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Elk, fire and climate have influenced aspen populations in the Rocky Mountains, but mostly subjective studies have characterized these factors. A broad-scale perspective may shed new light on the status of aspen in the region. We collected field measurements of aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) patches encountered within 36 randomly located belt transects in 340 km2 of Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, to quantify the aspen population. Aspen covered 5.6% of the area in the transects, much more than expected based on previously collected remotely sensed data. The distribution and structure of aspen patches were highly heterogeneous throughout the study area. Of the 123 aspen patches encountered in the 238 ha surveyed, all but one showed signs of elk browsing or had conifer species mixed with the aspen stems. No significant difference occurred in aspen basal area, density, regeneration, browsing of regeneration and patch size, between areas of concentrated elk use (elk winter range) and areas of dispersed elk use (elk summer range). Two-thirds of the aspen patches were mixed with conifer species. We concluded that the population of aspen in our study area is highly variable in structure and that, at a landscape-scale, evidence of elk browsing is widespread but evidence of aspen decline is not. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We determined changes in willow (Salixspp.) cover in two valleys of the eastern slope of Rocky Mountain National Park,Colorado, USA, and related these changes to suspected causative factors. Changes in vegetation were inferred from digital maps generated from aerial photo-interpretation and field surveys conducted with a global positioning system. The decrease in riparian shrub cover was approximately 20% in both valleys over the period between 1937/46 and 1996, while the decline in tall willow (> 2 m tall) cover was estimated to be approximately 55%in both valleys. Suppressed willows (< 1.5 m tall) were predominantly located in areas affected by flooding and in areas where major river reductions were observed. Both valleys had sites that were being colonized by willows in wet meadows, and open areas created by flood disturbance. The potential causes of willow decline are many. Willow decline was associated with simplification of river spatial pattern, i.e., less complex branching and channelization, and a large flood disturbance. The causes of the reduction in river meanders were not determined, but are likely related to a decline in beavers, an increase in elk, and, possibly climate change. An increase in elk placed increased browsing pressure on willow during the period of the willow decline. Other factors such as climate changes and human activities could have also contributed to the willow decline. The persistence of these riparian ecosystems depends in large part on biotic interactions, particularly between willow, beaver, and elk. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We explored patterns of plant species richness at different spatialscales in 14 habitats in a Swedish rural landscape. Effects of physicalconditions, and relationships between species richness and management historyreaching back to the 17th century were examined, using old cadastralmaps andaerial photographs. The most species-rich habitats were dry open semi-naturalgrasslands, midfield islets and road verges. Alpha diversity (species richnesswithin sites) was highest in habitats on dry substrates (excluding bedrock withsparse pines) and beta diversity (species richness among sites) was highest inmoist to wet habitats. Alpha and beta components of species richness tended tobe inversely related among habitats with similar species richness. Managementhistory influenced diversity patterns. Areas managed as grasslands in the17th and 18th century harboured more species than areasoutside the villages. We also found significant relationships between speciesrichness and soil type. Silt proved to be the most species-rich topsoil(10–20 cm) in addition to thin soils top of on green- orlimestone bedrock. The variation in species richness due to local relief orform of thesite also showed significant relationships, where flat surfaces had the highestnumber of species. In contrast, no significant relationship was found betweenspecies richness and aspect. Our study suggests that present-day diversitypatterns are much influenced by management history, and that small habitat,e.g., road verges and midfield islets, are important for maintaining speciesrichness.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in large, infrequent, natural disturbances and how they affect ecosystems. Attributes of patches produced by some natural disturbances, such as blowdowns, have seldom been measured. We measured attributes of patches produced by a large blowdown (over 10 000 ha) in northern Colorado, USA in 1997. The blowdown produced 402, 655, or 756 patches, based on three different concepts of a blowdown patch. An inverse-J relationship shows that most patches are small in size (<200 ha), while few are large. Most patches have a high percentage of blown-down trees (>50% down). Blowdown patches are highly variable in their size, perimeter length, and distance to the nearest patch. The blowdown patches are larger and have more complex shapes than patches in the surrounding forest. Mean size of blowdown patches (25 ha) may be smaller than those of crown fires in a nearby forest, but similar total areas may be affected. About 75% of the blowdown area is within 125 m of a forest not blown down, so natural tree regeneration should not be a problem. About 16,400 ha of mature spruce-fir forest is susceptible to first-year attack by spruce beetles, as this forest is within the expected dispersal distance (1.2 km) from blowdown patches where beetle reproduction is favored. Timber harvest patches differ from blowdown patches in size and distance to nearest patch. It also may be inappropriate to mimic forest blowdown patches using timber harvesting in this region, due to the rare occurrence of large blowdowns, their spatial restriction, and other factors.  相似文献   

Detailed species composition data are rapidly collected using a high-powered telescope from remote vantage points at two scales: site level and patch level. Patches constitute areas of homogeneous vegetation composition. Multiple samples of species composition are randomly located within the patches. These data are used as site-level data and are also aggregated to provide species composition data at the patch level. The site- and patch-level data are spatially integrated with high resolution (10 m), topographically-derived fields of environmental conditions, such as solar radiation, air temperature, and topographic moisture index in order to evaluate the applicability of the sampling method for modeling relationships between species composition and environmental processes.The methodology provides a balance between sampling efficiency and the accuracy of field data. Application of the method is appropriate for environments where terrain and canopy characteristics permit open visibility of the landscape. We evaluate the nature of data resulting from an implementation of the remote sampling methodology in a steep watershed dominated by closed-canopy chaparral. Analyses indicate that there is minimal bias associated with scaling the data from the site level to the patch level, despite variable patch sizes. Analysis of variance and correlation tests show that the internal floristic and environmental variability of patches is low and stable across the entire sample of patches. Comparison of regression tree models of species cover at the two scales indicates that there is little scale-dependence in the ecological processes that govern patterns of species composition between the site level and patch level. High explanatory power of the regression tree models suggests that the vegetation data are characterized at an appropriate scale to model landscape-level patterns of species composition as driven by topographically-mediated processes. Patch-level sampling reduces the influence of local stochasticity and micro-scale processes. Comparison of models between the two scales can be useful for assessing the processes and associated scales of variability governing spatial patterns of plant species.  相似文献   

The mechanistic, spatially-explicit fire succession model, Fire-BGC (a Fire BioGeoChemical succession model) was used to investigate long-term trends in landscape pattern under historical and future fire regimes and present and future climate regimes for two 46000 ha landscapes in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Fire-BGC has two spatial and temporal resolutions in the simulation architecture where ecological processes that act at a landscape level, such as fire, are simulated annually from information contained in spatial data layers, while stand-level processes such as photosynthesis, transpiration, and decomposition are simulated both daily and annually. Fire is spread across the landscape using the FARSITE fire growth model and subsequent fire effects are simulated at the stand-level. Fire-BGC was used to simulate changes in landscape pattern over 250 years under four scenarios: (1) complete fire exclusion under current climate, (2) historical wildfire occurrence and current climate, (3) complete fire exclusion under a possible future climate, (4) future wildfire occurrence and future climate. Simulated maps of dominant tree species, aboveground standing crop, leaf area index, and net primary productivity (NPP) were contrasted across scenarios using the metrics of patch density, edge density, evenness, contagion, and interspersion. Simulation results indicate that fire influences landscape pattern metrics more that climate alone by creating more diverse, fragmented, and disconnected landscapes. Fires were more frequent, larger, and more intense under a future climate regime. Landscape metrics showed different trends for the process-based NPP map when compared to the cover type map. It may be important to augment landscape analyses with process-based layers as well as structural and compositional layers.  相似文献   

Many organisms persist in fragmented habitat where movement between patches is essential for long-term demographic and genetic stability. In the absence of direct observation of movement, connectivity or isolation metrics are useful to characterize potential patch-level connectivity. However, multiple metrics exist at varying levels of complexity, and empirical data on species distribution are rarely used to compare performance of metrics. We compared 12 connectivity metrics of varying degrees of complexity to determine which metric best predicts the distribution of prairie dog colonies along an urban gradient of 385 isolated habitat patches in Denver, Colorado, USA. We found that a modified version of the incidence function model including area-weighting of patches and a cost-weighted distance surface best predicted occupancy, where we assumed roads were fairly impermeable to movement, and low-lying drainages provided dispersal corridors. We also found this result to be robust to a range of cost weight parameters. Our results suggest that metrics should incorporate both patch area and the composition of the surrounding matrix. These results provide guidance for improved landscape habitat modeling in fragmented landscapes and can help identify target habitat for conservation and management of prairie dogs in urban systems.  相似文献   

We compare the accuracy of predicting the occurrence of 11 bird species in montane meadows of the Greater Yellowstone National Park ecosystem, in the states of Montana and Wyoming, USA. We used remotely sensed, landscape, and habitat data. The meadow type, as determined from the remotely sensed data, was highly correlated with abundances of six of the 11 bird species. Landscape variables significant in predicting occurrence were selected using a stepwise multiple regression for each bird species. These variables were then used in a multiple regression with the variable meadow type. As expected, the abundances of the generalist species (American Robin, Dark-eyed Junco, White-crowned Sparrow, Brewer's Blackbird, and Chipping Sparrow) were not strongly correlated with landscape variables or meadow type. Conversely, abundances of the Common Snipe, Common Yellowthroat, Lincoln's Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, and Yellow Warbler were highly correlated with meadow type and landscape variables such as percent cover of willow (Salix spp.), graminoid, woody vegetation, sagebrush (Artemisia spp.), and graminoid and shrub biomass. The results from our study indicate that remotely sensed data are applicable for estimating potential habitats for bird species in the different types of montane meadows. However, to improve predictions about species in specific sites or areas, we recommend the use of additional landscape metrics and habitat data collected in the field.  相似文献   

We screened the mycorrhizal species for an inoculum protocol would green pepper seedling production and compensate for nutrient deficiency. Three greenhouse studies (on three successive years) were conducted under nursery conditions using five arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and their mixture. The AM fungi, Glomus mosseae, G. clarum, G. caledonium, G. intraradices and G. etunicatum propagated on maize roots were used. The AM fungi were inoculated to seed stages and half of the seed stages inoculated plants were re-inoculated at the seedling stages. In Experiment I, plants were harvested once and in Experiments II and III, plants were harvested twice at different developmental stages.  相似文献   

The ability to predict species occurrences quickly is often crucial for managers and conservation biologists with limited time and funds. We used measured associations with landscape patterns to build accurate predictive habitat models that were quickly and easily applied (i.e., required no additional data collection in the field to make predictions). We used classification trees (a nonparametric alternative to discriminant function analysis, logistic regression, and other generalized linear models) to model nesting habitat of red-naped sapsuckers (Sphyrapicus nuchalis), northern flickers (Colaptes auratus),tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), and mountain chickadees (Parus gambeli) in the Uinta Mountains of northeastern Utah, USA. We then tested the predictive capability of the models with independent data collected in the field the following year. The models built for the northern flicker, red-naped sapsucker, and tree swallow were relatively accurate (84%, 80%, and 75% nests correctly classified,respectively)compared to the models for the mountain chickadee (50% nests correctly classified). All four models were more selective than a null model that predicted habitat based solely on a gross association with aspen forests. We conclude that associations with landscape patterns can be used to build relatively accurate, easy to use, predictive models for some species. Our results stress, however, that both selecting the proper scale at which to assess landscape associations and empirically testing the models derived from those associations are crucial for building useful predictive models. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Urban development occupies over 375,000 ha (6%) of California's Central Valley, and expansion continues to displace natural and agricultural landscapes. The value of urban areas as habitat for native wildlife and the characteristics that determine its value, however, remain little studied. Many Neotropical migrant passerine bird species are declining due to changes in breeding, migratory, and wintering habitats and climatic conditions. During 2010–2013, we evaluated the importance of native valley oak (Quercus lobata) as stopover foraging habitat used by Neotropical migrant birds in urban areas of the Sacramento region in California, USA. Over 3 years, we surveyed spring and late summer-early fall migrant songbirds and measured tree canopy cover within 31 c.0.91 ha transects in Curtis Park, an older residential neighborhood. We detected 607 individuals from 20 migrant species, but four wood warblers comprised the bulk of observations: black-throated gray (Setophaga nigrescens), Wilson's (Cardellina pusilla), orange-crowned (Oreothlypis celata), and yellow warblers (Setophaga petechia). Migrant abundance was closely correlated with valley oak canopy abundance and increased linearly with oak canopy especially during fall migration. Migrants were nearly absent from areas lacking oak canopy. Migrant bird species as a group also foraged in valley oak substantially more often (74%) than would be expected based on its 15% relative canopy cover (χ21d.f. = 924, p < 0.0001), as did all species whose selectivity could be tested. These results are important in demonstrating previously undocumented migrant use of urban areas with remnant valley oak canopy and suggest that protecting existing valley oaks and increasing their use in future urban forestry and landscape plantings in the Central Valley could provide substantial habitat benefits for native migratory birds.  相似文献   

Concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd) were measured in leaves of twelve plant species from seven different locations in Shanghai, China. Unwashed and washed new and old leaves were considered, and the correlations among the heavy metal concentrations in soils and in plant leaves and deposited by the atmosphere were analyzed. In addition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to determine the stomatal density and structure of the leaves.The background site (Chenshan Botanical Garden) had lower mean metal concentrations than the other sites. The highest Cu contents were found in Nerium indicum and Platanus acerifolia, the highest Zn content was found in Pittosporum tobira, and the highest Pb and Cd contents were found in Cedrus deodara. The lowest heavy metal contents were found in Ginkgo biloba, potentially because Platanus acerifolia and Pittosporum tobira leaves have higher densities of stomata than on Ginkgo biloba leaves (according to SEM results). However, Magnolia grandiflora had the highest metal accumulation index (MAI) (4.27), and Cedrus deodara had the lowest MAI (1.53). When comparing the heavy metal contents in the washed leaf samples with the unwashed leaf samples, Nerium indicum captured more rare-earth elements (determined using the capture rate (CR)), including Cu (92.7%) and Zn (36.9%). Magnolia grandiflora had higher CR values for Pb (63.4%) and Cd (49.1%), and Cedrus deodara had lower CR values for Cu (0), Zn (8.90%), Pb (5.93%) and Cd (2.97%). In addition, the Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in plant needles potentially originate from the soil, and the Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in the leaves of broad-leaved plants potentially originate from bulk atmospheric deposition. This hypothesis is supported by the relationship between the heavy metal concentrations in the soils and the washed new and old leaves. In addition, the concentration factor (CF) of heavy metals supported this model.  相似文献   

The ability of plants to tolerate stress is determined in part by the carbon allocated to their reserves. We studied two common urban tree species in northeastern North America, Acer saccharinum (Silver maple, native) and Acer platanoides (Norway maple, exotic), to assess the dynamics of non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) concentrations immediately following a maintenance pruning of 30% of the tree crown. NSC concentrations were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography in branches, main stems, and root tissues for both pruned and un-pruned trees at three intervals during the growing season. NSC concentrations in tree organs of A. platanoides were 75% higher than in A. saccharinum. Maintenance pruning did not have any significant depletion effect on carbohydrate concentrations in the tissues of either species. Yet, there was a significant increase in the NSC concentrations in un-pruned branches of pruned trees of A. platanoides at the end of the growing season, but no effect was observed in A. saccharinum. Higher levels of carbohydrates after pruning in woody plant tissues suggested that A. platanoides may have compensatory mechanisms that allow this species to respond better to maintenance pruning than A. saccharinum.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the spatial configuration and dynamics of periurban forest patches in Barcelona (NE of Spain) played a minor role in determining plant species richness and assemblage compared to site conditions, and particularly to both direct (measured at plot level) and potential (inferred from landscape metrics) human-associated site disturbance. The presence of all understory vascular plants was recorded on 252 plots of 100 m2 randomly selected within forest patches ranging in size from 0.25 ha to 218 ha. Species were divided into 6 groups, according to their ecology and conservation status. Site condition was assessed at plot level and included physical attributes, human-induced disturbance and Quercus spp. tree cover. Landscape structure and dynamics were assessed from patch metrics and patch history. We also calculated a set of landscape metrics related to potential human accessibility to forests. Results of multiple linear regressions indicated that the variance explained for non-forest species groups was higher than for forest species richness. Most of the main correlates corresponded to site disturbance variables related to direct human alteration, or to landscape variables associated to indirect human effects on forests: Quercus tree cover (a proxy for successional status) was the most important correlate of non-forest species richness, which decreased when Quercus tree cover increased. Human-induced disturbance was an important correlate of synanthropic and total species richness, which were higher in recently managed and in highly frequented forests. Potential human accessibility also affected the richness of most species groups. In contrast, patch size, patch shape and connectivity played a minor role, as did patch history. We conclude that human influence on species richness in periurban forests takes place on a small scale, whereas large-scale effects attributable to landscape structure and fragmentation are comparatively less important. Implications of these results for the conservation of plant species in periurban forests are discussed.  相似文献   

Traditional agricultural mosaic landscapes are likely to undergo dramatic changes through either intensification or abandonment of land use. Both developmental trends may negatively affect the vascular plant species richness of such landscapes. Therefore, sustainable land-use systems need to be developed to maintain and re-establish species richness at various spatial scales. To evaluate the sustainability of specific land-use systems, we need approaches for the effective assessment of the present species richness and models that can predict the effects on species richness as realistically as possible. In this context, we present a methodology to estimate and predict vascular plant species richness at the local and the regional scale. In our approach, the major determinants of vascular plant species richness within the study area are taken into consideration: These are according to Duelli's mosaic concept the number of habitat types and of habitat patches within area units. Furthermore, it is based on the relative frequencies of species within habitat types. Our approach comprises six steps: (i) the determination of present habitat patterns within an observation area, (ii) the creation of a land-use scenario with simulated habitat patterns, (iii) the determination of species frequencies within habitat types of this area, (iv) a grouping of habitat-specific species, (v) the estimation of the probabilities for all species (or habitat specialists) to occur, either in stepwise, exponentially enlarged landscape tracts (local scale), or in the entire observation area (regional scale), and (vi) the validation of the estimated species numbers. The approach will be exemplified using data from the municipal district of Erda, Lahn-Dill Highlands, Germany. The current species numbers to be expected on the basis of probability calculations were compared with those recorded on the basis of extensive field work. This comparison shows that, on the basis of our simple calculations, the current local plant species richness can be predicted well, with a slight underestimation. This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We classified NALC (North American Landscape Characterization) imagery to forest-nonforest and examined forest change between 1972 and 1992 in theKlamath-Siskiyou ecoregion (USA) in relation to land ownership and fifth levelwatersheds. We also analyzed changes in forest patterns by land ownership forthree major river basins within the ecoregion (Eel, Klamath, and Rogue) usingFRAGSTATS. Overall, forests covered 66.8% of the ecoregion in 1972 and 62.1% in1992. Approximately 10.5% of the forest area was disturbed overall, translatinginto an annual disturbance rate of 0.53%. Although public lands accounted for aslightly higher total area of forest disturbance, private lands were cut at aslightly higher rate. Forest disturbance within fifth level watersheds averaged13.2%, but reached as high as 93.2%. For the three river basins where spatialpattern of forest disturbance was analyzed, private lands were already morefragmented than public lands in 1972. Over the 20-year time period, forestfragmentation increased on all ownerships. Fragmentation rates on public landswere high for all basins especially the Rogue. Clearcut logging on privatelandswas generally in larger adjacent tracts, whereas cuts on public lands weregenerally smaller and more dispersed. Our results illustrate the importance ofconsidering landscape change history when planning for effective biodiversityconservation in forested ecoregions and when formulating ecologicallysustainable forest management strategies.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Previous attempts to quantify topographic controls on vegetation have often been frustrated by issues concerning the number of variables of interest and the tendency of classification methods to create discrete classes though species have overlapping property sets (niches). Methods of fuzzy k-means classification have been used to address class overlap in ecological and geographical data but previously their usefulness has been limited when data sets are large or include artefacts that may occur through the derivation of topo-climatic attributes from gridded digital elevation models. This paper presents ways to overcome these limitations using GIS, spatial sampling methods, fuzzy k-means classification, and statistical modelling of the derived stream topology. Using data from a ca. 3600 km2 forested site in the Greater Yellowstone Area, we demonstrate the creation of meaningful, spatially coherent topo-climatic classes through a fuzzy k-means classification of topo-climatic data derived from 100 m gridded digital elevation models (DEMs); these classes were successfully extrapolated to adjacent areas covering a total of ca. 10000 km2. Independently derived land cover data and middle infrared corrected Landsat TM derived estimates of Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (M_NDVI) at 575 independently sampled sites were used to evaluate the topo-climatic classes and test their extrapolation to the larger area. Relations between topo-climatic classes and land cover were tested by 2 analysis which demonstrated strong associations between topo-climatic class and 11 of the 15 cover classes. Relations between M_NDVI and topo-climatic classes proved to be stronger than relations between M_NDVI and the independent cover classes. We conclude that the fuzzy k-means procedure yields sensible and stable topo-climatic classes that can be used for the rapid mapping of large areas. The value of these methods for quantifying topographic controls on biodiversity and the strength of their relations with computed NDVI values warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

McGarigal  Kevin  Romme  William H.  Crist  Michele  Roworth  Ed 《Landscape Ecology》2001,16(4):327-349
In the southern Rocky Mountains of temperate North America, the effects of Euro-American activities on disturbance regimes and landscape patterns have been less ubiquitous and less straightforward in high-elevation landscapes than in low-elevation landscapes. Despite apparently little change in the natural disturbance regime, there is increasing concern that forest management activities related mainly to timber harvest and to the extensive network of roads constructed to support timber harvest, fire control, and recreation since the late 1800s have altered disturbance regimes and landscape structure. We investigated the magnitude of change in landscape structure resulting from roads and logging since the onset of timber harvest activities in 1950. We found limited evidence for significant impacts in our study area when all lands within the landscape were considered. The relatively minor changes we observed reflected the vast buffering capacity of the large proportion of lands managed for purposes other than timber (e.g., wilderness). Significant changes in landscape structure and fragmentation of mature forest were, however, evident on lands designated as suitable timberlands. Roughly half of the mature coniferous forest was converted to young stands; mean patch size and core area declined by 40% and 25%, respectively, and contrast-weighted edge density increased 2- to 3-fold. Overall, roads had a greater impact on landscape structure than logging in our study area. Indeed, the 3-fold increase in road density between 1950–1993 accounted for most of the changes in landscape configuration associated with mean patch size, edge density, and core area. The extent of area evaluated and the period over which change was evaluated had a large impact on the magnitude of change detected and our conclusions regarding the ecological significance of those changes. Specifically, the cumulative impact on landscape structure was negligible over a 10-year period, but was notable over a 40-year period. In addition, the magnitude of change in landscape structure between 1950–1993 varied as a function of landscape extent. At the scale of the 228000 ha landscape, change in landscape structure was trivial, suggesting that the landscape was capable of fully incorporating the disturbances with minimal impact. However, at intermediate scales of 1000–10000 ha landscapes, change in landscape structure was quite evident, suggesting that there may be an optimal range of scales for detecting changes in landscape structure within the study area.  相似文献   

For early-successional species, road and powerline cuts through forests provide refugia and source populations for invading adjacent forest gaps. Within an 800 km2 forest matrix in South Carolina, we determined if width, disturbance frequency or linear features of road and powerline cuts influenced the mound distribution of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren. For each of five linear habitat types, differing in width and disturbance frequency, we mapped all mounds located within ten 500 m segments. Mean mound density was lowest in narrow, infrequently-disturbed closed-canopy dirt road habitats (8.8 mounds/ha). For types with an opening in the forest canopy (i.e., open dirt road, gravel road, paved road and powerline cut), mean mound density was highest in narrow habitats where disturbance was intermediate (open dirt roads, 86.5 mounds/ha). It was lowest in wide habitats where disturbance was infrequent (powerline cuts, 27.6 mounds/ha). Mean mound size was greater in infrequently-disturbed powerline cuts than in frequently-disturbed paved roads. Mounds were located significantly closer to road or forest edges than expected by random. In all types except dirt roads, mounds were more common toward northern edges, and more so as the orientation of the linear habitat changed from north/south to east/west. These data suggest that narrow, disturbed habitats are more suitable for fire ant establishment and success than wider ones, and that the distribution of fire ants in linear habitats is not as uniform as it has been shown to be in pastures. A decrease in roadside disturbance and an increase in shade, especially along the northern edge, may result in lower fire ant mound density in these linear habitats.  相似文献   

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