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Maize and amaranth forages, produced during the wet season, have the potential to bridge the gap in forage supply to ruminants during the dry season in Nigeria. In two growing seasons (2006 and 2007), effects of intercropping and fertilizer application on dry matter (DM) yield and chemical composition of forages, and land use efficiency, were studied in two experiments. The digestibility of sun‐dried or ensiled maize, amaranth or maize–amaranth mixtures was measured using West African dwarf sheep in a third experiment. Maize showed a higher response to fertilizer application than amaranth or maize–amaranth mixtures. With fertilizer application, DM yield varied significantly (P < 0·05) between species and intercropped mixtures. Dry matter yield ranged from 7·1 (amaranth) to 12·6 t ha?1 (maize) in 2006 and 6·9 (amaranth) to 11·3 t ha?1 (70:30 maize–amaranth population mixture) in 2007. Crude protein (CP) concentration of whole plants ranged from 99·0 (maize) to 227·0 g kg?1 DM (amaranth). Dry matter digestibility values of sun‐dried maize, sun‐dried maize:amaranth 50:50 mixture, sun‐dried amaranth, ensiled maize, ensiled maize:amaranth 50:50 mixture and ensiled amaranth were 0·718, 0·607, 0·573, 0·737, 0·553 and 0·526 respectively. Intercropping increased forage yield and land use efficiency compared to amaranth but had no yield advantage over maize. Although DM digestibility of maize was higher than that of amaranth or the maize:amaranth mixture, digestible CP yield ha?1 was higher with amaranth in the cropping mixture, showing that amaranth could complement maize in systems where CP is the limiting factor to livestock production.  相似文献   

氮肥用量对水稻产量及产量性状的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
试验结果表明,氮肥用量在0~200 kg/hm^2的范围内,产量随氮肥用量的增加而提高,氮肥施用量40~240kg/hm^2比CK(无肥区)增产38.90%~169.45%,比只施用磷、钾肥的处理增产16.99%~129.94%.氮肥用量增加,单穴穗数、穗粒数增加;饱满千粒重、混合千粒重和饱满粒率下降.穗颈长、穗长、一次枝梗和二次枝梗数量、着粒密度增加;植株高度、单穴草重、生物产量、谷草比和经济系数提高.适宜的氮肥用量为160~200 kg/hm^2,不仅增产率高,而且其它性状也能得到改善.  相似文献   

试验结果表明,氮肥用量在0-200 kg/hm2的范围内,产量随氮肥用量的增加而提高,氮肥施用量40-240 kg/hm2比CK(无肥区)增产38.90%-169.45%,比只施用磷、钾肥的处理增产16.99%-129.94%。氮肥用量增加,单穴穗数、穗粒数增加;饱满千粒重、混合千粒重和饱满粒率下降。穗颈长、穗长、一次枝梗和二次枝梗数量、着粒密度增加;植株高度、单穴草重、生物产量、谷草比和经济系数提高。适宜的氮肥用量为160- 200 kg/hm2,不仅增产率高,而且其它性状也能得到改善。  相似文献   

长期大量施用化肥造成土壤退化、环境污染等诸多问题。为培肥地力、提高肥料利用率,于2018年和 2019年在山东省沂南县设置减氮配施钙肥试验,选用品种龙花5号为试材,探明氮钙运筹对花生光合特性、产量、肥 料贡献率的影响。结果表明:与常规施氮量相较,减氮25%和35%处理降低了花生的主茎高、叶面积指数、净光合 速率、百果重、百仁重和产量,但对出米率无显著影响。氮肥不变的前提下,增施钙肥可促进花生主茎高的生长,增 加花生叶面积指数、SPAD、净光合速率和产量。氮钙运筹情况下,减氮25%配施300 kg∙hm-2 钙肥处理的净光合速 率、叶面积指数、产量、肥料贡献率最高。通过数学建模分析得出,2018年减氮25%配施311.15 kg∙hm-2 钙肥时花生 产量最高,2019年减氮25%配施304.99 kg∙hm-2钙肥时花生产量最高。本试验为花生均衡施肥、高产、稳产提供理 论支撑。  相似文献   

通过田间对比试验研究穗肥追施时间对水稻产量及米质的影响,结果表明,水稻的穗肥追施时间越晚,加工品质越好,而产量和食味品质明显降低.这种趋势以出穗前25 d为准,有跳跃式的质的变化.所以为了提高产量和增加食味品质,水稻的穗肥追肥时间不应晚于出穗前25 d.  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验研究了不同硫肥用量对烤烟光合作用和产量的影响。结果表明,当硫肥用量为0.12 g.kg-1时,烤烟叶片的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素总量、类胡萝卜素的含量最高,分别为1.62、0.82、2.44、0.33 mg.g-1;不同硫肥用量对烤烟叶片的叶绿素a/b值影响不大;上、中、下部叶片的净光合速率也以硫肥用量为0.12 g.kg-1时最高。硫肥用量为0.12和0.18 g.kg-1时,烤烟的总生物量、根量、茎量和叶量均较高。  相似文献   

甜菜施用微肥试验结果表明,在氮、磷、钾肥施量一定的条件下,增施微肥使甜菜产质量都有提高。硼元素是影响根产量的主要微肥,锌元素是影响含糖率的主要微肥,生产上施用微肥可参考选用本试验的最佳组合:硼砂15kg/hm^2、硫酸锌7.5kg/hm^2、硫酸锰37.5kg/hm^2。  相似文献   

以一种微平衡生态肥为试验对象,采用与菜籽饼等量、等价进行施肥处理,研究该微平衡生态肥在茶园施用效果。结果表明:施用润丰达微平衡生态肥,促进了茶树生长,一定程度上提高了茶叶产量与品质。  相似文献   

生物磷肥与无机化肥混施对甜菜产质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物磷肥与无机化肥混施对甜菜植株生长发育具有良好效果,单株地上鲜重增加103.6g ̄131.2g,使甜菜块根增产7.1% ̄13.1%,提高含糖0.4 ̄1.0度,增加产糖量13% ̄22%。一般生物磷肥与无机化肥混施量以生物磷肥22.5 ̄30kg加尿素90kg加二铵150kg/hm^2为最经济高效。  相似文献   

专用叶面肥对花生生长,光合及产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
花生结荚期施用花生专用叶面肥,能增加叶片的厚度,提高叶绿素含量,加快叶片的光合速率,促使叶片中的同化物向荚果运输和积累,从而加强了荚果的生长发育,使结荚率、百果重、百仁重增加,出仁率提高,花生增产18.5%。其作用效果优于高美施通用型叶面肥。  相似文献   

连续施用磷钾肥对油菜产量及养分吸收的影响   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
在磷、钾素含量较高的黄红壤上研究了连续施用磷钾肥对油菜产量、养分吸收和经济效益的影响。结果表明:施用磷钾肥,可以显著提高油菜产量,增产幅度达45.3%~180%,磷肥效应起主导作用。连续施用磷钾肥有利于养分的协调供应,提高了油菜植株的养分含量和养分吸收量。磷钾肥的施用还能大幅度提高经济效益,三季油菜纯利润平均增加了1 372.8~1 851.1元/hm2。  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen (N) fertiliser on grain size and shape, starch and protein concentration, vitreosity, storage protein composition, and alcohol yield of two winter wheat varieties contrasting in endosperm texture were studied in a field trial in Herefordshire, UK in 2004. Averaged across varieties, the alcohol yield was 439 L/tonne for grain with a protein concentration of 11.5 g/100 g. The soft endosperm wheat variety Riband produced on average 7.7 L more alcohol per tonne of grain at a given protein concentration than the hard endosperm variety, Option. At the same time, N fertiliser was shown to have significant effects on alcohol production through its major influence on grain protein concentration. Averaged over both varieties, there was a reduction in alcohol yield of 5.7 L for each 10 kg increase in protein content per tonne of grain. The starch concentration of Riband was 2.9 g/100 g higher than Option at a given grain protein concentration, supporting its higher observed alcohol yields. A low conversion of starch to alcohol in this study (6.30 L/10 kg starch) compared to the theoretical value (6.61 L/10 kg starch) indicated that there is potential for improvement of this character. The traits relating to grain size and shape were principally influenced by genotype, and were not influenced by N fertiliser. Conversely, there were only minor genotypic effects on grain protein concentration and vitreosity. An important finding was that there were no interactions between variety and N treatment for any of the variables considered, indicating that the response of the two varieties to changes in applied N was the same, resulting in consistent differences in starch concentration and alcohol yield between genotypes at different levels of grain protein. An analysis of the composition of the wheat storage proteins by size-exclusion chromatography showed that the gliadins increased on average by 0.56 g per g increase in total grain protein and were quantitatively the major protein fraction, suggesting that selection for low gliadin content may be a desirable means by which to reduce grain protein, and thereby increase alcohol yield in wheat. The relationship between alcohol yield per unit area and applied N rate was described by a quadratic function and the maximum alcohol yield per unit area was ca. 3630 L/ha. Statistical analysis suggested that the economic optimum rate of N applied for grain yield was close to the optimum N rate for maximum alcohol productivity.  相似文献   

磷对大豆不同品种产量和品质的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
土壤盆栽试验表明,低磷处理下大豆品种的籽粒产量很低,籽粒中蛋白质含量高,脂肪含量低。施磷后大豆的产量极显著增加,但增产效果品种间差异也极显著。施磷大大降低籽粒中蛋白质和氨基酸含量,而增加脂肪含量;对脂肪酸组成中的油酸和亚油酸含量也有影响。  相似文献   

The changes in dry matter (DM) yield, botanical composition and nutritive value of herbage to ruminants of two wet grasslands, Arrhenatherum elatius grassland (Experiment 1) and a Molinia caerulea fen meadow (Experiment 2), in which a range of cutting and fertilizer treatments were imposed in 1999, were assessed after 4–7 years of treatment imposition. Both experiments had a split‐plot design with four replicates. In Experiment 1 the three main‐plot cutting treatments were two cuts with a delayed first cut, three cuts and four cuts during the growing season of each year. In Experiment 2 the cutting treatments were two cuts with a traditional harvest time, two cuts with a delayed first cut and three cuts. The four sub‐plot fertilizer treatments were an unfertilized control, application of a phosphorus and potassium (PK) fertilizer, application of a nitrogen (N) and PK fertilizer to the first cut only (N1PK) and application of PK plus N applied to each of two, three or four cuts (Nc PK). Application of fertilizer influenced yield and botanical composition of herbage more than the cutting treatments while the opposite occurred for nutritive value of the herbage. Application of fertilizer increased the proportion of tall grasses in Experiment 1 and forbs in Experiment 2. The proportion of Equisetum palustre, present only in Experiment 1, was reduced from 0·33 to less than 0·01 by increased cutting frequency together with the NPK fertilizer treatments. In Experiment 1 diversity of vascular plants was negatively affected only by the four‐cuts treatment while on both wet grasslands other cutting and fertilizer application treatments had no effect. Changes in DM yield of herbage caused by the cutting and fertilizer application treatments were similar for both vegetation types with DM yield increased significantly by fertilizer application but only slightly or not reduced by increasing the cutting frequency. Nutritive value of herbage was positively correlated with cutting frequency and was most influenced at the first cut.  相似文献   

施用有机复混肥对稻米产量和食用安全性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验将有机复混肥应用于水稻栽培,测定产量、产量构成、食用安全性等指标。研究表明,施用该有机复混肥对产量的贡献与施化肥相近,施有机复混肥处理有效穗数高过施化肥处理,其结实率、每穗实粒数少于化肥处理。施用该育机复混肥不会造成糙米As、Cd含量超标,试验中不施肥处理降低了糙米中Cd和As的含量。糙米Hg超标表明本研究不同处理都不能有效解决稻米食用安全性问题。  相似文献   

Septoria tritici blotch (STB) caused by Zymoseptoria tritici (Mycosphaerella graminicola) is a major disease of wheat worldwide due to significant losses in grain yield and quality. Disease tolerance is the ability to maintain yield performance in the presence of disease symptoms. Therefore, it could be a useful tool in the management of the disease. Although it is known, that there is disease tolerance to STB in some wheat cultivars, this aspect has not been studied among Argentinean cultivars. The aims of this study were to evaluate genotypic differences in tolerance to STB among Argentinean cultivars, considering the relationship between the area under disease progress curve or the green leaf area or the non-green leaf area duration with the grain yield. In addition the effect of the disease on yield, yield components, test weight, grain protein concentration, wet and dry gluten concentration and the influence of tolerance on these traits was investigated. Field experiments were carried out with ten cultivars in a split-split-plot design during 2010 and 2011. Inoculation treatments were the main plots and cultivars, the subplots. STB significantly reduced grain yield, their components, test weight and increase grain protein and gluten concentration. Cultivar Baguette 10 showed major tolerance to STB, indicated by a consistent low regression slope between the green area duration and yield, while Klein Chaja was non-tolerant due to a high regression slope. However, many cultivars such as Buck Brasil, Buck 75 Aniversario, Klein Escorpion and Klein Flecha had considerably similar regression slopes to Baguette 10, provided good levels of tolerance. Other cultivars presented no significant differences. The correlation coefficient between tolerance and grain yield potential was not significant, suggesting that tolerant high-yielding cultivars can be obtained. No relationship was found between quality group or tolerance with the increase in protein and gluten concentration due to STB either.  相似文献   

采用大田试验,研究增施有机肥和钼肥对连作花生生长发育及产量和品质的影响。结果表明,在合理施用氮磷钾肥基础上,增施有机肥和钼肥可以明显促进花生的生长发育和根瘤的形成,提高产量,改善品质性状。增施钼肥花生单株根瘤数增加4.8~9.5个,侧枝长和单株有效分枝数分别增加1.4~10.3cm、1.2~2.5条,产量提高6.3%~22.3%,植株钼积累量提高1.72~2.69倍。增施有机肥花生产量提高8.2%~15.0%,蛋白质和粗脂肪分别增加13.2%~27.9%和10.3%~20.4%,但不同有机肥间效果差异不显著。本试验最佳组合为:每公顷施饼肥1200 kg+钼肥播种。   相似文献   

通过3年7项次的大豆常规施肥与钙肥的不同加量的效果试验,研究了大豆施用钙肥的增产效果和效益。结果表明,适量增加钙肥的施用对大豆有明显的增产效果,其增产与效益表现为8kgCaO〉10kgCaO〉5ksCaO〉2kgCaO〉CK〉15kgCaO〉20kgCaO。  相似文献   

通过田间小区试验研究中期不同氮肥追施比例对水稻产量及米质的影响,结果表明,减少穗肥施用量有利于提高米质,而不利于提高产量。并提出,在北方粳稻栽培区,每公顷氮肥施用量在120kg纯氮的条件下,补肥和穗肥的施用量应各为总氮量的30%为宜。  相似文献   

This research proposes an assessment for nitrogen (N) pollution loads potential from farmland, based on comparison of N in objective crop yields with standard fertilizer usage. N in the objective yield was calculated using the “Standard Table of Food Composition in Japan”. Three findings were made by considering yields removed from farmland. First, paddy rice and beans have a low pollution potential, with rice paddies showing a negative pollution potential for N (around −14 kg/ha). Second, almost all vegetable and orchard crops tested had a high pollution potential for N, although this differed from crop to crop. Third, our outcomes align well with farmland pollution potential and non-absorbed nitrogen (NAN) as defined by Nishio, although the latter and indices rely on a laborious and complicated method. The correlation coefficients were 0.745 (R 2 = 0.555). These outcomes show the effectiveness of our proposed assessment for potential environmental pollution loads.  相似文献   

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