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Summary We examined the inheritance, heritability, and breeding behaviour of resistance to Septoria tritict in the spring wheat cultivars Seabreeze, Veranopolis, and IAS-20 in crosses to the susceptible Australian spring cultivar Gamenya. Resistance in Seabreeze was higher than that in Veranopolis and IAS-20. Inheritance of resistance in Seabreeze seems to be determined by at least three recessive genes. Resistance in Veranopolis and IAS-20 might be due to a single gene. Similarity of inheritance patterns and breeding behaviour of the resistance from Veranopolis and IAS-20 and the common ancestry of these two cultivars suggest that they may carry the same gene. Standard unit heritabilities of Septoria scores, as measured by correlation of F2 plant with F3 family mean data, were high (57–68%). Parent offspring genetic correlations confirmed previously reported associations between resistance and lateness and resistance and tall plant height, but correlations were not sufficiently high to be a major obstacle to selection. Resistance in Veranopolis and IAS-20 were easily recovered in first backcrosses while that in Sea breeze was more difficult to recover.Contribution from the Department of Agriculture Western Australia.  相似文献   

Semi‐dwarf wheat is an important prerequisite for releasing a successful commercial cultivar in high‐yielding environments. In Northern Europe, this aim is achieved by using one of the dwarfing genes Rht‐B1 (formerly known as Rht‐1) or Rht‐D1 (Rht‐2). Both genes, however, result in a higher susceptibility to Fusarium head blight (FHB). We analysed the possibility to use the two non‐adapted FHB resistance quantitative trait loci Fhb1 and Fhb5 (syn. QFhs.ifa‐5A) to counterbalance the negative effect of the dwarfing allele Rht‐D1b in a winter wheat population of 585 doubled‐haploid (DH) lines segregating for the three loci. All lines were inoculated with Fusarium culmorum at four locations and analysed for FHB severity, plant height, and heading date. The DH population showed a significant (< 0.001) genotypic variation for FHB severity ranging from 3.6% to 65.9% with a very high entry‐mean heritability of 0.95. The dwarfing allele Rht‐D1b reduced plant height by 24 cm, but nearly doubled the FHB susceptibility (24.74% vs. 12.74%). The resistance alleles of Fhb1 and Fhb5 reduced FHB susceptibility by 6.5 and 11.3 percentage points, respectively. Taken all three loci together, Fhb5 alone was already able to reduce FHB susceptibility to the same extent as Rht‐D1b increased it. This opens new avenues for selecting semi‐dwarf wheat by marker‐assisted introgression of Fhb5 without the enhancement of FHB susceptibility.  相似文献   

Summary With the objective of creating new combinations of disease resistance and quality, hybrids between wheat and spelt (spelt is well adapted to cool and wet conditions) were produced and the expression of heterosis was analysed. Three winter wheat varieties were crossed reciprocally with two spelt cultivars and the F1 hybrids were tested under artificial inoculation with stripe rust, powdery mildew and leaf rust. Disease susceptibility and quality characters (protein content, Zeleny value, grain hardness) were assessed in two year field trials. For stripe rust the F1 hybrids were resistant if one of the wheat parents was resistant. Combinations with the susceptible wheat cultivar Arina were all susceptible irrespective of using a resistant spelt partner. Although the infection with powdery mildew was rather low, a similar reaction was obtained with the susceptible wheat variety Bernina. Leaf rust revealed very specific varietal influences. The two susceptible wheat varieties Bernina and Arina resulted in susceptible F1 hybrids when combined with a moderately resistant spelt. Only when they were crossed with a resistant spelt cultivar the F1 hybrids were resistant. Forno, a leaf rust resistant wheat, gave resistant F1 hybrids in all combinations. Without exception the quality characters tested showed a negative heterosis effect resulting in protein levels and Zeleny values close to or below the values of the lower parent. It appears to be possible to produce resistant F1 hybrids, mostly dominated by the resistance level of the wheat partner. The quality of the hybrids is mainly suitable for biscuit and spelt specific products; it needs specific screening for combinations with acceptable breadmaking quality.Abbreviations LSD Least Significant Difference - RH Relative Heterosis  相似文献   

There is worldwide interest in adult plant resistance (APR) because of greater durability of APR to the cereal rusts. Peruvian bread wheat genotype ‘CPAN (Coordinated Project Accession Number) 1842’ (LM 50–53) has shown leaf rust resistance in disease screening nurseries since its introduction in 1977. However, it is susceptible at the seedling stage to several Puccinia triticina (Pt) pathotypes including the widely prevalent 77‐5 (121R63‐1) that infects bread wheat. Inheritance studies showed that CPAN 1842 carried a dominant gene for APR to pathotype 77‐5, which was different from Lr12, Lr13, Lr22a, Lr34, Lr35, Lr37, Lr46, Lr48, Lr49 and Lr68, based on the tests of allelism; and from Lr67, based on genotyping with the closely linked SSR marker cfd71. This gene should also be different from Lr22b as the latter is totally ineffective against pathotype 77‐5. CPAN 1842 therefore appears to be a new promising source of leaf rust resistance. Also having resistance to stem rust and stripe rust, this line can contribute to breeding for multiple rust resistances in wheat.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate (i) the correlations between Fusarium head blight (FHB) index, deoxynivalenol (DON) accumulation and percentage of Fusarium‐damaged kernels (FDK) with agronomic and quality traits and (ii) the effect associated with the presence of single QTLs for FHB resistance on agronomic and quality traits in winter wheat. The population was derived from the cross between ‘RCATL33' (FHB resistance derived from ‘Sumai 3’ and ‘Frontana’) and ‘RC Strategy’. Parental lines and recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were genotyped with SSR markers associated with the 3B, 5A and 3A QTLs. The population was planted in FHB‐inoculated nurseries and in agronomy trials. Lines in the 3B QTL class had the lowest FHB index, DON content and FDK level and did not have a significantly lower yield, thousand kernel weight or protein content compared with the lines grouped in other QTL classes (including no QTL class). Marker‐assisted selection of the 3B QTL for FHB resistance into high‐yielding FHB‐susceptible winter wheat is the recommended approach for the development of lines with increased FHB resistance without significant yield and quality penalties.  相似文献   

A.F. Stelmakh 《Euphytica》1992,65(1):53-60
Summary The Vrn1, Vrn2 and Vrn3 genes have different values of effects on heading date and related yield components. The genetic background and environment do not affect the ranking of Vrn genotypes according to earliness within near-isogenic line sets; however, they do influence the level of differences between heading dates of particular genotypes and between effect values, respectively. The frequencies of defined Vrn genotypes in the global set of spring bread wheat cultivars are associated with grain weight per plant predicted on the basis of Vrn gene effects averaged over backgrounds and over environments. Peculiarities of backgrounds and environments alter the grain yield ranges of Vrn genotypes. For early photoperiod-insensitive wheats, planted in stress conditions at grain filling, the highest yield was predicted for double dominant Vrn genotypes with Vrn3. This gene is rarely used by the breeders in middle latitudes and its wider adoption is encouraged.  相似文献   

A collection of 87 ancient wheat genotypes, 67 Triticum monococcum, 13 Triticum boeoticum, seven Triticum urartu and one cultivar of the modern wheat Triticum aestivum (variety ‘Arminda’) were evaluated for resistance to the cereal aphid Sitobion avenae, the main damaging aphid pest on winter wheat in Europe. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm), which is regarded as a good estimate of the fitness of an aphid population, was used as an indicator for the level of plant resistance. Differentiation of the 88 plant genotypes into four distinct groups was achieved with a cluster analysis of the rm values. The modern wheat ‘Arminda’ was more susceptible than any of the ancient wheat genotypes tested (rm= 0.24, i.e. the aphid population doubled every 2.6 days). A second group of 19 plants ranged from relatively susceptible to moderately resistant (0.17 < rm < 0.21). Fifty–one plants were allocated to a third group and classified as resistant (0.09 < rm < 0.16). The last group contained 17 genotypes with a high level of resistance where aphid fitness was greatly reduced (0.02 < rm < 0.09, i.e. the aphid population doubled every 11.4 days or 7.7 days, respectively). Clustering of the accessions into the different phenetic groups did not follow the geographical origin of the wheat genotypes or the species to which they belong. These results show that ancient diploid wheats, all characterized by the genome A, present considerable interest for plant breeding for resistance to S. avenae in modern wheat. The potential use of these strong and partial sources of resistance for introduction of a stable and durable form of resistance to S. avenae in wheat is discussed.  相似文献   

Fusarium crown rot (FCR) is becoming a major disease in many parts of the cereal‐growing regions worldwide. Significant QTL conferring FCR resistance have been reported on 13 of the 21 possible hexaploid wheat chromosomes in wheat and on three of the seven chromosomes in barley. Available results show that host resistance to FCR is not pathogen species‐specific, that resistance QTL have strong additive effect and that both plant height and growth rate affect FCR severity. Further, different loci seem to be responsible for resistances to FCR and Fusarium head blight although both diseases can be caused by the same Fusarium pathogens. Although marker‐assisted selection for FCR resistance has been initiated, the available markers are all derived from QTL mapping, which provides only limited resolution. Further work has to be conducted in developing diagnostic markers before significant progress can be made in deploying marker‐assisted selection as a routine tool to accelerate and improve FCR in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Wheat leaf rust (LR), caused by the obligate biotrophic fungus Puccinia triticina (Pt), is a destructive foliar disease of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. The most effective, economic means to control the disease is resistant cultivars. The Romanian wheat line Fundulea 900 showed high resistance to LR in the field. To identify the basis of resistance to LR in Fundulea 900, a population of 188 F2:3 lines from the cross Fundulea 900/‘Thatcher’ was phenotyped for LR severity during the 2010–2011, 2011–2012 and 2012–2013 cropping seasons in the field at Baoding, Hebei Province. Bulked segregant analysis and simple sequence repeat markers were used to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for LR adult‐plant resistance in the population. Three QTLs were detected and designated as QLr.hebau‐1BL, QLr.hebau‐2DS and QLr.hebau‐7DS. Based on the chromosome positions and molecular marker tests, QLr.hebau‐1BL is Lr46, and QLr.hebau‐7DS is Lr34. QLr.hebau‐2DS was derived from ‘Thatcher’ and was close to Lr22. This result suggests that Lr22b may confer residual resistance on field nurseries when challenged with isolates virulent on Lr22b, or another gene linked to Lr22b confers this resistance from ‘Thatcher’. This study confirms the value of Lr34 and Lr46 in breeding for LR resistance in China; the contribution of the QTL to chromosome 2D needs further validation.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov), is an important pest of small‐grain cereals, particularly wheat, worldwide. The most efficient strategy against the RWA is to identify sources of resistance and to introduce them into susceptible wheat genotypes. This study was conducted to determine the mode of inheritance of the RWA resistance found in ICARDA accession IG 100695, to identify wheat microsatellite markers closely linked to the gene and to map the chromosomal location of the gene. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker scores were identified in a mapping population of 190 F2 individuals and compared, while phenotypic screening for resistance was performed in F2 : 3 families derived from a cross between ‘Basribey’ (susceptible) and IG 100695 (resistant). Phenotypic segregation of leaf chlorosis and rolling displayed the effect of a single dominant gene, temporarily denoted Dn100695, in IG 100695. Dn100695 was mapped on the short arm of chromosome 7D with four linked SSR markers, Xgwm44, Xcfd14, Xcfd46 and Xbarc126. Dn100695 and linked SSR markers may be useful for improving resistance for RWA in wheat breeding.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to evaluate the combining ability of six local Iranian and one imported cantaloupe cultivar. Heritability of traits was estimated using a half‐diallel mating design. Seven parents and their crosses were evaluated in 2013 and 2014. The greatest general combining ability (GCA) for yield and fruit number was for “Rish‐baba” (0.53 kg/plant and 0.3, respectively). The cultivar “Ananasi” had the highest GCA for fruit weight and soluble solids content (SSC) (0.088 kg and 1.4, respectively). “Ananasi” presented the highest GCA values for fruit firmness, chlorophyll a and b and carotenoid content, as well as the highest total chlorophyll content. The cross Garmak × Rish‐baba showed the highest specific combining ability (SCA) for yield with heterosis value of 99%. High heritability estimates for SSC (0.52), flesh thickness (0.61) and concentration of chlorophyll a (0.7) were obtained. Although there were significant SCAs for yield, the parents are suggested to be improved prior to hybrid development. The parent “Ananasi” appears to be a suitable donor in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Summary On average, the cereal species studied were susceptible to septoria nodorum blotch (SNB), except for spring triticale on leaf and head and winter titicale on leaf, that appeared to be significantly more resistant, than the other ones.In all three species the SNB response of the adult plants was to a limited extent only predicted by the reaction on first leaf seedlings. In most cases it was impossible to predict the response to SNB of adult plants on the basis of seedling reaction. Correlations between the adult plant stage and the seedling stage, or detached seedling leaves, appears not to be sufficient for use in practical breeding work. A reversal of reaction to SNB was even found between the above growth stages in studied spring and winter wheat varieties.  相似文献   

Summary For breeding early heading wheat cultivars with resistance to frost damage which are well adapted to dry areas of West Asia and North Africa, the relationships between winter hardiness, ear primordia development and heading traits, i.e. veernalization requirement, photoperiodic response and narrow-sense earliness, were assessed using a total of 30 genotypes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in an experiment in Syria. The results of artificial freezing tests indicated that cultivars with good winter hardiness were to be found only in the winter wheat cultivars which required 50 or more days of vernalization treatment. These winter wheat cultivars did not initiate internode elongation without vernalization even at 95 days after planting. Thus their ear primordia were still underground and were protected from frost injury at this stage. Photoperiodic response and narrow-sense earliness were not associated with winter hardiness and earliness of internode elongation, but were related to the number of days to heading after planting. This indicated the possibility for breeding early heading cultivars with winter hardiness and tiller frost avoidance by combining high vernalization requirement, short narrow-sense earliness and neutral response to photoperiod.  相似文献   

G.-L. Jiang    R. W. Ward 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(5):417-423
Fusarium head blight (FHB or scab) caused by Fusarium graminearum is a worldwide serious disease in wheat. Exploitation and genetic studies of elite resistance sources can speed up the development of resistant cultivars. To characterize the inheritance of host plant resistance in two new lines, ‘CJ 9306’ and ‘CJ 9403’, developed from a recurrent selection programme in China, six generations P1, P2, F1, F2, B1 and B2 of four crosses and 137 F6 : 7 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from one cross were evaluated in the greenhouse for scab resistance using single‐floret inoculation. The data of area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) in F2, backcross (BC) and RIL populations exhibited mono‐modal distributions without clear‐cut demarcations and skewing towards resistance. An additive–dominance model was well‐fitted, additive effects played a predominating role, and dominance effects were also significant. Continuous distributions with two major peaks and one minor peak for the number or percentage of scabby spikelets (NSS or PSS) in segregating populations implied the existence of major genes or quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance. The estimates of broad‐sense and narrow‐sense heritabilities based on the six‐generation experiment were 56–76% and 26–67% respectively. The estimates of broad‐sense heritabilities based on anova with RILs were 89–90%. These two improved lines with excellent scab resistance and good agronomic traits are of interest for wheat breeding and production.  相似文献   

Sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata, is one of the important pests of postrainy season sorghums. Of the 90 sorghum genotypes evaluated for resistance to this pest, RHRB 12, ICSV 713, 25026, 93046 and 25027, IS 33844‐5, Giddi Maldandi and RVRT 3 exhibited resistance in postrainy season, while ICSB 463, Phule Anuradha, RHRB 19, Parbhani Moti, ICSV 705, PS 35805, IS 5480, 5622, 17726, 18368 and 34722, RVRT 1, ICSR 93031 and Dagidi Solapur showed resistance in rainy season, suggesting season‐specific expression of resistance to A. soccata. ICSB 461, ICSB 463, Phule Yasodha, M 35‐1, ICSV 700, 711, 25010, 25019 and 93089, IS 18662, Phule Vasudha, IS 18551 and 33844‐5 and Barsizoot had fewer deadhearts than plants with eggs across seasons, suggesting antibiosis as one of the resistance mechanism. Five genotypes exhibited resistance with high grain yield across seasons. Correlation, path and stepwise regression analyses indicated that leaf glossiness, seedling vigour, trichome density, oviposition and leaf sheath pigmentation were associated with the expression of resistance/susceptibility to shoot fly, and these can be used as marker traits to select and develop shoot fly‐resistant sorghums.  相似文献   

This study estimated the heritability (h 2) of early blight (EB) resistance in filial progeny of a cross between a susceptible (`NC84173';mid-season maturity) and a resistant (`NC39E'; late-season maturity)tomato breeding lines. It addition, it examined the potential of identifying progeny with mid-season maturity and EB resistance. A total of 162F2 plants were grown under field conditions in 1998 and evaluated for disease symptoms three times during the season, and the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) and final percent defoliation (disease severity) were determined. The F2 plants were self-pollinated and F3 seeds produced. The 162 F3 progeny families, consisting of 20 plants per family, were grown in a replicated field trial in 1999 and evaluated for EB resistance (final percent defoliation) and plant maturity(days to 50% ripe fruit). The distributions of the final percent defoliation values in the F2 and F3 generations indicated that resistance from `NC39E' was quantitative in nature. Estimates of h 2 for EB resistance, computed as the correlation coefficients between F3progeny family means and F2 individual plant values, ranged from0.65 to 0.71, indicating that EB resistance of `NC39E' was heritable. Across F3 families, a negative correlation (r = –0.46, p< 0.01) was observed between disease severity and earliness in maturity, indicating that plant maturity affected disease severity. However, several F3 families were identified with considerable EB resistance and mid-season maturity, indicating that resistance from `NC39E' might be useful for the development of commercially acceptable EB resistant tomato cultivars. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The occurrence of speltoid off‐types during seed multiplication is one of the major causes for rejection of a wheat cultivar candidate due to phenotypic inhomogeneity. These aberrant plants express an atypical spear‐shaped spike with tenacious glumes. To analyse the frequency of speltoids under field conditions, field trials were conducted at three locations and two sowing times over 2 years based on speltoid off‐type spikes derived from 14 different wheat genotypes. One hundred single ear progeny were developed from the normal and speltoid progeny plants in 2007. A mean frequency of 21.1% and 36.6% speltoid off‐types in plots from normal and speltoid lines was observed, respectively. Plots sown late in the season displayed on average 5.3% less speltoid off‐types, in particular when both sowing times were far apart. Field trials from 2010 revealed 7.9% more aberrant plants compared with 2011. The percentage of speltoids within the field plots ranged from 0.2% to 83.7%, which indicates a large effect of the respective genotype. Finally, strategies to reduce the number of speltoid off‐types are discussed.  相似文献   

W. Tadesse    S. L. K. Hsam    F. J. Zeller 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(4):318-322
A total of 50 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars were evaluated for resistance to tan spot, using Pyrenophora tritici‐repentis race 1 and race 5 isolates. The cultivars ‘Salamouni’, ‘Red Chief’, ‘Dashen’, ‘Empire’ and ‘Armada’ were resistant to isolate ASC1a (race 1), whereas 76% of the cultivars were susceptible. Chi‐squared analysis of the F2 segregation data of hybrids between 20 monosomic lines of the wheat cultivar ‘Chinese Spring’ and the resistant cultivar ‘Salamouni’ revealed that tan spot resistance in ‘Salamouni’ was controlled by a single recessive gene located on chromosome 3A. This gene is designated tsn4. The resistant cultivars identified in this study are recommended for use in breeding programmes to improve tan spot resistance in common wheat.  相似文献   

We developed 178 recombinant inbred lines from a southern‐by‐spring oat population designated as “TxH.” These lines were genotyped to generate a high‐quality linkage map that resolved 6,902 markers into 21 linkage groups that matched closely with the latest hexaploid oat consensus map. Three major quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting heading date were found in locations that are consistent with known QTLs and candidate genes, and two other QTLs affecting heading date were found in novel locations. Five QTLs affecting plant height were found. Both sets of QTLs are responsible for transgressive segregation observed for these two traits. Four QTLs affecting resistance to crown rust, caused by the pathogen Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae, were identified. Two of these QTLs are consistent with known clusters of rust resistance genes, while two may represent new locations of novel rust resistance genes. A complete set of SNP sequences suitable for generating markers for molecular selection is provided.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity data from surveys of Puccinia triticina (formerly P. recondita f. sp. tritici) conducted in western Europe in 1995 were analysed to compare the structure of regional populations of the pathogen. Many of the populations differed in phenotypic diversity and pathotypic composition, even though they occurred within a single epidemiological unit, suggesting that local factors may influence the establishment and propagation of individual pathotypes in the regional populations. Neighbouring regions were more similar than distant regions, and all regions shared at least one pathotype, except populations in northern Italy and Scotland. A high degree of similarity was found between populations in northern France and Great Britain, providing strong evidence of free movement of inoculum between these regions. Resistance genes were postulated for a selection of 91 wheat cultivars, representing those most commonly grown in western Europe in 1995. Thirteen cultivars lacked detectable seedling resistance genes and the remaining 78 possessed from one to three resistance genes; those detected were Lr1, Lr3a, Lr10, Lr13, Lr14a, Lr17b, Lr20, Lr26 and Lr37. The most commonly detected resistance gene was Lr13, which was present singly or in combination with other resistance genes in 48 cultivars (53%). The gene Lr14a was detected in 18 cultivars, Lr26 was present in 16 cultivars. The role of host selection in the composition of the regional populations of P. triticina in western Europe in 1995 was difficult to assess on the basis of the results obtained, since virulence data were not available for Lr13 and Lr14a. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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