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Two experiments were conducted to study the effects of feeding systems on feeding behavior, aggression, social ranks and average daily gain (ADG) of pigs. In Exp. 1, feed was delivered during the day from 1100 to 1400 and at night from 2300 to 0200. One pen containing 10 barrows and 10 gilts was used. Correlation coefficients were calculated between pairs of traits. In Exp. 2, four feeding systems were tested using similar group composition as in Exp. 1. Two feeding systems were ad libitum, offering either dry or wet feed; the other two used time-restricted feeding from 0900 to 1100 and from 1600 to 1800, but with water supplied either ad libitum or time-restricted. Analyses of variance were used to test feeding system effects; correlation coefficients were calculated for pairs of traits. Results of Exp. 1 indicated that pigs displayed predominantly daytime activities. Frequency of aggressive acts were correlated significantly with feeding frequency (r = .48), time to first feeding (r = -.50) and ADG (r = .56). In Exp. 2, pigs on time-restricted feeding with ad libitum water had significantly depressed ADG and reduced feed intake. A possible association between time-restricted feeding and water intake is postulated. Feeding behavior, aggression and social rank were associated with ADG in time-restricted systems but not in ad libitum systems. There was a tendency in time-restricted-fed pigs for the more aggressive pigs to perform more feeding activities, to rank higher in the social order, and to gain faster.  相似文献   

生产无公害肉鸡是人们生活水平提高所迫切需求的,本文从肉鸡生产的环境控制、饲料、管理三方面来探讨,生产符合无公害标准,保障人类健康,保护环境,残留量不超标的健康、安全食品的方法.  相似文献   

耿建民 《中国家禽》2001,23(2):16-16
饲养蛋种鸡,其根本目的就是制种,培育合格优质的蛋雏鸡。对于集约化养鸡场来说,选择产蛋率高,抗病能力强、耗料少的品种是非常重要的,好的品种要有好的饲养管理才能使它的遗传优势得到发挥。饲养种鸡是个极其科学细致的工作,而种鸡育雏又是关键的第一步,根据多年饲养蛋种鸡的经验,就育雏工作谈点体会,以供同仁参考。1种鸡舍环境管理1.1育雏前的准备先将舍内的粪便、垫料全部清除,使用高压冲洗机把鸡舍内由上(顶棚)向下(包括墙壁四周、网片、地面)冲洗干净,空舍后用火焰消毒,再用40%火碱溶液配制成5%火碱溶液进行消毒。待干燥…  相似文献   

着色剂在肉鸡中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
禽类产品消费者是否乐于购买食用 ,胴体表皮的颜色、禽蛋的卵黄颜色是至关重要的影响因素。家禽外观颜色取决于所采食饲料的色素含量。传统的粗养方式 ,由于饲养期较长 ,肉鸡体内累积的色素、风味物质较多 ,最终产品的外观色泽和风味非常宜人 ,消费者乐于接受 ,产品的价格也高。而由于现代育种及饲养技术迅速发展 ,畜禽生长加快 ,产品的饲养期缩短 ,仅依靠饲料中含有的黄色素 ,家禽产品多显苍白失去对消费者的吸引力 ,价格走低。为适应广大消费者的消费心理 ,改善肉鸡的肤色 ,人们开始在饲料中添加着色剂 ,使之与传统放养状况的肤色相近 ,以…  相似文献   

周艳茹  宋道利 《中国家禽》2001,23(22):25-25
目前,塑料大棚饲养肉鸡由于其成本低,在广大的农村仍然是一条脱贫致富的门路。进入冬季,由于气候寒冷,大棚的外围保温层较薄保温困难,再加上塑料膜的透气性差,所以冬季的大棚养鸡,使鸡病难以控制并频频发生,给养殖户带来一定程度的经济损失。为减少疾病,降低经济损失,实践生产中要注意以下问题。1大棚的选址大棚养殖区要建在远离村庄、地势高燥、背风向阳、座北朝南、有一定坡度、水源充足和便利的山地或平地。2采用二膜二帘的保温棚顶二膜二帘即由内向外分别用无滴膜———草帘———普通塑料膜———草帘。棚顶用8号铁线固定…  相似文献   

陆方善 《中国家禽》2000,22(7):29-29
长江中、下游及江南地区在每年的6月中、下旬与7月上、中旬期间 ,多以阴雨天气为主 ,气温高 ,湿度大 ,人畜极感烦闷 ,持续20d左右 ,气象学上称这段时间为“梅雨期”。现结合多年来的生产实践 ,将梅雨期种鸡饲养管理要点总结如下 ,供同行参考。1调整饲料配方由于天气炎热 ,鸡体内代谢率提高 ,产热量增加 ;另一方面 ,体内蛋白质消耗过多 ,应适当降低饲料中的代谢能 ,提高蛋白质含量1 %~1.5 % ,配方调整幅度不能太大 ,应保持相对稳定 ,以免影响种鸡采食量。考虑到用鱼粉、豆粕补充粗蛋白质会增加体热 ,给鸡体散热带来负担 ,可直接用…  相似文献   

选取50日龄左右健康短毛家猫20只,分为2组,每组10只,一组饲喂商品猫粮,另一组饲喂鸡肝,研究饲喂鸡肝对幼猫骨代谢的影响。结果表明:饲喂鸡肝可对幼猫的骨代谢产生明显影响,如显著降低血清钙(Ca)、骨钙素(BGP)和25OHD3含量;同时,血清碱性磷酸酶活性(AKP)和降钙素(CT)含量显著升高。鸡肝组幼猫在饲喂到50d时血清甲状旁腺激素(PTH)含量显著升高,但在饲喂到85d时显著降低。在饲喂到90d时,鸡肝组幼猫股骨长度极显著低于猫粮组(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

小鸡出壳时健康状况是高品质雏鸡的主要象征,也是饲养肉鸡成功的基础条件。优质雏鸡的标准是出壳适时、大小匀称、活泼灵敏、眼睛明亮有神,绒毛松散光滑、色淡黄,腹部柔软、脐部收缩良好且无血迹,腿胫、脚趾粗壮有光泽,手捉挣扎有力。  相似文献   

饲喂环丙氨嗪对鸡粪便中蝇蛆发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江善祥 《畜牧与兽医》2003,35(12):27-27
夏季高温时节 ,蚊蝇滋生 ,给养鸡场的生产带来诸多不良影响。灭蝇的方法很多 ,但常规品种多为农药 ,对动物、人和环境都会造成危害 ,而饲料中添加药物来防治蝇害是一种新颖、安全、有效的方法。环丙氨嗪是一种杀蝇药 ,可用于控制动物厩舍内蝇蛆的繁殖生长。目前国内市场上应用的主要是瑞士汽巴—嘉基公司生产的进口产品 ,效果可靠。最近江苏某厂自主开发出了这一产品。为了验证该产品的疗效 ,我们进行了以下试验。1 材料与方法试验动物 :体重约 1kg健康AA肉鸡 10 0只 ,购回后正常饲养管理。 10 0只AA肉鸡随机分为 5组 ,按表 1处理饲喂1周…  相似文献   

盐城市农村饲养草鸡历史悠久,近几年,随着禽产品市场供求关系的变化和城乡人民生活水平的提高,禽业生产结构不断调整,地方草鸡正以其优美的外型、独特的风味、丰富的营养、无药残、无污染等优点深受消费者青睐,已成为我市的品牌产品,在大中城市竞争激烈的农贸市场占得一席之地,呈现出良好的发展前景,但是由于长期以来没有系统地选种选育,加之受管理水平、技术条件、生产规模、配套服务等诸多因素的影响,品种及生产性能呈退化趋势,潜在的生产效益没有充分发挥。于是我们于1999年初对盐城市地方草鸡品种选优与最佳饲养管理模式进行了探讨,并在全市推广应用。通过两年的实施,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。现将情况报告如下。 1 品种选优选育 1.1 保种基地建设在阜宁县种禽场(硕集镇)建立草鸡育种核心群,在响水、滨海、阜宁、建湖四个县建立了周集、大友、振东、陆集、上冈、蒋营、羊寨、硕集等16个乡镇为保护基地,为非保种区提供生产群,在保种区采用行政与技术相结合的保种措施,严禁引进其它品种,严防群体混杂。 1.2 品种选优充分利用我市地方鸡种作素材,保种母鸡在保种区实行大群体活体选优保种法,采取综合选择,即选择草鸡特征明显,适应性、抗病力强,生产性能高的个体;种公鸡由阜宁种禽场核心群提供,组成草鸡保种群体,做到不杂交,不近交,保中有选,选中有保,以提高种群质量。 1.3 专业炕坊炕孵在每个保种区设立了草鸡专业坑坊,种蛋由保种区特约保种户提供,为草鸡养殖专业村提供苗鸡。 2 最佳饲养模式  相似文献   

为探究小黑麦(×Triticale Wittmack)干草对舍饲羔羊生产性能和采食行为的影响,本研究选用18只舍饲湖羊公羔,随机分为对照组、试验Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组,每组6只;对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组在基础日粮中分别用10%、20%的小黑麦干草等量替代粗料。结果表明:Ⅰ组试验羊的平均日增重为189.72 g,显著高于对照组和Ⅱ组(P <0.05);试验羊采食量随小黑麦干草添加比例的增加而降低,Ⅱ组采食量显著低于Ⅰ组和对照组(P <0.05),采食时长极显著高于Ⅰ组和对照组(P <0.01);Ⅰ组试验羊排泄次数显著高于对照组(P <0.05),与Ⅱ组无显著差异(P> 0.05);Ⅰ组试验羊反刍周期、反刍时间、反刍食团数和食团咀嚼总次数都极显著高于Ⅱ组(P <0.01)。综上可知,小黑麦干草作为粗饲料在羔羊日粮中适宜添加比例为10%,这为小黑麦干草饲料化开发利用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

垂体腺苷酸环化酶激活多肽(PACAP)于神经内分泌的肽类激素,其能抑制动物的采食,改变动物摄食行为.本文综述了PACAP的一级结构、体内分布、PACAP受体及其对动物采食和摄食行为的影响及作用机制.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究不同饲养水平对瑶山鸡生产性能和胴体特征的影响.试验将400只平均体重一致的1日龄瑶山鸡随机分为2组,每组4个重复,每个重复50只.2组分别饲喂代谢能水平为3155 Kcal/kg、粗蛋白质水平为225 g/kg的高能高蛋白日粮和代谢能水平为2965 Kcal/kg、粗蛋白质水平为195 g/kg的低能低蛋白...  相似文献   

The influence of heated mash on growth and feeding behavior of newly weaned piglets was investigated. An automatically ventilated nursery with 4 identical pens was used. Twenty piglets weaned at 21 d were housed in each pen. The experiment was repeated 3 times. In total, data were obtained from 240 piglets of 12 pens. The pens were provided with a sensor-controlled, automatic feeding device, which dosed a ready-mixed mash in a trough. In each of 2 of the pens, the feed was mixed with warm water at 36 degrees C, during the first week of weaning. This heated mash had a temperature of 34 degrees C at the outlet of the automatic feeding device (experimental group). In the 2 control groups, the water was not heated and the temperature of the mash was 14 degrees C at the outlet of the automatic feeding device. From the second week of weaning, the mash had a temperature of 14 degrees C at the outlet of the automatic feeding device in all 4 pens. Piglets were weighed at weaning, at weekly intervals through 49 d after weaning, and on d 139 after weaning. Behavior of the whole group, as well as behavior of selected focal animals, was evaluated for the first 48 h after weaning. In addition, skin condition of piglets was assessed on day of weaning and on d 7, 14, and 21 after weaning. The amount of feed consumed by the piglets was recorded on a daily basis throughout the whole period of nursery. Over the total period of the study, piglets in the experimental group gained 3.98 +/- 1.66 kg (P = 0.047) more than the control group. The difference was particularly clear during the nursery period (49 d) when the experimental group gained 0.89 +/- 0.23 kg more than the control group (P = 0.03). Although piglets in the control group consumed 37.15 +/- 0.15 kg of feed over the complete nursery period, the experimental group consumed 42.56 +/- 0.15 kg per piglet (P = 0.023). By heating the mash feed in the first week after weaning, both growth performance as well as feed consumption of piglets could be increased. No difference in feed conversion and feeding behavior was found between groups.  相似文献   

1. Observations were made on the use of food pans and food trays by commercially grown broiler chickens.

2. Birds fed by going inside the feeders on top of the food or from standing around the outside of the feeders. The feeding times of birds inside feeders were significantly longer than those of birds outside. Different reasons to account for this are proposed for the 2 types of feeder.

3. The total number of birds able to feed together from a tray or pan changed as the birds grew. With trays this change in the number of birds was a steady decline. With pans the change was non‐linear and reflected a changing ratio of birds eating in to birds eating out. This ratio was influenced by pan design features and by competition for feeding space.

4. The data suggest that a linear measure of feeding space, as used in research trials and Codes of Practice for Welfare, does not adequately describe birds’ access to and use of feeding space. Implications for both research and the commercial industry are discussed.  相似文献   

饲养方式和饲喂水平对鸡肉肌苷酸含量及肉质的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了不同饲养方式和饲喂水平对“广西黄”黄羽肉鸡肉质的影响。结果表明,放养(饲喂水平为对照组的50%)肉鸡的骨纤维直径显著增大,密度减小,肌肉脂肪含量明显升高;肌肉肌苷酸、硫胺素含量亦显著升高。  相似文献   

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