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Storage of buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis ) bull semen in the cryopreserved state is discussed in this article. Fertility rate in buffalo following artificial insemination with frozen–thawed semen is reviewed. To better understand the freezability of bubaline spermatozoa, the available data on biochemical components and the activity of specific enzymes of semen/spermatozoa are given. Moreover, the major factors that may influence the post-thaw viability and fertility of buffalo spermatozoa are examined in detail. In addition, suggestions for improvement in cryogenic procedures for buffalo spermatozoa are also given.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of tyrosine residues on sperm protein is a known indicator of capacitation and a major intracellular signalling event. There is evidence that sperm cryopreservation promotes tyrosine phosphorylation and is associated with reduced fertility of spermatozoa. Under this study, cryoprotective role of different additives namely taurine, trehalose, catalase and 4‐bromophenacyl bromide on buffalo sperm quality was evaluated. Buffalo semen was cryopreserved in tris‐based egg yolk extender supplemented with additives like taurine (50 mm ) or trehalose (100 mm ) or 4‐bromophenacyl bromide (200 μm ) or catalase (100 U/ml) and used for assessment of levels of tyrosine phosphorylation in frozen‐thawed spermatozoa. The results obtained were compared with the level of protein tyrosine phosphorylation of semen cryopreserved in tris‐based egg yolk extender without additives. Proteins were extracted from a total number of nine ejaculates from three individual buffalo bulls chosen at random and analysed for tyrosine phospho‐proteins using SDS–PAGE followed by immunoblotting. Monoclonal anti‐phosphotyrosine antibody (Clone pT‐154) was used as primary antibody followed by treatment with HRP‐conjugated secondary antibody. Signals were detected on X‐ray film using chemiluminescence. Nine proteins (p20, p30, p32, p38, p49, p56, p59, p72 and p86) were found to be tyrosine phosphorylated in cryopreserved spermatozoa. Supplementation of additives significantly (p<0.05) reduced the level of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in spermatozoa. Moreover, this study showed improved (p<0.05) post‐thaw motility, viability and membrane integrity of spermatozoa on addition of these additives. The results obtained clearly indicate reduced level of capacitation like changes on supplementation of additives in terms of protein tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the feasibility of cryopreservation of inter‐subspecies cloned embryos in buffalo. In our experiment, river buffalo ear fibroblast nucleus was fused into swamp buffalo oocyte cytoplasm. The blastocyst formation rate for nuclear transfer of freshly thawed cells was not different from those of growing cells, confluent or serum‐starved cells. A total of 122 cloned blastocysts derived from cryopreserved fibroblasts were cryopreserved and thawed, 37 were survived, the cryosurvival rate was 30.3%. The survived blastocysts were transferred into 15 recipient buffalos. Five of the recipients established pregnancy, but four of them aborted on day 53, 59, 145 and 179 of gestation respectively. One cross‐bred buffalo (Murrah × Swamp buffalo (2n = 49) received three embryos delivered a 40.5 kg female calf by natural delivery on day 320 of gestation. Up to now (13‐month old), the cloned calf has been growing well with no abnormity observed. These results demonstrated that cryopreservation of inter‐subspecies cloned embryos is feasible to produce buffalo offspring.  相似文献   

Ovarian Follicular Dynamics in Buffalo Cows (Bubalus bubalis)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Follicular growth in Egyptian buffalo cows was monitored using genital tracts from 200 buffalo cows collected immediately after slaughter. According to the morphological appearance of the corpus luteum (CL), the corresponding oestrous cycle was divided into four stages: A (days 1–4), B (days 5–10), C (days 11–17) and D (days 18–21). Within these stages the follicular population on the ovaries was evaluated and the dominant follicle (DF) determined in all recovered ovaries. The functional status of the DF and the largest sub‐dominant follicles was examined by histological examination in 31 cases, and Radio Immunoassay (RIA) analyses for estradiol‐17β (E2) and progesterone (P4) was performed in the follicular fluid in 23 of the DF. The results showed that DFs changed their endocrine character within the stages of the oestrous cycle. The DFs between days 5 and 10 were functionally active (E2‐dominant; non‐atretic) in most of the cases. Between days 11 and day 17 half of the DFs became functionally inactive (P4‐dominant; atretic). At days 18–21 all of the DF became functionally active and non‐atretic. In the specimens that carried two large follicles one of them was regularly atretic and P4‐dominant whereas the other was non‐atretic and E2‐dominant. Between days 18 and 21 all ovaries examined showed at least one large follicle. These findings suggest that in most of the cases follicular dynamics occurs in two wave‐like patterns in the Egyptian buffalo cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to assess the features and extent of follicular apoptosis in the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) ovary using classical histology and nick end labelling technique. Ovaries (n = 40) procured from the slaughterhouse were used for the study. The sections (5 μm) were used for detection of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase‐mediated dUTP‐biotin nick end labelling (TUNEL) and classical histology (H&E). Those follicles showing ≥ 5% TUNEL positivity (TUNEL assay) and pyknotic nuclei (histology) in granulosa cells were classified as atretic. Based on histology, the atretic primary and secondary follicles (%) were 93.82 and 95.62 respectively. The histology study reveals that the rates (%) of atresia in <1, 1–3, 3–5 mm and >5 mm were 36.90, 40.50, 62.84 and 74.5 respectively. Further the atretic tertiary follicles (%) were significantly lower than the primary and secondary classes of follicles. TUNEL assay reveals that the atretic rate (%) of tertiary follicles in <1, 1–3, 3–5 and ≥ 5 mm class follicles were 50.88, 53.84, 81.81 and 36.36 respectively. The percentage of atresia in >5 mm diameter follicles were significantly lower in TUNEL than histology. Percentages of granulosa and thecal cells positive for atresia by TUNEL were 30.7 ± 0.53 and 13.82 ± 0.18 respectively per follicle. The initial structural changes in atretic follicles were seen primarily in the granulosa cells. In severely atretic follicles TUNEL positive granulosa cells along with theca cells have to be considered in assessing the rate and extent of atresia.  相似文献   

Buffaloes are known for their productivity as compared to average yielding cows due to higher fat percentage, better feed conversion ability and disease resistance. On the other hand, the reproductive performances of buffaloes are often considered as poor owing to late sexual maturity, weak/silent oestrus, repeat breeder and prolonged intercalving interval. The study of cascade of events during oestrus and oestrous cycle can be useful for the improvement of reproductive efficiency of buffaloes. More precisely, the hormonal changes initiated at the molecular level within the animal determine the reproductive nature of the species. Nucleotide/protein sequence analysis serves as a vital tool in analysing the binding of the hormones for their effect or functions. In this study, we have reported cloning and characterization of the complete coding (cDNA) sequence of oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) in buffaloes. Buffalo OXTR gene contains an uninterrupted ORF of 1176 nucleotides corresponding to an inferred polypeptide length of 391 amino acids (aa). The molecular weight of the deduced aa sequence was found to be 43 kDa with an isoelectric point of 9.253 and 16.328 charge at pH 7.0. The deduced protein sequence consists of 38 strongly basic (+) (K,R), 22 strongly acidic (?) (D,E), 186 hydrophobic (A, I, L, F, W, V) and 95 Polar (N, C, Q, S, T, Y) aa. Results indicated that aspartate (D) at aa position 85 and D, R and C at aa positions 136, 137 and 138, respectively, are conserved in buffaloes. The buffalo OXTR gene shared a per cent similarity ranging from 84.7 to 98.1 and 88.5 to 97.7 at nucleotide and deduced aa sequence levels, respectively, with that of other species. Phylogram constructed on the basis of either nucleotide or deduced aa sequences of buffalo OXTR gene showed that buffalo, cattle and sheep have diverged from human and swine and formed a separate clad. The buffalo sequence has shown maximum similarity and closeness with cattle followed by sheep both at nucleotide and at aa level.  相似文献   

Histological sections were studied from 4 sites of the rumen of 22 buffaloes, aged from 1 day to over 18 years of age. The sections were stained with Masson's trichrome stain. A definite layer of smooth muscle cells, representing the lamina muscularis mucosae separating the propria from the submucosa and extending into the ruminai papillae, was observed in buffaloes over 1.5 years of age. In animals over 10 years, the smooth muscle cells were very thin and elongated.  相似文献   

中国水牛遗传育种研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国水牛遗传育种的研究主要集中在染色体核型、蛋白质多态性、水牛胚胎体外生产与胚胎移植技术等方面。本文从中国水牛的类型和分布特征、遗传特性的研究现状、现代生物技术在水牛育种中的应用、中国水牛育种研究前景及展望等四个方面综述水牛的育种进展,认为以现代生物技术为核心的分子育种将成为水牛育种的总趋势,为我国水牛的产业化发展提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of supplementation of ES‐like cell culture medium with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)‐4 (0, 10, 20 or 100 ng/ml) or Noggin (250, 500 or 750 ng/ml) or TGF‐β1 (0, 0.1, 1 or 10 ng/ml) or SB431542 (0, 10, 25 or 50 μm ), an inhibitor of TGF‐β1 signalling, on survival, colony area and expression level of pluripotency genes in buffalo ES‐like cells at passage 40–80, under different culture conditions. BMP‐4 supplementation significantly reduced (p < 0.05) colony survival rate, percentage increase in colony area and relative mRNA abundance of OCT4, whereas that of NANOG and SOX‐2 was increased significantly (p < 0.05). Noggin supplementation did not affect the colony survival rate and percentage increase in colony area in the presence of FGF‐2 and LIF. In the presence of FGF‐2 alone, it significantly reduced (p < 0.05) the relative mRNA abundance of OCT4 and SOX‐2 and increased (p < 0.05) that of NANOG. Supplementation with TGF‐β1 at 1.0 ng/ml but not at other concentrations increased colony survival rate but had no effect on percentage increase in colony area at any concentration. Supplementation with SB‐431542 decreased (p < 0.05) colony survival rate at 50 μm but not at other concentrations. The percentage increase in colony area was lower (p < 0.05) with 10 μm SB‐431542 than that in the controls, whereas at higher concentrations of 25 or 50 μm , SB‐431542 decreased (p < 0.05) the colony size instead of increasing it. In conclusion, these results suggest that BMP‐4 induces differentiation in buffalo ES‐like cells, whereas TGF‐β/activin/nodal pathway may not be playing a crucial role in maintaining pluripotency in these cells.  相似文献   

Progesterone (P4) plays a key role in the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy in most mammals. Unravelling the expression of progesterone‐regulated genes can expand the understanding of the embryonic mortality. Accordingly, we studied the relative mRNA expression of the P4‐regulated genes in the buffalo. Uteri were collected from the abattoir and categorized into nonpregnant late luteal phase, stage I (28–38th days of gestation) and stage II (48–56th days of gestation) of pregnancy (n = 6/group). After extraction of total RNA from the endometrial tissues, we carried out qRT‐PCR for determining the relative mRNA expression of the P4‐regulated genes using nonpregnant late luteal phase as calibrator group. The expression of LGALS3BP (essential for maternal recognition of pregnancy) gene was found to be significantly upregulated (p < 0.05), while MUC1 (important for embryo attachment) gene was downregulated in stage I and II of pregnancy. We observed no significant change in the expression of LGALS1, LGALS9 and CTSL genes. The SLC5A11 and SLC2A1 genes (involved in the transport of glucose to endometrium) in early pregnancy were upregulated in the pregnancy stage I (p < 0.05) relative to nonpregnant late luteal phase. The CST3 gene was significantly upregulated in pregnancy stage II (p < 0.01). These results provide molecular insights into the specific pathways involved in foeto‐maternal communication during early pregnancy in buffaloes.  相似文献   

Techniques for in vitro production (IVP) of buffalo embryos adopting the procedures developed in cattle have received increasing interest in the recent times. A high oocyte maturation, fertilization and cleavage rate and a low rate of blastocyst yield and calving following transfer of in vitro produced buffalo embryos have been obtained. The efficiency of IVP in buffalo is much lower than that in cattle. Several problems need to be resolved before IVP technology can be used regularly in buffalo breeding. This review attempts to present an overview of the different techniques used in buffalo to produce transferable embryos in vitro, namely in vitro maturation and fertilization of immature oocytes and in vitro development of the resulting cleaved embryos to the blastocyst stage before transfer. The problems associated with IVP, the possible solutions and the new biotechniques linked to IVP are discussed.  相似文献   

The plasma levels, disposition kinetics and a dosage regimen for pralidoxime (2-PAM) were investigated in male buffalo calves following single intramuscular administration (15 or 30 mg/kg). The effects of 2-PAM on various blood enzymes were also determined. The absorption half-life, elimination half-life, apparent volume of distribution and total body clearance of 2-PAM were 1.08±0.19 h, 3.14–3.19 h, 0.83–1.01 L/kg and 184.9–252.1 ml/(kg h), respectively. At doses of 15 and 30 mg/kg body weight, a plasma concentration 4 g/ml was maintained for up to 4 and 6 h, respectively. Pralidoxime significantly lowered the serum level of transferases, phosphatases and lactate dehydrogenase but did not influence the acetylcholinesterase and carboxylesterase enzymes. The most appropriate dosage regimen for 2-PAM in the treatment of organophosphate toxicity in buffaloes would be 25 mg/kg followed by 22 mg/kg at 8 h intervals.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Sertoli cell in the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) was observed in a transmission electron microscope. The nucleus had homogeneous nucleoplasm, scarce heterochromatin and multivesicular nuclear body (MNB). The MNB was composed of numerous vesicles and ribosome-like dense structures. The vesicles varied in size and number and contained a sparse and flocculent substance. In the indentation of the nucleus, aggregates of ribosomes were frequently observed. In the apical and middle region of the cell, long mitochondria and microtubules were distributed parallel to the long axis of the cell. Non-laminated smooth ER and some ribosomes were also recognizable throughout this region. In the basal region, widely-distributed laminated smooth ER was characteristic. Microfilament bundles at ectoplasmic specialization were irregularly arranged. Frequently-emerged nodular processes occasionally separated from basal lamina and formed round structures within Sertoli cytoplasm. Although these characteristics of buffalo Sertoli cell were very similar to those of the bovine studied, the aggregate of ribosomes was more developed in the buffalo.  相似文献   

 分别设计位于CSN3 5个外显子旁侧引物,采用DNA测序法对沼泽型和河流型水牛CSN3编码区结构进行了分析,并对10个水牛群体共106个样本CSN3第4外显子序列进行了变异检测。结果表明,两类水牛CSN3编码区由848个核苷酸组成,包括ORF序列573 bp、5′-UTR序列69 bp和3′-UTR序列206 bp。在水牛CSN3第4外显子中共检测到4个SNP,其中c.445G>A,c.467C>T和c.516A>C为异义替换,导致相应的κ-CN成熟肽中氨基酸发生p.Val128Ile、p.Thr135Ile和p.Glu151Asp改变,c.467C>T和c.516A>C替换可能对κ-CN功能产生了影响。群体遗传分析表明,在河流型水牛中,等位基因c.445G、c.467C、c.471C和c.516A均为优势等位基因,而在沼泽型水牛中,仅c.445G、c.467C和c.471C为优势等位基因,河流型和沼泽型水牛的遗传差异主要体现在SNP516位点的群体遗传组成上。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of relaxin on fertility parameters of buffalo frozen/thawed sperm. Sperm were incubated in the absence of capacitating agents (negative control), with a known capacitating agent such as heparin (positive control) and with 50 and 100 ng/ml relaxin for 2 and 4 h. Sperm viability, motility, capacitation and the effect of relaxin on the fertilizing ability after heterologous IVF were evaluated. Although viability was not affected, relaxin increased (p < 0.05) sperm motility compared to the negative and positive controls both after 2 h (60.0 ± 2.0, 60.0 ± 3.1, 68.3 ± 1.7 and 69.4 ± 2.7, respectively, in negative control, positive control, 50 and 100 ng/ml relaxin) and 4 h (55.0 ± 2.5, 53.3 ± 3.0, 62.2 ± 3.0 and 65.0 ± 3.2, respectively, in negative control, positive control, 50 and 100 ng/ml relaxin) incubation. When sperm were incubated with both 100 ng/ml relaxin and heparin, a decrease (p < 0.01) of pattern A, that is low capacitation level, was observed compared to the negative control both after 2 h (54.4, 34.3 and 36.4%, respectively, in negative control, positive control and 100 ng/ml relaxin) and 4 h (51.9, 35.0 and 34.3%, respectively, in negative control, positive control and 100 ng/ml relaxin). Moreover, an increase (p < 0.01) of pattern EA, that is high capacitation level, was recorded with 100 ng/ml relaxin and heparin compared to the negative control both after 2 h (44.1, 59.3 and 57.7%, respectively, in negative control, positive control and 100 ng/ml relaxin) and after 4 h (43.0, 54.4 and 56.0%, respectively, in negative control, positive control and 100 ng/ml relaxin). Finally, relaxin increased (p < 0.01) cleavage rate compared to the negative control (57.1 ± 4.4, 72.5 ± 6.0, 71.4 ± 5.5 and 73.6 ± 2.9, respectively, in negative control, positive control, 50 and 100 ng/ml relaxin). In conclusion, relaxin has a beneficial effect on motility, capacitation and fertilizing ability of frozen–thawed buffalo sperm.  相似文献   

In this study, inner cell mass (ICM) cells were isolated from in vitro produced buffalo blastocysts and were cultured on mitomycin‐C treated buffalo foetal fibroblast feeder layer for producing embryonic stem (ES) cells. Among different sources (hatched vs expanded blastocysts) or methods (enzymatic vs mechanical), mechanical isolation of ICM from hatched blastocysts resulted in the highest primary colony formation rate and the maximum passage number up to which ES cells survived. Putative ES cells expressed alkaline phosphatase and exhibited a normal karyotype up to passage 7. Putative ES cells and embryos at 2‐ to 4‐cell, 8‐ to 16‐cell, morula and blastocyst stages strongly expressed stage‐specific embryonic antigen (SSEA)‐4 but lacked expressions of SSEA‐1 and SSEA‐3. Putative ES cells also expressed tumour rejection antigen (TRA)‐1‐60, TRA‐1‐81 and Oct4. Whereas in all early embryonic stages, TRA‐1‐60 was observed only in the periplasmic space, and TRA‐1‐81 expression was observed as small spots at a few places inside the embryos, both these markers were expressed by ICM. Oct4 expression, which was observed at all the embryonic stages and also in the trophectoderm, was the strongest in the ICM. Buffalo putative ES cells possess a unique pluripotency‐related surface antigen phenotype, which resembles that of the ICM.  相似文献   

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