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Appropriate soil amendments may increase plant available water and crop yields on coarse sandy soils under drought conditions. In this study, we applied straw ash or straw biochar from gasification to a Danish coarse sandy subsoil to assess the effects on soil water retention, evapotranspiration and crop yields. Spring barley (2016, 2017) and winter wheat (2018) were grown over three years in columns containing 25cm of organic matter-rich topsoil, 80 cm of amended coarse sandy soil (1.5%, 3%, 6% wt. ash or 1% wt. biochar or control soil) and 45 cm of un-amended subsoil. Precipitation, evaporative demands and soil moisture were recorded across the growth seasons, with 2018 having severe drought conditions. This year evapotranspiration levels increased with increasing ash and biochar content (by 54% and 33% for the 6% ash- and 1% biochar-amended soils, respectively), and plant dry matter increased by 18% in both the 1% biochar- and 6% ash-treated soils compared to the untreated control. A linear relationship was established between in situ field capacity and ash dosage (R= .96), showing an increase of 2.2% per percentage (wt.) of ash added, while the 1% biochar treatment increased the capacity by 3.5%, indicating a higher efficiency than for ash. However, we did not find significant positive effects on grain yields. The results show that ash and biochar have the potential to significantly increase soil water retention, evapotranspiration and total dry matter yield in drought conditions, but that this may not correspond to an increase in grain yield.  相似文献   

为了探究保水剂对沙质土壤水分的影响,采用室内重建土柱,在人工模拟降雨条件下研究不同用量保水剂对沙质土壤(0~30 cm)含水率的影响。结果表明:土壤含水率随着保水剂用量的增加而增加,保水剂用量为0.2%时不但省时省力,而且0~10 cm、10~20 cm、20~30 cm 3个土层土壤含水率分别为45.42%、48.48%、46.16%,既能满足植物的生长需要,又能节省经济成本,可为干旱、半干旱区节水造林及保水剂的合理使用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

There is lack of information available concerning the effect of humic substances (HS) applied via fertigation on plant growth in sandy soils. Therefore, a field experiment was carried out at El‐Saff district (20 km southwest of Cairo), Egypt, to investigate the role of HS fertigation on water retention of a sandy soil, yield and quality of broccoli (Broccoli oleracea L.) as well as on soil nutrient concentration retained after harvest. The experiment consisted of six fertigation treatments (50%, 75%, and 100% of the recommended NPK‐fertilizer rate for broccoli combined with and without HS application at 120 L ha–1) in a complete randomized block design with three replicates. Humic substances affected spatial water distribution and improved water retention in the root zone. Furthermore, application of HS increased total marketable yield and head diameter of broccoli as well as quality parameters (i.e., total soluble solids, protein, and vitamin C). Higher nutrient concentrations were found in the broccoli heads and concentrations of plant‐available nutrients in soil after harvesting were also higher, indicating an improvement in soil fertility. In conclusion, HS fertigation can be judged as an interesting option to improve soil water and nutrient status leading to better plant growth.  相似文献   

Aerated solution culture is frequently used for studying plant growth. Few comparisons have been made of root growth in solution with that found in soil. The objective of this study was to compare root growth and root hair development in these two mediums. Corn (Zea mays L.) grown in aerated solution at two temperatures (18 and 25°C) and three P concentrations (2, 10, and 500 μmol L‐1) was compared with that in three soils, Raub (Aquic Argiudoll) and two Chalmers (Typic Haplaquoll) silt loams, in a controlled climate chamber over 21d. Corn plant weight and root growth were similar in solution culture and Raub soil when grown at an air and soil temperature of 18°C. At 25°C both yield and root growth were greater in Raub soil, even though P uptake by corn was 7‐fold greater in solution culture. The same difference was found when corn grown at 25°C in solution culture at 3 different P concentrations was compared with that grown in Chalmers soil at two P levels. Percentage of total root length with root hairs, root length and density and consequently root surface area, were all greater in the Chalmers soil than in solution culture. An increase in soil P, resulted in a decrease in root hair growth. No such relationship was found in solution culture. Although the recovery and measurement of plant roots and root hairs is more convenient in solution culture, results from this study indicate that the usefulness of solution culture for determining those factors which control root growth and root hair development in soil is limited.  相似文献   

[目的]明确雨季生物炭添加对黄绵土储水、保水能力的影响,为科学利用生物炭改良黄土高原地区土壤以及确定合理的生物炭施用量提供基本理论支持。[方法]采用多层一体式土壤水分温度测量系统(JDTS-01)对黄土高原地区土壤水分进行野外定点观测,并使用烘干法对监测数据进行校正,研究黄绵土0—40 cm土层水分动态变化与补给、消退情况。基于双变量相关分析探讨了不同生物炭添加量下土壤水分补给和消退变化的影响因素及其相对重要性。[结果](1)整体上生物炭添加能在一定程度上增加土壤水分含量,低生物炭添加量增加了深层土壤水分,而高生物炭添加量增加了表层土壤水分,2.5%左右的生物炭添加量可能是影响土壤水分入渗和蒸发的拐点。(2)添加生物炭后,0—20 cm土层水分补给量增大,20—40 cm土层水分补给量减小。降雨带来的水分补给能够很大程度上滞留在土壤耕层,添加生物炭量较大时土壤水分补给效果更好;0—20 cm土层中添加生物炭处理的水分消退更快,而不添加生物炭的土壤水分入渗土层更深。(3)生物炭添加可以促进黄绵土土壤水分补给,减弱土壤水分消退,有利于降雨后土壤储水。[结论]生物炭添加能够改善黄土高原地区土...  相似文献   

土壤含水率与干密度对油松根-土界面摩擦性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究土壤物理特性对植物根系固土性能的影响,通过对油松单根施加拔出荷载进行直接拉拔实验,分析土壤含水率与干密度对拔出过程中根-土界面摩擦性能的影响。结果表明:单根拉拔实验中根系有被拔出和被拉断2种破坏模式:根-土最大摩擦力与根系直径有明显的线性相关关系,通过建立单根简化模型分析根-土间的摩擦情况,证明与实验结论一致;且根系直径在一定范围内时,根-土的最大摩擦力随土壤含水率的升高先增大后减小,而随土体干密度的升高单调增大。  相似文献   

A stratified subsurface layer of acidic soil can develop in minimally disturbed soil such as no‐till receiving injection of N fertilizer (e.g., anhydrous ammonia). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of subsurface band treatments in alleviating soluble Al3+ and Mn2+ toxicities on sorghum growth. Soil columns 40 cm in length were packed with soil (Valentine fine sand mixed mesic Typic Ustipsamment and Thurman loamy sand mixed Mesic Udorhentic Haplustoll) with treatments applied at the 10–18 cm depth to mimic soil pH stratification. The treatments at this depth were: (1) entire layer at soil pH of 3.7; (2) band of soil 6 cm wide at pH of 5.8 with the rest of the soil at pH 3.7; (3) band of soil 6 cm wide at pH of 6.3 with the rest of the soil at pH 3.7; and (4) entire layer at soil pH of 5.8. The soil above and below the 10–18 cm depth was at pH 5.8. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) was grown in the soil columns under a controlled environment for 6 weeks. High concentration of Al in soil solution was found in soil at soil pH 3.7 which was overcome by either banding to pH 5.8, 6.3, or having the soil layer at pH 5.8. Treatment with pH of 5.8 throughout the soil 10–18 cm depth produced significantly greater top growth, although all other pH or liming strategies performed better than the soil pH 3.7 treatment. The banded treatments at pH 5.8 and 6.3 allowed roots to grow below the 10–18 cm layer of soil, but root growth was still significantly less than in the soil where the entire soil treatment layer was at pH 5.8. The increase in biomass yield with soil pH of 5.8 in the entire treatment layer was higher compared to band treatment at pH 5.8; however, the lime requirement would be 3.4 times more with liming the entire layer compared to banding a portion of the soil to pH 5.8 and would thus be translated into a higher liming cost.  相似文献   

During the past years, most biochar studies were carried out on tropical soils whereas perennial field experiments on temperate soils are rare. This study presents a 3-year field experiment regarding the effects of differently produced biochars (pyrolyzed wood, pyrolyzed maize silage, hydrothermal carbonized maize silage) in interaction with digestate incorporation and mineral N fertilizer application on soil C and N, crop yields of winter wheat, winter rye and maize and the quality of winter wheat. Soil C and plant available potassium were found to be significantly positive affected by pyrolyzed wood biochar whereas the latter only in combination with N fertilization. Crop yields of winter wheat, winter rye and maize were not affected by biochar and showed no interaction effects with N fertilizer supply. Wheat grain quality and nutrition contents were significantly affected by biochar application, for example, highest amounts of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium were determined in treatments amended with pyrolyzed maize silage biochar. Biochar induced an improved availability of plant nutrients, which apparently were not yield limiting in our case. These results limit the potentials of biochar for sustainable intensification in agriculture by increasing crop yields for the temperate zones. However, detection of other environmental benefits requires further investigations.  相似文献   

The effect of drying and rewetting (DRW) on C mineralization has been studied extensively but mostly in absence of freshly added residues. But in agricultural soils large amounts of residues can be present after harvest; therefore, the impact of DRW in soil after residue addition is of interest. Further, sandy soils may be ameliorated by adding clay‐rich subsoil which could change the response of microbes to DRW. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of DRW on microbial activity and growth in soils that were modified by mixing clay subsoil into sandy top soil and wheat residues were added. We conducted an incubation experiment by mixing finely ground wheat residue (20 g kg–1) into top loamy sand soil with clay‐rich subsoil at 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40% (w/w). At each clay addition rate, two moisture treatments were imposed: constantly moist control (CM) at 75% WHC or dry and rewet. Soil respiration was measured continuously, and microbial biomass C (MBC) was determined on day 5 (before drying), when the soil was dried, after 5 d dry, and 5 d after rewetting. In the constantly moist treatment, increasing addition rate of clay subsoil decreased cumulative respiration per g soil, but had no effect on cumulative respiration per g total organic C (TOC), indicating that the lower respiration with clay subsoil was due to the low TOC content of the sand‐clay mixes. Clay subsoil addition did not affect the MBC concentration per g TOC but reduced the concentration of K2SO4 extractable C per g TOC. In the DRW treatment, cumulative respiration per g TOC during the dry phase increased with increasing clay subsoil addition rate. Rewetting of dry soil caused a flush of respiration in all soils but cumulative respiration at the end of the experiment remained lower than in the constantly moist soils. Respiration rates after rewetting were higher than at the corresponding days in constantly moist soils only at clay subsoil addition rates of 20 to 40%. We conclude that in presence of residues, addition of clay subsoil to a sandy top soil improves microbial activity during the dry phase and upon rewetting but has little effect on microbial biomass.  相似文献   

Studies aiming at quantification of roots growing in soil are often constrained by the lack of suitable methods for continuous, non‐destructive measurements. A system is presented in which maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings were grown in acrylic containers — rhizotrons — in a soil layer 6‐mm thick. These thin‐layer soil rhizotrons facilitate homogeneous soil preparation and non‐destructive observation of root growth. Rhizotrons with plants were placed in a growth chamber on a rack slanted to a 45° angle to promote growth of roots along the transparent acrylic sheet. At 2‐ to 3‐day intervals, rhizotrons were placed on a flatbed scanner to collect digital images from which root length and root diameters were measured using RMS software. Images taken during the course of the experiment were also analyzed with QUACOS software that measures average pixel color values. Color readings obtained were converted to soil water content using images of reference soils of known soil water contents. To verify that roots observed at the surface of the rhizotrons were representative of the total root system in the rhizotrons, they were compared with destructive samples of roots that were carefully washed from soil and analyzed for total root length and root diameter. A significant positive relation was found between visible and washed out roots. However, the influence of soil water content and soil bulk density was reflected on seminal roots rather than first order laterals that are responsible for more than 80 % of the total root length. Changes in soil water content during plant growth could be quantitifed in the range of 0.04 to 0.26 cm3 cm—3 if image areas of 500 x 500 pixel were analyzed and averaged. With spatial resolution of 12 x 12 pixel, however, soil water contents could only be discriminated below 0.09 cm3 cm—3 due to the spatial variation of color readings. Results show that this thin‐layer soil rhizotron system allows researchers to observe and quantify simultaneously the time courses of seedling root development and soil water content without disturbance to the soil or roots.  相似文献   

Information is needed about root growth and N uptake of crops under different soil conditions to increase nitrogen use efficiency in horticultural production. The purpose of this study was to investigate if differences in vertical distribution of soil nitrogen (Ninorg) affected root growth and N uptake of a variety of horticultural crops. Two field experiments were performed each over 2 years with shallow or deep placement of soil Ninorg obtained by management of cover crops. Vegetable crops of leek, potato, Chinese cabbage, beetroot, summer squash and white cabbage reached root depths of 0.5, 0.7, 1.3, 1.9, 1.9 and more than 2.4 m, respectively, at harvest, and showed rates of root depth penetration from 0.2 to 1.5 mm day?1 °C?1. Shallow placement of soil Ninorg resulted in greater N uptake in the shallow‐rooted leek and potato. Deep placement of soil Ninorg resulted in greater rates of root depth penetration in the deep‐rooted Chinese cabbage, summer squash and white cabbage, which increased their depth by 0.2–0.4 m. The root frequency was decreased in shallow soil layers (white cabbage) and increased in deep soil layers (Chinese cabbage, summer squash and white cabbage). The influence of vertical distribution of soil Ninorg on root distribution and capacity for depletion of soil Ninorg was much less than the effect of inherent differences between species. Thus, knowledge about differences in root growth between species should be used when designing crop rotations with high N use efficiency.  相似文献   

为探明施肥深度对生土地玉米(Zea mays L.)地上部生产力、根系及根际土壤肥力的影响,连续2年以黄土母质生土为供试土壤,采用根管土柱法,以不施肥为对照,研究不同深度(0~20 cm、60~80 cm、100~120 cm、140~160 cm和180~200 cm)施用生物有机肥对玉米地上部生产力及根重、根际土壤酶活性、根际土壤养分含量垂直分布的影响。结果表明:1)在0~200 cm土层范围内,随施肥深度的加深,玉米地上部生产力、总根重等指标均呈先增加后减少的规律。施肥深度在100~120 cm处的玉米总根重(52.3 g)及地上部生产力(361.0 g)最大。2)所有施肥深度的根重垂直分布均呈"T"型,以0~20 cm耕层根重最大,占总根重的50%左右,随根系下延,根重明显递减(P0.05)。施肥深度100~120 cm可以获得最大总根重和0~40 cm耕层根重(27.19 g)。根系N、P和K养分积累适中,平均分别为6.60 g·kg~(-1)、2.38 g·kg~(-1)和8.16 g·kg~(-1)。3)施肥明显提高根际土壤酶活性和养分含量。施肥深度为60~80 cm,0~200 cm土层根际土壤脲酶活性较高,介于0.108~0.354 mg(NH3-N)·g~(-1)(soil)·24h~(~(-1));施肥深度为140~160 cm时,0~200 cm土层根际土壤蔗糖酶活性和速效磷含量较高,分别为12.9~19.6 mg(glucose)·g~(-1)(soil)·24h~(-1)和4.31~6.02 mg·kg~(-1);施肥深度180~200 cm,0~200 cm土层根际土壤有机质含量较高,介于5.55~7.14 g·kg~(-1);施肥深度小于100 cm或大于120 cm,0~20 cm土层根际土壤碱性磷酸酶活性和碱解氮含量较高,分别0.497 mg(phenol)·g~(-1)(soil)·24h~(-1)和25.4 mg·kg~(-1)。4)相关分析表明,在生土地上,不同施肥深度处理下,玉米根重、根系NPK营养、根际土壤酶活性及根际土壤NPK营养密切相关。5)根据FACTOR过程和CLUSTER聚类分析,优化得出改良黄土母质生土地玉米冠-根-土系统的适合施肥深度范围为60~160 cm。本研究结果为通过施肥加快生土熟化提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

生物炭对沙质土水分蒸发和导水率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Biochar, as a kind of soil amendment, has important effects on soil water retention. In this research, 4 different kinds of biochars were used to investigate the influences of biochar addition on hydraulic properties and water evaporation in a sandy soil from Hebei Province, China. Biochar had strong absorption ability in the sandy soil. The ratio of water content in the biochar to that in the sandy soil was less than the corresponding ratio of porosity. Because of the different hydraulic properties between the sandy soil and the biochar, the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the sandy soil gradually decreased with the increasing biochar addition. The biochar with larger pore volume and average pore diameter had better water retention. More water was retained in the sandy soils when the biochar was added in a single layer, but not when the biochar was uniformly mixed with soil. Particle size of the added biochar had a significant influence on the hydraulic properties of the mixture of sand and biochar. Grinding the biochar into powder destroyed the pore structure, which simultaneously reduced the water absorption ability and hydraulic conductivity of the biochar. For this reason, adding biochar powder to the sandy soil would not decrease the water evaporation loss of the soil itself.  相似文献   

研究成龄葡萄根系分布与吸水特征及耗水规律,能够为制定成龄葡萄灌溉制度、提出丰产与节水相协调的成龄葡萄田间水分管理模式和创建成龄葡萄水分高效利用技术体系提供技术支撑。该文在分析灌溉条件下葡萄吸水特征的基础上,建立了一维非饱和土壤水分运动的无网格数值模拟模型,并依据实测葡萄根系分布特征,获得了葡萄一维根系分布函数,将其与不同的经验根系分布函数应用于数值模型进行动态模拟。通过模拟值与土壤水分实测值的比较分析,结果表明,不同根系分布模型下土壤水分模拟差别不大,相对误差均在1%以下,但相对于其他根系分布,指数根系数分布模拟值与实测值的误差较大,因此,认为拟合的根系分布函数和无网格数值模型能很好的模拟极端干旱地区葡萄根系吸水和土壤水分运动,且在缺乏实际根长分布数据的条件下,线性根系分布和分段根系分布都可反映葡萄实际根系分布,为利用简单一维根系分布模型分析不同灌溉条件葡萄吸水特征提供参考。  相似文献   

Water and nitrogen (N) are two major factors limiting cotton growth and yield. The ability of plants to absorb water and nutrients is closely related to the size of the root system and the rooting space. Better understanding of the physiological mechanisms by which cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) adapts to water and N supply when rooting volume is restricted would be useful for improving cotton yield. In this study, cotton was grown in soil columns to control rooting depth to either 60 cm (root‐restriction treatment) or 120 cm (no‐root‐restriction treatment). Four water–N combinations were applied to the plants: (1) deficit irrigation and no N fertilizer (W0N0), (2) deficit irrigation and moderate N fertilizer rate (W0N1), (3) moderate irrigation and no N fertilizer (W1N0), and (4) moderate irrigation and moderate N fertilizer rate (W1N1). Results revealed that root restriction reduced root length density (RLD), root volume density (RVD), root mass density (RMD), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, nitrate reductase (NR) activity, total plant biomass, and root : shoot ratio. In contrast, root restriction increased aboveground biomass and yield. The RLD, RVD, RMD, and root : shoot ratio decreased in the order W0N0 > W1N0 > W0N1 > W1N1 in both the root‐restriction and no‐root‐restriction treatments. However, the opposite order (i.e., W1N1 > W0N1 > W1N0 > W0N0) was observed for SOD activity, NR activity, aboveground biomass, and seed yield. Our results suggest that, when N and water supplies are adequate, root restriction increases both root activity and the availability of photosynthates to aboveground plant parts. This increases shoot growth, the shoot : root ratio, and yield.  相似文献   

基于Hydrus-1D模型的玉米根系吸水影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为探索土壤质地、植物生长状况和气象条件对不同土壤水分条件下根系吸水速率的影响机理,该文以相对根吸水速率与土壤含水率的关系衡量土壤水分有效性,利用Hydrus-1D模型模拟了3种土壤(壤黏土、黏壤土和砂壤土)中不同玉米生长状况(包括叶面积指数、根系深度和根系剖面分布)或蒸发力条件下根系吸水速率随含水率的动态变化,确定了不同条件下根系吸水速率开始降低的临界含水率。结果表明:土壤质地、植物的叶面积指数和根系分布及大气蒸发力都对根系吸水动态曲线的临界含水率有一定影响,其中根系深度和根系分布形状还影响根系吸水速率与含水率关系曲线的形状,但在3种土壤中,根系吸水速率的动态变化对植物生长和大气蒸发力的响应不同。总体而言,3种土壤临界含水率的大小是壤黏土>黏壤土>砂壤土;临界含水率随大气蒸发力的升高而升高,随根系深度和深层根系分布的增加而降低;各因子对玉米根系吸水影响程度的大小是土壤质地>根系分布形状>根系深度>大气蒸发力>叶面积指数。  相似文献   

生物质炭对冬小麦产量、水分利用效率及根系形态的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
为了探讨生物质炭对冬小麦产量、水分利用效率及根系形态的影响,该文利用田间小区试验研究了生物质炭不同施用水平对冬小麦产量、水分利用效率、根形态的影响及差异性。结果表明:生物质炭显著增加了冬小麦茎蘖数、有效穗数和产量(P0.05),与对照相比,其增加比例范围分别为1.6%~4.9%、0.7%~1.5%、1.0%~5.9%。冬小麦耗水量随着生物质炭施用量的增加而逐渐减小,水分利用效率由对照的17.06 kg/(hm2·mm)提高到17.69~19.57 kg/(hm2·mm)。生物质炭显著增加了冬小麦根系总根长和总表面积(P0.05),在0~20和≥20~40 cm范围内,总根长的增加比例范围分别为2.8%~14.6%、8.4%~21.2%;总表面积增加比例范围分别为5.6%~19.5%、1.9%~13.6%。冬小麦根系形态特征与冬小麦产量呈极显著正相关(P0.001)。各处理中以生物质炭施用量为40 t/hm2的处理对冬小麦产量、水分利用效率及根系生长的促进作用最为显著。该研究可为科学施用生物质炭提供参考。  相似文献   

The ingrowth core method can be used to measure root gross growth (i.e. root production). A mesh bag filled with root free soil is buried into the root zone. After about 14 days, the bag is pulled out and root length inside the core can be determined. An objection against this method is the inability to obtain the same soil conditions inside the bag as outside, which can result in different root growth pattern in the ingrowth core compared to the bulk soil. To study this, mesh bags were buried in a stand of oilseed rape and were filled with soil at different nitrate, phosphate, moisture, and bulk density levels. Results showed that root growth was only influenced by a high nitrate content and a high soil density in the cores, which resulted in higher and lower root length densities (RLD), respectively. In a long‐term ingrowth experiment similar root length densities in the cores and in the bulk soil were measured, indicating that there were no root growth enhancing or impeding conditions inside the ingrowth cores. The conclusion is drawn, that the ingrowth core method gives reliable results, provided the N content and the soil density inside the bags are comparable to the bulk soil.  相似文献   

苗期土壤含水率变化对冬小麦根、冠生物量累积动态的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为合理进行冬小麦生长过程的适时水分调控,该文对不同生育期土壤含水率对冬小麦根冠影响的试验进行分析。采用的试验包括5种水分处理,即苗期充分供水,其它生育期进行中度胁迫(FB)、重度胁迫(FC)处理和从苗期开始的中度水分胁迫(SB)、重度水分胁迫(SC)处理以及全生育期充分供水的对照处理。试验结果表明:苗期土壤含水率对冬小麦根、冠的生物量,生物量的累积速率产生不同影响,使全生育期内根、冠占植株总量的比例和根冠比发生改变。当苗期水分改变时,生育初期,根、冠均没有明显响应,但到播后16 d,播后20 d,根、冠生物量分别随胁迫程度的增加而减小(FB>SB,FC>SC);在播后28 d,SB和SC的根系质量累积速率超过对应FB和FC处理,且苗期受胁迫处理的冬小麦在生殖生长阶段所维持的根系大于苗期不受胁迫处理的根系;冠的累积速率则在播后28 d和35 d也出现SB>FB,SC>FC的结果,到播后42 d,SB、SC的冠质量分别超过对应的FB、FC的冠质量。在此过程中,根、冠生物量占总质量的比例发生改变,根表现为SB>FB,SC>FC;冠在营养生长阶段FB>SB,FC>SC,在生殖生长期SB达到最大;相应根冠比改变。  相似文献   

ZHENG Yi  ZHANG Fu-Suo 《土壤圈》2000,10(4):333-338
A three-compartments rhizobox was designed and used to study the low-molecular-weight organic acids in root exudates and the root apoplastic iron of “lime-induced chlorosis“ peanut grown on a clacareous soil in realtion to different soil moistrue conditions.Results showed that chlorosis of peanuts developed under condition of high soil mositure level(250 g kg^-1),while peanuts grew well and chlorosis did not develop when soil moisture was managed to a normal level(150 g kg^-1).The malic acid maleic acid and succinic acid contents of chlorotic peanut increased by 108.723,0.029,and 22.446ug cm^-1 ,respectively,compared with healthy peanuts.The content of citric acid and fumaric acid also increased in root exudates of chlorotic peanuts.On Days 28 and 42 of peanut growth,the accumulation of root apoplastic iron in chlorotic peanuts was higher than that of healthy peanuts.From Day 28 to Day 42,the mobilization percentages of chlorotic peanuts and healthy peanuts to root apoplastic iron were almost the smae,being 52.4% and 52.8%,respectively,indicating that the chlorosis might be caused by the inactivation of iron within peanut plant grown on a calcareous soil under soil moisture conditions.  相似文献   

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