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安哥拉山羊体重与放牧采食量的关系研究雷鑫,张永平,杨蔼云(陕西省黄土高原治理研究所米脂718100)前言在制定安哥拉山羊的补饲方案时,必需了解不同体重羊只的干物质采食量参数。为此,我们根据1992年在延安南部次生林林间草场对周岁和成年安哥拉山羊公羊四...  相似文献   

安哥拉山羊在黄土高原放牧时的采食特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安哥拉山羊在黄土高原放牧时的采食特性靳宗立,李蒙召(山西农业大学太谷030801)艾来增,王印魁(山西省农牧厅畜牧局太原030001)前言一个优良品种的引入,首要的是考虑该品种的生态特性是否适合引入地区的环境条件。安哥拉山羊主要靠放牧饲养,从草地上直...  相似文献   

中国安哥拉山羊引种和杂交改良效果分析甘肃农业大学罗玉柱安哥拉山羊(Angoragoat)原产于土耳其,主要繁育在安卡拉、科尼亚、艾斯基舍希尔等地区,而最好的安哥拉山羊是由靠近土耳其的安纳托利亚平原中部的安哥拉省培育的,因此得名。安哥拉山羊是世界上古老...  相似文献   

安哥拉母羊繁殖特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>安哥拉山羊是世界上著名的毛用山羊品种,我所于1985年在世界粮农组织的帮助下,在我国首次引进20只(12只母,8只公)安哥拉种羊。1989年在适应性观察的基础上,又引进128只(母109只,公19只),并在延安地区南泥湾建立了安哥拉山羊试验场,羊群已发展到400多只。本文根据我所引进安哥拉羊以来的繁殖、育种记载资料,进行统计分析,研究安哥拉母羊的繁殖特性,为发展我国马海毛业提供一些参考资料。 一、安哥拉母羊的一般繁殖规律 1.初配年龄和初配体重 根据我场1989~1991年71只初配羊的配种产羔记录统计,平均初配月龄为18.4±1.99个月,范围8~  相似文献   

安哥拉山羊育种和生产中的非遗传因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
安哥拉山羊是一个具有较高经济价值的毛用品种。其主要饲养管理方式是放牧,因而受众多的非遗传因素影响。尽管与遗传因素相比,非遗传因素呈中短期效应,但却会在一定程度上混淆或降低遗传进展。因此,了解已知的非遗传因素,并尽可能在育种和生产中加以合理把握是必要的。文章对安哥拉山羊和马海毛的主要特点加以概述的基础上,着重就影响安哥拉山羊育种和生产的非遗传因素作了综述。  相似文献   

安哥拉山羊的遗传改良   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
与安哥拉山羊主要生产国相比,我国对安哥拉山羊的研究无论是在深度还是在广度方面都存在明显的差距,为保持安哥拉山羊在我国的持续稳定发展,对安哥拉山羊进行持续的遗传改良是必要的.作者在对安哥拉山羊的育种简史加以概述的基础上,就主要经济性状的遗传参数、杂交育种和选种方法作了综述,就存在的问题予以讨论,并提出可能的改进方法以指导我国的安哥拉山羊生产.  相似文献   

安哥拉山羊与中卫山羊杂交羊体表面积明显增大,毛囊密度、有效毛囊总数和毛束有效长度显著增加,毛束风格特征趋向父本,次要部位羊毛着生良好,产毛性能大幅度提高,F2已有近似安哥拉山羊的产毛量。在同等条件下,与中卫山羊相比,F1毛绒产量提高28.32%~64.53%,F2提高125.61%~287.69%,F3提高103.25%~110.55%。产毛量水平高于国内同类杂交试验指标,接近原苏联、土耳其和澳大利亚等国家安哥拉山羊水平  相似文献   

<正>从山羊本身讲,冬春枯草期仅靠放牧不能满足山羊的营养需要,妊娠、泌乳和生长羊营养缺乏更大。据南泥湾安哥拉山羊试验场测定,在林间草场放牧的公羊,12月到翌年4月采食的消化能和可消化蛋白质分别为需要量的43%和16%,足见冬春补饲十分必要。另一方面,草原大范围退化、沙化、盐碱化,迫使人们不得不减轻草原放牧载畜量和缩短放牧时间,提出了"禁牧"措施,提倡放牧加补饲或全舍饲的饲养方式。1放牧山羊的季节性营养障碍  相似文献   

采用经过改良的精液稀释液配方和集中采精、高倍稀释、常温保存、分散输精、倒立法配种技术,用安哥拉山羊种羊对玉树当地土种山羊进行人工受精配种试验,1个情期和1.5个情期受胎率分别达到了71%和84%。安哥拉山羊自然本交改良受胎率为64%,当地土种山羊繁殖率为68.41%。试验证明,在当前牲畜折价归户、草场承包到户后羊群无法大群集中的现实条件下,该技术是开展绵山羊改良工作简便易行、群众欢迎的人工受精方法  相似文献   

安哥拉山羊是世界上唯一的毛山羊品种。所产马海毛为珍贵的山羊半细毛。引入安哥拉山羊在亚热带高海拔的凉山州进行风土驯化,观察研究繁殖力,是其中关键的一项生产措施;提高繁殖力是迅速发展安哥拉山羊的竞争所在。我州引入安哥拉山羊经5年的试养驯化和2个世代5个胎次的繁殖测定表明,安哥拉山羊的平均繁殖率为138.89%,表现出良好的繁殖性能。  相似文献   

Body condition scoring is widely used for sheep and cattle but the practice is included in only one Code of Practice for the welfare of goats in Australia. There is no published scientific evidence to support or defend its use in the assessment of welfare risks to farmed goats. PROCEDURE: The significance of stocking rate, grazing system, body condition score (CS) and live weight were investigated in explaining the risk of mortality of individual and flocks of grazing Angora goats from hypothermia following a severe weather event in April. This event occurred 5 weeks after shearing the goats. Angora goats and Saxon Merino sheep were grazed alone, or mixed together in equal numbers at each of three stocking rates. RESULTS: There was no mortality amongst Angora goats provided they grazed at the lowest stocking rate even when their CS was < or = 2.0. Mortality in flocks of Angora goats was most related to the CS reached during the preceding 2 months. For flocks of Angora goats there was no mortality at CS > or = 2.5 and mortality increased sharply at mean CS < 2.0. For individual Angora goats, mortality increased as CS declined and stocking rate and grazing combinations were additive in effect on mortality. Grazing with sheep increased mortality of Angora goats at higher stocking rates. The individual goat mortality rate was not dependent on individual plot effects suggesting that these results are applicable widely. Live weight loss was not related to mortality rates of goats once CS had been accounted for. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that CS and stocking rate were highly significant determinants of welfare risk in Angora goats.  相似文献   

A retrospective survey was made of premises in eastern Scotland on which at least two cases of grass sickness had occurred between 1970 and 1987. For comparison, a further survey of 49 equine establishments, on which no grass sickness had been recorded, was conducted from 1986 to 1988. The results indicated that younger animals are more susceptible, especially those in good physical condition grazing full-time in the spring or early summer. Movement to new grazing increases the risk of grass sickness and identifiable stress may contribute. The nature of the establishment governed the animals' condition during the summer, but it did not appear to influence the prevalence of grass sickness. However, riding schools and livery establishments which experienced the disease kept, on average, significantly more animals than unaffected premises of the same type. No relationship was found between supplementary feeding or stage of pasture growth and grass sickness. The results of the survey support the hypothesis that the causal agent of grass sickness is associated with grazing but multiple factors may influence the expression of illness.  相似文献   

为了提高种草养羊效益,促进贵州省毕节市草地生态畜牧业发展,采用毕节市畜牧兽医科学研究所研制的微量元素营养舔砖,进行优质黑山羊育肥推广试验研究。结果表明,饲喂浓缩饲料加辅助营养舔砖组的增重效果明显高于其他2个组,增重率均超过50%。  相似文献   

刘海泉  黄文惠 《草地学报》1991,1(1):100-105
在南方业热带海拔1200米左右的中山区,在以多年生黑麦草与白三叶混播的草地上进行了研究,试验分模拟放牧和直接放牧两种处理。放牧试验为放牧强度的单因子试验,选择了三个水平的放牧强度,即放牧后草地牧草留槎高度为3cm、5cm 及7cm。模拟放牧试验为放牧强度与放牧草丛高度的两因子试验,各选三个水平,即强度为牧草留槎高为3cm、5cm、7cm,放牧草丛高度为15cm、20cm、25cm。通过三年(1987—1989)的试验表明,不同放牧强度、放牧草丛高度对草地组成、牧草产量的影响明显,在当地生态条件下,适宜的放牧强度是放牧后草地留槎在5cm 左右,放牧草丛高度在20cm 左右,这时的牧草采食率在55%右左。  相似文献   

Long-term information on the effects of managed grazing versus excluded grazing effects on vegetation composition of desert rangelands is limited. Our study objectives were to evaluate changes in frequency of vegetation components and ecological condition scores under managed livestock grazing and excluded livestock grazing over a 38-yr period at various locations in the Chihuahuan Desert of southwestern New Mexico. Sampling occurred in 1962, 1981, 1992, 1998, 1999, and 2000. Range sites of loamy (1), gravelly (2), sandy (2), and shallow sandy (2) soils were used as replications. Black grama (Bouteloua eriopoda Torr.) was the primary vegetation component at the seven locations. Dyksterhuis quantitative climax procedures were used to determine trends in plant frequency based on a 1.91-cm loop and rangeland ecological condition scores. Frequency measures of total perennial grass, black grama, tobosa (Hilaria mutica Buckley), total shrubs, honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.), and other vegetation components were similar on both grazed and ungrazed treatments (P > 0.1) at the beginning and end of the study. The amount of change in rangeland ecological condition scores was the same positive increase (14%) for both grazed and ungrazed treatments. Major changes (P < 0.1) occurred within this 38-yr study period in ecological condition scores and frequency of total perennial grasses and black grama in response to annual fluctuations in precipitation. Based on this research, managed livestock grazing and excluded livestock grazing had the same long-term effects on change in plant frequency and rangeland ecological condition; thus, it appears that managed livestock grazing is sustainable on Chihuahuan desert rangelands receiving over 25 cm annual precipitation.  相似文献   

草原生态脆弱期绵羊饲养方式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对在干旱草原区生态脆弱期(冬春季节)放牧家畜,导致植被严重破坏和家畜跑青掉膘的“双损”现象,在该期进行绵羊禁牧,实行舍饲饲养和反季节育肥试验,在绵羊体重变化、经济效益、生态效益等方面进行对比分析。结果表明,在草原生态脆弱期采取绵羊较低成本禁牧舍饲是维护草原生态安全的较好方式,同时结合该期羊肉价格较贵的特点,搞好冬春反季节育肥出栏,则是促进生态效益和经济效益协调统一,较为理想的措施。  相似文献   

放牧和舍饲对辽宁绒山羊生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着草原资源日渐匮乏,放牧饲养绒山羊已成为绒山羊养殖业发展的限制因素;改变以往的放牧饲养绒山羊的方式,舍饲绒山羊是发展绒山羊的一条途径.为此,在辽宁省盖州市辽宁绒山羊原产地,以辽宁绒山羊成年羊为试验动物,研究了在放牧和舍饲2种饲养方式下对绒山羊的饲粮组成、营养摄取状况、绒的产量、净绒率、绒长、绒细度的影响.研究表明,在放牧与舍饲条件下饲养辽宁绒山羊,所采食的饲料种类有很大差异,放牧采食的饲料种类多而营养丰富;舍饲条件下饲料种类较单一.在舍饲条件下,辽宁绒山羊绒细度有变粗的趋势,绒长、产绒量有增加的趋势.  相似文献   

Carotenoid pigments are good biomarkers of grass feeding in sheep. However, grazing lambs are often stall-finished because of grass shortage. We investigated the nature of the carotenoids present in sheep blood and their persistence in this tissue. Four treatments were compared: 1) feeding a concentrate-based diet (n = 10 lambs), 2) grazing followed by a long stall-finishing period (n = 10), 3) grazing followed by a short stall-finishing period (n = 10), and 4) grazing to slaughter weight (n = 10). The concentrate supply was regulated to have similar average daily gain for all treatments. The 40 lambs were allocated to either the grazing or the stall treatments on the basis of their birth date, birth weight, and body weight. The 30 grazing lambs were further allocated to long-stall, short-stall, or grass treatment on the basis of their body weight and plasma carotenoid content. Plasma content of total carotenoids was measured by spectrophotometry during the grazing and the stall periods for all lambs and at slaughter weight for the eight heaviest lambs of each treatment. Analysis of the nature and the concentration of individual carotenoids was performed by HPLC on pasture and stall diets and on blood of grazing lambs. The carotenoid content of the stall diet was 2 to 3% that of the pasture diet. Lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene accounted for 43 to 58%, 3 to 17%, and 0 to 7% of total plasma carotenoids in grazing lambs, respectively. Two unknown polar carotenoids, expressed in lutein equivalent, accounted for 10 to 22% and 0 to 9% of total carotenoids. Plasma carotenoid content during the grazing and the finishing periods varied among animals (P < 0.001). At slaughter weight, plasma carotenoid content was higher for grass-fed than for stall-fed, long-stall finished, or short-stall finished lambs (P < 0.001), and reliably distinguished grass-fed lambs from all the others. Plasma carotenoid content decreased exponentially with the interval from starting on the stall diet (P < 0.005). The deceleration parameter of the model increased linearly with lamb average daily gain during the stall-finishing period, suggesting that the turnover of carotenoids in the blood may depend on the level of intake of the stall-finishing diet. After 4 to 13 d on the stall diet, depending on the initial plasma carotenoid concentration, plasma carotenoid concentration of previously grazed, stall-finished lambs fell to the values of lambs fed a concentrate diet without grazing. Such a low persistence is of interest for discriminating grazing lambs from stall-finished grazing lambs.  相似文献   

通过开草场改良、人工种草和封山禁牧等技术措施,达到恢复草场植被,防止和减少水土流失,改善草场生态环境,实现退耕、退牧还草的目的。结果表明永寿县草场生态保护技术的推广实施培养和造就了一支专业技术素质过硬的人才队伍,形成了一套完整的牧草种植开发、草场生态保护等方面的技术方案,促进了舍饲养畜技术的全面推广、实现了封山禁牧,提高了草场植被覆盖度,改善了草场及周围生态环境,为牧草综合加工利用找到了新途径,使全县农、林、牧全面协调发展,经济效益、社会效益和生态效益全面体现。  相似文献   

对青海省贵南县欧拉型藏羊羔羊在牧草枯黄期进行了补饲育肥效果试验。结果表明,牧草枯黄期羔羊放牧加补饲精料颗粒料,自由采食,短期育肥60d,11月龄平均体重和日增重分别达到40.58kg和71.83g(P〈0.01),较对照组提高9.41蚝和109.83g(P〈O.01),增重效果非常明显;胴体重和屠宰率达到17.71kg和43.55%,分别比对照组提高5.69kg和5.09%(P〈0.05),每只羊多收入85.80元,经济效益十分显著。  相似文献   

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