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Six female cattle were given molybdenum (30 ppm) and sulphate (225 ppm) to induce experimental secondary copper deficiency. The total and differential leukocyte numbers and lymphocyte subpopulations were counted and the neutrophil activity was assessed by means of nitroblue tetrazolium reduction and phagocytosis of sheep erythrocytes. The serum caeruloplasmin activity and concentration were also determined. Copper deficiency was confirmed from decreased serum copper levels, the animals with values less than 5.9 µmol/L being considered deficient. Total leukocyte numbers were not affected by the copper deficiency. However, differential counts showed a marked increase in monocyte subpopulations, a significant decrease in B lymphocytes and reduced neutrophil activity. The serum caeruloplasmin activity was decreased about 50%, but the total serum protein concentration was less altered. We concluded that the effect of these changes on the animals' immune competence may contribute to a greater incidence of infectious diseases in copper-deficient cattle.  相似文献   

Several pregnant ewes developed an acute hemolytic crisis and died. Liver and kidney copper concentrations were high, confirming chronic copper poisoning as the cause of death. Feed and water samples that the affected ewes had been consuming did not contain excess copper. Because swine manure slurry had been applied to the pasture where the sheep had grazed, a copper analysis was conducted on soil and forage samples from this field. High copper concentrations were detected in the soil and forage samples from the slurry pasture. Most sheep producers are aware of the catastrophic consequences that result when feeds containing copper and insufficient amounts of molybdenum are fed to sheep. However, producers and veterinarians often are unaware of some of the subtle sources of copper. Most of the copper that is added to swine and poultry feeds as growth promotants passes through the gastrointestinal tract unabsorbed and remains in the waste material. Pastures that have copper-containing waste material, but no molybdenum applied, can produce the same fatal results as giving sheep feed supplemented with copper but containing no molybdenum.  相似文献   

Copper disodium edetate in recommended doses was apparently responsible for the deaths of one calf and clinical signs of toxicosis in 5 others on one farm, and 7 deaths and clinical signs of toxicosis in a number of others on another ranch. Signs of hyperexcitability, hypermetria, hindlimb weakness, head pressing, depression, and opisthotonos occurred 6 to 24 hours after injections and preceded death by 1 to 2 days. Necropsy and histologic examination revealed massive liver necrosis. High blood concentrations of liver enzymes in affected cattle that did not die indicated that they had liver damage. High blood concentration of iron in cattle that died indicated possible interaction of copper and iron.  相似文献   

Thirty-one samples of pasture grass from districts surrounding Karatina, Kenya were analysed for contents of copper, molybdenum, zinc and sulphur. The following mean values and standard deviations were found: Copper: 8.2 +/- 5.0 mg/kg DM; molybdenum: 1.4 +/- 2.6 mg/kg DM; zinc: 33 +/- 10 mg/kg DM and sulphur: 0.17 +/- 0.06% DM. Mean value of the ratio between copper and molybdenum was 13 +/- 11. Samples of cattle liver (n = 96) and sheep liver (n = 93) were analysed for copper and zinc with the following results: Cattle liver: 21 +/- 16 mg Cu/kg WW and 37 +/- 11 mg Zn/kg WW. Sheep liver: 59 +/- 37 mg Cu/kg WW and 30 +/- 6.4 mg Zn/kg WW. It is concluded that subclinical copper deficiency may occur in cattle in the districts included in the investigation. The copper status of sheep seems to be adequate. The levels of zinc may indicate a marginal intake of this element in sheep.  相似文献   

Copper and zinc are frequently added at high concentrations to pig diets as growth promoters. Livestock grazing pasture contaminated with pig slurry may, therefore, be at risk from excessive intake of these elements. High liver copper concentrations have been detected in cattle from the agricultural region of Galicia (NW Spain), especially where there is intensive pig farming. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether pig farming does affect accumulation of copper and zinc in cattle in Galicia. Hepatic copper and zinc concentrations in calves were elevated in areas with naturally high levels of these elements in the soil. The densities of young pigs (piglets and growing-finishing pigs), but not reproductive sows, also influenced copper accumulation in calves. Liver copper levels in calves were significantly and positively related to the density of young pigs in the region. In areas with the highest pig densities, more than 20% of the cattle analysed had hepatic copper concentrations that exceeded the potentially toxic concentration of 150 mg/kg fresh weight. There was no evidence that zinc accumulation in calves was affected by pig density.  相似文献   

Copper deficiency in ruminants; recent developments   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The aetiology of copper deficiency in grazing ruminants has been clarified by a number of recent discoveries: the low availability of copper in lush grazed pasture compared with conserved forage; the inhibitory effects on absorption of small increases in herbage molybdenum and sulphur and the antagonism from iron ingested in soil; and the wide genetic variation in copper absorption between different breeds of sheep. The economic importance of copper deficiency has been emphasised by the discovery of unsuspected causes of loss: increased susceptibility to infection and growth retardation in lambs and infertility in cattle. The diagnosis of functional copper deficiency has been improved by the addition of erythrocyte superoxide dismutase to the assays of copper status.  相似文献   

The concentrations of copper, zinc and molybdenum were measured in samples of cattle liver from 10 slaughter-houses in Norway. A total of 335 samples were analysed. A clear accumulation of copper with age was found, the average copper level in the younger animals (≦ 3 years, n = 194) being 30 µg Cu/g liver wet weight, and in the older ones (> 3 years, n = 141) 59 µg Gu/g. The range in the copper values found was considerable, though significant differences between some of the districts were recorded. Copper concentrations were classified as low (≦10 µg Gu/g) in 9.6 % of the samples. Zinc showed no accumulation with age, nor were there any differences in zinc levels found in animals from different districts, the average level being 32 µg Zn/g liver wet weight. The picture was the same for molybdenum, no differences between age groups or districts being found. The average level was 1.0 µg Mo/g liver. There was no significant correlation between levels of copper, zinc or molybdenum.The supply of copper and zinc to cattle in Norway seems close to sufficient, but copper- and zinc-fortified mineral supplementation of cattle feed is still to be recommended. There seems to be no need for molybdenum supplementation in cattle.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on the enumeration of 7 groups of fecal microflora including total aerobes, total anaerobes, coliforms, lactobacilli, staphylococci, streptococci and yeasts and molds of 18-day old piglets. These pigs were early weaned (21 days) on different modifications of an early-weaning ration. The above mentioned microflora were enumerated again when some of the pigs in a replicate started scouring. The occurrence of diarrhea was always associated with significant increases in the numbers of coliforms and corresponding decreases in the lactobacilli counts. No other single group of fecal microflora differed in the scouring and non-scouring animals. The composition of the early-weaning ration offered to the animals did not, in itself, influence the fecal microflora to any appreciable extent.

In another series of experiments, enumeration of coliforms and lactobacilli was conducted on samples obtained from different segments of the intestinal tracts of scouring and non-scouring pigs. Increased numbers of coliforms and decreased numbers of lactobacilli were observed at all levels of the intestinal tracts of the scouring animals. However, these changes were more marked in the duodenal samples than in those obtained from other parts of the intestine.


Neutrophils from cattle with copper deficiency induced by molybdenum (0.052 mmol molybdenum kg-1 diet) or iron (8.95 mmol iron kg-1 diet) had an impaired ability to kill ingested Candida albicans and were less viable than those from copper-supplemented cattle in in vitro tests of function. Restricted intake (80 per cent of ad libitum) of a copper-adequate diet by cattle also decreased neutrophil candidacidal activity and viability. Additionally, the ingestion of C albicans by neutrophils was impaired by the molybdenum or iron treatments but not by restricted food intake. The changes in neutrophil function and the severity of copper deficiency, in biochemical terms, induced by the molybdenum or iron treatments were greater than those induced by diets of low copper content.  相似文献   

The first deer farms were established in New Zealand about 30 years ago. Extensive studies on trace elements in sheep and cattle have resulted in clarification of the requirements of those species and the development of protocols to diagnose and prevent deficiencies. In contrast, there have been very few studies conducted with deer. This review summarises information available on trace element nutrition of deer and concludes that, in New Zealand, cobalt (Co), vitamin B12, selenium (Se) and iodine (I) deficiencies are of lesser importance than copper (Cu), which can have a significant impact on deer health and performance. However, on individual farms, Se and I deficiency may cause significant production losses if not managed appropriately. There are no reports of production limitations caused by Co deficiency. Copper deficiency manifests itself as clinical disease, namely enzootic ataxia and osteochondrosis. Growth responses to Cu supplementation have only been reported in 2/11 trials and were not predicted from low serum and/or liver Cu concentrations. On the basis of clinical signs of Cu deficiency, the proposed reference ranges used to predict Cu status from serum Cu concentrations (micromol/l) are: 5, deficient; 5-8, marginal and; 8, adequate; and for liver Cu concentrations (micromol/kg fresh tissue) are: 60, deficient; 60-100, marginal and; 100, adequate. Copper supplementation strategies based on Cu-EDTA injections, Cu-oxide needles or the application of Cu to pasture are effective at increasing Cu status for varying periods. More recent research suggests that alternative forage species that have a high Cu content (10 mg/kg dry matter (DM), may play a role in the prevention of Cu deficiency.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that ratios of dietary copper (Cu) to molybdenum (Mo) lower than 10:1 may produce molybdenosis in cattle, especially if sulfur concentrations are more than 3,000 ppm. Some authorities suggest that dietary Mo concentrations greater than 10 ppm are hazardous to cattle regardless of Cu concentration, but anecdotal reports suggest that this may not be the case. The original purpose of the experiment described in this report was to investigate whether supranutritional supplemental Cu could protect cattle against relatively high dietary Mo. Pregnant cows were grazed on 1 of 3 pastures: 1 with only background Mo, 1 with an average of 13 ppm Mo, and 1 that averaged 230 ppm Mo. Half the cows on the Mo pastures were supplemented with 17 ppm dietary Cu, the other half with the dietary supplement plus Cu boluses. Molybdenum effects were anticipated in the groups supplemented with 17 ppm Cu; however, despite increased tissue concentrations of Mo, only the 230 ppm Mo/17 ppm Cu group exhibited any effects. Moderate Cu supplementation permitted cows to graze a site heavily contaminated with Mo with no adverse effects on general health or reproduction.  相似文献   

Lameness in a group of 5- to 12-month-old calves was found to be clinically, radiographically, and pathologically associated with abnormal bone development of the distal growth plates of the metacarpus and metatarsus. Copper concentrations in serum and liver were low. Serum calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase values were normal. In pasture forage samples, sulfate, zinc, and molybdenum concentrations were high, whereas copper, calcium, and phosphorus concentrations were normal. Red blood cell (RBC) counts and hemoglobin values were within normal limits. Radiographic findings included a widened zone of cartilage and lipping of the medial and lateral areas of the physeal plate. Histologic findings included focal widenings of the growth plate consisting of tongues of uncalcified cartilage.  相似文献   

Supplementation of grazing cattle is a routine management practice that serves several purposes. It can be used to fill the gaps created by seasonal deficiencies in forage growth and quality. Supplementation can also extend pasture availability during drought, increase the carrying capacity of the pasture, and provide nutrients that are inadequate or missing in the forage. Supplementation can also be used effectively to dilute anti-quality factors present in certain forages. Locally available by-products of the grain and food-processing industries can provide a cost-effective source of nutrients to balance the nutritional needs of grazing cattle. It is expected that the availability and cost effectiveness of these feeds will only grow as cattle compete with the biofuels industry for grain in the future.  相似文献   

Poor feedlot performance in native Hawaiian feedlot cattle was investigated. Cattle were first noticed to be affected 40 to 60 days after arrival at the feedlot, as judged by their retarded growth, when compared with penmates. Marked hypocupremia was detected in all 10 cattle examined, irrespective of time in the feedlot. Clinical signs and upper digestive tract lesions in 8 of the 10 cattle suggested secondary involvement of bovine papular stomatitis. The poor performance was attributed primarily to the hypocupremia, as a result of molybdenum-accentuated copper deficiency in forage on the ranch of origin.  相似文献   

肉牛的呼吸道疾病(BVD)多因运输应激而引起的一种顽固性疾病,常因临床治疗效果不佳,饲养成本增加。为降低本病给牧场造成 损失,自2020 年03 月26 日起,针对华润集团开鲁隔离场 牧场购自伊胡塔交易市场的西门塔尔品种架子牛,使用德国勃林格公司育肥牛到场操作流程方案进行应激处理并跟踪各项数据,与单纯使用勃林格公司驱虫药害获灭做对比评估,通过药物成本、死淘情况、增重指标的对比来评估方案优劣及成本核算分析,结果显示:(1)同样品种的西门塔尔育肥牛,在采购进入育肥场前后,进行不同应激处理方案,相比较只做害获灭+FMD 疫苗处理的牛群,使用专克灵+害获灭+FMD 疫苗处理的牛群,平均每头牛的日增重差别可以达到0.3kg/d,根据目前市场行情条件下,育肥牛销售约32 元/kg 的价格,在入场30 日内,平均每头牛可以多获得239.6 元的更多增重育肥收入;(2)在入场后使用专克灵预防BRD,配合害获灭驱虫,相比较入场后只做驱虫处理,能获得更低的BRD 发病率(低28.7%),发病牛更短的治疗天数(少0.5 d),更佳的平均日增重(多300 g),能够带来更好的增重收益;(3)实验组与对照组差别为0.3kg即平均日增重差别300g 。该数据可以直观的说明,入场时,是否全群专克灵处理牛群,预防BRD,对于后续日增重的影响,差异极其明显。本试验为华润集团隔离场领导及牧场技术人员参考。  相似文献   

Polioencephalomalacia (PEM), hereafter used to refer to the specific lesion of cerebrocortical necrosis, developed in 11 of 110 mature cattle on pasture in central Saskatchewan. The primary water source contained a markedly elevated level of sodium sulfate (7200 ppm). The significant clinical findings of the herd investigation included depression, ataxia, cortical blindness, dysphagia, and death. Diagnosis of PEM was confirmed by histopathological evidence of cerebrocortical and subcortical necrosis with microvascular fibrinoid necrosis predominantly in the thalamic region of three affected cattle. The histopathology of sulfate-associated PEM observed in this herd appears to be unique and its features are presented and discussed. Mean levels for serum transketolase, copper, red blood cell transketolase activity, and thiamine (vitamin B1) in all exposed young (n = 100) and mature (n = 99) animals did not reveal evidence of deficiencies. Although the blood thiamine status of the seven surviving, affected animals was not evaluated before treatment with exogenous thiamine, 199 members of the herd had blood thiamine levels within the reference range at the time of the outbreak. The outbreak resolved after cattle were moved to a water source containing acceptable levels of sodium sulfate.  相似文献   

Five groups of Tswana-cross castrated male cattle between 20 and 30 months of age (a total of 158 animals) were transported from a ranch in a heartwater-free area of south Botswana to a feedlot near Gaborone in the east of Botswana where heartwater is endemic. On arrival, one group was vaccinated intravenously with the Onderstepoort sheep blood heartwater vaccine, one group was vaccinated intravenously with the new Onderstepoort tick-derived heartwater vaccine and a third group was vaccinated subcutaneously with this tick-derived vaccine. Vaccine reactions were blocked with long acting oxytetracycline on the first day of fever. A fourth group had a series of injections of long acting oxytetracycline on days 0, 7, 14 and 21 after arrival, and a fifth served as untreated controls. The animals remained at the feedlot for 65 days during which time they faced a low level of challenge by Amblyomma hebraeum ticks. None contracted heartwater and so they were then challenged, together with a further group of control cattle, with a dose of the sheep blood vaccine. Some animals in all groups had severe heartwater reactions and died despite therapy, but 76.7 per cent, 64.5 per cent and 74.3 per cent of the cattle in the blood vaccine, intravenous tick vaccine and long acting oxytetracycline groups respectively were resistant to challenge, compared with 48.3 per cent of the subcutaneous tick vaccine group and 36.4 per cent of the controls. It was concluded that intravenous vaccination of susceptible adult cattle with either the blood or the tick-derived vaccine needs careful monitoring in the month after vaccination and does not necessarily result in immune animals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Beef cattle health and performance records of 3637 calves from inbred and outbred populations were evaluated to determine the effect of scours on weaning BW (WW). Animals were maintained under similar environmental conditions at the Northern Agricultural Research Center near Havre, Montana. Inbred animals were linebred Hereford cattle with an average inbreeding coefficient of 0.20. Outbred animals were Hereford, Angus × Hereford, Simmental × Hereford crosses and backcrosses, and Tarentaise × Hereford crosses and backcrosses. Weaning BW was analyzed by least squares ANOVA. Model included year, age of dam, line (inbred or outbred), scours, and date of birth as a covariate. When zero WW were included for calves that died of scours (1%), all main effects were important. The least squares mean WW were 208 and 217 kg for scouring and non-scouring groups, respectively. Interactions between year × age of dam (P < 0.01) and year × line (P < 0.01) were detected. Incidence of scours was analyzed by the CATMOD procedure of SAS. The model included year, age of dam, and line (inbred or outbred). All main effects were important (P < 0.01). Incidence of scours ranged from 13% in 1982 to 64% in 1991. Incidence of scours was greatest in calves born to 2-yr-old dams with probabilities of 47% and 33% in inbred and outbred dams, respectively. These results indicate that scours negatively influenced WW. Incidence of scours was greater in calves born to younger dams and for inbred cattle.  相似文献   

The presence of grazing cattle near open waterways has created environmental concerns related to the potential for water contamination. In Florida the removal of cattle from grazing landscapes or decreasing stocking density is being investigated as one option to improve the quality of surface water runoff draining into Lake Okeechobee, Florida. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of stocking rate on cow-calf performance, forage availability and quality, and ranch economic performance. Experimental pastures were established on a southern Florida cow-calf operation with stocking rates of 0.58, 1.01, and 1.35 ha·cow-1 on summer pastures and 0.93, 1.62, and 2.16 ha·cow-1 on winter pastures, corresponding to high, medium, and low rates, respectively. The study was conducted over 4 consecutive production years. Cow body condition scores (BCS), pregnancy rate, and calf average daily gain were used as measures of animal performance. Forage utilization was estimated by measuring the difference between forage yield inside and outside grazing exclusion cages and forage quality by crude protein and in vitro organic matter digestibility. Forage yield, utilization, and quality were not significantly affected by stocking rate. Although statistically not significant (P = 0.17), cattle in the high stocking rate experienced a numerically greater loss of BCS following the winter grazing period, but stocking rate did not affect pregnancy rate or calf gains. Production (kg weaned calves·ha-1) was increased (P < 0.01) for a high stocking rate compared with medium and low stocking rates. Overall ranch profitability will decrease as stocking rates decline. Ranch revenues decrease one-for-one as stocking rates decrease. At the same time, unit cow costs increase at an increasing rate as fewer brood cows are left to support the ranch's fixed cost structure.  相似文献   

Fourteen cattle on a Kansas pasture died from ingestion of a wood preservative compound containing sodium fluoride and copper naphthenate. Clinical signs included depression, anorexia, ataxia, diarrhea, and recumbency. Grossly visible lesions included perirenal edema, pale kidneys, and forestomach ulceration. All 3 cows that had postmortem evaluations had extensive renal cortical tubular necrosis. Tissue concentrations of fluoride were slightly elevated above expected background levels, while copper tissue concentrations were not elevated. The findings indicated that the sodium fluoride caused renal tubular necrosis leading to renal failure. Copper naphthenate may have contributed to abomasal ulceration; however, tissue copper concentrations indicated that copper from the formulation was not appreciably absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

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