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以山杨优树的根段为繁殖材料进行分层埋根处理,将其根蘖萌生嫩枝扦插繁殖,对影响山杨根蘖萌生嫩枝扦插的因子如发芽率、存活率及高生长进行比较分析。结果表明,最佳埋根基质是珍珠岩,嫩枝萌生率为15.6%;根段直径3-4 cm,嫩枝萌生率高,为12.4%;最佳扦插基质为沙土与土比例为2:1的基质,扦插成活率81.3%,草炭与土比例为1:1的基质对扦插苗高生长效果最好;来源于树干不同位置的扦插苗在高生长上显示出显著差异,嫩枝顶端明显高于中部和下部。  相似文献   

The rough extent of leaf surface may be described by protruding of waxes which like as wart and of stomatal aperture and of width of the cuticular ledge around guard cells. Because the morphology of the leaf surface has obviously similar itself, so one can use the theory of the fractal dimension to deal with the problems of leaf surface rough. The paper studied the rough extent and the result showed: with the leaf growing up, the waxes accumulate more and more, the leaf surface is more rough and the dimension is larger. The dimension D w p which indicates the rough extent of warts protruding is about 2.10–2.20 on the above epidermis; On the beneath epidermis the dimension D s p of stomatal opening protruding is about 2.00–2.24; Maximum widthL of cuticular ledge is about 1.0–7.4μm. The project supported by Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

促进山杨天然更新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山杨根蘖苗有3种类型,第1种是愈伤组织类型,第2种是根分叉处潜伏芽发育而成的,第3种是未梢根幅潜伏芽发育而形成的根蘖苗群。山杨根蘖苗造林抚育费占人工造林费的35.93%。  相似文献   

山杨纸浆材优良种源的选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采集山杨主要分布区内15个种源171份材料,在黑龙江省迎春林业局进行种源试验,并进行生长与纸浆材性的综合分析,其结果表明:种源树高、地径、材积、新生长和冠幅等生长性状和纤维长、宽、长宽比、基本密度和纤维素含量等材性指标的差异达显著或极显著水平,通过综合指数法和PCA分析,初步选出适合黑龙江省营造山杨纸浆林的7个最佳种源。  相似文献   

通过对山杨(Populusdavidiana)优树及4年生山杨子代林生长和材性相关性的研究结果表明:山杨木材密度与纤维性状、生长性状相互独立,纤维长度、宽度、纤维长宽比之间相关显著。纤维性状与生长性状具有一定的相关性,其相关主要是由纤维长度与材积相关决定的。  相似文献   

Protoplasts were isolated from the leaves of sterile plants ofPopulus euphratica Oliv. by using 1% Cellulase “Onozuka” RS and 0.25% Pectolyase Y-23 in 0.6m of mannitol solution. Protoplasts were cultured in modified Murashige and Skoog's (MS) medium which contained no ammonium ions but was supplemented with BAP (6-benzylaminopurine), 2,4-D (2,4- dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid), and 1% sucrose at the cell density of 9×104/ml. Cell divisions occurred in every culture medium, especially in the medium containing 0.5 mg/l of BAP and 0.1 mg/l of 2,4-D, in which callus was successfully induced by successive culture through cell cluster formation. Shoots were regenerated from the callus, and their growth was enhanced on 1/2 MS medium containing 0.8 mg/l of BAP. Finally, shoots were rooted and plantlets were regenerated on 1/2 MS medium without a hormone. A part of this paper was presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the Jpn. For. Soc. (1995).  相似文献   

在兴隆山保护区,实测105棵山杨的15年胸径数据统计分析得出:山杨平均胸径年增长0.15 cm,生长较慢.生长受树龄、气候和立地条件制约.  相似文献   

Intr0ducti0nThewaterstateofsoilasattimp0rtanti11dexforpIantmanageinentrestricteddirectIyplantproductiv-ity.I'-'lManyreportsdiscussedtheprocessoftl1ewaterabsorbedbyro0tsandtral1sportedtoairbyIeafAnOhm'slawanal0gywasfrequentlyusedtodiscusswaterreIati0nbetweenthepIantandtheel1-.l4-9lqVironment.l'-'lThewaterstateofsoilcanbere-flectedbytheIeafwaterstate,l"-"lbutfewreportsweref0undonevaIuationofsoilwaterbyecoIogicalboundaryofleafsurfacels.l14lTheeco-b0u11dary0nIeafsurfaceisathinnerairlayerwhic…  相似文献   

通过对帽儿山白桦和山杨天然次生林凋落物产量、林地枯落物现存量及其周转时间进行研究,结果表明:(1)白桦林和山杨林的年凋落量分别为435g!m-2和464g!m-2,两种林型凋落物的主要组分均为叶,占60%以上,其次为枝和碎屑,繁殖器官最少;(2)白桦林总枯落物现存量为1 421g!m-2,林地枯落物、小枝、未分解层和半分解层现存量各占1/3;山杨林总枯落物现存量为1 647g!m-2,林地枯落物小枝、未分解层和半分解层现存量比例分别为25%、45%和30%;(3)白桦林小枝、叶、碎屑周转时间分别为17.4a、1.6a和8.1a;山杨林小枝、叶、碎屑周转时间分别为6.9a、12.5a和11.5a,白桦和山杨林总体周转时间接近,分别为3.3a和3.5a。  相似文献   

以大叶山杨的超级实生苗的当年生枝条、成年优树根部萌条当年生嫩枝和成年优树树冠当年生嫩枝切段做外植体,采用连续继代培养和微型嫁接法进行幼化处理技术研究。结果表明:随连续继代次数的增加及微嫁接后再继代次数的增加,茎条的幼化程度随之提高,徽扦插生根率也在提高。成年优树根部萌条当年生嫩茎连续继代4~5次,微扦插生根率可达100%;成年优树树冠当年生嫩茎连续继代6~7次,微扦插生根率可达100%;用组培苗作砧木微嫁接后再进行微繁,连续继代3~4次,微扦插生根率可达100%。  相似文献   

The effect of water state of soil on eco-boundary over leaf surface was disscussed by takingPopulus davidiana as experimental material. The results show that to change soil water state by some methods was to adjust and control the forming quality of eco-boundary in fact. The plant in good water condition must be accompanied by thinner eco-boundary. This eco-boundary is beneficial to exchange and flow of the substances between plant and environment. Suifenhe Animal and Plant Quarantine Bureau The study was supported by The Chinese Natural Science Foundation, No. 39470136 (Responsible Editor: Chai Ruihai)  相似文献   

帽儿山地区山杨次生林林木竞争关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闫妍  李凤日 《森林工程》2009,25(3):23-25
基于山杨(Poptdus davidianaD.)次生林固定标准地M712、M720的每木检尺数据,采用Hegyi单木竞争指数对帽儿山林场天然山杨次生林的种内、种间竞争强度进行定量分析。研究结果表明:山杨次生林林木所受到的竞争强度随着林木径级的增大而逐渐减小。山杨次生林种内竞争较与伴生树种枫桦的种间竞争弱。山杨次生林种内和种间竞争强度的顺序为:枫桦〉白桦〉蒙古栎〉杏树〉黄菠萝〉山杨〉胡桃楸〉槭树〉榆树〉水曲柳〉椴树〉暴马丁香〉桦树〉花楸〉花曲柳〉色木。  相似文献   

The relationship between the recovery of canopy trees after fire and root collar sprout dynamics was investigated during 1998–2000 in a secondary cool-temperate broad-leaved forest consisting of Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata and Betula platyphylla var. japonica trees, in northern Hokkaido, Japan, which burned in April 1998. All of the Betula trees that were severely damaged, two-thirds of those slightly damaged, and half of those intact in 1998, died within three growing seasons after the fire. By contrast, half of the Quercus trees that were slightly damaged and half of those severely damaged recovered their foliage, and no slightly damaged or intact trees died during the three growing seasons after the fire. Many Betula trees developed several fruiting bodies of wood-destroying fungi on their stems, irrespective of damage severity. Fungi also infected some of the surviving Quercus, although the crowns tended to recover. Although many sprouting Betula were observed in 1998, the number of sprouts declined rapidly over the study period. Multiple regression analyses showed that the survival and growth of Betula sprouts were positively influenced by the number of sprouts in 1998, damage severity in 1998, and the degree of recover or decline during the study period, and were negatively influenced by parent tree size. On the other hand, a few sprouts of Quercus remained alive. Quercus remained dominant and the dominance of Betula was rapidly reduced after the fire. However, many Betula sprouts remained alive. Stand structure will change drastically for the time being.  相似文献   

An improved method for selection of large electro-fused protoplasts ofPopulus alba by a micromanipulator was developed. The conditions for electric cell fusion treatment were optimized. For the best result, protoplasts with a cell density of 5 × 105/mL were treated with an alternate current (1 MHz, 200 V/cm) and pulsed with a direct current (2 kV/cm) for 100μs in 2.5 mM CaCl2 and 0.55 M mannitol. The electo-fused protoplasts were cultured in NH4NO3-free Murashige and Skoog’s medium containing 0.6 M of mannitol, 0.09 M sucrose, 1μM of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.1μM of benzyladenine, the same medium used for protoplast culture, but at a very low cell density of 5–10 × 102/mL in a well of a 96-well culture plate. When cell aggregates derived from individual fused protoplasts were transferred to fresh medium with 0, 0.3 or 0.6 M mannitol, large colonies developed. In the shoot differentiation medium, the reaction of the calluses derived from large fused protoplasts towards the growth regulators differed from the non-fused ones. In medium containing 1μM each of naphthalene acetic acid andN-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N′-phenylurea, growth of callus from electro-fused ones was not reduced by much compared to the control, but shoot differentiation was inhibited. Gibberellic acid (0.1–10μM) was beneficial to shoot regeneration; however, irregularly shaped leaves appeared at high gibberellic acid concentrations. Shoots regenerated were rooted in Murashige and Skoog’s medium containing 4μM of indole-3-butyric acid. Some plantlets obtained had a varied morphology. Based on the characteristics of growth, some cells derived from electro-fused protoplasts appear to be physiologically different from the non-fused one.  相似文献   

Bareroot nursery practices that maximize root development and growth have been studied and documented over a number of years. Each nursery, however, has its own unique combination of climate, soils, species, and stocktypes for which site specific cultural practices are necessary. J. Herbert Stone Nursery, a USDA Forest Service nursery, located in Central Point, OR, has completed a variety of production trials to adapt general cultural practices to its site. These trials resulted in changes which include: developing a strategy to maintain a high soil porosity through the application of organic matter and tillage measures; sowing seed earlier in the winter for 1 + 0 stocktypes; lowering seedbed densities from 267 seedlings/m2 (25 seedlings/ft2) to between 161 and 195 seedlings/m2 (15 and 18 seedlings/ft2); transplanting seedlings in early fall instead of spring; and developing a miniplug + 1 stocktype.  相似文献   

This study assessed the influence of various operational transplanting procedures on J-rooting compared to a no transplanting approach of direct sowing into Hiko trays. Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden and E. pilularis Smith seedlings were examined. All transplanting treatments increased severity and incidence of J-rooting for both species. Gently loosening seedling plugs by hand prior to their removal from cells of 512 trays and gentle manual production of seedling planting holes (dibbering) in potting media in Hiko cells, rather than mechanically loosening and mechanical dibbering, reduced the incidence of J-rooting for both species. Disturbance of seedling plugs from mechanized loosening and increased compaction from mechanical dibbering are believed to have a negative effect on root development. Direct sowing produced seedlings with highest root quality when measured at 27 weeks.
Dane S. ThomasEmail:

From April to December in 1997 at Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Science, the effect of predation risk on social behavior, feeding, reproduction and sexual hormones of the root voles (Microtus oeconomus) was studied when the root voles (Microtus oeconomus) were exposed to the odor of fitch (Mustila eversmanni). The results showed that the root voles delayed breeding period and the frequency of the copulation significantly lowered (P<0.01). Comparing with the control group, the accumulated time of amicable behavior in females, and general activity of both sexes increased significantly (P<0.01). The frequencies of general activity (P<0.01), investigating activity (females:P<0.05, males:P<0.01), and self-grooming (P<0.01) of both sexes were less significantly. At the same time, the amount of energy intake (P<0.05) and body weight (P<0.01) of the root voles decreased significantly. The litter weight and ovary index of females decreased (P<0.01). For males the sperm count in epididymides also decreased significantly (P<0.01). The progesterone in the blood serum of root voles females increased significantly under fitch odor (P<0.01). Biography: WANG Zhen-long (1971-), male, lecture in Department of Biology, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165, P.R. China Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

Modelling the root zone water dynamics in a tree crop agroforestry system is a useful approach to understanding small-scale effects in tree crop systems and may be helpful for optimizing tree spacing in agroforestry system planning. The agroforestry system in this study consists of the species Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd ex Spreng) Schum (Cupuaçu), Bactris gasipaes H.B.K. (peach palm) and the cover crop Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth (Pueraria). The soiltype is an oxisol. Calibration was conducted for each of the three species separately. Calibration results show good conformity between simulated and measured data. Simulated scenarios examine the influence of different spacing between trees on root water uptake, evaporation and drainage. Mean interception and crop factors of the whole flow region vary with spacing or are held constant to examine below-ground effects only. Also a fictitious scenario of an older agroforestry system with deeper roots is calculated. In order to overcome restrictions of the computer program Hydrus-2D, correction factors in the root zone were introduced and a calculation scheme for root water uptake of a flow subregion was developped. Below-ground effects of spacing between trees are not or almost not present, but the depth of the tree roots has a significant influence on root water uptake, evaporation and drainage. When mean interception and crop factor vary, drainage increases and root water uptake decreases slightly with spacing. The modelling approach has been found promising for optimizing agroforestry systems although it can only be seen as a first beginning. In an agroforestry systems under drier conditions differences in results will probably be larger.  相似文献   

The active root distribution pattern of mature rubber (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) up to a lateral distance of 250 cm from the tree and to a soil depth of 90 cm was studied in an oxisol by employing 32P soil injection technique in Kerala, the state which accounts for 83% of rubber cultivation in India. The trees were aged 18 years and grown at a spacing of 4.9 × 4.9 m. The extent of absorption of applied 32P by the tree from various placements was assessed by radio assay of leaf and latex serum. Latex serum registered higher counts and variability was less compared to leaf indicating the suitability of latex serum as a potential source for radio assay for 32P studies in rubber. The results revealed that rubber is a surface feeder with 55% of the root activity confining to the top 10 cm of soil layer. Root activity declined with increasing depths and the concentration of physiologically active roots at 90 cm depth was only 6%. A more or less uniform distribution of root activity was noticed with respect to lateral distance indicating more extensive spread of lateral roots. Concentration of physiologically active roots in the surface layer suggests the possibility for competition under intercropped situation in mature plantations.  相似文献   

为了解决三角梅 Bougainvillea spp.新优品种繁殖难题,利用花泥进行6个品种的绿色嫩梢扦插繁殖试验。结果表明:花泥基质和泥炭+珍珠岩(1︰1)基质中的绿色嫩梢的生根率没有显著差异,但均极显著高于珍珠岩和木屑基质中的。IBA处理对绿色嫩梢扦插有明显促根作用,浓度可用100~300 mg/L。不同品种间扦插生根有显著差别,‘塔紫’生根率最高(100%),其后依次为‘斑叶塔紫’(95.0%)、‘樱花’(72.0%)、‘金边大红’(71.0%)、‘银边浅紫’(61.0%)和‘金心双色’(54.0%)。扦插时间宜选择在6月底至8月初,该时段的扦插生根率极显著高于10月中旬。花泥扦插生根苗的移栽成活率为100%。  相似文献   

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