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5种新颖亚洲百合染色体核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了给百合杂交育种提供细胞遗传学依据,采用常规压片法,进行了5个新颖亚洲百合品种的核型分析。结果表明:5个亚洲百合品种均为二倍体,染色体24条。‘Original love’的核型公式为2n=2x=24=4sm+18st+2t,‘Ceb dozzle’的核型公式为2n=2x=24=16sm(3SAT)+8st,‘Indian summerset’的核型公式为2n=2x=24=2sm+22st,‘Red alert’的核型公式为2n=2x=24=6sm+18st,‘Party diamond’的核型公式为2n=2x=24=22st(3SAT)+2t(2SAT)。5个品种均为3B型核型。‘Party diamond’的核型不对称系数为91.67%,其余4个品种的核型不对称系数范围在73.13%~79.37%之间。‘Ceb dozzle’、‘Party diamond’2品种染色体有随体,其他3个品种无随体。本研究将为百合杂交育种的亲本选配和杂种早期鉴定提供细胞遗传学依据。  相似文献   

溪黄草染色体核型分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用酶解去壁低渗法对溪黄草的体细胞染色体进行核型分析.结果表明:溪黄草的核型公式为2n=2X=24=14m +6 sm +4 st,染色体相对长度组成为2n=24=13M2+9M1 +2S,染色体组型为“2A”型.这一细胞学结果可作为溪黄草与其它种的区分依据,同时也为其开发和利用奠定理论基础.  相似文献   

本研究采用腹腔注射0.1%秋水仙素溶液,以头肾和前肾组织为材料的方法,对三倍体虹鳟染色体核型进行了分析。结果表明虹鳟三倍体的染色体数为90条,其核型公式为3 n=60 m+6 sm+24 t,NF=156。  相似文献   

为探索香葱染色体核型特点,采用滴片技术获得3个香葱品种的根尖细胞染色体片子,并进行染色体核型分析。结果表明,3个香葱品种均为二倍体,染色体数目为2n=2x=16,平坝白葱的染色体较赫章黑葱和赫章红葱粗短,呈近椭圆形。赫章黑葱的核型公式为2n=2x=14 m+2 sm, 16条染色体中臂比大于2的染色体占总染色体数的12.5%,核型不对称系数为59.06%,核型类型为2A;赫章红葱的核型公式为2n=2x=12 m+4 sm, 16条染色体中臂比大于2的染色体占总染色体数的12.5%,核型不对称系数为59.16%,核型类型为2A;平坝香葱的核型公式为2n=2x=14 m+2 st, 16条染色体中臂比大于2的染色体占总染色体数的12.5%,核型不对称系数为57.10%,核型类型为2A。3个品种中进化程度最高的是赫章红葱,最低的是平坝白葱。  相似文献   

葫芦巴是现在较为常用的中药材之一,但对其染色体的核型分析研究较少。为了研究葫芦巴染色体形态结构特征以及探索遗传机制,本试验以采自河北的葫芦巴种子为研究对象,采用根尖染色体制片与显微摄影技术相结合的方法,以确定染色体数目和进行核型分析。结果显示:河北葫芦巴有16条染色体,核型公式为2n=16=4m+2m (SAT)+10sm,染色体相对长度在4.63%~8.17%范围内,臂比在1.17~2.43范围内,核型不对称系数为64.03%,随体在第8对染色体的短臂上,核型类别为2A型。本研究结果既可为今后选择种内杂交和种间杂交育种种类提供科学依据,又可为探索其物种遗传机制、亲缘关系与进化、远缘杂种的鉴定等提供重要依据。  相似文献   

沙地雀麦是禾本科雀麦属多年生优良饲用牧草,是雀麦属牧草的重要抗性育种材料。本试验采用根尖染色体压片法,对来自内蒙古浑善达克沙地的沙地雀麦的染色体数目和核型进行分析,为其遗传育种研究提供理论基础。结果显示,沙地雀麦体细胞有28条染色体,核型公式为2n=2x=28=28m,染色体相对长度为L+5M2+8M1,属于1A类型,核型不对称系数(AS.K%)为53.51%,是比较古老或原始的植物。研究结果对沙地雀麦的杂交利用及新品种培育具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

利用根尖压片法对斜茎黄芪与膜荚黄芪的杂交种(黄芪草)染色体进行了核型分析.结果表明,黄芪草的染色体数目与父母本相同,2n=16,染色体基数为8,染色体相对长度变化范围为2.79%~8.18%;最长染色体与最短染色体的比值为2.93;平均臂比为2.67;核型公式为2n=16 =6m+6 Sm+4St,与母本斜茎黄芪相似.  相似文献   

一种野生燕麦的染色体核型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡华  黄鑫龙 《种子》2007,26(1):35-37
对安徽风阳地区麦田里的一种野生燕麦的染色体核型进行了分析,结果如下:该物种的染色体数为2n=42,各染色体间形态差异明显,但均为中着丝粒染色体(m)或近中着丝粒染色体(sm),最长与最短染色体相对长度比为2.34,并在全套染色体中的第9号和16号染色体上发现了2对随体,核型公式为2n=6x-42=22m+20sm(2SAT),核型类型舅比较对称的2B型。同时讨论了燕麦作为小麦遗传改良的重要种质资源,对普通小麦远缘杂交和品质改良的意义。  相似文献   

Summary Three lentil (Lens culinaris Medic) crosses (cross 1 = Chilean × PI 297784; cross 2 = Tekoa × PI 212611; cross 3 = Precoz × PI 212611) were advanced in a hierarchal design from the F2 generation to the F5 generation and tested in replicated field experiments. The purpose was to estimate the genotypic variances and covariances for several characters and to partition these into components due to additive, dominance, and additive × additive variances.Additive genetic variance was the major component of variance in cross 2 for all characters, except plant height and seed weight. Unexpectedly, estimates of dominance variance appeared to be high in crosses 1 and 3. Estimates of the additive × additive component seemed very small in all three populations. The dominance variance component estimates were consistently high for plant height in the three crosses and for seed weight in crosses 2 and 3. Where parental means were close, additive variance estimates were often low and in many cases negative. The unexpected high ratio of dominance variance to additive variance indicated that dominance variance was important in the crosses we studied.Cooperative investigations of Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture and the College of Agriculture, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164, Work sponsored by Fellowship from Univ. of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. Scientific paper no. 5825.Formerly: Department of Agronomy and Soils, Washington State University, Pullman, WA., USA. Presently: Department of Plant Production and Plant Protection, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.Statistical Services, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164, USA.US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164, USA.  相似文献   

采用常规压片法获得了分散良好、形态清晰的生姜有丝分裂中期染色体。对其进行体细胞记数及核型分析后表明,生姜的染色体数目为2n=22;全组染色体总长度128.02μm,平均长度5.82μm,最长染色体与最短染色体之比为2.06:1,臂比大于2的染色体占全组染色体的45.5%,因此核型属于2B型,核型公式为2n=2x=22=8m+12sm+2st。  相似文献   

龙葵杂10号向日葵染色体核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索向日葵染色体核型和染色体制片技术,以向日葵龙葵杂10号为试验材料,探索了低温预处理向日葵根尖细胞对制片效果的影响;使用Photoshop和Excel软件辅助分析染色体图像进行核型分析。结果表明:低温预处理向日葵根尖细胞,可以获得较理想的染色体制片用于核型分析,龙葵杂10号染色体数量为2n=34,核型公式为2n=34=30m+2sm+2M。  相似文献   

菜用大黄染色体制片优化及核型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以菜用大黄根尖为材料,探讨不同取材时间、预处理溶液、解离时间对菜用大黄根尖染色体制片的影响,并对2个菜用大黄品种RAMB和RO进行了核型分析,以期为菜用大黄的起源、演化及遗传育种提供一定理论依据。结果表明,在上午8:00取材,用冰水混合物预处理24 h,然后在60℃条件下用1 mol/L HCl解离15 min,最后用改良石碳酸品红染色3~5 min,此时染色体制片效果最佳;RAMB和RO的染色体数目均为2n=44,其核型公式分别为2n=4x=44=36m+8sm和2n=4x=44=32m+12sm,核型均为1B型,核型不对称系数分别为57.46%和58.60%,核型对称程度均较高,这表明菜用大黄在进化中处于比较原始类型。  相似文献   

内蒙古乌审马染色体核型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用外周血淋巴细胞培养方法和常规染色体制备技术,对内蒙古乌审马染色体核型进行了分析研究。结果表明:乌审马染色体核型2n=64,雌性核型为64,XX;雄性核型为64,XY。32对染色体中,31对常染色体,1对性染色体;常染色体中,13对为亚中和中着丝粒染色体,18对为端着丝粒染色体;X染色体为较大的亚中部着丝点染色体,Y染色体为最小的端着丝点染色体。通过对乌审马的染色体核型分析,为其分子原位杂交及基因定位奠定基础。  相似文献   

The effect of salinity on seed germination, plant yield parameters, and plant Na, Cl and K concentrations of chickpea and lentil varieties was studied. Results showed that in both crops percentage emergence was significantly reduced by increasing NaCl levels (0–8dSm?1). From the plant growth studies it was found that differences existed among chickpea and lentil varieties in their response to NaCl application. In chickpea, the variety Mariye showed the comparatively lowest germination percentage and the lowest seedling shoot dry weight in response to salinity and was also among the two varieties which had the lowest relative plant height, shoot and root dry weight and grain yield at maturity. Similarly, variety DZ-10-16-2, which was the second best in germination percentage and the highest in terms of seedling shoot dry weight, also had the highest relative plant height, shoot and root dry weights, and grain yield at maturity. In lentil, however, such relationships were less pronounced. Chloride concentration (mg g?1) in the plant parts at salt levels other than the control was about 2–5 times that of Na. K concentration in the plants was significantly reduced by increasing NaCl levels. Chickpea was generally more sensitive to NaCl salinity than lentil. While no seeds were produced at salinity levels beyond 2dSm?1 in chickpea (no seeds were produced at this salt level in the most sensitive variety, Mariye), most lentil varieties could produce some seeds up to the highest level of NaCl application. Overall, varieties R-186 (lentil) and Mariye (chickpea) were the most sensitive of all varieties. On the other hand, lentil variety NEL-2704 and chickpea variety DZ-10-16-2 gave comparatively higher mean relative shoot and root dry weights, and grain yield, thus showing some degree of superiority over the others. The observed variations among the varieties may be useful indications for screening varieties of both crops for salt tolerance.  相似文献   

以芥蓝与甘蓝、白菜、芥菜等8个芸薹属近缘物种为材料,采用常规压片法进行染色体核型分析,结果表明,芥蓝和青花菜、花椰菜、结球甘蓝的核型公式分别为2n=2x=18=10m+8sm (2SAT)、2n=2x=18=10m+8sm (2SAT)、2n=2x=18=8m+10sm (2SAT)、2n=2x=18=6m+12sm (2SAT),核型类型均为2A型;大白菜和小白菜核型公式为2n=2x=20=14m (2SAT)+6sm、2n=2x=20=16m (2SAT)+4sm,核型类型均为1B型;雪里蕻、榨菜核型公式为2n=2x=36=22m+14sm (2SAT)、2n=2x=36=26m+10sm (2SAT),核型类型均为2B型;芥蓝的核型在核型类型、核型不对称系数、臂比、随体分布染色体类型等核型特征上与甘蓝类高度类似,与白菜类和芥菜类差异较大。芥蓝的核型进化程度位于青花菜与花椰菜、结球甘蓝之间,与白菜类和芥菜类相距较远。因此,本试验结果支持芥蓝为甘蓝种的一个变种。  相似文献   

Rubeena  P. W. J. Taylor    P. K. Ades    R. Ford 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(5):506-512
Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of ascochyta blight resistance in lentil was conducted using genomic maps developed from two F2 populations, viz. ILL5588/ILL7537 and ILL7537/ILL6002. Five QTLs for ascochyta blight resistance were identified by composite interval mapping (CIM) across four linkage groups (LG) in population ILL5588/ILL7537. Three QTLs were identified by CIM in population ILL7537/ILL6002 (two in close proximity on LGI and one on LGII). Two of these coincided with regions identified using multiple interval mapping (MIM) and were shown to be conditioned by dominant and partial dominant gene action. Together, they accounted for approximately 50% of the phenotypic variance of disease severity. Comparison between the two populations revealed a potentially common QTL and several common regions that contained markers significantly associated with resistance. This study demonstrated the transferability of QTLs among populations and identified markers closely linked to the major QTL that may be useful for future marker‐assisted selection for disease resistance.  相似文献   

Summary The wild lentil, L. nigricans is cross compatible with the cultivated species. Chromosome pairing in their F1 hybrids is highly irregular due to a difference of three translocations between the parental species. However, the hybrids are partially fertile and in the F2 populations there is a marked improvement in fertility. About 19% of the F2 plants were meiotically stable, fully fertile and their chromosome arrangement was similar to that of the cultivated species. All these are clear indications for the possibility of rapid introgression between the two species and hence systematic screening of L. nigricans for traits of economic value is fully justifiable.  相似文献   

蔡华  乔玉强  王业精  赵茹  张传和 《种子》2006,25(6):4-5,9
对麦田杂草二倍体节节麦(Triticum tauschii L.)的植株形态特征及根尖细胞染色体核型作了分析,并和六倍体普通小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)中国春核型作比较。结果表明,节节麦的核型公式为2n=2X=14=10M+4SM(2SAT),在第4号染色体上有一对随体。节节麦染色体组和普通小麦中国春D组全套染色体类型相同,表明这两组染色体具有较强的同源性;但二者在染色体相对长度和臂比值上表现出一定的差异,表明该地区节节麦未参与普通小麦的起源。  相似文献   

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