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水牛孤雌激活胚胎体外培养时采用石蜡油覆盖微滴培养,本文就几种不同石蜡油(协和油、Ameresco油、Sigma胚胎培养油和Sigma过滤油)对水牛孤雌激活胚胎体外发育的影响进行了研究。结果显示:在分裂率、孵化率上,不同石蜡油之间无明显差异;在7d囊胚率和总囊胚率上,分别为协和油32.1%、39.4%,Sigma胚胎培养油39.9%、42.8%,Sigma过滤油34.4%、40.2%,几组之间差异不显著;而Ameresco油7d囊胚率和总囊胚率分别为22.9%、28.8%,与Sigma胚胎培养油、Sigma过滤油之间差异显著(P<0.05)。 相似文献
对MII期水牛卵母细胞进行人工诱导激活可以帮助人们间接判断体外成熟卵母细胞质量的优劣。并且,卵母细胞的充分激活也是提高核移植效率的关键因素之一。试验比较了水牛卵母细胞体外成熟时间对孤雌激活胚发育能力的影响以及不同化学激活方法对水牛卵母细胞孤雌激活效果的影响,并在相同条件下,对孤雌激活胚与体外受精胚的发育能力进行了比较。结果表明,水牛卵母细胞体外成熟27小时或30小时的囊胚发育率(19.0%或17.7%)明显高于体外成熟21小时或24小时的囊胚发育率(12.3%或13.8%);Ion联合6-DMAP激活水牛卵母细胞的效果优于其他几组激活方法;在相同条件下,孤雌激活胚与体外受精胚的发育能力存在着差异,其中卵裂率差异不显著,但孤雌激活胚的囊胚发育率显著高于体外受精胚(13.0%vs21.7%)。 相似文献
对MⅡ期水牛卵母细胞进行人工诱导激活可以帮助人们间接判断体外成熟卵母细胞质量的优劣,并且,卵母细胞的充分激活也是提高核移植效率的关键因素之一.试验比较了水牛卵母细胞体外成熟时间对孤雌激活胚发育能力的影响以及不同化学激活方法对水牛卵母细胞孤雌激活效果的影响,并在相同条件下,对孤雌激活胚与体外受精胚的发育能力进行了比较.结果表明,水牛卵母细胞体外成熟27h或30h的囊胚发育率(19.0%or 17.7%)明显高于体外成熟21h或24h的囊胚发育率(12.3%or 13.8%);Ion联合6-DMAP激活水牛卵母细胞的效果优于其他几组激活方法;在相同条件下,孤雌激活胚与体外受精胚的发育能力存在着差异,其中卵裂率差异不显著,但孤雌激活胚的囊胚发育率显著高于体外受精胚(13.0%vs.21.7%). 相似文献
比较了水牛卵母细胞体外成熟时间对孤雌激活胚发育能力的影响,以及不同化学激活方法对水牛卵母细胞孤雌激活效果的影响,并在相同条件下,对孤雌激活胚与体外受精胚的发育能力进行了比较.结果表明,水牛卵母细胞体外成熟27 h或30 h的囊胚发育率(19.0%、17.7%)明显高于体外成熟21 h或24h的囊胚发育率(12.3%、13.8%);Ion联合6-DMAP激活水牛卵母细胞的效果优于其他几组激活方法;在相同条件下,孤雌激活胚与体外受精胚的发育能力存在着差异,其中卵裂率差异不显著,但孤雌激活胚的囊胚发育率显著高于体外受精胚. 相似文献
对MII期水牛卵母细胞进行人工诱导激活可帮助人们间接判断体外成熟卵母细胞质量的优劣,且卵母细胞的充分激活也是提高核移植效率的关键因素之一。本试验比较了水牛卵母细胞体外成熟时间对孤雌激活胚发育能力的影响及不同化学激活方法对水牛卵母细胞孤雌激活效果的影响,并在相同条件下,对孤雌激活胚与体外受精胚的发育能力进行了比较。结果表明,水牛卵母细胞体外成熟27h或30h的囊胚发育率(19.0%or 17.7%)明显高于体外成熟21h或24h的囊胚发育率(12.3%or 13.8%);Ion联合6-DMAP激活水牛卵母细胞的效果优于其他激活方法;在相同条件下,孤雌激活胚的囊胚发育率显著高于体外受精胚(13.0%vs.21.7%)。 相似文献
本研究主要探讨氨基酸对水牛孤雌激活(PA)胚胎体外发育的影响.在SOF液中添加1.5%的MEM非必需氨基酸(NEAA)显著提高PA(79.8%vs 67.7%)胚胎的分裂率(P<0.05),囊胚发育率和囊胚孵化率无显著差异;添加1.0%的EAA显著提高PA胚胎的囊胚孵化率(77.3%vs 43.3%,P<0.05),但各组间的分裂率和囊胚发育率无显著差异;在改良SOF基础液中联合添加1.0%NEAA和2.0?A可显著提高孤雌激活胚胎的分裂率(84.4%vs 68.8%,P<0.05),但囊胚发育率和孵化率均无显著差异. 相似文献
在NCSU-23改良培养液中分别添加不同质量浓度的脑源性神经生长因子(不rain-derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)和神经生长因子(nerve growth factor,NGF),观察其对猪孤雌激活胚胎体外生长的影响。结果显示:在培养液中添加40μg/L的BDNF,可促进猪孤雌激活胚胎的囊胚形成;在猪PA胚胎培养液中添加不同质量浓度的NGF,对猪孤雌激活胚胎的在卵裂率、囊胚率和囊胚孵化率影响不明显。结果表明,在NCSU-23改良培养液中添加一定质量浓度的BDNF可促进猪孤雌激活胚胎体外培养过程中囊胚的形成。 相似文献
试验研究了不同培养体系对猪体外成熟卵母细胞电激活后的体外发育的影响。试验1比较了猪孤雌发育胚胎在NCSU 23、G 2.2添加氨基酸(G 2.2-aa)和G 2.2培养体系中的体外发育效率,结果表明,3个组卵裂率差异不显著(P>0.05),NCSU 23体系的囊胚率显著高于其他2组(14.37±3.77 vs.2.67±2.68和3.13±0.45,P<0.01),但3组间囊胚细胞数差异不显著(21.29±5.27 vs.19.33±2.54和20.27±4.72,P>0.05)。试验2探讨了胚胎培养72h后更换培养液对孤雌发育胚胎的影响,结果显示,培养液更换对卵裂率和囊胚细胞数的影响差异不显著(P>0.05),但更换组囊胚率显著下降(12.50±1.49 vs.5.56±1.89、6.25±1.13、4.64±1.56,P<0.05)。试验3研究了在G 2.2-aa添加胰岛素、亚牛磺酸和半胱氨酸对孤雌激活胚胎发育的影响,结果显示,以上添加剂对卵裂率和囊胚细胞数无显著影响(P>0.05);在G 2.2-aa添加胰岛素、亚牛磺酸和半胱氨酸能明显提高囊胚发育率(6.38±1.00、6.20±2.08、8.73±1.03 vs.2.99±2.21,P<0.05),但以上各组的囊胚率明显低于NCSU 23体系(P<0.05)。结论:NCSU 23是猪孤雌激活发育胚胎较为理想的培养液。 相似文献
对NCSU-23和PZM-3等2种培养基体外培养猪孤雌激活(PA)胚胎的效果进行了比较,结果显示,PZM-3组与NCSU-23组PA胚胎囊胚孵化率差异显著(32.6%vs 18.9%,P<0.05);NCSU-23中添加2%必需氨基酸(EAA)显著降低猪PA胚胎的囊胚发育率(20.1%vs 25.1%,P<0.05);添加1%非必需氨基酸(NEAA)显著提高猪PA胚胎的囊胚率(24.7%vs 19.7%,P<0.05),但是联合添加NEAA和EAA对猪PA胚胎体外发育无显著影响(P>0.05). 相似文献
采用离子霉素和6-DMAP对黄淮白山羊体外成熟卵母细胞进行联合激活,分别在不同的培养体系进行体外培养,观察孤雌胚胎的发育情况。培养体系分别为:无共培养条件下,M199(10?S)、CR1aa和HTF P1;颗粒细胞共培养条件下,CR1aa、HTF P1和SOFaa。结果发现,无共培养条件下,CR1aa和HTF P1组孤雌胚胎的卵裂率显著高于M199组(P<0.05),但3组均未有囊胚;共培养条件下,HTF P1组的卵裂率显著高于CR1aa和SOFaa组(P<0.05),而CR1aa组的囊胚率却显著高于其他2组(P<0.05)。综合试验结果说明,CR1aa联合颗粒细胞共培养能够获得较好的培养效果,适用于山羊孤雌胚胎的体外培养。 相似文献
本研究采用不同来源的体外生产胚胎(屠宰场卵巢IVF胚胎,OPU-IVF胚胎,SCNT胚胎),系统研究了不同冷冻方法对水牛体外生产胚胎冷冻效果的影响,以完善水牛体外生产胚胎冷冻方法,进一步提高胚胎冷冻效果。试验选用6~7日龄囊胚分别用不同的冷冻液和不同冷冻方法进行胚胎冷冻。玻璃化冷冻液分别为40%EG、25%EG+25%DMSO和20%EG+20%DMSO+0.5 mol/L蔗糖;程序化冷冻液分别为10%甘油和0.05 mol/L海藻糖+1.8 mol/L EG+0.4%BSA。结果表明:(1)在玻璃化冷冻中,无论何种胚胎不同冷冻液的冷冻效果有明显的差异,但均以20%EG+20%DMSO+0.5 mol/L蔗糖作为冷冻液的冷冻效果最好,并且高于程序化冷冻的存活率;而对于程序化冷冻,用10%甘油作为冷冻液,屠宰场卵巢IVF胚胎的冷冻后存活率略高于用0.05 mol/L海藻糖+1.8 mol/L EG+0.4%BSA的冷冻后存活率,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。(2)VF胚胎利用程序化冷冻胚胎解冻后,在0~24 h内有76.5%胚胎复活,高于玻璃化冷冻的复苏率(48.9%)(P<0.05);而与此相反,在24~48 h内,玻璃化冷冻胚胎的复苏率(42.6%)则高于程序化冷冻(23.5%)(P<0.05)。综上所述,各种来源的水牛体外生产胚胎均可进行冷冻保存,应用玻璃化冷冻的效果好于程序化冷冻,且以20%EG+20%DMSO+0.5 mol/L蔗糖作为冷冻液进行玻璃化冷冻效果最好,但程序化冷冻后的胚胎复苏速度明显快于玻璃化冷冻的速度。 相似文献
Qaisar Shahzad Muhammad Waqas Liping Pu Armughan Ahmed Wadood Long Xie Asma Ul Husna Kailin Yang Jingyuan Wang Huiyan Xu Kehuan Lu Yangqing Lu 《Reproduction in domestic animals》2020,55(9):1115-1123
Buffalo is considered short-day breeder in tropical and subtropical part of the world and seasonality and photoperiodism impart major influence on its fertility. However, its impact on in vitro embryo production (IVEP) remains elusive. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of seasonal variations and photoperiodism on morphological and molecular parameters of IVEP in buffalo. For this purpose, we conducted two different experiments on the oocytes obtained by aspirating follicles from abattoir derived ovaries. In Exp. I, retrospective analysis was performed for oocyte recovery, blastocyst and hatching rate, during four consecutive seasonal periods (i.e. January–March, April–June, July–September and October–December). In Exp. II, oocytes from peak breeding and non-breeding seasons were subjected to 24 hr in vitro maturation and evaluated for polar body extrusion to assess maturation rate. Results showed that embryo development was markedly low during second quarter (April–June) and maximum during fourth quarter (October–December) of the year; referred as non-breeding and breeding seasons, respectively. Comparative data analysis demonstrated that poor oocyte quality is major reason for lesser efficiency of embryo production during non-breeding season than peak breeding season as suggested by poor oocyte recovery (2.31 ± 0.10 vs. 3.65 ± 0.27) and maturation rate (33.32 ± 2.1 vs. 63.15 ± 7.31). Subsequently, comparative gene expression analysis of blastocysts during peak breeding season significantly upregulated pluripotency gene (OCT-4) and downregulated heat shock protein 90, as compared to non-breeding season. Therefore, it could be divulged from the present study that seasonal variations and photoperiodism have profound effect on oocyte quality and subsequent embryo development. It is recommended to find suitable additives for in vitro maturation that could mitigate seasonal effects. 相似文献
本研究比较了不同来源的水牛卵母细胞的体外受精及其胚胎发育。对10头摩拉母水牛连续6周进行活体采卵,共采集292枚卵母细胞,头均回收卵母细胞4.87枚,头均A级卵数为3.07枚,从屠宰场收集74头水牛卵巢共采集559枚卵母细胞,头均回收卵母细胞和A级卵母细胞分别为7.55枚和5.20枚,均显著高于活体采集的水牛卵母细胞(P<0.01)。将收集的AB级水牛卵母细胞在相同的条件下进行体外成熟、体外受精和体外培养至囊胚。结果表明,活体采卵组和屠宰水牛卵母细胞组受精分裂率差异不显著,分别为54.81%和57.73%。屠宰水牛卵母细胞组的囊胚率则高于活体采卵组(28.78%vs21.34%,P<0.05)。利用两组的胚胎进行常规法冷冻保存,冻胚解冻后的存活率差异不显著(P>0.05)。 相似文献
B. M. Manjunatha J. P. Ravindra P. S. P. Gupta M. Devaraj T. G. Honnappa A. Krishnaswamy 《Journal of veterinary science (Suw?n-si, Korea)》2009,10(2):153-156
The present study was conducted to examine post-thaw in vitro developmental competence of buffalo embryos cryopreserved by cytoskeletal stabilization and vitrification. In vitro produced embryos were incubated with a medium containing cytochalasin-b (cyto-b) in a CO2 incubator for 40 min for microfilament stabilization and were cryopreserved by a two-step vitrification method at 24℃ in the presence of cyto-b. Initially, the embryos were exposed to 10% ethylene glycol (EG) and 10% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in a base medium for 4 min. After the initial exposure, the embryos were transferred to a 7 µl drop of 25% EG and 25% DMSO in base medium and 0.3 M sucrose for 45 sec. After warming, the embryos were cultured in vitro for 72 h. The post-thaw in vitro developmental competence of the cyto-b-treated embryos did not differ significantly from those vitrified without cyto-b treatment. The hatching rates of morulae vitrified without cyto-b treatment was significantly lower than the non-vitrified control. However, the hatching rate of cyto-b-treated vitrified morulae did not differ significantly from the non-vitrified control. This study demonstrates that freezing of buffalo embryos by cytoskeletal stabilization and vitrification is a reliable method for long-term preservation. 相似文献
试验旨在研究没食子酸(gallic acid,GA)对黄牛卵母细胞体外成熟及早期胚胎发育的影响,进一步优化黄牛卵母细胞体外成熟体系。在卵母细胞体外成熟液(M液)中添加不同浓度没食子酸(0、10、30、50、100 μmol/L),成熟22~24 h后,统计卵丘扩展情况及卵母细胞成熟率;同时,对成熟的卵母细胞进行正常体外受精(IVF),统计早期胚胎的分裂率、囊胚率、囊胚卵裂球数及卵裂球细胞凋亡率。根据试验结果,选择最优浓度,使卵母细胞在含该浓度没食子酸的成熟液中成熟24 h后,检测其细胞内的活性氧水平(ROS)和总谷胱甘肽(TGSH)含量。结果显示,M液中添加30 μmol/L没食子酸组卵丘扩展分值和成熟率显著高于对照组(0 μmol/L)(P<0.05),其他处理组与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05);成熟的卵母细胞体外受精后进行后续胚胎培养,其中10和30 μmol/L组的分裂率均显著高于对照组和100 μmol/L组(P<0.05),50和100 μmol/L组分裂率较对照组也有所提高,但差异不显著(P>0.05);早期囊胚率统计发现,与对照组相比,30和100 μmol/L能够显著提高囊胚发育率(P<0.05),10和50 μmol/L浓度组则无显著差异(P>0.05);与对照组相比,30、100 μmol/L没食子酸均能显著提高IVF胚胎的早期囊胚卵裂球数(P<0.05);但囊胚卵裂球凋亡率与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05);对卵母细胞内活性氧和总谷胱甘肽含量检测时,发现30 μmol/L没食子酸可显著降低细胞内活性氧水平(P<0.05),且显著提高总谷胱甘肽含量(P<0.05)。综上所述,在黄牛卵母细胞体外成熟液中添加适量的没食子酸能有效降低卵母细胞内活性氧水平,提高总谷胱甘肽含量,进而提高卵母细胞成熟的质量及其后续IVF胚胎发育能力。 相似文献
Froylan Sosa Salvador Romo Michael E. Kjelland Horacio Álvarez-Gallardo Sandra Pérez-Reynozo David Urbán-Duarte Jose Fernando De La Torre-Sánchez 《Reproduction in domestic animals》2020,55(11):1490-1500
The pterostilbene (PT) molecule is a phytoalexin with a reducing effect on reactive oxygen species (ROS) and with a capacity to block lipogenesis. However, the potential reducing effects of PT on equatorial lipid accumulation and ROS have not yet been elucidated for in vitro-derived bovine embryos. The present study evaluated the effects of concentrations of 3, 1, 0.33, 0.11 μM PT, and a vehicle group on the percentage of cleaved embryos, embryos with more than 6 cells, percentage of blastocyst on Day 7 and 8, percentage of transferable embryos on Day 7, the cell count and relative concentration of lipids. In the second experiment, the effects of 0.33 μM PT and a vehicle group within two different O2 environments (5% and 20%) were evaluated for ROS generation and the percentage of Day 8 blastocysts. In the first experiment, no significant differences were found between the treatments with PT and the vehicle group (p > .05) concerning the percentage of cleaved embryos and embryos with more than 6 cells. Lipid reduction was observed in the groups treated with PT versus the vehicle group (p < .05). The vehicle group showed a higher rate of blastocyst production on Days 7 and 8 (p < .05) and an increase in the percentage of transferable embryos on Day 7 compared to the PT treatment groups (p < .05). Cell counts were not significantly different between treatments with PT and the vehicle group (p > .05). In the second experiment, the O2 concentration did not significantly affect ROS generation (p > .05); however, the groups treated with PT (0.33 μM) had a reduction in ROS (p < .05). The O2 concentration also did not significantly affect the rate of blastocyst production on Day 8 (p = .7696). Future research should be conducted to ascertain whether the reduction of lipids could enhance the cryopreservation and post-thaw viability of PT-treated embryos. 相似文献
Zhen Chen Dandan Song Jie Yang Xiaoyuan Zuo Zubing Cao Ya Liu Yunhai Zhang 《Animal Science Journal》2018,89(2):316-327
The present study was designed to explore effects of follistatin (FST) on pre‐implantational development of parthenogenetically activated embryos (PAEs) in pigs. First, we investigated the FST messenger RNA expression level and dynamic FST protein expression patterns in porcine oocytes and PAEs. Then, PAEs were placed in embryo culture medium supplemented with 10 ng/mL of FST‐288, FST‐300, and FST‐315. Next, PAEs were cultured with 0, 1, 10 and 100 ng/mL of FST‐315 protein throughout the in vitro culture (IVC) duration. Further, 10 ng/mL of FST‐300 was added from the start of IVC in which PAEs were treated for 30, 48 and 60 h. The results showed that 1 ng/mL FST‐315 could significantly increase the total cell numbers of blastocyst and trophectoderm cell number in PAEs. Exogenous FST‐300 supplementation could significantly promote the early cleavage divisions and improve the blastocyst formation rate of porcine embryos. FST‐300 appeared to affect early embryonic development before activation of the embryonic genome. In all, the study confirmed for the first time that FST plays a role in promoting early embryonic development in pigs, which differed with different FST subtypes. FST‐300 could facilitate the initial cleavage time and improve the blastocyst formation rate, and FST‐315 could improve the blastocyst quality. 相似文献
Zhang K Wei HX Zhang YH Wang SH Li Y Dai YP Li N 《The Journal of reproduction and development》2007,53(3):647-653
The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of addition of ghrelin to in vitro culture medium on preimplantation development of porcine in vitro fertilized and parthenogenetic embryos. In Experiment 1, we sought to compare the in vitro developmental competence of IVF and parthenogenetic embryos. No significant (P<0.05) differences were detected for cleavage rate or blastocyst rate between the in vitro fertilization (IVF)- and parthenogenetic activation-derived embryos. In Experiment 2, parthenogenetic embryos were cultured in Porcine Zygote Medium-3 containing various concentrations of ghrelin. The blastocyst rate was remarkably (P<0.05) increased when 5 ng/ml (PA-5) and 500 ng/ml (PA-500) of ghrelin was added to in vitro culture medium compared with the other groups. Total cell number per blastocyst was slightly promoted in the ghrelin treatment groups compared with the controls. However, the ratio of inner cell mass (ICM) cell number/total cell number was significantly reduced in the PA-50 group compared with the controls (P<0.05). In Experiment 3, we cultured in vitro fertilized embryos in Porcine Zygote Medium-3 supplemented with ghrelin at different dosages. The rate of blastocyst formation was markedly (P<0.05) elevated when 500 ng/ml ghrelin was added to culture medium (IVF-500) compared with the controls. Increased total cell numbers (P<0.05) were observed when in vitro fertilized embryos were cultured in IVF-50 and IVF-500 compared with the controls. However, the ratio of ICM cell number/total cell number was decreased in the ghrelin treatment groups compared with the controls (P<0.05). Taken together, the results suggest that ghrelin can enhance blastocyst formation of porcine in vitro fertilized and parthenogenetic embryos while exerting a negative effect on the structural integrity of the blastocysts. 相似文献