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施肥对中日水稻品系土壤养分及食味品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用田间试验方法,研究不同施肥方法对5种水稻品系土壤养分与稻米食味品质的影响。结果表明:日本优质水稻栽培的施肥方法(日本施肥)比常规施肥产量低,5个品系以ZR13产量最低,ZR63最高。与日本施肥相比,常规施肥显著提高了5个水稻品系土壤NH4+-N含量,降低了土壤速效磷含量;从食味品质指标的变化看,日本施肥比常规施肥蛋白质和淀粉含量低,具有较高的食味值。从不同品系看,ZR63的产量和蛋白质、直链淀粉含量均最高,但食味值最低。日本施肥下,ZR13的食味值比ZR63高17.2%;常规施肥下,ZR51的食味值比ZR63高56.1%。综合产量和食味品质,ZR32、ZR51是比较理想的品系,ZR6、ZR13食味值高,但产量低,ZR63产量高,食味品质差。  相似文献   

在长期的水稻高产栽培技术研究中,对水稻土速效氮,磷、钾动态变化规律进行了探讨,得出了一个通用的数学模式Y=X/(a+bx+cX^2)来描述这个规律,该模式经不同肥力类型水稻土检验,均达到极显著水平。  相似文献   

研究不同施肥模式下对产量的影响,结果表明增产幅度顺序为测土配方施肥1底2追>测土配方施肥1底3追>测土配方施肥1底1追>秸秆腐熟还田,分别比对照增产50.9%、49.9%、46.2%、44.0%,测土配方施肥1底2追、1底3追模式增产效果相对较好,可以在重庆市江津区大力推广。  相似文献   

翻压绿肥后不同施肥方法对水稻养分吸收及产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过大田试验研究了翻压等量紫云英后不同施肥方法对水稻养分吸收及产量的影响.结果表明,翻压紫云英22 500kg/hm2后配施80%化肥,与习惯施肥方法相比,其他施肥方法均有利于提高早稻茎秆中氮、磷含量,分别平均增加1.0%~13.7%、6.5%~26.2%,却降低水稻籽粒中钾含量6.0%~23.0%.底肥:分蘖肥:穗肥=0∶7∶3降低早稻籽粒中磷含量,但是增加早稻茎秆和晚稻籽粒中钾素含量.不施底肥,分蘖肥:穗肥=5∶5提高晚稻籽粒中氮素含量,而全部用作分蘖肥施用时显著增加晚稻籽粒中磷素含量;配施60%化肥,其他施肥方法分别平均增加早稻籽粒中氮、钾含量24.6%~34.6%、8.8%~15.7%和晚稻茎秆中磷含量5.2%~60.9%,但是降低早稻茎秆中磷含量10.7%~44.3%,不施底肥降低早稻茎秆中氮含量2.4%~47.4%.配施60%~80%化肥,与习惯施肥方法相比,底肥:分蘖肥:穗肥=0∶7∶3更有利于增加水稻有效穗数和产量.  相似文献   

不同滴灌施肥模式对棉花产量及养分吸收的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过等养分和等成本施肥田间试验,研究不同滴灌施肥模式对棉花产量及养分吸收的影响。试验设4种滴灌施肥模式,分别为常规基施(CK)、常规追施(DCK)、普通滴灌专用肥(F1)和高磷钾滴灌专用肥(F2)。结果表明,在等养分施用条件下,高磷钾滴灌专用肥和普通滴灌专用肥处理的棉花干物质重、养分吸收量和产量均显著高于常规基施处理,但普通滴灌专用肥和常规追施处理差异不大;常规基施处理的氮肥和磷肥的利用率最低,普通滴灌专用肥和常规追施处理的氮肥和磷肥利用率差异不显著,高磷钾滴灌专用肥可显著提高磷肥利用率。在等成本施用条件下,常规追施处理的棉花干物质重、养分吸收量和产量最高,而高磷钾滴灌专用肥、普通滴灌专用肥和常规基施处理无显著差异。因此,滴灌专用肥尤其是高磷钾滴灌专用肥具有较好的应用效果,但是如何降低肥料成本是滴灌专用肥技术面临的重要问题。  相似文献   

配方施肥对水稻养分吸收动态及产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文主要研究配方施肥与常规施肥对水稻养分吸收和产量的效应,检验大配方的区域适宜性和合理性。以水稻品种晚稻187为材料,采用大小区随机区组设计,在安徽省怀宁县进行了大配方小调整田间试验,结果表明,整个生育期内,水稻对氮素的总吸收量以小调整配方T4处理 (施肥量为N150 kg/hm2、 P2O5 120 kg/hm2、 K2O 105 kg/hm2)最高,为N 1.25 g/plant;对磷、 钾的吸收总量配方施肥均高于常规施肥,也以小调整配方T4处理最高(P2O5 0.18 g/plant、 K2O 0.95 g/plant)。配方施肥的产量均高于常规施肥,以大配方2(T3, 施肥量为N 232.5 kg/hm2、 P2O5 120 kg/hm2、 K2O 120 kg/hm2)的产量最高,达到了11129 kg/hm2,但小调整配方(T4)的产投比优于大配方。总体而言,配方施肥的施肥配比与肥料运筹较之常规施肥更为科学合理,大配方适宜该地区的水稻生产。  相似文献   

浅层施肥对水稻苗期养分吸收及土壤养分分布的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙浩燕  王森  李小坤  任涛  丛日环 《土壤》2015,47(6):1061-1067
采用盆栽土柱试验研究不同施肥深度对水稻秧苗生物量、养分吸收及土壤养分分布的影响,以期为水稻育秧合理施肥提供理论依据。结果表明:播种后10天,各处理水稻生物量无显著差异;播种后20天,施肥深度1 cm处理生物量与其他处理相比平均显著增加80.6%;播种后40天,施肥深度1 cm和5 cm处理与10 cm处理相比分别显著增加70.9%和30.7%。养分吸收结果与生物量表现一致,播种后20天,施肥深度1 cm处理秧苗氮、磷、钾素吸收量分别平均提高86.9%、156.9%和202.7%;播种后40天,施肥深度1 cm和5 cm处理与10 cm处理相比分别增加52.3%和24.8%、23.8%和20.4%、50.5%和43.1%。随着生育进程的推进,土壤有效养分含量均逐渐下降,且有向下迁移的趋势;其中施肥深度1 cm和5 cm处理0~10 cm土层中无机氮、速效磷、速效钾含量显著高于其他处理。适宜的浅层施肥明显促进水稻秧苗的生长发育,浅层施肥方式施入的速效养分主要集中于土壤上层,利于秧苗生长对养分的吸收,提高秧苗养分含量,增加养分吸收量,有利于提高养分资源利用效率。  相似文献   

红壤稻田不同施肥制度对土壤钾平衡和水稻产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
基于14年田间定位试验,研究了红壤稻田系统在不同化肥配施条件下,有机养分循环利用对土壤K素平衡和水稻产量的影响。结果表明:不施肥或仅施化肥,土壤K素严重亏缺,其中以不施K的NP处理最严重,平均每年亏损K120.1kg/hm2,有机物养分循环利用的施肥制度可大幅度降低稻田土壤K素的亏损甚至出现K素盈余,NP C处理平均每年亏损K素2.2kg/hm2,而NPK C处理平均每年盈余K素154.5kg/hm2,但过高的K输入可能导致K营养元素的大量流失,降低K肥资源利用效益并增加环境污染风险,实行有机物养分循环利用时应适当减少化肥K的施用量;在不同施肥基础上的有机物养分循环利用都能显著提高水稻产量,但“循环”增产率随化肥配施程度提高而降低,不施肥基础上有机物养分循环利用的稻谷增产率为56%,与NP配施后,有机物养分循环利用的增产率降至18.8%,而在NPK配施基础上有机物养分循环利用的增产率只有10.2%,处理NPK C2与处理NPK之间的稻谷产量却没有显著差异,可见有机养分循环利用可以代替化肥K的施用;有机养分循环利用降低了K内部利用效率(IKUE)值,大小顺序为NPK C相似文献   

为了解迁西板栗"燕山早丰"叶片及土壤养分含量对产量的影响,通过路径分析和相关性分析对迁西县17个代表性"燕山早丰"板栗园土壤和叶片养分状况与产量进行分析,得出叶片不同养分元素以及土壤养分含量对板栗产量影响的直接作用和间接作用.结果显示,路径分析中残差值均小于0.4,即板栗叶片或土壤的养分元素含量对产量的影响权重均超过6...  相似文献   

长期不同施肥下杂交稻与常规稻的产量与土壤养分平衡   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
肥料长期定位试验设在浙江金华市农业科学研究所和金华市石门农场。试验设6个肥料处理和2个品种对比处理。结果表明,水稻产量与土壤养分供应能力和养分吸收量紧密相关;缺肥处理的土壤养分为负值,其它各处理N和P都有积累。随着连续种植水稻,缺肥区土壤所缺养分的耗损速度与试验前土壤该种养分状况和种植水稻品种有关;杂交稻的总产量平均比常规稻增加10.8%,氮、磷、钾总量分别平均比常规稻增加5.2%、8.8%、12.8%,对土壤中养分消耗比常规稻强。在种植水稻的养分管理中,必须考虑种植前的土壤养分状况以及施肥和种植不同水稻品种对土壤养分平衡的中长期效应。  相似文献   

绿肥和秸秆还田对稻田土壤供氮能力及产量的影响   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
研究了绿肥、秸秆还田及施用无机氮肥对水稻田土壤供氮能力及水稻产量的影响。结果表明在缺乏外源无机氮时,C/N高的有机物更能激发土壤氮的矿化,土壤速效氮含量增加。而在无机氮充足的情况下,C/N低的绿肥腐熟分解,使土壤矿质氮增加。绿肥还田使得施肥对土壤速效氮的影响加大。改变轮作制度,有机无机氮肥结合还田,水稻产量增加,无机氮肥需求量降低。  相似文献   


Long-term fertilization tests evaluated rice (Oryza sativa) productivity in relation to application of nitrogen (N)-phosphorus (P)-potassium (K) (120-34.9-66.7 kg ha? 1, respectively) during 1967–1972 and N-P-K (150-43.7-83.3 kg ha? 1, respectively) during 1973–2000. The comparison treatments (NP, PK, and NK) and the control (not fertilized) were selected for calculating nutrient efficiency. Rice grain yield increased at a 17.78 kg ha? 1 yr? 1 in the control, mainly due to development of improved cultivars. Phosphorus management was found to be important for indigenous fertility and rice productivity in this paddy soil. Yield increased significantly with P fertilization. Without N fertilization (PK), rice productivity increased 56.85 kg ha? 1 yr? 1 from 62% of NPK at the initial stage to 74% after passing 34 years, which might be affected by increasing biological N fixation with P accumulation in soil. In NK treatment, rice yield increased at a relatively low rate (37.82 kg hr? 1 yr? 1) from the same rice productivity with that of NPK in 1967 to 91% after 34 years. In comparison, yield increased at a high rate (62.82 kg hr? 1 yr? 1) without K fertilization (NP) from ca. 90% of NPK and might exceed the yield of NPK after 64 years of long-term fertilization. Therefore, K fertilization level might be readjusted after long-term fertilizing in paddy soil.  相似文献   

为探究有机栽培对稻田土壤养分及不同食味型水稻产量和品质形成的影响,本研究以味优高产型粳稻(南粳46和苏香粳100)和味中高产型粳稻(常农粳8号和淮香粳15号)为材料,设置有机和常规2种栽培模式,对多个关键生育期(分蘖期、抽穗期、灌浆结实期和成熟期)的0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层养分含量及不同食味型粳稻的产量和品质进行比较。结果表明,分蘖期到成熟期,0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层速效磷和速效钾含量均表现为常规栽培<有机栽培;除成熟期外,有机栽培下0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层碱解氮和有机质含量在各生育时期均显著大于常规栽培。有机栽培较常规栽培降低了2种食味型粳稻的穗数,降幅均为20%左右,但提高了味中高产粳稻每穗粒数,分别提高了5.60%和6.35%,并降低了味优高产粳稻每穗粒数,分别降低了2.17%和2.52%。通径分析表明,栽培方式和品种对穗数均表现为负效应,其中栽培方式影响最大,品种较栽培方式对千粒重和结实率的影响最大。另外,有机栽培显著改善了2种食味型粳稻的外观品质、食味品质和RVA谱特征值。相关性分析表明,土壤碱解氮含量与直链淀粉含量呈显著负相关、与蛋白质含量呈显著正相关;而速效磷和速效钾含量均与直链淀粉和蛋白质含量呈显著负相关。本研究结果为优化水稻有机栽培技术、提高稻米的产量和品质提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The integrated nutrient management with organic manure and chemical fertilizers can improve rice (Oryza sativa L.) production, soil health, and fertility. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate the combined effects of organic manures and chemical fertilizers on the yield and nutrient content of wetland rice under field conditions. It was conducted in northern Iran in two consecutive years, 2015 and 2016 as a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) with three replications. Two local rice cultivars, Tarom Hashemi and Tarom Mahalli, were chosen as the first factor; mineral fertilizers in four levels: 100% recommended nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK), 75% recommended nitrogen with 100% phosphorus-potassium (PK), 75% recommended phosphorus with 100% nitrogen-potassium (NK), and 75% recommended potassium with 100% nitrogen-phosphorus (NP), were selected based on soil analysis and were arranged as the second factor; and three levels of organic manures, namely zero and eight tons of vermicompost per hectare, and 10 tons of rotted manure per hectare was the third factor. Results revealed that the highest paddy yield occurs with vermicompost and manure consumption for both cultivars. Moreover, the highest paddy yield (3962 kg ha?1) occurs with 100% recommended NPK and vermicompost consumption. For both cultivars, the most chlorophyll a and chlorophyll ab content was produced with application of 100% recommended NPK. The most grain nitrogen content, grain nitrogen uptake, protein content, and protein yield were observed with 100% recommended NPK applied with 10 tons of rotted manure and eight tons of vermicompost usage per hectare. Therefore, in view of the ever-increasing use of chemical fertilizers and irreversible damage thereby, the additional use of these compounds can benefit the environment and human health. The global attention to sustainable agricultural concepts and organic manure can, in addition to producing reasonable yields, be considered as an appropriate alternative to chemical fertilizers.  相似文献   

Sulfur (S) and zinc (Zn) deficiencies are frequently reported in Bangladesh rice paddy. However, its effects on rice productivity and soil fertility need to be reevaluated as sulfur oxides (SOx) and heavy metals are increasingly emitted to the environment in the recent years. To examine the long-term effects of S and Zn fertilization on rice yield and nutrient efficiency, the standard fertilization plot of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, and zinc (NPKSZn) was installed in a typical double rice cropping paddy at the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) farm in 1985. The recommended treatment (NPKSZn) and the comparison treatments (NPKZn and NPKS) were selected for calculating S and Zn efficiencies. The same levels of chemical fertilizers in NPKSZn treatment were applied with the rates of N-P-K-S-Zn as 80–25–35–20–5 kg ha?1 and 120–25–35–20–5 kg ha?1 in the wet and dry seasons, respectively. The changes in rice productivity, as well as S and Zn fertilization efficiencies, were monitored for 23 years. Sulfur fertilization significantly increased the mean grain and straw yields by around 13% in the wet season and only 4–5% in the dry season. The mean S fertilization efficiencies were 9.3% and 5.3% in the wet and dry seasons, respectively. Sulfur fertilization efficiency was relatively high until 1997 (the 13th year after the installation). Thereafter, however, S fertilization did not increase rice productivity or efficiency, regardless of the season. Also, Zn fertilization did not result in a significant increase in rice productivity, and its fertilization efficiency was similar level with a mean of 1.2%, irrespective of the season. This study revealed that S and Zn fertilization may no longer be required to increase rice productivity in Bangladesh paddy soil due to fast industrialization and urbanization.  相似文献   

A study of nutrient removal was carried out in commercial protea plantations of each of the cultivars ‘Scarlett Ribbon,’ ‘High Gold,’ ‘Veldfire,’ and ‘Sunrise’ of Leucospermum cordifolium, and of the species L. patersonii,located in a subtropical region (La Palma, Canarian Archipelago).

Flowering stems of optimal commercial quality were taken from each of the mentioned cultivars and species, once a year (2003 and 2004) at harvest time (January to April), and the different organs were analyzed separately. Flowering stems of the cultivars ‘High Gold’ and ‘Veldfire’ presented the highest contents of most studied nutrients, whereas the opposite was observed in ‘Scarlett Ribbon’ and L. patersonii. Mean yields of flowering stems varied very much among cultivars, and the highest ones were those of ‘High Gold’ and ‘Scarlett Ribbon’. The cultivar ‘High Gold’ removed the highest quantities of studied nutrients, and the contrary was observed in L. patersonii for most of them.

Suitable rates of nitrogen (N): phosphorus (P): potassium (K) fertilizers for nutrient restitution purposes were 1:0.08:0.40 for ‘Scarlett Ribbon,’ 1:0.08:0.66 for ‘High Gold,’ 1:0.08:0.38 for ‘Veldfire,’ 1:0.09:0.75 for L. patersonii;and 1:0.18:1.11 for ‘Sunrise’.  相似文献   

为了研究太原市污水灌溉对土壤有效态元素铜、锌和锰含量的影响,对太原市污水灌溉区(小店区、尖草坪区、晋源区和清徐县)150个土壤样品有效态微量元素铜、锌和锰的含量和分布进行了测定和分析。结果表明,长期污水灌溉导致该区土壤铜、锌和锰的含量均高于文献测定值。有效铜含量晋源区〉小店区〉清徐县〉尖草坪区,分级评价结果均以中等级含量为主;有效锌含量小店区〉晋源区〉清徐县〉尖草坪区,除小店区以低、中级含量为主外,其他3个污灌区均以低等级含量为主;有效锰含量晋源区〉清徐县〉尖草坪区〉小店区,其分级分布情况变异最大,除小店区以低等级含量为主外,其他研究区域有效态锰均以高等级和极高等级含量为主。整体来看,研究区整体缺锌,有效铜含量适中,有效锰含量较高。  相似文献   

基于养分专家系统的侧深施肥技术对宁夏引黄灌区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了寻求合理施用肥料与改善水稻养分利用的有效措施,通过2016—2018年在宁夏引黄灌区开展的8组田间试验,研究基于养分专家系统的侧深施肥技术(NE-SD)对水稻产量与养分利用率的影响。结果表明:与农民习惯施肥(FP)处理相比,养分专家系统(NE)处理在减氮24.85%、减磷24.78%、增钾90.71%的基础上,稻谷增产4.71%;氮素、磷素、钾素累积量分别增加2.24%,4.40%,15.09%;氮肥、磷肥、钾肥利用率分别增加9.84,8.78,1.99个百分点;氮肥、磷肥、钾肥农学效率分别增加4.73,7.69,1.54 kg/kg。基于养分专家系统的侧深施肥技术,能够深化4R养分管理方法,表现出较好的应用效果。与FP处理相比,NE-SD处理稻谷增产7.53%;氮素、磷素、钾素累积量分别增加3.92%,7.87%,18.74%;氮肥、磷肥、钾肥利用率分别增加11.09,11.32,5.82个百分点;氮肥、磷肥、钾肥农学效率分别增加5.87,11.31,3.54 kg/kg。因此,在宁夏引黄灌区,NE推荐施肥与NE推荐施肥的基础上,采用侧深施肥技术 2种施肥方法均能在减少肥料投入的基础上,增加稻谷产量,增加水稻养分累积量,提高养分利用率,降低土壤氮素、磷素盈余。  相似文献   

Soybean (local variety Ar?soy) was grown for 45 days on calcareous Karaburun and Menek?e soils. Mycorrhizal inoculation significantly increased both shoot and root yields in the soils. Sulfur (S) fertilization alone did not affect the shoot and root yields in Karaburun soil, whereas there was a great increase in the shoot yield and relatively smaller increase in the root yield for nonmycorrhizal treatments in Menek?e soil. The combination of mycorrhizae and S in Menek?e soil resulted in a yield less than that obtained for mycorrhizae treatments alone. There was a fluctuation in shoot and root yield upon S and/or phosphorus (P) fertilization. There was an accumulation of magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn) in the mycorrhizal treatments, whereas there was a dilution of those elements upon yield increases in the nonmycorrhizal treatments. Apart from those, co-application of mycorrhizae, P, and S, resulted in the greatest root yields in both soils, indicating the potential to increase the shoot yield, too, in a longer growth period.  相似文献   

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