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In 1992 and 1993, sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) crops in Israel were heavily damaged by the western flower thrips (WFT),Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Adult females appear in the heads of sunflower just as the latter begin to blossom; the population decreases towards completion of anthesis. The damage to kernels is greatest at the periphery of the heads, where flowers appear first, and lowest at the center. Fields sown early in the season (in March) are usually the ones infested most by WFT and suffering the greatest damage. Fields sown one month later are less infested, since predatory bugs of the genusOrius are very active at that time.  相似文献   

The mode of action of the fungicide metalaxyl againstPlasmopara halstedii, the causal agent of sunflower downy mildew, was studied following its application before, during and after artificial contamination of seedlings. The development of the fungus within the treated seedlings was examined microscopically and compared to that occuring in untreated genetically susceptible or resistant genotypes. Hypersensitive-like reactions and necrotic zones leading to the inhibition of fungus growth within the hypocotyl were observed for the three modes of application. This suggests that sunflower defence mechanisms activated by genetical resistance are also involved in the control of downy mildew by metalaxyl.  相似文献   

Two experiments were undertaken to determine the partial resistance of sunflower genotypes to seven isolates of Phoma macdonaldii . In the first experiment, 28 genotypes, including recombinant inbred lines and their parents, M6 mutant lines developed by gamma irradiation, and some genotypes from different geographical origins, were used. The experiment consisted of a split-plot design with three replications, each with 12 seedlings per genotype per isolate, in controlled conditions. Seven days after inoculation, plantlets were scored on a 1–9 scale for percentage necrotic area. Highly significant differences were observed among genotypes, isolates and their interactions. The presence of a differential interaction between genotypes and P. macdonaldii isolates was confirmed in a second experiment using 12 genotypes representing large variability for partial resistance to P. macdonaldii isolates, as identified in the first experiment. Inbred lines B454/03, ENSAT-B5 and LC1064C were the most susceptible sunflower genotypes, whereas two American lines SDR19 and SDR18 presented high partial resistance to all P. macdonaldii isolates studied. The least and most aggressive isolates were MA6 and MP3, respectively. Isolates interacted differentially with sunflower genotypes. This study identified two genotypes (AS613 and PAC2) presenting specific resistance to isolate MP8. The results also showed a wide range of isolate-nonspecific partial resistances among the lines tested. The information presented here could assist sunflower breeders to choose parents of crosses for breeding of durable resistance to phoma black stem disease.  相似文献   

Prohexadione-calcium (PHDC) is a plant growth retardant that inhibits gibberellin biosynthesis and transiently alters the spectrum of flavonoids and their phenolic precursors. In this study, root chamber and pot experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of PHDC on Orobanche cumana seed germination and induction of sunflower resistance to this root parasitic weed. Root chamber experiments indicated that PHDC did not interfere with the progress of Orobanche seed germination, but retarded O. cumana tubercle formation and development. In pot experiments, control of O. cumana by PHDC depended on its dose, method of application and sunflower cultivar. In sunflower cv. HA89, PHDC at 10 mg LS−1 (litre soil) as two drenches or at 1 m m as two foliar sprays significantly reduced the total number and dry matter of O. cumana without influencing flower, leaf and root development. In sunflower cv. Albena, PHDC at 20 and 30 mg LS−1, but not at 10 mg LS−1, as two drenches significantly reduced O. cumana infection. Sunflower cv. HA89 was less susceptible to O. cumana and more inducible by PHDC than sunflower cv. Albena. The biochemical analysis of root extracts revealed a significantly higher accumulation of free phenolics in sunflower cv. HA89 after PHDC soil drench, but not in Albena. No significant lignification was observed after PHDC treatments. The results suggest that PHDC reduces O. cumana infection in sunflower by inducing host resistance, not by directly interfering with the parasite. Free phenolics play an important role in sunflower response to the parasite.  相似文献   

A virus, isolated from faba bean (Vicia faba) obtained from Algeria, was readily recognized as a tobravirus by its particle sizes and morphology. Pea (Pisum sativum) and French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) characteristically reacted to the isolate like pea early-browning virus (PEBV), but faba bean,Antirrhinum majus, Nicotiana rustica, andN. tabacum reacted with line-pattern symptoms which were unusually brilliant on theNicotiana species. In electronmicroscope decoration tests, the isolate did not react with an antiserum to the Dutch type strain of PEBV, but with one to the broad bean yellow band (BBYB) serotype from Italy. It resembles this serotype in reaction on faba bean, but seems to differ appreciably onN. rustica, N. tabacum, andPetunia hybrida. It is described as a deviant isolate of the BBYB serotype of PEBV.All thirteen faba-bean genotypes tested were found to be susceptible to the Algerian isolate and two Dutch type strain isolates of the virus, and to react with erratic line-pattern symptoms to the Algerian isolate only. All ten genotypes of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) tested reacted hypersensitively, and four out of ten genotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris) were susceptible to the virus but reacted differentially to the three isolates. Seed transmission of PEBV, including the new isolate, in faba bean is confirmed (9% for the Algerian isolate, and over 45% for one of the Dutch type strain isolates), and seed transmission of the virus in a non-legume (N. rustica, 4%) is herewith first reported. This is the first report on the occurrence of the BBYB serotype of PEBV outside Italy, and of PEBV outside Morocco in North Africa.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition between Amaranthus chlorostachys Willd. and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L., NSH-33 hybrid) in pure and mixed stands of the same density was studied in small plot experiments to elucidate the ecophysiological responses of the competing species under drought stress. When grown in a mixed stand the extremely low intensity of transpiration in A. chlorostachys resulted in a difference in the water use efficiency (WUE) values of net photosynthesis between the two species. The values were higher in A. chlorostachys. Interspecific competition reduced the total individual plant weight to a greater extent in sunflower than in the weed species by the end of the growing season. Reproductive effort was higher in A. chlorostachys than sunflower and, in our opinion, best reflects the outcome of competi-tion. On the basis of the correlation between WUE and reproductive allocation, reproduc-tive effort in sunflower and A. chlorostachys in both intra- and interspecific competition is determined by the value of WUE, which latter is also of prime importance in drought stress tolerance. Approche écophysiologique de la compétition entre Amaranthus chlorostachys et le tournesol (Helianthus annuus) en condition de stress hydrique La compétition interspécifique entre Amaranthus chlorostachys Willd. et le tournesol (Helianthus annuus L. hybride NSH 33) dans des stations mixtes et simples de densité de plantes identiques (espacement de 35 × 35 cm) a étéétudié dans une expérimentation de plein champ en petites parcelles. Notre but était d'éclairer les réponses écophysiologiques des espèces en compétition (compétition inter et intra spécifique) sous stress hydrique et de mettre en lumière les corrélations entre les processus ecophysiologiques adéquats et les paramètres de la production de biomasse quan-tifiant le résultat de la compétition. Quand la culture a été faite dans des stations mixtes, la très faible intensité de transpiration chez A. chlorostachys a abouti à une différence ultérieure entre les valeurs de l'efficacité de l'utilisation (WVE) de l'eau dans la photosynthèse chez les 2 espèces: celle-ci était plus élevée chez A. chlorostachys. La compétition interspécifique a réduit le poids total des plantes individuelles de faon plus importante chez le tournesol que chez la mauvaise herbe à la fin de la saison de croissance. L'importance de la reproduction, qui à notre avis reflète le mieux le résultat de la compétition exprimée dans une aptitude à se reproduire plus élevée chez A. chlorostachys que chez le tournesol. Sur la base de la corrélation entre WVE et l'aptitude à se reproduire, l'importance de la reproduction chez le tournesol et A. chlorostachysà la fois en compétition intra et inter spécifique est déterminée par la valeur de WVE, qui est aussi de première importance dans la tolérance au stress hydrique. Ökophysiologische Untersuchung der Konkurrenz zwischen Amaranthus chlorostachys und Sonnenblume (Helianthus annuus) unter Trockenstreβ Die Konkurrenz zwischen Amaranthus chlorostachys Willd. und der Sonnenblume (Helianthus annuus L., ‘NSH-33’) in Rein- und Mischbeständen gleicher Pflanzendichte (Abstand 35 cm) wurde in Feldversuchen auf kleinen Parzellen untersucht. Die ökophysiologische Reaktion der konkurrierenden Arten (bei intra- und interspezifischer Konkurrenz) unter Trockenstreß, die Beziehungen zwischen den relevanten ökophysiologischen Prozessen und die Biomasseproduktion unter dem Einfluß der Konkurrenz sollten bestimmt werden. In Mischbeständen führte die extrem niedrige Intensität der Transpiration von Amaranthus chlorostachys zu einer noch verstärkten Differenz zwischen den Werten der Wasserausnutzung (WUE) der Netto-Photosynthese der beiden Arten, die bei Amaranthus chlorostachys höher waren. Die interspezifische Konkurrenz verringerte die Einzelpflanzenmasse bei der Sonnenblume zum Ende der Vegetationsperiode stärker als beim Unkraut. Der Repro-duktions-Aufwand, der unserer Meinung nach die Konkurrenzwirkung am besten widerspiegelt, war bei Amaranthus chlorostachys höher als bei der Sonnenblume. Er wird bei beiden Arten sowohl bei intra- als auch interspezifischer Konkurrenz durch den Wert der WUE bestimmt, die auch für die Trockenstreß-Toleranz sehr wichtig ist.  相似文献   

Preparations of pathogenesis-related (b) proteins (PRs) from differentNicotiana species, tomato,Gynura aurantiaca, bean, and cowpea were compared to each other and to bean chitinase and a constitutive apple agglutinin by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels both in the absence and in the presence of SDS, and by serological double diffusion analysis using antisera against tobacco PRs and bean chitinase. PRs from different plant genera displayed a similar but not identical range of relative mobilities in both native and SDS gels, whereas bean chitinase and apple agglutinin were clearly different. None of the antisera reacted with any of the PR preparations from plant genera other than the one from which the antigen(s) had been derived. Whilst PRs within the genusNicotiana are serologically related and can be identical, PRs from different plant genera seem to be sufficiently different to be considered as genus-specific.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted in 1988 and 1989 to determine the phenology and growth of broomrape in sunflower as affected by crop sowing dates. The parasitic weed attachment was observed in sunflower plants with 6–7 leaves; later it was found throughout the vegetative and flowering period of the crop. O. cernua seedlings with shoot development extensive but subterranean were mainly observed at the early heading stage of sunflower. At this stage they were beginning to reduce sunflower plant growth as compared with non–parasitized plants. The emergence of broomrape began at the early flowering stage of the crop and was particularly abundant throughout this and the achene–filling stage. Generally, broomrape infection was much less at the first than at the second or third sunflower sowings, and caused less reduction in yield. The duration of the broomrape emergence period increased as sowing date was delayed. Since sunflower yield was higher at earlier sowing dates, early sowing may be recommended for sunflower crops in broomrape–infested areas under mild mediterranean climates. Effet de la date de semis sur les infections d'orobanche (Orobanche cernua Loefl.) en culture de tournesol (Helianthus annuus L.) Des études de plein champ ont été conduites en 1988 et 1989 pour déterminer comment la phénologie et la croissance des orobanches en culture de tournesol étaient affectées par les dates de semis de la culture. Le rattachement de 1'adventice parasite a été observeé chez les plantes de tournesol avec 6–7 feuilles; plus tard il était observé tout au long des périodes végétatives et de floraison de la culture. Des plantules d'O. cernua avec un développement de la tige important mais souterrain ont été principalement observées au stage bourgeon précoce du tournesol. A ce stade elles ont commencé & réquire la croissance du tournesol en comparaison avec des plantes non parasitées. La levée de 1'orobanche a commencé au début du stade de la floraison de la culture et a été particuliérement abondant pendant celle–ci et le stade remplissement des akénes. Généralement, l'infection d'orobanche a été beaucoup moins forte au premier qu'au second et troisiéme semis et a causé des baisses de rendement plus faibles. La durée de la période de levée des orobanches a augmenté quand le semis a été retardé. Puisque le rendement en tournesol a été plus élevé pour les dates de semis précoces, un semis précoce peut être recommandé pour le tournesol en zones infestées par les orobanches sous les climats méditerranéens. Die Bedeutung des Saattermins der Sonnenblume (Helianthus annuus L.) für den Befall mil der Sommerwurz (Orobanche cernua Loefl.) In Feldversuchen wurden 1988 und 1989 die PhÄnologie und das Wachstum der Sommerwurz in Sonnenblumenkulturen untersucht. Der Befall der Sonnenblumenpflanzen wurde im 6- bis 7-Blatt-Stadium festgestellt, aber auch später in der gesamten vegetativen und generativen Phase der Kulturpflanze. Keimpflanzen der Sommerwurz mit einer kräftigen, aber unterirdischen Sproßentwicklung wurden überwiegend im frühen Stadium der Blütenentwicklung der Sonnenblume beobachtet. In diesem Stadium begann die Wachstumshemmung der Sonnenblume. Zu Beginn der Blüte der Sonnenblume lief die Sommerwurz auf und war während dieses Entwicklungsstadiums und der folgenden Samenbildung besonders häufig anzutreffen. In der ersten Aussaat der Sonnenblume war der Befall allgemein geringer als in der zweiten oder dritten. Mit späterem Saattermin verlängerte sich die Keimungsperiode der Sommerwurz. Nachdem die Sonnenblume bei früherer Saat einem höheren Ertrag brachte, wird für mild-mediterrane Gebiete mit Befall von Sommerwurz eine frühe Aussaat empfohlen.  相似文献   

Resistance of sunflowers to terminal bud attack bySclerotinia sclerotiorum was studied by microscopical observations of infection processes and by genetical analyses of trials showing natural infections. Electron microscope studies showed that there were no differences in leaf morphology between susceptible and resistant genotypes, and that both were contaminated by ascospores. Only on the susceptible genotype was considerable ascospore germination observed, followed by mycelial development and leaf penetration. On the resistant genotype, there was little ascosopore germination and no further development. The genetical studies of percentage natural attack observed on eight inbred lines representing a range of reactions, and the hybrids from a factorial cross of these lines, indicated that inheritance is mainly additive, with few interactions.  相似文献   

In field experiments, sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Hybrid 894) showed sufficient tolerance to metribuzin to permit use of this herbicide to control selectively several broad-leaved weeds, including wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.). Metribuzin, at rates up to 0.3 kg ai ha−1, applied pre-emergence to sunflower and soil incorporated to a depth of 2.5 cm with a spike tooth harrow, did not injure sunflower plants growing in clay loam soil containing 5.3% O.M. A similar treatment injured sunflowers planted in a fine sandy loam soil with 4.5% O.M. Results from controlled-environment studies supported the field results. Metribuzin as a postplant, shallow incorporation treatment offers a practical method for the selective control of wild mustard and other broad-leaved weeds in sunflowers grown on clay loam soils. Effet de la méthode d'incorporation et du type de sol sur la sélectivité de la métribuzine chez le Tournesol (Helianthus annuus L.) Au cours d'essais au champ, la métribuzine a été suffisamment bien tolérée par le tournesol (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Hybrid 894) pour pouvoir être utilisée pour le contrôle sélectif de plusieurs dicotylédones, y compris la moutarde sauvage (Sinapis arvensis L.). La métribuzine, jusqu'à la dose de 0,3 kg ma ha−1, appliquée en pré-levée et incorporée à la profondeur de 2,5 cm avec une herse à dents, n'a pas été phytotoxique pour le tournesol cultivé sur un sol limonoargileux contenant 5,3% de matière organique. Un traitement similaire s'est montré phytotoxique pour les tournesols dans un sol fin limonosableux avec 4,5% de matière organique. Les résultats d'études en conditions contrôlées concordent avec les observations au champ. La métribuzine administrée en traitement de postsemis à faible profondeur offre une possibilité pratique de contrôle sélectif de la moutarde sauvage et d'autres dicotylédones chez le tournesol cultivé sur les sols limono-argileux. Einfluss von Einarbeitungsmethode und Bodentyp auf die Selektivität von Metribuzin in Sonnenblumen (Helianthus annuus L.) In Feldversuchen zeigten Sonnenblumen (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Hybride 894) gegenûUber Metribuzin eine genügend höhe Toleranz, um den Einsatz dieses Herbizids zur selektiven Bekämpfung verschiedener breitblättriger Unkräuter, incl. Ackersenf (Sinapis arvensis L.), zu ermöglichen. In tonigem Lehm mit 5,3% organ. Substanz bewirkte Metribuzin in Dosierungen bis zu 0,3 kg ai ha−1 preemergent in Bezug auf Sonnenblume appliziert und in eine Tiefe von 2,5 cm eingehackt, an der Kultur keine Schäden. In feinem sandigen Lehm mit 4,5% organ. Substanz wurden die Sonnenblumen durch eine ähnliche Behandlung geschädigt. Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen unter kontrollierten Umweltbedingungen bestätigten die Feldresultate. Metribuzin, nach der Aussaat flach eingearbeitet, ermöglicht auf tonigen Lehmböden eine selektive Bekämpfung von Ackersenf und anderen breitblättrigen Unkräutern.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rapid and efficient diagnostic tests for early screening of herbicide resistance are convenient alternatives to field screening methods. There is a need for a quick, reliable and cost‐effective method for rapid diagnosis of imidazolinone resistance in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). RESULTS: Two seed germination bioassays were developed. Seeds from three sunflower inbred lines differing in resistance to imidazolinones were germinated either on solid culture medium or placed in plastic pots filled with commercial perlite. After 8 days incubation under controlled conditions, both assays successfully distinguished susceptible genotype from the resistant and intermediate ones. The susceptible genotype showed arrested root growth at all herbicide treatments (root length < 1 cm). The resistant genotype developed a complete root system even when exposed to the highest dose of herbicide. However, no definite differences were observed for the intermediate and resistant genotypes with respect to root growth under the different herbicide treatments. CONCLUSION: The simple and rapid screening assays described in the present study were useful in discriminating imidazolinone resistance at the seedling stage. Therefore, these bioassays could be potential tools for early screening of imidazolinone resistance genes from large sunflower populations. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Soil samples from the coastal bulb-growing areas in the provinces of North- and South-Holland and the North-East Polder in the Netherlands were examined for trichodorid nematodes and tobacco rattle virus (TRV) serotypes. At least one of a total of eight species of Trichodoridae, of whichParatrichodorus pachydermus was most prevalent, was found in 93% of the samples from the provinces of North- and South-Holland and TRV, including four serotypes, was obtained from 49% of these samples. In the North-East Polder one of three species of trichodorids, of whichP. teres occurred most frequently, was present in 72% of the samples, and TRV of one serotype was obtained from 28% of these samples. The TRV isolates recovered from these samples reacted serologically with one of four antisera to strains of TRV. Virus transmitted byP. pachydermus reacted to the PRN-, byTrichodorus viruliferus to the RQ-, byP. teres to the N5- and byT. similis, to the TS-antiserum, respectively.  相似文献   

A virus with elongate particles (656 nm) was isolated from severalLonicera species. This virus, apparently belonging to the carlavirus group, is serologically distantly related to shallot latent virus and closely related to poplar mosaic virus. The inability to infect poplar and two other hosts of poplar mosaic virus characterizes the virus fromLonicera as a new virus which was namedLonicera latent virus.The virus was easily sap-transmissible but was not transmitted byMyzus persicae.Dilution end-point was about 10–3, thermal inactivation between 65°C and 80°C and ageing in vitro 1–6 days.Heat treatment, combined with tip-rooting appeared to be a good method to eliminate the virus from severalLonicera species and cultivars.Samenvatting In verschillende soorten en cultivars van het geslachtLonicera (kamperfoelie) blijkt een virus voor te komen dat gemakkelijk door sapinoculatie kan worden overgebracht op kruidachtige planten.Een tegen gezuiverd virus bereid antiserum had een titer van ca. 4096. Er kon mee worden aangetoond dat het virus van kamperfoelie serologisch nauw verwant is met populieremozaïekvirus (Tabel 1). Het virus van kamperfoelie is echter niet in staat om populier,Phaseolus vulgaris Bataaf enVigna sinensis te infecteren en wordt mede daarom als een afzonderlijk virus beschouwd. Het wordt aangeduid als latent kamperfoelievirus (Lonicera latent virus) en behoort evenals populieremozaïekvirus tot de carlavirusgroep (aardappelvirus-S-groep).Het virus blijkt vrij gemakkelijk te kunnen worden geëlimineerd door besmette kamperfoelieplanten gedurende ongeveer zes weken een warmtebehandeling (37°C) te geven en daarna de uiterste toppen (1 cm) te stekken. Van verschillende cultivars werd op deze wijze virusvrij uitgangsmateriaal verkregen.  相似文献   

从向日葵转录组测序结果中获得了3个对盐胁迫有响应的谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GST,EC2.5.1.18)GST基因,构建了系统进化树并进行分析,得知这3个基因属于Tau型GST,并将它们命名为HaGSTU26(HanXRQChr04g0127901)、HaGSTU8(HanXRQChr06g0177581)、HaGSTU27(HanXRQChr10g0316331),然后以向日葵Sk02R为试验材料,克隆这3个基因,并进行了不同组织和不同胁迫条件下的表达分析。序列分析表明:HaGSTU26基因组为1674bp,CDS(编码蛋白序列)长666bp,编码221个氨基酸,由2个外显子和1个内含子组成;HaGSTU8基因组为2271bp,CDS长654bp,编码217个氨基酸,由2个外显子和1个内含子组成; HaGSTU27基因组为663bp,CDS长663bp,编码220个氨基酸,由1个外显子组成。实时荧光定量PCR分析表明:向日葵HaGSTU26HaGSTU8HaGSTU27基因在不同组织(根、幼叶、成熟叶、茎、幼茎、苞叶)中表达量不同,其中,HaGSTU26基因和HaGSTU27基因在根中表达量最高,而HaGSTU8基因在苞叶中表达量最高,但这3个基因均在成熟茎中的表达量最低。在不同胁迫条件下,测定这3个基因在向日葵幼苗中的表达量,结果表明在盐及ABA胁迫下,基因表达量均随着处理时间的增加而呈现先增加后下降的趋势。其中,在盐胁迫下,HaGSTU26基因在12 h后相对表达量最高,HaGSTU8HaGSTU27基因表达量在3h后相对表达量最高。在ABA胁迫后,HaGSTU26HaGSTU27基因表达量在12 h后相对表达量最高,HaGSTU8在24 h后相对表达量最高。在冷胁迫下,HaGSTU26HaGSTU27基因上调表达,它们分别在3、24 h后相对表达量最高,HaGSTU8基因下调表达,其相对表达量随处理时间的延长呈现逐渐减少的趋势。在热胁迫条件下,这3个基因的相对表达量随着胁迫时间的延长而增加,均在24 h后表达量最高。以上结果说明这3个基因对不同非生物胁迫(盐、ABA、冷、热胁迫)均有响应。  相似文献   

Broad bean mottle virus (BBMV) was transmitted from infected to healthy faba-bean plants by the curculionid weevilsApion radiolus Kirby,Hypera variabilis Herbst,Pachytychius strumarius Gyll,Smicronyx cyaneus Gyll, andSitona lineatus L. The latter appeared to be an efficient vector: acquisition and inoculation occurred at the first bite, the rate of transmission was c. 41%, and virus retention lasted for at least seven days.S. lineatus transmitted the virus from faba bean to lentil and pea, but not to the three genotypes of chickpea tested. This is the first report on the generaHypera, Pachytychius, andSmicronyx as virus vectors, and onA. radiolus, H. variabilis, P. strumarius, andS. cyaneus as vectors of BBMV.Out of 351 samples of food legumes with symptoms suggestive of virus infection, 16, 11, 19, and 17% of the samples of chickpea, lentil, pea, and common bean, respectively, were found infected when tested for BBMV in DAS-ELISA. This is the first report on the natural occurrence of BBMV in chickpea, lentil, pea, and common bean. The virus should be regarded as a food-legume virus rather than a faba-bean virus solely, and is considered an actual threat to food legume improvement programmes.  相似文献   

The Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B transmitted host range of Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV), genus Crinivirus, Family Closteroviridae, and Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV), genus Ipomovirus, Family Potyviridae, was studied. New experimental hosts were identified for each of these viruses. Seventeen species in eight plant families were assessed as potential hosts for ToCV. Infection in asymptomatic Anthriscus cereifolium (chervil) test plants by ToCV was confirmed by using a Real-Time PCR assay designed for ToCV. The presence of readily transmissible, infectious ToCV virions in A. cereifolium was confirmed by re-isolation of the virus via whitefly-transmission from A. cereifolium to Lycopersicon esculentum and A. cereifolium. This is the first report of the experimental transmission of ToCV by B. tabaci to a species within the Umbelliferae. All other hosts assessed for the presence of ToCV were found to be uninfected. Ten species in five families were assessed as potential hosts for CVYV. The CVYV host range identified included some important crops and common weeds, such as L. esculentum, Nicotiana tabacum, A. cereifolium, Datura stramonium, Nicotiana benthamiana, Nicotiana clevlandii and Cucumis sativus. Symptoms were present on D. stramonium, N. benthamiana and C. sativus control plants. The presence of infectious whitefly transmitted CVYV virions was confirmed solely for D. stramonium and N. tabacum, following re-isolation of the virus via B. tabaci transmission from all infected species to C. sativus. This is the␣first report of experimental CVYV transmission by B. tabaci to non-cucurbitaceous crop and weed hosts belonging to the Solanaceae or Umbelliferae.  相似文献   

Forty-four bacterial isolates were obtained from infected wheat, barley and various grasses from different regions of Iran. All isolates were bacteriologically similar toXanthomonas campestris and some of their physiological and biochemical features can be useful for a primary differentiation between them. Depending on their pathogenicity, the isolates were split into two groups; the wheat group isolated from wheat, barley and grasses could infect artificially wheat, barley, rye,Agropyron elongatum, Bromus inermis, andLolium multiflorum but not oat, whereas the barley group obtained from cultivated or wild barley was pathogenic to barley only. From their bacteriological characteristics and host range, the barley and the wheat group isolated were identified asX. campestris pvs.hordei andcerealis, respectively.Aegilops sp.,Sclerochloa dura, andHeteranthelium sp. were, for the first time, shown to be hosts ofX. c. pv.cerealis.  相似文献   

Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has resulted in much damage to Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge) crops in China. A 5-year survey was conducted in Hebei, Shandong, Sichuan, Shanxi, Henan and Gansu Provinces, all major Danshen-growing areas. A total of 156 Danshen plant samples with CMV symptoms were collected and tested for the presence of CMV by a double-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) using polyclonal antibodies against CMV and a positive control, according to the supplier’s instructions (Agdia). They were confirmed to be CMV by amplification of complete coat protein gene and analysis of the gene sequence. The results showed that 122 samples were infected by CMV and all of these CMV isolates belonged to subgroup IB. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 19, 2008. Joint first authors.  相似文献   

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