic binucleate Rhizoctonia responsible for root rot and associated with watermelon vine decline.  相似文献   

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