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Morphological characteristics of immature developmental stages of Rhyzobius lophanthae Blaisdell (Col.: Coccinellidae), predator of scale insects of the family Diaspididae (Homoptera), are described. Data about the morphology of eggs, the four larval instars, and the pupa is presented. Larval instars are described in more detail: size of head capsule, length of tibia, distribution of dorsal and lateral setae of abdomen segments for each larval instar is reported. Distribution of spiracles is also given. Study on the biology concerns the influence of prey on the duration of instar periods. The diaspidids Aspidiotus nerii and Aonidiella aurantii were used as food. The mean duration of the developmental period from egg to adult was 27.1 days, and no mortality was observed (0%) when A. nerii was used as prey. The respective numbers when the prey was A. aurantii were 48.8 days and 84%.  相似文献   

The external and internal morphological characteristics of the predator Rhyzobius lophanthae Blaisdell (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) were studied. The head, antenna, thorax elytra, hind wings, legs and abdomen are described. The adult has an average length of about 2.5mm and width of 1.8mm. The flagellum of the antenna consists of 9 segments. The whole surface of thorax and elytra is covered by setae. The tarsus of the 3 legs is 3-segmented. An external morphological difference between male and female is the outline of the 5th sternite. The alimentary canal, the central nervous system, and the reproductive system of both male and female are also described. The testes consist of 10 follicles and the ovaries of 10 ovarioles. The life cycle of R. lophanthae was studied by rearing the predator on the diaspidid Chrysomphalus aonidum (Linnaeus). The duration of the development of the embryo, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th larval instars, pupa and preoviposition period of adults were measured at 15, 20, 25 and 30°C.  相似文献   

AdultCoccinella septempunctata, a coccinellid predator of the bean aphidAphis fabae Scop., responded to aqueous extract containing kairomones of the prey. The crude aphidextract was topically dropped onto either clean leaves ofVicia faba or clean Petri-dishes. After application of aqueous-extract at different aphid densities, the predator showed variations in the attractivity and searching behaviour in comparisons with control. The variations are summarized as follows: (1) the aqueous-extract of aphids attract or directC. septempunctata adults to the treated vials at all aphid densities. The number of attracted or directed coccinellid adults was directly proportional with aphid concentrations; (2) the predatorC. septempunctata adult intensified its searching behaviour by increasing the total path length walked; (3) the number of turns exhibited is significantly higher as compared with those of control; and (4) the arrested time spent by coccinellid adults with treated plant is much more than that with clean plant at all aphid densities. The present results show that the aphid aqueous-extract contains the active ingredients (kairomone) which induce considerable changes in the searching pattern of the predator coccinellid adults.  相似文献   

AdultCoccinella septempunctata, a coccinellid predator of the bean aphidAphis fabae Scop., responded to aqueous extract containing kairomones of the prey. The crude aphidextract was topically dropped onto either clean leaves ofVicia faba or clean Petri-dishes. After application of aqueous-extract at different aphid densities, the predator showed variations in the attractivity and searching behaviour in comparisons with control. The variations are summarized as follows: (1) the aqueous-extract of aphids attract or directC. septempunctata adults to the treated vials at all aphid densities. The number of attracted or directed coccinellid adults was directly proportional with aphid concentrations; (2) the predatorC. septempunctata adult intensified its searching behaviour by increasing the total path length walked; (3) the number of turns exhibited is significantly higher as compared with those of control; and (4) the arrested time spent by coccinellid adults with treated plant is much more than that with clean plant at all aphid densities. The present results show that the aphid aqueous-extract contains the active ingredients (kairomone) which induce considerable changes in the searching pattern of the predator coccinellid adults.  相似文献   

In a laboratory study, it was tried to measure the extent of olfactory responses of two predators namelyCryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant andChrysoperla carnea (Stephens) to their respective preys at varied levels of their starvation. Results indicated that both the predators, irrespective of their developmenta stage, oriented more positively to their preys odour when they were deprived of food for certain period of time than they did so when tested directly without subjecting them to starvation. The first, second, third and fourth instar larvae and adults ofC. montrouzieri showed maximum response at 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 12 h and 24 h of starvation, respectively. Similarly, the larvae ofC. carnea responded maximum with 4 h, 8 h and 12 h of hunger in first, second and third instar, respectively. However it was also evident that the continued starvation for more than certain ideal period affected the predators olfactory orientation negatively. But the adults ofC. montrouzieri differed slightly in their behavior as they could respond positively for comparatively longer period of starvation.In Laborversuchen wurde das Ausmaß der olfaktorischen Reaktionen der beiden PrädatorenCryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant undChrysoperla carnea (Stephens) auf deren BeuteinsektenPlanococcus citri Risso respektiveAcyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) und in Abhängigkeit von der Dauer einer vorangegangenen Hungerperiode, namentlich 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 und 24 Stunden, ermittelt. Wie die Ergebnisse belegen, reagieren beide Prädatoren-Arten unabhängig vom jeweiligen Entwicklungsstadium stärker auf den Geruch ihrer Beute, wenn sie zuvor eine bestimmte Zeit unter Ausschluß von Nahrung gehalten worden waren. Dabei zeigte sich bei den Larven beider Arten ein typischer Verlauf der Attraktivität durch die Beute, nach dem diese mit zunehmender Dauer der Hungerperiode zunächst zunahm, um nach einem Maximum wieder deutlich abzufallen. Dieser Verlauf erwies sich für die einzelnen Larvenstadien als unterschiedlich. So wurde fürC. montrouzieri das Maximum bei den L1-Larven mit durchschnittlich 9,33 von 15 durch die Beute angelockten Individuen bereits nach einer Hungerperiode von 4 h erreicht, für die L2 jedoch mit 9,50 Individuen erst nach 8 und für die L3 sowie L4 erst nach 12 h mit 8,83 respektive 9,17 Individuen. Lediglich bei denC. montrouzieri-Adulten war eine kontinuierliche Zunahme der Attraktivität der Beute während des Untersuchungszeitraums von 24 h festzustellen, wobei das Maximum bei 10,00 Individuen lag. Analog wurde für das ersteC. carnea-Larvenstadium bei einer 4stündigen Hungerperiode mit 55,5% attrahierten Individuen das Maximum erreicht, wohingegen das zweite Stadium mit 61,1% bei der 8- und das dritte mit 65,5% bei der 12stündigen Hungerperiode die maximale Attraktion durch die Beute aufwies.
With one table and one figure  相似文献   

Aromatic spice crops such as coriander, Coriandrum sativum L., and fennel, Foeniculum vulgare L., are among the major seeds exported to the international market. Observations on the stores of these crops revealed differences in their susceptibility to the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne (F.) (Col., Anobiidae). Coriander seeds proved to be the most appropriate diet for the beetle. The population dynamics of L. serricorne (F.) was determined, showing 3 generations during the period from May to October.  相似文献   

Aromatic spice crops such as coriander, Coriandrum sativum L., and fennel, Foeniculum vulgare L., are among the major seeds exported to the international market. Observations on the stores of these crops revealed differences in their susceptibility to the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne (F.) (Col., Anobiidae). Coriander seeds proved to be the most appropriate diet for the beetle. The population dynamics of L. serricorne (F.) was determined, showing 3 generations during the period from May to October.  相似文献   


Chilocorus bipustulatus L. (Col.: Coccinellidae) is a predatory coccinellid with a wide geographical distribution. Biological control programs should have a good understanding of the capacity of a predator to kill the target prey. Therefore, the age-stage specific predation rate and functional response of C. bipustulatus feeding on Agonoscena pistaciae (Hem.: Psyllidae) were studied at 18, 25, and 32 °C (65?±?5%RH and 16 L: 8D) to confirm its potential as a biological control agent of common pistachio psylla. The functional response at 18 and 25 °C were described by type II and type III at 32 °C. The estimated maximum attack rate (T/Th) was at 25 °C. Moreover, the highest net feeding (C0) was observed at 25 °C (3271.5 psyllids). This laboratory study, thus, suggested that the predatory coccinellid C. bipustulatus reacted to the rise of temperature by enhancing the predation rate on A. pistaciae.


Canningia tomici sp. n. (Microsporidia, Unikaryonidae) infects the midgut epithelium, the gut muscules, Malpighian tubules, connective tissues, adipose tissues and the gonads of the pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (L.) (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). The infection is present in populations of Tomicus piniperda in Europe and in the United States. Uninucleate oval single spores occur in two sizes: 2.8±0.4× 1.4±0.4m and 3.8±0.3×2.0±0.2m. The polar filament of this microsporidium is fixed subapically in a flat anchoring disc. The thick posterior lamellae of the binary polaroplast are asymmetric due to the lateral fixation of the polar filament.  相似文献   

Canningia tomici sp. n. (Microsporidia, Unikaryonidae) infects the midgut epithelium, the gut muscules, Malpighian tubules, connective tissues, adipose tissues and the gonads of the pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (L.) (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). The infection is present in populations of Tomicus piniperda in Europe and in the United States. Uninucleate oval single spores occur in two sizes: 2.8±0.4× 1.4±0.4m and 3.8±0.3×2.0±0.2m. The polar filament of this microsporidium is fixed subapically in a flat anchoring disc. The thick posterior lamellae of the binary polaroplast are asymmetric due to the lateral fixation of the polar filament.  相似文献   

The ambrosia beetle Gnathotrichus materiarius, which originally came from North America, was discovered in southern Finland in 1996. In 1997, using Norwegian drainpipe traps baited with pheromones of Gnathotrichus retusus and G. sulcatus, we collected beetles in the region where the first specimen had been caught in order to determine whether this potential pest species had become established in the area. Samples from a total of 16 traps included 79 species of beetles and 719 individuals, but no specimens of G. materiarius. The most abundant species in the samples were the ambrosia beetles Xyleborus dispar and Trypodendron lineatum. Several predators and other associates of bark beetles were also captured. The majority of the beetles caught were saproxylic species.  相似文献   

The ambrosia beetle Gnathotrichus materiarius, which originally came from North America, was discovered in southern Finland in 1996. In 1997, using Norwegian drainpipe traps baited with pheromones of Gnathotrichus retusus and G. sulcatus, we collected beetles in the region where the first specimen had been caught in order to determine whether this potential pest species had become established in the area. Samples from a total of 16 traps included 79 species of beetles and 719 individuals, but no specimens of G. materiarius. The most abundant species in the samples were the ambrosia beetles Xyleborus dispar and Trypodendron lineatum. Several predators and other associates of bark beetles were also captured. The majority of the beetles caught were saproxylic species.  相似文献   

An outbreak on apple permitted a closer look at Coenorhinus pauxillus (Germar) (Col.: Attelabidae). The adult weevils emerge from mid-March onwards and attack the first unfolding leaves. Infested leaves drop when the larvae are in the 1st or 2nd instar, and it takes a further 4 weeks before the larvae are ready to pupate. Rearing of field-collected eggs and larvae is described. Leaf decomposition is an essential condition for pupation, as the fully-grown larvae do not leave their mine actively. Part of the population pupates more or less immediately and produces adult weevils in autumn. However, up to 70% of the weevils remain in prolonged diapause; their pupation does not take place before the summer of the following year. Damage by the weevil involves not only the loss of leaves of flower clusters and shoots, but also feeding damage to young fruits. Two parasitoids were found. Observations indicate that 3–4 subsequently more abundant generations of Anaphes brachygaster Debauche (Hym.: Mymaridae) develop in eggs of C. pauxillus. Probles brevicornisHorstmann (Hym.: Ichneumonidae, Tersilochinae) emerges in May and oviposits in young weevil larvae on the tree. The parasitoid does not develop into a pupa until its host starts pupating. The outbreak of apple leaf cutter did not decline over three years, but did not spread into adjacent plantings.  相似文献   

七星瓢虫人工饲料的研究现状及发展对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

七星瓢虫人工饲料的研究现状及发展对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以人工卵赤眼蜂蛹为主要饲料,在产卵前期添加取食刺激剂(0.1% 的橄榄油+ 5% 蔗糖)或适当添加蚜虫可显著提高其生殖力。这将解决七星瓢虫人工饲养的食料难题,并促使七星瓢虫的规模化生产  相似文献   

七星瓢虫规模化饲养的质量控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从七星瓢虫生活力、生殖力、捕食能力角度,提出了其规模化饲养的质量控制标准及其测试办法。(1)生活特征:体重大于26.9mg,羽化率大于87.7%,寿命达到62.9天,贮藏时间大于51.6天;(2)生殖力特征:成虫产卵期短于13.7天,产卵雌虫率大于86.9%,产卵期大于52.9天,所产卵孵化率达到85.8%,产卵量达到4027粒;(3)捕食能力:饥饿24小时后,在220头蚜虫/m^2密度下,日捕食  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Greenhouse experiments were conducted at Khartoum (Sudan) with the aphid predator Hippodamia variegata, two botanical and one synthetic insecticides: neem...  相似文献   

Biweekly samples of 4 species of mealybugs infesting fruit and ornamentals in Salalh, Sultanate of Oman, revealed thatDicrodiplosis manihoti Harr. was found to associate with the long-tailed mealybug and citrus mealybug. The predator occurred almost all the year round and preyed on nymphs and adult females. Biological studies showed that the incubating period of the predator-egg averaged 2.8 days. The larval stage lasted 11.4 days and consumed an average of 5.6, adult females of the long-tailed mealybug. The pupal stage lasted 10.1 days. The total number of eggs deposited/female averaged 36 during her very short life span which averaged 2.3 days.  相似文献   

Biweekly samples of 4 species of mealybugs infesting fruit and ornamentals in Salalh, Sultanate of Oman, revealed thatDicrodiplosis manihoti Harr. was found to associate with the long-tailed mealybug and citrus mealybug. The predator occurred almost all the year round and preyed on nymphs and adult females. Biological studies showed that the incubating period of the predator-egg averaged 2.8 days. The larval stage lasted 11.4 days and consumed an average of 5.6, adult females of the long-tailed mealybug. The pupal stage lasted 10.1 days. The total number of eggs deposited/female averaged 36 during her very short life span which averaged 2.3 days.  相似文献   

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