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在山东省东营市正农高科技农业园养殖场进行了波尔山羊超数排卵、胚胎冷冻试验。结果显示:放CIDR的供体与自然发情相比较,其超排效果无明显差异(P>0.05),说明CIDR是一种行之有效的超排方法;在常规胚胎冷冻过程中,鲜胚质量是影响冻胚成活率的主要因素;采用蔗糖解冻冷冻胚胎时,其浓度0.5mol/L和1.0mol/L均获得较高的解冻胚胎成活率。  相似文献   

对12只母羊进行了间隔1个月的连续3次超排处理,3次只均获胚数分别为:18.8±4.32枚、10.3±4.64枚和4.0±4.86枚;只均可用胚数分别为:15.3±4.14枚、5.9±2.99枚和2.0±2.83枚。3次超排的只均获胚数间和只均可用胚数间差异极显著。结果表明,山羊重复超排的时间间隔不能少于1个月。  相似文献   

为了研究和牛超数排卵和胚胎移植的效果,试验以和牛作供体,荷斯坦青年母牛作受体,采用PG+FSH方案对7头和牛供体进行超数排卵处理,用非手术法取胚并进行鲜胚移植。结果表明:采用PG+FSH方案头均获得胚胎数为(11.29±4.86)枚,可用胚胎(5.86±3.27)枚(A级和B级);鲜胚移植(A级和B级)妊娠率为51.22%。说明采用该方案对和牛供体进行超数排卵,并进行鲜胚移植的效果较为理想。  相似文献   

本文针对河南省鼎元种牛育种有限公司180头采精种公牛的采精情况,分析两种牛舍(开放牛舍和封闭牛舍)在不同季节对种公牛日平均采精量、密度、活力的影响,以便在生产中采取相应的措施改善种公牛饲养管理条件。结果发现,春、秋两季两种牛舍对种公牛采精量、密度、精子活力的影响无显著差异,但总体上开放式牛舍略优于封闭式牛舍。冬季封闭牛舍的种公牛采精量、精子活力显著高于开放牛舍(P<0.05)。因而认为,春秋季开放牛舍更适合种公牛的饲养,冬季封闭牛舍更利于种公牛精子质量的提高。  相似文献   

采用捷克、澳大利及国产促卵泡素(FSH)进行牛的超数排卯试验,对牛的处理采用FSH+PG和FSH+CIDR两种方式。结果三种FSH来源获可用胚数分别为5.43、5.33和4.80,差异不显著(P〉0.05);而2次PG处理与CIDR处理供体牛所获得的回收胚胎数和可用胚数差异也不显著(P〉0.05);冲胚操作时采用不需硬膜外腔麻醉的注射式冲胚与传统需麻醉的滴注式冲胚比较,回收率分别为102%和98%,差异不显著;经产牛和育成牛超排效果比较,可用胚数分别为5.27和5.17,无明显差异(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

不同季节和气候条件对种公牛精液品质的影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研究不同季节气候条件对种公牛精液品质的影响。[方法]从采精种公牛中随机抽出5头,选取气温最高(7月份)最低(1月份)和适中温度(4,9月份)进行试验,分别对不同时期所采得的精液进行检测。[结果]在最高温度月份7月份(25℃)时5头种公牛的平均精液量为5.88mL,原精活率67.2%,精液密度16.64亿/mL,冻后活率33.8%,生产冻精数143.4剂,精子畸形率23%。1月份环境温度平均在-11.2℃时,5头种公牛的精液量平均为5.7mL,原精活率66.8%,精液密度13.3亿/mL,冻后活率37.4%,生产冻精数为275.8剂,精子畸形率17.8%。在4,9月份环境温度12℃时精液量为6.6mL,原精活率73.2%,精液密度16.92亿/mL,冻后活率41.8%,生产冻精数404.4剂,精子畸形率12.6%。精液量之间差异显著(P〈0.05),原精活率之间差异显著(P〈0.05),精子畸形率之间差异显著(P〈0.05)。冻后活率和冻精生产数差异不显著。[结论]环境温度过高或者过低都会影响精液品质,种公牛在适宜的温度下生产的精液品质也会更加优良,种公牛在温度较高的条件下生产精液品质比在低温条件下还要差,种公牛最适宜的生产温度为12℃~16℃。  相似文献   

[目的]为了分析河南三种肉牛超数排卵效果。[方法]分别选择夏南牛、郏县红牛、南阳牛作为试验母牛,采用两次PG+促卵泡素(FSH)的方法对试验母牛进行超数排卵,观测试验母牛获得总胚胎数、可用胚数分析超数排卵效果。[结果]结果显示,夏南牛可用胚9.86枚/头,南阳牛可用胚7.71枚/头,郏县红牛为6.75枚/头,可用胚中夏南牛最高与郏县红牛和南阳牛有显著性差异。可用胚率郏县红牛最高79.41%,显著高于夏南牛和南阳牛。[结论]结果表明,PG+FSH法可以用于夏南牛、郏县红牛和南阳牛的超数排卵。  相似文献   

本试验选择一头荷斯坦牛,从2003年12月到2007年5月间,共超排处理15次,共获得胚胎(包括未受精卵)298枚,可用胚胎169枚;每次超排平均获得19.9枚胚胎,可用胚胎11.3枚;可用胚胎率56.71%。试验结果表明:进口FSH比国产FSH的效果好,重复超排FSH每次增加10%左右的使用量效果会增加,但FSH的量维持不变效果会下降;供体牛的子宫内环境和技术人员的操作水平是影响效果的主要因素之一;连续超排间隔时间在90 d以上的效果较好;连续超排15次或更多是可行的;并且表明经多次和长期超排生产的胚胎,使用效果仍然较好。同时也作了性控X-精子冷冻精液在供体牛超排发情后输精的对比试验。  相似文献   

不同剂量PMSG和HCG及冲胚方法对小鼠超排效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小鼠具有个体小、生长快、繁殖力强、饲养方便等特点,是胚胎工程中最常用的实验动物之一。借用外源性促性腺激素对小鼠进行超排,是获得胚胎工程研究必需的大量卵母细胞或早期胚胎的有效途径。由于受激素组合、小鼠日龄、环境等多因素影响,试验结果差异较大。为进一步探索小鼠超排及其早期胚胎收集的有效方法,试验采用4种不同剂量的孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG) 人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)组合处理小鼠,并在冲胚过程中对比子宫输卵管直接冲胚法和输卵管全段剖开冲胚法,现报道如下。1材料和方法1.1试验动物65只清洁级昆明系小白鼠(其中17只雄鼠)…  相似文献   

研究旨在通过对比不同季节运输时间长短对雏鸡7日龄伤亡率的影响,确定最适雏鸡运输时间,为孵化场管理提供参考。通过对80群40万只雏鸡的跟踪观察,发现雏鸡7日龄伤亡率由低到高的运输时间段排序为30~39.9 h、10~19.9 h、20~29.9 h、9.9 h内,运输时间30~39.9 h伤亡率显著低于9.9 h以内(P0.05);雏鸡7日龄伤亡率由低到高的季节排序为夏、秋、春、冬,夏季伤亡率显著低于冬季(P0.05);不同运输时间条件下,鸡1周龄体重、18周龄体重、0~18周龄平均死淘率、25周龄只鸡日耗料、25周龄只鸡产蛋等指标差异均不显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

旨在研究供体牛超数排卵(简称超排)过程中不同时间外周血AMH浓度与荷斯坦青年奶牛体内胚胎生产效率的相关性,优化供体牛筛选标准,提高荷斯坦青年奶牛体内胚胎生产效率.本试验共选用96头荷斯坦青年奶牛进行超排处理,分别在孕酮阴道栓(CIDR)埋置、人工授精和胚胎回收当天通过尾根采集外周血检测抗缪勒管激素(anti-Mülle...  相似文献   

为了促进广西隆林山羊杂交改良技术的应用,提高隆林山羊的生产效益,本研究以努比亚山羊、隆林山羊及努隆杂交F1代(努比亚山羊♂×隆林山羊♀)为研究对象,所有山羊都在相同水平下进行饲养管理,选取3个群体共205只山羊,分别对1、3、6月龄山羊的生产性能及体尺指标进行测定,选取6只6月龄的父母代及杂交F1代进行屠宰,取其背最长肌进行肉品质分析。结果表明,努隆杂交F1代经产母羊的产羔率、羔羊成活率与父母代差异不显著(P>0.05),初生重、不同月龄体尺指标与父母代差异极显著(P<0.01),努隆杂交F1代宰前活重、胴体重、净肉重、屠宰率、净肉率较隆林山羊都有显著提高(P<0.05),肌肉粗蛋白质含量、肌内脂肪含量、必需氨基酸、风味氨基酸、游离脂肪酸与父母代均有不同程度的提高。因此,努比亚山羊在改善隆林山羊体型、生长速度和肉品质上综合表现良好。  相似文献   

An in vitro study was conducted to determine the effect of different doses of Composite Artemisia annua extract (CAE) on rumen microbial fermentation.CAE was a crude extract from the stem and leaves of Composite Artemisia annua extracted with ethanol.The doses of CAE supplementation with frozen-dry form were:control (no addition),3,30,300 and 3 000 mg/L mixed culture fluid,respectively.Rumen fluid was taken from 3ruminally fistulated dairy goats fed a 50% forage to 50% mixed concentrate ratio diet.The rumen contents were thoroughly mixed and strained through 4 layers of cheese-cloth.  相似文献   

季节对内蒙古白绒山羊采食牧草及粪便特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验分别在春、夏、秋、冬季对内蒙古3种类型白绒山羊成年母羊群所采食主要牧草进行了营养成分分析,并采集粪便以测定其粪便特性,旨在研究季节因素对内蒙古白绒山羊采食牧草及粪便特性的影响,从而为内蒙古白绒山羊粪便的利用提供理论依据。结果表明,内蒙古鄂尔多斯市、阿拉善盟、巴彦淖尔市的牧草DM含量在春季、夏季、秋季、冬季分别为39.60%。53.21%、40.39%~48.81%、64.55%~94.50%、92.00%~95.00%;牧草NDF含量表现为秋、冬季较高,春、夏季较低;牧草CP含量,冬季最低(4.68%~6.17%),春季最高(14.65%~17.44%)。春夏秋冬四季粪便磷浓度平均为1.10%、0.75%、0.71%、0.59%,3种类型内蒙古白绒山羊粪便磷含量季节间差异显著(P〈0.05),春夏两季大于秋冬两季;粪便氮浓度在春夏秋冬四季平均为1.99%、1.7l%、1.61%、1.44%,季节因素对粪便氮含量影响差异显著(P〈0.05),且春季最高,然后呈现逐渐降低的趋势;季节对内蒙古白绒山羊粪便干物质影响较大,阿尔巴斯型白绒山羊季节间表现为差异显著(P〈0.05),二狼山型白绒山羊季节间表现为差异极显著(P〈0.01),阿拉善型白绒山羊季节间表现为差异不显著(P〉0.05),粪便中干物质平均含量春夏秋冬四季依次为72.56%、79.60%、65.52%、95.87%,其中。冬季最高、秋季最低。  相似文献   

The roles of recipient and embryo genotype in determining the growth performance and survivability of offspring based on specific behavioural differences were investigated using inter‐breed embryo transfer. This study was carried out using three recipient genotypes (Awassi, Redkaraman and Tuj) and two embryo genotypes (Charollais and Romanov) to obtain the six possible combinations of ewe and lamb genotypes. Data were collected from 71 recipient ewes (10 Redkaraman with Charollais and 15 Redkaraman with Romanov embryos; 10 Tuj with Charollais and 12 Tuj with Romanov embryos, and 12 Awassi with Charollais lambs and 12 Awassi with Romanov embryos); all ewes received two frozen‐thawed embryos. Awassi ewes had a significantly longer duration of the licking/grooming event (25.5 min, p < 0.05) than Tuj ewes. Charollais lambs were significantly (p < 0.05) more likely to require birth assistance compared to Romanov lambs. Romanov lambs were significantly more (p < 0.01) active than Charollais lambs in the first 2 h after birth; ewe breed had no effect on lamb behaviour. There was no recipient breed effect on either birth or weaning weights of lambs. Charollais lambs were recorded with higher birth (5.5 ± 0.3 kg vs 3.9 ± 0.2 kg; p < 0.001) and weaning (29.4 ± 1.2 kg vs 22.4 ± 1.9 kg; p < 0.001) weights compared to Romanov lambs. At weaning Romanov lambs had significantly higher (95% vs 75%; p < 0.05) survival rates, however, this was not significantly affected by recipient breed. It was concluded that recipient breed was not an important factor in survival and weaning performance of embryo transferred lambs from a prolific breed (Romanov) while these traits recorded for lambs from meat type (Charollais) embryos were influenced by dam breed.  相似文献   

An in vitro study was conducted to determine the effect of different doses of Composite Artemisia annua extract(CAE) on rumen microbial fermentation.CAE was a crude extract from the stem and leaves of Composite Artemisia annua extracted with ethanol.The doses of CAE supplementation with frozen-dry form were:control(no addition)  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the correlation of age and heat cycle to determine reproductive efficiency in young and aged Thoroughbred mares bred on foal heat (FH) or on second heat (SH) after foaling. Embryo mortality (EmbM) was determined every time a mare was found open after a positive pregnancy diagnosis. Parturition to breeding interval, pregnancy rate (PregR) and EmbM rate were the dependent variables and the treatments were breeding on the FH or on SH. The cutoff age to obtain above-average probability for the EmbM was 10 years old. PregR in mares bred on FH was lower compared with SH (P < .01); however, it was neither affected by the age of mares (P > .05) nor by the age group of mares (P > .05). Regarding FH and SH, there was a difference in PregR in young mares (P < .01), unlike in aged mares (P > .05). EmbM rate was not different between mares bred on FH or SH (P > .05) although it was affected by age of mares (P < .01). EmbM was higher in oldest than young mares (P < .01). Aged mares bred on FH had a significantly higher EmbM rate compared with the young group also bred on FH (P < .01). In conclusion, the reproductive efficiency of Thoroughbred mares bred on FH is dependent of the age. Aged mares (≥10 years old) should be bred at their SH to reduce EmbM and improve reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the effect of insulin–transferrin–selenium (ITS) and L‐ascorbic acid (AA) supplementation and the hormonal level during in vitro maturation (IVM) of small oocytes from pre‐pubertal goat on the blastocyst yield and quality. Concretely, we used four maturation media: conventional IVM medium (CM), growth medium (GM: CM+ITS+AA and low level of hormones), modified CM (mCM: CM with low level of hormones) and modified GM (mGM: CM+ITS+AA and normal level of hormones). Cumulus–oocyte complexes (COCs) were classified into two categories according to oocyte diameter: <125 μm and ≥125 μm. Large oocytes were matured 24 h in CM (Treatment A). Small oocytes were matured randomly in six experimental groups: Treatment B: 24 h in CM; Treatment C: 12 h in GM and 12 h in CM; Treatment D: 24 h in mGM; Treatment E: 12 h in mGM and 12 h in CM; Treatment F: 12 h in mCM and 12 h in CM; and Treatment G: 12 h in GM and 12 h in mGM. After IVM, oocytes were fertilized and cultured for 8 days. The blastocyst quality was assessed by the survival following vitrification/warming and the mean cell number. When different maturation media were combined, the blastocyst rate did not improve. The large oocytes produced the highest blastocysts yield. However, the culture of small oocytes in GM (53.3%) enhanced the post‐warming survival of blastocysts compared to large oocytes matured in CM (35.7%). In conclusion, IVM of pre‐pubertal goat small oocytes in GM would be useful to improve the quality of in vitro‐produced blastocysts.  相似文献   

Maternal diet prior to mating has an effect on reproductive performance. We analysed the effect of maternal dietary restriction during rearing on reproductive performance, the embryo development and foetal growth. Females were categorized in two groups: (i) does with ad libitum access to feed or (ii) restricted. Two experiments were performed: (i) after 1 month, receptive females from both experimental groups were artificially inseminated and the reproductive performance was recorded during three reproductive cycles; at the first insemination, the body weight and perirenal fat thickness were recorded, and (ii) females from both experimental groups were inseminated, and 24 h later, embryos were recovered and transferred to recipient females from a maternal line. Later, embryonic implantation was assessed at day 14 by laparoscopy and foetal growth was monitored by ultrasound examination. In experiment 1, no differences in kindling rate was found, but prolificacy was showed to be higher in ad libitum does, which also were heavier than restricted ones. In experiment 2, no differences among does either in body weight, in perirenal fat thickness or in reproductive performance (ovulation rate and embryo recovery rate) were related to differences in feed intake. However, despite similar embryonic implantation losses, embryos from restricted females demonstrated higher foetal and gestational losses. Embryos from restricted does presented lower foetal growth than embryos from ad libitum does. Therefore, our results demonstrated that nutrition before first conception in a rabbit line selected for growth rate may impact on the embryo and results in a disturbance in gestational losses and foetal growth over all reproductive life.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess genes expressed in maternal uterine tissue and pre‐implantation embryos which are presumably involved in maternal recognition and establishment of canine pregnancy. For this purpose, 10 pregnant bitches were ovariohysterectomized between days 10 and 12 after mating. Four non‐pregnant bitches served as controls. Early pregnancy was verified by flushing the uterine horns with PBS solution. The collected embryos (n = 60) were stored deep‐frozen (?80°C). Uterine tissue was excised, snaps frozen in liquid nitrogen and homogenized using TRI Reagent. All embryos from one litter were thawed together and also homogenized in TRI Reagent. RT‐PCR was performed to prove mRNA expression of progesterone receptor, key enzymes of the prostaglandin synthesis pathway, selected growth factors, cytokines, immune cell receptors, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and matrix‐metalloproteinases (MMP). Only pregnant uteri revealed the presence of mRNA for interferon (IFN)‐γ, IL‐4 and CD‐8, which resembles the milieu in humans and other mammalians. Similarly, in day 10 embryos, mRNA for transforming growth factor‐β, insulin‐like growth factor‐1,‐2, hepatocyte growth factor, leukaemia inhibitor factor, tumour necrosis factor‐α, interleukin‐1β,‐6,‐8, cyclooxygenase‐2, CD4+ cells, and MMP‐2 and ‐9 were detected, but not MHC‐I or ‐II. We therefore suppose that the canine embryo, like its human counterpart, actively initiates measures to prevent attacks from the maternal immune system to prepare its own adhesion, nidation, growth and further development.  相似文献   

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