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A hereditary skin defect in sheep   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Some years ago a lamb with abnormal skin was received at the State veterinary research station for small ruminants (SVRS), Stavanger, from a farm in Ryfylke. The lamb had apparently been normal at birth, but by normal activity and contact with its mother, extensive wounds developed, with large, loose skin areas. The lamb’s condition had deteriorated so much that it was killed when it was two days old. Two ewes sired by the same ram had given birth to similar lambs the same year, while some years earlier, lambs with the same defect had been born by other ewes in the flock.  相似文献   

山地草地凋落物分解与持水力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张建利  张文  毕玉芬 《草业科学》2008,25(3):108-110
以云南马龙县退化山地草地为研究对象,对封育2年草地的凋落物分解速率、储水能力进行了分析.结果表明,随封育时间的推移,草地凋落物分解速率有所降低.在封育条件下,草地凋落物的分解速率显著高于自然放牧草地(F=7.647;P<0.01).随凋落物分解时间的推移,其最大持水率呈抛物线状.  相似文献   

L-肉碱对母猪繁殖性能的影响及其作用机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L-肉碱的基本生物学功能在于参与长链脂肪酸在线粒体的转运过程,对于畜禽生长发育及肉质改善具有良好的作用。近年来,发现在妊娠和泌乳母猪日粮中添加L-肉碱还能改善母猪繁殖性能,主要表现为改善母猪自身体况及繁殖能力,促进胎儿的生长发育,增加仔猪的初生重及断奶重。母猪体况的改善可能与L-肉碱改变脂肪、蛋白质代谢有关;仔猪初生重的增加可能与肉碱影响胰岛素样生长因子系统(IGFs)促进胎盘生长,促进胎儿葡萄糖的氧化利用有关;而新生仔猪断奶重的提高则可能与仔猪吮乳习惯的改变和母猪泌乳量的增加有关。  相似文献   

粗放管理条件下山西中部地区适用草坪草种评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择北方地区建植草坪常用的草地早熟禾Poa pratensis、多年生黑麦草Lolium perenne、高羊茅Festuca arundinacea、匍匐剪股颖Agrostis stolonifera和白三叶Trifolium repens 为供试种,采用NTEP草坪质量评价体系进行了3年的引种评比试验.结果表明:在粗放管理条件下,高羊茅和白三叶适应性很强,其草坪质量保持性好;草地早熟禾次之,虽然其草坪质量下降较快、抗性较低,但草坪质量相对较好,可以与高羊茅以适当比例混播;多年生黑麦草和匍匐剪股颖适应性差,草坪质量下降速度很快,不适宜于低养护强度下在山西中部地区单播建植草坪使用.  相似文献   

为探讨桑种质资源的保存技术,调查了桑种子生命力的变化规律。桑种子在自然条件下放置,先是发芽势急剧下降,放置2个月后由贮藏前的92.8%下降至18.50%~7.25%,之后是发芽率也急剧下降,放置3个月后由贮藏前的96%降至43%~22.5%,5个月后桑种子发芽率降至0。而在3~12℃环境中贮藏,2年后桑种子发芽势仅下降1.5%~2.8%,发芽率下降4.2%~5.5%,贮藏12年后桑种子发芽势和发芽率仍有53.25%和68.75%。研究了桑种子在-11~-17℃贮藏2年的生命力变化,结果与3~12℃贮藏2年的变化相仿。  相似文献   

南方农区紫花苜蓿发展潜力与种植模式研究进展   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
我国是紫花苜蓿生产大国之一,但南方农区紫花苜蓿的发展一直滞后,仅零星种植,生产效益不高。随着我国农业产业结构的调整以及畜牧业的蓬勃发展,农区对牧草产品的需求日益增加,紫花苜蓿的生产潜力正在逐渐显现。根据南方农区的生态条件和耕作制度设计紫花苜蓿与粮经作物复种的季节性种植模式,并配套相应的高产栽培技术,充分利用冬闲田和经济林晚秋至春季落叶季节进行速生栽培利用,能提高农区紫花苜蓿的生产效益。季节性栽培利用将是南方农区紫花苜蓿的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

东北林蛙人工养殖存在问题及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了人工养殖东北林蛙存在的一些问题,阐述了人工养殖东北林蛙的发展对策。认为人工养殖东北林蛙应该以半人工养殖方式为主。如何解决技术难题是东北林蛙全人工养殖发展的首要问题。目前,东北林蛙全人工养殖技术还不成熟,不适宜推广普及。  相似文献   

本文在海北地区草地资源分析的基础上,提出了冷季(冬春)草场牧草产量的计算方法;利用多年牲畜资料分析了其动态变化;同时结合牧草和牲畜资料分析了近年来海北地区草畜平衡实况,最后提出了一些解决草畜矛盾的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Three farms with a high prevalence of periodontal disease (PD) were selected using data from a December 1983/January 1984 survey. On each of these farms in August 1984, the incisor condition and body condition score of about 50 ewes were noted. Two of the farms and an additional farm with a high prevalence of PD were visited again in August 1985, and on each, incisor condition and body weights of about 150 ewes were recorded. On one farm only was there a significant association between PD and body condition or weight, and it occurred in both years.  相似文献   

李永红 《青海草业》2007,16(4):9-13,28
通过4年的区域试验表明:同德短芒披碱草在不同生态条件下均表现出较强的适应性,抗旱、耐寒、耐盐碱,品质优良,适口性好,各类牲畜均喜食。较当地长期栽培的老芒麦具有更强的繁殖能力和更为优良的结实性,成熟整齐,籽粒饱满。3年平均鲜草为21348.9kg/hm2,风干草为7086.3kg/hm2,种子为756.9kg/hm2,比老芒麦增产8.18%、7.50%和24.72%,越冬率达95%以上,可在海拔4000m以下地区推广种植,是高寒牧区草地建设、退耕还草和生态治理工程最适宜的优良牧草品种之一。  相似文献   

Three farms with a high prevalence of periodontal disease (PD) were selected using data from a December 1983/January 1984 survey. On each of these farms in August 1984, the incisor condition and body condition score of about 50 ewes were noted. Two of the farms and an additional farm with a high prevalence of PD were visited again in August 1985, and on each, incisor condition and body weights of about 150 ewes were recorded.

On one farm only was there a significant association between PD and body condition or weight, and it occurred in both years.  相似文献   

The importance of osteochondrosis (dyschondroplasia) to the horse industry has been well documentedsince it was first recorded 50 years ago. The condition is known to be multifactorial in origin, arising from focal failure of endochondral ossification at predilection sites in articular/epiphyseal growth cartilage, but specific information on its aetiopathogenesis is sparse. This paper reviews the current knowledge of growth cartilate metabolism and the process of normal endochondral ossification in the horse. It highlights the localization of various protein products of chondrocytes and the differences in the zones of articular cartilage. In the early focal lesions (referred to as dyschondroplasia) there are alterations in the chondrocytes, extracellular matrix and some of the local protein products. The most obvious feature is an alteration in matrix metabolism which may be responsible for triggering a range of other factors leading to the development of a retained core of cartilage and a primary lesion of dyschondroplasia.Based on available evidence, a preliminary hypothesis for pathogenesis is presented. This suggests thatthere are a number of factors capable of initiating the condition. One of these involves high circulating insulin levels from high energy feeding which may affect chondrocyte maturation leading to altered matrix metabolism and faulty mineralization resulting in the formation of cartilage cores which characterize the condition. Further research to test this hypothesis is needed before there can be a rational basis for prophylaxis.  相似文献   

A condition of neuroaxonal dystrophy of Coopworth sheep is described. This was characterised clinically by progressive ataxia from weaning with collapse of hindquarters and ultimately death. One per cent to 10% of the lamb flock on three commerical farms were affected over several years. Histopathological features were bilateral spheroid formation in specific brain stem nuclei and in the dorsal horn (especially in and about Clarke's column) along the length of the spinal cord. The condition appears virtually identical to that recorded earlier in Californian Suffolk sheep and that seen previously in the Romney, Perendale and Coopworth breeds in New Zealand. The cause was undetermined but it is suggested there may be an inherited component, as has been postulated in the Suffolks.  相似文献   

超早期断奶仔猪液态饲料的加工技术研究初报   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
液态饲料在超早期断奶仔猪生产中的应用优势非常明显,其加工技术及有关设备在我国仍属空白。试验选用玉米面粉、膨化全脂大豆、糖蜜、鱼粉、乳清粉、喷雾血浆蛋白粉、预混料、防腐剂等乳猪饲料原料,在实验室条件下制作应用于超早期断奶仔猪的液态饲料。摸索出液态饲料的部分加工技术要点;同时对液态饲料的理化性质和微生物学性质进行了研究。  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔沙化草地人工固沙植物种间生态位关系研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用样方法对呼伦贝尔地区沙化草地不同恢复年限人工播种固沙区进行调查,并计算其主要植物的重要值、生态位体积及生态位重叠值,以研究呼伦贝尔沙化草地人工固沙植物群落特征及演替状况。结果表明:人工固沙植物冰草(Agropyron pectinatum(Bieb.)Beauv.)的平均生态位体积在时间尺度上,呈持续增加趋势,是改良沙化草地的优良草种;小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)与小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla Lam.)、冰草与羊柴(Hedysa-rum laeveMaxim)生态位重叠值为0.9213和0.7512,在演替过程中具较强的竞争作用。自然恢复植物与人工播种植物间,多数生态位重叠值不高。自然恢复多年生植物大针茅(Stipa grandis P.Smirn.)、糙隐子草(C1eistogenes squarrosa(Trin.)Keng)等逐渐出现,表明该地区植被群落结构向稳定共存的人工-天然植被群落结构方向发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to take stock of the knowledge gained over the last few years on Feline Infectious Peritonitis in a synthetic way.Apart from the bibliographical study regarding the works of numerous authors, we state our results concerning the study of the experimental reproduction of the disease.From all the cat infectious diseases, Feline Infectious Peritonitis is the clinical entity the most recently evidenced. In this paper we shall state the elements now clearly established on this disease but numerous points are still to be made clear. Contagious disease of viral origin, it affects domestic and wild Felidae. Clinically, in its most typical form, it is characterised by the progressive development of an exudative sero-fibrinous peritonitis and a febrile and gradual weakness of the general condition. It slowly and regularly develops into death.  相似文献   

During 1970 to 1990, 134 cases of obstructive cystine calculi were diagnosed in Sweden; it was estimated that at least two out of 10,000 male dogs in Sweden had this condition. The disease was found especially in the dachshund, basset hound and Welsh corgi (0–2 to 04 per cent). The study showed that obstructive cystine calculi occur in male dogs of all ages, but not in females or pups. Most cases (53 per cent) were detected at the age of three to five years. Recurrence was common (38 per cent), but was rare in older dogs. Eight dogs which originally had cystine calculi suffered recurrent stones consisting of magnesium ammonium phosphate. Surgery was performed in 40 per cent for the first time (n=122) during the first quarter of the year and in 71 per cent during January to July. Since this condition affects only male dogs after sexual maturity, it was assumed that the formation of cystine calculi involved the sex hormone(s).  相似文献   

Fundic gastropexy for prevention of recurrence of gastric volvulus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After non-surgical primary treatment (aspiration) of gastric torsion 189 dogs underwent fundupexy to prevent recurrence. The fundic surface of the stomach was subjected to diathermy spot coagulation after which the fundus was fixed in its normal position against the diaphragm using non-absorbable sutures in several rows. Of the 189 dogs operated on two died from intercurrent disease within eight days. Of the 187 dogs which were discharged from the clinic 144 (77 per cent) were available for follow-up. The median follow-up period was 31 months and 28 dogs had a follow-up of between five and eight years. Two of the dogs were destroyed within a year postoperatively because of recurring tympanism and a third dog after one-and-a-half years because of recurrent diarrhoea. The general condition was unaffected in the remaining 141 dogs.  相似文献   

Vitreous degeneration is common in dogs and may be associated with cataract formation. Vitreous degeneration may be identified using B-mode ultrasonography and appears as multiple, small, motile, point-like echoes within the vitreous cavity. In humans, vitreous degeneration has also been observed in normal aging eyes but the incidence of vitreous degeneration in dogs without cataract has not previously been documented. The purpose of this study was to describe the ultrasonographic appearance of vitreous degeneration and to investigate its incidence in a population of dogs without cataract or other apparent eye disease. The eyes of 62 dogs were evaluated as part of a prospective study. All dogs underwent ophthalmological and ultrasonographic examinations and vitreal changes were graded on ultrasonography using a predetermined grading scheme. Vitreous degeneration was found in 20% (23/114) of the eyes on ultrasonographic examination but in only 8% (9/114) of eyes on direct ophthalmoscopy. Sensitivity and specificity of ophthalmoscopy using ultrasonography as a gold standard were respectively, 39% and 100%. Vitreal syneresis and asteroid hyalosis could be distinguished according to their ultrasonographic characteristics. The probability of having vitreous degeneration increased with the age of the dog (odds ratio = 6.7 for dogs of 7 + years compared with 0-6 years) and also increased in females compared with males (odds ratio = 3.6). Vitreous degeneration, especially mild vitreal syneresis, is not uncommon in normal dogs; it was shown to be an age-related condition and its significance should not be overinterpreted on ocular ultrasonography.  相似文献   

A 22-year-old male African grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus erithacus) had had episodes of chronic feather picking and self-mutilation for 10 years; it had a 5 cm diameter right axillary wound and a 2 cm left dorsal patagial wound. Initial treatment with azithromycin and wound management was unsuccessful. Biopsies of both masses indicated squamous cell carcinoma. The left patagial tumour was removed completely by electrocautery. Cisplatin was administered weekly into multiple sites on the right axillary tumour and it initially appeared to regress; however, the bird's condition deteriorated after a month of treatment, and it was euthanased. The tumour was confirmed postmortem to be squamous cell carcinoma, which had invaded local tissues. The aetiology of the carcinoma may have been secondary to chronic focal trauma.  相似文献   

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