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The authors report CapHV.1 reactivation in two latently infected adult goats treated with dexamethasone (DMS) (4.40 mg/kg BW) for 6 days. Virus was reisolated from vaginal swabs from the 3rd to the 12th day post-treatment with DMS and from nasal swabs for 2 days (6th and 7th day post-treatment). The animals also showed an increase of neutralizing antibody (SN) titer to CapHV.1 3 weeks after the end of treatment with DMS.  相似文献   

Two strains of Chlamydia psittaci (one isolated from aborted goat foetus and the other from brain of a buffalo calf that had died of meningoencephalitis) were injected intracisternally into six goats to produce experimental mastitis. Cryostat sections of 7–8 μm thickness, obtained from udder, teat, liver and kidney of infected and control animals were incubated for histoenzymic demonstration of alkaline-(AKPase), acid-(ACPase) and adenosine-tri-(ATPase) phosphatases; lactate-(LDH) and succinate-(SDH) dehydrogenases and for reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-D). Results demonstrated that AKPase and NADPH-D declined while ACPase accumulated in acinar cells of udder while both NADPH-D and ACPase decreased in teat sinus epithelium. Hepatic canaliculi in perilobular areas of liver lobules registered complete absence of AKPase and ATPase. Hepatocytes and renal tubules accumulated LDH, SDH and NADPH-D. The interstitial connective tissue of udder and kidney presented higher levels of AKPase. Comparison of results with biochemical alterations in the level of these enzymes revealed striking discrepancies which seem to arise because of failure of biochemical procedures to discriminate between functional cells of tissue and inflammatory cells. The functional significance of histoenzymic alterations has been discussed.  相似文献   

本研究在应用 1 0 ,2 5 ,5 0 ,75 mg/ kg米非司酮阻断部分去除肾上腺鸡糖皮质激素受体 ( GR)的基础上研究了 2 5 mg/ kg和 5 0mg/ kg米非司酮对 1 0 ,2 5 ,5 0 ,75 mg/ kg地塞米松 ( Dex)引起的免疫抑制的逆转效应。结果显示 :2 5 ,5 0 mg/ kg米非司酮对 GR的阻断率可达 ( 39.2 5± 5 . 42 % )和 ( 74. 93±9.5 0 % ) ,为阻断鸡 GR提供了理想选择剂量。同时 2 5 mg/ kg米非司酮几乎可以完全逆转 1 0 ,2 5 ,5 0 mg/ kg Dex引起的脾细胞 IL - 2、IFN诱生活性 ,T、B细胞刺激增殖活性及淋巴器官体重比的下降 ;5 0 mg/ kg米非司酮可以部分逆转这些效应 ,并且还可阻断 Dex( 5 0mg/ kg以下剂量 )诱导的淋巴细胞凋亡。提示应用米非司酮部分阻断 GR可以逆转糖皮质激素 ( GC)诱导的免疫抑制效应 ,对畜禽应激性疾病的预防具有理论上的指导意义。  相似文献   

The foot and mouth disease epidemic commenced in February 2001 when diseased pigs were identified in an abattoir. The infection had become widespread in sheep in England and Wales before this discovery. It was decided to eradicate the disease by slaughter rather than use vaccine. The virus was a Pan-Asia O strain that caused few lesions in sheep and this made the identification of infected flocks very difficult leading to a long drawn-out epidemic. Over four million animals were slaughtered in 2000 herds and flocks. The last outbreak was in September.


L'épizootie de fièvre aphteuse a commencé en février 2001 quand elle a été identifiée sur des porcs maladies dans un abattoir. L'infection avait beaucoup diffusé auparavant chez le mouton en Angleterre et au pays de Galles. Il a été d'écidé d'éradiquer la maladie par abattage plautôt que par vaccination. Le virus était une souche Pan-Asia de type O, provoquant des lésions limitées chez le mouton, ce qui a rendu trés difficile l'identification des troupeaux infectés et conduit à une longue queue d'épizootie. Plus de quatre millions d'animaux ont été abattus dand 2000 troupeaux. Le dernier foyer a été identifié en Septembre.  相似文献   

By using CBA/J mice as responders, the immunodepressive effect of seven antibacterial chemotherapeutic agents was tested, i.e. penicillin (pen), streptomycin (str), erythromycin (erm), kanamycin (kan), tetracycline (tet), colistin (col) and chloramphenicol (chl). Lymphocytotoxicity power, as well as the ability of each drug to influence secondary humoral (against sheep red blood cells or diphtheria anatoxin) or cell-mediated (against PPD and Coxsackie A9 virus) immunity were searched.

Erm, col and chl markedly depressed humoral and cell-mediated immune responsiveness in vitro after in vivo treatment with non-cytotoxical amounts. The Th lymphocyte supplementation of B reactive spleen cell population recovered the immune capacity in col and chl in vivo-treated groups, but not in erm-treated group.  相似文献   

为了研究大足黑山羊血液生理生化指标与其他羊种的差异,试验采用全自动血液细胞分析仪和全自动生化分析仪测定了大足黑山羊、南江黄羊和萨能奶山羊的31个血液生理生化指标,并与其他山羊进行比较分析。结果表明:不同山羊品种部分生理生化指标比较接近,但一些主要的生化指标也存在着一定差异。说明不同品种山羊在生长的地理环境、适应能力、免疫能力、营养水平、生长速度、生产性能等方面存在差异。  相似文献   

A total of 2,722 sera collected between 1963 and 1983, from 43 different species of wildlife in 11 African countries was examined for neutralising antibodies against the wildebeest-derived strain of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) virus. Antibodies were demonstrated in 10 species of Bovidae which included eight species from the sub-family Hippotraginae and one species each from Bovinae and Antilopinae. Neutralising antibodies were also recorded in hippopotamus. It is suggested that the high prevalence of antibodies recorded in sera from waterbuck and reedbuck indicate infection with MCF. However, titres in other species may be due to antigenically related viruses.  相似文献   

The effect of the infectious bursal disease (IBD) live virus vaccine on the immune response of chicken was evaluated by the assessment of antibody response following vaccination as well as resistance to challenge with virulent virus. Birds were vaccinated at various ages and later challenged with a heterologous vaccine (NDV) or wild-type IBD virus. The BF was examined for histological changes at regular intervals. Antibody levels to NDV were monitored.

Significantly higher mortality rates were observed in birds vaccinated with IBD vaccine than unvaccinated birds (P < 0.01) following challenge, BF from vaccinated birds showed marked lymphocyte depletion and cellular infiltration with mononuclear cells.

Intraocular NDV (NDV-i/o) vaccine given at day old largely prevented the immunodepressive effect of IBD vaccination on NDV vaccine. Groups that received IBD vaccine on day 14 but no NDV i/o suffered higher mortality (41.2%) and showed lower antibody response than those vaccinated on day 1 (0%) or controls which did not receive IBDV (11.8%).  相似文献   

The study of the available information, notably after the epizootic of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) which raged in Western Europe in 2001, shows that, in the current conditions of the international sanitary rules relative to this disease, in a FMD-free country of Western Europe accidentally infected, ring vaccination is a solution which, with regard to preventive slaughter, contains more inconveniences (notably economic) than advantages. The appeal to ring vaccination would be interesting only as far as the international sanitary rules would be modified by taking into account the results expected from the coordinated use of highly purified vaccines and differential research kits (vaccine-linked versus infection-linked antibodies). Propositions are this way made.


L'étude des informations disponibles, notamment après l'épizootie de fièvre aphteuse qui a sévi en Europe occidentale en 2001, montre que, dans les conditions actuelles de la réglementation sanitaire internationale relative à cette maladie, dans un pays indemne d'Europe occidentale accidentellement infecté, la vaccination périfocale est une solution qui, par rapport à l'abattage préventif, comporte davantage d'inconvénients (notamment économiques) que d'avantages. Le recours à la vaccination périfocale ne serait intéressant que dans la mesure où la réglementation sanitaire internationale serait modifiée en prenant en compte les résultats attendus de l'emploi coordonné de vaccins hautement purifiés et de coffrets de dépistage différentiel (anticorps post infection/anticorps post vaccinaux). Des propositions sont faites en ce sens.  相似文献   

1日龄网鸡感染J亚群禽白血病病毒(ALV-J)以及共感染禽网状内皮增生症病毒(REV)后,肉鸡生长发育明显受阻,体重增重明显下降(P<0.05),法氏囊、胸腺明显萎缩(P<0.05),在用新城疫疫苗免疫后,感染组血清中新城疫抗体效价显著低于对照组(P<0.05);在ALV-J和REV共感染后,这种抑制作用更为明显(P<0.01).ALV J单独感染后,鸡对传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)弱毒疫苗免疫后的抗体反应与对照组没有明显差别,但ALV-J与REV的共感染可明显延缓鸡对IBDV弱毒疫苗免疫的抗体反应.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary nucleotides on thymocyte DNA damages induced by cyclophosphamide (CP) in mice were examined. First, phase I experiment was conducted to determine the optimal timing of detecting thymocyte DNA damages induced by CP (150 mg/kg body weight) in mice. Thymocyte DNA damages was determined at 6, 12, 18, 24 h by single-cell gel electrophosphoresis assay (comet assay) after intraperitoneal injection of CP. The levels of DNA damage at 6, 12, 18, 24 h were all significantly higher than that of the control group (p < 0.01). The highest level of DNA damage appeared at 18 h and then decreased at 24 h. Therefore, 18 h was selected to determine DNA damages induced by CP in subsequent experiments. In phase II experiment, 30 male KunMing mice were divided into three treatments: negative control (NC), positive control (PC) and nucleotides group (NG). Mice in NC and PC were fed nucleotide-free diet, and mice in NG were fed nucleotide-supplemented diet (supplemented with 0.25% nucleotides, a mixture containing equal amounts of AMP, CMP, GMP and UMP). Mice in PC and NG groups were injected with CP (150 mg/kg body weight) at 21 days. DNA damage in thymocytes was evaluated at 18 h after CP treatment. The results indicate that dietary nucleotides do not affect the weights of the thymus and the spleen, or their organ indices (p > 0.05), but significantly decrease the percentage of comet cells and comet tail sizes (p < 0.01). This study demonstrates that dietary nucleotides could reduce the level of thymocyte DNA damage induced by CP in mice.  相似文献   

In penicillin(pen), streptomycin(str), kanamycin(kan) and tetracycline(tet)-treated CBA/J adult mice, no difference was noticed as concerned spleen T “helper” (Th) cell activity, as studied by means of response to PHA of X-irradiated/whole T fraction cell mixtures in vitro. On the contrary, in erythromycin(erm), colistin(col) and chloramphenicol(chl)-treated groups, Th cell activity was significantly decreased. On the other hand, spleen T “suppressor” (Ts) cell activity (assayed by response to PHA of mixtures containing pre-incubated with Concanavalin A and whole T cells, respectively) was augmented in samples arising from chl-treated group. These results are also supported by experiments testing Th or Ts soluble factors, induced in spleen T cells belonging to each antibiotic-treated group and purified by affinity chromatography (Concanavalin A-Sepharose 4B columns). Thus, it was confirmed both Th cell deficiency in erm, col or chl-groups, and Ts cell augmentation in chl-group.

As regards spleen “natural cytotoxic” (NC) cell activity, as tested in a xenogeneic “target” cell substrate, a diminished cytotoxic capacity manifested chl-group-derived NC cells, possibly by richness in own “non-specific suppressor” (NSS) cells. NC cell samples in vitro supplemented with NSS cells arising from suckling mouse spleens and a lower cytotoxic activity, in a larger extent in chl-group-derived NC cells, as compared to other groups. The pre-incubation of control-group-NC cells with several antibiotic preparations in vitro was followed by decrease of the cytotoxic values in erm, col and chl-samples, suggesting a drug-induced NC receptor “masking”, that prevented “target” cell recognition in mice—II. In the case of NSS addition in vitro, as strong inhibition of the cytotoximity occurred in chl-treated NC cells derived from the control group, that proves a possible chloramphenicol-induced immunodepression by potentiation of NSS inhibitory effect on NC cells.

Based upon data from the present work, as well as from the previous work, the authors suggest a classification of several mechanisms by which the antibacterial antibiotics can act as immunosuppressive.  相似文献   

An abortion outbreak occurred in a goat herd of Murciano‐Granadina breed in Almeria Region in Spain where 80 pregnant females aborted. All bacteriological and parasitological examinations resulted negative, whereas virological investigations and real‐time PCR assay showed the presence of Caprine alphaherpesvirus 1 DNA in the pathological specimens from aborted foetuses. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the DNA was highly close related to the Swiss strain E‐CH (99.7%) and a little less extent to the Italian BA.1 strain (99.4%). Histopathological examination revealed multifocal, well‐circumscribed, 50‐ to 200‐μm‐diameter foci of coagulative necrosis in the liver, lungs and kidneys of three foetuses. In the periphery of the necrosis, there were frequently epithelial cells with the chromatin emarginated by large, round, amphophilic intranuclear viral inclusion bodies. The source of the infection in the herd could not clearly find out even some hypothesis were formulated. This seems to be the first report of an abortion outbreak due to Caprine alphaherpesvirus 1 in a goat herd in Spain.  相似文献   

In a previous study, it was found that there are sex differences in goats with respect to the levels of cortisol secretion induced by transportation stress. We also found that treatment of castrated male goats with dihydrotestosterone (DHT) suppressed the increase in plasma cortisol concentration following transportation, but did not suppress the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). This suggests that androgen might block ACTH ‐ induced cortisol secretion. In order to examine this hypothesis, the effects of androgen on ACTH‐induced cortisol secretion in goats were investigated. First, castrated male goats were treated with testosterone (T), DHT or cholesterol (cho) for 21–25 days. Cho was used as a control for T and DHT treatment. Then, plasma cortisol concentrations were compared among the hormonal treatments after ACTH injection. Subsequently, the distribution of androgen receptors in the caprine adrenal gland was investigated. There were no differences in the basal cortisol concentrations among the hormonal treatments. However, plasma cortisol concentrations after ACTH injection were significantly lower in T ‐ and DHT ‐ treated goats than in cho ‐ treated goats. Androgen receptors were present in 60% of the cells in the zonae fasciculata and reticularis of the adrenal cortex, the regions that secrete glucocorticoids. These results suggest that androgen may act directly on the adrenal cortex to suppress cortisol secretion induced by ACTH.  相似文献   

利用外源激素短处理技术,对青年期转基因山羊(10~12月龄)进行人工诱导泌乳,并分析外源激素的处理对转基因山羊乳房发育、泌乳规律、乳汁成分、身体健康的影响,评估此技术对青年转基因山羊进行人工诱导泌乳的可行性.试验组A:8只转基因母羊联合注射雌激素和孕酮(E2∶P4按1∶8)配以利血平进行人工诱导泌乳;试验组B:另7只转基因母羊采用E2∶P4按1∶3进行人工诱导泌乳;并且选择同龄的10只普通母山羊作为对照组C,人工诱导泌乳方案同试验组A;选择同龄的10只普通母山羊作为对照组D,人工诱导泌乳方案同试验组B.结果表明:①转基因山羊经高比例的雌激素水平(E2∶P4=1∶3)的诱导作用,乳腺发育充分,乳房饱满且内部充盈乳汁,乳房容积率是低雌激素水平组羊(E2∶P4=1∶8)的2倍;②最初1周,经高比例的雌激素水平诱导的转基因山羊产奶量是低比例的雌激素水平组的2倍,差异极显著(182 mL/d±25 mL/d vs 93 mL/d±12 mL/d,P<0.01);③转基因山羊经激素诱导泌乳,在最初1周内乳汁分泌量呈先下降后逐步上升的变化规律;④通过人工激素诱导转基因山羊产生的乳汁,乳糖含量为4.35%~4.66 %,乳脂含量3.71%~4.16%,蛋白质含量4.06%~4.11%,均与对照组乳汁无显著差异;⑤诱导泌乳,对山羊自身的健康无显著影响,试验后,能够恢复情期并产羔.可见外源激素人工诱导泌乳短处理技术在青年转基因山羊上应用是可行的.  相似文献   

山羊GnRH和促性腺激素的释放特点   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
通过外科手术分别连续收集活体山羊中黄体期及早卵泡期的垂体门脉血样和外周血样,经放射免疫测定,山羊中黄体期和早卵泡期的促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)、促黄体生成素(LH)和促卵泡素(FSH)均呈波动式释放。在早卵泡期,FSH单位时间内波动次数和血浆平均水平显著高于中黄体期;GnRH与LH的波动型基本一致,FSH的变化不太规则。表明山羊垂体促性腺激素的释放受丘脑下部GnRH的调节,但FSH似乎还存在其他调节机理。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dexamethasone (DEX) on zinc metabolism in goats. In this study, 10 goats were randomly divided into two groups. One group was injected with dexamethasone (Dex group) and the other group was injected with saline (Con group). Dex treatment significantly decreased hepatic zinc levels (< .01) and increased Zn transporters 1 (ZNT‐1) expression (< .05). The concentration of zinc in the cecal and colonic contents was significantly increased (< .05). However, zinc levels were increased only in the colon tissues (< .05) but not in the cecal tissues (> .05). A dramatic increase in Zrt‐, Irt‐related proteins 14 (ZIP‐14) expression (< .05) following Dex treatment was also observed and likely induced the elevated zinc levels in the colon, and a significant reduction in Zip‐14 methylation (< .05) may be responsible for the observed increase in Zip‐14 expression. Together, these results indicate that Dex influences zinc homeostasis by increasing hepatic ZNT‐1 and colonic ZIP‐14 expression. Additionally, these results provide valuable information for the clinical application of Dex.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究紫锥菊多糖(EPP)与硫酸化紫锥菊多糖(SEPP)对雏鸡免疫抑制状态的调节作用,将320羽14日龄健康岭南黄公鸡随机均分成空白组(NC)、环磷酰胺组(CY)及CY+EPP高、中、低3个剂量组(EPPH、EPPM和EPPL组)和CY+SEPP高、中、低3个剂量组(SEPPH、SEPPM和SEPPL组),除NC组注射生理盐水外,其余7组连续3 d肌内注射80 mg/(kg·d)CY进行造模,造模后EPPH、EPPM和EPPL组连续7 d分别给予10、5、2.5 mg/(kg·d)EPP,SEPPH、SEPPM和SEPPL组连续7 d分别给予10、5、2.5 mg/(kg·d)SEPP。在首次给药后第7、14、21和28天测定鸡群的体重,肝脏、脾脏、肾脏的脏器指数,外周血淋巴细胞转化作用,血液生化指标,细胞因子和抗氧化因子指标。结果表明,SEPP和EPP均能显著提高CY诱导免疫抑制鸡体重、肝脏指数、脾脏指数和肾脏指数(P<0.05),提高外周血淋巴细胞转化作用,降低葡萄糖(GLU)、尿素(UREA)浓度和碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性,升高谷草转氨酶(AST)、白蛋白(ALB)浓度,且能显著提高白细胞介素-2(IL-2)、IL-6浓度(P<0.05),SEPP效果优于EPP。说明雏鸡口服一定剂量的EPP和SEPP对CY引起的细胞免疫和体液免疫抑制具有一定的颉颃作用,其中在各采样时间点SEPP对鸡外周血淋巴细胞转化效果优于EPP,给药21和28 d SEPP对鸡外周血细胞因子IL-2的分泌效果优于EPP。  相似文献   

Five French Alpine goats received 2 mg kg–1 of dichlorvos (DDVP) by intravenous injection and 0.15 mg kg–1 of atropine sulphate 5–10 min later. Ventilatory mechanics, gas exchanges, pulmonary haemodynamics and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) were measured before treatment, 5 min after DDVP injection and 5 min after atropine injection.Within 2 min of DDVP administration, all the goats showed acute respiratory distress, excitation and slight muscle fasciculations. A post-inspiratory pause was recorded in 3 goats. Hypersecretion of saliva or nasal discharge was not observed. Dynamic compliance and heart rate decreased significantly and total pulmonary resistance, pulmonary artery and wedge pressures increased significantly. On the other hand, minute ventilation, arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions were not significantly altered by DDVP.Atropine treatment reversed all the clinical and functional parameters, with the exception of the central nervous and muscular signs, which disappeared within 12 h.It was concluded that experimental DDVP toxicosis induced changes in the mechanics of breathing and pulmonary haemodynamics associated with diffuse bronchoconstriction and cardiac insufficiency respectively.  相似文献   

奶牛围产期一般是指产前3周至产后3周这一时期,此时奶牛生理、代谢和免疫功能发生显著变化,会出现不同程度的免疫抑制现象。由于免疫功能下降,此时也是传染病的高发期,严重影响奶牛健康,进而导致产后牛奶品质下降。因此,如何缓解围产期奶牛免疫抑制状态,降低产后的发病率,已成为目前研究的一个热点。本文综述了围产期奶牛发生免疫抑制的原因及用于缓解的营养对策。  相似文献   

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