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Summary Fruit size is one of the most important characteristics of highly productive strawberry cultivars. The aim of the experiments was to establish the factors responsible for the expression of this trait. The total yield of large fruits correlates closely with the total yield of all fruits and depends mainly on the mean fruit weight of all fruits. The position of fruits on the inflorescence influences the decline of fruit size to a larger extent in small-fruited clones than in the large-fruited ones. The size of the fruit is controlled by the dimension of the receptacle and number of achenes. The stimulating effects of achenes are quite different in various genotypes and the fruit weight per achene declines with the inferior blossom position. The large-fruited clones have bigger leaves, a larger photosynthetic area, and thicker petioles and flower stalks. Their cells are larger, which is common for the giant genotypes. The results suggest that there exists a possibility for indirect selection of fruit size on the basis of some additional parameters, which can be useful particularily in the years of unsuitable weather conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of self, wind and open pollination on yield components were investigated in five strawberry genotypes, the cultivars ‘Dukat’, ‘Paula’, ‘Redgauntlet’, ‘Senga Sengana’ and the breeding clone B-302. Investigations were also conducted to look for additional plant characteristics associated with strawberry yield components after various modes of pollination. Such characteristics would facilitate the indirect selection of highly self-compatible strawberry genotypes. The greatest effect of self pollination was observed in B-302 and ‘Redgauntlet’, while the least effect of autogamy was shown m Paula. Conversely, the last cultivar revealed the greatest effect of entomophily, whereas the greatest effect of wind pollination was observed in ‘Dukat’. Relationships between yield components and some flower and pollen characteristics after various pollinations indicated that the degree of self compatibility in strawberry can be predicted from the pollen grain length and the pollen size index. Genotypes producing long pollen grains with large size indices exhibited the greatest effect of autogamy. Anther size, especially length. Which correlated more strongly with yield components than width, could also be used as an index of autogamy in the strawberry. Pollen yield per flower an self compatibility.  相似文献   

Strawberries are a common and important fruit in human diet because of their high content of essential nutrients and beneficial phytochemicals, which have relevant biological activity in human health. In this study, six cultivars and 15 selected F1 hybrids between S4 inbred lines and tester (cv. ‘Dukat’) were evaluated in a field trial over a period of two consecutive years. The amounts of total anthocyanin, phenolics and vitamin C in fruits and antiradical activity were analysed. General combining ability (GCA) and mid‐parent heterosis were also determined for those characteristics. Among all the genotypes tested, the inbred lines of ‘Senga Sengana’ 17 showed the highest breeding value based on GCA for all studied traits. Estimated heterosis varied among genotypes tested. The highest heterosis in terms of vitamin C occurred in the offspring of clone 1387 18‐15 × ‘Dukat’, but with regard to phenols and antiradical activity in hybrid ‘Teresa’ 18‐15 with cv. ‘Dukat’. This study revealed that the differentiation in chemical composition of strawberry fruits between genotypes is clearly dependent on individual genotype combinations and demonstrated the presence of heterosis in phytochemical contents in some specific genotypic combinations.  相似文献   

A line × tester analysis was carried out in mulberry (Morus spp.) to determine the genetic interaction in the expression of various quantitative characters including leaf yield. Eight clonal varieties were selected, 3 of them were designated as lines (♀) viz. Berhampore-1, China white and MS-5 and 5 of them were called as testers (♂) viz. Mandalaya, Kosen, Assamjati, MS-1 and Kajli. Combining ability studies were conducted on these parents along with their F1 hybrids for the variables laminar index, growth rate, weight of 100 dry leaves, number of primary branches per plant, plant height, nodal distance, leaf-twig ratio, aerial biomass, moisture content, moisture retention capacity and leaf yield. Broad genetic variability was observed among the genotypes. The ratio of General Combining Ability (GCA) and Specific Combining Ability (SCA) indicated the predominance of non-additive genes in mulberry. While China white (female) and MS-1 (male) were the best general combiners among the parents, Berhampore-1 × Kajli was the best cross for leaf yield. Results suggest that selective crossing followed by proper screening may be the best approach for breeding of high yielding varieties in mulberry. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A partial diallel set of crosses was made between 14 potato cultivars chosen for their fertility, from those included in a potato breeding programme at the NEIKER – Basque Institute for Agricultural Research. The progeny were grown in completely randomized trials from 1997 to 1999. Performance for yield, tuber number and average tuber weight was analysed in seedling and two clonal generations. Variance estimates due to both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were significant in all generations for all traits under study. However, SCA was more important than GCA in almost all cases. Correlation coefficients among characters, generations, GCA and SCA effects were examined. For tuber yield no relation was obtained between generations; however, average tuber weight and yield were positively associated in all generations. The results indicate that appropriate selection criteria depend strongly on the particular cross. The implication for a breeding strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

A top‐cross‐mating design among 29 S4 inbred lines and tester (cultivar ‘Dukat’) was carried out to study their breeding value in terms of general combining ability (GCA). The objectives of this study were to evaluate the acidity, soluble solids and dry matter contents in fruits of progeny F1 in comparison with S4 inbred lines as well as the cultivars (S0); identify strawberry genotypes with high value of GCA for use in cultivar development; and determine mid‐parent heterosis regarding S4 inbred lines and cultivated strawberry. The 2‐year observations showed statistically significant differences between tested genotypes in terms of the studied traits. The highest breeding value based on GCA was estimated for Chandler 123‐5 for soluble solids and dry matter content, and Kent 7‐6 for acidity. Estimated mid‐parent heterosis had positive and negative values. The highest heterosis in terms of extract and dry matter content (26.71% and 17.50%, respectively) occurred in the offspring Chandler 123‐5 × ‘Dukat’, but as regards acidity in hybrid Chandler 123‐22 with cv. ‘Dukat’. The study of genetic divergence by dendrograms may help to identify parents suitable for obtaining hybrids with higher heterosis effects.  相似文献   

Male sterility is one of the reproductive isolation systems in plants and quite useful for F1 seed production. We previously identified three independent quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for male sterility of cultivated strawberry, Here, we identified the specific subgenomes in which these QTLs are located by QTL-seq approach. QTLs qMS4.1, qMS4.2, and qMS4.3 were mapped separately in subgenomes Fvb4-4, Fvb4-3, and Fvb4-1, respectively, in ‘Camarosa’ genome assembly v. 1.0.a1. Candidate regions of qMS4.1 and qMS4.3 were clearly detected around 12–26 Mb in Fvb4-4 and 12–14 Mb in Fvb4-1, respectively; those of qMS4.2 were fragmented in Fvb4-3, which suggests that some scaffolds were incorrectly assembled in Fvb4-3. qMS4.3 was mapped to chr4X1 of ‘Reikou’ genome assembly r2.3, and qMS4.1 and qMS4.2 were both mapped to chr4Av, which indicates that differentiation of the subgenomes in which both QTLs are located was insufficient in ‘Reikou’ r2.3. Although ‘Camarosa’ genome assembly v. 1.0.a1 is an unphased map, which merges homologous chromosomes into one sequence, ‘Reikou’ genome assembly r2.3 is a phased map, which separates homologous chromosomes. QTL mapping to different reference genomes clearly showed the specific features of each reference genome, and that using different kinds of reference map could accelerate fine mapping and map-based cloning of certain genes of cultivated strawberry.  相似文献   

Nineteen of the major strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cultivars grown in the UnitedStates and Canada were examined for AFLP markerpolymorphisms. For the AFLP reactions, the EcoRI-ACC primer was used in combination with fourMseI primers (MseI-CAC, MseI-CAG,MseI-CAT, or MseI-CTT). Each set ofprimers produced 46–66 scorable fragments ranging insize between 50 and 500 bp. The polymorphic fragmentsproduced from each set of primers were more thansufficient to distinguish among all the cultivars,demonstrating the usefulness of AFLP markers forcultivar identification. Similarity coefficients werecalculated based on data from 228 AFLP markers anddata from 15 previously characterized RAPD markers. The RAPD markers had been specifically selected forfingerprinting purposes because they succesfullydistinguish 41 strawberry cultivars, including the 19cultivars analyzed in this study. Separatedendrograms were constructed based on analysis of theAFLP and RAPD marker data using a neighbor-joiningalgorithm. The dendrograms were compared and found tobe very different. Correlations between similaritycoefficients calculated from AFLP marker data,similarity coefficients calculated from RAPD markerdata, and coefficients of coancestry calculated frompedigree information were evaluated. Interestingly,a better correlation with the coefficients ofcoancestry was observed with the RAPD marker data thanwith the AFLP marker data.  相似文献   

The degree of heterosis for total tuber yield (TTY) and total solids (TS) in 4x‐2x crosses was estimated by comparing the performance of 12 families with their respective parents in two locations in Wisconsin (USA). The parental 2x clones were Phureja‐haploid Tuberosum hybrids with 2n‐pollen production by first‐division restitution. The general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were estimated for TTY, TS, vine maturity (VM), length of tuber sprout dormancy (LD), and tuber eye depth (ED). Family performance for TTY ranged from 74 to 146% at Hancock (E#1) and from 77 to 287 at Rhinelander (E#2) when compared with that of the 4x parent group. For VM, the families were late maturing, but a few precocious ones were identified. For TS, the families had heterosis of 5.1% over the 4x parent group. The families had slightly higher ED values than the 4x parents, but families with values within the commercial range were identified. The family average for LD (54 days) was closer to the 2x group (51 days) than to the 4x group (88 days). The direction and magnitude of the parent‐family relationships were variable. The 4x parent TTY was correlated with progeny in E#1 but not E#2. The 2x parent VM had correlation with the offspring at E#2 but not at E#1. The type of gene action had a trait‐specific expression. Significant SCA and GCA variances were observed, suggesting that additive as well as non‐additive genetic effects were operating. The 4x‐2x crosses were able to generate heterotic families for TTY and TS in combination with other useful traits. However, no promising results were found for LD because of the apparent dominance of the short‐dormancy phenotype. This result indicates the need of additional selection and breeding efforts for some specific traits when using S. phureja‐derived germplasm.  相似文献   

Long-term selection experiments provide germplasm to study the effects of selection in a closed population. Recurrent selection to enhance grain yield in oat has been ongoing at the University of Minnesota since 1968. The objectives of this study were: (i) estimate the GCA and SCA effects for three agronomic traits in the seventh cycle of selection, (ii) assess the effect of the current methods of selection on parental contribution and unselected traits, and (iii) determine the direct and indirect responses to seven cycles of recurrent selection for grain yield. Progeny of the Cycle 6 parents and parents for Cycles 0 through 7 were grown in two separate tests. Grain yield, heading date and plant height were evaluated in each test. Grain yield was increased by 21.7% after seven cycles of selection. Evaluation of Cycle 6 progeny showed that GCA effects were significant for all three traits studied, and SCA effects were significant only for grain yield. Four Cycle 6 parents did not have any progeny selected as Cycle 7 parents. Results from this study indicate that long term recurrent selection has continued to increase grain yield. Alternative selection strategies may be necessary to maintain the genetic variability in this population, particularly when improvement of secondary traits is required. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to estimate the general and specific combining ability of peppers by measuring fruit quality and yield traits. This experiment was carried out on the garden field from Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Minas Gerais State—Brazil. Eight lines of Capsicum baccatum belonging to the UFV Horticultural Germplasm Bank were chosen based on their broad genetic and phenotypical background variation and then they were crossed in a complete diallel way. The F1 seeds of the 56 hybrids and eight parents were planted in the field in a randomized complete block design. The data were submitted to ANOVA and the means were grouped by Scott–Knott test (P ≤ 0.01). Significant variation for fruit quality and yield components was observed among parents and F1 generation. Analysis of variance for the combining ability showed that GCA effects exhibited significant difference and SCA effects of the crosses were significant, except for the height of first bifurcation. For almost all characters both additive and non-additive effects influenced the performance of hybrids.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of nitrogen (N) rate (60, 120, 180 and 240 kg N ha?1 applied in three equal dressings at seeding and after the first and second cuttings) and stubble height (7, 14 and 21 cm) on the dry matter (DM) yield, crude protein (CP) content, and CP yield of a sorghum–sudangrass hybrid [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench × Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf., cv. Pioneer 988] in the three‐cut system was investigated. The N rate had no significant effect in the first and third cuttings, but in the second cutting DM yields increased significantly with increase in N rate. The highest yield of 9.1 t ha?1 was obtained with 80 kg N ha?1 for the average of 2 years at the second cutting, but no significant difference was found among the 40, 60 and 80 kg N ha?1 rates. CP content and yield were not significantly affected by N rate at the first and third cuttings, but CP content and yield were significantly affected by application of N at the second cutting. Stubble height had a significant effect on CP content at the third cutting. However, it had no significant effect on CP content at the first and second cuttings. Stubble height had a significant effect on the CP yield at the first cutting, but no significant effect on CP yield at the second and third cuttings.  相似文献   

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