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Summary. A series of field trials was conducted to determine if the tolerance of newly planted strawberry runners to simazine could be increased by placing adsorbents in the vicinily of the root zone at planting time. Powdered steam-activated charcoal was found to be the most suitable of seven adsorbents tested. Dipping the roots of runners in charcoal before planting was more effective and practicable than placing a similar quantity of charcoal around each runner at planting time. No significant damage was recorded in several trials in which dipped runners were sprayed with simazine at 1 lb/ac within a few days of planting.
Although new roots are likely to take up the herbicide as they grow away from the charcoal-protected area around the plant, the protection provided by the adsorbent appears to be sufficient to enable the young plants to develop satisfactorily.
Utilisation d'adsorbants et de simazine sur des fraisiers récemment plantés  相似文献   

不同食料对黄地老虎生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
幼虫在不同食料饲养中,以灰藜最好,苘麻最差。前者幼虫期平均23~30.9天,脱皮4~5次,自然死亡率4.3~8.0%;后者则各为46.1~47.1天、6~7次、45%。各种食料饲养的蛹重,以白菜和灰藜较重,马铃薯较轻。蛹重不是决定成虫产卵高低的主要因子,而与幼虫取食食料种类关系较为密切。如幼虫取食白菜、棉花及玉米、马铃薯混杂草者,较取食旋花、马铃薯及玉米者产卵量高0.15~2.23倍,产卵期和寿命亦较长。取食混合食料的幼虫,发育速度和成虫产卵量,一般均较取食单纯一种食料为高。在成虫取食各种花蜜饲养中,以供食蜂蜜红糖水、马蔺花和向日葵花者产卵率和产卵量最高,白菜花、苜蓿花和清水者最低,前者为后者产卵量的1.99~14.06倍,雌蛾产卵率高11.1~35.7%,产卵期和寿命亦以前者为长。从幼虫和成虫取食不同营养对产卵量的对比来看,成虫期补充营养较幼虫期营养更为重要。因而某一地区蜜源植物的种类、分布密度以及蜜源植物花期与成虫发生期的符合程度,是决定某地区黄地老虎种群密度高低、为害轻重的最主要因素之一。  相似文献   

1988年,作者在实验中发现,以96%乙醇抽提棉铃虫半人工饲料后饲喂棉铃虫,该虫的生长发育及繁殖受到不利影响,而在作上述处理的饲料中加入棉铃中性成分(见图1),则不利影响消失。1992年,作者重复了该实验结果,并比较了麦胚粉、黄豆粉和另几个品系棉花中性成分的作用,发现中性成分可消除乙醇抽提人工饲料对棉铃虫产生的不利影响。结果简报如下。  相似文献   

甘蓝蚜取食对结球甘蓝生长和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在温室条件下研究了甘蓝蚜取食对结球甘蓝生长及叶球产量的影响。当甘蓝在莲座后期至结球初期被大量吸食后,绝大部分外叶卷曲变形,到结球中期外叶加外茎的重量及叶面积显著下降,但叶球的鲜重、干重及大小均未受到影响。蚜虫大量取食使甘蓝的叶球占全株的相对比重显著增加,同时也使叶球含水量略有上升。  相似文献   

Summary. The effects of pre-sowing treatments with terbutryne (4-ethylamino-2- niethylthio-6-t-butylamino-1,3,5-triazine) and with simazine (2-chloro-4,6-bisethyl-amino-1,3,5-triazine) on seedling mortality of wheat grown from regular seed and from seed containing about 40 ppm chlormequat (2-chloroethyl trimethylammonium chloride), due to a late chlormequat treatment of the seed-parent, were tested in two pot experiments. In another pot experiment the effects of pre-sowing and post-emergence treatments of terbutryne on dry matter accumulation and moisture content in SPT (= Seed-Parent Treated) and regular wheat seedlings were examined.
No significant differences in simazine resistance between regular and SPT seed were found. However, there was a marked and significant increase in terbutryne resistance of SPT over regular seeds, which was expressed by a longer period to 50% seedling mortality as well as by a lower daily increase in mortality. Growth retardation, caused by pre- sowing as well as by post-emergence terbutryne treatments, was appreciably less in the SPT seedlings than in the regular ones. The higher terbutryne resistance of the SPT seedlings may be attributable to their higher moisture content induced by the chlormequat.
Effet du traitement des pieds meres avec le chlorméquat sur la résistance des plantules de blé a la terbutryne et à la simazine  相似文献   

二硝基苯胺除草剂对大豆生育影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作者于1981~1983年所作的系统田间与盆栽试验证明,二硝基苯胺类除草剂中的氟乐灵、二甲戊乐灵对大豆苗期生育有明显抑制作用,表现为:(1)出苗延迟,幼芽下胚轴肿胀、脆弱、矮化,子叶革质状,单位面积用药量对幼芽矮化的影响比混土深浅大;(2)侧根显著受抑制,这种抑制作用局限于药土层,混土深度对大豆侧根的抑制比用药量高低的影响更显著;(3)根瘤菌形成受抑制,根瘤数减少,叶面积减小。随着大豆生长,上述抑制作用逐步消失,对大豆产量无显著影响。在供试3种除草剂中,丁乐灵对大豆生育无影响。从安全、经济、高效考虑,氟乐灵与二甲戊乐灵的适宜用量为1.0公斤,丁乐灵为1.5公斤/公顷,将药剂施于大豆种子之上的土层为宜,亦即施药后耙地不宜过深,将药剂混拌于0~6厘米土层为佳。  相似文献   

串珠镰刀菌毒素对玉米胚根抑制作用的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
串珠镰刀菌毒素(moniliformin)对玉米胚根的生长具有明显的抑制作用,而且不同的品种对毒素具有明显的抗性差异。在所选用的三种培养基中,Richard培养基比Czapek和PS更利于Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon的生长,且比Czapek更利于其毒素的产生。5个菌株在菌丝生长量及所产毒素对玉米胚根生长的抑制作用上无显著差异。高压灭菌法和过滤法所得粗提毒素的毒性无显著差异。在15—30℃范围内,菌体干物重随温度的上升而增加,而毒素含量则在20℃时出现峰值,菌体干物重与毒素含量不呈正相关。  相似文献   

Summary. The residues remaining in the soil from repeated annual application of simazine at 2–8, 5–6, and 22–4 kg/ha to uncropped plots on a loam soil were measured by chemical or bioassay methods at various intervals after treatment.
The total simazine residue present 12 months after the last of three treatments with 2–8 kg/ha and 8 months after the last of five treatments with 5–6 kg/ha was less than 10% of the annual dose. This rapid decomposition is considered consistent with the soil and climatic conditions. In contrast a much larger residue (a mean value of 1·7 kg/ha) was found on plots sampled 21/2 years after the last of two annual applications of simazine at 22·4 kg/ha and the reduction in the amount of residue during the next 12 months was only of the order of 25%.
In all treatments the highest concentration of simazine was found in the surface layers of the soil but measurable residues were detected to 60 cm depth, 31/2 years after the last 22·4 kg/ha application.
There was considerable variation in the total residues recovered between replicate plots and between different positions on the same plots in all treatments regardless of the depth of the sample. The possible causes of this variation are discussed.
Persistance et pénétration de fortes doses de simazine dans un sol non cultivé  相似文献   

 研究了化学杀菌剂对木霉菌生长的影响,探讨了几丁质添加物对绿色木霉菌菌株L R、LTR-2、哈茨木霉菌菌株Q1、Q2和粉红粘帚霉菌菌株GLR防治棉花病害效果的影响。多菌灵、苯菌灵和甲基硫菌灵在1.66μg/ml时可以完全抑制Q1和Q2的生长,但在2.68μg/ml时才能完全抑制LR和LTR-2的生长。几丁质添加物使L TR-2和Q1防治棉花立枯病的效果完全丧失,但是能使LR从没有防治效果提高到防治效果为34.6%,而对粉红粘帚霉菌的防治效果没有显著影响;对于防治棉花黄萎病来说,几丁质添加物使木霉菌LR、LTR-2和GLR的防治效果降低,但是提高了Q1的防治效果;对于防治棉花枯萎病来说,几丁质添加物能提高所有测定菌株的防治效果。说明不同的生物防治菌株、添加物和病害组合对于获得良好的防治效果是重要的。  相似文献   

温度和营养对北京地区蜡蚧轮枝菌生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在7~32℃温度中,北京地区蜡蚧轮枝菌菌落能生长并产生分生孢子。菌落生长的适宜温度为15~30℃,最适温度为23~28℃。产生分生孢子的适宜温度为20~28℃,最适温度为23~25℃,产孢量为6.32~6.94×10~9孢子/皿。分生孢子在4~35℃下均能萌发,适宜温度为15~32℃,一昼夜萌发率为81.36~96.60%。在23~28℃萌发芽管最长,20小时后达36.98~45.35微米。在10~15℃时,产孢量为7.42~8.25×10~3/皿,一昼夜孢子萌发率为42.99~89.20%,芽管长为9.10~16.94微米。该菌适应我国华北地区冬季温室温度偏低,昼夜温差较大的特点,为进一步研究应用该菌,更有效地控制温室白粉虱提供了依据。在6种琼脂培养基上试验,菌丝生长和产孢量均以麦芽汁培养基上为最好。  相似文献   

甘薯根腐病的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
 甘薯根腐病是我国新发生的一种病害。近年,在甘薯主要产区蔓延迅速,致使产量遭受严重损失。  相似文献   

灭幼脲Ⅰ号及其类似物对粘虫生长发育的毒性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灭幼脲Ⅰ号及其类似物是一类取代苯酰苯基脲类杀虫剂,又称几丁质合成抑制剂。据报道用敌米灵(Dimilin)处理大白菜粉蝶幼虫后,其内表皮中放射性标记酪氨酸的结合受到抑制,从而阻碍了几丁质的合成。多种昆虫组织培养的生物化学研究,也发现  相似文献   

 黄皮[Clausena lansium(Lour.)Skeels]是一种风味独特的亚热带水果,为我国特产。  相似文献   

土壤湿度对蚕豆根病及其生长的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
 土壤湿度是影响蚕豆(Vicia faba L.)生长和根腐病发生的主要环境因素之一。本文以来源于蚕豆产区的田间土壤,分别以30%、50%和70%的土壤饱和持水量(WHC)处理进行盆栽试验,在室外自然条件下生长,测定了出苗率、出苗速度、株高、生长速度、叶面积、总叶绿素含量、净光合速率、结荚数、根瘤数、生物量干重、根腐病严重度及死亡率。结果表明50% WHC的土壤含水量为蚕豆生长的最佳土壤湿度,有利于蚕豆健康生长,减少根腐病的发生与危害。在30%、50%和70%WHC土壤湿度条件下,播后10周蚕豆生物量干重和植株的死亡率依次分别为1.53、3.16、2.68g和18.5%、4.8%、25.6%。  相似文献   

Summary. Five management systems for the control of weed and sucker growth were compared over 8 years in a plantation of raspberries (Rubus idaeus) grow-n on the stool system. Traditional intensive cultivations consistently produced the tallest cane, which contributed to that treatment outyielding all others for the first 5 cropping years. Reduced cultivation systems, involving rotary cultivation and hoeing, or simazine and hoeing, outyielded non-cultivation systems which depended on herbicides alone. Lower numbers of fruiting canes, as well as poorer cane quality on non-cultivated plots, were associated with failure to remove raspberry sucker growth between the stools during the growing season on these plots. The introduction of mechanical removal of between-stool growth considerably improved the yield of one uncultivated treatment. Possible beneficial effects of cultivation included the improvement of cane growth by ridging the crop, the concentration of crop growth in the stool itself by regular pruning of extension growth into the alleys and between the stools, and the prevention of competition between fruiting cane and suckers growing outside the stool area. Analysis of the component operations of the old system shows that their useful features can be incorporated into modern systems of mechanised plantation management which depend largely upon herbicides for weed control. Les effets des techniques culturales du sol sur la croissance et le rendement du framboisier Résumé. Cinq systémes de conduite du désherbage et de limitation des drageons ont été connpariés durant 8 années dans une plantation de framboisiers (Rubus idaeus) conduite selon le systéme des pieds-méres. Les façons culturales intensives traditionnelles produisirent les tiges les plus développdes, comme il est logique, ce qui contribua à I'obtention, par ce mode de culture, d'un rendement suptérieur à tous les autres pendant les cinq premières années. Les systèmes mettant en oeuvre des façons culturales réduites, parmi lesquelles la houe rotative et le sarclage ou la simazine et Ie sarclage, donnerènt des rendements supèrieurs à ceux n'utitisant que des herbicides sans faêons culturales, Sur les parcclles non cultivtées un nombre plus faible de tiges fructifères et une moins bonne quality des tiges ont Hi associes é l'absence d'enl Hement des drageons poussant entre les pieds méres, pendant la période croissance, dans ces parcelles. L'enlevément mécanique de ces drageons poussant entre les pieds méres augmenta considér a blement le rendement d'un traitement sans façons culturales. Les effets bénéfiques possibles des façons culturales sont dus à ramélioration de la croissance des tiges par le buttage, à la concentration de la croissance dans les pieds méres eux-mémes par Elimination des repousses dans les allées et entre les pieds de framboisiers, et à la prevention de la compétition entre les tiges fructiféres et les drageons poussant en dehors des pieds méres. L'analyse des opérations effectuées dans l'ancien systéme montre que leurs caractéristiques usuelles peuvent être introduites dans les systémes modernes de conduite mécanisée des plantations qui font une importante utilisation des herbicides pour effectuer le déshcrbage. Der Einfluss von Bodenbearbeitungsmcissnahmen auf das Wachstum und den Ertrag von Himbeeren Zusammenfassung. In einer Himbeerpflanzung (Rubus idaetts) mit Stockerziehung wurden fünf Be trie bs form en bezüglich der Unkrautbekämpfung und des Wachstums der Schösslinge über einen Zeitraum von acht Jahren verglichen. Die traditionellen intensiven Bear bei tungsm ass nahm en brachten durchweg die grössten Sträucher. So übertraf diese Behandlungsweise alle andercn während der ersten fünf Anbaujahre. Systeme mit vermindcrter Bodenbearbeitung, hierzu zählen Frasen und Hacken oder Simazin und Hacken, úbertrafen Systeme ohne Bodenbearbeitung, in denen nur Herbizide eingesetzt wurden. Neben einer geringeren Anzahl von beerentragenden Straüchern und einer geringeren Qualität der Sträucher auf den unbearbeiteten Parzellen blieb noch die Entfernung des Schösslingswachstums zwischen den Stöcken wahrend der Wachstumspcriode in diesen Parzellen aus. Die Einführung einer mechanischen Entferniing des Wachstums zwisehen den Stöcken verbesserte den Ertrag einer unbearbeiteten Variante beträchtlich. Mögliche positive Effekte der Bodenbearbeitung beinhalten die Verbesserung des Wachstums der Sträucher durch Furchenbildung, die Konzentriening des Wachstums auf den Stöck selbst durch regelmassiges Entfernen des weiteren Wachstums in den Reihen und zwischen den Stöcken und das Verhindern einer Konkurrenz zwischen fruchttragenden Sträuchern und Scbosslingen, die ausserhalb des Stockbereiches wachsen. Eine Analyse der Teilwirkungen des alten Systems zeigt, dass dessen nütliche Bestandteitc in die modernen Systeme der mechanisierten Anbauformen, welche hauptsächlich auf einem Einsatz von Herbiziden zur Unkrautbekämpfung beruhen. Einbezogen werden können.  相似文献   

 本试验在福建省福州市及广东省侥平县两地进行。1978年以来,在福州市以蕉柑、福桔和新会甜橙病树为毒源树,以柑桔实生健苗为指示植物,进行木虱传试验。结果在329株指示苗中,发病40株,发病率12.2%,潜育期短的半年,长的5年。对照指示苗72株均未见发病。1982~1984年,在饶平县以蕉柑病树为毒源树,以椪柑实生健苗为指示植物,共试验70株,发病33株,发病率47.1%,潜育期短的2个月,长的8个月。对照指示苗9株未见发病。木虱传染病苗的病状与毒源树的病状相同,均表现黄梢和叶片斑驳。获"毒"木虱的唾液腺和脂肪体的超薄切片样本在电镜下均观察到原核细胞微生物(称为类立次克体或类细菌)。唾液腺内的病原体分布在外皮层细胞,内皮层细胞和腺腔内。其菌体的形状大小和膜壁结构等特征均与毒源树及木虱传染病苗的筛管细胞内的相同,木虱获得和传递柑桔黄龙病病原的方式与蚜虫传播病毒中的持久性类型十分相似。  相似文献   

柑桔黄龙病热治疗的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柑桔黄龙病村有“均匀黄化型”和“斑驳型”两类型的症状。两类型的橙类和蕉柑苗木经49℃湿热空气处理50~60分钟或用50℃处理50分钟,89株苗木全部恢复健康,经58~60个月后全未发病,而对照的病苗种后其病情日趋严重,陆续死亡。试验结果除进一步表明热处理可以消灭黄龙病病原类立克次体外,并进一步表明“黄化型”和“斑驳型”的病原有可能属于同一种病原或相近似的病原。  相似文献   

J. L. BROCK 《Weed Research》1972,12(2):150-154
Summary. The effects of pre-sowing incorporated applications of trifluralin and carbetamide on the growth and nodulation of Trifolium pratense L., T. repens L., T. dubium L. and Lotus pedunculatus Cav. were examined. At rates of 1·0 and 2·0 kg/ha a.i. of trifluralin and carbetamide respectively, nodulation and growth of all legumes was reduced. Root dry weight/plant and nodules/plant were positively correlated, suggesting that the herbicides affected plant growth but not the soil rhizobial population. There were several herbicide rate × legume species interactions.
Effets des herbicides trifluraline et carbétamide sur la formation de nodosités et la croissance des plantules de légumineuses  相似文献   

Summary. A method of exposing seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) to 14CO2 is described. Within the 1st hr alter 14CO2 exposure, no translocation of the 14C out of the treated branch could be observed. After a 24-hr period, however, the 14C in dormant seedlings had been translocated basipetally to part of the root system only, with no lateral diffusion of the 14C-compounds in the stem. About a week after exposure, both symplastic and apoplastic patterns of translocation had caused a more uniform distribution of 14C. In seedlings at active internode elongation, the translocation patterns were fundamentally identical to those in dormant seedlings, but the active shoot growth had led to a more uniform distribution of the 14C.
Simazine at 20 ppm had apparently stimulated both the photofixation of 14CO2 and the rate of translocation of the 14C-assimilates. At 30 ppm, however, simazine had blocked the translocation of nutrients to the roots. On the other hand, the 14CO2 uptake was not influenced. The simazine incubation had apparently no influence on the synthesis of cationic photosynthate.  相似文献   

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