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苏新红  张壮丽  方水美 《海洋渔业》2003,25(2):104-107,81
新西兰是世界上实施ITQ管理较早的国家,也是ITQ管理最成功的国家之一。有关新西兰实施配额管理制度的一些基本条件、配额的分配、交易和监控等,笔者曾在文献工作了介绍、但是新西兰在实施ITQ制度之初,也不是一帆风顺的。人们对新制度一开始是持怀疑的态度,争论颇多。它是一个被逐渐认识、接受的过程。当开始实施后,人们又迫切希望知道ITQ管理的效果到底如何,许多西方国家的学者对此也十分感兴趣,所以在实施ITQ后的头几年,新西兰国内外的一些学者对此作了许多调查研究。在此,本文首先介绍新西兰实施ITQ管理初期效果的一些情况调查;然后,介绍目前ITQ管理的现状、出现的问题。希望对我国将来实行捕捞限额制度管理有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

挪威渔业管理概述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈思行 《海洋渔业》2002,24(1):47-50
挪威人口仅447.9万,但年渔获量达200多万t,列居世界渔获量前十名的渔业大国,主要原因在于能充分利用沿海富饶的渔业资源,开发高效率的渔业自动化设备,开展完整的渔业资源的调查评估,实施严格的渔业资源保护措施和管理制度等,使该国的渔业资源能稳定而持续利用。一、渔业行政管理体系 (一)渔业部 挪威于1946年在首都奥斯陆建立了渔业部,是世界上最早成立渔业部的国家。主要职能是负责全国海洋捕捞、水产养殖、渔业资源保护、海岸安全、海洋科研、鱼品质量、出口贸易、渔业立法以及渔业资金的具体管理。主要  相似文献   

先进的渔业管理制度,是建立在对渔业资源变动规律、渔业生产的内在规律及社会经济环境充分研究基础上的。目前,世界上有些国家对本国的渔业实施总允许渔获量(TAC)制度,有的已发燕尾服到个人配额(IQ)、可转主配额(ITQ)制度。全球海洋渔业资源的分配,在考虑传统捕捞习惯的同时,趋向于沿海国专属及管理。因此,与国际先进渔业管理制度接轨,管  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着渔业经济的快速发展,我国的渔业发展面一临着渔业资源严重枯竭、渔业监管困难、渔民收入增长幅度放缓等诸多问题。为此学术界在渔业资源管理方法上提出了许多意见,同时也存在着一些分歧。文章通过理论推演,结合文献数据,探讨了渔村社区组织与我国渔业协会的关系,分析了包括渔业协会在内的渔村社区组织对渔业资源管理的作用,通过对代表性渔业资源管理理论的利弊分析,剖析了渔民协会等渔村社区组织的渔业资源管理职能。同时指出由于渔业协会在资源管理中具有重要作用,但因其自身也存在着一定局限性,因此,培育渔业协会、完善其资源管理职能,实行基于渔业协会等渔村社区组织的合作管理也就成为我国加强渔业资源管理的一种制度选择。  相似文献   

一、明确职责和工作任务渔政管理是国家通过立法和执法手段对渔业实施科学管理,也是渔业生产中的行政管理。它的中心任务是保证国家渔业法规的贯彻执行;保护并合理利用渔业资源;对内维护渔业生产秩序;对外代表国家维护渔业权益。目的是通过对渔业生产进行监督、检查和科学管理,使之符合自然规律,保证生产的持续发展。我省渔政管理的任务主要是,完善与《渔业法》配套的地方性法规,建立健全渔政管理的规章制度,贯彻执行渔业法律、法规和各项规章制度。根据我省实际开展工作,解决发展渔业经济和保护渔业资源的矛盾,引导渔业生产者遵守法律法规,…  相似文献   

日本国内对于是否采用新西兰及冰岛等国家的渔业个别可转让配额制度(Individual Transferable Quota:ITQ)以作为渔业管理方法,有正反两面的意见。  相似文献   

欧盟TAC渔业管理制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舒扬 《海洋渔业》2001,23(4):197-199
各沿海国自1976年起相继设立了200海里专属经济区和TAC(可捕量)制度来保护、管理其200海里海域内的渔业资源。欧盟在实施TAC制度前,采取限制渔获努力量的渔业管理制度,但并无法有效保护管理水域内的渔业资源,造成资源的持续恶化,导致单位努力量渔获量下降与作业成本的提高,致使渔民的渔业利益减少。因此,欧盟于1976年提  相似文献   

傅舜 《现代渔业信息》2004,19(11):3-4,13
全球化对新世纪人类社会的发展带来了深远的影响,国际渔业管理也越来越体现出全球性特征,如何在全球化进程中趋利弊害是一个不容回避的问题。本文对当前国际渔业管理的现状进行了分析,并提出了我国在渔业管理中要积极培育公民社会,进一步发挥社会组织在保护渔业资源的作用,通过政府和公民的良好合作,建构新的管理范式,实现对渔业的善治。  相似文献   

◎冰岛2008年发生的雷曼效应,对冰岛的金融与经济影响巨大。在该金融风暴后成立的新政权将改革ITQ纳入政见中。这是由于ITQ造成渔获配额集中在少数者身上,导致众多社会问题。许多人认为,该国渔业管理虽然成功增加渔业资源的获益,但是失败之处在于,获利者仅限于一部分有钱人,大多数渔业者并未受惠。  相似文献   

树立渔业可持续发展观念实现渔业资源的保护性利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王伟  安季源 《齐鲁渔业》2001,18(4):40-41
江泽民同志在党的十五大报告中指出:“我国是人口众多、资源相对不足的国家,在现代化建设中必须实施可持续发展战略”。资源是一切社会财富的第一源泉,渔业资源既是社会财富的重要组成部分,又是渔业经济建设的自然物质基础。近年来,随着近海渔业资源的持续衰退及海洋渔业生态环境的日益恶化,渔业可持续发展面临着严重的威胁。如何妥善解决渔业资源的保护与开发利用二者之间的关系,对渔业资源实行有效的保护与监督管理,对现有的渔业资源进行保护性利用,实现渔业的可持续发展,成为当前渔业管理面临的突出课题。 可持续发展用通俗的…  相似文献   

While there has been a growing concern for the adverse ecological impacts of fishing, progress on incorporating these into operational fisheries management has been slow. Many fisheries management organizations have addressed the problem of overharvesting and over‐capitalization first. In this domain, the question of access regulation has gained growing recognition as a key dimension of fisheries sustainability, leading to recommendation and progressive implementation of rights‐based systems, in particular Individual Transferrable Quotas (ITQs). While adjustments in fishing capacity resulting from the implementation of these systems may entail a reduction in some unwanted ecosystem impacts of fishing, it is also recognized that they will not be sufficient to achieve the ecological outcomes increasingly demanded by the global community. There is thus a need to examine the possibilities for a common management framework for dealing with both over‐capitalization of fisheries and adverse ecological effects of fishing. In this paper, we examine the feasibility of incorporating greater ecosystem goods and services into ITQ policy instruments initially designed with a narrow focus on commercial target species. We consider the advantages and limitations of alternative approaches in this respect and identify some of the practical issues associated with the different alternatives, in particular the underpinning knowledge requirements. We argue that given the need for increasingly streamlined management processes, further investigation into practical ways forward in this domain is crucial if management of fisheries is to achieve economic efficiency while fully encompassing the ecologically sustainable development objectives of ecosystem‐based fisheries management.  相似文献   

Historically, the fishing community (e.g., fishermen, resource managers) has used remotely sensed products either in the form of direct Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) reception on a ship or FAX charts transmitted from land-based stations. Both these products have severe limitations within the context of near real-time support/management of an operational fishery. Moreover, relatively little use of geographical information systems (GIS) technologies has been made by either the fishing industry, fishery resource managers, or by the general oceanographic community. This latter omission is unfortunate because GIS has the potential to overcome two long-standing problems associated with satellite-directed fisheries: 1) the absence of information due to clouds; and 2) the general lack of support for nonpelagic fisheries. This report gives the background, motivation, and essential design elements for use of a combined remote sensing/geographical information system (RS/GIS) in an operational fishery and illustrates how a combined RS/GIS approach can be used to mitigate some of the traditional limitations in satellite-directed fisheries. Finally, an attempt is made to provide some possible directions this new technology may take during the 1990s.  相似文献   

Individual transferable quota (ITQ) programmes have been incorporated into many marine fisheries management strategies for 30 years, but their implementation and utility remains controversial. This study provides an overview of the global status of ITQ programmes, the reasons they have been adopted and the changes in stock biomass after their implementation. Eighteen countries currently use ITQs to manage several hundred stocks of at least 249 species. ITQs were adopted in these countries for many reasons: overcapitalization, economic gains, safety concerns for fishers and political change. The implementation of ITQs does not translate into consistent changes in stock biomass. Improvements in 12 of 20 stocks after ITQs were introduced suggest that ITQs can be an effective component of fisheries management strategies, but eight of the stocks continued to decline after ITQs were introduced. This suggests that alternative or complementary measures are needed to sustain those fisheries, such as combining ITQs with more effective total allowable catches, better enforcement and monitoring, and implementing aspects of ecosystem-based fisheries management.  相似文献   

福建海洋渔业捕捞现状分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文根据1996~2008年在福建海区开展的渔业资源专项调查和渔业资源监测以及1990~2008年福建省渔业生产统计等相关资料,续"福建海区渔业资源利用现状浅析"之后,进一步分析福建省海洋捕捞现状和存在问题,提出有关渔业管理建议,为有关渔业管理部门在不断完善渔业管理制度提供参考。  相似文献   

Achieving high compliance with resource‐use management policies is a critical concern to achieving sustainability, particularly in poor countries. Willingness to comply may depend on the values and perceptions of benefits and legitimacy of the restrictions. Consequently, we interviewed and evaluated the perceptions of fishing restrictions among ~2100 marine fisheries stakeholders (resource users and managers) in 102 fishing villages in Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique and Tanzania. We hypothesized that perceived benefits would decline and social inequity increase along a hypothesized gradient of increasing access restriction – ranging from minimum size of fish to fisheries closures. Managers did not recognize the hypothesized access restriction gradient, seeing most restrictions as beneficial, but with some nation‐specific distinctions. Village‐level responses of resource users varied by country, and overall perceived benefits of access restrictions increased with the wealth, education and membership in fishing organizations. In Kenya and Tanzania, some communities with views that differed greatly from managers were, in places, found near marine protected areas and they perceived more benefits accruing to the government than resource users for the strongest access restrictions. Madagascar and Mozambique fishing villages had low between‐community variability, and their responses did not reflect the hypothesized restriction gradient or strong social disparity, which may reflect limited practical experience with restrictions. These results suggest that countries with stronger central governments contained villages with more between‐community variability and perceived social disparity than weaker governments. We argue that transparent negotiations with stakeholders about the scales of costs and benefits should increase compliance with selected fisheries regulations.  相似文献   

Abstract  The declaration of marine protected areas (MPAs) in Australia generates much confusion and controversy between government conservation and fisheries agencies, the fishing industry and NGOs. There are fundamental differences between the principles and practices underpinning the implementation of MPAs and fisheries management. This paper analyses the interactions between these two approaches to natural resource management and highlights the difficulties in integrating them effectively. The major challenges for governments are: poor cooperation between fisheries and conservation agencies; in principle inconsistencies between allocation of fishing rights by fisheries agencies and loss of these rights through MPA declaration; re-allocation of resources between user groups through spatial zoning; lack of fisheries expertise in conservation planning, and inappropriate single-species/single-issue approach to fisheries management. As fisheries agencies are now considering developing their own MPAs as tools for fisheries management, the need to address inconsistencies between conservation and fisheries approaches to the spatial management of natural resources increases further. Better collaboration between government agencies and better coordination of their activities would help more effective and less conflicting management of marine resources.  相似文献   

Following implementation in a range of other resource sectors, a number of credit‐like systems have been proposed for fisheries. But confusion exists over what constitutes these nascent ‘fisheries credit’ systems and how they operate. Based on a review of credit systems in other sectors, this study fills this gap by defining how credit systems function and what credits add to prevailing fisheries management. In doing so, we distinguish ‘mitigation’ and ‘behavioural’ fishery credits. Mitigation credits require resource users to compensate for unsustainable catches of target species, by‐catch species or damaging practices on the marine environment by investing in conservation in a biologically equivalent habitat or resource. Behavioural credit systems incentivize fishers to gradually change their fishing behaviour to more sustainable fishing methods by rewarding them with, for instance, extra fishing effort to compensate for less efficient but more sustainable fishing methods. The choice of credit system largely depends on the characteristics of specific fisheries and the management goals agreed upon by managers, scientists and the fishing industry. The study concludes that fisheries credit systems are different but complimentary to other forms of management by focusing on ‘catchability’ or gear efficiency in addition to effort or catch quota, affecting overall economic efficiency by setting specific goals as to how fish are caught. Credit systems therefore incentivize specific management interventions that can directly improve stock sustainability, conserve habitat and endangered species, or decrease by‐catch.  相似文献   

Islanders, commercial non‐indigenous fishers and Papua New Guinea fishers share the tropical rock lobster fishery, Panulirus ornatus (Fabricius) in Torres Strait. As the fishery is in the process of moving from input to output controls, a pre‐implementation understanding of indigenous fishers' perceptions of the potential impact of different quota management systems is gained. This study, based on workshops and interviews, considers the impact of competitive quota, community quota and a hybrid system with individually tradeable quota (ITQ), and broadens the current biological focus of fisheries management through consideration of economic, social and cultural aspects. The perceived quota system impact on indigenous lobster fishers largely mirrors the experience internationally, with unlimited access and self‐determination considered most important. The heterogeneity of the indigenous sector increases the management complexity for this fishery, but needs to be taken into consideration if unexpected consequences of the chosen quota management system are to be avoided.  相似文献   

渔业产业化是调整渔业产业结构、增加渔民收入和促进渔业现代化的有效途径。渔业产业化是以市场需求为导向,以提高经济效益为中心,以本地资源优势和加工流通企业为依托,对渔业的支柱产业和优势产品,实行区域化布局、专业化生产、企业化管理、社会化服务,以水产品生产基地为基础,通过龙头企业或公司把众多分散的渔户联结起来,把渔业的产前、产中、产后环节联结起来,延长产业链条,形成功能齐全、资源优化配置的经营方式。它能最大限度地发挥整体规模效应,促进形成渔业自我发展的良好机制。本文在充分分析重庆市北碚区渔业产业化发展现状的基础上,针对存在的问题,结合现代渔业发展趋势,提出了对策措施,以加快和推进北碚区渔业产业化发展,促进产业升级。  相似文献   

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