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Raimondo E. Cubadda Marina Carcea Emanuele Marconi Maria C. Trivisonno 《Cereal Chemistry》2007,84(1):48-55
It is well known that gluten plays a major role in determining cooking quality in durum wheat pasta. This work is an attempt to systematically elucidate the role of gluten quantity and nature in determining cooking quality as a function of the drying cycle used in the manufacturing process. Gluten and starch were fractionated from two durum wheat cultivars possessing good and poor gluten quality. Either of them were then added back to the original base semolina to alter its protein content and to produce two semolina series with identical protein contents. Semolinas were processed into pasta and dried following three drying programs (low, medium, and high temperature). Cooking quality was determined with sensorial, chemical, and instrumental methods. The results indicate that optimum cooking time is governed by gluten quality. The positive effect on cooking quality of increasing gluten contents and of the application of HT drying is evident in weak gluten samples, but it is not significant in the strong gluten samples. 相似文献
Changes in starch at the molecular level during high‐temperature (HT) drying of pasta were studied with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Pasta was manufactured from durum wheat semolina into the shape of spaghetti on a pilot‐plant installation. The HT phase (100°C) was applied at relatively high (27 g/100 g, wb), intermediate (20 g/100 g), and low (15 g/100 g) product moisture, respectively. Spaghetti dried at 55°C served as reference samples. The changes in the thermal properties of starch during drying were dependent on the drying conditions. The gelatinization enthalpy of pasta dried at 55°C was reduced by 30% during drying, which indicates a partial melting of the starch crystallites. With the beginning of the HT phase, the gelatinization enthalpy increased to final values that were close to or higher than those of freshly extruded pasta. In general, HT drying of pasta induced a broadening of the gelatinization range. Starch crystallinity remained unchanged during extrusion and drying at HT. Based on a state diagram of starch and on DSC measurements of pasta during drying, it is hypothesized that HT drying favors molecular rearrangements of starch polymers at the double helical level. 相似文献
Andrew C. Hogg John M. Martin Frank A. Manthey Michael J. Giroux 《Cereal Chemistry》2015,92(4):395-400
Food products that are high in fiber and low in glycemic impact are healthier. Amylose is a form of resistant starch that mimics dietary fiber when consumed. A durum wheat (Triticum durum) line was created that lacks starch synthase IIa (SSIIa) activity, a key enzyme in amylopectin biosynthesis, by identifying a null mutation in ssIIa‐B following mutagenesis of a line that has a naturally occurring ssIIa‐A null mutation. Our objective here was to compare seed, milling, pasta, and nutritional characteristics of the SSIIa null line with a wild‐type control line. The SSIIa null line had increased amylose and grain protein with lower individual seed weight and semolina yield. Refined pasta prepared from the SSIIa null semolina absorbed less water, had increased cooking loss, had a shorter cook time, and was considerably firmer even after overcooking compared with the wild‐type line. Color of the SSIIa null cooked and uncooked pasta was diminished in brightness compared with the wild type. Nutritionally, the SSIIa null pasta had increased calories, fiber, fat, resistant starch, ash, and protein compared with the control line, along with reduced total and available carbohydrates. Pasta made from high‐amylose durum wheat provides a significant nutritional benefit along with enhanced end‐product quality via firmer pasta that resists overcooking. 相似文献
Nisha Aravind Mike Sissons Narelle Egan Christopher M. Fellows Jaroslav Blazek Elliot P. Gilbert 《Cereal Chemistry》2012,89(2):84-93
β‐Glucan is known to have valuable properties for preventative health and is finding widespread use in foods. This study investigated the benefit of adding a commercial source of β‐glucan, Barley Balance (BB) flour, as a functional ingredient in spaghetti. Durum wheat semolina was substituted with BB at levels of 7.5, 15, and 20%, from which spaghetti was prepared on a laboratory scale. The substitution of BB increased the β‐glucan content of semolina from 0.3 to 6% in uncooked and 8% in cooked pasta. Antioxidant activity (measured by 2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl) increased with BB and did not decline significantly on processing and cooking. Compared with the control, 7.5% BB had no or minimal effect on pasta cooking loss, stickiness, water absorption, aroma, and sensory texture. However, at higher doses, pasta became less yellow and more brown, firmer, of inferior aroma, more rubbery, and chewy, but less floury to the mouth. The extent of starch digestion decreased with increasing quantities of BB, suggesting that BB may lower glycemic index, with microscopy data suggesting that this decrease was mediated through the development of a more intensive fiber or fiber/protein matrix retarding enzymatic access to starch granules. 相似文献
《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(6):963-969
Single‐pass and multipass milling systems were evaluated for the quality of whole wheat durum flour (WWF) and the subsequent whole wheat (WW) spaghetti they produced. The multipass system used a roller mill with two purifiers to produce semolina and bran/germ and shorts (bran fraction). The single‐pass system used an ultracentrifugal mill with two configurations (fine grind, 15,000 rpm with 250 μm mill screen aperture; and coarse grind, 12,000 rpm with 1,000 μm mill screen aperture) to direct grind durum wheat grain into WWF or to regrind the bran fraction, which was blended with semolina to produce a reconstituted WWF. Particle size, starch damage, and pasting properties were similar for direct finely ground WWF and multipass reconstituted durum flour/fine bran blend and for direct coarsely ground WWF and multipass reconstituted semolina/coarse bran blend. The semolina/fine bran blend had low starch damage and had desirable pasting properties for pasta cooking. WW spaghetti was better when made with WWF produced using the multipass than single‐pass milling system. Mechanical strength was greatest with spaghetti made from the semolina/fine bran or durum flour/fine bran blends. The semolina/fine bran and semolina/coarse bran blends made spaghetti with high cooked firmness and low cooking loss. 相似文献
Semolina from four durum wheat genotypes (cvs. Ben, Munich, Rugby, and Vic) were processed into spaghetti that was dried by low (LT), high (HT), and ultrahigh (UHT) temperature drying cycles. Starch was isolated from dried pasta and unprocessed wheat and semolina references. Pasta-drying cycles had no significant effect on the amylose content of starches. Significant increases in enzyme-resistant starch were observed in HT- and UHT-dried pasta (2.27 and 2.51%, respectively) compared with LT-dried pasta (1.68%). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) gelatinization characteristics of pasta starches showed a significantly narrow range (Tr), but no changes in onset and peak temperatures (To and Tp, respectively) and gelatinization enthalpy (ΔH1) were observed. When compared with unprocessed reference samples (wheat and semolina), all pasta starches shifted to higher gelatinization To and Tp, with narrow Tr and no changes in δH1. The second endothermic DSC peak indicated no increase in amylose-lipid complexation (δH2) due to drying cycle. Starches isolated from LT and HT pasta exhibited lower peak viscosities than those from UHT-dried pasta. Genotypes Ben and Rugby demonstrated higher pasting temperature and lower peak and breakdown viscosities than Vic and Munich. 相似文献
Jayne E. Bock Ryan West Stefania Iametti Francesco Bonomi Mauro Marengo Koushik Seetharaman 《Cereal Chemistry》2015,92(5):460-465
An attempt was made to evaluate gluten structural changes in refined and whole wheat pasta from hard white winter wheat to elucidate the impact of whole wheat components on the formation and structure of the gluten network in pasta. Attenuated total reflectance–FTIR spectroscopy was used to track gluten secondary structure through most of the major steps in pasta processing: raw material, mixing, drying, and cooking. Protein solubility, accessible thiols, and SDS‐PAGE data were also collected to provide additional information on the nature of protein interactions and network composition. Few secondary structural differences were observed between refined and whole wheat flours from hard white wheat. However, mixing induced a significant shift to β‐sheet structures in refined dough that was not equally matched by whole wheat dough. Drying under both high temperature, short time (HT) and low temperature, long time (LT) conditions resulted in a reversion to structural distributions similar to those for flour in both pastas. However, greater protein denaturation in HT samples was indicated by lower protein solubility also in the presence of denaturants and disulfide reducing agents. Cooking generated a substantial increase in β‐sheet structures for both pasta systems. This structure was greatest in refined and LT samples. Thiol accessibility data indicate the presence of a highly aggregated, compact gluten network in refined pasta, mostly driven by hydrophobic association. Conversely, the network in whole wheat pasta was more loosely associated and dependent on disulfide bonding, both of which fit well with the secondary structural data. 相似文献
N. P. Ames J. M. Clarke B. A. Marchylo J. E. Dexter S. M. Woods 《Cereal Chemistry》1999,76(4):582-586
Data on the quality of durum wheat genotypes grown under eight environments (site-year combinations) were evaluated to determine the relative effects of genotype and environment on quality characteristics associated with gluten strength, protein content, and pasta texture. The 10 durum wheat genotypes assessed in this study represented a range of gluten strength types from the very strong U.S. desert durum genotype, Durex, to the medium strength Canadian genotype, Plenty. Considerable genetic variability was detected for all quality characteristics studied. Genotype-environment interaction was significant for all quality parameters evaluated, with the exception of mixograph development time. Genotypeenvironment interaction was most important in determining protein content and least important in determining gluten index, gluten viscoelasticity, and SDS sedimentation volume. The nature of the genotype-environment interaction was evaluated by determining the number of significant crossover (rank change) interactions. There was at least one significant crossover interaction between pairs of genotypes and environments for five of eight quality traits tested. Of 45 genotype pairs, eight and six showed significant crossover interactions for protein content and pasta disk viscoelasticity, respectively. Significant crossover interactions were at least partially due to the differential response of Canadian genotypes as compared with U.S. genotypes. With the exception of protein content and pasta disk viscoelasticity, our results suggest that among the selected sample of 10 genotypes, genotype-environment interactions were minor and due primarily to changes in magnitude rather than changes in rank. 相似文献
Rmi Alary Arnaud Serin Marie‐Pierre Duviau Philippe Jourdrier Marie‐Franoise Gautier 《Cereal Chemistry》2002,79(4):553-558
Common wheat adulteration of durum wheat pasta was quantified using real‐time duplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The total DNA content of pasta was determined by amplifying part of a wheat gene encoding a lipid transfer protein, and common wheat DNA was quantified by amplifying part of the puroindoline‐b gene. Under the conditions defined by this study, for pasta with a theoretical adulteration of 3%, the experimentally determined mean value was 2.6–3.4%, depending on drying temperature. Pure durum wheat pastas were distinguished from adulterated pastas without ambiguity. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using real‐time duplex PCR to quantify common wheat adulteration of pasta dried at high temperature, quantification that was impossible with the French official peroxidase‐marker method. 相似文献
Pasta yellowness is affected by different factors, the most important of which are intrinsic to the quality of semolina (natural carotenoid pigments, protein, ash, and lipoxygenase [LOX] activity) and processing conditions. Because all the parameters involved in pasta color are under the control of varietal and environmental factors, the role of the genotype, environment, and the interaction between genotype and environment on color expression were studied. Although the analysis of variance showed the genotype-by-environment interaction to be significant, a nonorthogonal analysis attributed a higher weight to genotype on parameters directly involved in color expression: β-carotene content, yellow index, and LOX activity. Furthermore, the loss of pigments and yellow index after milling and processing was evaluated and correlated with all the parameters involved in the determination of final pasta color. The phase mainly responsible for pigment loss was pasta processing. A decrease of 16.3% in semolina β-carotene content during pasta processing versus a 7.9% loss during milling was determined. The isoenzymatic forms LOX-2 and LOX-3, active at the pH of dough, were responsible for the loss of color in pasta products. Simple correlations and the linear multiple regression corroborated this finding. Hydroperoxidation activity at pH 6.6, bleaching activity, and ash content were responsible for 87% (R2 adjusted) of total variance, with each variable accounting for 57, 61, and 22% of the variation, respectively. This confirms that LOX activity is the main factor involved in the loss of color, while a secondary and lesser role can be seen for ash content. Therefore, a high pigment content, located in the interior of the whole grain, and a lower LOX activity in semolina must be the selection characteristics by which breeding programs obtain a bright yellow pasta. 相似文献
As part of a general study aiming to clarify the role of arabinoxylans (AX) in pasta processing and quality, AX were modified by the addition of endoxylanases during pasta processing. The influence on processing parameters and quality were determined. Pasta (800 g) was produced from two commercial semolinas (semA and semB) using dosages of Bacillus subtilis (XBS) and Aspergillus niger (XAN) endoxylanases of 0–0.225 Somogyi units/g of semolina. Increased dosages resulted in a drop of extrusion pressure. The endoxylanase treatments had no great effect on the resulting pasta quality (color of dry products and surface condition, viscoelastic index, and resistance to longitudinal deformations of cooked products). High dosages of XAN and XBS resulted in high levels of solubilized AX (as an extra source of soluble dietary fiber) of low molecular weight which were expected to easily leach out during the cooking process of pasta. Surprisingly, only low levels of AX were found in the cooking water, even with extremely high dosages of endoxylanases used and cooking beyond optimum time. A method is provided to obtain high‐quality pasta with increased levels of soluble fiber. 相似文献
Wallace H. Yokoyama Carol A. Hudson Benny E. Knuckles Mei-Chen M. Chiu Robert N. Sayre Judith R. Turnlund Barbara O. Schneeman 《Cereal Chemistry》1997,74(3):293-296
High-fiber, high-carbohydrate diets, including foods with low glycemic index, have been associated with prevention and treatment of diseases such as coronary heart disease and diabetes. β-glucan, a soluble, viscous polymer found in oat and barley endosperm cell wall, was incorporated into pasta test meals. Five fasted adult subjects were fed test meals of a barley and durum wheat blend pasta containing 100 g of available carbohydrate, 30 g of total dietary fiber (TDF) and 12 g of β-glucan, or an all durum wheat pasta containing the same amount of available carbohydrate, 5 g of TDF, and negligible β-glucan. The β-glucan and durum wheat pasta resulted in a lower glycemic response as measured by average total area and maximum increment of the blood glucose curves. Lower insulin response to the β-glucan and durum wheat pasta was also indicated by lower average area and increment characteristics of the insulin curves. Barley β-glucans may be an economical and palatable ingredient for processed food products formulated to modify glycemic and insulin response. 相似文献
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is one of the major diseases of wheat (both common and durum wheat) caused by various fungi including Microdochium nivale and different Fusarium species. Most of the Fusarium species associated with FHB (mainly F. graminearum, F. culmorum and F. sporotrichioides), under favourable environmental conditions, can produce various toxic secondary metabolites (mycotoxins) that can contaminate grains. The major Fusarium mycotoxins that can occur in wheat and derived products are deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, T‐2 and HT‐2 toxins, and zearalenone. Processing has generally significant effects on the levels of mycotoxins in the final products. Deoxynivalenol is typically concentrated in the bran coat which is removed in the production of semolina; consequently, a consistent reduction of deoxynivalenol levels has been observed during each of the processing steps, from raw durum wheat to pasta production. To allow monitoring programs and protect consumers' health, several analytical methods have been developed for Fusarium mycotoxins, based on chromatographic or immunometric techniques. The European Union has established maximum permitted levels for some Fusarium mycotoxins in cereals and cereal‐based products (including unprocessed durum wheat, bran, wheat flour, and pasta). Recommendations for the prevention and reduction of Fusarium mycotoxins contamination in cereals based on identification of critical risk factors and crop management strategies have been published by the Codex Alimentarius and the European Commission. 相似文献
Naofumi Morita Tomoko Maeda Megumi Miyazaki Makoto Yamamori Hideho Miura Ichiro Ohtsuka 《Cereal Chemistry》2002,79(4):491-495
The dough properties and baking qualities of a novel high‐amylose wheat flour (HAWF) and a waxy wheat flour (WWF) (both Triticum aestivum L.) were investigated by comparing them with common wheat flours. HAWF and WWF had more dietary fiber than Chinese Spring flour (CSF), a nonwaxy wheat flour. Also, HAWF contained larger amounts of lipids and proteins than WWF and CSF. There were significant differences in the amylose and amylopectin contents among all samples tested. Farinograph data showed water absorptions of HAWF and WWF were significantly higher than that of CSF, and both flours showed poorer flour qualities than CSF. The dough of WWF was weaker and less stable than that of CSF, whereas HAWF produced a harder and more viscous dough than CSF. Differential scanning calorimetry data showed that starch in HAWF dough gelatinized at a lower temperature in the baking process than the starches in doughs of WWF and CSF. The starch in a WWF suspension had a larger enthalpy of gelatinization than those in HAWF and CSF suspensions. Amylograph data showed that the WWF starch gelatinized faster and had a higher viscosity than that in CSF. The loaves made from WWF and CSF were significantly larger than the loaves made from HAWF. However, the appearance of bread baked with WWF and HAWF was inferior to the appearance of bread baked with CSF. Bread made with WWF became softer than the bread made with CSF after storage, and reheating was more effective in refreshing WWF bread than CSF bread. Moreover, clear differences in dough and bread samples were revealed by scanning electron microscopy. These differences might have some effect on dough and baking qualities. 相似文献
Wheat breeders need a nondestructive method to rapidly sort high‐ or low‐protein single kernels from samples for their breeding programs. For this reason, a commercial color sorter equipped with near‐infrared filters was evaluated for its potential to sort high‐ and low‐protein single wheat kernels. Hard red winter and hard white wheat cultivars with protein content >12.5% (classed as high‐protein, 12% moisture basis) or < 11.5% (classed as low‐protein) were blended in proportions of 50:50 and 95:5 (or 5:95) mass. These wheat blends were sorted using five passes that removed 10% of the mass for each pass. The bulk protein content of accepted kernels (accepts) and rejected kernels (rejects) were measured for each pass. For 50:50 blends, the protein in the first‐pass rejects changed as much as 1%. For the accepts, each pass changed the protein content of accepts by ≈0.1%, depending on wheat blends. At most, two re‐sorts of accepts would be required to move 95:5 blends in the direction of the dominant protein content. The 95:5 and 50:50 blends approximate the low‐ and high‐protein mixture range of early generation wheat populations, and thus the sorter has potential to aid breeders in purifying samples for developing high‐ or low‐protein wheat. Results indicate that sorting was partly driven by color and vitreousness differences between high‐ and low‐protein fractions. Development of a new background specific for high‐ or low‐protein and fabrication of better optical filters for protein might help improve the sorter performance. 相似文献
《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(5):857-865
This research was conducted to determine if genotypes selected for their superior traditional semolina pasta quality would also make the best whole wheat pasta. Results from 19 durum wheat cultivars and 17 breeding lines grown at 19 different environments in North Dakota showed that physical and cooking qualities varied differently for whole wheat and traditional spaghettis, respectively. Ward's clustering segregated the 36 genotypes into five groups based on whole wheat spaghetti quality. Groups 1 and 2 (21 genotypes) produced good to high‐quality whole wheat pasta that displayed high mean values for cooked firmness (4.3 and 4.1 g·cm), mechanical strength (31.3 and 31.0 g), and color (brightness, 34.92 and 34.54), respectively. Groups 4 and 5 produced poor quality whole wheat pasta that had low cooked firmness (both 3.5 g·cm) and high cooking loss (10.1 and 10.4%). Grain protein content (≥13.9%) was found with high quality of whole wheat spaghetti. Of the 36 genotypes evaluated, 21 and 3 genotypes produced good and poor qualities, respectively, of whole wheat and traditional spaghettis, and 12 other genotypes produced good traditional spaghetti but produced poor quality whole wheat spaghetti. These data indicate the need to select genotypes specifically for their whole wheat pasta quality. 相似文献
John M. Martin Andrew C. Hogg Petrea Hofer Frank A. Manthey Michael J. Giroux 《Cereal Chemistry》2014,91(2):176-182
A small increase in amylose content may impact end‐product quality of wheat. The effect of elevated amylose content in durum wheat is not known. We surveyed 255 durum wheat accessions and found two genotypes that lacked the SGP‐A1 protein. These genotypes were crossed to Mountrail, an adapted durum genotype, to create populations segregating for the SSIIa‐Ab null allele. Our goal was to determine the influence of allelic variation at the SSIIa‐A locus on semolina properties and end‐product quality with noodles as a test product. Amylose content increased 3% and cooked noodle firmness increased 2.8 g·cm for the SSIIa‐Ab class compared with the SSIIa‐Aa class for the PI 330546 source, but no change in either trait was detected between classes for the IG 86304 source. The SSIIa‐Ab class had a 10% reduction in flour swelling compared with the SSIIa‐Aa class for both crosses. Grain protein and semolina yield did not differ between SSIIa‐A classes. The relationship between flour swelling power and noodle firmness did not differ between SSIIa‐A allelic classes within a cross. The different results for amylose content and noodle firmness between these sources may be because the two sources of the SSIIa‐Ab null mutation contributed different linkages to the segregating populations. Results show that the SSIIa‐Ab allele could be used to produce durum‐based products that are slightly more firm in texture. However, the effect of the SSIIa‐Ab allele may depend on the source. 相似文献
Textural Images Analysis of Pasta Protein Networks to Determine Influence of Technological Processes
A. Fardet P. M. Baldwin D. Bertrand B. Bouchet D. J. Gallant J.-L. Barry 《Cereal Chemistry》1998,75(5):699-704
The structure of pasta is largely governed by the presence of a structured protein network. This work analyzed the protein network textures of various cooked pasta products through textural image analysis. Six different pasta types were investigated: reference pasta made from durum semolina; pasta enriched with gluten proteins from soft wheat flour at 10 and 20%; autoclaved pasta; soft wheat flour pasta; and pasta made from reconstituted flour fractions. Pasta samples were sectioned, and each crosssection consisted of three distinct zones (central, intermediate, and external) based on the state of swelling of starch granules for each pasta product. Digital images of the protein network in each zone were acquired using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Textural image analysis was then performed. Similarities and differences in protein network texture were assessed by principal component, stepwise discriminant, and variance analyses. With the exception of autoclaved pasta, protein network structure differed greatly with the position in the pasta. Furthermore the effect of technological treatments was greatly influenced by the position in pasta. The most significant differences in protein network structure were obtained with the autoclaved and 20% protein-enriched samples. 相似文献
The structure of the aleurone layer was considered for many years as a potential factor influencing wheat milling efficiency. Eight durum wheat samples of different milling values, including distinct cultivars and harvesting conditions, were employed to investigate the structural characteristics of the aleurone layer through image analysis of kernel sections. Particular attention was paid to tissue thickness and structural irregularity of its interface with the starchy endosperm. Wheat cultivar, agricultural conditions, and location of measurement within the grain had an influence similar to both thickness and irregularity of the aleurone layer. Conversely, grain weight and morphology showed no effect on these parameters. Statistical investigation demonstrated no correlation between structural characteristics and wheat milling behavior. However, the negative correlation between the extraction rate of semolina and starch content in the bran fraction, which was used as an indicator of the endosperm‐aleurone dissociation extent, demonstrated the relevance of the tissue adhesion on milling efficiency. 相似文献
Durum wheat bran was exposed to UV radiation up to 48 hr and the changes in ferulic acid (FA) content in the peripheral part s of grain were measured. The treatment resulted in a 25% decrease in FA monomer and a 44% decrease in dehydrodiferulic acid (DHD) ester‐linked to the cell‐wall arabinoxylans. This reduction was partly explained by a significant increase of FA (30%) and DHD (36%) engaged in hot alkali‐labile linkages. The results suggest that UV irradiation induced the formation of new cross‐links between feruloylated arabinoxylan and lignin in the pericarp. The effects of UV treatment on bran mechanical properties and wheat milling behavior were investigated. UV irradiation for 15 hr increased the stress to rupture by 30% and decreased the extensibility of bran tissues by 54%. This stiffening was associated with an increase in bran friability during grinding. Although this effect was due in part to the hydrothermal history of the grain, chemical modification induced by UV significantly influenced the size reduction of bran particles, which can be explained by the modification of the mechanical properties of bran. Relationships between the organization of cell‐wall polymers, the mechanical properties of tissues, and the behavior of wheat grain during milling were investigated. 相似文献