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以南方山地森林为研究对象,选取有代表性的4个小班,分别采用角规抽样调查法、中心样圆法、样圆群法、六株木法、垂直样带法、标准地法共6种方法对小班蓄积量进行测定,并从6种方法的调查精度、误差大小、工作量及工具和仪器的难易程度等方面对小班蓄积量进行了对比分析,认为角规抽样调查法是最适合南方山地森林小班蓄积量的调查方法。  相似文献   

用多套小样圆测定小班蓄积量的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用不同方法不同抽样强度测定两个小班的蓄积量,结果表明;用多套小样圆测定小班蓄积具有高精度高工效的特点,用其测量林分平均胸径,平均树高和平均密度等具有同样效果,能够满足森林资产评估的精度要求。  相似文献   

伐区蓄积量调查方法的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伐区资源调查是项繁重的基础工作,为了寻求简单、快速、精度高的伐区蓄积量调查方法,采用福建省建瓯市地区不同林分的10片伐区的调查资料,对全林实测法、圆形标准地法、角规绕测法3种方法调查结果进行了对比分析。结果表明采用角规进行伐区蓄积量调查能获得高效精确的结果。  相似文献   

以安徽省旌德县森林资源规划设计调查中小班角规调查杉-松-阔模块为例,阐述了利用Excel VBA对角规调查数据内业处理进行二次开发,实现角规调查小班蓄积量的自动计算,可避免二类调查查找引用数据量大、计算耗时长,且容易出错的问题。通过二类调查人员的实践操作应用,角规调查小班蓄积量的自动计算程序的计算结果正确,工作效率高,具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

小班调查蓄积量修正标准的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一前言森林资源二类调查,通常采用抽样控制和小班调查相结合的方法。抽样调查控制总体蓄积精度,用小班调查方法,将资源数据落实到小班(地块)。在抽样调查精度达到固定要求以后,小班调查值若和抽样调查值相差较大,则必须修正小班调查值,这里面  相似文献   

森林资源二类调查小班单位蓄积量数学模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者结合武汉市2009年森林资源规划设计调查(简称"十一五清查")研究建立森林小班单位蓄积量数学模型,对全市林地小班单位蓄积量进行回归模拟,实现了真正意义上的"免角规测树".在降低调查成本,提高工作效率的基础上,实现快速、精确地进行森林蓄积量调查,从而全面革新了森林蓄积量的调查方法,为建立森林资源动态监测体系探索出了可...  相似文献   

杉木人工林标准蓄积量收获模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据31块形杉木人工林林分生长过程解析标准地资料,分析了立木株数随林分平均直径变化的规律。通过株数标准化,将各标准地林分蓄积量生长过程数据转换到标准林分(郁闭度1.0)水平,采用改进的8参数Chapman-Richards函数,用Marquardt迭代法建立了以地位指数和年龄为解释变量的杉木人工林标准蓄积量收获模型,为立地质量评价和森林资源的生长预测提供了依据。  相似文献   

本文根据江西永新县31块杉木人工林林分生长过程解析标准地资料.分析了立木株数随林分平均直径的变化规律。通过林数标准化,将合标准地林分蓄积量转换到标准林分(郁闭度1.0)水平,采用改进的8参数Chapman-Richards函数,用Marquardt迭代法建立了以地位指数和年龄为解释变量的杉木人工林多形标准蓄积量收获模型,为立地质量评价和森林资源的生长预测提供依据。  相似文献   

北京市二类调查小班蓄积量预估模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决当前北京市二类调查通过角规绕测技术预估林分蓄积量存在的问题,基于北京市二类调查数据,根据优势树种(组)的不同,将北京市森林划分成10个不同的树种组。在此基础上,利用一类清查数据,以林分蓄积量为因变量,林分参数及立地参数为自变量构建非线性蓄积量预估模型,计算确定系数(R~2)、总相对误差(TRE)、估计值的标准差(SEE)、平均系统误差(MSE)、平均预估误差(MPE)和平均百分标准误差(MPSE),并对模型拟合效果进行评价。结果表明:构建的蓄积量预估模型拟合效果较好,各树种组蓄积量预估模型的确定系数(R~2)均大于0.94,MPE均小于5%,MPSE基本在10%以下,可以应用于北京市二类调查中蓄积量的预估。  相似文献   

森林资源二类调查中小班区划方法研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
通过对森林资源二类调查中小班区划方法进行改进得到连续小班区划方法 ,试验证明这种方法可以节省大量野外调查时间 ,大幅度提高小班界线区划的准确性 ,使小班界线相对稳定 ,调查成果可提供落实到山头地块的森林资源现状和动态变化数据及图面材料  相似文献   

利用数学模拟方法对小班林木径阶株数分布和小班蓄积量进行了模拟试验,结果表明:模拟法与标准地实测法差异不显著,且模拟法具有实用性强、生产使用方便、能充分发挥计算机的优越性等特点,可以快速模拟出林分的直径分布,为林业调查提供了快捷有效的技术手段。  相似文献   

The overall objective of this study was to combine national forest inventory data and remotely sensed data to produce pan-European maps on growing stock and above-ground woody biomass for the two species groups “broadleaves” and “conifers”. An automatic up-scaling approach making use of satellite remote sensing data and field measurement data was applied for EU-wide mapping of growing stock and above-ground biomass in forests. The approach is based on sampling and allows the direct combination of data with different measurement units such as forest inventory plot data and satellite remote sensing data. For the classification, data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) were used. Comprehensive field measurement data from national forest inventories for 98,979 locations from 16 countries were used for which tree species and growing stock estimates were available. The classification results were evaluated by comparison with regional estimates derived independently from the classification from national forest inventories. The validation at the regional level shows a high correlation between the classification results and the field based estimates with correlation coefficient r = 0.96 for coniferous, r = 0.94 for broadleaved and r = 0.97 for total growing stock per hectare. The mean absolute error of the estimations is 25 m3/ha for coniferous, 20 m3/ha for broadleaved and 25 m3/ha for total growing stock per hectare. Biomass conversion and expansion factors were applied to convert the growing stock classification results to carbon stock in above-ground biomass. As results of the classification, coniferous and broadleaved growing stock as well as carbon stock of the above-ground biomass is mapped on a wall-to-wall basis with a spatial resolution of 500 m × 500 m per grid cell. The mapped area is 5 million km2, of which 2 million km2 are forests, and covers the whole European Union, the EFTA countries, the Balkans, Belarus, the Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey.  相似文献   

Throughovercuttingforseveraldecades,naturalf0restresourceshavebeendeclinedraPidly.PlantationshavebeenestablishedandhavebecomeanimPOrtantpartofforestreserveresourcesinChina.C0nsequentlystudyingthecommunitystructurecharacteristicsofplantationsandfindingthebestcommunitystructureformakinglogicalmanagementdecisionshavebeenimportantproblemstobesolvedquicklyforforestproduction.Inthispaper,wepresantsomecomparisonsoffourstructuretyPesfordahurianlarch(LarixgmeIiniRupr.)plantationsandprovideusefulinfo…  相似文献   

The distribution in tree biomass and understorey vegetation and annual biological and geochemical cycling of total nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) were measured in young, middle-aged and mature plantations (8-, 14- and 24-years old) of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.) in southern China. Although >98% of nutrients occurred in the soil, soil nutrient content decreased with plantation age. Nutrient outputs from the soil exceeded inputs in stands of all ages but the net soil nutrient loss increased significantly for N, P and Ca with plantation age. Comparison of nutrient fluxes showed that the smallest (and hence limiting for nutrient cycling) fluxes were litter decomposition in the young plantation in contrast to canopy fluxes (apart from for Mg) in the middle-aged and mature plantations. Nutrient use efficiency, release of nutrients from litter decomposition and nutrient return, particularly in litterfall, increased significantly with plantation age. These results suggest that, as stand age increases, nutrient cycling in Chinese fir plantations is increasingly dominated by biological processes and becomes less dependent on external nutrient sources in rainfall and the soil. It therefore appears that prolonging the rotation length of Chinese fir plantations by approximately 5 years could be beneficial for maintaining the soil nutrient status for successive plantings.  相似文献   

Carbon(C) dynamics are central to understanding ecosystem restoration effects within the context of Grain for Green Project(GGP). GGP stared in China since 2003 to improve the environment. Despite its importance, how total forest ecosystem C stock(FECS) develops following land-use changes from cropland to plantation is poorly understood, in particular the relationship of C allocation to pools. We quantified C pools in a chronosequence ranging from 0 to 48 years, using complete above- and below-ground harvests based on detailed field inventory. Stands were chosen along a succession sequence in managed plantations of Korean larch(Larix olgensis Henry.), a native planting species in the Lesser Khingan Mountains, Northeast of China. The FECS of Korean larch plantation(KLP) were dynamic across stand development, changing from 88.2 Mg·ha-1 at cropland, to 183.9 Mg·ha-1 as an average of forest C from 7- through 48-year-old plantation. In a 48-year-old mature KLP, vegetation comprises 48.63% of FECS and accounts for 67.66% of annual net C increment(ANCI). Soil is responsible for 38.19% and 13.53% of those, and with the remainders of 13.18% and 18.81% in down woody materials. Based on comparisons of our estimate to those of others, we conclude that afforestation of Korean larch plantation is a valid approach to sequester carbon.  相似文献   

2008年春天的雨雪冰冻灾害给林业带来了难以估量的损失。为了了解灾情和做好在后恢复工作,本文通过2008年年初对古蔺县人工林在大雨雪冰冻灾害中受灾情况的调查,分析对受灾程度影响最大的几个因素,提出合理的灾后恢复与重建建议,为林业的可持续发展做出合理规划,减小各种风险。供广大灾区的林业生产单位和林农朋友参考,也可为其它地区的人工林造林设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   

In regions of Australia of low–medium rainfall (500–800 mm/year), there is growing community and land-owner support for re-planting trees to achieve multiple environmental objectives, particularly amelioration of soil salinity. Sequestration of carbon by newly established trees is not only another important environmental benefit, but also a potential commercial benefit. To obtain estimates of carbon sequestered by species of commercial potential in such regions, we calibrated the carbon (C) accounting model FullCAM to Eucalyptus cladocalyx and Corymbia maculata plantations. This was achieved by harvesting trees of a range in sizes to determine the allometric relationships that most accurately predict biomass and stem density from measures of stem diameter. Predictions of stem diameter were obtained from a forest growth model (3-PG) previously calibrated for these two species. By applying these predictions of changes in stem diameter as the stand matures in our allometric relationships, we estimated changes in partitioning of biomass (between stem, branches, bark, foliage and roots) and stem wood density as the stand matures under scenarios of 500, 600 and 750 mm mean annual rainfall. We found that for both species, regardless of annual rainfall, throughout the rotation 37–50% of carbon sequestered in the total tree biomass was in the stem, 18–27% in both branches and roots, and the remainder in foliage or bark. However, rate of accumulation of carbon was dependent on annual rainfall, with average annual rate of sequestration of carbon in tree biomass and litter during the first rotation of E. cladocalyx (or C. maculata) increasing from 3.68 (or 4.17) to 4.72 (or 4.86) Mg C ha−1 yr−1 as annual rainfall increased from about 500 to 750 mm. Although it was predicted that decomposition negated any accumulation of debris between successive rotations, carbon was predicted to accumulate in sawlog products, given that assumed rates of product decomposition were slightly less than their rate of accumulation. This resulted in a slight increase (<8 Mg C ha−1) in predicted total sequestration of carbon between successive rotations.  相似文献   

浅析科右中旗速生丰产林基地建设条件和技术措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过速生丰产林基地建设条件分析,进行了工程区划分,提出速生丰产林建设模式和技术措施。  相似文献   

Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) and Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) are common species for plantation forestry in Japan. Cypress is conventionally planted on sites of low fertility whereas for cedar high fertility sites are used. Objectives of this study were to compare the productivities of cypress and cedar plantations grown on adjacent sites where common properties of soils, such as pH values and C and N contents, were similar, and to relate the N cycling at their site with productivities. The stem diameter of trees, aboveground litter production and fine root biomass were measured as indices of forest productivity. Parameters of N cycling included pools of total N and mineral N (ammonium + nitrate), annual N leaching, and potentially mineralizable N. The radial stem increment of the two tree species was similar. However, cedar site had higher total basal area and annual basal increment than cypress site reflecting higher tree density on the cedar site. Aboveground litter, fine root biomass, soil organic matter, and N turnover were higher on the cedar site than on the cypress site. However, litter production and fine root biomass per unit basal area was greater at the cypress site. Phenological pattern of stem growth and periodical litter production were similar for both species during the study period (1992–2000), but showed distinct annual variations caused by the fluctuation in the ambient temperature and precipitation. Mineral N content and the N mineralization potential were greater on the cedar site, indicating greater N availability and higher total tree productivity at the cedar site than those at the cypress site. When provided with more space in the canopy to expand more needles and in the soil to develop more fine roots to exploit sufficient resources, the individual cypress trees have the potential to grow faster. On fertile site and at lower tree density, thicker logs of cypress might be yielded.  相似文献   

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