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本文作者论述了公路结构层石灰土的作用及原理,并通过检测单位的检测试验严把施工质量关。  相似文献   

室内采暖系统按户计量与温度控制的3种措施及其优缺点的探讨。  相似文献   

日光温室内温度变化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据日光温室的几何特征和结构理论,探讨了日光温室内温度变化状况。同时,对日光温室内环境进行了分析,以便为更好地发挥日光温室效应提供依据。  相似文献   

温度对杉木林土壤呼吸的影响(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil samples collected from the surface soil (0(10 cm) in an 88-year-old Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) forest in Nanping, Fujian, China were incubated for 90 days at the temperatures of 15°C, 25°C and 35°C in laboratory. The soil CO2 evolution rates were measured at the incubation time of 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 days. The results showed that CO2 evolution rates of soil samples varied significantly with incubation time and temperature during the incubation period. Mean CO2 evolution rate and cumulative amount of CO2 evolution from soil were highest at 35°C, followed by those at 25°C, and 15°C. Substantial differences in CO2 evolution rate were found in Q10 values calculated for the 2nd and 90th day of incubation. The Q10 value for the average CO2 evolution rate was 2.0 at the temperature range of 15-25°C, but it decreased to 1.2 at 25- 35°C. Soil CO2 evolution rates decreased with the incubation time. The cumulative mineralized C at the end of incubation period (on the 90th day) was less than 10% of the initial C amounts prior to incubation.  相似文献   

锐齿栎林土壤呼吸对土壤水热变化的响应   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
按照5个土壤含水量(0.20、0.25、0.30、0.35、0.40 kg·kg-1)和5个温度(15、20、25、30、35 ℃)梯度设计试验,对取自北亚热带-暖温带过渡区锐齿栎(Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata)天然林中0~20 cm的原状土柱进行恒温培养和呼吸速率测定.结果表明:土壤温度、含水量及二者的交互作用都对土壤呼吸速率产生显著影响(P<0.01); 土壤呼吸速率与土壤温度呈正相关,随土壤含水量增高的变化规律为单峰曲线,含水量为0.20~0.35 kg·kg-1 时土壤呼吸速率随含水量的增加而增加,0.35 kg·kg-1时土壤呼吸速率最高,0.35~0.40 kg·kg-1时随含水量的增加土壤呼吸速率下降,是对土壤呼吸产生抑制的土壤含水量临界点;锐齿栎林土壤呼吸Q10值的变化范围为1.36~3.10,平均为2.13,Q10随土壤温度的升高而下降,随含水量增加的变化趋势与土壤呼吸速率一致;土壤含水量0.35 kg·kg-1和土壤温度35 ℃结合下的土壤呼吸速率最高; 回归关系表明土壤呼吸速率与土壤温度呈显著的指数函数关系(P<0.01),与土壤含水量呈二次函数关系(P<0.10),土壤温度与含水量可以分别解释呼吸速率变化的73.26%与21.85%,共同解释能力为86.40%,土壤温度对呼吸速率的影响大于土壤含水量.  相似文献   

稻草覆盖对果园土壤温度与含水量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何洪光  王旭 《吉林林业科技》2009,38(4):24-25,35
在洮南市北部半山区的果树试验场,按果树树冠垂直投影筑树盘,对树盘进行稻草覆盖处理,研究其对土壤温度与含水量的影响。结果表明:覆草处理能够有效地提高土壤含水量,年平均含水量比清耕地高出16.0%;经覆草处理的土壤,生长前期土温上升缓慢,后期土温下降缓慢,越冬前,土温高于清耕地2.00℃,可减少低温对根系的危害。  相似文献   

兰从荣 《福建林业科技》2007,34(3):173-175,190
连续平压法热压机各温度区的控制是实现人造板连续生产得以实施的最重要工艺参数保障措施之一,而热油二次循环系统是设定温度精确控制的最重要手段。基于长期实践经验和探索研究,采用PLC的运算和控制功能,利用PLC的脉宽调制,配置传动机构进行位移调控,从而实现压机各区域温度的精确控制,它有别于传统的热油二次循环系统热压温度控制模式。  相似文献   

Soil water and temperature measurements were made at a clearcutting in Jädraås, central Sweden, to give appropriate information for nutrient flow calculations and soil biological research. Compared to uncovered plots, slash‐covered plots were 1–2°C colder and had 3–6 volume percent higher water content in the 5 cm thick humus‐layer during the growing season following cutting. Relative to air, soil temperatures became warmer at both treatments during the second season and differences between uncovered and covered plots decreased. Tension dynamics in the mineral soil was most pronounced in uncovered plots, especially during the first dry growing season. The physically based model, SOIL, was used to analyse these observations and to estimate the effects of clearcutting. Simulated snow and frost depths, soil temperatures, water contents and tensions as well as ground water table were compared with measured data during a period of one to four years. Physical parameter values were estimated from independent measurements and by subjective optimization. Simulated soil water dynamics revealed the importance of hysteresis and vapour flows in sandy forest soils. The hydrological clearcutting effect as estimated from mature Scots pine evapotranspiration properties showed a 50% reduction of evapotranspiration, an increased soil water storage (0–1 m) of up to 120 mm and an increased percolation of 125 mm per year.  相似文献   

文章以夏季、春季两个季节对黄土丘陵区林一草边界不同层次深度土壤温度的水平梯度分布特征作了比较分析,并应用DEI(5%)法对边界进行定量判定.结果表明:林地各层次土壤温度一般都低于草地;土壤温度的最高值一般出现在16:00左右;边界不同层次土壤温度水平分布在日变化不同时间上具有相似的形态特征;林一草边界土壤温度在夏季与春季具有不同形态的水平分布特征;林缘处土壤温度在夏季处于中等水平,而在春季处于最高水平;夏季林一草边界边缘效应的宽度为8~16 m、边缘效应宽度的最大值一般出现在12:00~16:00,春季林一草边界边缘效应的宽度为6~12 m、边缘效应宽度的最大值一般出现在10:00~12:00.  相似文献   

为促使黄甜竹提早出笋和延长出笋期,采用杏鲍菇废菌糠和麦壳为发热材料,谷壳为保温材料;设计不同覆盖厚度,对黄甜竹林地进行覆盖试验。结果显示:当覆盖杏鲍菇废菌糠的厚度为10cm时,最高土温达31℃,最低土温17℃;当厚度为20cm时,最高土温39℃,最低土温20℃。当覆盖麦壳的厚度为8cm时,最高土温度28℃,最低土温14℃;当厚度为16cm时,最高土温39℃,最低土温16℃。覆盖麦壳8cm时的出笋期最长,比对照延长52d;出笋数也最多,达363个,比对照增加19.0%;浮鞭数最少、浮鞭长度最小、浮鞭鞭径也最小。因此,利用林地覆盖技术提早黄甜竹出笋,延长出笋期,可选用麦壳作发热材料,厚度控制在8cm左右,然后再加盖20cm厚的保温材料谷壳,其覆盖效果最好。  相似文献   

Many studies have estimated approximately ranges of thresholds of low soil temperature in the growth and ecophysiological traits of trees, but difficultly determined the exact values. To resolve the problem, black spruce (Picea mariana) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) seedlings were exposed to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C soil temperature in greenhouses. After 90 days of the treatment, net photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E), water use efficiency (WUE) and specific l...  相似文献   

盐碱地城市林业生态体系建设树种选择及配置的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据盐碱地城市林业的特点 ,分析了盐碱地城市林业生态体系的建设的特点 ,就乔灌藤竹等树种的选择及适用范围和功用进行了讨论 ,并研究了盐碱地城市林业生态体系内的树种配置方式和条件 ,为盐碱地城市林业生态体系的建设进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

Poplars (Populus spp.) are among the fastest growing trees raised in temperate regions of the world. Testing of newly developed cultivars informs assessment of potential planting stock for local environments. Initial rooting by nine poplar clones was tested in moist and saturated soil conditions during an 18-day greenhouse experiment. Clones responded differently to soil moisture, particularly in number of roots, root distribution, and root dry mass accumulation. About 73% of cuttings planted in moist soil produced roots from callus tissue, whereas only 1% of cuttings planted in saturated soil developed such roots. This drove root distribution towards the basal section of cuttings in moist soil, while in saturated soil roots were more evenly distributed among all three below-ground sections of cuttings. Roots originating from the basal section of cuttings planted in moist soil were longer than roots originating from apical and middle sections. Conversely, roots from the apical and middle sections of cuttings planted in saturated soil were longer than those originating from the basal section. Initial rooting among poplar clones established under two soil moisture regimes has implications for genotype deployment in the field, but long-term effects in the field are still unknown.  相似文献   

本文结合工程实践,详细论述了大体积钢筋混凝土温度裂缝的产生原因和预防措施,为指导施工提供了实践经验。  相似文献   

A series of two filtration experiments were conducted to evaluate the filtration function of forest soil experimentally. The first experiment evaluated the differences between the filtration capabilities of the A0 horizon and A horizon, and the effect of overstory species on the filtration function of the A0 horizon. Undisturbed A0, A and A0+A horizons were collected for the filter mediums with cylindrical samplers. Leaves ofQuercus serrata, Quercus myrsinaeforia, Sasa senanensis Pinus densiflora, Chamaecyparis obtusa, andCryptomeria japonica were also packed in the samplers. Various suspended sediment concentration of water were sprayed at constant intensity on the surface of samples. Filtering coefficients were not affected by SS concentration in all samples, and the order of filtering coefficient was: A0 horizons>A0+A horizons>A horizons in undisturbed forest soil samples, andQuercus serrata>Sasa senanensis>Quercus myrsinaeforia>Pinus densiflora”Chamaecyparis obtusa>Cryptomeria, japonica in leaf samples. These results led to the conclusion that SS from managed forests can best be prevented by buffer zones where a thick A0 horizon is maintained. The second experiment evaluated the effect of turbid water supply rate on the filtration capacity. Undisturbed A horizons and four leaf types,Quercus serrata, Pinus densiflora, Chamaecyparis obtusa, andCryptomeria japonica were used as filter mediums. Filtering coefficients were inversely proportional to supply rate of turbid water in all samples.  相似文献   

大豆根系土壤中微生物的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
大豆根系土壤中,细菌数量最多,其次为放线菌,真菌数量最少,其群体数量受土壤pH值影响较大。大豆根际土壤微生物总数明显高于大豆根外土壤微生物总数,土壤湿度对微生物习性及繁殖有决定性效应。  相似文献   

大兴安岭寒温带冻土特征与生态环境保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冻土是特殊的环境类型,通过对大兴安岭冻土环境特征的分析,提出了利于生态环境保护和持续发展的建议。  相似文献   

【目的】为了更科学系统地评价喀斯特区石漠化综合治理的土壤效应,揭示小流域石漠化综合治理土壤水分-物理性状的演变趋势,为喀斯特地区生态恢复以及石漠化综合治理提供理论基础和技术支持。【方法】以黔中喀斯特区杠寨小流域为例,于2009年、2012年和2018年分别对不同石漠化程度下各工程治理措施、植被类型以及不同土层深度土壤的水分-物理性状进行了长期、持续的动态监测。【结果】不同石漠化程度,土壤水分-物理性状以非石漠化的最佳,潜在石漠化的次之,中度和重度石漠化的居中,轻度石漠化的最差,且非石漠化与轻度石漠化间差异显著;随着石漠化治理年限的增加,流域内土壤容重的变化不明显,但土壤总孔隙度、持水量和渗滤率则均呈增加趋势,土壤质量总体得到了一定提升;土壤水分-物理性状随土层深度的加深基本上呈降低趋势;不同工程治理措施,荒山造林和封山育林土壤水分-物理性状的改善程度较大,而退耕还林的则恢复较慢;不同植被恢复模式,针叶林、针阔混交林和灌木林的土壤水分-物理性状其改善程度均要高于阔叶林和经果林。对区域土壤水分-物理性状的解释程度依次为土层深度(39.10%)>坡度(26.32%)>监测年限(18.05%)>石漠化程度(11.65%)>工程措施(3.20%)>植被类型(1.69%)。【结论】喀斯特区石漠化综合治理要防治结合,因地制宜,综合考虑各影响因素,采取适宜的工程治理措施,最终达到恢复生态的目的。  相似文献   

【目的】探索不同发热物质的发热规律,分析雷竹笋用林覆盖中发热物质对土壤温度的影响,为凝练高效低碳雷竹林覆盖模式提供适宜的发热材料和施用方法。【方法】选用生产中广泛使用的3种材料(新鲜鸡粪、枯饼和麦灰)作为发热物质覆盖雷竹林,调查覆盖期内不同时期和不同土层深度的土壤温度,并通过方差分析比较其差异性。【结果】新鲜鸡粪、枯饼和麦灰作为发热物质覆盖雷竹笋用林,土壤温度均在10℃以上,高于未覆盖林地。11月26日覆盖后,前2~5周土壤温度较高,第6周开始温度逐渐下降,第13周(翌年2月底)温度达到最低,之后随着气温的上升,土壤温度又开始上升。不同发热物质的发热规律有所不同,麦灰发热速度快并且集中,前期土壤温度高,增温效果明显,但持续发热时间短,第3周开始土壤温度下降;枯饼发热速度平稳,持续发热时间较长,高温期内土壤温度变化幅度较小;鸡粪发热量相对较低,覆盖初期土壤升温慢,温度较低,但后期土壤温度较高。发热物质和土层厚度均对不同土层的温度差异产生显著影响(P <0.05),覆盖初期发热物质起主导作用,覆盖中期土层厚度起主导作用,覆盖后期共同影响,但二者的交互作用不显著(P> 0.05)。【结论】笋用林覆盖中,不同发热物质的发热规律和发热量不同,鸡粪发热量较小,麦灰持续发热时间短,枯饼发酵分解速度比较平稳,持续发热时间较长,是比较理想的发热物质。生产中可使用枯饼为发热物质,配合适宜的谷壳保温层厚度或采用二次覆盖等措施,实现控制土壤温度和竹笋出土时间,提高笋用林产量和效益的目标。  相似文献   

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