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A total of 38 emmer wheat accessions, collected in several European countries, have been evaluated using agro-morphological traits, grain quality characteristics and molecular markers. The agronomic traits evaluated were: vernalisation response, winter hardiness, date of heading and flowering, lodging, plant height at harvest and resistances against powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis), leaf rust (Puccinia recondita) and yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis). Evaluation of quality traits has been performed measuring the protein content, gluten quality and quantity. In addition, a baking test has been executed. The assessment of genetic variability has been carried out at the molecular level utilizing 6 SSR, 6 EST-SSR markers for genes with known function, and 6 ISSR primers for a total of 107 loci analyzed. Mean 1,000 kernel weight ranged from 31.6 to 39.0 g for winter emmer accessions and from 22.9 to 42.6 for spring emmer accessions. The protein content for both winter and spring emmer was considerably affected by environment and genotype. Nearly, all the spring emmer accessions showed resistance to powdery mildew. Measurement of wet gluten content revealed high values, ranging from 37.0 to 56.6 %. The molecular analysis showed a great value of genetic distance between accessions; the expected heterozygosity and the variance between accessions indicate an equal distribution of the alleles (i.e. alleles frequency almost equal) and the presence of great variability in the analyzed material. Finally, no defined clusters were obtained considering winter versus spring accessions as well as the molecular markers did not discriminate the accessions respect their origin.  相似文献   

Core collections were suggested to improve germplasmutilization. A core collection is a subset chosen to represent thediversity of a collection with a minimum of redundancies. Becausediversity is distributed between and within groups with differentdegrees of organization, an adequate classification of accessionsinto related groups should be performed prior to the selection of acore collection. Different classification strategies for theUruguayan Maize Collection were compared, and the best one was usedto select a core collection. The following classification strategieswere compared following a multivariate approach using the availablemaize data base: i) racial classification, ii) geographicorigin (south and north of the country), and iii) acombination of kernel type and geographic origin. The third optionwas considered the best classification rule, since it takes intoaccount two points which are closely related to the distribution ofdiversity: genotypic composition and geographic origin. The followingfive groups were identified in the collection: a) pop, b)floury, c) dent, d) southern flint-semiflints, ande) northern flint-semiflints. Eight core collections,each of 90 accessions, were selected, using different strategies toweight the groups in the core and to select the accessions from thegroups. The P, C, and L strategies were used and combined with eitherrandom selection within the group or the Relative Diversity method.Two samples of 90 accessions were obtained at random withoutconsidering the classification. The Relative Diversity methodcombined with the L strategy produced the best core collection, as itretained the highest percentage of the ranges for the 17 variablesincluded in the analysis. On average, 91% of the ranges wereretained in the core, confirming its representativeness.  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.] is a major edible oil crop of India. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research—National Bureau of Plant...  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a subsistence crop and the main food for populations in arid or semiarid regions and it is appreciated for the...  相似文献   


Fertilizer phosphorus (P) use on Vertisols of the semi‐arid zone in India is becoming more common, so it is important that for developing P management strategies the residual value of P is allowed. Little information is available on this aspect for crops such as sorghum under rainfed cropping. A field experiment was conducted for three years to study the response of sorghum to fertilizer P (0, 10, 20, and 40 kg P ha‐1) in the absence and presence of P residues from the preceding year on a Vertisol (Typic Pellustert), low in extractable P (0.4 mg kg‐1 soil Olsen‐P). Despite the variable rainfall received during the cropping season (June‐September), P applied in the previous season had strong residual effects. Sorghum yield and P uptake in treatments in which P was applied at 20 or 40 kg P ha‐1 once in two years was at par with or higher than in treatments in which 10 kg or 20 kg P ha‐1 was added every year. Ninety percent relative grain yield was achieved at about 20 kg ha‐1 of fresh P and the results presented show that application of 40 kg P ha‐1 once in two years can satisfactorily meet the P requirement of sorghum on the Vertisol.  相似文献   

A wide range of variation in flowering time was observed within a diversity research set of 107 sorghum accessions ranging from 56 to 133 days. Accessions were classified into early medium and late flowering groups. 45 accessions were grown under three different environments of photoperiod (11, 12 and 15 h). Sorghum accessions gradually responded to the decreasing of day-length. The 12 h of photoperiod could be considered as a threshold above which day-length delays the flowering time in sorghum. Association analysis was performed to identify the QTLs controlling flowering time and photoperiod sensitivity using 107 accessions of sorghum grown under natural condition and 45 accessions grown under controlled conditions. Four QTLs controlling flowering time were detected under natural condition of day-length at threshold 2.5 using K model. A total of seven flowering time loci were detected under controlled conditions of day-length. One QTL controlling photoperiod sensitivity was detected on chromosome 1 and one QTL controlling photoperiod insensitivity was detected on chromosome 4.  相似文献   

In this study, metabolic profiles of a set of 48 rice germplasms from the Chinese core collection were obtained by gas chromatography and time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF-MS). Forty-one metabolites were identified and relatively quantified according to the internal standard (IS). Wide ranges of variations for all metabolites were observed among rice accessions. The maximum/minimum ratios varied from 4.73 to 211.36. The metabolites were categorized into seven groups based on their chemical characteristics. Clustering analysis and a correlation network showed that most of the metabolites had variations among rice accessions in the same direction. Using 218 molecular markers, association mapping was conducted to identify the chromosomal loci influencing the concentrations of identified metabolites. Twenty markers were identified associating with the concentrations of 29 metabolites [-lg(P) > 3]. Allelic effects were investigated in detail in two markers (RM315 and RM541) as examples.  相似文献   

Between 1998 and 2008, numerous projects were conducted by the Canadian national genebank, Plant Gene Resources of Canada, for the regeneration, characterization and evaluation of the whole flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) germplasm collection. The whole collection comprised 3378 accessions and, according to the passport data, several of these were probably genetically very similar or even identical. Therefore, a subset of 381 accessions was selected that represented the diversity found in the whole collection. Sampling accessions from the whole collection was made using characterization and evaluation data and followed six different methods: (1) For seven qualitative characters, each unique combination of character expression was represented by three accessions; (2) for quantitative characters, a fixed number of accessions representing the lowest and highest observed values was included; (3) for stem fibre content, disease ratings, seed vigour and drought tolerance, a fixed number of accessions with desirable performance was included; (4) a subset of the 57 most distinct accessions based on RAPD markers was included; (5) a subset of 40 pure lines that were created based on extreme low and high values for 1000 seed weight, seed oil content and fatty acid profiles was included; (6) a subset of fibre flax cultivars of known relevance in European flax breeding and another subset of flax cultivars of known relevance for North American linseed breeding were included. The goal was to maximize the diversity available in a limited number of flax accessions by preserving the range of variation present in the whole collection, while improving evenness. The core collection was assembled in response to requests by flax breeders. This paper compares distribution parameters in the whole and core collections.  相似文献   

鉴于黄土高原丘陵沟壑区人口-粮食-资源-环境问题日益严重,利用机制法计算了该区典型县域(安塞县)主要粮食作物和县域光合、光温、气候和自然生产潜力,以及当前各层次粮食生产潜力开发程度。在系统分析影响粮食产量提高和潜力开发的限制因子基础上,研究认为,为进一步发掘粮食生产潜力,该地区应大力开展基本农田建设、科学增加辅助能量投入、合理调整粮食作物结构以及提高科技贡献率。  相似文献   



The correct rate and timing of nitrogen (N) has the potential to improve sorghum productivity through modified grain yield components and quality. The impacts of in-season split application of N have little documentation.


An experiment was conducted to determine the optimum rate and timing of N to relate vegetative indices that govern nitrogen use efficiency and to maximize grain yield and quality under different soil types.


Pioneer 86P20 was grown in three environments on two different soil types following a completely randomized block design with nine N application treatments. Treatments included differing N rates applied at critical developmental stages of sorghum (planting, panicle initiation, and booting), accompanied with high temporal aerial phenotyping.


Opportunities to increase grain protein content while using split N applications were observed, with panicle initiation identified as a critical developmental stage. In-season split application of N enhances grain yield under low soil mineral N. Split application of 31 kg N ha−1 each at the time of planting, panicle initiation, and booting emerged as optimum N treatment to increase protein content in sorghum. Vegetative indices, that is, normalized difference vegetation index and normalized difference red edge index are capable of predicting grain yield and protein content, respectively. Intra-panicle grain numbers and weights were altered significantly at different portions within panicles, with an opportunity to enhance yield potential at the bottom portion. The strong stay-green trait in this hybrid locked a large proportion of nitrogen in the leaves, which warrants the need for balancing stay-green and senescence in sorghum improvement programs.


Findings highlight that in grain sorghum remobilization of residual leaf N into grain is a target to increase yield and grain quality. An optimized stay-green trait balanced with senescence is recommended for enhancing sorghum yield potential.  相似文献   

耕地利用是国家粮食安全的重要保障,在碳排放约束背景下探究其与粮食生产之间的有机关联有助于揭示“土-碳-粮”三要素复杂的逻辑关系。该研究基于归纳演绎法与理论分析法,在梳理碳约束下耕地利用与粮食生产逻辑关系的基础上,深入分析粮食安全保障与碳减排背景下中国耕地可持续利用面临的挑战,并提出促进耕地绿色转型升级与粮食综合生产能力提高的优化路径。结果表明:1)碳排放约束下耕地利用与粮食生产之间紧密的逻辑关联形成了复杂的“土-碳-粮”要素系统;2)当前农业生产条件下实施耕地利用碳减排对国家粮食安全具有不确定性影响,但粮食稳产与增产仍将造成大量碳排放;3)为有效改善碳排放约束下耕地利用与粮食生产的紧平衡状态,从耕地保护、碳减排、粮食生产三方面通过耕地资源配置优化、碳交易市场构建、粮食生产结构调整等方式实现“土-碳-粮”要素协调路径优化。未来需合理规划耕地空间利用格局,采取多种政策工具,转变耕地利用方式,促进耕地低碳、绿色利用与国家粮食安全的可持续协同发展。  相似文献   

考虑粮食安全和耕地质量的县域基本农田空间布局优化   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
基于粮食安全优化区域耕地空间布局,以期为粮食安全和耕地保护提供参考.该研究以河南省柘城县为例,从人口发展的角度出发,建立灰色-BP网络组合模型,预测1999-2025年柘城县人口数量以及耕地需求量;其次,从六种粮食消费途径采用折算法计算粮食需求量与粮食安全系数;随后,根据基本农田空间布局优化的要求,从生产条件、区位条件...  相似文献   

Summary In summer 1981 a joint collecting mission went to mountainous regions of Western Georgia (Upper Svanetia and Upper Raa) in order to collect autochthonous material of cultivated plants. Altogether 236 accessions could be obtained, half of them being grain legumes and approximately one third different cereal crops. Gene-erosion is very advanced especially for wheats and other cereals but also for some grain legumes. A cultivation of the well-known endemic wheat species formerly distributed also in Raa could not be observed. For some garden crops especiallyPhaseolus vulgaris a bewildering genetic variability could be confirmed within the local material. The collection work should be continued. Some details of the accessions regarding botanical interest and breeding value have been outlined.
Bericht über eine Reise in die Georgische SSR 1981 zur Sammlung indigenen Materials von Kulturpflanzen
Zusammenfassung Im Sommer 1981 wurde eine gemeinsame Sammelreise in Gebirgsregionen von West-Georgien (Ober-Swanetien und Ober-Raa) zur Sammlung autochthonen Kulturpflanzenmaterials durchgeführt. Es konnten insgesamt 236 Proben gesammelt werden, von denen die Hälfte Körner-Leguminosen und annähernd ein Drittel Getreide waren. Die Gen-Erosion ist besonders hinsichtlich der Weizen und anderer Getreide, aber auch einiger Körner-Leguminosen sehr weit fortgeschritten. Ein Anbau der bekannten endemischen Weizen-Arten, die früher auch in Raa verbreitet waren, konnte nicht mehr beobachtet werden. Einige gärtnerische Kulturpflanzen, besondersPhaseolus vulgaris, besitzen eine verwirrende genetische Variabilität innerhalb des lokalen Materials. Die Sammeltätigkeit sollte fortgesetzt werden. Botanisch oder züchterisch besonders interessantes Material wird kurz charakterisiert.

ë GGP (1981)
1981 . ( ) . 236 , , — . , , , . , , . , .Phaseolus vulgaris . . , , ë .

Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. H.Stubbe aus Anlaß der 80. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages gewidmet.

We thank Mr. R. Pertack for drawing the map and Mrs. G. Terpe for her photographical work.  相似文献   

作物种植是耕地最直接的利用方式。基于粮食作物种植视角研究耕地利用问题,是耕地利用领域研究的进一步细化,也是粮食安全的基础。该研究以东北粮食主产区典型地域为研究区,基于主要粮食作物大豆、玉米和水稻的不同耕地利用方式,以乡镇为单元,综合运用标准差椭圆、重心模型及探索性空间数据分析法,阐明2016—2019年研究区粮食作物的耕地利用空间分化特征。结果表明:1)研究区主要粮食作物的耕地利用结构变化明显,大豆与玉米的耕地种植面积出现明显"剪刀差"变化特征,水稻的耕地种植面积基本保持稳定。2)研究区主要粮食作物的耕地利用空间分布呈现"西北-东南"动态格局,种植大豆和玉米的耕地利用重心位于研究区的中东部地区,分别向东偏南和西偏南方向迁移。3)研究区种植主要粮食作物的耕地利用结构具有较强的正负空间关联性,正相关类型聚集性较强,表现出明显的区域一致性;负相关类型无明显聚集区域,面积较小,且零星分布。研究结果较好地反映了种植结构调整政策实施阶段研究区种植主要粮食作物的耕地区域空间布局分化和耕地种植结构的空间关系,为区域种植结构调整及保障粮食结构性安全提供科学依据。  相似文献   

A methodology is developed for the establishment of a core collection based on phenotypic data. A case is worked out for the tulip cultivar collection of the Hortus Bulborum, consisting of approximately 1000 cultivars. The methodology is based on cluster analysis of phenetic characters, selection of cultivars from the resulting clusters according to a combination of the proportional and genetic diversity dependent strategies, optimisation of the selection, and validation by means of principal component analysis and by the diversity indices of Nei and Shannon & Weaver. A core collection with 104 cultivars (approx. 10%: CORE-1) did not give a sufficient representation of the existing diversity. A set of 152 cultivars (approx. 15%: CORE-2) showed a far better representation. The variation in resistance levels for Fusarium is almost completely represented in CORE-2. Although a set of 200 cultivars (approx. 20%: CORE-3) reached a nearly complete representation of the total diversity, a better representation of the resistance levels was not achieved. The newly presented methodology for defining a core collection appears to be a useful approach. The included steps for optimising and validating the choice of accessions makes it a reliable and broadly applicable method.  相似文献   

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