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Fabric formation by soil animals in “technically farmed” and in “organically farmed” arable land At 4 ecologically different sites in south-western Germany one “organically” and one adjoining “technically” farmed field were investigated. Samples of the Ap horizons of these 4 pairs of comparison were taken before the start of the vegetative period and again after harvest. The fabric formation by earthworms and by Enchytraeid worms (and Collembola) was evaluated on polished blocks by quantitative micromorphologic characteristics. – Significant differences appeared at one pair of comparison only, in part at a second one also. The two pairs of comparison which did not exhibit significant differences were para-brown earthes of loess in somewhat warmer climates. – An increase of Enchytraeid (and Collembola) droppings during the vegetative period was found as a by-result.  相似文献   

The history of the mineral name Goethite (α-FeOOH) In 1806 the mining official J.H. Engels found in Eisenfeld near Siegen (Westphalia) two excellent pieces of a “ruby coloured iron mica”, already known as “Rubinglimmer”. He and his friend H.A. Achenbach, a parson, teacher and hobby mineralogist, proposed to J.G. Lenz, professor for mineralogy at Jena, to dedicate this mineral with the new name “Goethenit” to the famous poet J.W. von Goethe, who was also a great natural scientist. Lenz altered this name according to a proposal of F.W. Riemer, the secretary of Goethe, to “Goethit” and published it 1806 in his tables of minerals (printed as “Göthit”). However some years before the mineral was already described by J.C. Ullmann, professor for mining at Marburg, as “Pyrrhosiderit”. “Rubinglimmer” and the other mentioned names designated at that time the γ-form of FeOOH. In 1901 F.A. Lacroix reported, in order to avoid confusions, that the name “Goethit” was transferred to the α-form of FeOOH and that the γ-form had got the name “Lepidokrokit”.  相似文献   

Calibration of the simulation model “Ceres Wheat” under conditions of soils with shallow watertable and temperate climate. Part 2: Verification of the modified model “Ceres Wheat” The Ceres Wheat yield model has been adopted to soils under wet conditions and to humide climate. The basic assumptions of the modified model have been checked. The simulated results of the soil water balance, the plant development and the nitrate losses by drain discharge give fairly well agreements to field data from a Calcaric Fluvisol (Speicherkoog, Schleswig-Holstein). The modification improves the model and leads to the opportunity to simulate special aspects in agronomical and ecological advices.  相似文献   

Seven Quaternary profiles from the Mediterranean region of northern Tunisia are described and their geomorphological significance assessed. Fifteen radiocarbon datings permit the field observations to be arranged in a chronosequence.The results indicate that the Late Pleistocene period witnessed the production and displacement of coarse debris, a process extending down to low altitudes. Until now, however, the only evidence for this has been found in the vicinity of steep slopes or rock walls. The coarse sediments partly overlie slope deposits derived from reddish soils; to some extent they contain fine reddish pedogenic material, and in part they are covered by it.In the Holocene, the displacement of fine alluvial sediments alternated several times with the formation of humic horizons. Anthropogenic influences on landscape evolution must be admitted as a possibility as from at least three thousand years ago.The aeolian sands of the Late Pleistocene and Middle Holocene are correlated with regressions of high sea levels.  相似文献   

Precision of soil moisture measurements done with “Time Domain Reflectometry” and “Frequency Domain Probes” in heterogeneous forest soils Using “Time Domain Reflectometry” (TDR) and “Frequency Domain” (FD) technique soil moisture of a homogenized soil- substrate of silty loam was measured in the lab as well as soil moisture of the same silty loam and of two soils with coarser texture and more heterogeneous structure in situ. These measurements were compared with gravimetric soil moisture measurements done at the same measuring sites. Thus the measuring errors caused by soil heterogeneities should be assessed. The standard error of both, the TDR- and the FD- probes amounted to less than 1 Vol%, at the in situ measurements as well as in the homogenized substrate. In the homogenized substrate under relatively dry conditions soil moisture was overestimated to about 2 Vol% by both electronical methods, which is most likely the result of compactions in the contact zone between rods and the soil caused by the insertion of the rods. In the field both electronical methods, however, underestimated the soil moisture up to 14 Vol%. This applied especially to the surface of the mineral soil and under the influence of high stone contents. This deviation is interpreted as an effect of gaps along the rods, caused by the insertion. In loosely packed and stony upper soils we propose therefore to install the rods in homogenized autochtoneous soil material having settled to its natural bulk density instead of inserting them into the natural layered soil.  相似文献   

Preferential flow: A review of current knowledge Despite intensive research neither suitable methods of measurement, nor complete theoretical statements give an adequate account of preferential flow due to the exceptional complexity and variability of the soil system. In particular it is not possible to make predictions of preferential flow for a given soil due to observations and measurements. In this work we describe theoretical and technical problems of preferential flow and initiate ideas for future work in this field.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the pedofunction “plant production” in Schleswig-Holstein The actual pedofunction “plant production” could be determined by longrunning yield measurements. If we take into consideration the field crops grain, sugarbeet and potatoes, only grain shows a relation between physiographic units and yield. The grain-yield in Schleswig-Holstein has a range of 40% (of maximum yield), about 20% could be explained by different types of soils, further 20% by the water-saturation-deficit of the air (sum of the May and June averages). Decreasing deficits of about one mm go along with increasing yields of about 5%. From a special exploitation of the Specific Crop Estimation results y = ?3,7x + 98 for the relation between relative grain yield and saturation deficit. For winterrye the results of the general exploitation are verified (see above). In contrast winterwheat shows a clear difference: The relative yield scatters about 50%, the relation between relate yield and saturation deficit is not linear, it depends additional on rainfall in summer and the waterholding capacity of soils. Pseudogleys (=Gleyic Luvisols) show a yield depression if the rainfall is less than 350 mm despite decreasing saturation deficits under 8 mm. For Braunerde-Pseudogley-Lessivés (=Cambisol-Gleyic Luvisol- Orthic luvisol) areas this values are 370 mm rainfall in summer and 10 mm saturation deficit. This investigation shows that the pedofunction “plant production” could be determined by the soil type distribution and some few climatic data.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(3):377-379
Several oat processors in the United States and Canada operate under what is referred to as a Purity Protocol for the provision of gluten‐free oats. This term is derived from a Health Canada position statement that indicated that pure oats, which they defined as oats that are harvested, transported, stored, processed, and manufactured under good manufacturing practices (GMPs) to minimize the presence of gluten, can safely be consumed by some persons with celiac disease. While proprietary definitions of the appropriate GMPs have been used in industry for many years, no independent definition of the requirements to make a Purity Protocol claim has been published. This paper provides a consensus definition of the Purity Protocol requirements based on input from the four largest Purity Protocol oat processors in North America. This definition provides transparency to gluten‐free consumers and allows for auditing of a Purity Protocol claim.  相似文献   

Properties, horizons and classification of the “Haftnässepseudogleye” (Stagnosols periodically waterlogged with capillary water) The term “Haftnässe” (soil wetness due to capillary moisture) can be used in describing soils with Sg-horizons in which long-term waterlogging and anaerobic conditions occur in the absence of gravitational water. “Haftnässe” is caused by water held in pores with an equivalent diameter of 0.2–50 μm by soil-water tension (pF) between 1.8 and 4.2, when the air capacity of the horizons is very low. “Haftnässe” moves primarily by capillary forces and is available to plants (available water). In some soils, the horizon below the Sg-horizon contains large pores, is well aerated and tends to impede the movement of capillary water. This type of horizon is often wetter than the overlying and underlying horizons, due to the presence of capillary water in the immediately overlying Sg-horizon. The symbol “So” is proposed for such horizons. In these soils, in the Sg-horizon reduced iron compounds are oxidized and precipitated, forming rusty mottles. The sequence of horizons developed in the “Haft(nässepseudo)-gleye” (Stagnosols periodically waterlogged with capillary water) typically affects the continuity of the pathways along which capillary water normally moves. The “Haft(nässepseudo)gleye” are divided into two subtypes on the basis of the sequence of horizons in the soil profile:
  • Typical “Haft(nässepseudo)gley” (Shn) exhibits a sequence Ah/Sg/(II)So and shows transitions to Luvisol and Glossisol,
  • Thick “Haft(nässepseudo)gley” (Shm) exhibits a sequence Ah/Sg and shows transitions to “Stau(wasserpseudo)gley” (Gleysol periodically waterlogged due to perched water), Gleysol, Fluvisol and tidal marsh soil.

To determine “normal” levels of trace elements in soils, soil samples taken all over Belgium were analysed. The selection of the sampling places was based on the geological substrata, from which the soils originate and on the texture class to which they belong. The elements As, B, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Ti, V and Zn were determined using an extraction method with strong acids. The found concentrations were called “total acid extraction concentrations”, although this extraction does not extract all the elements which are incorporated into the minerals. This has been done, however, by arc emission spectrography which was applied to determine the elements Ag, B, Co, Cr, Ga, Mo, Ni, Sn, Sr and V. The greatest difference between the “overall total” concentrations and the “total extractable concentrations” were found for chromium. Based on the obtained results, an upper limit for normal levels of trace elements was fixed. For Ag, Cd, Hg, Pb and Sb, this upper limit value is almost the same for all the investigated soils irrelevant of their texture. The same conclusion could not be made for the other elements. For these elements, the soil texture and also the geological parent material, on which the soil was formed, have an influence on the upper limit value.  相似文献   

“White Pulp Soils” are eutric Planosols, their permeability profile being caused more by stratification than by lessivage and most likely not by ferrolysis. For climatic reasons their water/air regime differs very much from many other surface water soils, dry periods being more typical for the early and wet ones for the late summer. This may influence the diagnostic weight of the profile morphology and the transferability of ecological threshold values from stagnosols of other regions.  相似文献   

Kernel texture in wheat (Triticum sp.) is central to end‐use quality and utilization. Here we report the discovery of a novel soft kernel trait in soft white winter wheat (T. aestivum L.). Two heritable kernel phenotypes were selected among F3‐derived sibs, hereafter designated “normal soft” (wild‐type) and “super soft.” Normal soft lines exhibited single kernel characterization system (SKCS) hardness index (HI) values typical of soft wheat (HI ≈ 20), whereas the super soft lines were unusually soft (HI ≈ 5). Under some environments, individual super soft lines exhibited HI values as low as HI = –4. The super soft trait was manifested in reduced SKCS kernel texture and higher break flour yields, with some increase in sodium carbonate SRC (solvent retention capacity) values and sponge cake volumes. Straight‐grade flour yield, flour ash, milling score, and cookie diameter were largely unaffected. With the possible exception of the sodium carbonate SRC values, we observed no indication that the super soft trait conferred any negative aspects to commercial soft wheat quality. As such, the super soft trait may provide wheat breeders with new opportunities to modify the end‐use quality of wheat.  相似文献   

Accumulation soils like those known as “Ockererde” are not yet represented in the German and in international soil‐classification systems, even though they represent important members of catenas found in humid low‐mountain areas influenced by the translocation of interpedon matter. Currently, this soil is referred to as “(Hang‐)Oxigley”, though this does not take into account its water and matter dynamics. Six representative catenas in the Black Forest (SW Germany) will be used to describe the occurrence, extent, and properties of the accumulation‐affected “Ockererde” derived from a variety of parent materials at specific altitudes. On the basis of their morphological, chemical, and physical properties as well as matter dynamics, it is possible to distinguish “Ockererde” clearly from soil units with similar characteristics (“Lockerbraunerde”, Andosols). Finally, suggestions will be given for the classification of “Ockererde”.  相似文献   

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