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Heroin addiction is the most difficult to control and the most socially destructive form of addiction in America today. Heroin is a fact of life and a cause of death among an increasing number of citizens in America, and it is heroin addiction that must command priority in the struggle against drugs.-President Nixon in his drug message to Congress on 17 June.  相似文献   

目前,内容分析方法作为一种“黑箱技术”(Black Box Technique)在分析长时段的政策演变中得到广泛 应用。其优势在于综合运用定量与定性分析方法可以测度出政策文本有关主题的本质、问题和发展趋势。采用内容 分析方法对我国耕地占补平衡政策进行三维扫描,分别从政策的纵向层级、横向构成和出台时间的多维视角构建耕 地占补平衡政策谱系,系统分析出台政策的数量、类型和特点;再对政策内容文本进行编码统计;最后从频数合计、 频数排序,以及主题词频数升降变化趋势等维度对数据进行系统分析,为制定科学合理的公共政策提供现实依据。  相似文献   

为了解农村妇女土地权益问题对农村家庭收入的影响情况,选取福建省作为调查对象,在对调研数据进行描述性统计分析的基础上,分别选用村规民约是否有歧视妇女和妇女家庭种植土地面积等变量表征妇女土地权益问题,选用家庭年总收入和家庭农业收入等表征妇女家庭收入,采用2阶段最小二乘法测算了土地权益问题对妇女家庭收入的影响,结果表明:针对妇女的歧视性规定会影响到农户家庭的农业收入和年总收入,农村妇女土地权益问题普遍但不严重;进一步从土地调整政策、出嫁女、招女婿、离婚妇女回迁、丧偶妇女等角度分析农村妇女土地权益问题的缘由;最后提出要适时调整土地,确认土地承包权的物权性质,加强对农村基层民主的引导与监督,保护妇女土地权益。  相似文献   

This article argues that hunger in Canada, while being an outcome of unemployment, low incomes, and inadequate welfare, springs also from the failure to recognize and implement the human right to food. Food security has, however, largely been ignored by progressive social policy analysis. Barriers standing in the way of achieving food security include the increasing commodification of welfare and the corporatization of food, the depoliticization of hunger by governments and the voluntary sector, and, most particularly, the neglect by the federal and provincial governments of their obligations to guarantee the domestic right to food as expressed in international human rights law. The interconnectedness of hunger, welfare, and food security issues in a first world society are explored from the perspective of progressive social policy and food security analysis and the development of alternative strategies. In terms of advancing the human right to food in Canada, particular emphasis is placed on the role of the state and civil society, and the social and economic rights of citizenship built on an inclusive social policy analysis and politics of welfare, food security and human rights.  相似文献   

The stony-iron meteorites Bencubbin and Weatherford contain nitrogen with a ratio of nitrogen-15 to nitrogen-14 larger than normal by as much as a factor of 2. The excess nitrogen-15 may be due either to a nucleosynthetic origin or to extreme isotopic fractionation. In the former case, it may reflect failure to homogenize nitrogen-15 produced in nova explosions. In the latter case, it may reflect chemical processing at temperatures below 40 K in a presolar molecular cloud.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的迅猛发展,我国的城市化水平不断加快,城市面积不断扩张,耕地资源面临着被过度占用的风险,耕地的锐减对国家的粮食安全及生态环境产生了负面影响。在耕地面积逐渐减少的背景下,国家制定了耕地占补平衡相关政策,以期保护耕地、促进土地资源的高效利用以及维护国家粮食安全和社会稳定。本研究从时间角度对广东省2000—2016年耕地占补平衡政策绩效进行评价,从空间的角度通过构建PSR模型对广东省21个市2011—2015年耕地占补平衡政策绩效进行评价。结果显示,在时间维度上2000—2016年政策绩效呈阶段性上升的特点,2016年上升至最大值。在空间维度上,广东省耕地占补平衡政策绩效存在明显的区域差异,粤东、粤西地区在落实耕地占补平衡政策方面取得较好的绩效成果,其中粤西沿海和粤西北山区实施绩效最好,而珠三角平原地区实施绩效较差。最后,在广东省耕地占补平衡政策绩效评价的基础上,从缓解耕地占补平衡压力、加大惠农力度、耕地提质、引入社会资金等四个方面提出合理有效的建议。  相似文献   

本文就“租售同权”政策对学区房房价房租的影响力进行了分析,并对其导致的金融风 险的变化进行预想,得出政策可能在短期内加剧金融市场的不确定性,同时越接近市中心、且是 重点学校学区房的房产,变化越剧烈,同时值得注意的是,政策只是短期有效,长期的不确定性 因素过多。  相似文献   

Drug delivery systems: entering the mainstream   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Drug delivery systems (DDS) such as lipid- or polymer-based nanoparticles can be designed to improve the pharmacological and therapeutic properties of drugs administered parenterally. Many of the early problems that hindered the clinical applications of particulate DDS have been overcome, with several DDS formulations of anticancer and antifungal drugs now approved for clinical use. Furthermore, there is considerable interest in exploiting the advantages of DDS for in vivo delivery of new drugs derived from proteomics or genomics research and for their use in ligand-targeted therapeutics.  相似文献   

Contrary to conventional wisdom, it is not always advantageous to engage in thorough conscious deliberation before choosing. On the basis of recent insights into the characteristics of conscious and unconscious thought, we tested the hypothesis that simple choices (such as between different towels or different sets of oven mitts) indeed produce better results after conscious thought, but that choices in complex matters (such as between different houses or different cars) should be left to unconscious thought. Named the "deliberation-without-attention" hypothesis, it was confirmed in four studies on consumer choice, both in the laboratory as well as among actual shoppers, that purchases of complex products were viewed more favorably when decisions had been made in the absence of attentive deliberation.  相似文献   

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