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Pure bred Holstein–Friesian (FR) and beef breed × FR male calves are used for beef production in Ireland. Beef breeds used for crossbreeding on FR cows include Aberdeen Angus (AA) and Belgian Blue (BB) which represent extremes in terms of maturity. The objective of this study was to compare spring-born steers of FR, AA and BB breed types, offered two feeding levels in their second winter, and subsequently finished on pasture or on a high concentrate diet indoors. Seventy-two steers (24 per breed type) were managed together to the end of their second grazing season. They were then blocked on weight within breed type and assigned to a 3 (FR, AA and BB breed types) × 2 (winter feeding levels) × 2 (finishing systems) factorial experiment. The two winter feeding levels were grass silage ad libitum plus mean daily concentrate levels of 0.91 (L) or 4.0 (H) kg dry matter for 113 days. The two finishing systems were pasture or concentrates ad libitum for a mean period of 94 days. Mean slaughter and carcass weights for FR, AA and BB were 634, 644 and 642 (s.e. 8.1), and 313, 326 and 340 (s.e. 4.7) kg, respectively. Other than bone proportion which was lower for AA, there were few differences in ribs joint composition or in m. longissimus chemical composition between FR and AA. BB had less fat and more muscle in the ribs joint, and more moisture and protein, and less lipid in m. longissimus than both FR and AA. Compared with L, the H winter feeding level increased slaughter weight and carcass weight by 24 and 15 kg, respectively. Indoor finished animals were 63 kg live weight and 39 kg carcass weight heavier than those finished at pasture. They also had more fat and less muscle and bone in the ribs joint and more lipid and less moisture in m. longissimus. It is concluded that except for BB finished at pasture all carcasses were commercially acceptable. Despite the excellent finishing performance on concentrates, this system is not profitable at current concentrate and beef prices.  相似文献   

In a conservation project, reproductive biotechnology was implemented for the recovery and conservation of an endangered bovine breed in Spain. The breed Murciana–Levantina, declared to be worthy of special protection status ( http://www.fao.org/newsroom/en/news/2006/1000464/index.html ), is of great interest because of its hardness, longevity, docility and disease resistance. This contribution describes the birth of the first calf of this breed obtained by reproductive biotechnology, using ultrasound‐guided punction and aspiration of ovarian follicles, in vitro embryo production, vitrification of embryos by a cryotop device and, finally, the transfer of cryopreserved embryos to recipient heifers of a commercial dairy herd.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine effects of quantitatively restricted intake of the final finishing diet as a means of dietary adaptation compared with diets increasing in concentrate (step up) over periods of 6 and 9 days on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, feeding behaviour, blood gas profile and rumen morphometrics of Nellore cattle. One hundred twenty 22‐month‐old Nellore bulls (352 ± 20 kg) were randomly allocated in 24 pens and fed for 84 days. The experimental design was a completely randomized block with 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments: adaptation using either step up protocol for 6 days or 9 days or restriction protocol for 6 days or 9 days, where the pen (five bullocks/pen; six pens/treatment) was considered the experimental unit. Cattle adapted by step up protocol had significantly greater average daily gain throughout the study when compared to those adapted by restriction protocol, regardless of adaptation length. During the adaptation period, a greater dry matter intake fluctuation was observed for animals maintained on restriction programme when compared to those adapted to the finishing diets using step up protocol. In addition, a protocol × length interaction for rumenitis scores was observed, where the level of injuries to the ruminal wall was significantly higher for the cattle adapted by restriction protocol for 9 days and lower for animals submitted for 9 days to the step up programme. Likewise, a protocol × length interaction for mitotic index was observed, in which cattle adapted by step up protocol for 9 days had lower numbers of cells in mitosis. Thus, the step up protocol led to better feedlot performance, and based on this fact, the length of 9 days promoted better rumen epithelium adaptation of Nellore cattle to high‐concentrate diets.  相似文献   

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