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Half of the world's land base is grazed by domesticated livestock. Because of the important functional role of ants in grasslands, it is important to understand the effect of livestock grazing on ant abundance and diversity. The objectives of this study were to examine the effect of cattle grazing and site productivity on the abundance, species richness, and species diversity of ants in Lac du Bois Grasslands Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada. We hypothesized that the measured ant variables would be lowest in grazed areas and at low site productivity. Pitfall trapping was conducted at four sites: two at each low and high site productivity levels. At each site an ungrazed (fenced exclosure) and grazed transect was sampled during May, July, and August of 2008. Captured ants were preserved in ethanol and identified. Eight genuses of ants were collected: Tapinoma, Camponotus, Formica, Lasius, Aphaenogaster, Myrmica, Solinopsis, and Temnotharox. The mean number of ants per pitfall was higher at high site productivity sites that were grazed (15.10 ±  SE) compared to high productivity sites ungrazed (3.28 ±  SE); grazing at low productivity reduced numbers of ants from 5.07 (± 0.70 SE) to 2.20 (± 0.39 SE) (F = 21.806; P [ 0.001). Tapinoma sessile and A. occidentalis had the greatest numbers in the pitfall traps. Species richness (F = 23.330, P [ 0.001) and diversity (F = 11.764, P = 0.001) followed a similar trend. Because productivity and cattle grazing affect ant diversity and abundance, and ants impact ecosystem functioning, these factors should be considered in management of grasslands.  相似文献   

Researchers and practitioners of assisted reproduction in horses have borrowed heavily from similar bovine practices over the years. However, most procedures required species-specific experiments for optimization. Furthermore, the flow of information occurs in both directions; some procedures, for example, vitrification of embryos and intracytoplasmic sperm injection, were made efficacious in horses before cattle. The great advantage of research in cattle is the availability of large numbers of animals and embryos for testing hypotheses economically. Objectives of cattle breeding generally are more scientific than those concerning horses, and it is likely that much can be learned in the future from genetic tools being developed for cattle breeding. A genetic advantage of cattle breeding over horse breeding is the extremely large genetic and phenotypic databases of some breeds, which can be matched to genomic information.  相似文献   

One of the mechanisms by which acupuncture (AP) exerts its purported effects involves modulation of the autonomic nervous system. Heart rate variability (HRV) noninvasively and quantitatively assesses autonomic nervous system activity. We hypothesized that AP treatment would acutely affect HRV by affecting autonomic tone. Eleven horses received three treatments in random order on different days: AP, placement of AP needles at eight AP points; sham AP (SAP), placement of eight AP needles at non-AP points; and control, no needles inserted. A Holter monitor recorded an electrocardiogram for 40 minutes during each treatment session and was analyzed over three periods: 10 minutes of initial “baseline” before AP and/or SAP, the first 10 minutes of a 20-minute AP/SAP/control “treatment”, and the first 10 minutes “post”-AP/SAP/control. RR intervals were measured during each period after the electrocardiograms were inspected and filtered, and mean heart rate (HR), low-frequency (LF) power (0.01–0.07 Hz), high-frequency (HF) power (0.07–0.6 Hz), and LF-to-HF ratio were calculated for each period. Baseline HR decreased with sequential experiments. Within experiments, HF decreased and LF-to-HF ratio increased reciprocally with time. These results suggest that parasympathetic tone decreased over the course of the experiment, perhaps, because of the stress of being restrained. Consequently, HRV indices were either not acutely affected by AP over the intervals studied or autonomic responses to being restrained may have masked any autonomic response to AP.  相似文献   

In an attempt to evaluate the possible relationship between the microbial flora in the stallion ejaculate and its ability to freeze, three ejaculates from five stallions were frozen using a standard protocol. Before freezing, an aliquot was removed for bacteriological analysis. Bacterial growth was observed in all the ejaculates studied. The isolated microorganisms were: Staphylococcus spp. and Micrococcus spp. (in all the stallions), β-haemolytic Streptococcus (in stallions 3 and 4), Corynebacterium spp. (in stallions 1, 3–5), Rhodococcus spp. (in stallion number 2), Pseudomonas spp. (in stallion number 1) and Klebsiella spp. (in stallions 1, 3 and 5). The presence and richness of Klebsiella and β-haemolytic Streptococcus in the ejaculate were related to two sperm variables post-thaw, namely the proportion of dead spermatozoa (ethidium+ cells; r = 0.55, p < 0.05) and the amplitude of lateral displacement of the sperm head (ALH, μm; r = −0.56, p < 0.05), respectively. The degree of growth of Corynebacterium spp. in the ejaculate was positively correlated with the percentage of spermatozoa showing high caspase activity post-thaw (r = 0.62, p < 0.05). The presence and number of colonies of β-haemolytic Streptococcus were negatively correlated (r = −0.55, p < 0.05) with low sperm caspase activity. It is concluded that the microbial flora of the equine ejaculate may be responsible for some of the sublethal damage experimented by the spermatozoa during cryopreservation.  相似文献   

The Q fever outbreak in the Netherlands in 2007-2010 prompted government interventions to reduce the human incidence by reduction of Q fever shedding at dairy goat farms. Mandatory hygiene measures were taken, including the control of animal reservoirs. It has been postulated that brown rats, through their commensal nature, form an important factor in the persistent dissemination of endemic circulating Coxiella burnetii in nature to domestic animals, livestock and humans. Here, the occurrence of C. burnetii in rats captured at different types of location during the Q fever outbreak in the Netherlands, viz. urban areas, nature areas and various types of farm has been determined. This is a first step towards the elucidation of the reservoir status of rats in veterinary and human Q fever epidemiology. C. burnetii DNA was detected in the spleen of 4.9% of the brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) and 3.0% of the black rats (Rattus rattus). Evidence for C. burnetii infection was also found in liver, kidney, lung and intestinal tissue but not in heart, brain and pancreas. C. burnetii IgGs were detected in 15.8% of the brown rats. Positive rats were collected at goat, pig, cattle and poultry farms, and urban locations; including locations outside the designated 5km "increased-risk" zones around bulk milk positive goat farms. The percentage of rat-positive locations was the highest for goat farms (50%) and cattle farms (14.3%). The presence of actively infected rats outside the lambing season and at multiple environmental settings including urban locations might suggest that rats are not merely a spill-over host due to infection by a contaminated environment but might represent true reservoirs, capable of independent maintenance of C. burnetii infection cycles and thereby contributing to spread and transmission of the pathogen. If frequent (re)introduction of C. burnetii to small ruminant farms can be caused by rats as maintenance reservoirs, mandatory wildlife control and lifelong vaccination of herds will be necessary.  相似文献   

The presence of anovulatory haemorrhagic follicles during the oestrous cycle of mares causes financial impacts, slowing conception and increasing the number of services per pregnancy. Non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as meloxicam and phenylbutazone are used in the treatment of several disorders in mares, and these drugs can impair the formation of prostaglandins (PGs) and consequently interfere with reproductive activity. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of treatment with NSAIDs on the development of pre‐ovulatory follicles in mares. In total, 11 mares were studied over three consecutive oestrous cycles, and gynaecological and ultrasound examinations were performed every 12 h. When 32‐mm‐diameter follicles were detected, 1 mg of deslorelin was administered to induce ovulation. The first cycle was used as a control, and the mares received only a dose of deslorelin. In the subsequent cycles, in addition to receiving the same dose of deslorelin, each mare was treated with NSAIDs. In the second cycle, 4.4 mg/kg of phenylbutazone was administered, and in the third cycle, 0.6 mg/kg of meloxicam was administered once a day until ovulation or the beginning of follicular haemorrhage. All of the mares ovulated between 36 and 48 h after the induction in the control cycle. In the meloxicam cycle, 10 mares (92%) did not ovulate, while in the phenylbutazone cycle, nine mares (83%) did not ovulate. In both treatments, intrafollicular hyperechoic spots indicative of haemorrhagic follicles were observed on ultrasound. Thus, our results suggested that treatment with meloxicam and phenylbutazone at therapeutic doses induced intrafollicular haemorrhage and luteinization of anovulatory follicles.  相似文献   

The long-run sustainable management of recreational fisheries in North America relies on license revenues to pay for conservation. This article examined the effect of changing license prices on purchases using time series data from Pennsylvania. I measured the effect of prices on yearly sales for three types of licenses: resident annual, nonresident annual, and 3-day tourist licenses. Results showed that demand is price inelastic for the annual licenses but slightly price elastic for the 3-day tourist license. An across-the-board increase in all license prices would not be an efficient way to increase revenues. In Pennsylvania, increasing the current price of the 3-day tourist license would likely decrease participation and revenues.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate whether preexisting coxofemoral subluxation/luxation predisposes to postoperative total hip replacement (THR) luxation. Study Design: Case series. Animals: Dogs (n=100) that had cemented THR (n=109); 23 normal controls. Methods: A preliminary study was performed to validate our methods of assessing luxation and laxity by comparing dogs with severe hip dysplasia with a control population of normal dogs. For the main study, the records and radiographs of all dogs that had primary THR were reviewed. Measurements taken from preoperative radiographs to quantify hip subluxation/laxity included the Norberg angle, subluxation index, and 2 new measures: acetabular depth ratio (ADR) and dorsal acetabular rim ratio (DARR). Differences between groups that had luxation within 8 weeks and those that did not were investigated. Results: Postoperative luxation occurred in 13 dogs (12%) within 8 weeks of surgery. Luxation was significantly associated with various measurements (including Norberg angle, ADR, DARR) thought to reflect degree of subluxation/soft tissue tension. Conclusion: Luxation after canine THR is a multifactorial problem but preexisting subluxation/soft tissue laxity is a significant risk factor for this complication.  相似文献   

In the past four decades there have been tremendous changes in equine reproduction. Most breeds now allow the use of artificial insemination with fresh, cooled and frozen semen. Artificial insemination has many advantages for the breeder, in particular the control of bacteria through the use of semen extenders containing antibiotics. Deposition of sperm in small volumes onto the uterotubal junction has allowed the use of relatively low numbers of sperm. Intracytoplasmic injection of sperm into oocytes allows older, subfertile stallions to be used as breeding stallions. Advances in mare reproduction have included developing tools for hastening the onset of the breeding season. Other advances include embryo transfer, oocyte collection and transfer, and cloning. The acceptance of reproductive technology depends on the success of the technology, the attitude of the breeders/veterinarians, and the cost/benefit ratio to the industry and breed registry.  相似文献   

Sixteen Quarter Horse-type geldings were used to determine the effectiveness of a pre-conditioning program on altering bone density in young horses prior to race training. The pre-conditioning program began when the average age of the horses was 15 mo. Horses were exercised on a high speed treadmill for 14 wk and were subsequently placed into race training. Changes in density of the third metacarpal bone were determined via radiographic densitometry throughout preconditioning and the race training regimen. Gain in total bone volume was greater in the group exercised during the pre-conditioning phase. Also, the pattern of bone density in different locations indicated that the exercised group might have been preferentially laying down more bone in the dorsal and medial cortices and less bone in the palmar cortex to achieve altered bone shape. Initiation of race training appeared to limit gains in bone density in comparison with the pre-conditioning phase.  相似文献   

The conclusion from the randomised badger culling trial was that localised badger culling not only fails to control but can actually increase the incidence of bovine tuberculosis in cattle. Professor Simon More and colleagues from University College Dublin question that conclusion, arguing that the data do not provide sufficient evidence to rule out alternative hypotheses.  相似文献   

Compared with other domestic species, genetic nucleus selection has gradually increased both prolificacy and productivity of the breeding sow and the post-natal growth performance of commercial progeny. However, increasing variation in litter birth weight and foetal development may be indirect consequences of interactions among multiple genes controlling prolificacy and prenatal development. Phenotypic plasticity in the litter phenotype also results from effects of sow metabolic state on the developing embryo. New genomic tools may provide the opportunity to better balance the selection of genes controlling the component traits affecting the size and quality of litters born, particularly in multiparous sows.  相似文献   

Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) is the most commonly diagnosed cardiovascular disease in the dog accounting for more than 70% of all cardiovascular disease in dogs. As are most canine diseases with genetic underpinnings, risk of MMVD is greatly increased in a subset of breeds. What is uncommon is that the vast majority of the breeds at elevated risk for MMVD are small or toy breeds with average adult weights under 9 kg. These breeds appear to have little in common other than their diminutive size. In the following review we propose a number of mechanisms by which relatively unrelated small breeds may have developed a predisposition for chronic valvular disorders. Although factors such as age are key in the expression of MMVD, taking a comprehensive look at the commonalities, as well as the differences, between the susceptible breeds may assist in finding the causal variants responsible for MMVD and translating them to improved treatments for both dogs and humans.  相似文献   

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pathology is a rarely reported cause of decreased performance among equine athletes or at least seldom recognised. This case report describes the work‐up of a high level dressage horse with decreased performance. Temporomandibular joint pathology was suspected based on computed tomography (CT) and the horse responded very well to joint treatment.  相似文献   

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