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Two experiments were carried out to examine the effects of grazing severity on the performance of January/February calved British Friesian dairy cows. In Experiment 1, three groups of cows were rotationally grazed across twenty-four one-day paddocks with high (H), medium (M) or low (L) herbage allowances. Cows on treatment M were offered a daily herbage allowance designed to achieve a residual sward height of 50 mm, assessed by a rising-plate sward stick. The daily herbage allowance (g organic matter (kg live-weight)-1 on treatments L and H were 0.30 below and above that for M, respectively, to give residual sward heights of 42 and 59 mm. In Experiment 2, three groups of cows were grazed across twenty-four one-day paddocks to obtain residual sward heights of 50 mm (severe), 60 mm (moderate) and 80 mm (lax). Average milk yields on the L, M and H treatments in Experiment 1 were 11.8, 14.6 and 14.5 kg d,-1 and in Experiment 2 they were 13.7, 16.0 and 17.0 kg d-1 on the severe, moderate and lax treatments, respectively. The results indicate that the critical herbage height below which milk production per cow declines may vary with the production potential of the animal. There were no significant treatment effects on milk composition. Milk output ha-1 and utilized metabolizable energy ha-1 were greatest with the low herbage allowance in Experiment I and the moderate treatment in Experiment 2. Net herbage accumulation on the severe treatment in Experiment 2 was 30% lower than that on the lax treatment, as a result of treading damage in early season. It is concluded that, in a rotational grazing system, a reasonable compromise between sward utilization and animal performance can be achieved by grazing January/February calved cows to a residual sward height of 60 mm as assessed by a rising-plate sward stick. This is equivalent to a sward surface height of about 80 mm.  相似文献   

Two levels of lactic acid were added to a well-preserved silage to give silages with three concentrations of lactic acid: 53 (control), 96 (LA-50) and 134 (LA-100)g (kg DM)-1. These silages were given ad libitum with 5 kg d-1 of a mixture of barley and soya-bean meal (75:25) to six lactating dairy cows in a 6 × 6 Latin square design experiment to examine the effects on silage intake and milk production of the addition of lactic acid, both with and without a post-ruminal supplement of 230 gd-1 sodium caseinate. The six treatments were (1) control silage without casein, (2) control silage plus casein, (3) LA-50 silage without casein, (4) LA-50 silage plus casein, (5) LA-100 silage without casein and (6) LA-100 silage plus casein. Sodium caseinate was administered as a continuous infusion into the abomasum. Periods were 14d long. Both levels of addition of lactic acid reduced (P < 0·001) the intake of silage, values being 102, 94 and 86 kg DM d-1 for the control, LA-50 and LA-100 treatments respectively, but the casein supplement did not affect the intake of silage. Milk yield was reduced (P < 0·01) only for treatment LA-100 and, for this treatment, was restored (P < 0·01) by casein given post-ruminally. With all three silage treatments, casein infusion increased (P<0·001) the yield of protein in milk by 30–35 gd-1. The concentration of protein in milk increased linearly (P < 0·001) with the addition of lactic acid to the silage. The addition of lactic acid produced a linear reduction (P < 0·001) in the molar proportion of acetate in rumen contents and compensatory linear increases (P < 0·001) in the molar proportions of propionate and butyrate. Changes during the day in the concentration of insulin in blood plasma followed a similar pattern to changes in the molar proportions of propionate. The mean daily concentration of insulin in plasma tended (0·10 < P > 0·05) to be higher for the LA-100 treatment, and in the immediate period after feeding this difference was significant (P < 0·05). The results confirm the effect of lactic acid in depressing the intake of silage, but they offer no support for the hypothesis that the depression of intake can be offset by an increase in the supply of protein post-ruminally.  相似文献   

The effects of the time of access to feed (8 h or 24 h) with silage-based rations (unwilted or wilted silage) were studied for two years. In each year the experiment comprised 52 individually fed cows in a 2 × 2 factorial design and covered weeks 1-20 of the lactation. The cows were offered silage ad libitum , 1 kg of hay per day, and concentrate according to the predicted energy-corrected milk (ECM) yield.
Increasing the access time from 8 h to 24 h increased the total intake of dry matter (DM) and metabolizable energy (ME) by 6%. This resulted in increased yield of ECM by 5%. The eating rate of forage was significantly increased by restricted time of access. Wilting had no significant effect on total feed intake or milk yield. The importance of providing a sufficient length of time during which the cows have access to feed was confirmed. It was concluded that 8 h d−1 of access to silage-based rations is not enough in early lactation.  相似文献   

Two experiments, using intravenous infusion of nutrients, were carried out with the aim of separating milk production responses due to the provision of amino acids as precursors of milk protein synthesis from those due to the provision of amino acids as glucose precursors. Diets were based on grass silage of restricted fermentation and barley‐based supplements because it has been suggested that these diets might provide insufficient glucose precursors to meet the needs of lactose synthesis. The silages used in the experiments were of similar lactic acid contents [62 and 63 g kg–1 dry matter (DM)] but of different water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) contents (206 and 20 g kg–1 DM in Experiments 1 and 2 respectively). In Experiment 1, four dairy cows were given the following treatments in a 4 × 4 Latin square arrangement with periods of 10 d: (1) basal diet (Basal), (2) Basal plus jugular infusion of 182 g d–1 of amino acids simulating casein (TAA), (3) Basal plus 101 g d–1 of essential amino acids (EAA), being the essential amino acid component of the TAA treatment and (4) Basal plus 101 g d–1 of essential amino acids plus 50 g d–1 of glucose (EAA + G), being the glucose equivalent of the non‐essential amino acid component of treatment TAA. All infusions increased (P < 0·05) the concentration of milk protein compared with Basal but only for TAA was the increase in the yield of milk protein statistically significant (P < 0·05), amounting to 68 g d–1. Both TAA and EAA reduced (P < 0·05) the concentration of milk fat. There was no difference between EAA and EAA + G treatments. In Experiment 2, five dairy cows were given the following treatments in a 5 × 5 Latin square design with periods of 7 d: (1) basal diet (Basal), (2) Basal plus 182 g d–1 of amino acids simulating casein (TAA), (3) Basal plus 182 g d–1 of non‐essential amino acids as in casein (NEAA), (4) Basal plus 100 g d–1 of glucose (G100) and (5) basal plus 230 g d–1 of glucose (G230). G100 supplied the glucose equivalent of NEAA whereas G230 supplied the caloric equivalent of NEAA. Again, only for TAA was the increase in yield of milk protein statistically significant (P < 0·05), amounting to 83 g d–1. Neither glucose treatment caused any statistically significant (P > 0·05) effect on the yield of milk protein nor the yield of milk lactose. It is concluded that, in both experiments, the primary nutritional limitation on milk protein output was the supply of amino acids as precursors of milk protein, there being no evidence to support a primary limitation due to glucose supply.  相似文献   

Forty British Friesian cows with a mean calving date of 28 January were used in a randomized block design experiment to evaluate a high-quality grass silage for milk production. The high-quality silage was made from two consecutive cuts of a perennial ryegrass sward after regrowth intervals of 37 days, wilted to 51% dry matter, finely chopped and ensiled using 2.2 1 t-1 (0.5 gallons per ton) of formic acid. The resulting silage had a dry matter digestibility of 72.9% and was fed ad libitum with 3.8 kg (8.4 lb) concentrates as a supplement. A medium-quality grass silage, of lower digestibility and dry matter content (70.0 and 25.4% respectively), was also fed ad libitum in addition to either 3.8, 5.7 or 7.6 kg (8.4, 12.5 or 16.7 lb) concentrates. The feeding treatments were commenced immediately after calving and were terminated on 9 April giving a mean period of 72 d on the treatments. Over the experimental period the animals on the high-quality silage consumed 15% more silage dry matter and produced 8% more milk that those on the medium-quality silage with the same level of concentrate supplementation. From the results it was estimated that 1.9 kg (4.3 lb) of additional concentrates would be required with the medium-quality silage to give an equivalent milk output to that achieved with the high-quality silage. Milk composition, liveweight change, ration digestibility and nitrogen balance data are also presented.  相似文献   

Sixteen Friesian cows were given four dietary treatments in a 4 × 4 Latin square experiment with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. The diets consisted of grass silage ad libitum plus 2 kg of hay per day and two types of concentrates of either barley or a mixture of barley, oats and fibrous by-products [200,200 and 600 g per kg dry matter (DM) respectively], with two protein contents. For the low-protein diets, barley- (B) and fibre-based (F) concentrates were given without protein supplements, while for high-protein diets 1 kg of both concentrates was replaced with fish-meal (FM). The concentrates were given at the rate of 9kgd-1 for the cows (n= 12) and 8kg d-1 for the heifers (n= 4). The cows given the F diets tended (P < 0·10) to have a greater silage dry matter intake and produced 1·5kg d-1 more (P < 0·05) milk with a lower (P < 0·05) protein content than those given the B diets. Increasing dietary crude protein concentration with FM had no effect on feed intake but resulted in significant increases in milk yield (P < 0·01), milk protein content (P < 0·05) and yields of milk constituents. The response in milk yield to FM tended to be greater with barley than with fibrous supplement (+2·5 vs+ 1·5kgd-1). Compared with B diets, the greatest relative increase occurred in lactose yield (0·07) when the corresponding F diets were fed, while FM produced the greatest response in protein yield (0·12). The calculation of the utilization of metabolizable energy (ME) for milk production showed that both the feeding of a concentrate consisting of different carbohydrate sources and inclusion of fish meal improved the utilization of ME, the effects being partially additive. It is concluded that the nutrient supply to the cow's tissues can be modified by the source of carbohydrate and protein supplementation as indicated by different responses in the yield of milk constituents. The production response to protein supplementation may depend on the source of carbohydrate in the concentrate.  相似文献   

Forty‐eight high‐yielding dairy cows of the Swedish Red breed were used to examine the effects of providing pea–oat silage (P), grass–clover silage (G) and a 0·50:0·50 mixture of the silages (M) ad libitum in diets with two concentrate levels (7 or 10 kg d?1). A 9‐week experiment, including a 2‐week pre‐experimental period in which the cows were all fed the same diet, and an in vivo apparent digestibility study were conducted comparing the six dietary treatments (M7, M10, P7, P10, G7, G10). Intake and digestibility of the diets and milk production and live weight of the cows were measured. The G silage [11·3 MJ ME kg?1 dry matter (DM)] was first‐cut grass herbage wilted for 24 h prior to addition of an additive, containing formic acid, propionic acid and ammonia, at 4 L t?1 fresh matter (FM). The P forage was cut when the peas were at pod fill and ensiled directly with 6 L t?1 FM of the same additive. The main hypothesis tested, that cows fed the M silage would produce more milk than the cows fed either the P or the G silages, was confirmed. The cows fed the M7 dietary treatment had similar milk yield and milk composition to cows offered the M10, G10 and P10 dietary treatments, and cows offered the G7 and P7 dietary treatments had lower milk and milk protein yields. This suggested that a mixed ration of pea–oat bi‐crop and grass–clover silage has a concentrate‐sparing effect, and that the use of pea–oat bi‐crop and grass–clover silage as a mixed ration for high‐yielding dairy cows can be recommended.  相似文献   

Three separate changeover experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of the amount of rolled barley and time of access to silage on the voluntary intake, eating behaviour and production of dairy cows. In Experiment 1, twenty-four milking cows were used to compare the effect of 4 1 and 6 1 kg d−1 rolled barley on voluntary intake and milk production. In Experiment 2, fourteen cows were used in a comparison of the effect on voluntary intake and milk production of 5- and 22-h access to silage. Experiment 3 measured the effects on intake of silage of 2 and 4 kg d−1 rolled barley and of 5- and 22-h access to silage. In Experiment I, increasing the amount of barley eaten reduced intake of silage by 0–50 kg dry matter (DM) per kg barley DM but in Experiment 3 with 5-h access to silage there was no significant difference between the amounts of silage eaten with 2 and 4 kg d−1 barley. However, in Experiment 3 when allowed 22-h access to silage, the replacement rate was 0–53 kg DM silage per kg DM barley. Increasing access from 5 to 22 h increased silage intake by 37% in Experiment 1 and by 27% in Experiment 3. Milk yield was significantly increased by 4% when extra barley was given in Experiment 1 but there was no significant effect in Experiment 3. Increasing the time of access to silage led to an 11% increase in milk yield in Experiment 2 but there was no significant effect in Experiment 3. There was much variation between cows in the depression of silage intake per kg change in barley DM eaten with coefficients of variation of 131% and 109% in Experiments 1 and 3, respectively. When allowed access to silage for 22 h daily, on average, each cow spent 180 min eating silage in ten meals, although there was appreciable variation between cows in eating behaviour. The amount of barley did not affect the cows' rate of eating silage nor the duration of eating.  相似文献   

Three experiments were carried out to study the effects of feeding lucerne silage (wilted to give different dry-matter (DM) contents) and ventilated hay to dairy cows on milk production, milk quality, milk-renneting properties, clostridial spore content and the quality of cheese prepared from the milk. The lucerne, cut at vegetative or early-bud stages of maturity, was harvested from alternate windrows and conserved as silage or artificially dried hay. The lucerne was wilted until it reached different DM contents of 550, 360 and 432 g kg–1 in the three experiments, harvested, chopped with a self-loading forage wagon and ensiled in low and narrow clamps made up of transferable prefabricated walls. The organic acid content, pH, yeast and mould counts of the lucerne silage suggested that there was no aerobic deterioration. In each experiment, fifty Italian Friesian lactating cows were divided into two groups and fed two maize silage-based rations for 6 weeks, which only differed in the lucerne forage [silage (S) vs. ventilated hay (H)], in a cross-over experimental design. The lucerne in the rations represented 35%, 23% and 24% of the DM of the rations for the three experiments. The microbiological profiles of the ration were influenced more by the maize silage than by the lucerne silage. Individual daily DM intakes were similar for the two treatments in Experiments 1 and 3 (on average 18·7 kg in Experiment 1 and 20·3 kg in Experiment 3) and slightly lower for S cows in comparison to H cows in Experiment 2 (18·0 vs. 19·0 kg). Milk yields of S and H cows were 21·0 and 20·8, 20·0 and 20·6 (P < 0·01), and 28·4 and 27·9 kg d–1 in Experiments 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Milk composition was similar for all the experiments for the two treatments, except that the protein content was lower and the fat content was higher in the silage treatment than in the hay. The renneting properties and microbiology of the milk were not influenced by the introduction of lucerne silage into the rations, although the season in which it was consumed had a greater effect on the microbiological content, in terms of standard bacterial counts, proteolytic, coli and lactic acid bacteria, and clostridia spores. The clostridial spore counts were always very low (< 400 per litre), thus fulfilling the requirements for top-quality milk for Grana cheese production. In the third experiment, the quality of Grana Padano cheese produced was examined, and no differences between treatments were observed after 12 months of maturation. These results show that lucerne silage can be included in the ration of dairy cows instead of ventilated lucerne hay, which is considered to be the top-quality hay available for the production of milk destined for Grana cheese, without any negative effects on milk and cheese quality.  相似文献   

High (H; 27 350 m?1:) or low (L. 13 300 m-1) tiller density perennial ryegrass swards were created in the mid- and late grazing season by imposing different sward heights in the spring. Summer-calving cows then grazed these swards from 6 June to 2 September 1992 and were offered 5 kg fresh weight hd?1 d?1 of either a barley (S) or a molassed sugar beet pulp (F) based supplement. The factorial combination of sward and supplement types resulted in four experimental swards being grazed by thirteen Holstein/Friesian cows each. Supplement F contained more crude fibre (110 vs. 58 g kg?1) and less metabolizable energy [12–5 vs. 13–2 MJ kg?1 dry matter (DM)] than supplement S. Herbage on the H sward contained more metabolizable energy (11–9 vs. 104 MJ kg?1 DM) and crude protein (232 vs. 205 g kg?1 DM), had fewer rejected areas f 16–5 vs. 26–9%) and a higher live-dead tiller ratio (4–6 vs. 2–1) than that on the L sward. Sward, but not supplement type, significantly affected the intake of grazed herbage (P<0–001). On average, the herbage intakes of cows grazing II swards were higher than for L swards (14–5 vs. 11 6kg DM d?1) and those of cows on the S and F supplements were 12–6 and 13–5 kg DM d?1 respectively. Averaged over the grazing period, sward and supplement had no significant effects on milk yield, milk composition or yield of constituents. When expressed on an average weekly basis, cows grazing an L sward and offered the F supplement on occasions had significantly lower milk yields and higher milk fat contents (P<005) than those grazing an H sward and offered the S supplement. There were no significant effects on cow live weight or condition score change. The results suggested that grazing swards with a high density of live tillers increased herbage intakes and on occasions milk yield, relative to low density swards. However, small increases in energy intake from sward and supplement effects were used primarily to ameliorate liveweight loss.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of niacin supplementation in the diet of high producing cows at early lactation, 21 holstein dairy cows were used in this experiment. Animal were assigned in to three groups based on their milk yield and calving date soon after parturition. They were received a basal diet and 0 (group 1), 6 (group 2), 12 (group 3) g of supplementation niacin per day over a 10 weeks experimental period. Milk volume was recorded and milk samples were collected for each cow at two weeks interval for analysis of fat, protein, lactose and SNF (Solid-None Fat). Blood samples were also taken for the measurement of glucose, triglyceride, Beta-hydroxy butyrate and total protein at two weeks intervals. No significant difference were observed between milk yield, milk fat, protein, lactose and SNF content in cows received niacin compared to the control group (p > 0.05). Plasma glucose in groups 2 and 3 compared to the control were higher and this difference were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Blood triglycerides were not significantly affected by niacin supplementation. BHBA were lower in cows received niacin and this difference were significant (p < 0.05). The trend of changes in the amount of blood total protein were identical in all three groups whole the level of this factor was always higher in control group compared to the others groups. Niacin has showed an increase in the level of plasma glucose and a notable decrease in the amount of blood triglyceride, beta-hydroxy butyrate and total protein, which may be due to the effect of this vitamin on the energy metabolism in cows.  相似文献   

High‐quality grass silages may represent a mitigation option by reducing enteric methane production and by increasing productivity, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions per kg of product (emission intensity). Two previous studies found considerable effects of three different silage qualities cut at different maturity stages (very early [H1], early [H2] and normal [H3]) offered ad libitum with various levels of concentrate supplementation, on animal performances of growing/finishing bulls and dairy cows in early lactation, indicating that emission intensities may also vary. Based on results from these previous studies, the aim of this study was to estimate emission intensities for milk and beef carcasses for the included combinations of silage qualities and concentrate levels, by using the farm‐scale model HolosNor. The emissions intensities were lowest for the H1 silage, and highest for the H3 silage, independent of concentrate levels for both milk and beef. Thus, increasing concentrate levels did not compensate for lower grass silage quality. Improvements in silage quality from H3 silage to H2 is realistic and has the potential to reduce emission intensities with approximately 10% while keeping the milk yield per cow constant and reducing the use of concentrates considerably. For beef production, the potential is even larger, with a reduction in emission intensity of approximately 17%. We conclude that improving grass silage quality may be a mitigation option that will also reduce the dependence on concentrates.  相似文献   

Three silages were produced from the same swards by harvesting grass using either a double-chop harvester (DC) or a precision-chop harvester adjusted to produce a long staple length (PL) or a short staple length (PS). The mean particle lengths were 47, 52 and 14 mm respectively.
Of each material 250 t was ensiled unwilted and with formic acid additive at the mean rate of 2-4 litres t-1 of grass. All three silages were well preserved and degree of chopping had no effect on fermentation as indicated by either pH, ammonia N or organic acid concentration.
The silages were offered ad libitum to seventy-two British Friesian cows with a mean calving date of 28 January which were in their second or later lactation, in a randomized-block experiment from day 8 of lactation until 12 April. In addition twelve animals on each silage received a uniform daily concentrate allowance of 7·2 kg while twelve were offered concentrates according to their individual milk yields but with a mean concentrate allowance over the twelve cows of 7·2 kg d-1. Degree of chopping had no significant effect on either silage dry matter intake or milk yield with mean intakes during the final 21 d of the experimental period of 9·2, 9·2 and 9·2 kg d-1 and mean milk yields of 25·2, 25·2 and 25·2 kg d-1 for the DC, PL and PS silages respectively. Method of concentrate allocation did not affect either the total yield of milk during the experimental period, 1717 and 1697 kg, or the total lactation yield, 5635 and 5711 kg, for the uniform and yield-related allocation methods respectively. The butterfat and protein concentrations of the milk were not significantly affected by either the degree of silage chopping or the method of concentrate allocation.  相似文献   

Silages were made from pure crops of perennial ryegrass, red clover and white clover over 2 years. In all but one case the silage was stored as bales. A silage additive specially adapted for bales (Kofasil UltraTM) was used for all silages and they were all of good hygienic quality. The additive contained sodium nitrite, hexamethylene, tetraamine sodium bensoate and sodium propionate. The silages were offered ad libitum, either pure or mixed [grass/clover 0·50/0·50 on a dry‐matter (DM) basis] with a fixed amount (8 kg) of concentrate. Two experiments, one in each year, were performed with high‐yielding multiparous dairy cows in mid‐lactation, and both rumen‐cannulated and intact cows were used. The experiments were carried out using an incomplete changeover design with fifteen cows and five treatments each year. The cows consumed large quantities of these silages (12·7–16·3 kg DM per cow per day). The highest intakes were obtained when the red clover and the 0·50 red clover:0·50 perennial ryegrass silage diets were offered. However, there was a difference between years. In year 1, 0·50 red clover:0·50 perennial ryegrass and 0·50 white clover:0·50 perennial ryegrass silage diets showed the highest intakes while pure perennial ryegrass and white clover silage diets gave lower intakes. In year 2 the highest intake of silage was obtained when the diet containing silage from red clover from a second cut was offered, while the silage from red clover from a first cut gave the lowest intake. The voluntary intakes of silages from white clover and perennial ryegrass were intermediate. No cases of bloat or other digestive disturbances were observed. Milk yield was significantly lower for the perennial ryegrass silage diet compared with all other diets in year 1. In year 2 milk yield was highest for the white clover silage diets and lowest for the red clover silage diets from both cuts. In year 1 there were relatively small differences in milk composition while in year 2 milk fat content was significantly lower with white clover silage diet and milk protein content was significantly higher with the perennial ryegrass diet. The overall conclusion from these experiments was that cows were able to consume large quantities of pure legume silage without serious disturbance to their metabolism. Differences in measurements of rumen metabolism were found between diets and especially between years. Milk production differences appears to be coupled to both differences in rumen physical characteristics, such as passage rate and particle size as well as differences in volatile fatty acid production in the rumen.  相似文献   

Herbage from the first regrowth of perennial ryegrass-based swards was directly ensiled after treatment with a bacterial inoculant/enzyme preparation (SIL-ALL, Alltech UK) at 3·0 1 t?1, formic acid (850 g kg?1) at 2·59 1 t?1 or no additive (Control). The mean dry matter (DM) and water-soluble carbohydrate concentrations of the grass were 185 and 24·0 g kg?1 (fresh basis) respectively. Lactic acid concentrations after ensiling increased at a lower rate in formic acid-treated herbage than with the other treatments. All silages were well preserved and formic acid-treated silage had a lower ultimate concentration of lactic acid and higher concentration of water-soluble carbohydrate. Effluent output was increased on a proportional basis by ?0·06 with formic treatment, whereas the inoculant reduced effluent output by 0·05 in comparison with the mean effluent production of the control silage. The in vivo digestibilities of the silages were determined using sheep. The digestibilities of DM, organic matter and energy were significantly higher with inoculant-treated silage than with formic acid treatment, whereas values for the control silage were intermediate. The three silages were offered ad libitum to forty dairy cows with individual recording of daily intakes for a 10-week period in a randomized block experiment with four treatments. Sixteen animals were offered the control silage with half of these offered 3 kg concentrates per day (C3) and the other half offered 7 kg concentrates per day (C7). Twelve animals were allocated to each of the additive-treated silages, with concentrates offered at 5 kg d?1. Treatment effects on animal performance were measured in weeks 7–10. To compare animal performance for the treated silages with the control, an estimate of performance at 5 kg concentrates per day was obtained by regression using values obtained at 3 and 7 kg concentrates. In comparison with estimated silage intake for the control silage with 5 kg d?1 concentrates, inoculant and formic acid treatment of the silages increased dry matter intake by 0·04 (P > 0·05) and 0·13 (P > 0·01) respectively. In comparison with estimated milk production and yield of fat plus protein for the control treatment with 5 kg d?1 concentrates, neither inoculant treatment nor formic acid treatment produced any significant differences.  相似文献   

Three grass silages of different chop lengths made from a uniform sward of S23 perennial ryegrass were compared in four experiments including a feeding experiment with twelve lactating cows, an eating behaviour study, a rate of passage investigation and a selection trial. The silages had median chop lengths of 9·4, 17·4 and 72·0 mm, termed short, medium and long, with pH values of 3·93, 3·94 and 4·17 and D-values of 65·9, 65·2 and 64·4 respectively. The daily intakes of silage DM and the daily milk yields increased as silage chop length decreased. The milk yield response to shorter chopping was significant with a supplement of groundnut but not significant with a supplement of sugar-beet pulp. Chop length had small and generally non-significant effects on milk composition. Eating and ruminating times expressed as min per kg DM decreased as silage chop length decreased but the retention time of the silage residues in the entire digestive tract was not significantly affected by chop length. When offered simultaneously, the intakes of the individual silages were 52·2, 31·9 and 15·9% of the total DM intake for the short, medium and long treatments respectively. Although silage with a chop length of 9 mm had nutritional advantages over longer silages, it is concluded that the mechanical and economic aspects of silage making must be considered fully when defining optimum chop length.  相似文献   

In two separate feeding experiments using a total of twenty-four individually housed Ayrshire cows six silages made from perennial ryegrass were offered ad libitum with supplements of concentrates. In Experiment I herbage with a dry matter (DM) concentration of 225 g kg−1 received either formic acid ('Add-F') at the rate of 2·0 litres t−1 or undiluted cane molasses at rates of 10, 20 and 30 litres t−l; the mean daily silage intakes were 9·54, 908, 9·27 and 9·49 kg DM per cow and the daily milk yields, corrected to 40 g fat kg−1, were 23·2, 22·3, 22·8 and 22·9 kg per cow respectively but none of the differences between the four treatments was significant. In Experiment 2 herbage with a DM concentration of 269 g kg−1 received formic acid at a uniform rate of 2·6 litres t−1 either with or without an additional application of molasses at 20 litres t−1; the mean daily silage DM intakes were 8·70 and 9·28 kg per cow and the daily fat-corrected milk yields were 22·2 and 21·9 kg per cow respectively and were not significantly different. In both experiments the effects of the treatments on milk composition were small and not significant. It is concluded that there were no advantages in applying molasses to herbage treated with formic acid, and that the rate of application of molasses to untreated herbage which equated with the formic acid application was 20·30 litres t−l when assessed on the basis of silage composition, intake and milk production.  相似文献   

The effects of rate and pattern of fertilizer S application on herbage production from Perennial ryegrass-dominant swards at six potentially S-deficient sites in south-west Scotland were measured under a silage cutting regime (3 cuts year-1) with high fertilizer N application (300 kg ha−1 year-1). Fertilizer S (as gypsum) was applied at annual rates from 0 to 48 kg ha−1 as single spring applications before the first cut or split before each of the three cuts. The residual effect of S in the year following its application was assessed at one site.
Applied S increased total DM production at four of the six sites. These increases were restricted to the second and/or third cuts and were generally in the range 10-30% greater than where no S was applied. Timing of S application was not important in influencing annual DM yield. The residual effect of gypsum in the year following application was small.
The supply of available soil S is limiting herbage production in certain areas and soil types of south-west Scotland. Areas of S deficiency are likely to increase in the future and need to be identified more precisely than they are at present.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of different defoliation treatments in spring on sward morphology and animal performance in mid-season and late season. Three treatments were applied in both experiments: Control (C), sward grazed by cows in spring to 6–8 cm grass height. Grazed Aftermath (GA). sward grazed by cows in spring to 3–4cm and allowed to regrow before being grazed by summer-calving cows, Silage Aftermath (SA), sward not grazed in spring, but a primary cut taken and the sward allowed to regrow before being grazed by summer-calving cows. The aim of treatment GA was to produce a sward with a high tiller density and high intake characteristics to meet the forage intake requirements of continuously grazed summer-calving cows, without resorting to offering forage buffers. Experiment 1 was conducted in 1989 on a sandy loam soil and Experiment 2 in 1990 on a heavy loam soil. In both experiments the GA treatment led to high live tiller density and live: dead tiller ratios compared with the C and SA treatments. Differences in sward morphology were also detected by applying double normal distribution analyses to measurements of grass height. The GA treatment also increased sward herbage mass and, to a limited extent, herbage metabolizable energy and crude protein contents. The results from Experiment 1 suggested that these sward effects lead to increased herbage dry-matter intake (as estimated by the n-alkane technique) and milk yield in cows grazing the GA sward. However, in Experiment 2, where conditions for grass growth in mid-season were more favourable than in Experiment 1, the differences in sward morphology produced in spring were quickly lost in June and July. There were therefore no differences in herbage intake or milk yield in the second experiment. Herbage intakes (kgDMd?1± s.e.d) estimated in July for cows on treatments C, GA and SA were 11·0, 13·4, 10·1 ± 2·16 for Experiment 1 and 10·7, 11·1, 11·2 ± 2·32 for Experiment 2. Average milk yield (kgd?1± s.e.d.) for cows on treatments C, GA and SA were 26·1, 28·0, 25·6 ± 0·31 (Experiment 1) and 28·5, 27·3, 28·4 + 0·58 (Experiment 2). The results suggested that acceptable milk yields can be obtained from grazing summer-calving cows, without offering forage buffers, by applying high stocking rates (low grass heights) in spring. However, the benefits of this manipulation could be lost by lax grazing in mid-season.  相似文献   

The effects on the production from dairy cows of two annual stocking rates (2.5 and 3.0 cows ha?1) and two systems (grass and maize+rye) were examined. The experiement included three treatments: Treatment A was a grass system with an annual stocking rate of 2.5 cows ha?1 and Treatments B and C were maize+rye systems with a stocking rate of 2.5 and 3.0 cows ha?1 respectively. There were twenty cows per treatment and the total area of the system was 22 ha. Treatment A had 4.05 ha of grass silage area, Treatment B had 0.8 ha of grass silage area and 3.2 ha designated to silage crops (maize+rye), whereas Treatment C had 0.4 ha of grass silage area and 2.7 ha of silage crops. Maize silage had a higher nutritive value that the rye or grass silage. The greter production from the maize+rye crops allowed the silage needs of the cows to be met in systems with a seasonal herbage production when stocking rates are higher than for grass-only systems. Rye plus maize system allowed higher stocking rates (2.7 cows per ha) than grass-only system (2.1 cows per ha) because of more efficident use of land resources. Lower stocking rates and grass-only systems increased milk production per cow but not per hectare in comparison with rye plus maize systems.  相似文献   

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