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BACKGROUND: The polyphagous cotton‐melon aphid Aphis gossypii Glover is structured into geographically widespread host races comprising a few clones specialised on Cucurbitaceae, cotton, eggplant or pepper. To assess insecticide resistance among and within host races, leaf disc bioassays were conducted on aphid clones collected from Cucurbitaceae (genotypes C4 and C9), cotton (genotypes Burk and Ivo), eggplant (genotype Auber) and pepper (genotype PsP4). Molecular diagnostic (PCR‐RFLP) and enzyme assays were also performed to detect the basic mechanisms underlying insecticide resistance. RESULTS: All six clones were susceptible to acetamiprid (neonicotinoid) or carbosulfan (carbamate). Conversely, all clones were resistant to dimethoate (organophosphate) (RF = 4.1–38.1) and carried mutation S431F in the acetylcholinesterase gene. Auber, PsP4 and Burk also carried mutation A302S in this gene, which possibly conferred moderate resistance (RF = 3.7–6.8) to profenofos and monocrotophos (organophosphates). Auber and Burk were highly resistant (RF = 41.2 and 473 respectively) to cypermethrin (pyrethroid). This resistance was likely associated with point mutation super‐kdr (M918L) in the voltage‐gated sodium channel gene (para gene) or metabolic detoxification mediated by esterase and oxidase enzymes. CONCLUSION: Multiple resistance to a broad range of insecticides and multiple mechanisms of resistance in some clones could explain to some extent the low genetic diversity observed within A. gossypii host races. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Two races ofFusarium oxysporum f. sp.melonis were identified among 54 isolates of this pathogen, tested on three differential lines of melon. Of the two races, race 0 was the more prevalent, comprising 92.5% of the total number of isolates tested. Race 1 has been encountered so far in one growing area only. The identity of the local races is compared with those defined in France and in two areas of melon-growing in California.  相似文献   

Classification of 32 Verticillium dahliae isolates originating from 19 plant species in eight different botanical families to races and determination of host range pathogenicity were carried out. The physiological races of isolates were identified using the two differential tomato cultivars ??Belladonna?? (susceptible to both races 1 and 2 of V. dahliae) and ??Ace 55VF?? (resistant to race 1, susceptible to race 2 of V. dahliae). Among these isolates, 14 were race 2 (43.8%), 12 race 1 (37.5%) and six nonpathogenic (18.7%) on tomato. The host range pathogenicity of isolates was determined using four differential hosts (eggplant, turnip, tomato (Ve ? ) and sweet pepper). Among isolates, five were pathogenic to both eggplant and turnip (15.6%), 21 to eggplant, turnip and tomato (65.6%), five to eggplant, turnip, tomato and sweet pepper (15.6%) and one was pathogenic to eggplant, turnip and sweet pepper (3.2%). The pathogenicity of isolates on the aforementioned five hosts was investigated on the basis of external symptoms and by calculating the relative areas under disease progress curves (relative AUDPC). Results showed that eggplant was the most susceptible, followed by turnip and tomato cv. Belladonna, while sweet pepper and tomato cv. Ace 55VF were less susceptible to all the isolates used. The pathogenicity of isolates varied from highly to mildly virulent on eggplant and turnip while on Belladonna, Ace 55VF and sweet pepper it varied from highly virulent to nonpathogenic. Belladonna exhibited a similar level of susceptibility to races 1 and 2 of V. dahliae, but was more susceptible than Ace 55VF to race 2. Interestingly, the isolates originating from eggplant were clearly more virulent than those originating from tomato and black nightshade on all solanaceous plants tested.  相似文献   

Six races were identified among 26 single-lesion isolates of Phakopsora pachyrhizi from rust-infected leaves of nine samples of cultivated soybean and one sample of the wild host plant kudzu (Pueraria lobata) collected in Tsukuba and vicinity in Ibaraki, Central Honshu, Japan. Six races were detected on soybean cultivars and four races on kudzu. When two or more isolates obtained from the same samples were examined, the isolates were different races except from two samples. These results indicate that two or more races may be distributed on the same soybean cultivar and that the same races share soybean and kudzu hosts.  相似文献   

Black spot of rose is distributed throughout the world and is the most serious disease of roses (Rosa spp.) in the outdoor landscape. Resistance breeding has been frustrated by the occurrence of races of the causal pathogen Diplocarpon rosae. Races from Germany, North America and the UK have been characterized and maintained in a pathogenic state. However, these races were characterized using independent sets of host genotypes and are referenced using different nomenclatures. In the present study, a total of 15 D. rosae isolates from these locations, as well as Belgium and Italy, were inoculated to a common set of 15 rose cultivars in replicated, detached leaf trials. Baby LoveTM (cv. Scrivluv) was resistant to all isolates except for one originating from the UK. The rose cultivars Mrs Doreen Pike (Ausdor) and Hansa were resistant to all isolates except for one originating from Minnesota, USA. No rose genotype was universally susceptible. A total of 11 pathogenic races were differentiated based on their unique host ranges and were assigned an international race nomenclature. Nine cultivars are proposed as the first standard set of differential genotypes for characterization of D. rosae races.  相似文献   

棉花烂铃病的发生、品种抗病性及主要病原菌致病力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2011~2013年,调查了我国黄河和长江流域6省70县(市)200块棉田和不同栽培模式下棉花烂铃病发生情况,田间试验评价了棉花品种对烂铃病的抗性,采用离体棉铃人工接种方法分析了棉铃烂铃主要病原菌的致病力分化情况。结果表明:(1)所有调查的棉田均有棉花烂铃病发生,其中,棉铃疫病在各地发生最为普遍而且严重,仍属于我国黄河和长江流域棉区的最主要的棉花烂铃病,其病原菌为苎麻疫霉(Phytophthora boehmeriae)。(2)与春棉直播模式相比,3种套种模式均能显著减少棉花烂铃病的发生,其中麦-棉-西瓜12∶2∶1种植模式的防效最好,减少烂铃72.96%。(3)河北、山东和河南3省审定的50个棉花品种对棉花烂铃病的抗性存在显著差异,其中邯7860、邯棉103、锦科178、百棉1号和郑农棉4号5个品种对棉花烂铃病表现了较好的抗性,单株烂铃低于3.0个。(4)苎麻疫霉在棉铃上的致病力存在显著分化。  相似文献   

Tan spot of wheat, caused by the fungus Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, is a destructive disease worldwide that can lead to serious losses in quality and quantity of wheat grain production. Resistance to multiple races of P. tritici-repentis was identified in a wide range of genetically diverse genotypes, including three different species Triticum aestivum (AABBDD), T. spelta (AABBDD), and T. turgidum (AABB). The major objectives of this study were to determine the genetic control of resistance to P. tritici-repentis races 1 and 5 in 12 newly identified sources of resistance. The parents, F(1), F(2), and F(2:3) or F(2:5) families of each cross were analyzed for the allelism tests and/or inheritance studies. Plants were inoculated at the two-leaf stage under controlled environmental conditions and disease reaction was assessed based on lesion-type rating scale. A single recessive gene controlled resistance to necrosis caused by P. tritici-repentis race 1 in both tetraploid and hexaploid resistant genotypes. The lack of segregation in the inter- and intra-specific crosses between the resistant tetraploid and hexaploid genotypes indicated that they possess the same genes for resistance to tan necrosis and chlorosis induced by P. tritici-repentis race 1. A single dominant gene for chlorosis in hexaploid wheat and a single recessive gene for necrosis in tetraploid wheat, controlled resistance to P. tritici-repentis race 5.  相似文献   

为明确海南省苦瓜白粉病的病原菌、生理小种及苦瓜对白粉病的抗性遗传规律,结合形态学鉴定和分子鉴定解析白粉病菌及生理小种种类,通过显微镜观察白粉病菌侵染过程,并应用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分析法探讨苦瓜对白粉病的主要抗性遗传规律。结果表明:采集自海南省6个市(县)的苦瓜白粉病病原菌均为单囊壳白粉菌Sphaerotheca fuliginea,属生理小种2F,该菌在侵染苦瓜叶片时有4个关键时期:接种后4 h为分生孢子萌发高峰期,8 h为附着孢形成高峰期,16~24 h为次生菌丝形成高峰期,5 d为分生孢子梗形成高峰期。将其接种于苦瓜抗、感品系,对白粉病的抗性符合2对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性多基因模型,主基因和多基因共同控制苦瓜对白粉病的抗性,其中以主基因遗传为主,且会受到环境变异的影响。根据苦瓜抗性遗传规律,F2代主基因遗传率最高,受环境影响最小,在苦瓜的白粉病抗性育种中,以早期世代F2代作为有效选择世代。研究表明白粉病菌侵染叶片的前2 d是白粉病防治的最佳时期,所以在白粉病易发的物候期,可将防治时间提前1~2 d。  相似文献   

Resistance to the eight races (3, 7, 19, 31, 81, 449, 453, and 1545) of the pathogenic fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (anthracnose) was evaluated in F(3) families derived from the cross between the anthracnose differential bean cultivars Kaboon and Michelite. Molecular marker analyses were carried out in the F(2) individuals in order to map and characterize the anthracnose resistance genes or gene clusters present in Kaboon. The analysis of the combined segregations indicates that the resistance present in Kaboon against these eight anthracnose races is determined by 13 different race-specific genes grouped in three clusters. One of these clusters, corresponding to locus Co-1 in linkage group (LG) 1, carries two dominant genes conferring specific resistance to races 81 and 1545, respectively, and a gene necessary (dominant complementary gene) for the specific resistance to race 31. A second cluster, corresponding to locus Co-3/9 in LG 4, carries six dominant genes conferring specific resistance to races 3, 7, 19, 449, 453, and 1545, respectively, and the second dominant complementary gene for the specific resistance to race 31. A third cluster of unknown location carries three dominant genes conferring specific resistance to races 449, 453, and 1545, respectively. This is the first time that two anthracnose resistance genes with a complementary mode of action have been mapped in common bean and their relationship with previously known Co- resistance genes established.  相似文献   

We developed 20 microsatellite markers to genotype over 100 populations of the parasitic weed Phelipanche ramosa, which covers a wide host crop and geographic range. A representative core collection of 15 populations was also used in cross‐infestation assays to study host preference during germination, attachment and shoot formation. We observed low genetic differentiation within most of the populations, but high genetic differentiation between populations partitioned into 3 genetic groups with different host preferences and geographic distributions. Genetic group 1 is detected exclusively in western France and on various host crops, notably winter oilseed rape (WOSR) and not hemp. Cross‐infection assays confirmed its incompatibility with hemp and showed its preference for WOSR and tobacco in terms of germination and attachment success. The group 2 populations share a large geographic distribution in France and Europe, low germination success with WOSR and high germination success, attachment success and shoot formation with hemp, tobacco or tomato. The subclades 2a and 2b include most of the French populations in hemp crops in eastern France and in tobacco fields in several European countries respectively. The genetic analyses revealed the potential of the three groups to increase their geographic range in the future. Intermediate genetic groups showed higher intrapopulation diversity and represent potential stocks for new host race emergence. Those findings argue in favour of the existence of host races in P. ramosa and should be considered for appropriate management strategies, notably in breeding programmes for resistance against this parasitic weed.  相似文献   

为明确引起马铃薯黄萎病的大丽轮枝菌Verticillium dahliae的遗传变异和致病力的差异,对从内蒙古及其周边地区马铃薯发病株上分离得到的29株大丽轮枝菌的营养亲和群、生理小种和交配型进行了测定,利用伤根接种法进行致病力分化研究。结果表明,供试的29株马铃薯大丽轮枝菌菌株被划分为VCG2B、VCG4B和VCG4A三个营养亲和群,其菌株数分别为11、2和16株;供试的29株菌株均鉴定为单一的2号生理小种和MAT1-2-1交配型。供试的29株大丽轮枝菌菌株间致病力存在一定的差异,其中NCP-1菌株的致病力最强,病情指数为83.33;而NWS-5菌株的致病力最弱,病情指数仅为10.85;不同营养亲和群菌株的平均致病力也存在显著差异,VCG4B型菌株的平均致病力最高,平均病情指数为67.18;其次为VCB2B型菌株,平均病情指数为42.50,而VCG4A型菌株致病力最弱,平均病情指数仅为20.54。  相似文献   

Four carnation cultivars, Novada (resistant to races 1 and 2 ofFusarium oxysporum f.sp.dianthi), Elsy (susceptible to race 1), Lena (susceptible to race 2) and Sam's Pride (susceptible to both races), were selfed and crossed. When three months old, the seedlings were inoculated via the roots or via the stems, after which wilting was recorded weekly according to a 5-point ordinal scale.Analyses were carried out on the proportions of diseased plants. For race 1 variation between the progenies could be described by means of general combining abilities only; GCA values were not affected by the inoculation method used. Also for race 2 GCAs were most important but the GCA values appeared different for the two inoculation methods. It is concluded that resistance to both races is inherited in an additive way.Indications for independently inherited root-specific resistance components (extravascular resistance) were only found with race 2. With both races, the ability to confine the pathogen at the infection site appeared the most important resistance component. Resistant progenies were also characterized by longer latent periods and lower wilting rates.Both race 1 and race 2 induced the accumulation of the phytoalexins dianthalexin and methoxydianthramide S, but race 2 induced higher amounts than race 1. The accumulation of phytoalexins was positively correlated to the resistance level of the progenies against the respective races. The progenies of the double-resistant cultivar Novada appeared to produce particularly high levels of phytoalexins.  相似文献   

M. S. WOLFE 《EPPO Bulletin》1985,15(4):563-570
The current strategies for using host resistances and fungicides encourage the increase of pathogen strains with matching pathogenicity or insensitivity. Diversification of cultivars and fungicides is recommended, but involves only diversification between crops and does not include integration of the two methods of control. A strategy of complete or total diversification requires diversification within as well as between crops. For example, the system of using cultivar mixtures can provide assured high yields, even though control of pathogen development is incomplete. Within-crop diversification of fungicides applied to seed is becoming a practical possibility with the development of film-coating of carriers that can adhere different materials firmly to different seeds whilst maintaining uniform seed-flow characteristics. An ideal system would involve integrated total diversification of host cultivars and fungicides. Field data indicate that this can provide excellent profit margins and disease control, while maximising evolutionary problems for the pathogen. The system is technically feasible using developed methods of cultivar mixing together with the new technique of film-coating.  相似文献   

The major method of control of virus diseases in crop plants is breeding for resistance. The genetics of resistance, and of matching virulence (the ability of a virus strain to overcome a specific host resistance gene) have been studied less for viruses than for fungal and bacterial pathogens. This paper draws on a survey of the genetics of resistance to a large number of viruses in cultivated crops, and makes some generalisations and predictions about mechanisms. Most resistance to viruses in crops is monogenic. Dominant alleles are associated with virus-localisation mechanisms, which are induced after infection. The nature of the ‘recognition event’ between plant- and virus-coded functions, which triggers resistance plus a cascade of secondary responses, is not yet known. Gene dosage-dependent alleles tend to be associated with non-localising resistance, which allows some virus spread, but inhibits multiplication. Recessive alleles may involve a negative type of resistance mechanism, whereby the resistant plant lacks some function normally required by the virus for pathogenesis. Such resistance tends to be expressed as complete immunity. Many resistance genes have been overcome by virulent isolates of viruses; only 10 % of the sample of resistance genes have proved exceptionally durable. Virulence may involve different viral functions. The production of infectious cDNA clones, and construction of chimaeric recombinants between clones of virulent and avirulent isolates, is now allowing detailed mapping of virulence determinants. Transformation of plants with ‘novel’ genes for virus resistance, based on coat proteins and viral satellites, may allow construction of more robust resistance systems.  相似文献   

油菜根肿病在江西省多市均有分布, 尤以上饶婺源、吉安永新、九江瑞昌等地发生严重。为明确江西省油菜主产区根肿菌的生理小种, 采用SCD鉴定系统对江西油菜主产区根肿菌进行了生理小种鉴定, 结果共鉴定出3个生理小种类型:Pb1、Pb5和Pb12。为筛选出适于江西根肿病发病地区种植的油菜材料, 开展了油菜材料对根肿菌的抗性测定。室内盆栽抗性测定表明, 育种中间材料‘P360429001’‘2018362481’‘P360924009’‘P360281040’‘中油杂12’‘华油杂62R’和‘华双5R’的病情指数均低于或等于30.00, 其中‘华油杂62R’和‘华双5R’表现为中抗水平。田间抗性测定结果表明, ‘华油杂62R’‘秦优DK4’‘阳光50’和育种中间材料‘P360429001’‘ZS115R’的根肿病病情指数均低于30.00, 但只有‘华油杂62R’对Pb1生理小种表现出中抗水平。本研究针对性地筛选出适于江西油菜根肿病发病地区种植的油菜材料, 对江西油菜根肿病的防控和创制抗病性油菜资源提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Systematic surveys forFusarium oxysporum f.sp.niveum (Fon) were conducted in a total of 141 fields in the watermelon-growing areas of the Mediterranean and southeastern Anatolia regions of Turkey in 2004 and 2005. The mean incidence and prevalence of the disease were higher in the southeastern Anatolia region than in the Mediterranean region. Maximum disease incidence during the 2-year survey was 46.3%. However, mean disease prevalence ranged from 27.3% to 63.6% in southern Turkey. Of the 33 isolates ofFon recovered, 19 were recovered from Adana, two from Mersin, one from Gaziantep, four from Sanlıurfa, five from Adıyaman, one from Batman, one from Diyarbakır. The physiological race of each isolate was determined by the disease reaction in five differential watermelon cultivars (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai). Of the isolates recovered from the Mediterranean region, 47.6% were identified as race 0, 38.1% as race 1, and 14.3% as race 2. Among the 12 isolates recovered from the southeastern Anatolia region, four isolates were identified as race 0, and eight isolates as race 1. Race 2 was not detected in this region. This is the first report ofFon races 0 and 1 in southeastern Anatolia. The population density ofFon in both the Mediterranean and southeastern Anatolia regions ranged from 116.1 to 4444.7 CFU g−1 of soil. The mean inoculum density was much higher in watermelon-growing areas in the southeastern Anatolia region in comparison with the Mediterranean region, with a mean inoculum density of 1547.2 CFU g−1. Race 0 and race 1 were the most prevalent races in the fields with the mean highest and lowest inoculum density, respectively. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting March 10, 2008.  相似文献   

One thousand and forty-eight Phaseolus bean accessions were evaluated for resistance to six races of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola . The accessions originated from regions of the Americas and Africa where the disease is important and included wild type accessions and some known resistance sources. Resistance, graded on a five-point scale, was of two types: qualitative, which was shown to be race-specific, and quantitative. Race specific resistance genes (R-genes) were detected in 49.4% of accessions with the following gene frequencies: R1 (10.3%), R2 (0.3%), R3 (25.0%), R4 (35.0%) and R5 (0.2%).
Evidence for quantitative variation in resistance, in the absence of specific R-genes, was shown by the distribution of infection scores, 76% of accessions showing maximum susceptibility (grades 4–5), 23% showing intermediate resistance (grades 2–4), and 1% showing high levels of quantitative resistance (grades 1–2). The last 1% of accessions showed interactions which were not race-specific and it is suggested that they may possess race non-specific resistance. It is possible that several of the accessions in this category carry the recessive gene derived from PI 150414. Other accessions were of unknown parentage and may represent new sources of quantitative, potentially race non-specific, resistance. It is suggested that the combination of race specific and race non-specific resistance could provide an effective strategy for establishing durable resistance.  相似文献   

Between 1977 and 1981, seven qualitatively distinct new races of coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) were detected in breeding plots in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Four races carry complex virulence against the resistance genes SH1, SH2, SH4 and SH5 ofCoffea arabica. Three races match unidentified resistance genes ofC. canephora. Two of these were isolated from cv. Kouillou and one from the hybrid population Icatu. Pending further identification, these races were indicated by the number of their type cultures (Is. 2, 10 and 11). Is. 2 and Is. 10 showed extra virulence to some coffee genotypes and decreased virulence to other coffee genotypes, suggesting stabilizing selection. Three rust isolates were detected which differed quantitatively from the common rust race II. Is. 1 was moderately virulent to the coffee differential for SH3 in the laboratory but avirulent in the greenhouse, indicating a host x pathogen x environment interaction. Is. 3 and 12 showed levels of virulence intermediate between race II and Is. 2 and 10, respectively. The results show that incomplete resistance of coffee toH. vastatrix, at various levels, can be race-specific. The nature of race formation of coffee leaf rust in Brazil and breeding strategies for obtaining durable resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

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