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对 1 0只体况较好的黑颈公鸵鸟进行假阴道法采精试验 ,结果获得优良品质的精液 ,平均精液量为 0 94mL ,精子活率平均为 0 88。试验表明 ,在对公鸵鸟进行一定时间的调教之后 ,采用假阴道法采精是简单可行、具有实践意义的方法  相似文献   

能否采到高品质的精液是人工授精成败的关键因素,本研究在黑猩猩上做了大胆的探索.采用电刺激采精,多次采集到高活力的黑猩猩精液,找到了合适的稀释液,并对精液品质进行了测定.  相似文献   

为研究不同品种、采精月份、采精月龄和采精间隔等因素对加系公猪精液品质的影响,以及品种、初次采精周龄对精液质量稳定性的影响,本研究以江西某种公猪站79头加系大白猪、长白猪、杜洛克猪种公猪为试验群体,收集2018年12月至2020年12月3 921条精液采集与精液质量数据,通过混合线性模型与方差分析探究各因素对精液量、精液密度、精子活力、总精子数及其稳定性的影响。结果显示,从不同品种对精液质量的影响来看,长白猪精液量和总精子数均高于大白猪、杜洛克猪,但杜洛克猪精液密度高于长白猪、大白猪,杜洛克猪精子活力最低;从不同月份来看,1~3月采精精液密度最高,4~6月采精精子活力最高,10~12月采精精液量和总精子数最高,精液量呈现秋冬多、春夏少的季节变化规律。公猪不同月龄采精,精液质量指标也存在差异,月龄越小精液量越低,但精液密度偏高,精子活力相对较好,在19~24月龄黄金期总精子数最高。不同采精间隔对精液质量有较大影响,采精间隔越长,精液量、精液密度、精子活力和总精子数相对较好,采精间隔为5 d时综合性能最佳,但过长的采精间隔导致精子活力降低。品种影响总精子数稳定性,长白猪、大白猪总精子数稳定性显著优于杜洛克猪(P<0.05)。本研究结果表明,品种、采精月份、采精月龄和采精间隔均会影响公猪精液质量,关注这些因素有助于公猪站制定更完善的生产计划,提高公猪利用率。  相似文献   

【目的】探究品种、公猪出生胎次、公猪同窝仔猪数、公猪乳头数、采精季节、采精月龄和采精间隔对猪精液品质的影响,以及不同品种对精液质量稳定性的影响。【方法】选取909头杜洛克、长白、大白种公猪为试验群体,收集2021年4月至2022年4月27 408条精液测定记录,采用混合线性分析模型和方差分析探究品种、公猪出生胎次、公猪同窝仔猪数、公猪乳头数、采精季节、采精月龄和采精间隔对精液体积、精液密度、精子活力、直线前进运动精子比例、精子畸形率、总精子数及各精液性状稳定性的影响。【结果】从不同品种对精液品质的影响来看,长白猪精液体积和总精子数均显著高于大白猪、杜洛克猪(P<0.05),杜洛克猪精液密度显著高于大白猪和长白猪(P<0.05),杜洛克猪、大白猪精子活力均显著高于长白猪(P<0.05),大白猪直线前进运动精子比例显著高于长白猪和杜洛克猪(P<0.05),长白猪和大白猪精子畸形率均显著低于杜洛克猪(P<0.05);从不同公猪出生胎次对精液品质的影响来看,1~3胎出生的公猪具有较高的精液品质;从不同采精季节对精液品质的影响来看,精液密度、精子活力和总精子数秋、冬...  相似文献   

本文探讨了以人为假台畜引导公鸸鹋产生性冲动,用一次性软塑料杯人工徒手采精。并对精液量和精液品质进行了测定,鸸鹋精液量为0.4-1.4mL,pH为7.4-7.7,精子密度极高,精液为乳白色。试验表明,鸸鹋的采精量与季节有关。同时提出鸸鹋人工采精的一些注意事项。  相似文献   

为研究水貂的繁殖率,避免母貂空怀,2010年3月3~20日对大连名威貂业有限公司配种期种貂精液进行了检查,结果表明:2 933只种公貂中有103只无精或死精,占种公貂总数的3.51%。说明做好精液检查是提高水貂妊娠率和产仔率的关键。如果采用同一只公貂复配,可降低母貂空怀率17.55%,能有效提高水貂的繁殖率。  相似文献   

对6头试验公鹿用假台鹿采精,采精前对特制的假阴道以药用凡士林为滑润剂,注水充气,温度为40℃±1℃,以适宜的压力和滑润度,将其安装在人工制做的假台鹿内。拨赶公鹿于采精场诱其爬跨。结果,试验的6头公鹿中有4头能够采精,共22头次,射精量平均每头次1.54ml,精子密度为18.6—37亿/ml,精子活力在0.8以上。93年每头次生产细管冻精106.25支(425支/4头次),是同年电刺激采精法平均64.4支/头次(902支/14头次)的1.65倍,此法既能采到质量高的精液,又比电采法省工、省时、省力、安全,是一种理想的马鹿采精方法。  相似文献   

The experiment was aimed to study the effects of dietary energy level on body weights, serum testosterone concentrations and semen quality of Shaanbei White cashmere goat bucks.A total of 12 healthy bucks were selected and divided into 4 groups according to randomized block design with 3 replicates per group, each replicate included 1 buck.Four diets were formulated by the recommendation of NRC (1981, 2007) at 85%, 100%, 115% and 130%.The results showed as that the dietary energy level had extremely remarkable effect on bucks' ADG in each stage (P< 0.01).The weight of bucks in groups Ⅰ and Ⅱ decreased firstly then increased while there were a trend of increasing firstly then decreasing then increasing again in groups Ⅲ and Ⅳ.Serum testosterone levels and ejaculations under the frequency of two times per five days were higher as compared to the frequency of four times per five days.Dietary energy levels had extremely significant influence on serum testosterone concentrations and the number of effective sperms (P< 0.01), and ejaculations and sperm destiny significantly (P< 0.05).The ejaculations, sperm destiny and the number of effective sperms in group Ⅲ were optimum.There was dietary energy×semen collection frequency interaction on serum testosterone concentration (P< 0.01).It could be concluded that the appropriate ME requirement of Shaanbei White cashmere goat bucks was 12.08 MJ/d.  相似文献   

为研究日粮不同能量水平对陕北白绒山羊种公羊体重、血清睾酮水平和精液品质的影响,选择12只健康的种公羊按随机区组设计分为4组,每组3个重复,每个重复1只羊。日粮按NRC(1981,2007)标准推荐量的85%、100%、115%和130%设置4个能量梯度。结果表明,各个试验阶段日粮能量水平对试验公羊的平均日增重影响极显著(P< 0.01)。Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组公羊在整个试验期体重呈现先减后增的趋势,Ⅲ组和Ⅳ组公羊体重呈现先增后减再增的趋势;5 d 2次频率下公羊的睾酮和射精量高于5 d 4次的频率。日粮能量水平对试验公羊的血清睾酮水平和有效精子数影响极显著(P< 0.01),对射精量和精子密度影响显著(P< 0.05)。射精量、精子密度和有效精子数均以Ⅲ组最好。采精频率和能量浓度只对睾酮水平有极显著的互作效应(P< 0.01)。综上所述,陕北白绒山羊种公羊代谢能(ME)需要以12.08 MJ/d为宜。  相似文献   

A 7-year-old Quarter Horse stallion was admitted at the hospital with a history of ejaculatory failure for 12 months. The stallion revealed no physical or psychological abnormalities, as well as, normal libido and erection. In addition, there were no abnormalities in accessory sex glands or the aorta artery detected by transrectal ultrasonography. Based on clinical findings, the stallion was diagnosed with an idiopathic ejaculatory dysfunction; therefore, alternative attempts of semen collection were performed. Thermal compress on the basis of the stallion’s penis, semen collection on the ground, and imipramine hydrochloride treatment were performed unsuccessfully. However, a protocol consisted by the association of imipramine (3 mg/kg/v.o.), detomidine (0.02 mg/kg/i.v.), and oxytocin (20 U.I./i.v.) successfully produced ejaculation in this stallion. The semen obtained from ex copula ejaculation of the stallion was collected using a collector cup lined with a plastic bag, which was positioned over the prepuce of the stallion. Semen with good sperm quality (87% of total motility) was obtained using the proposed protocol. Semen was then processed for cryopreservation and post-thawed semen samples presented satisfactory sperm parameters. In conclusion, the association of imipramine, detomidine, and oxytocin can be considered for ex copula semen collection in stallions.  相似文献   

The effects of collection regimen and time of year on rabbit semen production were determined in this study. A total of 14 crossbreed Hyla bucks were used in winter and summer. In each season, rabbits were assigned to two groups. In group 1, (n = 7) rabbits were subjected to an extensive collection regimen (two ejaculates per male, once daily/week) and in group 2, (n = 7) a semi‐intensive semen collection regimen was performed (two ejaculates per male, twice weekly). The traits recorded for each sample were libido, volume, pH, motility, sperm concentration, percentage of alive spermatozoa and sperm abnormalities. The results obtained in this study indicate that when increasing collection frequency, the rate of useful collections decreased (from 0.81 ± 0.017 to 0.69 ± 0.016; p < 0.01). The rate of useful collection also decreased in the transition from winter to summer (from 0.79 ± 0.018 to 0.70 ± 0.017; p < 0.01). Among the ejaculate characteristics studied, only volume/ejaculate (from 0.64 ± 0.015 to 0.53 ± 0.017; p < 0.01) and spermatozoa/ml (from 406 ± 15 to 359 ± 13 million; p < 0.01) appeared negatively affected by collection. In winter fewer volume/ejaculates were produced (0.55 ± 0.015 vs 0.60 ± 0.016 ml; p < 0.01) and fewer spermatozoa/ml (360 ± 14 vs 394 ± 16 million; p < 0.01) than in summer. The doses produced per ejaculate decreased as collection frequency increased, but the number of doses produced per week was higher in the semi‐intensive than the extensive rhythm (26.5 ± 2.1 vs 20.9 ± 1.5; p < 0.01). The results suggest that a semi‐intensive rhythm may be viewed favourably.  相似文献   

种公羊的采精调教是开展“绵羊常温人工授精技术”第一个步骤,也是最主要的环节,直接影响绵羊改良的生产目标。理论上较为简单,实际操作且有一定的困难,主要是操作方面细节性的掌握、调教程序及方法的熟练过程等。这项技术在甘肃省肉羊产业的发展中起到示范带动作用。  相似文献   

Artificial insemination (AI) is poorly developed in camelids owing to the difficulty in collecting high quality semen and the highly viscous nature of the semen. Semen collected by artificial vagina (AV) is often of low quality and must be improved before any further development of AI technology can occur. The present study investigated the effects of adding a cervix‐like stricture to the AV, presence of females, collecting semen into Androhep®, skim‐milk or Tris diluents, and catalase supplementation (0, 100, 200 or 600 units/ml) of Tris diluent on alpaca semen quality parameters. The addition of a cervix‐like stricture increased mating length (p < 0.05), whilst the presence of females during semen collection did not improve semen quality parameters (p > 0.05). Collection of semen into Tris diluent improved sperm motility (58.0 ± 11.9%) compared with the control (34.0 ± 10.8%; p < 0.05), Androhep® (33.5 ± 10.7%) and skim‐milk diluents (28.2 ± 10.4%). Semen viscosity was reduced by collection into Androhep® (4.6 ± 1.7 mm) and skim‐milk diluents (3.6 ± 1.3 mm) compared with Tris diluent (5.7 ± 2.1 mm) and no collection medium (9.3 ± 3.5 mm; p < 0.05). Tris diluent supplemented with 100, 200 or 600 units/ml catalase increased semen viscosity (5.0 ± 3.2 and 4.9 ± 3.2 mm). Collection of alpaca semen by AV into Tris diluent increased semen quality facilitating further development of AI technology in alpacas.  相似文献   

To determine the number of ejaculates which can be collected within a 20‐min period after the smallest number of days of sexual rest, and a good diluent to preserve semen for routine AI, five mature Black Bengal bucks were used in three experiments. In experiment 1, semen from the bucks were collected by using artificial vagina at homosexual mounts as many times as possible during 20 min. The ejaculate numbers 1, 3 and 4 (or 5 when the buck could produce it) were examined for important semen characteristics. The mean ejaculate volume, density, mass activity, sperm motility, sperm concentrations, total spermatozoa/ejaculate, proportion of spermatozoa with normal acrosome, midpiece and tail, and the proportion with normal head morphology varied between 267 and 342 µl, 4.1–4.5 (1–5 scale), 4.1–4.2 (1–5 scale), 77–79%, 4187 × 106–5064 × 106/ml, 1140 × 106–1746 × 106, 91–94% and 99%, respectively, depending on the collection number of the ejaculate. The difference between the ejaculates was significant only with respect to volume (p < 0.05). In experiment 2, semen was collected from the bucks successively during 20 min after 1, 2, 3 and 4 day intervals, and the first ejaculates were evaluated for the above‐mentioned semen characteristics. Semen collected after 2 or more day intervals had significantly higher volume, sperm concentration and total spermatozoa/ejaculate (p < 0.05). In experiment 3, pools of two to three ejaculates were diluted (1 : 5; semen : diluent) in splits with glucose‐citrate‐egg yolk (GCEY), Tris‐fructose‐egg yolk (TFEY) or skim milk (SM) and preserved at +4 to +7°C. Before chilling or after 0 (15 min chilling), 1, 2, 3 and 4 days of preservation, semen was evaluated for motility and proportion of normal spermatozoa with respect to acrosome, midpiece and tail. In data pooled across the bucks, the sperm motility was better in GCEY and TFEY than in SM, and the proportion of normal spermatozoa was higher in SM than in the others (p < 0.05). However, the differences in proportion of normal spermatozoa between diluents were not significant when the data were analysed separately within preservation periods. The sperm motility consistently dropped after 1 day of preservation (p < 0.01); the motility remained 50% or more up to 4 days in TFEY, 3 days in GCEY and only 2 days in SM. The proportion of spermatozoa with normal acrosome, midpiece and tail, which was generally quite high ( 90%), decreased after 3 days of preservation (p < 0.01). We conclude that Black Bengal bucks can be collected three times during 20 min, every 3 days, and that buck semen holds good motility and proportion of normal spermatozoa up to 3 days in GCEY or TFEY at 4 to 7°C.  相似文献   

随机选取南方某犬场使用的德国牧羊犬种公犬16头,对该批种公犬在2011年度所采集的精液量及精液品质进行统计,发现当地的气候(气温、降雨量)变化对公犬采精量及精液品质有直接影响。结果表明,公犬精液品质会随着采精月份及季节的不同而发生一定变化,夏季高温环境对公犬精液品质影响较大,精液品质下降;精子活力、精子密度及精子畸形率与气温的变化呈中等相关(P<0.1),射精量与气温变化的相关不明显(P>0.1),而射精量与降雨量的变化呈中等相关(P<0.1),与其它性状相关不明显(P>0.1)。  相似文献   

湘南某鸵鸟场共饲养450多只非洲鸵鸟,自1999年8月开始,部分鸵鸟表现排便不畅、肠炎、肝炎等多种临床症状,从送检的两只病死鸵鸟中分离到01,02两株细菌,经鉴定均为鼠伤寒沙门氏菌,其抗原模式亩4,5,12:i:1,2。在血琼脂平板上可形成溶血环,对多种抗生素具抗药性,经选取敏感药物控制了病情。  相似文献   

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