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Determining the geographic origin of potatoes using mineral and trace element content 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
To characterize potatoes according to their geographic origin and variety, 10 mineral and trace elements (Mg, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Cd, and Ba) were determined in Italian potato samples. The data collected were successively elaborated using statistical techniques, namely, linear discriminant analysis (LDA). LDA was able to classify and discriminate the potatoes from Fucino both from those of other areas of Italy and from those of the four provinces of Abruzzo. A net separation between the Fucino potatoes and those of the other areas of Abruzzo was observed. LDA discriminated also the three potato varieties cultivated in the Fucino basin. The presence of these 10 mineral and trace elements was a good means for establishing the geographical place of origin of Fucino potatoes. 相似文献
Bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Contender) were grown on perlite with nutrient solution and 0, 1, 2.5 and 5 ppm levels of Na2CrO4 Significant decrease of top growth and chlorosis in trifoliated leaves were observed for 2.5 and 5 ppm Cr, with Cr concentrations (μg/g) in tops:≥ 12.1, in roots:≥ 509.9. Cr decreased K, Na, Mg and Fe concentrations, and increased P and Mn concentrations in roots. In tops decreased N, K, Na and Fe concentrations and increased Mn and Ca concentrations were observed, Translocation of P, Zn, Cu and Fe was inhibited; Ca and Mn translocation was generally enhanced. P/Fe ratio was increased up to 60% in chlorotic plants, indicating a shift from Fe2+ to Fe3+. 相似文献
Sh. Tserenpil A. Sapkota C. -Q. Liu J. -H. Peng B. Liu P. Chr. Segebade 《Eurasian Soil Science》2016,49(8):879-889
Lead (Pb) pollution in and around Ulaanbaatar is of national concern, given that the Mongolian capital is home to nearly half of the country’s entire population. By comparison, Mongolian countryside is a pristine environment because of its sparse population and low industrial activity. The concentration of Pb in urban soils (average of 39.1 mg kg–1) was twice the values found (average 18.6 mg kg–1) in background territories (i.e., Mongolian rural sites). Furthermore, Pb contamination was examined by using Pb stable isotopic composition, and covariance of Pb isotopic ratios showed two groups between rural and urban soils as pristine and disturbed sites. The 206Pb/207Pb ratio, the most prominent fingerprint for Pb pollution, was 1.163–1.185 for the urban whereas values for rural soils (1.186–1.207) were analogue to the regional Pb isotopic signatures. Local coal sources and their combustion products, one of the potential Pb pollution sources in Ulaanbaatar, have significant radiogenic properties in terms of Pb isotopic composition and revealed an average of 1.25 for 206Pb/207Pb and 19.551 for 206Pb/204Pb ratios. Thus, contributions from coal firing activity to Pb pollution lower than it was assumed, and smaller range of these values measured in urban soils may be attributed to the mixing of less radiogenic Pb as a constituent of the leaded gasolines. 相似文献
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - Epiphytic lichens were sampled in a Dutch national monitoring survey, which was carried out twice within 5 yr. The samples were analyzed by neutron activation... 相似文献
R. B. Clark 《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(5):853-885
Many factors affect the composition of mineral elements in plants. The effects of many of these factors, such as element concentration, temperature, pH, plant part, plant age, metabolic inhibitors, element interactions, fertilizer, and type of soil, have been studied extensively by many scientists who are concerned with plant mineral nutrition. However, relatively few studies have focused on the effects of light and water stress. The objective of this review was to consider some of the effects that light and water stress have on the mineral element composition of plants. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(15-16):1937-1944
Abstract Concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Mn were determined in one‐, two‐, and five‐year‐old needles from upper and lower crowns of declining and healthy red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) to assess nutritional deficiencies as causes of severe defoliation in upper‐elevation forests in western Massachusetts. Concentrations of N and K did not differ between stands or positions in crowns but decreased with leaf age. In declining stands, mean Ca concentrations were the same in the upper and lower crowns (3.2 mg g‐1), whereas in healthy stands, Ca was higher in the lower crown (4.8 mg g‐1) than in the upper crown (3.9 mg g‐1). Five‐year‐old needles of healthy trees had higher Ca than those of declining trees (6.0 and 3.8 mg g‐1, respectively). Mean concentrations of P and Mg in declining trees were 0.9 and 0.5 mg g‐1, respectively, with each element being at threshold levels of sufficiency. Mean concentrations of P and Mg, respectively, were 0.3 mg g‐1 and 0.2 mg g‐1 lower in needles of declining trees than in healthy trees. Five‐year‐old needles of declining trees were lower in P and Mg than those from healthy trees. Mean Mn concentrations were lower in needles of declining trees than in healthy trees (0.4 vs 1.3 mg g‐1). The results suggest that low P, Mg, and possibly Ca concentrations in needles of declining trees may contribute to the decline. 相似文献
The effects of apple dwarfing rootstocks on leaf nutrient element composition in stoolbed production
The nutritional status of 22 apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) dwarfing rootstocks, with varied degrees of dwarfing, was evaluated during stoolbed production in 1983 and 1984. Rootstock effects were observed for all leaf nutrient elements studied except Cu. Except for EMLA 27, leaf N levels were generally highest in dwarfing EMLA and Polish series and lowest on vigorous MAC and EMLA rootstocks. Relatively few significant differences were found in leaf P and K content among rootstocks. Foliar Ca and Mg concentrations were generally highest on Polish and Budagovski rootstocks and lowest on EMLA 111. Leaf B levels on vigorous and semi‐dwarfing EMLA rootstocks and Fe levels in MAC, Polish, and Budagovski series were considerably higher than on other rootstocks. Although significant differences were found in leaf Mn and Zn among rootstocks, no specific effect for rootstock vigor was observed for either element. Positive correlations between leaf Ca and Mg occurred in 17 rootstocks while negative correlations between N and Fe were observed in 21 rootstocks. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(15-16):1591-1595
Abstract The elemental composition of winter wheat, spring barley, oat, rye, buckwheat and potato at flowering stage as well as the molar ratio of elements to each other in these crops were determined. Presented is a new theoretical approach to fertilization based on the view that knowing the ratio of elements in crops at the flowering stage can be useful in determining the appropriate ratios of fertilizer components in plant nutrition and fertilization. 相似文献
Volcanoes are known to discharge gaseous fluorides to the atmosphere, but measurement of these is difficult, and the dispersion characteristics have not previously been studied in detail. Samples of lichens were collected from the slopes of Etna Volcano in 1985 and 1987, in order to monitor these gases. Subsequent analysis for fluoride showed levels ranging from 2 to 141 μg g?1, compared with control values of < 2 μg g?1 The fluoride accumulation patterns clearly show that there is a major input from the volcano's plume, with the highest levels on the downwind side; these are attributed to the prevailing winds and to the local topographic influences. The fluoride levels in the lichens are compared with those resulting from industrial pollution. 相似文献
Per Johansson 《Biological conservation》2008,141(8):1933-1944
This paper provides a quantitative review of the consequences of disturbance on epiphytic lichens in boreal and near boreal forests, focusing on disturbance effects on lichen persistence, growth, and colonization, and on the development (recovery rates) of lichen diversity over time. Lichen persistence, growth, and colonization were examined by reviewing studies on e.g. edge-effects, lichen transplants, and logging experiments. Recovery rates were examined by reviewing studies on relationships between lichen diversity and stand age. The results from the reviewed studies were analysed by various meta-analysis methods. The review showed e.g. overall negative effects of disturbance on lichen persistence, but that persistence depend on the magnitude of the disturbance (e.g. forest edge orientation and clearcut size). However, many lichens seem to persist disturbance, and growth rates were as good in disturbed as in intact forest. The review also showed that lichen populations may need long time to recover, but that species richness does not necessarily increase over time. However, disturbance origin (logging or natural disturbance) is important to explain lichen diversity but is often confounded with stand age. The results are promising for the potential to restore and maintain lichen diversity by forest management methods based on natural disturbance regimes. Further research is needed to e.g. separate the effects of time since disturbance and disturbance type, to examine edge-effects under varying edge conditions, and to examine the influence of landscape context on stand level lichen diversity. 相似文献
Donald F. Perkins 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1992,64(3-4):503-510
The relationship between F contents and damage to previously unpolluted saxicolous lichens (Ramalina sp) was examined in the vicinity of an Al works on the island of Anglesey, North Wales. Damage was greatest <2 km from the works, where 41% of Ramalina thalli showed >50% chlorosis and necrosis. Loss of lichens (measured by changes in percent cover in 58 permanent quadrats) decreased with increasing distance from the works. Lichens well-exposed to emissions had the largest F content and 20 to 30% more losses than those less-exposed. Well-exposed lichens had rates of loss of cover of 4.9% km?1 yr?1, whereas more sheltered thalli had losses of 3.7% km?1 yr?1. In contrast, relatively uncontaminated lichens increased in % cover. Content of F reflected both distance from the works and exposure to emissions; losses, and F content, were closely related (r2=0.90). Lichens containing 300, 100 and 50 μg F g?1 dry weight lost 46, 15 and 10% of cover yr?1, respectively. 相似文献
In the New Jersey Pinelands, canopy gaps in the pine-dominated forest support patches of lichens, mosses, and caespitose grasses. We tested the hypotheses that non-vascular plants and lichens can affect nutrient cycling processes and that mosses and lichens would differ from each other. We predicted that (1) lichen tissues would decompose more slowly than pine or moss tissues, (2) all plant materials would decompose more slowly beneath lichens than beneath mosses, and (3) soil enzyme activities would be higher under lichens than under mosses or grasses, reflecting greater nutrient limitation. We compared rates of decomposition of the litter of Pinus rigida and moss and lichen tissues, and measured soil enzyme activities responsible for nutrient mineralization from litter (acid and alkaline phosphatases, chitinase, β-glucosidase, aminopeptidase, and phenol oxidase) under three types of groundcover (lichens, mosses, and grasses) and unvegetated soil at two sites. While groundcover affected enzyme activities, the patterns of enzyme activities differed markedly between the two sites. In general, the enzyme activities were uniformly low. Decomposition rates were more strongly affected by the groundcover than by litter materials. While all litters tended to decompose more slowly under lichens than under mosses, supporting one of our initial hypotheses, the rates of decomposition were markedly different between the two sites. These results suggest that while mosses and lichens create patches of different soil function in both sites, the differences between the sites in unknown factors cause the enzyme activities and decomposition rates to differ. 相似文献
南极Fildes半岛地衣在风化和成土过程中的作用 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Lichens play an unparalleledly vital role in weathering and soil-forming processes in Antarctic region,In this study some related chemical components and micromorphological analyses have been carried out on the samples of the weathered rocks and the lichens grown on them from Files Peninsula,Antarctic,The results indicatied that the major chemical components in the bioweathering surface layer of the sampled rocks have been obviously altered and the weathering potential in this layer has greatly decreased by and average range around 4.66 percent in 4 samples,In the weathering surface layer ferruginiztion of some minerals in varying degress was seen by means of microscopic examination through the thin section of the weathered rocks,and its products proved to be dominated by hematitie,limonite,goethite and free iron oxides Meanwhile,the study suggested that the dissolution and absorption of lichens by their secretion accelerated the process of calcitization of minerals in the bio-weathering suface layer,Eventually,the results also show that different species of lichens play different roles in weathering and soil-forming proesses. 相似文献
Lichens are prominent components of many biological soil crusts. Owing to their persistence, lichen thalli create microhabitats for other microbes. Here, the structure of bacterial communities at the thallus–soil interface in lichen soil crusts was studied by using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and 3D image reconstruction. Terricolous lichen thalli above the tree-line in open habitats of the Austrian Alps were sampled. We selected six lichen species associated with green algal photobionts: Arthrorhaphis citrinella, Baeomyces placophyllus, B. rufus, Icmadophila ericetorum, Psora decipiens and Trapeliopsis granulosa. Alphaproteobacteria and Acidobacteria are predominant in these soil crust lichens, where the latter are frequently present in the lower part of lichen thalli and in the hypothallosphere. In the inconspicuous thallus structures of Arthrorhaphis citrinella, Baeomyces rufus, Icmadophila ericetorum and Trapeliopsis granulosa we observed association of bacteria with algal cells in soil particles and on the outer surface of the mycobiont–photobiont aggregates. We found bacterial cells intermixed with photobiont cells in the lower part of the lichen thalli and as small colonies on the surface of the squamules of Baeomyces placophyllus and Psora decipiens. Moreover, technical issues of performing FISH and confocal microscopy with biological soil crusts are discussed. 相似文献
Mercury deposition was monitored at two mountain sites in Quebec using transplanted lichens and moss. The terricolous lichen species Cladina rangiferina, the epiphytic lichen species Hypogymnia physodes, and the feather moss Pleurozium schreberi were transplanted from a northern Ontario boreal site to the bases and summits of Roundtop Mountain and Mt. Tremblant in southern Quebec. After 12 months, transplants of C. rangiferina sited at the base and summit of Roundtop mountain and the summit of Mt. Tremblant showed a significant increase in mercury concentration over controls (p < 0.05). The largest difference occurred at the summit of Roundtop mountain where mercury concentration was 81.4 ± 10.9 ppb as compared to 45.6 + 10.6 ppb at the control site. No significant increases in mercury concentration in P. schreberi were seen after 12 months at any site althought trends of increase were apparent. After 20 months, further significant increases in Hg content were observed in both the terricolous lichen and the feather moss at both the Roundtop Mountain base and summit sites. A significant increase in Hg content of P. schreberi was also noted at the Mt. Tremblant summit site. Over the length of the study the greatest mercury concentration increases were observed in the feather moss at the Roundtop Mountain summit site (with a 248.3 ± 30.0 ppb mercury concentration as compared to 108.3 ± 30.0 ppb in controls). No significant change in mercury concentration in the epiphyte H. physodes was found during the study. These data indicate that mercury deposition is occurring, especially to higher elevation sites. While mercury inputs at the summits may be increased by the effects of fog, increases in mercury at the base sites cannot be accounted for the same way, but may represent the importance of dry deposition processes. 相似文献
Permanent field plots containing a dominant ground cover of feather moss (Pleurozium schreberi) and the forage lichen, (Cladina), were established in mature, boreal forest jack pine stands to monitor the effects of simulated acid precipitation. For a five-year period commencing in 1981, bimonthly sprays (pH range 2.5 to 5.6) were given throughout the growing season. The feather moss wefts were extremely sensitive to simulated rains of pH 2.5 and 3.0; but loss of cover and frond blackening were also observed at pH 3.5. The pH 2.5 treatment killed almost all of thePleurozium, while the cover remaining in the pH 3.0 treatment after 5 years was reduced by 44%. In laboratory studies designed to compare the effects of H2S04, HN03 and a 2:1 mixture of both, microcosms sprayed with H2S04 alone (pH 3.0) were more significantly affected than fronds treated with HN03 alone or pH 5.6 sprays of any ratio. Although less sensitive thanPleurozium, field-sprayed lichens were also visibly damaged. At pHs less than 3.5,C. stellaris andC. rangiferina had reduced podetial height and dry weight; whileC. mitis was affected by a combination of the acid rain treatment and other associated factors. While ambient rains of pH 4.2 may not in themselves be harmful to the boreal ground flora, it is apparent that the feather mosses and lichens, lacking a cuticle and true roots, are very sensitive to occasional, extremely acidic rain events. 相似文献
Karin Perhans Leif Appelgren Ulrika Nordin Lena Gustafsson 《Biological conservation》2009,142(5):1125-777
Leaving small patches of forest intact at harvesting is now a standard procedure to mitigate negative effects on biodiversity. One purpose of the patches is to “life-boat” species over the forest regeneration phase, although the capacity of small forest fragments to do so is very uncertain. We investigated the survival of red-listed and indicator species of bryophytes and lichens in 74 retention patches in boreal Sweden. The patches were between 0.01 and 0.5 ha in size and of six different types with respect to tree species composition and location on the harvested area. Species presence and abundance were recorded shortly after harvest in transects covering the whole patches, and an identical inventory was carried out 6 years after the first. During this time, bryophytes generally decreased, most pronounced for liverworts. The largest decreases were found in buffer zones to streams and lakes and the smallest in tree groups dominated by deciduous trees. By contrast, among the lichens some species decreased while others increased, and there was no difference between retention patch types. Among the species abundant enough to be analyzed individually, the lichens Calicium parvum and Micarea globulosella decreased less in larger patches and the bryophyte Hylocomiastrum umbratum decreased more in patches of irregular shape. The results imply that retention patches of this size might be too small to function as refugia for sensitive bryophytes and lichens until the surrounding forest regenerates, but that some lichens appear to persist or even increase. Retention harvesting is still a young management practice and further studies on its long-term conservation benefits will be valuable. 相似文献
Marlene Lidén Monica Pettersson Urban Bergsten Tomas Lundmark 《Biological conservation》2004,118(4):431-442
Due to increasing fragmentation of the boreal forests of Fennoscandia, a number of epiphytic lichens are now becoming threatened. Since these species typically are limited by a poor ability of dispersal, one possible but largely unexplored strategy for conservation is to disperse lichen material artificially into suitable habitats. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate survival and vitality in lichen fragments from Evernia divaricata (L.) Ach. and Ramalina dilacerata (Hoffm.) Hoffm. after transplantation into three different stand types situated in northern Sweden, using different fragment sizes and modes of transplantation. After one year, survival ranged between 85% and 97.5%, and new growth occurred at all transplantation sites. The study has shown that transplantations of small fragments might constitute a resource-efficient option for establishment of new populations of endangered lichen species, or for enlarging their populations at the present sites of occurrence. In addition, the mode of transplantation was of importance for fragment vitality. 相似文献
Lennart Folkeson 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1979,11(2):253-260
The study describes a method for including nine alternative moss and lichen species in heavy-metal air-pollution surveys based on concentrations in one of the species. Iron, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni and Cd concentrations have been measured in Dicranum polysetum, Hylocomium splendens, Hypnum cupressiforme, Pleurozium schreberi, Pohlia nutans, Cladonia rangiferina, Hypogymnia physodes, Pseudevernia furfuracea and Usnea filipendula from 57 sites in coniferous woodland surrounding a brass foundry in Sweden. Concentrations vary decidedly between species. The mosses frequently show higher concentrations than the lichens. The use of different monitor species in a deposition survey without interspecies calibration is not advised. Calibration factors for concentrations in different species can be calculated from the mean concentrations in each species. With the help of the factors, concentrations in a species not found in a certain site can be estimated from concentrations measured in any of the other species sampled. The applicability of the reported calibration factors to surveys in other regions is discussed. Where these factors are not applicable, local calibration factors for indicator species of interest can be set up using the method presented. 相似文献