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农作物叶片对大气沉降重金属的吸收转运和积累机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,农产品的重金属超标问题已经引起了公众的广泛关注,也是国内外学者研究的热点.要实现农产品重金属污染的有效防控,首先需要解决的就是重金属来源问题.目前已有的研究大多集中在根系对土壤中重金属的吸收机制研究,且已基本探明作物根系对重金属的吸收转运机制,包括根际离子的活化,根细胞的吸附和扩散、跨膜运输,根皮层细胞的横向运...  相似文献   

Sediment samples have been collected downstream from a Pb smelter and analyzed for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn. The concentrations of these trace metals decrease with increased distance from the smelter. The decrease in trace metal contant has been utilized to provide an indication of how rapidly artificially high levels of trace metals are reduced to the carrying capacity of a natural water. Equilibrium calculations are utilized to predict the water's intrinsic trace metal carrying capacity.  相似文献   

Although the large variations in nitrate export from forested watersheds have been attributed to a variety of natural and disturbance-related factors, baseflow nitrate concentrations in 49 mid-Appalachian forested watersheds were most strongly related to differences in bedrock geology. Within the mid-Appalachian region of Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia, watersheds dominated by Pottsville and Allegheny sandstone (PVA), Catskill, Chemung, and Pocono shale and sandstone (CCP), and Mauch Chunk shale and Greenbrier limestone (MCG), respectively, exhibited significantly different low, intermediate, and high mean stream nitrate concentrations. Soil pH, soil percent N concentration (%N), soil C:N mass ratio, soil exchangeable Ca, watershed slope, and the occurrence of white ash (Fraxinus americana L.), sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.), and eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis L.) were related significantly to bedrock geology type as well as stream nitrate levels. Other factors such as past land disturbances (fire and agriculture) and stand age (old-growth) typically were associated with only one bedrock geology type. However, within a bedrock geology type, past agriculture and the presence of old-growth forest may be important in explaining stream nitrate concentrations on an individual watershed basis. The basal area of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), a species that enhances soil nitrogen levels via nitrogen fixation, showed a moderate positive correlation with stream nitrate concentrations. Bedrock geology explained the most variation in winter (49%) and summer (32%) stream nitrate concentrations. Bedrock geology may have been a better predictor of stream nitrate concentrations than soil chemistry, because the geologic variation was better assessed at the regional scale of this study compared to soil chemistry, which varies at the micro-scale due to topographic, vegetation, microbial, and climatic influences. Results of this study suggest that bedrock geology is an important factor to consider when assessing forest nitrogen dynamics at a broad landscape scale.  相似文献   

The ability to predict nitrogen export from forested catchments is essential in order to evaluate the effects of anthropogenic activities on the trophic status of lakes and sea areas, and to extrapolate the results to catchments from which no measurements are available. Data from 20 forested catchments (0.3–42 km2) in Finland and Sweden during the 10-year period 1979–88 were used to develop empirical multivariate regression models of average NO3-N, NH4-N and organic N export fluxes as a function of geomorphological, meteorological, hydrological, deposition and forest management variables. A combination of high inorganic N deposition or air temperature and a low extent of organic soils was related to (R2 = 0.64) high losses of NO3-N. A strong correlation between N deposition and air temperature makes it difficult to distinguish the effects of one variable from the other. Retention of deposited nitrogen is still high in most of the catchments. High losses of NH4-N had the strongest correlation with forestry activities and stream density. A combination of drainage percentage and temperature was related to (R2 = 0.53) losses of NH4-N. The most important factors explaining spatial variability of organic N losses were clearly forestry activities. A combination of high percentage of drainage and clear-cutting was related to (R2 = 0.81) high organic N losses. However, within the catchments, large-scale forest management practices were needed before any clear effect on spatial variability was detected. All the equations obtained were influenced by the choice of a limited number of catchments. No causal relationships between losses and the explaining variables can be inferred from this type of study.  相似文献   

Results of trace metal concentrations in air and precipitation and the corresponding wet and dry deposition in Ontario in 1982 arc reported. In terms of the spatial patterns, in general, there was a decreasing gradient from south-to-north in both concentration and deposition. Patterns differed with each parameter although certain groups of metals (e.g., Fe and Al; Pb, Zn, and Mn) displayed similar patterns. In general, wet deposition was greater than dry deposition at all sites. Geographically, the variability in the wet to dry deposition ratio for coarse particles (MMD > 2.5 μm) was small. However, it increased from the south to the north for fine particles (MMD < 2.5 μm), being higher away from the source areas. Scavenging ratios (W) have been derived from the precipitation and air concentrations of trace metals. The scatter in W is quite large for all trace metals, up to 2 orders of magnitude. There was little seasonal variability in W for fine particles (Pb, Mn, Zn, and Cd). However, coarse particles (Fe, Al, and Cu) were more efficiently scavenged by snow than by rain.  相似文献   

The dry deposition of base cations to a Norway spruce stand was estimated by multiplying the ratio of the ion deposition to the sodium deposition on a surrogate surface with the dry deposition of sodium on the forest stand. The method can in principle only be applied to species that are present only in particles, but the method gives reasonable results when tested on ions that are also dry deposited in other forms (SO 4 2– . NO 3 and NH 4 + ). The atmospheric input and especially the dry deposition of base cations is an important replacement for the loss of base cations from the soil by run-off. The calculated internal circulation of K+ and Ca2+ showed maxima synchronously with rainfall maxima and constitute 71% and 53%, respectively, of the net throughfall deposition. The internal circulation of Ca2+ was almost equal to the SO2 uptake.  相似文献   

We have measured the input and output rates of substances to and from both lakes and watersheds in the Sudbury and Muskoka-Haliburton areas of Ontario. At the former location, we have conducted mass balance studies on 5 lakes and their watersheds for 2½ yrs. At the latter site, we have measured mass balances for 6 lakes and about 30 individual watersheds for the past 5 yrs. Substances studied included SO4 2?, NO3 ?, NH4 +, H+, major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) and HCO3 ?. During the course of the investigation at Sudbury we have made several observations that indicate that the inputs of some substances, specifically SO4 2? or SO4 2?-precursors and strong acids, to lakes and watersheds are underestimated when measured as bulk deposition (i.e. by collection in a continuously open container): (a) The output of SO4 2? from the calibrated watersheds was substantially greater than the input measured as bulk deposition. (b) The SO4 2? concentrations of the lakes could not be explained on the basis of the measured inputs. An additional input directly to the lake surface was needed to obtain a mass balance. (c) The net input of acids measured as bulk deposition to the watersheds was much less than the acid consumed, which was estimated by the net output of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Al3+, and the net retention of NO3 ?. (d) The major cation content of the study lakes could be explained on the basis of weathering reactions in the lakes' watersheds only if the input of strong acid had been underestimated. When these observations were quantified, they indicated a major portion of the total input of SO4 2?-precursors and of strong acid was not included in our bulk deposition measurements. Deposition of SO2 is the most likely explanation for these observations.  相似文献   

Concentrations of PAH (1.12-benzoperylene, 3.4-benzopyrene, fluoranthene), chlorinated hydrocarbons (α-BHC, lindane, PCB) and trace metals (Zn, Pb, Cu) in bulk precipitation, as well as PAH and trace metal concentrations in atmospheric dust samples from 14 sites in Bavaria, F.R.G. are presented for two vegetation periods (1979 and 1980). The same substances were also analyzed in epiphytic moss (Hypnum cupressiforme var. filiforme) sampled from tree trunks in October 1979 and 1980. Using mean immission values and the amount of precipitation as predictors and concentrations of pollutants in moss samples as criteria, a number of multiple regression models were computed in order to quantify the relationships between absolute air pollution data and accumulated trace substance values. Beta values of all variables help to determine whether bulk precipitation or atmospheric particulate matter has dominant influence on the uptake of trace substances by mosses. The study shows that epiphytic mosses can be used to monitor both heavy-metal, PAH and chlorinated hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Empirical field evidence for changing chemical processes in soils caused by atmospheric deposition of pollutants consists of: (1) Long-term water quality data including total dissolved solids, concentrations of specific metals (e.g. Ca), and conductivity; (2) Cation exchange capacity and base saturation values for soils located on precipitation pH gradients; (3) Lysimeter studies; and (4) Chemical analysis of organic soils on precipitation pH and metal gradients. For well-drained organic soils, as precipitation pH decreases, metals are differentially leached at an accelerated rate (Mn>Ca>Mg≥Zn>Cd and Na>Al). Experimental field and laboratory lysimeter studies on soil columns yield similar results, with increases in leaching rates for soil solutions with pH=3 up to 100 × values for soil solutions with pH=5. Nearly 100% of the Pb from precipitation is accumulating in the organic soil layer or sediments. Zn is accumulating in soils and sediments where the pH's of precipitation, soil solutions, and surface waters are generally above 5 to 5.5. At lower pH values Zn and other chemically similar elements are desorbed/leached (net) at an accelerated rate. Chemical analyses of dated sediment cores from high and low altitude lakes, with drainage basins relatively undisturbed for the last 200+ yr, reveal that increased deposition of metals on a regional scale started in the northeastern United States as early as 1880, consistent with increased fossil fuel consumption. This suggests acidified precipitation as early as 1880. Cores from historically acidified lakes (pH<≈5.3 to 5.5) indicate that, as acidification of surface waters occurs (caused by acidic deposition), concentrations of Zn, Mn, and Ca decrease in the sediment. Apparently the metals are leached from the detritus prior to sedimentation. This conclusion results from data from experimental acidification of sediment cores and the general observation that precipitation pH is generally ≥0.5 pH units lower than lake water pH. Accelerated leaching of soil in New England dates to earlier than 1900.  相似文献   

The influence of mesoscale weather patterns on the chemical composition of daily precipitation samples is analysed. The data of pH, sulphur from sulphates and total nitrogen are analysed for two rural sites: Plitvice station in forested part of Central Croatia (1981 to 1990) and Puntijarka suburban station on the mountain near Zagreb, the capital of Croatia (1982–1991). The two prevailing weather types in precipitation days are selected and the comparison of chemical composition of precipitation is made for each of them. The frequency distributions of pH, sulphur and nitrogen show that concentration of major ions in precipitation apparently depends on the regional scale weather type. It is shown that the seasonal variation of deposition is related to the seasonal variation in precipitation amount. In both weather types Plitvice receives more pollution than Puntijarka that is closer to urban and industrial pollution sources. Both locations are under the prevailing influence of regional pollution sources.  相似文献   

Acid deposition and its effect on Andisols were investigated in the forest experimental station, the Rolling Land Laboratory (RLL), located in the Tama Hill region of Central Japan. The annual volume-weighted mean pH value of open bulk precipitation was 4.8 in the period 1990 to 1992. Nitrate deposition at RLL was larger than for sulfate, which was obviously different from results in Japan Environment Agency (JEA) stations or in study areas of Europe and North America. Abundant nitrate deposition was ascribed to the high emissions from a non-point source, mainly cars. Although sulfate concentration in throughfall fluctuated, its concentration in soil solution was kept at a low level. This was attributed to the high sulfate adsorption capacity of the Andisols.  相似文献   

The Heavy Metal Eulerian Transport (HMET) model has been used to calculate the exchange of As, Cd, Pb and Zn between European countries in 1985. The model was run separately for each emitter country and the computed deposition field was used to calculate the contribution of the emitter to each receptor country. The results of these computations are presented in the form of a country budget matrix for each metal. Accuracy of such computations is dependant on the size and linearity of the numerical method applied to the transport equation. Exchange of heavy metals due to atmospheric transport over Europe is significant. Approximately 30% to 90% of the heavy metals emitted from each country is deposited in other countries. The remaining mass is deposited in European seas, Atlantic Ocean and transported outside the model domain. The largest part of the emission from each country is deposited in the same country. The next largest fraction is transported to the nearest neighbors. The results indicate also a significant long range ransport of heavy metals to the Soviet Union. This is partly justified by the size and location of this receptor country, as well as, the prevailing meteorological conditions in Europe. However, this large transport to USSR is slightly overestimated due to some artificial properties of the numerical method applied to basic model equations. In addition to the country budget, export versus import and emission versus deposition of metals were analyzed for each country. The largest positive difference between export and import was found for Poland, German Federal Republic and Yugoslavia (As, Cd and Zn), and United Kingdom, Italy and Belgium (Pb). The Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia are the countries where import of all metals is significantly larger than export. When emission versus deposition of heavy metals is analyzed, the Soviet Union has much higher emissions than deposition of all metals compared to other European countries.  相似文献   

Samples of bulk precipitation were collected at six sites adjacent to the Arkansas River in Tulsa, Oklahoma for a period of 11 mo (June 1980 to April 1981). Collected samples were analyzed by flameless atomic absorbtion spectrophotometry for Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn. The data were reported as volume-weighted metal concentrations (μg L1) and metal deposition (mg m?2 yr?1). Metal deposition was fairly constant from site to site and appeared to be proportional to the amount of precipitation collected. Zinc was by far the largest contributing metal, 497 mg m?2 yr?1 followed by Pb. Cr, Ni, and Cd with depositions of 25.5, 25.7, 7.02, and 0.95 mg m?2 yr?1 respectively. Concentration data varied greatly over the collection period. Compared to data previously reported in the literature, all of the metal concentrations obtained in this study fall within the ranges observed by other investigators with the exception of Zn which was slightly higher. The average volume-weighted concentrations in μg L?1 were Cd-2.1, Cr-57.0, Ni-15.6, Pb-56.6, and Zn-1100.  相似文献   

Content of copper, manganese, lead, and zinc in samples of bulk precipitation, throughfall and stemflow has been studied in a forest area in central Bohemia. The sampling localities are situated on two types of bedrock, granite and cenomaniau sandstones. The content in bulk precipitation reflects the impact of fossil fuel emission sources and the vehicular sources of lead. The deposition rate of elements in throughfall, in comparison with that of the deposition on an open land, exhibits increased values in essential microelements (in Mn approx. 45 times, Zh-5 times, Cu and Cd-2 times), with significant seasonal fluctuations. The value of the same ratio for ecotoxic lead is 0.23. The enhanced flux of elements in throughfall is ascribed mainly to the metabolic processes of the trees. Differences in the chemical composition of throughfall and stemflow collected on stands with different kind of bedrock are ascribed to various degree of accessibility of the micronutrients and various intensity of their vegetation uptake.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - In metropolitan cities, residential land use is most closely related to inhabitants’ daily life among all land use types. The aim of this study is to...  相似文献   

河北典型农田大气重金属干沉降通量及来源解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
重金属是影响农田土壤环境质量和农产品品质的主要污染物,大气沉降是农田重金属的来源之一。长期以来,由于观测资料缺乏,对于我国农业区大气重金属的沉降量和来源认识一直不清楚。本研究基于河北典型农田连续1年的外场观测,测试分析了大气气溶胶9个粒径段中25种金属元素的含量,结合干沉降阻抗模型估算了这些金属的干沉降量,并利用PMF模型对其来源进行了解析。结果表明,该区域25种金属元素在细粒子(DP ≤ 2.1 μm,DP为空气动力学直径,下同)、粗粒子(2.1<DP ≤ 9 μm)和巨粒子(DP>9 μm)中的质量浓度存在较大差异。重金属(如:Zn、Cd和Pb等)主要富集在细粒子,而地壳源的金属(如:Al、Fe和Th等)主要富集在粗粒子。大多数金属元素的浓度呈现冬春季高于夏秋季的变化特征。Cr是细粒子和粗粒子中质量浓度最高的重金属,其次为As、Zn、Pb、V和Sb。重金属中,Cr的大气干沉降量最高,达350.7 mg·m-2·a-1,其次是As、Sb和V,分别为153.4 mg·m-2·a-1、103.1 mg·m-2·a-1和102.3 mg·m-2·a-1。研究区域大气中金属元素的主要来源为道路扬尘、工业、矿尘、燃煤和机动车排放。巨粒子中的金属主要来自矿尘源(62.0%),细粒子中的金属主要来自燃煤、机动车和工业源(67.7%)。颗粒物的粒径越小,人为排放源的贡献越大,重金属的污染风险(富集因子)也越高。农田重金属污染防治需要充分考虑大气沉降的输入及来源的变化。  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Sapropel is an organic-rich sediment formed under conditions that can result in sequestration of trace metals. Here, we determined the concentration of total...  相似文献   

A statistical evaluation of 5 338 analysis of freshwaters from little polluted stream basins in the Czech Republic indicated a relationship between the Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Be, As, Mn, Sr, F? and Fe concentrations and the pH, over a range of pH 3.6 to 9.6. Except for Sr, the median concentrations of all the trace metals increase with decreasing pH, but the increase never extends over the whole studied acidic range (pH 3.6 to 7.0). Acid deposition related mobilization of Mn and Be into freshwaters explains the sharp increase in their concentrations with decreasing pH. Cadmium and Zn are also mobilized n strongly acidic environment. The concentrations of Be, As, F? and Mn in strongly acidic waters and those of Zn and Cd in weakly acidic ones are considerably higher in areas receiving a higher atmospheric loading. For Be and Mn, the higher concentrations are caused by higher acid deposition rates, while for As and F?, the concentrations are probably greater due to higher atmospheric deposition of these elements over more intensely acontaminated areas of the Czech Republic. In extremely acidic waters (pH < 4.2), the concentrations of Mn, Be, Cd, Zn and Al no longer increase with decreasing pH; on the contrary, those of Mn and Be actually decrease. This seems to be primarily caused by a decrease in their concentrations within the surface horizons of soils and vegetation induced by prolonged leaching. The Cd and Zn concentrations are independent of pH over an interval of pH 5.4 to 6.0 and thus the increase in the mean concentrations of Cd and Zn with decreasing pH involves two separate stages, at pH > 6.0 and at pH < 5.4. The concentrations of Cu in acid freshwaters are controlled by both the presence of high molecular weight organics plus biota uptake and by their atmospheric deposition levels; the concentrations of As and Pb are in addition controlled by sorption on Fe - oxyhydroxides. These elements accumulate in the topsoil, even under conditions of severe acidification. The surprisingly lower concentrations of Pb and Cu were found in acidic waters of more contaminated areas.  相似文献   

The chemistry of precipitation, throughfall, soil water, ground water, and surface water was evaluated in two forested lake-watersheds over a 4-yr period to assess factors controlling Cl? cycling. Results indicate that Cl? cycling in these watersheds is more complex than the generally held view of the rapid transport of atmospherically derived Cl? through the excosystem. The annual throughfall Cl? flux for individual species in the northern hardwood forest was 2 to 5 times that of precipitation (56 eq ha?1), whereas the Na+ throughfall flux, in general, was similar to the precipitation flux. Concentrations of soil-water Cl? sampled from ceramic tension lysimeters at 20 cm below land surface generally exceeded the Na+ concentrations and averaged 31 μeq L?1, the highest of any waters sampled in the watersheds, except throughfall under red spruce which averaged 34 μeq L?1. Chloride was concentrated prior to storms and mobilized rapidly during storms as suggested by increases in streamwater Cl? concentrations with increasing flow. Major sources of Cl? in both watersheds are the forest floor and hornblende weathering in the soils and till. In the Panther Lake watershed, which contains mainly thick deposits of till (>3 m), hornblende weathering results in a net Cl? flux 3 times greater than that in the Woods Lake watershed, which contains mainly thin deposits of till. The estimated accumulation rate of Cl? in the biomass of the two watersheds was comparable to the precipitation Cl? flux.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the long-term effects of tillage on soil organic carbon is important to our understanding of sustainable agricultural systems and global carbon cycles. In landscapes susceptible to erosion, tillage can exacerbate losses of soil and C by increasing erodibility and stimulating microbial respiration. We measured long-term changes in soil carbon and soil loss in three small watersheds located in southwest Iowa, USA. The following soil series were formed on deep loess hills: Ida and Dow (Typic Udorthents), Napier and Kennebec (Cumulic Hapludolls) and Monona (Typic Hapludolls). All watersheds were cropped to continuous corn (Zea mays L.) and two were moldboard plowed and disk tilled while the third was ridge-tilled. The ridge-tillage system had greater C contents in the surface soil than the disk tillage soils, but ridge-tillage was not different from the conventional tillage in carbon retention over time. The ridge-tillage system, however, was more effective in retaining soil within the watershed. Microbial respiration by soil microorganisms accounted for 97% of the carbon loss in the ridge-tilled watershed compared to carbon loss in eroded sediment (3%). Terrain analysis was used to segment the landscape into landform elements. Less total carbon was present in the soil profiles of backslope elements than in footslope or toeslope elements, reflecting the combined effects of soil erosion and deposition within the watersheds. Profile C content was also positively correlated with the wetness index, a compound topographic attribute, that identifies areas of the landscape where runoff water and sediment accumulate.  相似文献   

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