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The aim of the study was to determine the expression of mannose-sensitive and mannose-resistant adhesins by agglutination of cattle, sheep, goat, rabbit, horse, and chicken red blood cell assay, and curli fimbriae by Congo red binding assay among 341 E. coli strains isolated from 51 milk samples of clinically recognized bovine mastitis. Curli fimbriae expression within biofilms created on an inert surface was also investigated. To determine whether curli fimbriae are expressed both in conditions optimal for their production and in conditions resembling the host organism, the study was conducted in anaerobic atmosphere at 37 degrees C, and at room temperature in aerobic atmosphere. The results demonstrated that although the E. coli isolates examined were deprived of mannose-sensitive and mannose-resistant adhesins they were able to produce curli fimbriae in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions at room and higher temperature, indicating that these adhesins may be involved in the pathogenesis of bovine mastitis.  相似文献   

To assess the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance and class I integrons in Escherichia coli strains (n=58) isolated from bovine mastitis in Inner Mongolia, antimicrobial susceptibility and the presence of various types of integrons were characterized. Most isolates were susceptible to amikacin, colistin, ceftazidime, gentamicin and kanamycin, while those also exhibited high resistant incidence rates to ampicillin, amoxicillin, sulfadiazine and sulfamethoxydiazine. The integrase gene of integrons was amplified by PCR using degenerate primers. The integrons were confirmed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of positive PCR products. Neither class II nor class III integron was detected, while 56.90% (n=33) of the isolates were positive for the presence of intI1 gene. Sequencing analysis of gene cassettes revealed that seven gene cassettes were found, which encoded resistance to trimethoprim (dfrA1 and dfrA17), aminoglycosides (aacA4, aadA1 and aadA5) and chloramphenicol (catB3), respectively. Of them, the gene cassette array dfrA17-aadA5 was found most prevalent (62.96%). The percentage of positive-integron among the isolates whose resistant profile was relatively broad (n> or =7) is 100.00%, while the one in narrow-profile isolates (n=2-6) is 30.56%. The correlation analysis revealed the incidence of integrons among the isolates were highly related to the resistant profile, indicating integrons play an important role in the dissemination and spread of the antimicrobial resistant strains.  相似文献   

Of 470 Gram-negative facultative anaerobes isolated from cases of bovine mastitis in England and Wales, 422 were identified as Escherichia coli. The characteristics of 237 of these were investigated. Guinea-pig red cell haemagglutinins were possessed by 86% of strains and 12% were resistant to D-mannose. None of the strains tested invaded Vero cells. Haemolysin, Vero toxin and enterotoxin were produced by 5, 0.5 and 1% of strains, respectively. Twenty-two percent were resistant to one or more antibiotics and 4% to sodium arsenate. Transfer ability was possessed by 41% and lysogenic phage by 27% of strains; 62% possessed either one or the other and 12% possessed both. Colicin production was detected in 18% of strains; 5% produced Colicin V. Ninety-nine percent of strains were serum-resistant, while only 6% were able to grow well in bovine serum. A microscopically visible capsule was seen in 75% of strains. All strains possessed at least one of the potential virulence factors or markers studied. Several strains which possessed one characteristic only (mannose-sensitive haemagglutination or serum resistance), possessed one or more large molecular weight plasmids. None of the strains was particularly virulent for chickens following intramuscular inoculation. Of the strains which possessed one virulence characteristic, only those which were serum-resistant were re-isolated from expressed milk following intramammary inoculation of lactating cows.  相似文献   

Ninety-five strains of Escherichia coli isolated from cases of bovine mastitis were examined for the possession of some of the possible virulence determinants. Ten strains which caused haemagglutination of bovine and ovine erythrocytes were considered to be fimbriated and an additional strain caused agglutination of chicken erythrocytes. Colicines were produced by fifteen strains and in three strains the colicine was identified as Col V. Forty-one of 71 strains that were examined serologically possessed capsular or envelope K antigens.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli isolates from bovine mastitis were examined for a selection of virulence factors. The strains originated from Finland and Israel, which have differences in the proportion of mastitis caused by E. coli, clinical pictures of coliform mastitis, environmental conditions and herd management. The genes of nine virulence factors were detected by polymerase chain reaction. Presence of K1 and K5 capsules was assessed by use of specific bacteriophages. Serum resistance was tested by a turbidimetric assay. Out of 160 Finnish isolates, 37% had traT, 14% cnf2, 8% cnf1, 11% aer, 9% f17, 8% sfa, 7% pap, 1% afa8D and 1% afa8E. Out of 113 Israeli isolates, 41% had traT, 4% aer, 3% cnf2, 1% cnf1, 1% sfa and 1% f17. Some of the genes were distributed among two major pathotype groups, with either f17 family or sfa, pap and cnf1 as major determinants. Genes for F17a, CS31A, Afa7D and Afa7E were not detected. Altogether 49% of Finnish and 42% of Israeli isolates had at least one virulence gene, but genes other than traT were present in only 24% of Finnish and 5% of Israeli isolates. Serum resistance was more common among Finnish (94/160) than Israeli isolates (19/113). K1 and K5 capsules were not detected.  相似文献   

Eleven Escherichia coli isolates from clinical bovine mastitis cases (mastitic strains) and 11 from the cowshed environment (environmental strains) were compared, to determine if the former were a subset of the latter. The mastitic and environmental strains could not be distinguished according to O antigen and antibiotic sensitivity. All mastitic isolates showed significantly (P<0.0001) faster growth in milk and faster lactose fermentation than most (approximately 64%) environmental strains, but growth rates in nutrient broth did not differ. The rates of lactose fermentation and growth in milk were positively correlated. Adhesion and phagocytosis of mastitic strains by bovine PMN were significantly (P<0.0001) lower than those of environmental strains, and correlated negatively with growth in milk and lactose fermentation. The average percentages of killing by bovine leukocytes in the two sources were not statistically different. All mastitic strains were serum sensitive, whereas most ( approximately 72%) environmental ones were resistant. Finally, pulse-field gel electrophoresis revealed two main pulse type clusters, sharing a similarity coefficient of 79%. Cluster 1 comprised only environmental strains, whereas cluster 2 comprised mostly mastitic strains and only three environmental ones. Four mastitic strains shared a similarity coefficient of less than 74% with the other strains and were not included in the clusters. Our results suggest that clinical bovine mastitis E. coli isolates may form a subset of the general environmental E. coli population; they seem better able to multiply in the udder medium and to evade the host cellular innate immune response, and are genetically distinct from most environmental strains.  相似文献   

1125 and 1146 E. coli strains isolated from suckling and weaned piglets with diarrhea, respectively, and 724 strains from healthy piglets were tested for the presence of fibriae and production of enterotoxins. The fimbriae were determined by hemagglutination and slide agglutination tests, enterotoxins—by the use of ileal loop test in piglets (LT and STb enterotoxins) and suckling mouse assay (STa enterotoxin). It was found that 72.8 and 53.0% strains, isolated from diseased suckling and weaned piglets, respectively, possessed specific fimbrial hemagglutinins, in most cases with K88 antigen. Additionally, 987P fimbriae were detected in 14.0 and 0.7% strains isolated from piglets with diarrhea. Only 5 strains (0.7%) recovered from healthy piglets had specific fimbriae, usually with undetermined antigenic structure. F1 fimbriae (called common or unspecific) were found in strains isolated both from diseased (15.2 and 16.3% strains, respectively) and healthy piglets (27.1% strains). It was noted that the strains isolated from suckling and weaned piglets with diarrhea in most cases were enterotoxigenic (90.5 and 69.1% strains, respectively) and most frequently produced heat-labile toxin LT alone or with STb. 18.5% of enterotoxigenic strains isolated from healthy piglets produced STa toxin.  相似文献   

Seventy strains of Escherichia coli, isolated from bovine mastitis in Australia, Denmark, Norway and the U.S.A., were tested for their ability to bind fibronectin. Fifty-three strains (76%) interacted with iodinated fibronectin at a level exceeding 5% of the total radioactivity added. Binding of the amino-terminal (29 kD) fragment of fibronectin was tested for 15 strains, and 6 strains (40%) bound greater than 5%. Bacteria binding the 29 kD fragment at greater than or equal to 19% of the added protein, consistently showed "high" attachment to bovine skin fibroblasts. These cells were shown by immunofluorescence to produce extracellular matrix containing fibronectin. Strains binding lower amounts of fibronectin or 29 kD fragment adhered poorly to these fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Bovine mastitis caused by Escherichia coli has traditionally been viewed as a transient infection. However, E. coli can also cause clonal persistent intramammary infection (IMI) in dairy cows. In this study, we explored the possibility that E. coli strains associated with persistent IMI are better able to adhere to, invade, survive and replicate in cultured mammary epithelial cells (MAC-T) than transient strains, and examined their serotype, overall genotype, phylogenetic group, and the presence of known virulence genes. Both transient and persistent E. coli strains adhered to MAC-T cells, but persistent strains invaded MAC-T cells 2.6-63.5 times more than transient strains. Blocking the adhesin/invasin FimH with mannose diminished but did not eliminate adhesion and invasion of any strain. Cytoskeletal and protein kinase inhibitors cytochalasin D, colchicine, genistein and wortmannin dramatically reduced invasion of MAC-T cells by both strains. All of the persistent strains, but only one transient strain, were able to survive and replicate intracellularly in MAC-T cells over 48 h. Transient and persistent strains displayed heterogeneous serotypes and overall genotypes, but similar phylogeny (group A), and lacked virulence genes of invasive E. coli. We have found that E. coli strains associated with persistent IMI are better able to invade and replicate within cultured mammary epithelial cells than transient strains. The invasion process involves the host cytoskeleton and signaling cascades and is not FimH dependent. Our findings suggest that the invasion of mammary epithelial cells and intracellular survival play an important role in the pathogenesis of persistent E. coli mastitis.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is a major pathogen in the aetiology of bovine mastitis. Although classically considered to be an environmental pathogen causing mainly transient infection, the incidence of persistent E. coli mastitis infections may be increasing, suggesting an adaptation of this pathogen to the bovine udder environment. Mastitis E. coli strains have been demonstrated to enter bovine mammary cells in vitro but little is known about the invasion mechanism or the intracellular fate of the bacteria. In order to further understand the pathogenesis of persistent E. coli bovine mastitis we investigated the intracellular trafficking of mastitis E. coli isolates in primary bovine mammary cells using confocal microscopy and fluorescent markers of endocytic compartments. Consistent with other studies, mastitis E. coli were found to invade primary bovine mammary cells in vitro. This process did not involve in the rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton. Intracellular bacteria were observed within membrane-bound compartments that labelled with the early endosomal marker phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns(3)P) and also within late endosome-like compartments labelled with the small GTPase Rab7, indicating an endocytic mechanism of bacterial internalization. Bacteria were not observed within acidified lysosomal compartments or autophagic vacuoles, suggesting that the internalized bacteria are not targeted for lysosomal degradation via either the classical endocytic pathway or the autophagic response. Our findings are consistent with an endosomal survival niche for the internalized bacteria, allowing them to evade host immune responses and establish an infection reservoir that could later re-emerge as a recurrent clinical mastitis episode.  相似文献   

A survey is given on the presence and the detection of entero- and cytotoxin production of Salmonella. Their role in the pathogenesis of Salmonellosis has not yet been clarified completely. The standardization of the terms of toxins according place and modus of action is proposed. Cytotonic and cytotoxic enterotoxins were demonstrated in Salmonella strains. Toxins, like the Verotoxin of E. coli, acting in enterocytes as well as in other cells of organisms have not been detected in Salmonella strains. For detection cell culture assays are preferred, DNA-hybridization will be of importance in the near future.  相似文献   

The clinical pattern as well as the pathologico-anatomic or histological changes due to mycoplasma mastitis are neither specific nor pathognomic. Mastitis pathogens so far described included M. bovis, M. bovigenitalium, A. laidlawii, A. axanthum, M. alkalescens, M. canadense, M. dispar, M. bovirhinis, strains of Group 7 according to Leach, strain ST 6, and ureaplasma strains. In the GDR, enzootic mastitis has been confined to A. laidlawii and A. axanthum.  相似文献   

Mastitis was produced in four quarters of two lactating cows by the inoculation of 50 or 200 viable Escherichia coli. Changes were investigated by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. After 10 hours the changes were confined to the superficial layer of the epithelium of the teat and lactiferous sinuses; single cells or small groups of cells were damaged and were being extruded from the tissue. By 14 hours there was extensive necrosis and sloughing of the epithelial cells which did not extend beyond the basement membrane, and an intense inflammatory response associated with the epithelial damage. The somatic cells in the milk, mainly polymorphonuclear leucocytes, increased 40 to 250 times and strongly inhibited the survival of E coli. Epithelial damage appeared first in the ventral portions of the gland and then extended through the lactiferous sinus to the large ducts and secreting tissue. This pattern of damage together with the failure to observe bacteria attached to the epithelia was consistent with the production of diffusible toxins by the organisms.  相似文献   

Seven strains of Escherichia coli, originating from clinical cases of bovine mastitis, and one Salmonella typhimurium control strain were tested for their ability to adhere to, and invade, bovine mammary epithelial cells (MAC-T cells) in vitro. Four of the seven strains were isolated from cows with chronic intramammary infections with recurrent episodes of clinical mastitis and three strains were isolated from single cases of clinical mastitis. Both adhesion and invasion of all strains were dose and time dependent. The four E. coli strains isolated from recurrent cases of clinical mastitis invaded twice as frequently as and three times faster than the strains isolated from single cases of clinical mastitis. By contrast, there was no difference in the amount or speed of adhesion between the two types of strains of E. coli. Adhesion and invasion curves of E. coli resembled a two-step chain reaction, where invasion was the rate-limiting step. Although adhesion and invasion of E. coli has not been demonstrated in vivo yet, the results of the present study may contribute to an understanding of the pathogenesis of chronic intramammary infections caused by E. coli.  相似文献   

The effect of bovine lactoferrin (Lf) was studied in experimental Escherichia coli mastitis, using enrofloxacin as a comparator. Mastitis was induced in six clinically healthy primiparous dairy cows by infusing 1500 colony-forming units of E. coli into a single udder quarter. The challenge was repeated into a contralateral quarter of the same cows 3 weeks later. At the first challenge, three cows were treated with 1.5 g of bovine lactoferrin intramammarily three times (12, 20 and 36 h postchallenge, PC), and the other three cows received 5 mg/kg of enrofloxacin (Baytril) parenterally (12, 36 and 60 h PC). Flunixin meglumine (2.2 mg/kg) was administered to all cows twice at 24-h intervals. During the second challenge, the treatments for the two groups were reversed. Intramammary challenge with E. coli produced clinical mastitis in all cows, but the severity of the disease varied markedly. No statistically significant differences between treatment groups were observed in clinical signs such as rectal temperature, rumen motility and general attitude. Milk somatic cell count, daily milk yield and bacterial counts in cows treated with Lf and those receiving enrofloxacin also did not differ significantly. However, a trend for a more rapid elimination of bacteria was seen in the cows treated with enrofloxacin. Milk NAGase activity also decreased significantly faster in the group treated with enrofloxacin. The concentration of lipopolysaccharide in milk compared with the number of bacteria was significantly lower in Lf than in enrofloxacin-treated cows (20 h PC).  相似文献   

Virulence of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is associated with fimbrial adhesins and enterotoxins such as heat-labile (LT) and/or heat-stable (ST) enterotoxins. Previous studies using a cell culture model suggest that exclusion of ETEC from attachment to epithelial cells requires expression of both an adhesin such as K88 (F4) fimbriae, and LT. To test the ability of non-pathogenic E. coli constructs to exclude virulent ETEC sufficiently to prevent clinical disease, we utilized a piglet ETEC challenge model. Thirty-nine 5-day-old piglets were inoculated with a placebo (control), or with either of the three K88(+)E. coli strains isogenic with regard to modified LT expression: 8017 (pBR322 plasmid vector control), non-toxigenic mutant 8221 (LT(R192G)) in pBR322, or 8488, with the LT gene fused to the STb gene in pBR322 (LT(R192G)-STb). Piglets were challenged with virulent ETEC Strain 3030-2 (K88(+)/LT/STb) 24h post-inoculation. K88ac receptor-positive piglets in the control group developed diarrhea and became dehydrated 12-24h post-challenge. Piglets inoculated with 8221 or 8488 did not exhibit clinical signs of ETEC disease; most piglets inoculated with 8017 showed diarrhea. Control pigs exhibited significant weight loss, increased blood total protein, and higher numbers of colony-forming units of 3030-2 E. coli in washed ileum and jejunum than treated pigs. This study shows for the first time that pre-inoculation with an avirulent strain expressing adhesive fimbriae and a non-toxic form of LT provides significant short term protection from challenge with a virulent ETEC strain that expresses the same fimbrial adhesion and enterotoxin.  相似文献   

In total, 63 S. aureus strains from mastitis milk samples of different animals in 57 farms were isolated. In 14 (22%) of the S. aureus strains resistancies against one or several of the examined antibiotics could be observed whereby six resistance patterns were found. 14.3% of the strains were penicillin resistant. 34 (54%) of the 63 S. aureus produced enterotoxins (SE). Three strains formed SEA, 21 SEC, three SED and seven strains 2 SE, SEAC, SEAD or SEBD.  相似文献   

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